Courtesy of City of Calgary's Bilal Siddiqi, below is a transcript of his speaking session on 'Enterprise Architecture: Enabler for Enterprise Strategy & Planning' to Build a Thriving Enterprise that took place at BTOES Enterprise Architecture Live Virtual Conference.
Session Information:
Enterprise Architecture: Enabler for Enterprise Strategy & Planning
Enterprise Architecture may be a struggling practice in your enterprise or it can be the one driving your future strategy. It is the right context for your enterprise architecture that sets the path for future failure or success. In this presentation, we will explore Enterprise Architecture as an enabler for your enterprise’s successful strategy and planning.
Key take aways from this presentation
Session Transcript:
I'm very honored to welcome. Bill Allows Siddiqi, who is the leader of business and enterprise architecture at the city of Calgary. Hello the lao. Good to have you with us. Jose, how are you?
Doing great Bilbao currently heads the business and enterprise architecture at the City of Calgary. He is EA experience includes government finance showing the consulting industry. He has successfully transformation at the city, and now they're EA has been maturing. There is strategy and planning areas. He will share with us his experience and the approach that has given him the success in establishing strategy and planning for the enterprise. Bill, I really look forward to your presentation. Thanks. Thanks for the injured.
OK, thank you, good morning, afternoon, and evening, depending upon where you are. Before I dive into my presentation today, I really dislike or provide some background that why I chose this topic.
Enterprise architecture history goes 40 years back to 19 eighties, as it is organic organically maturing over the time. This journey has shown some success and justifiably so I'm struggling.
I would like to talk about how E can play a key role to support, and enterprises strategy and planning. And when I say enterprise and price could be a corporate, it could be your business segment, it could be a portfolio, or a degree.
If you are an EA, you will get some ideas, how to develop a robust strategy and planning for your stakeholders. If you are a consumer stakeholder of enterprise architecture, you will have an understanding of how you can support your enterprise strategy and planning, and what to expect from this engagement with the enterprise architecture. I will try to conclude my presentation in about 35 minutes or so, and then have some time left for some questions.
All suggestion that you're going to see in this presentation today, we have formally achieved it all at the City of Calgary.
This presentation is a continuation of my previous presentation that I presented at Gardner last year, and that in that presentation I showed how we successfully transform enterprise architecture.
And the title of that was the excuse me, injecting into the CDs DND So my name is Bill Alford Leaky, Heads of Business and Enterprise Architecture at City of Calgary.
My team include Enterprise architecture, Business process management, and Change management. I also direct solution architecture practice at the city had been in IT for over 24 years and 13 years solely within the core yea discipline. Additionally, I had been providing consulting and advisory to other organizations on and off to assist them, establishing or repositioning their enterprise architecture practice.
So I'd like to provide the City of Calgary context before I jump into my slides. Category is third largest city of Canada by population. We have seven departments and those seven major departments have 35 lines of businesses.
We offer 55 plus customer citizen services, which are supported by 700 plus applications. These are the vertical applications supporting those niche areas.
And the reason I have got this plus here is because the big variable that we are trying to understand from the previous technology lingering components. We know we have, we are certain that we have 700 applications, but we know they are more that we are not aware of. And one of the major reason is there are a lot of Cloud application, then, it's it's, it's a challenge to put guardrails on the Cloud application. And all you do to get a subscription of any Cloud solution. All you need is a plastic, or plastic into your wallet to get that.
And then, even if you put some guardrails around it, when the business stops that subscription, or when they expand that solution, we're trying to kind of, you know, it's an, it's an area that requires more maturity, and we are kind of working on that. And we have some success already on that, and we also have 55 shared application. These are the enterprise class application that are shared across all the city.
As I mentioned, we offer 55 plus customer services. We offer everything from A to Z, like from affordable housing, to water treatment, and water supply. Include services like 9, 1, 1, wire police, transit system, environmental protection, etcetera. There's so much technology behind these 55 customer services that will just give you a quick example. That category is famous due to its severe winter weather during the peak winter time. So it's also category is responsible to provide clean water to its residents, to their, to their houses. And during the peak winter time, some of the pipelines gets frozen. And we have hundreds of kilometers of those pipelines delivering that water. Pipelines gets frozen in some areas. No one knows about it until Citizen Rogers Company.
And then they will complain is large. Then the teams are activated to, first identify, where which portion of the pipelines of the city have got frozen, and then they fix it?
We would love to know, proactively that which areas are the problem areas, rich areas, it's starting to get frozen and then fix it before even the resident lodge a complaint. And we are working on a technology to keep monitoring our water pipelines, or the end. That's just one example. Yes.
I'd like to provide some timeline of our journey, a city of Calgary, in terms in the context of enterprise architecture. So, before, like pre 2002 time, this is the P, this is the early PC era, came to the businesses. They, when they were hampered by the deliveries were hampered by mainframe development, they started and they had some delivery pressures. So they started installing a bunch of PCs in their areas. So, you can imagine those bunch of species time, 35 lines of businesses. We had so much of a redundant data sitting in those, a bunch of VCs throughout the city.
While this model achieve some short term delivery pressures, but it ended up with the redundancies and technology complexity and also we had no idea about what is our total technology spend at the city? And at that time, there was no discipline E approach in the city.
Then, after that, because our model kind of, didn't really work for us, then we move into a more of a central authority, kind of a model. And this is the model where structure, where the central roles, like technology or IT work, and for a given more authority. We had a new, ... team, which was formed, and that the team, actually, what they did, they kind of put themselves as kind of a, some kind of a gatekeeper, or something that nothing could go to fraud, unless an enterprise architect reviews, and provides a blessing to move to the fraud.
And that really didn't really work because the business, the deliveries were severely hampered by, that, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and what will happen, the, the, there was a lot of expectation from this core group. But there was not much maturity or readiness to support all those business deliveries. And eventually, businesses started to, kind of, have IT in their own areas without letting anyone know when we have those kind of federal areas. And that can afford model, moved us into a different kind of a structure. And I call it more of a business technology model structure. And this structure where the the central IT and the business and technology technology in business. The BT groups, the coexist and the idea was that we were, we wanted to have some, some good collaboration between the core, central technology functions, and those meaty groups.
Though, but then we had some governance challenges here because those standards were not matured enough to support that, that collaboration. And we had a new EOD team formed after the first cycle. And that a team, they did intended to do everything for the city. And they got overstretched, and then eventually those service quantities were impacted. They had a formal data structure, like the business application, information, and technology structure. But, there was a loss of appetite in the enterprise.
They have a strong focus on fully customized modeling solution with no architecture wisdom, and they became very prescriptive. And the words at the thumb, like, modeling models or architecture, they became visible immunologist in the city.
And this all resulted in becoming an irrelevant and isolated team. And a practice, still the enterprise, and M And it got lost somewhere in this John. And from here onwards we had huge mountain to gloss.
But, anyways, so, after doing some, some, some changes in the, and in the work that we got a new EOD team know, that that new EOD Team has got a new mandate defined by working with all the stakeholders. We have been, we have recognized IT, central ID as a center of excellence, partnerships have not been developed and continue to grow. Your team has become a well integrated approachable and a go routine, as far as the spirit of my previous presentation and Gardner that, how we successfully transform a year and started injecting into the DNA here. If anyone who is looking to get a link of the presentation, that, they can just e-mail me, and then I can provide the link to that presentation. Which I will provide my e-mail at the end of this presentation, also.
To now, Enterprise Architecture has become a formerly position to support strategy and planning at a corporate level, and other business departments and business unit level.
And we have successfully completed a number of a corporate level, and a number of line of businesses, and departmental level planning and strategy work and develop some roadmaps, and there are some active engagement sternly going on to support other business ideas.
So, Enterprise Architecture provides provide, does provide a disciplined approach to strategy and planning. And this is the main spirit of my presentation. So, how does it do it?
Enterprise architecture improves stakeholders shared understanding of the complexity and provides a structured approach towards a rationalized decision making By assessing current business and technology landscape, provide timely based, one pagers. Simple views are pictures that can help and support decision making. Like my year group, at the city, supports the highest level of Technology Committee, which is chaired by our CIO, and has the gym the presentation from the businesses.
In that committee, for every significant project or a program business case, we provide those one pagers highlighting what is the business cases objective, the enterprise level risk, with that objective, with that business case, or project. What are the opportunities, and any suggestion that enterprise architecture group has for the decision maker. So, before they approve it. And this is, this has been very well received by the committee and the factors into their decision making process. And now it has become a regular part of our governance process every month. We have this course is going on with the senior stakeholders. People who are technology for Cliff, and people even, who have, who are business general managers, they kind of look at those pages from the Enterprise architecture group.
Practice, improve visibility to enterprises, issues, challenges, and opportunities. In fact, is, in fact, there's an external drivers, like the industry, or technology direction, relevant to that. enterprise. For example, how changing demographic or innovate technology innovation is going to influence your enterprise, those new covenant terminology? Like AI and machine learning and blockchain. What those things mean to your organization, and how they are relevant in your case, and if you like, if your enterprise would like to invest anything on that, then how to maximize the value of that investment?
Then Year provides a Pragma pragmatic approach to identifying right focus areas for the enterprise, while ensuring these focus areas and potential benefits are relevant to the stakeholders.
And then finally, it a practice, it develops a formal strategy and planning comprising of your business and technology strategy, or the strategy supports the services. The customer services, any other major concept that the enterprise has? It aligned with that very nicely underlying structure, and function of, the enterprise performs the governor, and surrounded the short-term plan and strategic integrated roadmaps. It may develop a new, or existing execution plan, or a roadmap that the organization has. In addition, it should also provide a repository, so that the content is maintained. And also shared across in a very, in a user, and the business friendly ways. At the city, we have developed a corporate level strategy and roadmap, and we call it a corporate technology plan.
And that corporate technology plan is shared across the city, using an interactive web portal. And it's written in a very business friendly language, that our stakeholders are not just in IT, they are the decision makers in the business. So that committee that I mentioned, the corporate technology committee, which has the GM representation, they also look at that while making the decisions on, on the projects or the technology field ethnicity.
Strategy and planning exercise is a complex process, but a good E breakfast should be simplifying the complexity to improve clarity and enable decision making.
Enterprise architecture approach also provides tools and techniques to govern and sustain this formal strategy and planning.
The sustainment model includes a framework to ensure future recommended initiatives or projects best fit to the business needs and align to deliver the value. It also reduces redundancy across the enterprise.
Aligns organizational construct, like line of businesses, department, or videos, to concept like service offering, those are all based on outer based concepts to provide more clarity, how your organization, your enterprise collaboratively work together to support your services.
So, I will have a specific slide just on technology being a driver for business change. Technology has now become a driver for business change in the past, technology used to be an afterthought of the business strategy. In order to respond and be prepared to drastic changing business environment, expectations and demographic shift. Technology is now on the forefront of our business strategy.
Technology enable conversations and engagement. Engagement are a must now, especially with discover situation when even when pre covert situation technology enabled cannibalization, auto must, to engage your customers or citizen information collection has become a must. How we collect the information while supporting the processes and delivering those services. For business strategy to CEOs, nanotechnology is a major factor.
Then there are a lot of enterprises who are spending on new technologies, this brings new avenues for their business, but they are going to be many enterprises who will be focused on having narrow focus technologies to meet their current needs.
And eventually, this, I call it a reactive approach, and this approach will eventually hit the wall and steal their business progress.
So what we need here is an excellent alignment between the business needs and the technology investment.
And it's easier said than done. I had a client, I had a client that, who had been heavily investing on a technology since about 25 years, and that technology, they started kind of perceiving that technology as an enterprise technology. But that technology was never meant to be an Enterprise technology. So, eventually, this all resulted in a very costly solution with 200 plus process workflows, that kind of work, that we could barely meet any new business, emerging requirements, or business growth.
So, my team had engaged with them, and we develop a strategy and roadmap just specifically for that business domain.
And that was kind of spending around 2 to 3 years that eventually help them to isolate decouple the business tools and the technology and the business accordingly, There's a need for a more strategic and cohesive approach towards technology technology, investment decisions made while keeping in mind should always be yourself.
So, unprecedented times require out of the box thinking, There's so much technology out there in the market, and innovation is at an unprecedented level, that there is a need for a significant and a significant effort required for a cohesive solution, those big giants like Microsoft Apple and Oracle.
They are now offering more and more solution on the cloud, but they're not just offering those solutions for a specific business problem. They are not offering those on a common platform support, supporting that cohesiveness.
This technology area has become a complex business on its own and for businesses to stay competitive and stay relevant in this economy. Enterprise architecture for strategy and planning is now a must have become a business on its own. And this is why. We require enterprise architecture, penetration and more and more into the businesses to support having that kind of good alignment between the business needs and the technology investment and support that creature driving roadmaps and study.
Before I get into how to switch your EA to support strategy and planning, I will share some of the non Enterprise Architecture challenges. I've done a number of architecture maturity assessment over the last couple of years and have completed a number of transformation exercises. And as part of it, I took a number of interviews with various stakeholders at various levels from the business and IT. I will share some of the common perceptions and themes about enterprise architecture coming from those stakeholder interviews. And none of this should be surprising to anyone.
I believe the majority of the business folks say that there is an IT concern. It has nothing to do with business. It's about developing a technology solution. Only that just modelers, who like to model things. It's a complex thing. We don't know what they do, what they say, makes sense, but What's next, how to do that thing. We think they can help E S can help but don't know how.
Sometimes, people have seen, I've seen a perceived years as being the paratroopers were coming from the top jumping from the top and bringing new standards and new language. And people feel like they're different, and it's not relevant to them. It's some people feel it's OK, but no practical.
Bringing a new practice, a language that does not work for that enterprise. And it's not relevant.
So and then many times the line between the architectural guidance and architecture standards gets blurred.
And sometimes it becomes too prescriptive and sometimes too vague and balances required all the time.
Sometimes it loses its wisdom and eventually becomes an irrelevant practice.
Sometimes the purpose of EA gets vague in the organization, and sometimes you start stepping into other tools. And because of the, because of no clarity in the roles, and the context of the work gets lost, eventually.
Sometimes it's too much of architectural work and it's an extensive never-ending process.
Call what we need here is a right fit approach for every enterprise. There's so many frameworks out there, like dog can vacuum and do that.
And every and I, Triple E and Gartner, they all provide their own definition of enterprise architecture sometime at the complement each other.
Sometimes we see some gaps between them, though should, which one should we be falling daily to every organization has to find the right practice for their organize, for their enterprise, and making sure that practice that does not require any clarification or justifications justifications should be simple enough to, to share and for people to exercise it. And that's what I always refer to. That if you have an easy and an illogical practice, then you, then you will get injected into the DNA of any enterprise.
Then works out there for guidance. You know, what is right for your enterprise?
We talked about Enterprise architecture benefits to the strategy, and planning, and some of the challenges. Now, let's talk about getting your year to support strategy and planning.
So, reposition, the EEA in our enterprise to support strategy inventing, is one of the foundational primary thing that has to be has someone has to work on?
We have to, you can do a lot more function a majority of time, one cannot do everything, maybe mean that we may not have that coating to have the capacity. To support all, the aid goes, we have to find the, What is the right purpose of the enterprise architecture, defined that context in the, in the enterprise. Why do we need the we need to have open dialog with our stakeholders to understand what is the ask of your stake key stakeholders on the practice. Where are the opportunities here?
Everyone is doing some sort of architecture, without even recognizing that they are doing architecture work. So what is their contribution to the enterprise architecture, and the portfolio planning, and those areas? What I meant when I met, when I say and stakeholders, I refer to our senior leadership in IT and business, the middle management, and people on the ground, who are the consumer of enterprise architecture.
Then, build this practice and read them while ensuring that it is the real world and it stays relevant.
Develop some standards, because when you develop those standards, then you will be keep on referring to those standards while developing study and planning for your portfolio or your corporation.
We have developed a corporate technology plan that provides a four year business technology strategy and roadmap.
It's in alignment with, with our, for your business planning cycle. It includes things like business capabilities, goals, technology, The application needs to be technology agnostic function that those technologies perform.
And an end to end a four year roadmap.
So this is a core component that we regularly regularly referred to while developing the business portfolio plan, because you can only identify many overlaps, or re-use opportunities across those. Portfolios many business units is because of lack of their maturity in the technology area and the expertise, they start leveraging some of the technologies or a function for which those technologies were not meant to support it. And, and if they started leveraging some of those enterprise class application, those applications are best equipped to support those areas and more feature driven, that kind of exercise, while you know when you're developing your strategy and planning.
Referring back to your standards will always have, but you've got to have some standards the standards define, by working with the stakeholders.
And, and build your rapport. And trust by establishing good network of supporters, friends, and moving on time, when it matters the most, and be part of the value chain.
Ensure that it's a, it's a value driven approach and an outcome based approach. Focus on deliveries and the right time. When we had some, during the struggling time of our Enterprise Architecture Practice, a lot of CIOs asked laws that they wanted to see just enough architecture, and that's what I call a value driven approach.
And it's not one thing that can do all, one PM cannot support the enterprise architecture, establish a Community of Practice and extended teams to support your architecture function across the enterprise. And this will improve visibility to their roles and the work that, that is happening across the organization.
And finally, I like to talk about empowerment versus control. And this is very important, very ketamine, very close to my heart.
Control is opposite of the end of the Community of practice concept. We have witnessed, many initiatives failing due to the lack of understanding between governance and control.
Governance is not about protection. It is to ensure clarity in roles, and show right job is done by the right people.
They have the right focus NGOs to work on, provide guidelines, and standards, to support them, and Track progress, the God to empower others, and said he is relevant, Only when it is action by our people.
Then when, when, when? When it's being action upon, then we have to go back and we just have a strategy based on the learnings from the actual action that are happening, support, the strategies.
That connection, that cycle, it has to go has to flow continuously to support the enterprise.
So we got to have a superior collaboration and very active participation with other stakeholders, relevant to the enterprise, whether you are doing it for the whole corporation, or for a specific line of business or a business segment.
This is the most fundamental requirement, what is successful engagement that we like to have an active stakeholders with the patient?
I know: normally, when, when, when we get engaged for and to develop a study in planning, for an hour or an enterprise anomaly, started by developing a statement of work on a statement of architecture work sites. We do a facilitation session, while having all the relevant business and IT stakeholders together. We define Venus and the problem. What is the issues and challenges they are having? Define the problem. We identify the deliverables that are required to be produced, and ensuring that they are going to be those are going to begin zoom. And what benefit those deliverables are going to be adding, or that line, a line of business area.
And then presented at the executive sponsorship level.
Get the approval at the senior senior leadership level, and then interview your business and IT stakeholders to understand what their areas do.
There are issues and challenges, emerging opportunities that they have, that they feel that their enterprise has.
You will have some common themes coming out of those interviews, and that those common themes will actually drive your future, work.
A deliverable from the Office of Engagement ensure that he is going back to the stakeholders and presenting their findings all the time. So this active stakeholder participation is the foundational to develop any good, robust strategy and planning.
Another key consideration here is to have a sponsorship. I normally suggest to have sponsorship, and both at the executive level and at the middle management.
Executive sponsorship will ensure this one gets the traction and civil, and they supported across the organization, and the middle management to sponsorship will ensure active participation and support and work level working level. We have an active active engagement, currently, going on, where we have the middle management partnership actually participating in those interviews at the business and an ID level, along with the Enterprise Architect. And that is really paying us all very well in that engagement.
And these engagements have the tendency to drag us into all sorts of challenges and issues in the business environment and make even it may even take you to a pinhole. I like I never had any engagement where it started with something, and then eventually different key stakeholders of senior leadership had question. That requires some analysis to be done to answer those questions. So, it is very important that how we eat managing the scope of this engagement, and understand the Sandy and the impact if we change something and manage the expectations accordingly. Stakeholder conversations would primarily be focused, focused on two areas.
Areas unit, which are unique to them, like, problem, any stakeholders would tell you, I have this problem in my area, and this is what my team does, this is my problem, and this is what I like to achieve. And they will also talk about some opportunities or issues or challenges.
Which are going to, which are shared across. And this is the main area where you would like to pay special attention. Because these shared areas are the ones where you will get, the business, is going to get the most value of the investment, and you'll get you and your proposed roadmap will get a lot more traction.
And while you do this work, you will find some areas, which are shared across, but there's no ownership on the business. So you have, you will identify those areas also along with that. And then ebon identifying and keep on, circling back with your stakeholders accordingly.
Stay focused to ensure you stick to the plan, and actively manage the scope of work, as I mentioned earlier. And don't boil the ocean, find the right focus area and, and and and the the prioritized ones.
The effort to this engagement has to be outcome based.
It has to be value driven. You can focus on strategic opportunities, but at the same time, the near term, objectives, and some of the quick wins, too, for the business, depending on what? what is their top agenda. In that year.
Many times, the proposed strategy and roadmap focuses on foundational components and those foundational projects to support those foundational components, while it is important to lay the strong lay this strong foundation. But, we have to ensure that the roadmap could always be focused on driving business value. They are ways you to have a robust strategy and business value driven roadmaps with underlying foundational components.
A good engagement on strategy and planning is acknowledged when it is done at the right time. Questions should be answered at the time, and they are relevant. We go to ensure, when we answer the question, when it matters the most, for that sought to understand what is the time constraints here? Is this work is going to be leveraged by some other planning process?
Says, We have a month or a month to happen. But then, again, we will have some collaborations and socialization. Then I go with that to how you and you let us energize your in this engagement with them to ensure that this work is used and consumed by your stakeholders.
So, what a good strategy and pending be comprised of It should factor in good blend of business and technology stakeholders. Context, as I mentioned earlier, stakeholder engagement by conducting interviews, understanding their concerns and issues is very important. I have not seen a successful roadmap developed for a business area without having active participation by the business and the stakeholders.
So, and then this analysis should be informed on what's happening in the industry for their business domain and relevant technology industry. So, there are times when the business is very keen to have some expertise or have some advisory. bear from the industry perspective, For example, we had one engagement on developing a framework for an integrated HR talent management, so we wanted to know is, is there any industry direction on that area that we can leverage?
A good effort is acknowledged, and deliverables are consume.
When it is delivered and the right, questions should be answered managed element, this analysis work should be relevant to the current realities of the enterprise, Like what your proposed work, I mean, to the impact projects. So, whenever we do strategy and planning work, we also review all the entire project that the business is, has taken upon, or what are the near term project which are embarking. So, you, and make sure that you develop your roadmap or your strategy, which is relevant to, or what they are actively trying to pursue.
The roadmap should be focused on driving business value, but other pitfall that I have seen in many architecture roadmap engagement, that they are mostly focused on foundational components, such as data, or common platform, development project, etcetera, We should be hyping such complexity and keep it within IT.
So, that is very important, because there are many times that, even within city, where the enterprise architects use to share that complexity with the business, and they were kinda proposing some projects. A business couldn't really see the value coming or coming to them. They had some pressures to kind of relief, and they wanted some quick wins. And at that time, telling them that you would want to have work on computer architecture, practice, or data architecture framework is not gonna work.
Senior stakeholders and program projects quantitative will have this particular question, what this roadmap mean to the program, or the current spending? So, your roadmap shouldn't be relevant, and, highly, I think, inter-dependent. Dependencies: Integration is important in the roadmap should ideally be between 2 to 4 years, of plan, anything. I feel, you know, and you can anything beyond four years, is, more of a region.
So, it should be like, gives us four years, anything below two years, is, is probably could be mini. May not be very realistic. So, you have it's normally 2 to 4. It is an ideal.
But, again, every organization is different than anything. I think depends on the maturity in that area, too.
And the roadmap, in most cases, you will also propose a governance review.
And this is sometime when we develop a roadmap. The very first thing we proposed in our roadmap is to review the governance. Are there any existing governance committees which are kind of functioning? And that requires a review here. Like in one instance, we identified around 300 governance committees to support one business domain and there was no, not even any alignment alignment between those committees, so they were not even complimenting them. They were kind of competing against each other.
Roadmap should be focused on service delivery all the time.
The deliverables like strategy roadmap on any model that you produce should be easy and self explanatory. A picture portrays a thousand words but the picture should not take more than more than reading. Those thousand words.
Excuse me, though.
This is a very common mistake, just have to be self explanatory. And this, and this was was one of the area where our former a practice kind of got most of the beating from the stakeholders.
A good strategy, and planning engagement should not be more than 3 to 1 month. I have noticed that when the businesses engage in Enterprise Architect.
Normally, they don't have the patience to wait more than 3 to 4 months. And even for those 3 to 4 month, we have to ensure we keep managing that expectation because the expeditionary will be keep on changing. To making sure that, you know, if we see the the scope is increasing or there is more complexity, how you can manage the expectations. And sometimes you have to hide the complexity and move some of the new findings on some of the deep dive work into, as part of your roadmap proposed roadmap initiative.
Normally, a 3 to 4 month is a good time. And you need to have some time left for some so socialization. And then and to ensure that that work is consumed by the planning process in the business area.
So, finally, I have some common tip that I would like to provide here that may indicate the EPE practice while supporting The Strategy and Planning moving in the right direction or not. And also to ensure that you know not to fall into some of those complex. So again, for me, people is always the top agenda. People, people and people like this will be E S credibility and anything EA developed, we have to calibrate, socialize with our stakeholders, have open dialog with them, build the strategy, not for them, but with them This really pays us all. We need to use plain and simple language that they can understand and avoid any philosophical discussion. I think those discussions like, what is the difference between business capability in a business function or an application function and the business, these are killing discussion, we are not going to help anyone.
So, we have to avoid such a ... developing strategy, which is not easy, sorry, developing a strategy which is easy to understand.
And, but again, developing a strategy process is not easy, is not one team that can do all that. It's a collective effort, and we require a clear roles and responsibilities, and, and ensure it's gonna fix then in a collaborative way.
We don't boil the ocean, be pragmatic, develop more one pages. This is what we do to provide one pages so that the questions can be answered by just, by having a good blend. So, maybe a minute or less than a minute to get the answer that they are looking for. Hindi right in. Yes.
And the focus should be develop less content that drives more values, have a clear context for any deliverable.
Avoid complex, busy pictures. This is, again, very important. Many times V architects like to develop complex models, and we expect that everyone will get it, but we have to avoid those things. Use your models to answer specific questions than sharing absolute models, for example, instead of sharing one big capability model.
Uh, Because many people may see it very, it's a very, it, being a very busy picture, it may make more sense to share what those, how those capabilities support the business case, or customer services, or wherever the top priority of the business, or this strategy. It has to be relevant and entering a particular question.
I don't overstretch, it's more about quality, it's less about quantity, the other is more about quality and less about quantity. The other roles, which are more focused on quantity. So, we, E S should be focused on quality and developing less content.
Be sure why. Who and how these deliverables are going to be consumed.
So like in my team, I had set up principle that we're not going to produce any deliverable unless we know will be the consumer, how they're going to consume it, and what will be the benefit to that. Consumer, We will not, otherwise, we will not be delivering any model or developing any model.
Be part of the value chain, timing of answering is the key, making sure that is considered all the time and senior management has questions they come to you, and while they have by, you know, they know that they will be getting the leave, its bond at the right time, and, and, and hitting the right areas.
Medium I need, it is a continuous process. Architecture is a mean to get there, it's not an end.
And finally, we have to build partnerships. No partnership is not a good sign.
And I believe this is the last slide.
And thank You for your time for my presentation. And, as I mentioned, you can send me an e-mail. if you are looking, if you want to get my presentation on how to, or we transform our E successfully at the City.
Thank you. All to you, Jose.
Thank you, Bill, I'll appreciate the comprehensive review and journey of Enterprise Architecture. We have a couple of minutes. So, I'll ask a quick question, here.
There are different questions about the challenges that you may have faced on, and implementing, you know, the strategy and the, the execution, of course, of enterprise, VA in the government setting in this, in a, in a public setting. And, but not so much of the challenges. You share the journey up to now, and there are there are there are comments and questions about is there an evolution to where you are, or where do you see as the next step of maturity of avoiding doing now with EA at the city of Calgary? Thanks for this a very nice question, and I normally call it in my evil plan, because I don't share their plan internally. We have to kind of, exchange thing under the, under the cover. Fine, don't worry about it. So, yeah, I'm just talking about talking within my Enterprise.
So, yes, I think, we have, as you know, we have started doing this strategy work for the enterprises. I think we have to, we have 35 line of businesses and seven departments, and each of the line of businesses have to be, And so, every level, we have to do this planning at the same time. But we don't see right now, happening is the, There is not a very like, great, cohesive approach between how those Enterprise class application of technology roadmaps are being developed. And, the businesses, What the patient is, we would like. We would like to have that handshake, having two-way communication happening. So, we plan to, for this, or socialize the strategy and plan that we are developing for them with them to make sure that they are kind of having a good, eventually producing good demand management practice for the city.
And, the other area that we are focused on is, is there we are trying to find efficiencies. So, we are kind of, we have been approached by our CIO to explore some of those common platforms on leveraging, can we improve cohesiveness across all those enterprise class applications, and, and, and, and the services that we get from that cohesiveness, and this is the end, and I think that's a big win from an enterprise architecture team or that the CIO is, is engaging them to do this kind of analysis, which is going to change the whole technology, landscape, or city, in the next five years, That's fantastic. Bill allows so grateful for you to take the time to share your expertise with us. We very much appreciate all the insights to share with us today.
Thank you. Appreciate it. Thank you. Thank you.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is this is the end of day one. So I hope to see all of you back tomorrow, and tomorrow, we have an exciting lineup of speakers and topics. So let me just run by them very quickly with you. We're going to start the day tomorrow with the challenges in realizing AI use cases for enterprises In the way forward Is going to be a session with the director of the senior director for SAP's artificial intelligence. So you do not want to miss. That, Will follow that up, directly from Mumbai, India, with the Enterprise Architecture Leader for mendl's. And ... is one of the largest companies in the world. And they're going to talk about in the context of their global operations follow-up by doctor ... Calix from Germany.
Discussing is scale Agile, how you scale Agile effectively with strategic portfolio management. And then we'll wrap the day tomorrow with the Vice President of Enterprise Quality and Operational Excellence for di keen applied. And he's going to talk about ownership and accountability, and the functional linkages to the enterprise operating system. So, these are experts on a global basis will be sharing who are, who will be sharing their expertise with us tomorrow, and I look forward to seeing you back. For those of you who are going to check with us on LinkedIn, leave a comment there, say, you know, make a comment about they won. And we look forward to continue the conversation on, on, on the platform afterwards. So have a great rest of your day wherever you are in the world, and that we'll see you tomorrow. Thank you, Bye, bye.
Bilal Siddiqi,
Leader of Business and Enterprise Architecture,
City of Calgary.
Bilal Siddiqi currently heads up business & enterprise architecture at The City of Calgary. He is responsible for supervising the enterprise architecture, business process and change management teams. He has completed various business technology strategy, planning and roadmap initiatives to support corporate and business portfolio level planning.
Prior to the local government setting, Bilal worked for global banking institution for 12 years, successfully carrying projects across the globe in New York, Vancouver, London. Bilal has a BSc in Computer Science from the University of Windsor and holds architecture certifications from The Open Group.
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