BTOES Insights Official
October 08, 2021

Digital Workplace Transformation Live - SPEAKER SPOTLIGHT: Transforming the Way of Working in the Digital Era

Courtesy of Teva Pharmaceutical's Dolly Shtreif below is a transcript of her speaking session on 'Transforming the Way of Working in the Digital Era' to Build a Thriving Enterprise that took place at Digital Workplace Transformation Live.



Session Information:

Transforming the Way of Working in the Digital Era

The Digital Business Transformation Journey – through culture and operations

  • Pre and post-Covid digital channels and culture change
  • Key steps for a successful business transformation
  • Case study: Digital Customer center
  • Changes in cultural organizations and mindset

Session Transcript:

Very excited for our next speaker. She's coming directly from Israel to the World today and I'm talking about Dolly Strife, Dolly, Heads, Global Digital Communication Channels at ... Pharmaceuticals. She has over 20 years of experience on various executive roles from large corporations such as Cisco and Amdocs, as well as several startups. She has vast experience in developing and implementing Corporate Communications Strategist, business development.

And of course these show transformations and innovations.

She was a key member of the team that worked on the Barcelona is smart city project, she grew up in West Africa in Cote d'Ivoire and did all her studies in the US. And now lives in Israel with her family, Dolley, Welcome.

Thank you so much for taking the time to share your expertise and wisdom with our global audience today.

Thank you so much as a thank you so much for the lovely introduction. I really appreciate it.

Without further ado, I'm going to start. Hopefully, you guys can see my screen.

Looks great.

Great, excellent.

So, I'm going to start telling you a little bit about what is just saying this dimension talking about business transformation, particularly, digital business transformation, and talking about it from a culture perspective, as well as an operations perspective.

So, I'm not going to go through just to click here.

Some reason you go, so I'm not going to go for the background, because I did an amazing job at that. So I'm just going to skip that.

I'm going to start with an amazing person that, I think that an amazing good for the digital transformation businesses, especially, is, that is a guru as far as I'm concerned to how transformations are being done or how they should be done here. This is a quote by Jeff Bezos. He's the leader of Amazon and the founder of Amazon and as you know, I'm sure most of you already know Amazon began its journey as a book retailer.

It started out in ways that many of us did not believe me. We're either going to where they started in a way that silly, they started pouring into new sectors besides the book retailer, business, they went into fashion, they went into food industries and so on and so forth. As lonely they started to co-operate, and also going into new areas very successfully, I must say.

And the reason being is because not only the adjunct, and because they were fasting doing so, it will be inventing the wheel each time, and big ahead of the game, but also because of the fact that was absolutely amazing at doing cultural transformation. It is all because of the DNA of the company, the DNA that adopts re-invent, that is capable and willing to experience new tools, and new platforms, and new areas all the time. It's absolutely critical for a company to be agile, to be re-inventing itself, and the wheel all the time, but also to be very sustainable and willing to adopt.

That's the second thing, is make sure that you're always ahead of the game, so that nobody can actually replicate what you're doing.

Let's see what the rest of just telling us, and this is some of the things that he was mentioning in the quote, without reading, they type, what do you do you guys, today?

So, if we look at the quotes that we actually have here, from the fact that digital transformation everybody talks about, everybody mention digital transformation as a way of doing business these days, and we should do business transformation, We should do digital, business transformation, and so on and so forth. I can tell you that a lot of it is, it's difficult.

It's very, very difficult.

It's something that is, as I just mentioned, has to be in the DNA of the company.

It has to be in the culture, and it's not something that is just a decision to be made and going into immediately. So this is the research that was done on the slide here.

You can see and research that was conducted by McKinsey. And in 2019 story about the dogs, I apologize.

How Before we begin here, we can see that business transformation is not always as successful, or as easy as it should be.

Sometimes, I can see companies that have done so well, you know, digital transformation, and they succeeded in part of it. Some of them is not succeed at all, so I'm just not going to read the entire slide, but you guys can definitely see the numbers here.

And you can see that digital transformation is a hard process, but it takes some stepping to do in order to do it correctly. So, again, I apologize for the doctor going to shut up in a second.

Screenshot - 2021-07-31T184918.218This is another quote quote by Lenin. And the quote that was actually pathways to middle grades by the Prime Minister, so enough Prime Minister, but the Parliament member of the Scottish Government.

Well, George Gallery, and he says, there are decades where nothing happens.

There are weeks with decades happened.

This is very, very relevant to what we are facing today, and especially during pumping.

In, if you look at the retail US retail e-commerce industry, you can see the numbers are alarmingly surprises. And you can see that. Anybody can see it in no matter what sector you in.

But just so that you understand, from the years 2000 to 2020, the share of overall with US, retail, just about an average of 1%, 1% per year, Beth March to meet April 20 20.

It actually grew from 16% to 27%. I'm stressing that specifically because I want to get to that point where it's roughly 11 years of growth in just eight weeks.

I believe them, unbelievable.

This is happening not just in the digital area, but in the, in the US retail area. But it's also in other areas as well, in almost all sectors. We've seen that change. And this is something that is really fast forwarding us in those numbers to something like 20, 30 already.

So, again, companies that were business ready, when the business transformation, we'll actually see 10 years, four besides companies that did not prepare themselves for the digital transformation in India, We've seen a very, very huge difference between those that were ready, and those that were not ready.

Another thing is that leaders need to understand that these days, it's not a nice to have to have a business digital transformation. It's a must.

It's really a mass term.

And no matter what sector you, no matter where you are in the world, is a must have, if you wanted to continue doing a successful business, if you want to succeed, successfully communicate and sell you your goods, you need to be properly digitally ready.

That's one thing. The second thing is that we're seeing that behavior, both at work and at home, and our kids are either not grandparents, as there's a digital these days to order food, etcetera, etcetera, right?

So, if we're looking at what Mackenzie collective again, and that is from 2020, with, it shows the all the businesses that were ready from a digital perspective grew about to 50 to 70%. Which is pretty amazing. You would say.

But doing coffee when we were all closed at home. And we have no other way of shopping for food or fluids. We have to order them online and we can see immense increase in the way that people actually penetrate that the digital e-commerce area and even other sectors, as I mentioned earlier.

So, here, you can see, that, just in Q 4, 2020, there were over 30% growth of people that actually shocked.

So, amazing increase That's number one.

The second thing that you can see is that two out of three people when they were asked, How did they did their shopping, whether it was for food or for electric staff, or for any other goods, they said they did it on. Now, in my opinion, this is something that is going to continue to increase, and this is something that business leaders need to understand as well as comprehend the business on your way of working. And this is something that will continue to increase.

Now, if we want to do proper digital transformation, as I said earlier, there are few steps that we need to take in order to assure that everything is is aligned and aware and capable in this sense. So, so, those are the three conditions that I see for making a very successful digital transformation. The first one, is create awareness. What do I mean by awareness?

Awareness, meaning having a vision, and a strategy, and also understanding what it is that you want to go. What do you want to reach? Where do you want to be?

At the end of the process, the alignment is making sure that you align with all the different units within your organization, Making sure that you're doing alignment. As well as understanding of what is needed, what platforms are needed, what tools are needed, et cetera, et cetera, to assure that there is cross the board understanding between the different units of the organization.

From a capability perspective, you need to understand and assure that you have the correct people, the correct knowledge, the correct skills, and the correct processes in place in order to make sure that you're doing this in a very orderly manner but also in a very well monitored timeframe.

This is also very important. So these are the three components that I see as preconditions for the digital transformation.

So this is something that will take us through this presentation hopefully will resonate after me.

So Jonathan, what do I mean by talk to him?

It could be a spiritual or religious slogan. But to me, talk term here, especially related to the digital transformation, I would say that it's, it's the principle of convincing a large group of people.

Btog CTAAnd really making sure that they understand that we have going to have a beneficial way for the entire group. So, collecting a large group of people, and giving the benefit of, giving them something that they can expect, something that they can look forward to.

If I'm going too fast, let me know, But I only have 30 minutes. You guys can ask questions afterwards, if needed.

So, S just mentioned, I used to work for a company called amdocs, and when I spoke to Brian, and I read some of the case studies that I've worked on, it was really, really case by this case studies bringing it to you today. This is definitely something, from my time at the work that I did it, and here, I'm going to talk to you about the digital Customer experience that I did over when I was working in adults.

So when the handoffs, it was in the early 2014 to 20 15, and Amdocs wasn't a very transitional period.

It was a time where stop price was not growing as fast as it was growing in the past. It was a time where their products were not seen as digital, were not seen as user friendly. A lot of the world, we're starting to think, at least the big organizations company. By the way, I'm Box, is the billing company. For those of you who don't know, I apologize for not explaining that. The billing company it's working with companies like AT&T and T-Mobile and others throughout the world. It's very well known in the building industry, until 20 14 was very much related to the billing work. And when it started to see that a lot of other companies are looking for all solutions, and also for digital way of working, it understood immediately that they have no choice, but to really transform yourself digitally.

So that means that they even had to change the way the product we're looking, you know, they were old-fashioned in the products. You can see a picture of your fashion with products that they had in the screens that they have.

So everything needed to be changed, so from a concept perspective, from a company perspective, going into new areas, for instance. So, for example, they went into the security business. They went into the networking business, but video, business, and so on. And really, they also try to, like a lot of other companies, by the way, trying to do a lot of acquisitions.

That will allow them to get a bigger portfolio of data, a customer base, But, not only that, but it's ready for that. That will be integrated immediately into your system, and it will provide your customers with best solutions.

So, with that in mind, you know, we were thinking about how it is that we're going to work with our customers holidays, that we are going to work with customers in a way that we bring them, we changed their mindset about the old gods and what it represents in the past. And how we want to show them in a new that. Yeah. So, we thought about creating some sort of like a big space where we call that the Innovation Center at some point, and then afterwards it became the customer experience. And basically, we wanted to show them a holistic journey of first about repositioning.

So, showing up goes, in a way, that is innovative, that is digital, that is ahead of the game. But it's also has all the different market trends, and it understands the different needs.

Perspective, and also the world industry trends that are happening.

And also showcasing them, you know, all the new products.

So all the products that I was mentioning earlier that we're all throwing that away. Showing them the new screens, the New Way of Working. And not only that, but also working with different partners and startups to make sure that we bring a holistic and full solution to these customers. And that was something that was really amazing, because that created a whole new concept in a way of working for these teams.

From another perspective, it was a way for us to inspire, not just by using the internal teams that we had in showing our new product, and the transform capabilities, but also inspiring. Well, the internal audiences, as well as the external audiences.

So with mine, Rebuilt, customer experience center, one in another institution, quarters of, Israel, by the way, is the headquarters of Amdocs in Israel.

It's basically is where most of the management, a lot of large buildings, very big campus. A lot of impression apple for the repositioning and so on, and really showing the grandiose amdocs to those customers.

And then the other location was to do it in San Jose in the California, where it's the hub of the innovation center, where it's the place where most of the people go to. To get ideas to, to, to work with the big guys, you know, like, Cisco, and Google, and so on, and so forth. So, obviously, is a big company. And the San Jose would be another great location for eight to showcase its digital transformation so that people can see it and partner with it, as well as understand its digital transformation.

So, in this Experience Center, we basically looked at millions of ideas on how to dress costumes.

Now, bear in mind, again, I'm talking about 2014, 2015, guys. Yeah, this is not after. This is not before Way before. Yeah. So this example for companies like Amazon and dogs, all these companies that sell the game ahead of the time, and they prepare for, this is the reason why today get ready for the changes that are happening to me. So, in that time, we looked at different solutions and different, I would call it, gains that we have in the exterior, the center. So for example, facial recognition that today, for us, it's very normal and very useful. But at the time, you know, facial recognition was very hard to find. We looked at robots, we looked at Alexa. At the time, We looked at holograms in the way of rejecting our new products and so on. You know, again, it had to be very engaging experience.

They had to introduce the journey that we wanted to take them grow.

and and also, when I'm talking about the journey, I'm talking about for the time being arrive until the time they leave the full-time is actually being planned in a way that you sort of like brainwash them. But it's a good way, in the sense of allowing them to see all the wonderful things that you can provide them, and how you can partner with them to find the best solution that is suitable for the company. Obviously, we're talking about sustainable technology. We're talking about cloud based technologies, and we're also talking about long lasting experience.

So basically, the idea there, and you can see some examples at the bottom of things that we actually showcase at this dislocation was really to show them that we have the best state of the art technology. And we know what we're talking about. We know where we're heading And we know what is needed for them to succeed.

This is I'm not going to go for all of this.

This is just some of the journey processes that we took them through. We even have an application from the time, when even before they arrived. When they were just invited to the center, It would say, you know, welcome. And we're going to see you in about six weeks time, or whatever it is. And this is your agenda. This is who is expecting you. This is your driver, the airport. And this is why don't we? Before the visit, this is what you need to expect. Those are the meetings that are expecting you, as well as after they leave the session.

What did you think about the session? How was it for you? And as well as sending them all the precipitations and surveys and things like that.

Other things that we connected with them was about through social channels. Now, again, remember, social channels were not as popular as they are today.

So for people to actually going this time and for people to actually see the actual and even engage or complement in any way possible, So whether through their mobile phones or through the different interactive screens that there were in the center, we allowed them to share the visit, to talk about the visit, What they saw, what they wanted to compliment on, and even some feedback.

For instance, that was shared with us over in social.

This is just an example of the demo button. As you can see, it's a soundproof. It's huge. By the way, I don't know if you guys can see the magnitude of this room. But it's, it's a really executive looking room with everything. That you've had iPads, and speakers and hologram screens, and so on and so forth. By the way, just, the screen that you're seeing in front of you is about 11 meters. I don't know in inches, I apologize.

Event Email Graphic Virtual Conferences (17)-1But, it's 11 meters long, which is huge, OK, So, just to give you the idea of the magnitude of this, this room, and, again, just like I mentioned, you know, this was the screens that they so we have different capabilities of them sharing their experiences And for us to share with their different things on the different platforms. Even here, you can see some of the things we did on Instagram, or the old logo, Instagram picture, and even snapshot. You know, things have changed since then.

But one thing I can tell you is that the center has remained.

The center is still functioning. And today, this method of working has shown that it's really valuable. It's really successful. And it's a great way to connect to our different audiences.

With that in mind, I apologize that I don't have the latest data, because I've left Underdogs about three years ago, But one thing I can tell you is that, as I said, It's, it's very successful until today. I know that from customer satisfaction perspective, the people that are still talking to me about it. So also change of, wait. Sorry, weight, changing the way they working perspective. And this is much more people are asking to conquer the center, because they know they're going to get the fullest attention. They're going to get all the management that they're going to get the best demos possible, and they are going to find out whatever it is that they need for their business to go forward. And also definitely from an ROI perspective, I can tell you that the sales definitely uplifted and showed great success from that perspective as well.

So with that in mind, another term for you guys, observance observance is the Practice of Observing the requirements of the law or reach.

I'm not a religious person. So don't get me wrong with this term and observance here.

But just to set, to share with you that, the idea of gathering people together, making sure that they have a common ideology and common ground, to work for a common goal that they want to reach. This is what I see in the digital transformation.

Now, as I mentioned, virtual thing, I'm currently working at pharmaceutical. It's one of the largest generic company in the world today. And, I'm going to talk about how we embedded the digital culture and its capabilities into the corporate brand.

Well, now, no.

I joined in 20 19, and I don't know if this is if this is something that I'm known to come forward when there's a crisis, But usually these are the cases when I joined the company.

So, here, as well, when I joined in 20 19 was after a massive restructuring period, it had a lot of companies, the big wired that were completely separated from one another, they weren't completely independently from one another. And that when the core skills, who is our current CEO came aboard, what the first thing that he did, he said, We are going to rebrand the company.

We are going to gather everybody under one umbrella.

Calling it trigger.

No more different names for the different companies. Every magic thing is one.

Everybody using the same finances, same logo, same everything and the other thing that was quite crucial was about not only acting as when Tena but really doing proper communication.

Not only externally but also internally. So, we have the mission of getting both our internal audiences as well as our external audiences into a way that they think like that they communicate with one another and share knowledge, most importantly.

So, what we did is, we created what I call center X events, because it's something that I also did an outbox, by the way, and also some of the startups that I've worked at.

And basically, here, it's a restructured support system that allows you to give support to the different units that exist within the organization and externally.

But, not only that, from a communications perspective, it allows you to, to, to use different channels in a very corporate way, but also in a very successful way.

Meaning, you're speaking one language, you are, you are all messaging the same. Say, You are talking the same way, etcetera, etcetera. So, not having different stories to one company. So, again, looking at it from both local, as well as global perspective.

We centralize the editorial streams all the content. No more. Anybody creating their own stuff, implementing and managing support infrastructure, making sure it's efficient, both globally and locally as well.

And also, using very upskilling and enhancing global and local digital activation through the different channels, as well as different teams worldwide.

Now, as mentioned before, in order to do a transformation roadmap, it's not something that happens over one night. Not even two diets, not even a year even.

It's a process, it's definitely a process, and these companies that started before understood that they're not going to reach the level they want to reach in a year, or half a year, or even a month.

Uh, it's a, it's a phased approach. And, it's something that you know. First, you build the foundation, then, we talk about the implementation of the different digital platforms that you want to implement. Then, you've talked about scaling, and leveraging some of those services, and how we're going to support the organization, and only a year for you, starting to understanding how you want to you for, where you want to take it to the next, how you want to take it to the next level.

I'm going really fast. I just want to make sure I'm keeping time here.

So, in order to do that, amazing and successful business transformation, my belief, and this is how I always work. That needs to be proper and orderly. Governance in place. So there needs to be different units with different groups that are actually working together to assure that their path is leaning towards a successful transformation.

Screenshot (4)Having a CFO, which is a big group of all the different stakeholders, especially used, usually, in the State, going to see the big management members that are deciding on the path. As well as what is going to come up next. And then we have a project team, a team that does the actual work itself. We have different stakeholders that we use, both locally and globally, as well as the market activation team, which is putting and implementing all of that and bringing it to life.

These are some of the things that we put in place in, the, in the digital services, that I created a lot of, it is things that they can actually do themselves being independent, although, we have incentive. Who gives them services.

But I also want them to be independent and do things up. There obviously aligned with everything else that is happening throughout the company.

You know, we have done a rollout of, for it, I think, it was the year. We did something like 59 websites, worldwide, globally and locally. That we've drawn in life with a new brand, new look and feel, digital looking.

We also created, as I mentioned, the content app, and a lot of the messaging.

We also put together a very fast Analytics dashboard in a way that they can actually see, when we're doing Go, where we're going.

How are we doing well? When are we not doing well? What is happening at all times, and, and it's very important to measure yourself, especially in the digital world itself.

This is just another way for you to see what we have done and how we like all the different corporate and local stuff into one unified look and feel.

Which is the one breath, as well as some of the quotes, as well as compliments that we got from our stakeholders, and leaders talking about some of the programs that we've put in place.

Now, just to summarize, we lead by example.

We are cooking the building blocks as we speak. We put the Foundation in place.

We are executing and integrating, meaning we are rolling out new sites. We even talking about creating a new intranet.

We are in the in the hard core of the work for the new entrant into the company.

We are seeking services about how it is that we're going to facilitate the work for the all the rest of the B use. The rest of the inquiries, and also for external audiences.

How are we doing, globally and locally execute? We're going to bless all that flexibility to make sure that there is no, while, that does a lot of our work, and one group that doesn't do much. Training is involved here, and as I always say, it's not us versus them, but us acting as Montana.

So, with that, I think I'm just on time, let's say, and thank you so much.

Thank you. It's Brian here, just a not a problem. Let me tell me if I could.

Fantastic, um, what a fantastic presentation. Johnna your presentation seems to have popped up again.

You choose sheremet, that's not a problem.

Is it better?

Let me stood up. OK, so, we're gonna go, it seems to have gone down, it's fantastic doing a regular tour de Force. I only wish we were able to give you another 40 minutes. I'm sure there's just oodles. We could go through. I really, really enjoyed the presentation. And I actually have an initial question just for me, which is the investment the Dots chose to make in this sort of customer experience perspective, especially at a time, as you pointed out when there was limited social media. It was not something that everybody was doing. How did you go viral?


What was required?

Just to literally get that conversation off the ground, through to the investment that they made at the end of the day.

So I can tell you that, for me, Sisko was a very good university, to be very honest. The company where, almost every week, we had a new product coming, We have to study, we have to learn it, as well as adopted, and even know how to market to the market. So it was absolutely amazing. University, as I said, in a learning curve. And hearing Amdocs, what I did is, I have to convince people, it's a lot of conversations. It's a lot of showing where we want to go.

How are we going to reach it, resonating with the businesses, especially with the business? making them understand that this is something that will bring them value?

This is something that It's, it's not just about having another meeting that It's not a meeting room. Yeah. So that we have plenty of other meetings. And by the way, the investment was huge for that particular space. It's, yeah. So, it's for us to get that budget festival. At the time, the company was still going into new areas, that still a thing about where they're going to go and how they're going to do things. Still, there was a lot of convincing to do.

And I think also, from a leadership perspective, readiness, to go to the next level.

I think once you have all of that together, I think, obviously, you can manage.

And did you require what sort of sponsor, ultimately do the required, to really kind of make sure that the journey continued into the direction of travel that you want to do?

Screenshot - 2021-07-31T184918.218So, first of all, R&D had to be involved because of the product demos, as well as all the different technology goodies, I call them, yeah? So all these guys, you know, I call them all the gurus of the companies need to be involved. And make sure that they're a place, you know, there is a manager of the actual space.

That is making sure that there's always up to date things that are happening.

Or even new applications, new stuff, new screens, new or whatever, so that's done. It wasn't external. Sponsorship is mainly in turn.

So it was just the sales and R&E mainly as well as the IT guys obviously, as an asset marketing that basically work extremely well together to get this up and running until Friday.

Well, uh, I'd love to delve a bit more time, but that's purely me being very selfish and we've got a number of great questions when we hit a totally. Sure. one of which is from Irene, who, so it's nice to meet you donate, and she's coming from my place in India and she wanted to open by thanking you for the great insights, but she's really intrigued to know how you can use totem in building culture in digital transformation. I wonder if you could go a little bit more into that?

So, as I said, total for me is really gathering the large group of people into understanding and co-operating together.

So, if you recall, I did, as I did say, about three components for successful business transformation, so, it's awareness, it's alignment, and I'm not sure what. The other one was. I think it's the capability of the stadium.


So, basically, those three components: we're using the left-hand side, you know, convincing management convincing the sales team convincing the R&E team that this is going to be eventually beneficial for them. And you show different cases or different places where things work.

Together, once they gather, you build whatever is right for you as a group, But you, as a company, and together, you go into the common goal, and the common thing that you want to see eventually at the end of the session.

Fantastic. Thank you for that. Irene, hopefully that gives you a little bit more insight. And please do remember that you can catch up with totally, hopefully, on social media, ready to continue that conversation. William, High William, great to see you here again. We have has a question around Upskilling and really wants to know, could you sort of elaborate a bit more around sort of needs plans and executions of root? Really sort of hone in on what levels of the organization did you find needed upskilling the merged.

So actually, you know, funding that, the ones that needed the upskilling the most with a sales.

Because they have a certain way of working, and they thought they knew their customer best.

Because they were pretty sure that the way they actually got the hour while the quotes of the day, it was working perfectly fine. They have the best relationship with their customers in New York and was asked to come and talk to them about their customers and their relationship with customers and how to improve the alloy for their customer.

So that was sort of like an ego trip that, if you will, and not understanding how we wanted to get involved in The Sales Process, which was, like a very well guarded kind of community, yeah.

So, so with that, they were the difficult, most difficult group to convince.

But I honestly say, and I always say that, is, that once they were on board, and once they were, in the first session, the first account manager that left the session came out of it, know, they were like, completely conquered, and they understood the value of that journey. They understood the meaning of what we can give them, which is much more, by the way. It's taking them a lot of time, A lot of traveling, a lot of different meetings and conversation over the years, where you actually bring them over.

Just for that one day.

You have everything in one space, instead of doing, so you can imagine the cost savings, as well as, you know, the effect effectiveness of the actual meeting. But they were the ones I struggled with the most.

Well, as a, as a conventional guy myself at times, I completely empathize. Glad to hear that we you can lead us to water and we will drink.

Moving on just quickly. Karen has a question which really relates around those companies and agencies which are a bit more risk averse and bureaucratic, brief bureaucratic nature. I, government, agencies and others without source. What should organizations do that? We don't have what it takes normally as part of the adana culture to really move forward in this, just generally because of their histories and the nature of being risk averse, and somewhat somewhat site overly bureaucratic.


So as I say, always, you know, there are times where you can convince, obviously. There are times that you cannot convince an absolutely agree. Those times, when you need to bring in the big cancers. I told them, you know, you have to bring in either consultants or somebody that this particular management trust and also getting the word across sometimes in some organization and management, that, I've seen that.

You know, they're better off. Getting it from somebody that is external than somebody that is internal.

So, bringing in somebody that is an expert of course, but also, you know, talking to them about some of the pain points, some of those things that make the difference for them and sharing their path.

I always say some people prefer to pay a lot of money for it, and they think that they pay a lot of money for it. They, they did a successful job, again, there needs to be a complete process to this. There needs to be alignment within the different units, that needs to be a lot of work between the different groups.

So, even if you bring in somebody from the outside, make sure that all of this work is done within the organization itself.

Because, if not, it's not going to work. And by the way, some of those consultants are wonderful and great, But they don't understand the DNA of the company. Or they don't understand the way things are happening in the company, or the politics, even in the company, and so forth.

So there's a lot of things that need to be aligned, put into a governance, and then you can move ahead successfully.

Fantastic. So thank you for that, totally. Kara, and I hope that gives you a little bit of insights. And please do follow up with Jody following the events on social media, I'm sure she'd be happy to share that with you. So I have another interesting question, which takes me back to the days of mobile to the early days of mobile telephony. Is it possible for a new enterprise to design itself, is digital and leap frog existing companies who have to take the digital transformation route? And from my perspective, that harks back to what, to certain parts of Africa, dude, when the mobile phones came into existence, but this is really something that a serious business with Aspirations can can do from the outset.

So the question said, can you Yeah, Really, rather than the Question is, Is it possible for a new enterprise to design itself, purely is?

as a Digital one and leapfrog, existing companies have to take the digital transformation route out of their existing setups.

So as I said, some of them are successful, some not. But I think if you're doing in an orderly manner, I think you can do it. And most of them that have done it properly have been very successful, and the results have shown that.

Event Email Graphic Virtual Conferences (17)-1We're also in the period of time where, you know, digital is part of our life, and it's not going to go away.

So obviously, the more you invest, the more you actually going to going into the digital platforms, as well as even organizational changes within your organization, I think you will definitely succeed.


Fantastic. And finally, if I may, sort of question from one of the others around the approaches that you see most successful, positing the view that they often see two approaches taken. Either **** the torpedoes or plan carefully and execute with timidity. Where all the continued do you normally see the best results.


Whoa. And we won't hold you to this.


Thank you to all of it.

To be very honest. It's, it's, it's kind of a little bit of all.

Oh, this, you know, there's north-west specific path.

But I think it what fits best your organization, it's something that organizations are small, some of them are big. Some of them are in particular culture than others. And I think it's something that each company needs to look at. You know, when they actually look at themselves. You know, in their DNA, as well as their culture and everything else. You know, and understanding what fits best.

Fantastic. Johnny. I wish we had more time to talk, and it's been really enjoyable.

Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and expertise with us, and I hope the rest of the day is really great.

See. And I apologize for the dogs. At some point, if This was, by the way, I'm not sure, But, unfortunately, for dogs at home and couldn't keep them quiet, so thank you so much for having me.

No problem. Take care.


So ladies and gentlemen, I hope you enjoyed the previous presentation. As much as I did, and at the top of the hour, we have a really exciting panel session coming up, led by Bobby Patrick, from UI path, with Jeff King from Sonic Automotive, and Peach Marah from ADT. And what they'll be looking at is the race, to become a fully automated enterprise. Really building on the posit that if your normal automating work today, you're well behind the game. So, really exciting opportunity coming up. Please join us at the top of the hour, and we look forward to welcoming you back.


About the Author

Dolly Shtreif-1Dolly Shtreif,
VP Global Digital Communications Channels,
Teva Pharmaceuticals.

Accomplished business executive with over 20 years of experience in developing and implementing global marketing and corporate external communication strategies and plans. Proven expertise in successful business transformation to Digital. High-performing leader who inspires, mobilizes and manages international teams to achieve outstanding results.

Main Areas of Expertise:
Effective marketing strategies; Brand management; Account management; Strategic planning; Consultative sales; Digital transformation; Business communications; Business operations; n Cross-platform digital brand awareness. n

Major Accomplishments:
Expanded existing relations/partnerships by implementing a consultative sales approach ensuring that clients’ business objectives are met; Business development and facilitation of multi-million dollar operations, mergers and acquisitions; Barcelona Smart City; Formed and developed a corporate Digital team; Conceptualized, built and launched 2 Customer Experience Centers (IL, USA); Initiated and created the global brand Cisco Expo; Diversity and Inclusion Leader for Southern Europe. n

I-Excel Program Winner (2011) n Marketing Hero n Best Place to Work (Spain, Italy, Portugal and France) n

My professional qualities combine a high-end customer interface, an easy-going personality and a constant drive to initiate and achieve business goals. These qualities provide me with the capability to successfully lead a team in a dynamic and multi-disciplinary environment. Known as Trusted Advisor and business development strategist to CEO and senior executives.


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