Courtesy of BiZZdesign's Joe Geary, below is a transcript of his speaking session on 'Faster Better Decisions to Unlock Organizational Value' to Build a Thriving Enterprise that took place at Enterprise Architecture Live.
Session Information:
Faster Better Decisions to Unlock Organizational Value
In this sessions Joe Geary will be outlining how the COVID Pandemic has created a compelling call to action for Enterprise Architecture groups to create meaningful value for their organizations.
Enterprise Architects key role is for them to help the enterprise understand and navigate the interconnectedness and complexity across Strategy, Business Capabilities, Processes, People, Applications, Data and of course change initiatives.
He talks about how EA’s can avoid the trap of endlessly trying to capture “Current State” – but instead align and focus their efforts to rapidly effect Enterprise Strategy Advancement, Run and Operations Optimization and Risk Assessment and Mitigation.
The key takeaways from this session will be how EA’s can:
Session Transcript:
Joining us today from in the end we have Jill Geary with us. Joe, great to have you with us. Joe is the Vice President of Customer Value at this design, has over 30 years of experience in information technology across multiple industries. He has a passion for figuring out where business needs to go, and then aligning all things digital to get them there, and Joel is going to talk to us today about faster, better decisions, to unlock organizational value, Joe. We're very excited to see your presentation.
Thank you so much for sharing your expertise of our global audience today.
Thank you, Joseph. It's my pleasure to be here, and I thank all of you for joining.
And yeah, you know, it's, it's an interesting topic.
You know, we're here at a transformation event, how do we facilitate transformation And how can we equip you all succeed in these business transformations that I'm sure you're all going through?
So hopefully you can all see my screen now.
Go ahead and dive right in. As Joseph mentioned, I am the Vice President of Customer value for this design.
I do have 30 years of IT experience across a number of industries.
I do have a strong application architecture background, which is really allowed me to connect with the business and solve some interesting business challenges through technology. And that's really where my passion lies. How can we figure out where business is trying to go?
And then help them get there through all things digital, and I would imagine you all share in that fashion, Otherwise, you probably wouldn't be at this event today.
So Thank you again for joining.
This picture. I really like this picture, I didn't create it, but, but I think it's a good starting point for us to kind of level set, What Do I mean by enterprise architecture?
And, and really, the opportunity here, uh.
So, if we gotta take a step back, a lot of times, I'll talk to customers enterprise architects, who really are starting their journey down here in this solution architecture space, solution delivery, deployment and operationalization of solutions.
And, and, they're frustrated often by not having a seat at the table or being closer aligned to the business.
And there, often, they are missing the opportunities or the discipline above this yellow band.
And so, if we take a step back, he has a higher calling than, just solution architecture, although, that's a big part of it.
But the higher calling is really to design better enterprises, and to help in this business transformation journey.
So, if we look here, you know, that begins with customer needs. It begins with compliance requirements or stakeholder needs, and it leads to stated desire to outcomes, the form business strategy.
And when we start to look at that business strategy, we can see how things equate to our value generation for our customers. So, how are we producing value? And when we break that down a bit further into stages of value delivery, we can start to align thing with things with capabilities, business capabilities, or what makes us up as an organization. And I'll talk more about that in the coming slides, but by connecting the dots all the way from the desired outcomes to capabilities, we can start to assess capability gaps, and define initiatives, to close those gaps, bring in our solution, architect, to design the solutions that will close those gaps, and operationalize those.
So I just wanted to start out with kind of the big picture of, it's not just about solution architecture, It's also a combination of business architecture and solution architecture to stay connected with the business and help transform solutions forward.
This is another depiction that I think we need to keep center focused on. And this is an S&P 500 index of company lifespans over time.
So as you can see, as we continue to move forward in time, the average lifespan of companies continues to get shorter and shorter.
And this is definitely a call to action for today.
Business transformation and operational excellence are key ingredients to ensure that your surviving company, not one of the companies that are dropping off and business transformation, I view as a constant strategies continue to evolve, Business continues to advance and we need to continue to stay focused on operational excellence.
We've all gone through a pretty rough year a year and a half I'm sure you've all experienced some change in this pandemic has had a worldwide effect.
And so, to give a Gartner perspective, you know, on what we're all dealing with, no, almost 100% of companies have had to make budget cuts.
You know, there's been a focus on the cost of goods sold and supply chain or functions, 70% of companies have suspended their growth plans.
85% of companies have experienced a decrease in operating income.
Covert has resulted in 10 to 20% IT budget cuts, which has no never before underscored this phrase of do more with less. I'm sure you're all feeling that, as well.
And there's been an increased focus on cost management, but more importantly, any prudish focus on consequence management.
So, you know, the landscape over the last year, year and a half has has really tie these past few slides together. We've got ever increasing threats ever increasing need, need to change, and Covert has created a key moment in time where ETA is really being called to deliver on this business transformation journey.
So why not just do it? Let's just go with the transformation.
And, you know, one of the problems is, our enterprises are inherently complex. There's a lot. When we start thinking about making change, there was a lot going on. We've got ever changing strategies.
We've got hundreds of capabilities that make us up as an organization.
We've got many hundreds of processes that are realizing those capabilities. We've got all kinds of people and ever changing organizational structures.
We've got lots and lots of applications, a ton of data, all kinds of technology, and many projects coming and going that are trying to influence. So, you know, I like this picture in the Center, because, you know, I think it's many groups that I talk to are trying to get their arms around all of this. And they're trying to draw pictures and model as things continue to move.
It's an ever changing state, and so, you know, I feel for you and all of you, but I'm here to help, and I think through today's presentation, you'll get some ideas on how to get your arms around all of this constant change and equip yourself with some new capabilities.
So, I'm sure these data sources look familiar to you. You have application, portfolio management systems, project, portfolio management systems.
You have your CMDB is data governance platforms, and I could go on and on in this category. And that's your reality, is that you've got a number of different systems of record, or sources approved, where things are in constant flux.
They're, they're changing all the time, and you know, it'd be great to get your arms around that, because as architects, we have a kind of a bank or predisposition towards modeling things. We want to draw pictures. You know, pictures are worth a thousand words, and so we want to draw pictures and get our arms around this. However, these sources of truth or systems of record that, How's this data again? There are passive state of flux. We need to figure out how to get our modeling to be data driven.
How can I keep up with this ever changing source of information to generate some key insights? Because current state doesn't stay current prolong, it continues to move.
And beyond the models and the pictures, whichever place, no doubt, we're creating solutions.
How do I generate value?
Enterprise architect?
What does value look like? How do I define value?
And I would contend that value in its simplest form or categorization falls into one of these three categories.
How are you accelerating strategy?
How are you optimizing operations? And now, are you mitigating risk?
And the reason these are important is, because it's important to your leaders.
This is what your CEO, or CFO, COO, Owners, Chief Risk Officer, are focused on.
To put it another way, if you were to bump into your CEO in the elevator, or virtual meeting, as it may be now, and just have a 32nd chat with them, and ask them: What do you think of the value of EA in our organization?
How would the CEO respond?
When they say, Yeah, I didn't know we had an event called the Day.
Would they respond? Oh yeah, you need to talk to somebody in IT about that.
That's an IT thing, or would they respond?
The EA is an instrumental function within your organization and without them they wouldn't be able to advance their strategy and achieve their business outcomes with your CFO. Say EA is critical to optimizing our costs across our entire portfolio with your COO say EA is enabling me to maximize the value of those assets that run our organization.
Or processes that technology. And what are your CRO say? EA allows me to sleep better at night by identifying risks and allowing us to mitigate those risks, desperately values, organizational values.
Now I would challenge you all to think about enterprise architecture.
So how can we help you achieve these things, these three Pillars of value?
So we've spent a lot of time and energy to get this design in creating what we call change capabilities.
And you can think of these as pre-built solution sets that sit on top of our platform and these end of the function that goes along with them. But they're focused in very specific areas that align directly to accelerating strategy, optimizing operations and managing risk.
So things like business capability, planning, business strategy, advancement, portfolio management, application rationalization, technology, version currency, information security, risk management and architectural alignment.
These are areas that I'm sure you're all interested in perhaps all struggling with and where we because we see this as a recurring themes and referring opportunities for EDA to generate value. These are areas where we have built these pre-built solutions sets to enable you quickly.
So just to highlight these a bit more from the perspective of the value of each one of these solutions that provides key stakeholders, value metrics.
I won't go through them all for the sake of time, but we have portfolio management where we're getting our arms around our applications and our initiatives. Why is that important?
Well, because we might want to do things like application rationalization and identify elimination opportunities or identify where are currently provided, applications are not going to meet the strategic business need or capability mapping to identify where we have a high degree of functional overlap or complexity or areas.
Again, where we're not meeting the technology strategy or business strategies that may exist and be able to map that into business terms, business language, or technology version currency, you know, where you all have a ton of assets, database instances. Server OS is applications.
Where are you at with the life cycle of those assets? Are we still on vendor supported versions? How can I identify that and drill down into the details of where we have problems?
Strategy advancement, how can I really analyze my strategy to spend and find out where I misalignment and need to redirect efforts to make sure we have the maximum business alignment, NPI, risk, information risk? Where am I exposed? Can I put that back into the business context?
An architectural line?
so these are a number of Pre-built Solution sets.
What do you get with each one of these pre-built solutions sets? What do I mean by Pre-built solutions or a change capability?
I mean, we're going to target very specific business outcomes with each one of these components.
There are very, very specific business questions that will be answered.
There are all of the key views and visualizations that are easy to digest by your business stakeholders, to be able to articulate things like, here are opportunities to mitigate risk.
There are opportunities to advance strategy key visualizations.
It's all the underlying model definitions. So, you know, I'm not saying that models are important. I think, the political. And to be able to data drive those models and produce these visualizations automatically, I think, is also critical to keeping up with ever changing current state.
So it's all of the objects, the relationships from different sources of information that are automatically constructed.
It's the data connectors and means to bring this data in from all of your different systems of record and sources of truth.
It's the data exchange mechanism.
So whether that's via our API or via workbooks or via different connectors that we offered a specific platforms, it is the ability to bring this data in consistently, as well as federate out the data maintenance and governance aspects of keeping that data.
It's, It's the combination of these views and insights in an easy to navigate portal, which we call horizon.
So how can I present? all of this? An easy to digest matter to my stakeholders, and it's this ability to keep this ongoing.
Again, current state doesn't stay current law.
And, on top of all the technology that I've just described, this is just as important.
This design is made up of a lot of experts who are passionate about enterprise architecture, when we enable you with one of these pre-built solution sets, it's not just dropping off the technology and run.
It's holding your hand through the adoption and making sure you're building up that muscle best skillset.
That capability.
So it's regular meetings, it's knowledge transfer sessions into joining you in various customer interactions, sessions that people have never done that before, so it's, it's coaching all the way through and holding your hand to make sure that you succeed in adopting that capability.
So, wanted to demonstrate a few views. I mean, this has all been interesting to talk about from an abstract perspective, so let's just take a look at some actual, you know, if it live, you know, use here, that would become realized for somebody's change capabilities.
So, for example, technology, version, currency, you know, can you show me a view that it conveys, hey, here's the percentage of my database and my operating system instances that are still on vendor supported versions.
And, by the way, here's the number of instances that are already being supported or will become unsupported with 1 within 1 year or two years or beyond.
So that we can create runway to get a jump on things. Make sure that we're not only bringing our currently unsupported instances into support but we're also planning ahead so that we're not right back in the sun supported state but again, next year.
Why is this important?
Well, you know, that you're probably paying extended support, which means you're paying a premium and paying more for less, which is a CFO concern.
You're not getting all the functional gains that have been delivered in future releases, which is a COO concern.
And you haven't applied all of the patches to this outdated unsupported technology to protect your assets, which is a CRO concern. So there's multiple CXO level concern in managing your technology.
And we provide views that allow you to go from high level understanding and drill down all the way into the details of what, what are the exact instances that are out of date or application rationalization?
No, How can we view our portfolio and drill in to our specific areas of our business to see our alignment to business value, with technical help, to generate calls to action where we should eliminate applications that aren't meeting our business strategically, tactical, strategic desires. You know, where we need to migrate to something technically healthier? Or where we need to harvest more business value?
So we produce a way to automatically generate these types of insights, Again, very interactive, with drill down, beyond just this high level depiction and drill into each portfolios. How can we take that step further and help with your prioritization of which applications are going to go after first. So we have this, what we call, quick wins. Let's take a look at all of those applications, from a critical and non critical perspective, see which ones are not generating sufficient business value.
Add, let's look at them from a functional complexity perspective, or Capability breadth perspective.
and those that are doing less within our organization, that are probably easier to hinge, and take out, because they're not supporting as many people, groups, or capabilities.
Let's go after those sooner than later, There'll be easier to migrate or eliminate capability mapping. I mean, I'm a huge fan of capability modeling.
Fact that would be one of my recommendations. At the end of this presentation, if you don't have a capability model, I would move forward in getting one created because it is the Rosetta Stone, it allows you to communicate anything of interest in the business language.
So, something technical, like, we have data, which, when information is flowing from this after this app, how can I allow a business person that makes sense of that? Well, if I can boil that risk back up to their capability model and put it in their language, that all of a sudden they understand it Or in this case, show them the business value from that last application, rationalization exercise. But aggregate that back up instead of talking applications.
Aggregate that backup to the capability model so that we can talk about how these less than sufficient applications are affecting us from a business perspective, Big fan capability.
I had mentioned, uh, that's a strategy advancement.
So, again, how can I look at my capability model from a strategy perspective, and the goals and the outcomes that we're trying to achieve, and look at strategy to spend.
You know, all of a sudden, we're seeing things like, hey, do you realize that only 30% of your investment is going towards business strategy advancement and the ability to drill down and see, well, where's the rest of my money go?
You know? From a business perspective, that's hugely important.
And can position you to increase alignment, the strategy that.
Or this notion of risk. You know, how can, again, how can I look at the processes and sub processes and information flows? Below my capability level, aggregate the risk of those information flows from an impact and likelihood perspective, and what heat map by capability model, so that I can have meaningful conversations with business.
And provide all the drill down capabilities, and connecting the dots.
So, for example, I see my capability connected to business processes that are leveraging, you're relying on information flowing from one people group to another application, and can I rate, or objectively score the risk of that information flow to compute PI risk impact the likelihood, OK?
So to put this, in perspective, we have a platform.
I call it a superior platform, because it has two major components and massive amount of capability in itself, you buy whatever you'd like, but it focuses on data integration. How can I pull information, whether using the rest API or Excel Workbooks? How can I get data into my platform?
How can I model that information with a variety of techniques, whether it's our conveyed or UML, or ERP or BPM?
And how can I draw some interesting insights from this information, or these dots that are connecting? So that's at our core, we have a platform.
What I've been describing to you today is this notion of, these pre-built solution sets, change capabilities.
We call them, to accelerate strategy, manage risk, and optimize operations, so that we deliver value to those key stakeholders, our CEO, CFO, COO, and CRO.
and we do weeks, and that's an important statement. We do this for weeks, not months, not years.
I mean, you guys have all probably been part of attempting to do things That is taking you a lot longer than anticipated.
We're here to tell you that we can equip you will coach you to deliver this type of value in a very short amount of time.
Why is this important?
You know, why, just to put this in another context, we did a survey recently of the State of Enterprise Architect, we were, We were gaging the maturity of participants in the survey, and here's what we found.
Maturity and leverage, 3.4 times, higher in organizational agility.
They can flex and spin, and deliver faster. There are four times higher or more likely to change their industry peers. Which if you go back to that Standard and Poor's picture is hugely important.
Right? You want to extend your life of your company, because the, unless you do, the future is at risk. So, you're four times greater than out. Change your peers.
If 2.6 times better at dealing with other plan business changes, and I bet if I call the poll right now, has dealt with an unplanned business change.
You're 2.9 times more likely to say that you've executed plan change as well, and that alignment to where the business is trying to go. Where they set expectations or wishes at the beginning of your demand planning cycle. And then at the end of the year, they're frustrated with IT, perhaps not getting them there, Who couldn't use a boost in this area?
Or 1.8 times greater business satisfaction with IT, or 1.5 times higher in agile maturely, or 2.2 times better, delivering new capabilities and innovation, and overall, 3.6 times better in CX maturity.
So these are measured results. This is why it's important to increase your maturity as EA. Get better with business transformation. We have change capabilities in a superior platform to help get you there.
So why don't we begin?
Where should you really start this journey?
We have something called an Organizational Value Assessment Shot.
We're going to go through a series of questions and we'll respond with, Yeah. That would be great if we could provide that insight or answer that question and your rate that desire a 1 to 5 for each of our questions, and we'll come out with a roadmap.
This is based on the insights that you want to generate, which all align the strategy, advancement, run optimization, and risk mitigation.
Here's the capabilities you want to build up, and here's a sequence based on your statement of desire and value.
So, we would plot out a path with you that would depict this capability adoption and be able to articulate the resulting value that you'll get as you take those steps.
So, again, it would look like the timeline. Where you would, we would sequence out with you, these capabilities to adapt in short order, and this is in weeks, not months or years.
We would show you the prioritization of your value categories and the importance of each of these capabilities, deliberative sprints, and come up with a plan.
And, you know, there's, there's, there's several things I want to mention here. Kinda some lessons learned are some tips. You know, as I've worked with a number of customers and as I've done all of this myself.
Uh, one tip would be, and I mentioned this earlier, adopt a Business Capability model.
I can't stress this enough, know, to be able to have a depiction of what you're all about down to three levels.
And it just will provide you with a great communication mechanism with your business, But in constructing this capability model, don't spend a year in the ivory tower thinking about what it's going to be, without any kind of interaction or validation.
For all the business, I would recommend you gravitate towards some industry reference model, some model that's already out there, that you could adapt quickly and just be willing to flex it and change it as you interact with your business.
So, you know, faster, rather than disappear, take a year to try to create the perfect business capability model.
That's going to have to change anyway, as soon as you take it into your organization.
That's another tip: What the business point you to the priority concern areas?
So, for example, if you're moving forward with PI, risk identification, mitigation, you had this capability model with hundreds of capabilities.
You could say, Where are we going to? We're going to have to systematically move our way through every capability, looking for risk.
So I would argue that's the wrong approach.
I would actually interact with your key business leadership, your executives, and say, Hey, where are you suspect that we might PI risk based on the nature of PII information?
Personal information and about the business that's depicted here in this capability model, Well, though, they'll have good ideas.
For example, they might point you into the area of customer management, or third party for a party interactions, where they know they form the business partnerships and are exchanging customer information, or they may point you towards the area of human resources, where we have employee information. Where. Again, we might be exchanging information with some third parties, or even managing ourselves, but perhaps, concerns over how we're managing it, less than zero point you in the right direction, And the right priority areas, it'll work out better for you.
Top down, business sponsorship.
Well, I'm probably not telling me anything new there. But I've interacted with a lot of customers who have tried to make change from the bottom-up, and it's pretty tough. It's ongoing.
The more you have top down business Spanish sponsorship for your enterprise architecture activities, the easier things will go.
But I will tell you, the way you get top down business sponsorship is need to articulate organizational value in a way they understand. So, for example, it shouldn't be, we can make really cool, are to make balls.
That's not going to do it.
That's not been excitable.
But, if instead, you can say, hey, I'm going to have specific ways to accelerate your business strategy deliberately.
I'm going to have specific ways to identify and mitigate risk.
I'm going to have specific ways to optimize operations, how to get more value out of what we've already purchased, and how to reduce costs in key areas. Speaking that language, and articulating the specific ways will get you will see that.
It will generate excitement from above, and you'll have top down sponsorship from the business.
You just need to be able to articulate it that way and in detail.
Ultimately, data driven insights and view generation. I've alluded to this several times, This is hugely important. I can't stress it enough. Current state doesn't stay current for law.
So all of your enterprise architecture capacity is being spent drawing current state diagrams. You're going to be in trouble because things are going to continue to move out from underneath.
Need to automate as much of that as possible. Bahrainian data from external sources automatically generate the views and insights, and it'll then you can focus on interactions with your stakeholders rather than all the energy to rework your models on a never-ending basis.
Uh, progress over perfection don't boil the ocean buying some friendly's.
I love this all into the same category, the same chip, it's really, You know, Be careful to think that you need to solve everything they want.
Find a friendly meaning.
Find the business Area one of your Verticals, one of your departments that's interested in working with you to try some new things out that's interested in having you focus on those strategy investment or risk mitigation run optimization.
Don't don't sweep across all of your capabilities.
You know, I think I've got to do application rationalization for everything, know, pick a subset and try to build up some capability with with a subset and with some percentage of your overall portfolio.
And my last tip is, reach out to us.
You know what, drew me to boost design when I joined because design was really a superior platform, sure.
But it's the amount of expertise this organization has in it.
I mean, they are enterprise architecture leaders and experts, and they can help, you know, whether it's enabling you on a superior platform, whether it's helping you with, how do we, how are we going to reposition for organizational value?
And what, how can we define that journey? How can we develop these capabilities? And you had a big jump start with the capabilities that we already provide, The coaching, the training, consulting. These are all really, really important, even beyond the technology.
And that's what we're all passionate about. My job is making sure you're successful at delivering organizational values.
And that's a great job. So I would love to talk to each and every one of you.
So, here's some connection information for me. I would love to connect with all of you.
My LinkedIn, and again, I want to thank you for your time today. It's been a pleasure, speaking with you and sharing some ideas with you, hopefully show you some ways to give you a fast path to truly generating organizational values.
I think it's really important in light of today's yesterday's, of tomorrow's overall presentations on business transformation. And I firmly believe that enterprise architecture is core to this very thing.
So, thank you.
Joe, thank you for that fantastic reveal.
Of the capabilities, development that's necessary for meaningful transformations and the, this, this broad perspective on the architecture and the value can bring to the business. Lots of questions, so I'll just start with one on William Fuller.
asks a question very early on, in your presentation, and he asked, in India, In today's world of change, transformation, and IT capability expansion, is it really even possible to have a single source of truth? Which is something that we all talk a lot often. And, if so, how do we get there to the single source of truth?
Yeah. It's a great question. Thanks for asking that, William. You know, I would agree. There is not a single source of truth. There are too many sources of truth.
I mean, if you look at any enterprise of any kind of signage, right? Which all of you were in.
There are many sources of truth.
I depicted there's your applications are stored in one place. Your projects are stored in another configuration items, or with another, your data, governance, artifacts, you and another, and I could go on and on and on.
I think a strength of design is the acknowledgement that this, this I, will likely not be the source of truth, or the system of record for all of those things.
The important thing is to be able to pull that information in rapidly, easily, through a number of techniques that we have, whether it's a rest API, whether it's a data extraction, transform and load mechanism. A number of ways, whether it's collaboration online and real time.
But you need to be able to pull this information in, generate the insights that will lead to better decision making.
So facilitating those conversations that, drive that, better decision making, better funding decisions, better, risk mitigation decisions, better strategy advancements, but leveraging multiple sources of truth and systems of record.
There are some cases where design may very well be your single source of truth. For example, it may be the system of record for your business capability model.
But, the thing is, you link to it. Like, the applications are likely going to be pulled from somewhere else, whether it's your CMDB or APM.
So, that ability to integrate is essential. That's a great question.
Farewell that that's, well said. Let me shift into another thing that emerge on the questions that has to do with the capability enablement that you talked about.
Know, there's rapid Internet iterative value delivery, which is, which, which is very enticing for sure.
But there are questions about, you know, how do we get there, and you specifically, you talked about as gages of technical health, engages of business value, which the audience thinks it's tremendous but maybe difficult to get some fears about process behind that. How do you get that technical health metric?
How do you get to that business value metric? Yeah, that's a great, that's a great question. And, just like I gave a tip, don't boil the ocean.
I've thrown a lot out there today on these different change capabilities.
We would never recommend you take all of these change capabilities on all day want, and try to report the ocean about these as well.
That's why we have this thing called an organization Value organizational value assessment Workshop.
Let's work together and decide which capabilities make more sense to you to deliver over what point time.
And we'll take it a step at a time together, both deploying the technology, the techniques, and the coaching to get you to value but to specifically answer this question. How do you gage technical help gage business value from an application rationalization perspective?
So, beyond the technology and the cool graphs, provide, drill down capability.
Beyond that, We provide you with a scoring model.
And the scoring model is, is based on some best practices and industry standards.
It is a set of questions to objectively measure the technical help of an application and a set of questions that you would interact and ask whether your business stakeholders to objectively measure the business value of each of your applications.
And an objectively measure is key because you want to be able to say we use the same yardstick against measuring each of these applications consistently.
So we provide you with that, we then work with you to customize those scoring models to make sense for your organization.
You might want to deviate from these reference models we provide, and we provide you with a way to change the weighting factor. So, all the questions being asked and how they go in the computation of business value in tactile.
So we work with you through all of that, above and beyond just the deployment of the solution set. We do the coaching around, hey, here's a scoring model.
How would you, how would you want to change this to make sense your organization? Coaching you to get organizational buy in from above? Because you want to get agreement on that story model, protect the business value, before you go and interact with all the stakeholders. And then they come back and find out, oh, wait a minute, we ask the wrong questions.
You don't want that, So we coach you through that, and we'll even coach you in, if you've never done this before, and you need help, show me what it's like to facilitate a scoring session with a business stakeholder group.
Or eight, or when my IT SMEs in scoring technical help will even conduct those initial scoring sessions. Let unicorn show you how it's done based on our years of experience doing this.
So, it's a great question. There's a lot behind all of us who will hold your hand through it all, and make sure you really do build up this muscle, this capability.
That's excellent. I mean, there is, there is, you provide some helpful insights on that and Joe, when you, when you are developing that, this capability for E that you discuss here, you gave a lot of very helpful tips, and we, everybody, appreciates that quite a bit, but for an organization, you should go back to kind of an organization.
That, that is, is beginning this journey right now, and you talk about the Crude Value assessment, and you can do some quick wins there.
Tell us a little bit about, in terms of the internal capabilities of the organization, before engaging with you, on this journey of capability enablement and assessment and enablement. What are some of the skill sets that are necessary? We seen the organization that makes this work with you more productive.
What are some of the things that people need to look at internally? And maybe do a little bit cleaning of the house, if you will, before they invite you in?
What are some of the things that you think can really help organizations and leaders prepare for that engagement? Yeah. I think that's a great question as well. I'll take that kind of two parts.
one is, what is a skillset needed by an enterprise architecture group, and I'll be honest with you, The biggest one is up to help the business move forward, a passion to interact with the business and really anchor their value to strategy advancement, risk mitigation run up the ..., you know, if the parachute is there, we can equip the skills, use the different capabilities than ours. Sure.
For example, if I'm talking about the change capability that specifically business strategy advancement, well, we're gonna be looking at the different business plans across each of your segments. Are going to be extracting from that business out, those business goals, will probably be leveraging these notions of business outcome journey mapping and value stream value stage capabilities. So these are skills that typically fall into the realm of business architects.
So if you have some business architecture focus, or people that like the business architecture hat, or a willingness to stretch into that business architecture, all that great, other capabilities are going to be more leaning towards. And where a lot of you should come from. And maybe are more comfortable in the technical architecture side. So when we're talking about version currency, you know, we're gonna be talking to your your CMDB system, administrators, how we can extract data out of there, and how we can actually clean it up. And normalize that data. Which we have techniques and tooling to do so that we're, not, you know, dealing with, inconsistent or quality issues will be proven that data in.
But the second part of that, you know, which is, should we hold off until we have famous cleaned up, you know. I heard that a lot.
And I would argue that, as we prioritize these change capabilities, we can layer in things like data governance and how do we federate out data maintenance responsibilities to keep the metadata current?
And I couldn't wait, Your businesses don't have the luxury of waiting.
If you look at that very early chart depicted on the S&P 500 graph, the luxury of waiting isn't there. So, I wouldn't be moving forward.
Where did you care in where you don't have the data? Let us go get it.
Well, how can I do that? I wouldn't say it's the business case.
When you start talking about the value of strategy, investment, risk, mitigation and run optimization, from a business perspective, it will warrant the offsetting cost of getting the data or in cleaning up data because the value or the benefit will be there.
So, I would, I would talk, cost, benefit, and let's talk together about opportunities where we can take currently have skillset and data and put it to better use to generate greater organizational values. I'm sure we can move you forward.
That's fantastic, Joe, thank you for, for those insights. Were on time right now, and I wanna thank you on behalf of our global audience for sharing this very valuable insights and perspectives and that we're all better off as a result. Thank you so much. Thank you, Joseph. It was my pleasure. Thank you all for participating today.
Ladies and gentlemen, that was Jill Geary, Vice President of Customer Value. And this design, show a very insightful journey, and kit, and capability development for Enterprise architecture in the organizations. Very informative, very insightful presentation. We're gonna take a break now. And when we come back, we're going to be bringing an amazing innovation leader directly from Europe. I'm talking about Alan been those who is the head of innovation, and digitalization and Roche biopharma bio bio pharmaceutical. And he's going to talk about from issue to innovation, developing a composable business architecture to drive innovation and improve business resilience. So you do not want to miss this session with Alan. Will be taking a break now. We'll be back at the top of the hour.
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Joe Geary,
VP of Customer Value,
Joe is VP of Customer Value at BiZZdesign. In this role he works with Enterprise Architecture teams all over the world, helping them identify areas where they provide rapid and impactful value to their enterprise – across Strategy Advancement, Operational Optimization and Risk Mitigation.
Joe is a 30-year Information Technology veteran, with experience in Energy, Hospitality, Insurance, Manufacturing, Government and Non-Profit sectors. Joe has a deep practitioner and management background in numerous areas of IT, including serving as CIO/CTO for several organizations. Joes passion is figuring out where business needs to go and then aligning all-things-digital to get them there, in order to continuously reach the next version of better.
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