BTOES Insights Official
August 27, 2021

Enterprise Architecture Live - SPEAKER SPOTLIGHT: From Issues to Innovation- Developing a composable business architecture to drive innovation and improve resiliency

Courtesy of Roche's Alain Bindels, below is a transcript of his speaking session on 'From Issues to Innovation- Developing a composable business architecture to drive innovation and improve resiliency' to Build a Thriving Enterprise that took place at Enterprise Architecture Live.



Session Information:

From Issues to Innovation- Developing a composable business architecture to drive innovation and improve resiliency

Building digital and innovation skills and practices in a team to support your digital transformation
- Understand how to upskill your workforce with digital and innovation skills to support your digital strategy
- Running successful innovation and digital programs
- How to build a different mindset and culture within your organization

Session Transcript:

Speaker. He's coming from basel switzerland today, directly, to share with us his journey of excellence and innovation acceleration, and business transformation.

So, Alan been those, please do join us, go ahead and turn on your camera, and I'll do a short introduction for Alan.

Allen ... is the Head of Innovation, Facilitation, and Digitalization, Ferocious.

He is a train Agile coach and transformation lead with experiencing human and patient centric design of healthcare. And it has been worked with more than 12 for more than 12 ears arrows in different roles. He has extensive innovation management experience. He has set up and innovation and agility program to build new capabilities in your organization to support your organizational transformation.

This program supports the company's transformation: to move the organization to a more self organized, digital company.

Alan, what a pleasure to have you with us.

on behalf of our global ad audience, we're very grateful for you to take the time to share your expertise and the journey of transformation with all of us.

Thank you, ..., and I hope you can hear me well.


OK, I'm very excited to be here today, and to share my learnings, and also the programs that we have in the rush and I hope just going to help some of you in your own transformation journey and digital journey in your company.

So two stars now, went too fast. Of course, during the coldest time, we've seen an increase of traditional transformation in healthcare.

And just to give a few examples, right? Like, a lot of people couldn't go to the hospital, Okun go to doctors, could not access the healthcare system.

And, therefore, a lot of the hospitals and doctors try to also connect these three to telemedicine and to re-experience, experiment with new digital tools, does it can connect with patients and healthcare professionals?

RocheAnd, of course, this is someone helping, I would say, the health care system, to become more digital.

But, of course, we're not going fast enough. So I hope, after today's presentation, you are a bit more inspired, as well as what is already examples that we're thinking about for digitization healthcare.

So, in Russia, we have, we have a strategy called Personalized Healthcare, And this is really about, how can we find the right treatments for the right patient at the right time to redefine?

How is a patient, let's say, reacting to a drug, like what is his genomics? What is all?

the biological background of the of the patients are different biomarkers that we can know in advance whether the patient will react to the drugs that surround diagnosis, observation, but it's also about treatments.

I will speak a little bit more about the strategy.

So, personalized health care solutions for patients, right? I mentioned already genomic profiling.

So, there's one for them.

We also look into real-world data endpoint sites, we collect data directly from the patients, and then we can see how the patient is progressing throughout their treatments to whether the patient is improving, or maybe the treatment is not scoring as well. We, can see them directly by the data is being collected, either 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 sensors to really understand, OK, what are they going through.

Another focus area is value based pricing. Right. So really outcome based.

So it means the patient or the healthcare system is only paying, women trunk is really having a positive effect on the patients and this is a very important strategy for us.

Companion apps, right.

As I mentioned already that we're developing apps that are use meditation, trouts or treatments journey to really understand Howard and developing during this during this phase and to also see it's a treatment is really working or whether we need to make adoptions.

And this also will help the physician or the treating physician to really understand, OK, is it going well with the patients that has any questions?

Are they doing, you know, well during the treatment? Do we need to support them, et cetera?

Another part is the Clinical Decision Making Supports.

And this is really there to support healthcare professionals like doctors, oncologists nurses in supporting them and how can they diagnose the patient in the best way in the treatment decisions based upon data, right?

So we're collecting a lot of data, troja patient journey.

And how do we aggregate all this data and present it in such a way to the healthcare professional that they can take good decision based upon all the data that's out.

Btog CTAThen, of course, we're building local ecosystems in the different affiliates in different countries for our personal self care strategy.

So, what does it really mean rise? embedding, disperse myself, percentage, drought?

Or if you do, I mean, it starts already in R&D.

So it's really about understanding better, the science of understanding better, the insights from, from our patients, from our doctors.

And also, to take sasser go, no go decisions, based upon data.

So there's a lot around collecting data, analyzing data, doing deep analytics under data, and really taking decisions on this.

Also, our clinical trials can be more efficient, and faster, and more automated. Right, because at the moment, we're running a lot of clinical trials.

We're collecting lots of patient data, clinical data, hospital data.

And how can we analyze all the data more efficiently, more automated, and then take decisions, and even, no, self trials earlier, or suffer treatment if it doesn't work, et cetera.

Then also, access to health care, right?

So, how can we match the right patients with the right therapy, to read from the diagnosis onwards, making sure that we do, for example, genomic analysis after patients?

Doing also, biomarker research is trying to understand which biomarker which patient is potentially reacting positively positively towards this treatment.

and then, also, improving the access to value based healthcare in different countries, specifically, in developing countries like Africa, South America, or Asia, and really accelerating the optimization of care. Right?

So end to end process, when you entered astrodome, you do the diagnosis treatment and even post-treatment keeping an eye on how the patient is doing and making sure if anything goes wrong.

That, of course, the physician ordered, the hospital is contacted.

So to, to advance this ecosystem, we really have to work more closely with the patients, first of all, to really understand their needs.

And to really understand, there are burning topics, or burning new sets out.

So we work very closely with patient organization, with different patients as well.

Also, individual patients, to really understand how can we move those, Those are nice forward, then working very closely with the physicians and providers to really understand, again, what are their needs, What are their pain points, and providing solutions.

And also digital solutions to help them, then working very closely with governments and payers to also encourage investment in health care and also new health care systems, and of course in digital health.

So this is really done at a local level.

And also shaping the regulatory environments, right?

Startups, you can imagine all these digital apps, medical apps, which are completely new, even for regulators rights? Or how do you regulate, like medical devices, medical apps?

Know, it is the same as Essence rock, It's not, right. So how do you make sure that we influence the regulatory environments and the landscape to make it easier for those solutions to come to the markets and to also be updated on a regular basis?

So, one of the points I mentioned before is medical software and the value of digital health.


So we're investing a lot also in Russia agnostics, any Rosch Pharma on the on this, on this forms.

So if you look into medical and digital health, there are four different categories.

So the first category is software as a medical device, right.

So this is really categorized as a medical device.

And is using, for example, artificial intelligence to learn and understands how the treatment is working during the patient journey, and also to monitor the disease, to monitor the progression of the patient.

And also, this could be an app that is being used by the patients were shelf, where they provide information. Do exercises. You know, some simple measurements are being taken additions directly, sent back to the system and then being analyzed.

Then also developing more than just to encourage digital biomarkers. So, these are biomarkers that are also being used. for example, in social medical device, right? So, this is really, how can we quantify?

How can we analyze specific medical data or specific data that we receive from the patients, and create somehow an algorithm or create somehow an endpoint that says, OK, the patient is doing better, and actually, this gives us the information. So this can be used in wearables, and portables.

These type of devices, of course, because it's a new fuels, right?

In the past, a lot of these medical tests were done at the clinic in the hospital, mean, like really old fashioned exist seems maybe, sometimes 100 years.

So, how do you move from a physical testing also dual to additional test the patient can do at their home.

Right? So, this also requires a lot of research and a lot of validation of that biomarker or additional endpoint.

And, of course, also influencing, I would say, to the medical field to medical knowledge that this biomarker can be use instead of, let's say, the physical touch in the doctor's office then in Clinical Decision Support software. So this is also fuels as was seeded many doctors. And maybe oncologists they're receiving a lot of different data.

So data from some lab blob data can be MRI data, askance.

data from the surgery, pathological labs, genomic data, and all that data needs to be analyzed. Right?

so to make the work easier for a physician to analyze all the data, we have developed different softwares that are directly, you know, in, you know, aggregating all those data points, then analyzing the data, and also giving some advice to the doctor, what potentially disease this would be, and even potentially what treatments are available on the market today.

Then sulfur as a health or wellness absentees is not considered a medical device. These are really abscess support patients, right?

So, it can be, then after supports are patient during their clinical trial, right, So it reminds them, for example, of a doctor visit, it reminds them of maybe to do more exercise about well-being. Right, so it's not considered as a medical device and it's not to use as a medical treatment or take medical decisions that is more supporting them in their journey as a patient.

So one of the examples I would like to show today is the floodlights.

So a Floodlight open is actually a medical device that we developed for multiple Sclerosis. And it's really a map of medical app screen shares with the patients where they can directly also monitor their disease. They can, you know, ...

tests that have to do, to understand whether the treatment is working in winter, improving, you know, throughout the treatments, and if not, of course, you know that they can also reach out directly to their health care professional.

So really how it works is really is something that we get out, Radian rush.

We develop digital biomarkers, these tests, that normally we're done, it's a hospital or in the doctor's office and created somehow in digital tests that they can perform on their phone.

Copy of Email Graphic Virtual Conferences (3)So these are tests that are looking at the motor skills of the patients.

It's an imbalance of the patients walking test. There's test suites with the eye movement. or stress, where it's also sometimes their voice.

And all of these tests are indicators of whether multiple sclerosis diseases progression and is now has been ruled out.

And it also has been already used by many different patients and we see a very good uptake and also are very good evaluation, auster after treatments, right? So we can really see if the treatment is working.

We can see if they're progressing, or maybe sometimes it's not going so well, so we can re, she does, by using the app.

And also, the feedback from patients directly, is very helpful, because it can really monitor their disease to get an even, like, some feedback, as well, how they're doing. And this is also helping them to, to keep their disease under control.

Another example, I want to show is on Clinical Decision Making Support. So, this is really supporting the physicians in the hospital, the colleges, with all the data that they're collecting.

And the solution that we have here is the magnify platform which is really streamlining all the different workflows and data that's being collected in the hospital using a different test.

Alright, so need genomic data, beat lab data beats, MRI scans, so all the data there's a physician is using to somehow make a decision, winter was, first of all, what is a diagnosis of the patient, but also, what treatments might be beneficial for this patient?

And there's never fight to reward, is very useful, and also was proven very useful during covert times, Right, Because awesome.

Physicians, they, they meet with difference, says it's just sometimes from different hospitals, to discuss all their patients, actually go through each patient.

They look at all the different data and then they as, as a more abstract, like a physician words, they take a decision, OK, this patient has this type of cancer and this treatment would be the best for their patients.

So during Kobe time, using the two words in a virtual setting, they pursue, you know, meet between the physicians and shared data patient data in more detail. And this is something that has been developed together with GE Healthcare.

And I think it's a great opportunity for digitalization in the hospitals. So really helping the physicians.

And I hope that also we see more of these digital services industrial coming in the future.

So you've seen a few examples, right? Like new digital solutions, if we would like to develop more in the future.

And imagine like Russia is 125 year old company, very specialized in drug development, in diagnostic development.

But again, it's really focused on either to treatment a drunk or on a diagnosis.

So how do you then prepare for your skills for developing health apps, medical devices, no data science skills, how do you develop digital biomarkers? This requires a different type of skill sets that may be the more common scientists that we used to have in our company.

So, to do this, to really shift the mindset and the behavior of our employees, we're focusing on different aspects. So we focus, for example, on customer centricity.

I mean, you should think about a medical device, or, for example, the tumor boards.

You really need to also understands the customer needs ..., to speak with them, doctors, which physicians with patients, to really engage with them and understand and even co design the solution. We attempt to solution gets feedback. So, again, this is a skill set.

That, of course, needs to be trained and is, of course, to me build-up in our different work versus meets in the affiliates in the marketing teams. We didn't sales, but also in the development teams.

Then, the restorative, that runs 5, 6 years ago, for Agile transformation, for the whole company. So we really started at the boards, right?

We did somehow, understanding of the leadership style for different leaders at the Board.

Then, T O, -1 -2, -3, we started rolling this out to our Leaders and Rush.

So they really were being coached, understanding what is their leadership style, what are potentially improvements in, they can be made. And also, the vision for an agile organization was being shared.

So, agile is now, of course, existence is fast users in a company and we're really upskilling the complete workforce, right?

So, everybody, until the operational workforce, you know, the issues in all the countries has been trained and has been also expose what agility means in their specific area.

Collaborations, Very important, Strides.

I mean, for speak, about building a future health care system. You need to partner. Right? You need to partner.

Like I said before, with patients, with hospitals, with startups, you need to partner with regulators.

And this, of course, requires also emotional intelligence skills.

Screenshot (4)Understanding really, the local ecosystems in each of the countries.

And it's, you know, cross functional collaboration.

So we have also set up, since this year, actually, you know, the affiliate rules that are really responsible for ecosystem building. So these are our colleagues.

Their responsibility is to find out, within a country, like, who are the key players, or, let's say, the different hospitals that they can collaborate with.

Patient organizations, start ups, to really make, also, public private partnerships in a specific country.

Then, new ways of thinking, right?

I mean, if you think about, OK, we want to make all shifts in the healthcare system. You need to understand. Also, systems thinking, right? So, understanding how, everything is linked to each other are related to each other.

You need to be also be able to think about future thinking, right? I mean, future health care, how can we go there?

And you need, of course, are very diverse workforce, so, you need people with different skill sets.

People from the tech industry, people are coming from startups, you know. People with data science skills. So, these are really diverse skills decisions.

Then, of course, we're very much focused on making a positive impact, but also on a growth mindset. So, how can we overcome our challenges in healthcare.

And we also built innovation coaching skills within the organization, retrains, innovation coaches in a different business units. So that they can really coach the innovation projects or additional projects in the energy units.

And this innovation coaching skills are also very specific type of coaching because it understands agility, Emerson's, design, thinking, customer centricity or you develop business models and how you measure value. Like, all of these things are, very critical service innovation, coach law is very important.

Just a lot of us, you know, culture and mindsets, and that consent is ensuring that we start as prices here soon.

We have, of course, created, as well, a network.

So, we are working more in a networked organization to, let's say, in different silos, or different buckets, country wise.

But really, it's a network across different countries, for example, of digital transformation, these agile coaches, also a network, for example, between the affiliates, right, so that everybody can share, experience, can share similar projects that they have.

So all of these networks and communities, they're being, you know, stimulated and the mentors across the organization.

And we also have different Academy, Australians showing data academies where people can read. I'm just going to show some digital knowledge and data science knowledge. Or we have an R&D academy where we're really focusing on the scientists and really helping them to also understand the transformation in science and R&D.

So we really are providing a lot of resources and development opportunities for our colleagues, because, of course, the digital transformation needs to be hand in hand with culture and mindset shifts, but also skills and development of new capabilities.

So for me, it has been very exciting journey in the last, I would say 6, 7 years, or restarted focusing on creating this culture of innovation, to be restarted very grassroots, with a small group of people that are passionate about innovation.

Doing also, workshops and supporting different business units, more like this customer centric mindset.

But, out of that, we have grown like or through Innovation Network and innovation initiatives across different units with providers like different tools and programs as well, which I will show in the next couple of slides.

one of the important elements that I mentioned before is engaging with your customers, right, so in our case patients, physicians, failures, health authorities, and of course, engaging with customers becomes more and more important that also the way we engage with them, right Also in a digital way, right?

Let me call which has shown us That's before coeds we were doing everything face-to-face, traveling.

RocheNow, we were forced to work through the dish and even hospitals, governments. They were actually getting used to this, right, so, this additional customer engagement, I think, is something that will be more and more critical in the future.

And, why is engaged with our end users, Customers are important, Right.

I mean, it's really, of course, a competitive advantage to really know your customer well, but also, it's not the same as doing like secondary research or surveys or market research, which will give you some insights, but doesn't tell the whole story.

To the most powerful tool, isn't directly speak with them. And to even co design solutions with a, right. To really ask them, what are their needs to test, your, even, you know, really solutions with them, get feedback early on. So, that's one.

Once you're developing a new solutions, you really gets real feedback throughout all, the elements journey, and not only at the end when you launch the product, and you find out that actually, it's not the solution that they were waiting for.

It also will help your employee's right, to build some kind of an emotional connection with the customer, and also provide more purpose in their job.

And specifically, in health care, of course, is very valuable.

If you know that's what you're working on, you, an issue in IT, or in marketing, actually has a great impact on a patient's eyes, or I'm a mother of a patient, or on a patient's EMR yourself, so in this no purpose, and also understanding, you know, the customer needs, will help your employees senior and be more motivated in the work that they do.

Another elements as we were looking at was unlucky entrepreneurship skills within the organization, so really using, you know, the mindsets, using all the skills and the expertise of people in the organization.

So, we've done this by creating some kind of firm innovation ecosystem, as we call.

And this initiative is really looking into improving collaboration across the organization, between internal customers or stakeholders, but also with your external ecosystem, ISO started out universities, governments, hospitals.

And it also was looking into faster decision making. How can we be faster and more iterative process, more customer centric.

This program that we launched last year actually during call it was really focused on entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs, either outside or startups, but also entrepreneurs within Russia, because we have great people with great ideas, but often, they're struggling in making earlier.

Of course, this is focusing on our Russian, your ambition, it's also our revisions and become a partner of choice for digital health innovation, right? So why would a startup or a hospital or patient organization partnered with Rush to actually create and destroy our solution?

We also want to build an ecosystem or a platform, where no employees, different departments, can come. Connects. rejects, certainly ecosystem, and connect with other experts across the company and get the support that they need to really have to the platform.

Then, create also very important, a safe learning environments, right, where people can experiment the issue, there, they're how they're listened to, them, not being Josh, and when they make mistakes, et cetera, so really remove the barriers for innovation.

So, how did we do it in Australia?

I mean, this program is focusing, of course, on building innovation mindsets.

So we really focused on rapid experimentation and testing solutions early on with customers.

So, when entrepreneurs come into this program, we immediately, you know, ask them, OK, this. You already speak with a customer, the, you know, their, their needs, and the insights from them, to really, from the moment they joined, the programs, they restart, interacting with their customers. Meet patients, hospitals, doctors, to really, on the truly understands where it ends.

Then, again, doing this in rapid cycles, so you iterate fast and learn fast.

Of course, digital capabilities, right?

So, where we also focus on, in most of these projects, are there additional projects. So, some of them maybe don't have all the digital capabilities for additional expertise.

So, we connect them, additional experts needs, For example, in robots or process automation in AI needs a medical device expertise. So, we really have this network that we can easily pull in the right experts for the right projects.

And by this or working in a practical project they also learn from them.

Again, customer centricity and so we really focus on teaching them also ways on how to understand the customer journey to do anyway to innovation coach.

That really goes for dads and understand, OK, what are the different interfaces with our customer or end user, and also understands the customer needs.

Then, throughout that process, they also learn this Azure capabilities, Right, So, they really have a hands-on experience on a project with the Agile Coach that are really equipped with all the knowledge. And, of course, they learn by doing branches.

I go into a course about Scrum or design thinking, the commerce model in which you really learn it by applying it in a real project.

I think it's also very important that we leverage and insert silence and also keep or challenge because we have great talents as Ross to keep them motivated and excited.

You also need to give them opportunities where they can really work on additional projects in our work on a, on a great new project, working directly with customers, working with different colleagues, and, people get excited about this, right? So, for them, it's also like some kind of a recognition that they can work on it. And then they get also divisibility inner supports from the organization.

Again, partnering, right? So we are creating many new partnerships with startups, which are different programs. And we also have developed a database where startups can register.

So, we can really filter, you know, present, we're forever project on creating digital app for a clinical trial. We can see, OK, we should have companies in our database as an asset expertise, quickly reach out to them.

Copy of Email Graphic Virtual Conferences (3)Then, again, developing this ecosystem in the countries, where it's very important, or connect to different stakeholders between public and private partnerships, and really co design the solution with them, right from early on involved in the process. So, they are also honing in the end, the end result of the projects.

Very important, of course, to accelerate and scale up this innovations, right?

So, some of the innovations that we're supporting, the really early innovations, or to have, you know, just try it out in one country with one hospital.

So, how do you schedule them to another country, right, and how do you scale it up Maybe to multiple hospitals.

This is very important for us to support them together with the different experts and the sponsors to make that scalability available.

So Initiatives and assertion, or exchange.

And like I said before, this First Work Stream, where this is really is three month exploring program with coaching, it's called the Entrepreneurship Program, so we have developed, just to get a reward of innovation, our partner.

Again, where they go to the stream on journey, they get the coaching, they, they follow the process, and at the end of the program to run the experiment and receive feedback from the customers, and they present all their outputs and learnings to the sponsors to potentially scale up their solution afterwards.

But, of course, this whole program is also a development journey for them, right? So, they learn a lot of industry months.

Another part of the program we started on Sites.

So because, of course, as a little bit delayed. But we're starting this year now to bring in really startups on the different campuses to create a better connection with the local ecosystem, but also make it easier for starters to connect with ross's colleagues when they're working on projects together.

Getting to know us, right?

It's also getting to know each other's style of working, rebuilt a trust and partnership between startups and Rush.

Then also, very exciting is a sort of exchange program. So, this is a possibility for a rush employee to join a startup.

And, of course, we're looking for startups that have a nice reiser to say, We're looking for regulatory expertise, or compliance expertise, or clinical trial expertise, when they're developing a solution. Or even, you know, going into a new markets.

So, for the startup is a great, additional resource, but also expertise they can tap into.

And, of course, it's a different way of learning. ... really exposed to the startup culture.

Into, you know, what they're working on, their, their technologies way of working at a startup culture and a way of working is really something that can bring back into the day to day to day work.

And for the startup is a great opportunity to also get insights from the pharmaceutical industry and potentially even, you know, builds partnerships and even contracts with, with rush.

Then innovation frameworks and tools. So, we are a force.

Know, also supporting these innovators and innovation coaches with tools.

We have rolled out a cute box, crowdsourcing transform, which is really like a platform where you can submit different ideas where you can also get an Innovation Culture Science, connect with expert stress or an expert panel to ensure you're looking for different expertise.

You can find this on the platform where you can connect directly with them, Then the innovation journey. So we really provide us some kind of a playbook for innovation with different tools. You know, from problem definition, May go to ideation, building your solution. How do you pitch your solution to sponsors? How do you develop your business model?

Validated with customers, And how do you scale up your innovations are all along this whole journey. We've created some kind of a playbook for innovation, where you can find all different tools and ways, how to get there.

And this label, again, is also being used by the innovation coaches, which we are also training specific training programs for innovation coaches, which I think is gonna have a big impact on the on the business. Because these are coaches that are really sitting in the business units, in the countries or in the R&D organization.

So they really have direct connection with the digital projects.

And they can really start towards their colleagues in, you know, making dentists or project or innovation happen.

Of course, innovation events are part of this, right?

So we organize different Startup Days, startup events, innovation conferences, webinars, and it really also providing more engagement opportunities, some Brits, potential suppliers, then it started to engage them to rise, as I mentioned before. So we really have to get away procurements, created a database where startups can directly register themselves. And then we can use them to re understand, OK, which startup is filling the right needs of a specific project?

So, as you can see, you know, throughout this whole, you know, framework that we developed, we really are focusing on benefits for startups, benefits for us, and of course benefits for the employee.

So, of course, it's also months, you know, business managers for startup in Russia, but it's also about the pre-development, right?

I mean, for them, it's like learning new skills, working with different partners, general building their, their, their network outside of rush rides, Even like understanding, OK, who are potential players that can support me working with a startup, with patient organization.

So all of this is really, I would say, contributing to the culture shift and the mindsets way of working shift in the organization.

Chanel, According to slides.

I mean what I wanted to say at the end as well. I mean learning and innovation of course go hand in hand. And the arrogance of success, distinguishing if yesterday will be sufficient for tomorrow, of course, cannot guarantee.

But I think we can really learn a lot from, of course, what we did yesterday.

Well, we also need to stay open, continuously learn, and also continuously partner with new partners.

Thank you very much for your attention. I'm looking forward to to answer any questions as you might know.

What a fantastic journey, Alan, thank you for sharing that with us. There is such a incredible depth and breadth of what you have share with all of us. So I'm going to ask you to turn on your camera back on so that you and I can be on camera at the same time as I look through the questions that we had here from the audience.

Some reason, I turned on my camera, but my camera, I did not come on.

Can you see me?

I am not able to see you right now either. Which is interesting.

OK, so are you able to see me?

Let me see items there.

I conceive yes, You can see me.

OK, farewell. For some reason my webcam decided to hide from myself, but it's good because I don't need to see myself as long as you are able to see me, OK. It's OK. All right. Let's Let's go right into the questions here.

So you talk about the innovator mindset in your presentation, and a lot of people have had questions about that. And that's I'll send it right at you on that question on how do you effectively encourage and develop this innovator mindset throughout the organization?

Yeah. So on the one hand, of course, it's inspiring, of course, people.

So, we have a lot of examples of innovation projects, right across Russia, we also share, right?

So we're continuously communiques, like, updates on innovation projects, already inspire them.

So people can see also tangible examples, like, what does it mean in R&D, or in marketing, or in sales, like what does it mean for me as an individual?

Screenshot (4)Starting in one and this inspiration. On the other hand, I think it's also, like, the skills development, right? So, I mean, we asked. I teach different. Training programs that I mentioned before. Where they really get exposed to, know, like, innovation mindset. What does it mean? How do you practice is? How do you actually Can use in your day-to-day work?

So, I think is on one hand inspiring.

learning these skills, and of course incentivizing it as well.

So I think also the management and the leadership, they have a big focus now on, I will say digital health and also innovation projects, right, So, I mean, I started to rush 12 years ago, I mean, there was less interest in this right 12 years ago.

I think now with our, you know, 10 year ambition, the objective so we have to weigh also.

The leadership is communicating this, it's very clear that people leadership is looking for these type of dish renovations or innovation, mindsets, customer centricity.

All of these things starting, you know, the way we, we communicate from a leadership point of view, inspiring colleagues and real tangible examples and then I'm going the same time capability building. I think that's, that's, that's very important.

And on that, Alan, what type of training and development the employees are exposed to, to develop this? Some of this capability, is to develop the, not only the mindset, but also the mechanisms that the organization has now, to implement some of the strategists. If you can talk a little bit about that, how do how you're building your, your capabilities in your skills within your organization?

Yeah, So, as I mentioned before, there's different capability building that we do arise on. one is an additional capabilities. So, every additional academy. So, this is really focus on ... digital skills. Like, how do you program, you know, using different programming tools, or data science tools, is where it's very technical.

And I would say, somewhere understanding what is artificial intelligence, data science, what tools you use as a data scientist.

Brands are very much focused on the digital skill sets.

So, that's one part.

And the other friends, we also focus more on on soft skills, right, like more on, on mindset, working agile software, scrum, design thinking, Lean Startup, Business Model Canvas, then we have an Agile Coach, She trainings like, So, this is more on the soft skills sites, but I think you need both sides, Of course.

Your needs Capable experts that are experts in technology, because you also nice colleagues that we are more experts in, OK, how do you actually work in social projects? How do you work in an agile way? How do you develop, for example, a business model and measure dance? Right. So, do you need to, really provides multiple types of trainings?

And, I think I've seen, again, over the last 5, 6 years, when we started As, Or agile transformation, like, a huge shift, I would say, in capabilities. And also interests of the employees in each type of trainings. And now. I think most organizations have enough people also.

Does that have these capabilities and skills, so they're also not dependence anymore on consultants, you know, are running, you know, this project's for them, which I think is really important to really build your own capabilities inside of the company, rather than relying only on external resources.

Consultants do enough for you, because then you can not really make a sustainable transformation, right?

I mean, you really need to have people within your organization that can lead to additional projects. So I think it's, it's very important to build from the start.

The skills internally, and of course, it will take time, and, you know, it's a whole mindset shift and way of working, but then once those skills are there, you can really use those individual steps.

You capture those skills, and you can support projects across the organization.

This, that's fantastic, and another theme that has emerged here and the question is that this groundswell of engagement and the development of innovation, mindset and actions is fantastic. Specially built in kind of an agile approach to that. How do you make sure that all these things are happening in the organization?

Are aligned to strategy, and do not become a distraction, or they become some, a lot of areas where, you know, you're a sub optimizing, Because maybe the link to the strategies are not as clear. How do you keep that connection through strategy in your execution.

Such a moment is very interesting, I see them for this initiative for, like, all the design codes from international and marketing department, where we are creating an iteration portfolio. So, the idea is to really create a good, visible innovation portfolio, where we know, understand what are the innovation or additional projects that are across the different theories, different countries.

And then we can align and prioritize, OK? Which projects are actually in line with our, you know, tenure ambition, so we have, like, specific criteria, right?

So, also decision points in case, if you can say, when they enter their portfolio, you know, they are moving to router innovation journey, right?

Until the point I made, you know, they ask the NDP approved concept testing with end users, and then we can say, OK, what is really the value that this innovation or additional project is bringing to?

The customers Reflects Pacific criteria, right?

It's like, what is the value to the customer, to the patient, to the healthcare professional, to the healthcare system, the value to rush, right to our ambition, And then, based upon those criteria, we can prioritize the projects, and also removed the application.

So, this is it, one way, I would say, of doing that, sort of really creating this innovation portfolio.

And having them, at the same time, also, senior managers, or, you know, portfolio managers, but also senior managers from different business units, being part of the review of the portfolio. So you can really, you know, see what is happening.

And they can say, well, this project in Germany, is very highly critical, highly strategic, very important for our future vision, let's support them, even more words, resources, or scale them up even quicker.

I said, OK, we pulled these projects out of the portfolio, and scale it up to different countries in Europe, for example?

I think, creating this visibility into innovation for storing this whole process, innovation, restorative processes that we're designing, I think it will help a lot to prioritize, to avoid duplication, intellect to say, focus on the right's innovations. And some of those that don't as though you are being doctor cares, because this also happens, right? I mean, in one country might do something.

Whereas, in another country, already, I've done it and they learn from. So to avoid duplication and focus on the, on the right's innovations.

Having such an innovation portfolio is very critical.

Is As we're out of time, but I have to say this is so exciting to see what you already have done, and the journey that you're going to be on. I often say that the best things in life are both scary and exciting, so bad as well, choose excitement, so this is fantastic to what you have share with us. The details and applications of Angel Prize Architecture in digital transformation. But it goes well beyond that.

You're talking about business and cultural transformation, and we're very grateful for you to take the time to share all of this with our global audience today, .... And also, if anybody has more questions, just feel free to reach out to them.

Thank you, Alladin. Terrific presentation, I appreciate that.

Ladies and gentlemen, that's Alan Bendel's directly from basel Switzerland and talking about the journey off cultural, business and Digital Transformation Roche. Fantastic insights from again practitioner a leader who is doing it and that's something that we pride ourselves on on our events that we bring to you real practitioners.

Not theoretical folks who are writing books about things that they have not done.

We're talking about practitioners who are implementing any positive change at this time and that we're going to shift from Basel Switzerland to United Kingdom. Are going to be in England Next where we're going to be a welcoming Rakesh Patel who is a leader with the Metropolitan Police in London and Rakesh will be introducing rakesh's already here with us. But the cache will formally introduce you at the top of the hour. He's gonna be talking about data driven approach is uniting the processes around digital transformation technology, excellence and business priorities. So, take a break now, and we'll log back on at the top of the hour for a cash to Have a full session, and learn about those insights from him directly. Another great practitioner with us. So, thank you, saying goodbye for now. See you back at the top of the hour.


About the Author

more (5)-Jul-19-2021-01-05-51-28-PMAlain Bindels,
Innovation Facilitation & Digitalization,
F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd.

Alain is a trained Agile coach/transformation lead with experience in human and patientcentric design of healthcare and has been working more than 12 years at Roche in differentroles.

He has extensive Innovation Management experience (setting up innovation lab, innovationprograms, open innovation, crowdsourcing, knowledge management, innovation culture)In addition he is leading an innovation network at Roche to support the business to innovateand manage innovation programs to support digital transformation at Roche.

Alain has set up an Innovation and agility program to build new capabilities in theorganization so support the organizational transformation. This program focuses on Agileways of working, incl. rapid prototyping, co-creation with customers. This program supportsour company’s transformation to move the organization to a more self-organizedorganization.


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