BTOES Insights Official
February 17, 2023

Digital Workplace Transformation Live - SPEAKER SPOTLIGHT : Let’s Get Back to Work: Establishing a Process Framework to Enable your Return-to-Work Plans

Courtesy of Nintex's Erik Hille below is a transcript of his speaking session on 'Let’s Get Back to Work: Establishing a Process Framework to Enable your Return-to-Work Plans' to Build a Thriving Enterprise that took place at the Digital Workplace Transformation Live - A Virtual Conference.



Session Information:

Let’s Get Back to Work: Establishing a Process Framework to Enable your Return-to-Work Plans

After more than two years, many companies are ready to return to the office. As much as 50% of companies worldwide have, either communicated the return date, or are already offering work from the office options today.1 At the same time, workers have concerns. They have adapted well to work from home and frequently prefer hybrid options.

Companies need to plan their return-to-work processes to help mitigate health and safety, family and even preferential concerns…and they need to be NIMBLE!!! These very real issues happening against a backdrop of emerging viral strains, altered CDC and OSHA guidelines and frequently changing federal, state, and local regulations.

Join Erik Hille, Director of Solutions Marketing at Nintex for an insightful webinar that will touch on:

  • What key processes areas to consider to effectively offer return to work options
  • The importance of process automation in establishing and changing these processes
  • How low-code approaches to this automation ensure that companies remain flexible and resilient in a dynamic environment

Session Transcript:

Erik Hille, who is coming in from, as the Director of Solutions mark, getting for new tax.

Eric, real pleasure to have you with us. We're excited about you, talking about, let's step back to work. How do we establish a process framework to enable our return to work plans? Thank you so much for taking the time, sharing your wisdom and expertise for global audience today.

Thank you, just say, I appreciate that, I'm gonna make sure I get, capture a little recording of your saying. I have wisdom, expertise, so I can share my kids.

So, I genuinely appreciate the warm welcome votes.

Thank you all for taking a little time out of your day, this morning, to sit down and talk about this, this topic, or me, this, you know, returning to work and the impact that, that we have seen coven over the past couple of years. And adapting to that is something that's kind of near and dear to my heart.

So, I'm hoping that we can spend a little bit of time today, doing a couple of things.

First of all, just to advance.

We'll talk a little bit about, in essence, the risks of returning to work. Again, with, when we think about that, obviously, there are health concerns. And I'm sure that comes top of mind for everybody else.

But, no, we also have an amazing backdrop regulations and guidelines and people's attitudes that we're going to have to consider as we step forward in this new world.

And so, we're going to talk a little bit about the complicated dynamics that, that these processes can take on, where you can focus to actually drive adaptability for your organization, nature, flexible, and meet the needs of the most employees that you can.

Erik HilleHow automation is, this helps here, but I really think of it as a critical component of being flexible and nimble Day.

So, an environment that's constantly changing.

Then, you know, obviously, we'll talk just a little bit about you know what, that's going to come up in that role.

You know, I promise not to turn this into a huge commercial for you folks, though, really would like to keep this focused on the thought leadership space focused on the issues that our new working style has pushed us towards.

So, no, in light of that. I think we'll start with a little shock and awe, no return to work.

Right now, when we think about that, we're opening up the offices and say 3 times 4 times a week is something that is currently risky for companies.

No, no. This is happening against the backdrop of a lot of executives wanted to return the opposite groups to this three times a week.

But at the same time, when we look at the employee's reaction, is not this thing.

You know, whereas, you know, the executive level of our organizations is almost overwhelmingly interested, Maintenance back to work brilliantly. About a third, always built the same way.

We'll talk a little bit about, know, the different dynamics they're different, and boys have different needs in just a moment.

Nonetheless, what we're saying is that, you know, really, two thirds of organizations are still planet warm spot in space.

So, you know, if you look at Take Cloyd, kind of face value, what we're doing, in essence, is, following the executive called return to work, and maybe not entirely listening to employers, different needs.

And with that, no, I won't mention that.

No, it is very, right, so not all work from home experiences have been created equal now, or I get too far down the path.

The girl on the right there is, my daughter, that's backup, Becca, is a recent graduate from the University of Delaware.

I will say that I spent last weekend moving back up from the Boston area down to Burst or or or Walkup, in Manhattan and the human, as I'm sitting here talking to you, I think my name is Barb.

Btog CTAI actually put back on this slide with purpose though right, because I think that when we start to think about voids, we have a tendency to think of our boys And people that are working in our organization is much less than that, that thing.

In fact, what most employees have actually had better than expected experiences in the work from home environment, both being more productive, and actually think that will spend more time in pumps.

Like, family activities, that's not virtual.

What folks are complaining about the overwork, confusion?

A lot of living situation challenges, the entry level employee, that is that is Becca. In a nutshell is lipids are like this?

Are less likely to say that that remote work does not.

So in other words, when I have anecdotal conversations with my daughter, she genuinely wishes she could be in office work environment, because she would like to have that social actions should get started with the career.

Now, employees with dependants are a little bit more excited to return to the office and those, by the way, this dependence would be kind of on par with that. Are both young kids in some cases. Also, poets who are maybe help me take care of elderly.

Remember that bandwidth as well.

But you know that mixing, in that case, has made it a little bit more challenging, for some point. So we have a group compose it, really want to go back.

We have another group of employees that are maybe not too thrilled.

So for any of you folks, by the way, who are interested, can break your run your entry level boys and making sure they have good experience, the tips from Becca spotless.

My daughter, by the way, despite looking quite good, the cheerleader, it is definitely a boot.

So, snacks, catered lunch, Cold brew, hot tap with oatmeal, and maybe we'd be happy hour.

For centralization, are our recommendations.

So, you know, I'm sure, on top of anything else, I would say about process automation, of the things that we need to do in order to make ourselves Bible. At least, I've given one good salt tip you can take away.

So, the pressure to get this right, it's very there.

And I'm probably not telling you much that you haven't seen anecdotally.

But let's take it all together, kind of put it on the exit poll.

No, We talk about getting this wrong.

When we talk about not providing experience that maybe folks with dependents want, or, or, you know, folks who are not want to go to work because they don't have that feeling that they could save me time that they want you gotta consider that because employee mobility is at an all-time high.

I didn't see last month's numbers but, you know, up until last month, some of the boy, mobility numbers were the highest on record.

So people are leaving jobs in droves.

I'm sure most of you folks have seen evidence of the great resignation as well. I was literally flipping through LinkedIn.

Because I, too, recently changed jobs.

And on that, I noticed that there were problems, 10, 50 people that I know few years, then it also shifted blocks as well.

Now, at the same time, when we think about the processes that we need for our panel, you know, put things in place, so, please, have in office options as option.

We see that that's happening against a lot of changes, as well.

So, for instance, you know, fluid regulations.

Now, there were some cases in my, where no, the entirety of police force had to be that, of course, tracking whether they were vaccinated.

There have been other cases where, in the backdrop of making sure that say, everybody had to be backed by regulation, by local regulation, that some of those things were recently overturned in the Supreme Court.

So, you know, my point is, a lot of things are big chunk drive while things have been changed.

And now, on top of that, know, we've got, you know, we've got coming up, and those new guidelines are not because, as, you know, we've had strange upfront to the United States and frankly, the world, never really around the, you know, the term, your account here, but now the strain coming up and even as the guidelines were starting to shift in robotics, it's entirely possible. These guidelines will again change.

Maybe you know, things like longer isolation times or longer quarantine tops could come back as well. Masked mandates might come back into effect as well.

Event Email Graphic Virtual Conferences (17)-1You know, when we look at those guidelines, yeah, the fact, they're always cheat, that means that we, as a company, also have to check with them.

I mean, obviously, the ordering that needs to happen in the context of mass work, you know, you don't get Boston recently.

Relax all that sparring mandates as the upfront first came down.

But now that the next strict to start my chip that might therefore be the companies to make sure that they have good processes in place for buying as well as group support.

But, my point is, is that all of this is happening at once, and we're willing to get this right: How do we cross this caste?

And let me let me actually take one step back.

Part of the writing answer, what we start to look at the mix of people, the different desires, is to make sure that we have options for it.

In fact, look, I think most of us have talked a little bit about, oh, Cyclops, most of us, have talked about.

Hybrid is a work option.

I think that that is something that's really taken back, but people were saying that it's now been dominant way that people deal with this work at home.

not working now.

Clearly that's been very strict. You know, if you're in manufacturing, you need to have people on the floor. The ships, you know that's going to be less of an option for you.

But even there, what we see is that there are certain roles, maintenance roles, parts that sandwich can be done remotely. So, X is going to ship.

But a couple processes that we might think and this is based off of some of the osha guidelines that have developed in the wake up Coburn are vaccination track.

You know, I think a lot of us have seen that.

What's interesting, and I'll show you this, you're admitted that's not as universal as some of us have a production sphere would soon.

There's some vaccination traffic, and not always incident reporting, reporting and communication.

That's pretty big, particularly in some of the manufacturing environments, or some retail environments, clusters, people together: physical distancing, workspace, concentration.

Many areas of the country have some regulations in place for how much capacity bil.

And obviously, I think we've all been exposed to the six feet of distance at, all times.

PPE ordering and distribution. I was just talking about mass. destruction.

These are the things that, know, from an osha perspective, that we're recommending. People do not, by the way, folks like I pair this down a little bit, sparrows, a list of, like, 13.

But, you know, out those 13 cluster bombs, spot these ones.

And the nice thing is, people are moving in this way, they are actually implementing, companies, are actually counter-measures. And so we do see maps and social distancing enhanced health.

And safety protocols for distancing that notification.

Adherence to quarantine procedure: daily health certifications are becoming really quite large, right? So maths and social distancing are almost reversal.

Some of the others are a little less proof of ... testing vaccination.

We'll, actually, only about one in ten companies are doing that right now, oriented toward Mrs. late 2021.

So, it's still pretty current.

Um, nonetheless, I think that, you know, the fact that we're seeing this movement at all across all these fonts does say, that companies are taking seriously, uh, and the movement in that direction.

OK, so, we've talked about that.

Yeah, you know?

The question then becomes Particularly in light of the conference topic, in other words.

We're talking about digital operation digital transformation, right?

How are we able to do that can be flexible, right, can we adapt with flexibility?

Well, not as it turns out That nuts berries again, but this re but we can't go across But 80% of companies have some sort of digital transformation project But very few of those Are actually done at scale cross section So 67% have no plans or have just 1 or 2.

Business Processes pilot Only about a third of books actually can scale.

They're business processes, and that what's happening at the end of the day is that when we actually talk about, implement business processes, and we'll get on the cover of the business processes.

When we do that, most folks are still doing this mostly in that way.

Now, when, when I say manual, you know, that might be literally, Man, might be, you know, kind of documented what business process: we have, a spreadsheet doing our best, Maybe four or something, or, you know, still maybe doing a good paper, there's some of them.

We also, though, might be referring to kind of using this coders that we have in the back, you know, ..., my app. There are professionals who are actually some of our most expensive scarcest resource.

If we're doing that, and we're trying to actually get these critical business processes up, are we going to achieve it, or is it going to be slow?

Screenshot (4)In fact, what we need to be thinking about is, how we adapt to the songs, but the shelter's knows, we, We know, we're going to have future regulation changes, I can almost guarantee that ocean is going to shift some guy, got some six months, much less, you know, the CDC. How to keep the quarantine.

Or isolated away. Oven.

So what we need to get to is state of permanent flexibility, where something changes. We can adapt quickly.

But we're not there yet.

And that, that makes it but what we're doing here and setting the stage with the process up process automation can help organizations drive the flexibility so that we can improve the employee experience, maximize productivity.

But also create an environment that adapts to the overarching importance.

So we have worked from home employers with a set of processes that we have that available.

We have another set of prompts or people turning to work and in the office that's available as well.

Again, when I say traditional approach, know, what we're talking about is, man, Belying, very few people to kinda Jenkins.

So that means as a result, that when we look at the process, discovering those processes is very, very challenging.

Because we have processes that are spread out of ... siloed.

Let me make that difficult to document because we have tribal knowledge, a number of different places, look standardization across the process.

There's a restrictive approach.

There are no other words, yeah, relying on very few application development.

And that means that we rely heavily on coding and spoke app Dev skills that start over each time from scratch.

So not only is it taking us awhile because we have to scope every time to code, but rarely, because we kept on scratch. Or customized, aren't able to repeat that crossover sensation.

So, if you are know that veterans site with multiple facilities know, just because you put one set of policies in place to drop that elsewhere, the time to values, obviously, Therefore, slow.

Humble, cumbersome, maybe multi month, year, long projects.

Again, when you look that context of what's going on, open perspective of the work that's really good be able to do that.

Then, finally, it's very difficult to see.

these causes, consulting, apps, that scale, it would cover that.

What if we could shift what we could kind of make discovery and mapping pizza?

You know, collaboratively, Babb group prioritizing, it watches.

What if we could automate some of those processes so that it's agile.

Low code, drag and drop powerful, a lot of connectors kinda getting everything.

What if we could improve that time? So that's fast, implemented days, not months to years.

And finally, what if we could actually drive value so that it's not portable? Great, real value, low total cost of ownership.

This is where text points.

right, but I'd like to talk about this just a little bit more broadly, the politics of process automation.

Clearly, we feel very good about our platform.

But I think, actually, if I were to leave this conversation at booking, at the possibility, process, automation general, rather than necessarily within the tech, something very happy, So, what you're looking for, something that's easy power.

Something that lets you discover, and map business processes were no tools, process owners.

Participants didn't actually know what's happening today, that you design and automate. Now, there's a couple of interesting things here.

I think we'll talk about automation, because think about this design and automate step.

Some of this is going to adapt to your needs.

And I'll show you a few examples here in just a moment, but, you know, maybe it's as simple as we need something once.

But, you know, you form four people who are putting yet, whether or not they feel well today on databases maybe we need a workflow, right?

So so we're setting up somebody that is to go for approval somewhere else it should capture that in a way that actually traps that.

And also, you know, there's no RPM.

So, which helps for simply write, maybe, looking up, looking up numbers of batch script. Usually. When I think of RPA, top things like banking rates and so forth.

But, no, I think I can see world tier will actually apply this covert numbers space as well.

Generating inside, you know, perhaps we need to panic generate a document, provide the ability to sign electronic document, know, for things like certifications as might be relevant, I certify that I feel fine.

Sign accordingly.

Or, you know, perhaps, and sometimes we see this quite often sort of legal space or contract space as well.

Then finally, you know, obviously, the analytics that are part of a performance. and came true insight brought this intelligence.

So, this is a full spectrum of what one could do with no platform automation, No process.

But, but, sort of consider is whether or not this would be applicable to your work processes.

Our customers, Ben, working space a lot, right?

Erik HilleAnd I think what we're seeing is when we look at across those through those three areas, employees always pinions and Food Regulations, guidelines, that they're actually applying processes today, that, that addresses. So, for instance, voice serving traffic is one that we saw recently.

Well, you know, just kinda feeling about whether or not it was already turning to the office.

Some of the things that you'd expect to see, what regulations, provance, IT validation, feeling healthy, test result tracking, both things that the number 1.7, or, I'm sorry, number of our customers, who actually will buy them, That's developing guidelines about travel.

And Your steps, we need to take steps. one needs to take In order to gain access to the facility.

In this case, when I looked at this particular customer, there, were things like, making sure that the boys had a parking space to the Raj sign Death's, when they got there.

Then, obviously, incident communication.

There's been an outbreak of a problem that, folks know, These are all processes, that our customers have Ben on that today.

And so here's an example of what one might do.

It is, like, oh, the desired return.

Here's a, it's a simple four step process with registration.

Update status, daily reminders, and weekly report.

So again, very simple and straightforward.

And so with registration, know, that the process is set up. So Boy Registers coven tracking side.

He or she enters basic information at vaccination data.

There's built-in logic for vaccination that helps determine then, the timing on a second shot, need for a second shot, depending on whether, know, the shot itself once, or twice, or, or oxygen, which requires one.

The unique ID is generated e-mail, back to E So, the point is that you've got the, an update, right? So, brand process vaccination. Weekly reminders are sent.

No one should know, genetics. The vaccinations coming up a week or two.

Now, we might also want to update that setup.

So, weekly reminder to update the vaccination status by the files that got D Back to the form, enters it and updates the vaccination status months that the second shops members see, your shop, that seat for critical employees might have data miners. Right.

Update the test results.

Well, in this case, the test results are actually.

But daily testing for men, the employee files link, just as we did before, with the D, enters it, updates the test results.

Then finally, and I'd, rather than kind of take you through a whole process here, I'll just sort of show you what, you know, the vaccination report the analytics might look like.


We might be able to look at, know, the folks who are vaccinated or not that, say that we look at the negative or positive test results for the testing.

Or did that by date.

You actually kind of check vaccination types and so forth, that we want to bypass the test results.

It gives you the ability to actually have good knowledge, visibility to what's called organization, and adapt accordingly.

All right, both.

So, with that, let me kind of wrap it up with your takeaways.

It's obvious that the return to work appetite is higher with executives and employees, Oh, at the same time, ecosystems robin, super complex.

We help companies need to address these key processes, but they also need to be open to the notion of permanent flexibility.

When I say permanent flexibility, obviously I'm talking about process automation, shapes as prostitutes, but I'm also yeah, going back to the notion of hybrid.

making sure you have multiple options on the table for reporting. So you can actually pick up as many as possible.

And this permanent flexibility is empowered in a lot of respects enabled by process automation.

So it just said it.

Think that gut takes me to the end with a thank you. Make up turned up for questions.

Terrific, Eric. Thank you so much for that. And that I encourage the audience to keep for providing your, submitting your questions, I keep an eye on all of them coming through, so, go ahead and submit the questions, and I'll relay them to Eric in real time, Eric, I'm gonna ask you to hit the button that says, just stop showing your screen, so I can bring my camera back on.



So, Eric, great, Great.

Background on this retrench award phase that we're in, know, at different levels across multiple industries, and the endless focus on processes and process automation.

It's always challenging, because organizations have lots of processes and, and then deciding, you know, which process to automate is, is, is a big question.

Let me ask you, from your Experience Center, when, when organizations do it well? What is the overall approach that they take for process automation? How do they even start identifying the right processes that should be automated? What do you see as best practices out there?

No. I think there are actually two things that happen.

one, sometimes I think we are faced with a critical issue for instance if we are actually tackling return to work is a core.

So thanks Kapil right now, processes notwithstanding.

Just, you know, there's this need to make that happen from the top-down organization.

Quite often we'll see people start there, start with something that has its glaring issue, business perspective because the bottom line of business processes touch.

Event Email Graphic Virtual Conferences (17)-1Right. So, you know, we often think of digital transformation in context.

Putting better automation, things, detail or are are built produce things.

But really, at the end of the day, there's a lot of glu at our session, starts with the processes as well.

It's often doing, starting off with the processes that are most mission critical for companies that expand.

Now, the other thing to see a little bit.

Is a focus on discovery.

So, in other words, if you guys recall, the these folks, my apologies recall, the spectrum of capabilities I put up there on the very far left, those discovery mapping, and, you know, oftentimes ethnic, or just say, the, the problem that you just relay is even more of an issue because we don't actually know what those prompts are. We don't have a great sense.

So, in some cases, some of the process, industries, like oil or gas, or, uh, if some batching processes, but, know that, that have a lot going on.

We see companies actually starting, by just trying to better understand, right, and then kind of determining which are the most the most mission critical. So for the top-down thinking, comprehensive, public purposes. That way.

Probably for the majority kind of purposes.

The CEO Exactly. The point is that?


Yeah, there are, there are a number of questions related to governance and people making commentary that, you know, digital transformation and the automation of processes, specifically, is challenging because often the organizations don't have a clear picture of, of what they want to achieve.

As you mentioned very well, I mean, when it's done well, you have collaborations at the top levels, and with respect to the, should the organizational strategy, and what are maybe the key core processes, value creation process of the organization. And you focus on that.

But quite often, it happens in a more ad hoc fashion, where folks and different place in the organization are, are picking the processes that they believe are most important.

And the, and this collaboration, can be, can be tricky, because the, the, the priorities may not be the same, but in them. So, let's talk a little bit about governance. People say that, you know, to have good digital transformation, you need to have some sort of governance in place. And governance sounds like a big word, but that, you know, the gist of it is that, how do you make decisions? And his organization about the processes that matter the most, and hold you, get engaged in that decision.

Tell us a little bit about what you see out there, in terms of governance for digital transformation, how are organizations, again, setting themselves up, to identify and prioritize what needs to be, what could be digitally transformed?

Yeah, to say, that's a great point, and type it, in my district, We often call that dynamic labs office, right, now, it's in the absence of really good information.

We tend to focus on the Pearson loudon Store, spoke last, What the biggest issue at the tape.

And, I think, last and lotuses, Jenkins.

Now, from a governance perspective, I think we're sort of set the way backstage.


We used to see almost all digital transformation processes, You know, whether or not it was kind of more of a process oriented issue, or, I should say, digital transformation initiatives, whether it was a process automation issue, or something outside of that sphere were off. And started.

Still happens, IT is still involved, but increasingly, what we're seeing, a group of folks, maybe, you know, in some cases, folks starting my business, I'm thinking of, interpretations that way.

But in a lot of cases, actual were six departments, and sort of a digital transformation, working with, or no guiding, Guiding said people.

That are actually helping to drive those decisions, and some of the most successful digital transformation projects that we've seen have had that sort of involvement that leverages both the IT perspective. What works? What doesn't work? What secure or not secure, but also the line of business perspective in terms of what's actually. right.

So, I think that's kind of from a governance perspective as part of the answer.

I think the other part of the cancer, particularly since I am more interested process automation, does go back before the discovery of mapping, know, the other issue that's happening, that can really contribute.

So this last slide is, there's very little understanding the process to begin with, And I didn't.

In essence, we eat out a good, solid understanding of where and where it's headed up, so the focus on that actions causes.

Yeah. You touch some very important subjects there, and I'll, I'll connect with a question that has come up here during your presentation about the digital transformation tools that you find are being useful and helpful. I mean, of course, you know, you have the suite of tools, A new tax, and you certainly should speak about those, as well. But, from a practical perspective, let's talk about collaborations. Specifically. You know, when, when we talk about digital transformation collaboration, people start talking about, typically, communication tools like Zoom and Teams, and other things, they can connect people. And connection is nice. And certainly has how odd for us to kind of stay in place with the running operations, and doing the work we have to do.

But there is, there is, there's some sort of consensus that collaboration is still challenging when you're working remotely. So, connection is important, but that doesn't mean that you're having great collaborations as a result of the connection.

Um, what do you see in terms of beyond the remote tools?

What do you see as digital transformation tools that are helping, um, organizations and people and professional collaborate more effectively? There's something that new tax offers, the help of that collaboration aspect.

You know, it could be around the process discovery that you discuss, or some other areas about how do people call out, is there a better way of collaborating? And there are any additional tools out there that are helping of, that collaboration around processes around design? What do you see, in your practical experience?

If she said, Let me take a little, broader approach that took two, if you don't mind.

Because I think, you know, we've we we adapted a lot of technology over the course of the last two years.


I mean, I much more comfortable operating Zoom than I was when I started with the whole probit dynamic. Again, without question, we can have meetings collaborate offline.

We got better with the file sharing documents about being able to share documents and work co-operatively that way.

Some of what I feel happens, Kinsey's kind of talked about this a little bit.

Remember, when we start talking about processes, connecting with people, the things we do from a technology perspective are part of, and the things that we do outside of that.

How are you doing today?

Power your your house, your house, your pets.

No, it's spending a little time. Just talking about things.

Has actually been one of the things that helps drive a lot of collaboration professionally in other waters, kind of brown people during this period.

I wanted to say that because I'm going to turn around and start talking about tech again.

But, at the same time, I think that's an important part of this dynamic, which is to remember that there are people on assault and collaboration happens online.

So, just say your example about your collaboration tools adapted, Teams has seen an uptick, no, Zoom seen it up to.

There's been a lot of new collaboration tools for meetings and documents that have kind of a mainstream bar or working sphere, and then text also contributes to that process.

Screenshot (4)I already talked about discovery mapping, so I'll stop it, folks over the head with that, but, you know, start talk about automate workflows.

We're talking about being, put something in place, where the number of people kinda look at document, set something in place where you can kind of review and adapt to make changes to it.

Certainly in the context of like generating forms, that proving sign that the markup collaboration experience is sort of built it, you know, right down to the final, final authorization signing of those, those dogs.

So, in essence, out, a good set of capabilities for being able to work on things together.

Even if you're not looking at somebody based things, but, you know, that's part of it, but again, you know, I was just a board member, that's also sort of people process.

Think about your company culture, recognize that nutrient implement around trying to put good human characteristics in your interactions as well.

Well, said, Erica. I think that too often, we are we are focusing on the technology and the tool. And the bypass some of the items, the human side items, that you just discuss. The retry incredibly important.

And, and at a broader level, collaborative leadership itself. It's, it's a, it's a skill set that's not very well understood. A lot of how collaborative A session is, has to do with how it's facilitated and how you engage others.

Professionally, but, as you said very well personally, as well, making that emotional connection with, with people is, is important.

Now, what, What do you see as the biggest opportunity for digital transformation perspective with organizations?

I mean, you work with clients, sizes in different industries, and I know it's hard to say that this is one thing, but, but, overall, as you, especially as people start returning to work, and digital transformation, is going beyond just remote access and collaborations.

What, what do you see as in most organizations, as, as a good starting point for their digital transformation? So, maybe folks who are who have not engage meaningfully, yet on the work process, digital transformation side. How do they even get started? How the, how would you guide them to get started on the right foot?

You don't just say, It's great question that this, there's a lot of paper up there.

Know, this is something that I actually have some background in vacuum, which is why occasionally, upfront of your examples, as we speak, almost automatically go to the manufacturing sites and all that kind of stuff because I know, I know quite well.

But one of the things that I've done is, I've taken on different roles that are a little bit broader is, oh, I should say, and in manufacturing, there's a lot of paper, you know, you don't think of it, right.

But there's paper that, he discovered your trend shifts.

There's paper that actually permits for assembling different parts, manufacturing, but I was shocked actually how much paper there is.

Know, Retail Nibbled Update for local government.

brought up Gloucester, Massachusetts City Hall, was a ton of paper there.

And we have had the tendency to just kind of walk next down the hall.

You know, make sure that that that Bob Or change signs that walk it over some other.

And that's, in essence, the extent that we operate in our businesses.

four 40,000 teams, but that itself is a good place to start because that paper's vision.

If you are focusing on the biggest areas of paper built up, you might actually be looking at processes that could use a little bit of attention with process mapping and process automation.

See, warms generation to help make that more vision.

Wonderful, so it made changes in the back, So it's not something.

Oh, yeah, Move forward, especially.

Well said, well said. And one final question here from the audience that I'm going to capture, the main theme has to do with different levels of transferring digital transformation across industries. You're in a privileged position, because you see, you know, many different industries and clients from those different industries. And I don't know if you have an overall assessment of that, is there are there industries. There are leaders or a laggard. When it comes to digital transformation that you're seeing currently as a group.

are their industries there are further ahead for whatever reason, and they are doing better than other industries. Is there, if you look at it in the spectrum?

Is there such a thing when it comes to digital transformation implementation?

Yeah, it's, it's great point at digital transformation. Initiatives have now been body, parser industry. There's no question about that.

We've seen a lot of implementation of like process oriented, digital transformation, no retail.

Actually, local government has been picking up, although they're behind digital transformation.

But just in general, digital transformation, I think what we've seen is retail is that, is, it pretty big leader, in terms of, like, the interfaces that we used to shop with, as well as some of the hotline things that we do.

So some of that's been quite innovative, uh, there's been a lot of laggards up to just doing a talk with somebody that gaps books up. You go.

That's lagging by about 20 points in terms of people that are taking out digital transformation initiatives.

And I think the other thing, I would caution: No: leader laggard.

No, overall, about 80% of companies have digital transformation initiatives in place, in manufacturing, that can be as high as 95, that doesn't necessarily, scale.

Or that, you know, some of the other industries like retail, that has eighties, as well, is doing that at scale, Right? So there's a lot of room for growth, crops, industry.

And certainly, some variation in terms of what's going on in general.

Nonetheless, I do personally believe that digital transformation can benefit just about it from a company perspective.

Eric, thank you so much for that. Just one final note here. What is the best way for folks to connect with you, Learn about what's going on in tax and the, and the, and the support that you're providing across industries for digital transformation.

By all means, I pick on, sorry, Not see my screen, but, eric dot ... at ...

dot com, Eric with a K ... LLB.

I'd be more than happy to take questions or comments. I can be found on LinkedIn.

Outstanding, Eric. Thank you so much for taking the time sharing your wisdom, your cross industry expertise with all of us today. And it's, we've learned some useful, practical insights here that can help us all in our own digital transformation. So thank you for taking the time.

It's my pleasure. Thank you so much. Appreciate your time as well.

Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, there was Eric ..., who is the director of Solutions Marketing, and new Tax sharing, his cross industry journey of digital transformation with us. We're gonna be taking a break now, at the top of the hour, we're going to bring Weston Morris to share it with us. The secret to great employee experiences in 20 20 chew and how digital transformation is impacting that employee experience in 20 22, less than Morris is the Global strategy and Digital Workplace Services leader.

For that for you, is this corporation. And he is going to be discussing how the digital workplace transformation is shaping itself at you, and this is with us. So take a break now, we are going to be back at the top of the hour with Western Morris.


About the Author

more-Mar-24-2022-09-01-14-29-AMErik Hille,
Director of Solutions Marketing,


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