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July 19, 2021

Enterprise Architecture Live - SPEAKER SPOTLIGHT: Agile Business Transformation: Governing agile change with ‘just enough’ architecture

Courtesy of ValueBlue's Jelle Visser & Tom De Ridder, below is a transcript of their speaking session on 'Agile Business Transformation: Governing agile change with ‘just enough’ architecture' to Build a Thriving Enterprise that took place at Enterprise Architecture Live.



Session Information:

Agile Business Transformation: Governing agile change with ‘just enough’ architecture

It’s time to act now. Conquering transformation and becoming a fully digital enterprise in the 21st century means agility is no longer a choice. Too little too late, and enterprises face the risk of becoming obsolete. 

Join ValueBlue for a deep dive into combining progressive Enterprise Architecture and change in a world of digital transformation and globalization. In this session, we’ll be discussing a best practice framework for Agile Business Transformation: governing change with ‘just enough’ architecture.  

Agile Business Transformation is the governance of an adaptive architecture that aligns with your strategic business objectives. This enables organizations to decompose value chains and create truly excellent customer value.

For Enterprise Architects with a focus on modern and digital business models, we’ll be sharing our complete out-of-the-box solution to kickstart change.

Key takeaways:

  • What is Agile Business Transformation, and how does it help you cope with the challenges of change?
  • What are some of the key value drivers for success with Agile Business Transformation?
  • Migrate your old world into the new era – step-by-step
  • Achieving customer demand, business strategy, and business operations that are perfectly in tune with each other

Session Transcript:

First speakers today, they are coming directly from the Netherlands this morning, and our morning here in San Antonio, their afternoon and the Netherlands. And, of course, for all the all of you and all over the world, in different time zones, probably evening for several of you. They're going to be discussing Agile Business Transformation: governing Agile Change Change with just enough architecture. And I'm very excited to welcome Tom the radar and yellow this start with us. Tom is a presales consultant and founder of value books.

He enjoys getting the most out of the Enterprise Architecture Collaborations Platform Blue Doffing, working with potential customers and existing customers to show them how Blue Dauphin can improve the practice on both strategic and the operational level.

He's joined by Elvis sir, who is the Chief Commercial Officer valuable?

Yell strongly believes that enterprise architecture should be a collaborative effort to deliver a value in an Agile world, with his prior experiencing co-founding multiple startups.

He believes EA should be an enabler for an entrepreneurial mindset within larger organizations. Yale has been shaping the commercial proposition in teams for valuable for the past seven years.

Tom and the owl, what a pleasure to have you with us. We very much look forward during sites and presentations today.

Thank you, Jose ... what a great introduction to start perf. So, let's start off.

Go ahead right away without vetter further as you.

She has already introduced it to us so I will skip that part and I will directly jump in accelerating your business transformation with just enough architecture.

We start out with a little bit of background about affiliate blewett, who we are.

To Affiliate Blue was founded in 20 11, in 20 11. We were a consultancy company doing enterprise architecture assignments at our customers.

But what we found is that every time we came to a new customer, the information that we needed to do, enterprise architecture was very hard to find. It was very often siloed.

It was very often, not correctly documented.

But it was there, but it wasn't the heads of people at it in a load of Excel files, took us a lot of time to prepare for our assignments and to assemble the information.

ValueBlueAnd then, what we finished, our assignments, all the information was basically thrown out of the window. And the next project team starting up, another project, started the Assembly of Information all over again.

And that was the part where we fought that can read on smarter. And that's when we introduced blue dolphin and how we transform for consultancy services company into an enterprise architecture tooling vendor.

We're seeing great growth in the past few years. Opening offices in Europe and in Asia, in Hong Kong, and in New York in the US, and currently have over 150 customers join the Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Architecture.

Tools two years ago, hopefully, will be there this year, again.

So, what do we focus on? What we see as today's organizations?

They struggle with business transformation, it is due to fragmented perspectives.

It's organizational silos as its own perspective on both how fix work now, as well as how they should be working through which the organization is business.

That's not the only thing, It's also about the data quality. So once information is found are so many mistakes in that information, to plan your transformation, And it leads to limited opportunities to assess the current situation of the organization, and to mistakes in building future state of your search.

So, what do we offer?

Very shortly, we offer a sauce for SaaS solution for CXO architects and all the people they are working with to collaborate and manage their transformation process based on actual data insights.

So, why do organizations actually want to change? Well, there's a lot of reasons, but there's external drivers.

Think about the expectations of your customers. Wanting a new app. Wanting a more direct experience when doing business with you new market entrants. Think about fintech jumping into the commercial markets right now, or in the industry, markets and changing legislation.

Forcing you to change your processes, applications, and infrastructure to meet those legislations and the cost of globalization. And then, internally, we see that organization is the amount, more agility and flexibility for their employees.

There's a constant pressure to reduce operational costs, innovation, and the reduction of legacy and complexity.

And all those things combined result in a cold start pressure to change.

And if we want to change, how do we want to do it? What the first thing is, we want to do it fast, because there's so much pressure that we want to do it in the most efficient way possible.

We also do want to do it control and safe, And that's often what is C goes to the background, if it needs to be done fast, We just change, but we don't check if it, if it's safe. It's growing the rate we want it to be.

And then, last but not least, we want to maximize the business impact. So, we're not, we don't want to be working very hard and very efficient, but be working on this, on the road projects, because then we are wasting our efforts as well.

But how is it generally done within organizations?

So, what we see is that it starts with setting corporate objectives.

So, designated, basically, the C level executive management team. As they go into your organization, do you collect project proposals?

Those proposals aren't all that works held into blueprints, of which the costs, value, risks are determined, and they are then prioritized, and then we go into the bill phase where we describe the current situation of the, of the of a specific project. We defined the future state of a project, and then we execute the change of those products.

That all sounds really good, but there are some problems in it, and actually quite a lot.

So by setting the corporate objectives, we first want to know, OK, how can we actually contribute to those corporate objectives?

When we work hard Project proposals, we don't want to just ask people, which we should do, but we want to do data driven analysis, We want to have impact analysis on what we've got to do, or what are the places in my organization that actually need improvement, where are my weaknesses?

And then when we start determining the cost, value, or risks of our projects, we call simply Stumble upon not having accurate insight in Hong Kong. Cockney currently works, so what is the current state architecture?

Also disallowing us for spending our resources in the best possible way to achieve or objects.

And then, once we get to the build phase, there's been doing a lot of strategic works. There's a lot of documents and assessments that's being done by the Enterprise Architecture Team by the C level executives.

But then, we see the project teams, or the Agile teams, and they look at those documents, and they feel like they're being slow down the oldest policies, and rules and guidelines that they have to deal with. These complex tools that they need to work in. And they just don't want to do it. They just create a false drawing, and start working, and start building stuff to execute.

So, what is our solution? Agile Business Transformation and Agile Business Transformation focuses on Radich Kelly, opening.

That transformation process, and making it collaborative and data driven.

And it starts with defining your business goals. That doesn't change.

But then we want to wrap up the capabilities and see how they contribute to the business capabilities. And capabilities are the best described of the things that you need to be able to do as a company to reach your business goals. So let's say you want to have 28% of your revenue from online channels, you're Whitney and all that channel capabilities.

Btog CTABut in order to analyze our capabilities, we wouldn't need to know how they are build-up.

And in order to know that, we need to see, OK, which processes, applications, data, and maybe even infrastructure, are realizing their capability for doing online sales.

Once we have that information in place, we can assess the capabilities, and we can identify our strengths and weaknesses.

And if we do that, we can start creating a high level transformation rope. So which capability is doing its newly built into future state?

Which capabilities do we need to improve in order to reach our goals? Because there are currently a lot of weaknesses in this.

Once we do that, and that is typically the role of the enterprise architect, we create the blueprints and the baselines for the future, state processes, applications, and data, but we are not going to make those solutions because those solutions they need to be made by the project teams and by the agile teams.

And that is where we prioritize the projects or business impact, and we utilize all the current state that we already analyzed to find our strengths and weaknesses.

And we use that to build the best solutions for the future to better fit their capabilities, to do better as business goals.

And then, we get this trick on their cultural, and the project teams can actually call, or to process applications and data in the future.

We actually get a cycle which you're cool, simply analyzing your current state, or in a data driven way, then, define where you want to head towards using their future state, to create projects, and then, using the current state to fill those projects with information, And then, communicating it back. So, you get a continuous cycle of transformation. It goes so much faster than without.

So, we help organizations to do that, but how does that work? How do we get all that information to get data driven insight? That's the question.

Well, for that, we have to decide multiple solutions.

And those solutions are often already implemented at most of the companies that we come across. So, of course, there is enterprise architecture management.

And enterprise architecture management is very much about directing the business.

But, to direct the business, we do need insights in that current state architecture, and the current state architecture is often already captured within business process management, application, portfolio management, data management, technology management. These sort of things within the business that, for an operational level, manage the portfolio of assets that you have.

And then the broader portfolio architecture is, is much more focused on designing and monitoring J: So, how do we get from point A to point B?

And this is very closely related through your existing project management practice.

This means that there's virtually no information that currently doesn't exist, that you would need to set up transformation management, because enterprise architecture translate strategy into objectives. Hopefully, it's already doing that. And otherwise, this is a great moment to start it up.

They then create and assess current state capabilities, using industry standards that they can re-use, and they design the future state capabilities, high level scenarios, and very importantly, they decided that policies, principles, and guidelines, that we want our processes, applications, data, technology, to align, and that's what they do, and then they facilitate collaboration.

So they're not running around too, completely map out at the current state. That's not the job of an enterprise architect.

They should be focused on strategy, and on helping and facilitating collaborations.

When we can get to optimizing the current state, we want to work with the people that actually have the knowledge on the current state information, and that is where our business process management comment. So think about your process management department to think about your risk and control department. They're already mapping process landscape. They want to optimize processes and customer journeys for very specific perspective. They align processes, risk and compliance guidelines. Same grocery application portfolio.

There's people working on that application portfolio. Think about your functional application management, or technical application, that maybe you even have an application Portfolio Manager in place.

And they rationalize the assessor applications.

Of course, life cycle management, technical quality, they want to know the functional fit with those processes that they support, align those applications from a risk and compliance guidelines perspective, and herrmann, harmonized landscapes of the remnant.

So, they need to be supported to do that, that we want to utilize their data again.

And the same goes for data management, where you're where you collaborate with data managers, data architects, and to facilitate master data management and data lineage and you're technology management.

I think about change management in from management itself, where they are already mapping the technology yesterday to impact analysis into it to, to execute all the changes. They did their life cycle management, their impact on others.

All that information on the current state is already there, We just need to align it with the enterprise architecture.

Copy of Email Graphic Virtual Conferences (3)And once we get there, we can start working with the Agile teams solutions architectures or with the project teams, because they have a project of port for Project management tooling with a lot of information.

And we can help them to manage that portfolio of projects giving, that are giving them all that information about the current state, Giving them the information where we only had towards. And that will allow them to design the project current and future states, to assess the project impact on business goals. To assess the impact on the current state. So they are not siloed in their own projects anymore, but they're actually part of a bigger context.

So, what do we need from a central repository that, well, firstly, obviously, it needs to facilitate you to capture your business goals, capabilities, processes, applications, data, infrastructure, and projects.

But that's not enough, because we don't want to spend hours and hours on documenting the current state.

So that is what we call, just enough architecture.

Minutes are just enough to meet the goals that these people already have.

So if you're working with a functional application manager, asked them, what do you want to know about your replication, And that is what you facilitate and capture.

If you want to work with a, with a risk and control department, facilitating them, or during the risk and control checks, all their processes, and not more than that, because you want all these different insights.

And then, once you have those different departments aligned, let them collaborate and recycle. Information.

Connect the information from your risk and control department to your functional and technical applications, to your data architecture, to your enterprise architecture, and you will fill your repository with information that will result in more and more information.

What we can then do is we can integrate with all those existing tools that you have in your organization, ingesting and normalizing, even more information, filling the repository more, and we can collaborate with all those other people in the organization that might have a little bit of information in their hats, and we can just pull them straight away into the central proposal.

This will help you build a central repository with information that we can then visualize into architecture models, into process models, and into data models that will help these people to do their daily works on a data driven way.

And of course, we can re portal that with a native integration to facilitate our leaders with the insights that they need.

Where are we heading, and where are we currently standing.

With this, we can support all the solutions, and that is very nice to say, but I think it's even better if we can show it to you. How does actually work so I can imagine your periods. And this is the point where I want to give the words that Tom and he's going to give you a very short demo.

Keep in mind that it will be high level because it's short and we definitely invite you to proceed to precede us after the session if you want a little bit more information function.

Thanks, Ella.

I'll show my screen now.

Isn't visible, so you can you check for making this visible.

Looks good, Tom.

All right, thanks. So, thanks for this for the introduction.

So, here, we are inside of the tool do dolphin, which is like you said, it's a software as a service web browser based tool. I'm running this in Chrome or Edge.

Um, so the first thing you want to do when working with Agile business transformation, is getting to know where you are in terms of architecture maturity.

So one of the things we do when implementing this tool is we start you off with a boot off, an architecture maturity assessment, which is a guided set of interviews that we take using type form as an integration.

that will ask you your nation. a couple of questions about architecture in general. We said, and then we use that information to determine your maturity level.

Now, depending on your maturity level, you can start in different ways. one of the ways you could start off with is by just going top down, as we're showing here.

So, if you look towards agile business transformation within the tool, you'll see that we have a couple of things to do.

So, from directing the business down to your current state, down to projects, and portfolio down to your future state, everything that you need for this architecture practice is basically in this tool.

Let's start off with vision and business goals.

So we're talking about a fictitious pharmacy today here, which has brick and mortar stores and wants to move to an online presence to start selling online products.

Um, so they've set up a couple of goals, which are architectural. So for example, they want to increase total revenue. They want to get a lot of that revenue from online, and want to move towards one shopping, you want to move towards living at home.

So, there's shutout to get, to go to a couple of goals, that they've set out themselves to do.

And, as an Enterprise Architect, this is important, because, this is where, you determine, the direction of the strategy going to take.

So, in order to fulfill these goals, you also need to take a look at how the business operating model counts is about.

So, this is operating model canvas. So, you might know this form of, a form of describing your organization is about the value chain. So, what is your most important value chain? your organization?

Who are the outside people? Who is their suppliers locations, your customers?

Um, Your Channels. To which you are selling products or services, your revenue streams, your cost structure, so everything is inside of this Single Business Model Canvas.

As an Enterprise Architect, you are not doing this alone.

You're getting information from your stakeholders, from your C level executives, from your, from your process, owners, from your application administrators. So, that's what you do to combine combined ease of use.

So, once you establish your goals, you establish your business model canvas, you can start looking at your current state capability model.

Like you said, your current state capability is all about what is your organization capable of doing in order to fulfill its mission, its mission, and the goals that you have to do.

Now, since this is A store.

So, it's a bunch of stores, basically.

The important thing is that there are capabilities here, which are relevant for the things that this organization has, for example, Data Warehouse mentioned, Because state distribution centers, they have storm image, because they have a couple of stores to manage. They need to manage the transportation, going from the distribution centers down to that source.

They manage orders, state managed procurement.

So, any organization will have a capability model, which may not look like this one. But, surely, you'll have one that, that makes sense for your organization.

And also, this is something, it's a great way to communicate with your C level executives, with your business, because it's most likely your capabilities are easy to understand for your, for the business people.

And, I don't think we need to do this, because we have these goals that we want to cheat, want to know where those goals are impacting our capabilities.

So, let's highlight that here.

So, what I've done here, I've highlighted the goal of moving towards online shopping on top of the existing capability model.

This means that these highlighted capabilities are need to be changed in order for us to achieve these goals.

Obviously, you could also plot all of the goals on top of that, obviously, which will also pick out one of these, so, but you want to start analyzing your current state, because you need to change these capabilities, we are going forward into things like processing applications and data.

So let's go back and take a look at our process architecture, for example.

So here's the berry easy process architecture that this organization has, what we can do here is because we have analyzed the processes and analyze the capabilities, we can actually plot the capabilities on top of the process architecture.

So, here we see the business processes that are supporting the capabilities.

Also, you could do pickpocketing here. You can pick certain stuff here. So, let's say that you're interested in sales.

So, there's, there's some process of supporting sales or maybe other business processes, you'll see across the board, which, which capabilities are supported by which business processes?

Obviously, we can also skip down to a BP middle level, which we will not show you here. But that's also doable, but goes beyond the scope of this session.

So, looking at processes, looking at applications, what's interesting about applications, is that applications tend to have a lot of information attached to them.

Screenshot (4)And that is a great way of visualizing that information, is often where you can have unlimited amounts of object properties that are kept, But each of these objects, for example, here, we have trivial stuff, like names and suppliers, and descriptions.

But also, financial information, contract information, information about the ownership of the application, who's your functional and administrator, where you choose which department by using the application.

All this information can input inside of the tool that could be input, not just by the Enterprise Architecture Architect, like, you know, I explained, but also by your application, your process administrators, and everybody that has knowledge of these applications.

So we really want you to collaborate with stakeholders on creating that. Or making the current state architecture easier to maintain, and to be inside of the tool.

You can also use sources to create these, these, this information.

So this product can easily connect to your existing sources, for example, your finance application, or your CMDB.

And get data from that's that source and use that to create objects, and create information for, for these objects, And also, create relationships in a month.

The third way of getting data in there is by using a guess link.

And basically, that is sending out a questionnaire to somebody inside your organization, asking them to fill in the information on this particular object, for this case, this application.

And that information is then handled in the tool, So you can leverage that information inside of here.

Speaking of leveraging information, once you have your current state in here, you can do analysis on it, for example.

You can take a look at where applications are hosted.

So you could really go into storytelling, like, Hey, this is my application landscape, and here are my applications running on premises.

Your application is running in external data sets, or maybe they're already application going as SaaS applications.

So, same thing, you can do the same thing. For example, by connecting into business processes.

So, connecting that, means, that you can see which applications are actually contributing to the business process of selling products, these ones, or maybe manage your projects.

or managing clients.

So, by having this current state architecture, not just made up by the Enterprise Architect, but by collaborating with different stakeholders, you can build up your, your Enterprise Architect, your current state.

Even when existing existing practice is already in place, Like, yeah, I'll explain, for example, we have application portfolio management, which I just showed. We have data management, project management, or business process matches, which are all separate, maybe separate practices within your organization, but they can be combined and governance using enterprise architecture within this tool.

So, looking at application portfolio, jumping back to that, this information I just showed you could also be interpreted using different types of reports.

I'll explain.

So, for example here, we have a Power BI report, which is drawing information from our two blue dolphin to create dashboards that may appeal to your other executive other stakeholders.

For example, here we have applications per location or incidents versus changes, which is combining data from the Enterprise Architecture, Christy, and also information from the CMDB.

Here's a monthly cost per application, getting information from a contract management system, all the side of the product.

Here, I'm the licensed model.

Lighting, for example, All the business critical applications that are about to go and license.

So you can easily see where you need to take action on certain applications, because you might need to renew contracts, or, or maybe phaseout applications.




My screen to go. So information can be injected inside the tool, doing analysis, using models using analysis routing reporting.

Now, let's take a look at, also, as a part of the approaches architecture. The architecture is the technical architecture of the current state.

So, obviously, your infrastructure, your servers, your cloud services, your your database is also important.

Similarly to the other objects, we have information coming into these objects from external sources. For example, here's a list nodes of servers, state isn't just through the use of the inventory tool. Can all be done inside of Google.

And you can also have them this, because, for example, blocking applications that are supported by service on top of a view.

So you can quickly see what applications are supported by what servers.

Now to put a little perspective and you can also make that viewable through, for example, a life cycle Management dashboard, where we have information on system software which is running which is used in the organization up top.

Servers never used applications and capabilities.

So what we could do, check out one of the capabilities you see where there are applications impacted, and what services are, and what kind of system software they are running.

So from a top-down, from a capability level, you can drill drill down way to the bottom to your system software to see if there's any issues hitting your capabilities, for example, based on, for example, systems software that is going to be in life.

Obviously, fuelling, all this information is the model itself.

So, um, if I go back to the application portfolio.

Can I jump in one of these applications?

It will show me a detailed view of these applications.

For example, here's a solution architecture for the application lujan.

Which, basically, basically shows you applications that are connected to this application, the way it supports business processes, where it is located, and also, what kind of infrastructure is supporting that application.

This information can also be visualized, for example, by creating, by connecting it down to capabilities.

So, for example, we have we have calculated the actual business transformation. We calculate the business risk for application.

The business risk is calculated through answering questions. Within the wouldn't be object properties for every application.

We can leverage this to show that information in here. So, here, you'd have a list of all the applications and their business risk.

Obviously, a higher risk means a higher score, so, higher risk.

This determined by questions that we answered here, But, the nice thing, is that, because it's a connected model, you can also take a look at this, from a capability point of view.

So, from a capability point of view, we'll see that the warehouse management capability is a, is a capability which has a score.

Let me draw it back.

So, it's its own red, meaning that these two applications are immediately something that you take a look at to take action on, because, for this capability model, it's easier to go to a couple of capabilities, to go through all your applications, and determining what you need to do.

So, once we have your current state capability in place, um, what we then need to do is, obviously, we need to check this against changes that we want to do in the form of projects and portfolio, and the current business goals and principles that we have set up before.

ValueBlueSo if you take a look at the business goals and the principles, you'll see policies here, Enterprise Architecture Principles, Business Process Principles, Application Integration Data Technology Principles.

This is part of your framework.

This is part of why you can do just an architecture, because you establish a framework, in which you are referencing your current state and future state architecture signals.

Going through those projects, you want to go from your current state, to a future state to, to obtain your goals.

Now, we have to, we have created a couple of projects to create these.

For example, online web shop, which is outlined in time. Yes. Current, it has a start and ending time.

It's integrated with our Agile business practice.

This is connected to, for example, our Azure DevOps link, which we use for Agile, Agile software development.

It is connected to information about the project, regarding budgeting information regarding deliverables, sprint program owners, when will it start with an end, ever all information that can be either put into the product itself, or gotten from a project management tool.

Most important thing, when looking at just the architecture, is that, as an Enterprise Architect, you want to know what changes are being made to your architecture, that don't do not break the principles.

So, you want to get a view on the deviations and mitigations that you're doing based on the, on the project architecture.

So if you take a look at the Project Architecture, for Example, for Applications, you'll see that, on the left side, we have the current design, the current way applications interact with each other.

On the right side, we have a vision architecture, which outlines the introduction of three new applications.

It allows, it also introduces new integrations between applications.

And because we have based this on at baseline, we can easily say, hey, this is forming our current state park or current principles and policies, or the euro deviates from them, if it deviates will note them.

You only have two to draw up the future state architecture, not the entire current state architecture, again, because that's already inside of the tool.

You can also dig deeper here.

For example, if you want to look at the link here, will see, for example, a quick view of what the integration between these two applications actually means.

So, having these project designs in here, and knowing that you have control over your deviations and your mitigation.

You've done on certain principles, that you have all your current state and future state architectures inside of the product and have a full view of what is about to happen, Makes that you could also do project portfolio management.

So, once again, that's a dashboard.

You can have tracking and project timelines on all of your projects.

You would have estimated a bunch of information, information about the timelines, but also, are your projects contributing to the strategic goals that you have set?

So, for example, here, we see that all goals contribute to move towards online shopping, but only a few holes move towards the normal amount of revenue.

So, these kinds of insights support project portfolio architecture, you can also use to use the product.

Um, going back to our current state architecture.

So, we've seen vision of business goals. We've seen the operating model campus.

We looked at the principles that we we've created, we've looked at our current state, process, applications, and technical architecture, even skip data models, which is awesome.

Then we move towards projects or portfolio, making sure that the changes that you do contribute to the new change your capabilities. That need to be changed because of goals.

And then once you are in the future state, your future state becomes your current state, and the cycle starts all over again. Just not an exploit early.

That was my presentation, Grohman.

I will stop my sharing now.

That is theoretically. Wow, lots.

I'm looking at the comments here, lots of Uses for information, and lots of questions that have come in, so, thank you for that. The 1, 1 of the very bit of basic question, but I think it's an important one. And I think I know the answer, but I want to make sure that you share those with the audience, all the graphics that you presented here, and that the, in the, on your demo, they are native to the value of Blue platform blue dolphin platform, right, this, we're not creating their native. You're looking to do this inside of the platform, inside the web browser You can sign up with often.

You have to Terrific, terrific. That's, that's, that was the question, Quite impressive, how much you have developed in the platform, and so one of the I'm gonna, I'm looking through a number of the questions here. There was a kind of different themes that have emerged.

First one is related to maturity model, you talked about the maturity model in assessing where your customers stand with respect to organization maturity across their enterprise. If you can talk a little bit about that, is that a proprietary thing that you're using are using industry maturity models? What type of maturity model are you using in assessing your customers organizational capabilities?

I can answer that. So, two to the it's based on industry standards. So we look at all the telegraph standards, also Gartner research articles and then we based ... propriety questionnaire based on that.

But what it basically does, it checks the different maturity levels that we have defined for each solution that we support. So, for example, for Enterprise Architecture Management, application, portfolio management, process management, and it looks at what level you would be if you started to implement in Blue dolphins, or your maturity level tree. That means that you have applications in relation to your capabilities, and, you know, something about life cycle, which actual death.

And that helps you to quickly implement the product, because you are exactly know where you are at, your roadmap, can we can directly help you to move to the next maturity level?

That's very, very, very helpful on. So William Fuller is asking a question related to the Project Portfolio Architecture. And he's asking if you can give a little bit more, share a bit more detail about that.

That project portfolio architecture, is it focuses on project change and implementation management. What is the project portfolio architecture, I guess is the question.

The local Sorry, you want to answer that?

Go ahead.

OK, those are the one of the main goals of project portfolio architecture, is that obviously you need projects in your organizations to drive changes so change that projects can be used interchangeably. That's how we see it.

So, the project is used to drive the change.

So, for example, by connecting projects or project objects to your Enterprise Architect. You know, where changes are going to take place.

Copy of Email Graphic Virtual Conferences (3)You know, the people that are involved there, you know, the impact on the, on the architecture itself, You will able to connect them to current state of future architectures.

And then by adding that are getting into goals or maybe drivers and stakeholders, you're able to compile a list of your projects and take a look at your projects from a higher level portfolio.

Perfect, so, for example, MIT projects, am I doing projects which only contributes to one goal of all of the five I have?

Or is my portfolio more, you know, more diverse than that?

So, that's one of the goals that we have with project portfolio architecture.

Important addition to that is that it differentiates from project management because project management is bringing one project from beginning to end and actually executing it, and it differs from project portfolio management, because project portfolio management is assessing your portfolio of projects and mainly assessing their own costs.

And what architecture adds to that, it allows you to design your project. So, it's basically the guidelines that you give to your Project Management teams that work in the project management tools.

That's why we strongly integrate with existing project management tools like Jira, or for example, or Microsoft Projects. And it gets a work context to your project portfolio management, so you can not only assess them on costs, but you can actually see how they impact or architecture and your business goals.

And that allows you to do, for example, scenario analysis or for impact assessments.

That's excellent. The carry on here, I want to get to as many audience questions as possible, next one comes from ..., who is in San Antonio, Texas, and are not add comments and asks.

First, he says that you provide an excellent process and to structure for organizations which facilitate their operations.

Do you also provide a statement of work to address the recommended roles and responsibilities?

That is speak to the review and approval of the architecture itself? Supporting the Agile process? So, his comment is that the assumptions that organizations may not have a congruent internal process that supports an agile process. And I'll tag on to this question on the. this is related a bit to Governance, right, how do you do the appropriate governance for this, and there is the chicken and the egg type of thing? Do you set up a governance structure? Or you implement the right tooling.

You know, And then how do you ensure that this Agile process that's being done is aligned, well, you know, and, and aligned with the strategies, and then the gov, and what type of governance structure, really, you have to choose to make sure that that's working well?

Great question, Thank you.

So, to begin with, your last question, how do you start with the governance, or do you start with a truly, I think the two of them, they go hand in hand. So, a full width at all is still full.

So meaning, if you don't have good governance, the tool is never going to fix that for you.

You have two to discuss in your organization.

How are we going to do architecture, was responsible for giving approvals?

Who decides if, if, if ever going to change outfit or not?

Um, Bob, facilitating that without good tooling and giving your approval workflows fire Excel files via Physios. In which hundreds of people are working on. different models that are not integrated, is never going to work. and it may seem that you have a bad governance model, while you actually don't have that too willing to support the governance model.

And, yes, we can definitely help you to set that up.

We have a fully worked out, standard governance model that helps you to get plugged off it, A convention model and a governance model at the at the maturity level, but you're currently at.

So if you're a low maturity, it's a very, very small governance model with very limited amount of people involved and then we'll modularity Broder if you're already more advanced.

We can implement the more advanced governance model and I think that's the key governance in general.

Build that grow model where you start small and become bigger and bigger and give authority to the teams working in your tool. So let them make as many decisions as possible. We do have status, but also realized that standards don't work for every organization.

So, we have a lot of opportunity to tweak and optimize it for your own organization, and we work with, with a lot of partners, large, called ... firms, that we collaborate with, to set up those core from these models, because you need customs.

That's, that's.

Quite interesting, that the discussion, I'm sure we can spend a lot of time on, on just that discussion between governance, structure, and tooling. You have shown some tremendous capabilities here, which require quite a bit of collaborations. Are you in the organization to make this work? We only have about NaN here, if you.

How, How you, how you successfully engaging the right stakeholders in the organization. for that collaborations to be effective, you can have, That's always a challenge for EA.

Screenshot (4)And what are some of the tips you have, you have Lauren, are useful in engaging the right stakeholders?

I think I think the most important thing, as an Enterprise Architect, is actually facilitating collaboration.

And that means setting up your framework, your governance, and your tooling in such a way that it helps people to do their main job better. So it should not feel for them, like they are helping you to do your job better. But you are helping them to do their job better. So that means that if you have a technical application manager, wants to click on one bubble button, and see the complete technical architecture of all the applications, and he is responsible for, and then you can ask them. Hey, can you also add a little bit, contribute a little bit of information to this model, as well? Or can you check if this is right. And that makes it easier. Don't ask them to do everything.

And all the cultural helped them to do their jobs better, and then get the returns that you read what you show.

Very farewell. We had lots of questions. I want to thank the audience for tremendous engagement. I apologize. I have not been able to get to all of them. but that this clearly has instigated a lot of thinking. You present a lot of great capabilities here. So thank you. I hope this should be one of many of the sessions to come, related to what you're doing this space, which is quite impressive and unique. So congratulations on, on, on the journey.

And thank you again, the audience for the high level of engagement, Tom, and Yell. Thank you again for taking the time to share your expertise and insights with our global audience today.

Thank you. Pleasure to be a pleasure.


Thank you. Likewise, ladies and gentlemen.

Tom Lehrer and yell Vison directly from the Netherlands to the world. Really showing some very interesting capabilities that the Value Blue is implementing for Enterprise architecture. We're going to be wrapping up the session here. The recording will take place so that you can have a recording of the session later on. We'll take a short break and when we come back at the top of the hour we'll come back from with leaders from Mega International discussing the use of composability to drive flexibility is speed and resilience.

So, looking forward to that presentation to the top of the hour, We'll wrap up here. You can provide your feedback as you close the session on things that work for you, and things that you want us to do better. You also, you can check on LinkedIn. What people are saying about the conference of the speakers, are saying, if you have comments, additional questions. We're going to be posting updates. I place the link on there in the chat. You can also look undermining shows that parents, and you'll see the link on LinkedIn. And I also want to remind everyone that has registered for this conference, that our next conference will be the digital transformation workplace. So, there'll be announcements about the dates and, and how to register for that conference under the chat. So, thank you for now, take a break, I'll see you back at the top of the hour with mega international.


About the Author

Jelle VisserJelle Visser,

Responsible for the commercial process and commercial teams at ValueBlue. With BlueDolphin, our SaaS collaboration platform for enterprise architecture, business process management and data management we realized triple-digit year-over-year growth since the initial release in 2014. Currently busy with international expansion, focusing on the US market.


About the Author

Tom de RidderTom de Ridder,
Pre-sales Consultant,

IT Architect, consultant and security office. As such, a generalist with deep knowledge on a variety of IT-related subjects like networking, administration, software development, cloud infrastructure, DevOps, Business Intelligence, databases, data management, deployment, security, integration and enterprise architecture.

Knows what to use, when and where in a broad field of IT areas.

Advising customers on envisioning, implementing and practicing IT architecture. Able to connect technical and functional needs within the realm of IT Service Management and beyond.

Helping customers to get more out of their existing IT landscape, combining BI, development skills and analytical insights into fresh, exciting and cost-effective ways of managing IT environments and connecting IT and business.

Specialties: ArchiMate, IT Architecture, DevOps, cloud infrastructure, Azure, NET development, PowerShell, System Development, database development, IT Infrastructure design and architecture, application design and architecture, pre-sales consultancy, IT training, process re-engineering, IT infrastructure deployment and setup, data management, Microsoft Azure design, implementation, control and cost-effectiveness.


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