BTOES Insights Official
October 10, 2021

Digital Workplace Transformation Live - SPEAKER SPOTLIGHT: How To Make Your Remote Team The Most Productive Yet

Courtesy of Kintone Corporation's Dave Landa below is a transcript of his speaking session on 'How To Make Your Remote Team The Most Productive Yet' to Build a Thriving Enterprise that took place at Digital Workplace Transformation Live.



Session Information:

How To Make Your Remote Team The Most Productive Yet

The last year has drastically changed our idea of what a “workspace” looks like. For some, it’s a building with keycards and open floor plans. For others, it’s a home office with family photos and pajama pants.  Where we work—and the way we work together—has shifted. Now learn how to build a work management strategy that turns these culture changes into a competitive advantage. Hear Dave Landa, CEO of Kintone and Author at Forbes Technology Council, examine how companies can create strong, highly productive work cultures staffed by top talent using tools and policies designed for flexible workplace setups. His showcase webinar will cover:

  • How to use change to redesign smarter, more streamlined work processes
  • How to cut back on time lost searching for data across our digital tools
  • How to clean up our conversation tools for more effective collaboration
  • How to retain talent and workplace flexibility without sacrificing productivity

Session Transcript:

Dave Landa here.

Dave Landa is here with us. He is the CEO of ... Corporation, the US. Subsidiary of Japanese public company See Bowes Inc. A public company that provides the ketone, no code digital workplace platform, to over 20,000 organizations globally. Dave has been at the forefront of the Cloud Revolution for the last two decades, driving strategic business development on the executive teams of multiple leading SaaS application providers.

He is a published author, frequent speaker, and recognized thought leader on digital transformation, the No Code Development Revolution and Company Culture, Dave, tell us where you are coming from today, which is a super special place and that I'm very much looking forward to your presentation to our global audience.

Thank you. Just a really appreciate I'm coming from Turks and keiko's actually.

So yeah my vacation happened to align with this conference. Really excited to be doing this presentation from a very remote location as as the case may be.

That's fantastic and good.

Yeah, thanks. They say yes I can go ahead and jump right in. Thank you so much for that introduction. Good morning everyone from all over the world.

And welcome to my talk. I'm really excited to be sort of kicking things off here this morning for the three days and my talks on creating a sustainable remote workforce strategy in the post pandemic era.

And so they said, as I said, I'm Dave Lambda, CEO of ... Corporation, which is US.

Subsidiary of a very progressive Japanese software company.

That's been public on the Tokyo Stock Exchange for over 20 years, actually.

And I've been the head of skin tone here in the US for almost seven years, and I've been leading and building SaaS companies for just about 20 myself, so feel free to reach out to me, anytime connect with me via LinkedIn. We'd love to connect and chat with anyone.

So a quick look at the agenda today, you'll see that what I like to call, The transformation triangle plays a really big role of what I'll be covering today.

And I want to make sure that you all know we've made some time at the end for a Q&A session. So please go ahead and kind of collect your questions as we go.

And let's go ahead and get started.

So I know we've been dealing with some pretty nasty delta variants resurgence in some parts of the country, but there will come a time when at least the covert pandemic panic subsides and remote work returns to being an option across the board and not something mandated or require.

But as this time has been arriving already in different regions and at different organizations already, it's become pretty clear that the end of cov, it will not mean the end of remote work.

There are certainly things that we're really happy to get back to doing in person, like graduations and prompts, and seeing and hugging our relatives, again, ride and and gathering, at events, fun, music, and sporting events.

But, there's actually no shortage of news these days, about the fact that work does not necessarily line up the same way these days.

It's more about people wanting to maintain their remote work flexibility, while leaders and organizations really struggle to find the right path forward.

You know, we can see the controversy around Apple's three day a week mandate, versus someone like Facebook's continued flexibility.

Or we can hear how citibank's remote work flexibility versus JP.

Morgan and Goldman Sachs is in person requirements Is giving hope to Citibank that they'll be able to maybe poach some of the top talent from those other banks.

But the reality is that people wanted remote work even before coven.

These stats from 20 19 studies show four out of five workers would turn down a job. That doesn't offer work flexibility, and would be more loyal to those that did.

Well, three quarters stated that they would actually move jobs based on work from home or remote work policies.

Now, folks may not want enforced work from home five days a week 52 weeks a year, but they definitely want remote work as an option in their lives. Even before the culvert experience that was, that was the case. Moreover, studies before cove it already recognized and provided significant evidence that remote work can be good for businesses as well.

Screenshot - 2021-07-31T184614.757And many of the stats coming out of the coven period have shown, on average, even higher rates of productivity improvement. For remote workers. And remote work organizations.

Indeed, just as none of us are the same, post Cov it, remote work is different now, too.

The forced experience of it, with a much broader base, made all those statistics real for so many more employees And employers.

Digital transformations, planned for years, had to coming weeks and months for some orcs and often very haphazardly With a common mantra of, You know, Let's figure it out as we go.

No, we're just not the same.

Our knowledge and expectations are very different.

Now, I think we've all kind of, you know, taken a little bite of the forbidden fruit when it comes to remote work. And I think there's no turning back at this stage.

So with that as a backdrop, I want to share an extraordinary example of how a one billion dollar, Japanese public company with operations globally was able to go fully remote when covert hitt without a hitch and essentially a day, because of the remote and hybrid works strategy that they had already been pursuing prior to coven.


In fact, this company, my parent company, Sipos, Inc, with over one thousand employees, spread out throughout Japan, China, Vietnam, Australia, and the US, had in many ways, been preparing for the awful events of early 2020, for about 15 years now.

A truth we learned many years ago at ...

is that crises lead to transformations, but for transformations to be successful, be they cultural transformations or digital transformation, or any other type of organizational transformation.

three key elements need to come together intentionally and reinforce one another.

Throughout the journey, inside bose's story they actually had a turnover crisis about 15 years ago, where an employee departure rate got close to 30%, that, thankfully, drover radical change to a much more employee centric mindset of the organization.

The key starting point, in any such transformation is being intentional with the vision, and, in turn, they created policies that were very much intended to nurture that vision.

Inside bose use case the vision proposed back in 2005 was this idea of 100 different people have 100 different work styles and policies that flowed from that vision were in supportive parents, offering extended leaves, re-entry programs and childcare, as well as to support folks who wanted to work part-time, do side jobs, and of course, work from home and remote work.

But, as say, those who find that found out and the founders of 3700 signals and Base Camp highlighted in their seminal 2013 book, Remote office not required, it's the technology stupid.

Indeed, we needed the right tools and technology to be able to actually practice these policies in a meaningful and non disruptive way.


For us, it actually started with being able to collaborate extensively and see and manage operations remotely.

And thankfully, sipos, whose core digital workplace technology, which is ..., was able to do just that.

The cloud based, centralized platform allowed our different teams to be able to access the right data.

And they're operations at anytime, from anywhere and communicate with your teammates seamlessly to get things done.

People could be, people could be in the office or at home, with a sick kid. Or in Florida, or Okinawan, or perhaps Turks and Caicos, leading the cold weather or Alaska or Nagano, beating the heat and still be able to see what's happening with the project and move things forward for all to see.

And with its no code built, centralized web applications that allow folks to replace disconnected spreadsheets and digitalize and automate old manual or paper based processes.

A digital transformation occurred hand in hand with this cultural transformation that was leading to an organization with decentralized data, visibility and access, more efficient and transparent operations and reporting, which was built for flexibility and ready to scale.

Indeed, it was this kind of powerful, collaborative tool that gave sipos you the flexibility and the capability to make good on these new progressive policies that they present, giving their stakeholders the freedom they wanted, while still being able to maintain and even increase their productive teamwork.

So with the policies and the technology tools in place, one more component was still needed.

The actual ..., we like to call it, are the activities and exercises, and even the expressions that are necessary to practice, maintain, support, and develop the remote teamwork, culture, vision, the hat.

Some examples of these actualization inside ...

Jones case, meant open executive and departmental meetings for all to see, hear, and read and even listen to R K P T.

Or our key problem try through public reviews of all of our events, campaigns, and activities, our regular problem solving sessions that include a transparent, yet safe space for problem sharing and a detailed problem solving method called the aspiration engine.

Btog CTAOur TGT is known as the Tuesday at 10 o'clock touch bases which are which are weekly, all hands live catch up.

And something called Pigs, there are personal interest groups that encourage through stipends, team members to pursue personal interests together to build greater team.

And as well, some motos or expressions, such as things like, It's OK to mess up, just don't lie, trying to really encourage the transparency element.

And the key here to all of these activities is reinforcing the company's teamwork culture, is that they're all accessible and actionable in person or remotely via that centralized digital workplace platform.

So what can we pass on from from this example.

I think there's three key things initially.

First is keeping in mind this triangle, right? The importance and the inter-dependence of these three elements of the transformation triangle, policies, tools, and actualization.

Second, is to be very intentional about it.

You build your operations, your communications, your data channels, and especially your culture with remote and hybrid work firmly in mind.

And finally, is definitely to be patient. This is the chart of ... sales growth. The blue in blue bars there, and the employee turnover in the with the red line. The crisis, like I had mentioned, hit right around 2004, 2005.

And the new vision and the related policies rolled out in late 2005, 2006.

Turnover definitely started going down with the new vision and the intention, but it took quite some time for the business and productivity to come along, as implementing the tools and the actualization.

And so getting both the culture and the productivity ride took some years as we piece it all together.

But now, with accelerating growth and turnover under 5% for close to a decade, the formula has definitely been very well developed.

So let's dig into some suggested prescriptions in a little more detail now, before we jump into Q&A session. And I want to start with some of the policies.

So, this first one may have become clear as folks started to experience work from home for the first time last year. I know many found it hard to separate when their personal lives began, and their work lives ended when you're at home. Maybe they were suddenly at the office the moment they woke up, simply because they could reach their computer from their bed.

Maybe they couldn't figure out how, how to go offline when something like Slack is always online, OK?

These problems were and continue to be pretty serious ones, because they actually impact workers, mental health, and an employee's ability to perform in the long run.

And if a person never feels like they're off, how can they take the time to really recharge and relax and come back with more energy.

So it's really important if it's not already formalized, to encourage team members to have a clear sign, clear sign on, and sign off times.

The next one is, you know, have employees. update their co-workers on their weeks, like what happened? What did they do? Little little reports, on a weekly basis, that individuals can do for their team members. You know, talking about what webinar, maybe they heard, or, you know, what client call they may have sat in on, encouraging more communication, rather than less, is really important.

And it's actually one of the key benefits of going remote, Then also, track meeting minutes, so your team can see what they've missed, And they can stay caught up.

It's easy to fall into data silos when people aren't physically pressed.

And you'll make sure that you can always get actually more information from the processes that you have in place, not less than before you've gotten work from home.

And as you start bringing big meetings back to the office or to in person offsite locations, like quarterlies, for example, figure out how to offer both in person and remote options. More effectively, how to, how to create that. That hybrid model. We actually just did 1, 2 weeks ago, our first quarterly meeting.

It was definitely challenging, but amazingly rewarding and we are able to get to the two different experiences dialed it pretty well, Ah, you know, all these zooms, or goto Webinar and Remote meetings, there's, you know, they're leaving the extroverts kinda dying on the vine.

93% of communication is non-verbal, with 55% of that in body language. So there's no doubt we are losing parts of our communication toolkit when we go remote. And things that get left unsaid are really, you know, tend to be left un communicated altogether. So one really important thing is to have intentional camera on policies when full communication and connection is important. And always explore and experiment any new verbal ways for people to interact with one another.

Finally, be sure to create a clew policies around your project and your operations data, as well as your communications data. I'll get into that a little more detail in a moment. But, especially if you're using new channels, or tools to communicate, and manage operations, it's really important to think about how your data will be shared, access, and discussed.

This will help minimize security issues, and maximize accessibility, and to turn employee empowerment in this remote experience, ramone environment.

And also, with respect to deploying remote work policies.

This is something, jumped ahead there, but something to consider, and some organizations are starting to actually look into hiring ahead of remote, to be able to really get their hands around all these different policies and the implementation. So, something to keep in mind. We haven't done that to date, but we've been considering it.

Yeah, here's just a quick screenshot. I'm sure, you know, everyone is familiar with this, but, you know, the gallery. This is of our TGT, I'd mention, the Tuesday at 10 o'clock touch base, that all of our different teams get together. Originally, we would have, in person teams, in a circle around the big screen, and then the remote folks who would dial in, and really kinda have that connection. one thing we did immediately when we went totally remote was to ensure and make it a policy that everybody would always be on-screen.

Always have their video on for this particular meeting. So it's really important to think about your regular meetings, and think about that camera policy, as it really does create that connection, that that's important when you're remote, or in a hybrid scenario.

Event Email Graphic Virtual Conferences (17)-1Next, we need to think about the tools and technology. From a long term perspective, I would say, in terms of being able to support remote and hybrid operations.

This image depicts kind of a common separation.

Between process and operations, data, on the one hand and communications and collaboration data on the other, this separation can be very inefficient with team members spending lots of time, just trying to find what they need, to then actually be able to do their work that they set out to do.

So you can see lots of different apps that might be focused on communication, while lots of other apps that are focused on your operations, that separation is really something to keep to keep in mind.

You know, we often think that you can use e-mail, or Slack better.

If we have some guidelines, or some rules, and maybe that will solve some of this disconnect.

But the reality is, how clear your co-worker's being, won't necessarily matter if, you know, you're communicating on Slack, while they're looking forward an e-mail, or, or is the files you set them are in Google Drive, but they're checking into their their Dropbox, or their box accounts, right?

You know, in fact, oftentimes, it's our software, especially when we're using so many different apps, so many different kinds of software. That is one of the biggest reasons Why we feel disorganized and overwhelmed sometimes.

So, this is a really critical point. All right?

Make as much of your digital information as easily and centrally accessible as possible.

In detail, it's really about access, access access, Right, with your work for home members. They're really depending entirely upon the tools that you give them to have access to everything they need to do their jobs.

It's imperative that you think about your operations and your collaboration data in terms of accessibility and adopt tools that make that a priority.

Next, figure out, you know, which conversations live. Where, if you're using Slack, if you're using Zoom and Outlook, you know, which kind of information is going into which of these channels.

It's important, also, to know if you can access that information at a later time, as well as who can access it. All right?

For example, information that's shared over limited Slack channels means it's only available to those who, were not only in the chat, but were around when the conversation happened.

And then, map out where your operation end your process data lives, and consider how to get related communication data closer and closer to it. Now, how can you track, store, and share all of it, or seen? Excellent.

And let's start with, with easy wins. Prioritize, you know, the ones that you're going to be able to bring together more quickly, maybe some more obvious opportunities. Maybe new projects or some lightweight processes you're working on.

And then there's many things that you are probably not going to be able to do right off the bat.

See, collect those up in a central repository and have team members add onto it.

And then have someone regularly review that auditory.

Make sure to ID all of the different workflows that are working.

So, you can start breaking down those workflows on an action Item list and how to fix them, using any new tools that you have when the time comes around for those ones.

And then finally, you know, this is some basic stuff, but, but ask your team. I know we had a number of different Savvy team members. And they were doing a lot of figuring out of things on the fly, over the last year, plus.

And I'm sure, you know, all your organizations have some technology pioneers as well, who know a thing or two about a number of different new tools now, have, with them, dig deeper into some of the processes that may not be working too well remotely.

It asks these pioneers, what solutions and tools they might think, offer greater access, transparency, and efficiency.

And there's There's an interesting thing to consider, actually, when going, from a fully, in person environment, to either a fully remote or a flexible hybrid environment.

You know, these these sort of wondrous in person watercooler moments of serendipitous innovation and problem solving.

Kind of by their very nature, they're actually lack quite a bit of transparency.

And I think you might recognize many of these offline in person interactions have the effect of limiting information, sharing, and capture within an organization.

So, in order for communication to be really useful, it needs to be searchable.

It needs to be organized a ball, ideally, around relevant operations, invisible or accessible to others.

So, going remote and requiring information to be easily asynchronously and location agnostic lea accessible, develops the transparency that is both good for organizations and good for employees. There's less wasted time figuring out where to go and who to ask or how information is shared and more time spent learning from the data and the interactions of others.

On these public channels it can tone Slack, Zoom or others by making conversations traceable and focusing on that as a part of your new remote work strategy, you don't just make it possible to eliminate redundancies and create clear highways for information.

You also improve employee happiness, as studies have consistently shown, Transparency is actually the number one factor in determining employee happiness.

Screenshot (4)Now, here, here are three quick examples of conversations that might have happened offline before, but happen online.

now that we went remote, for example, someone taking a day off and sharing that, it may have just shared it with their boss, and other team members may not have known, they were taken off for the day. If someone's sharing a useful video tutorial, may have shared it in an e-mail just to one friend who asks. But when you share that central repository, then anyone could have access to it. Then maybe someone seeking updated software license they didn't have access to. So, again, the whole team will quickly and easily see it have access to it for the future in a searchable, centralized database like this.

No, With this one?



So, when we were offline, come through. Conversations were often held in person, like I said, if we had meetings, everyone took away personal notes on their roles and responsibilities.

But 6 to 12 months later, right? If the project scope is shifted, employees have come and gone. And only a few people have kept their initial notes. And there's a question of accountability at that stage. You know, who's responsible for what? The answer may come down to who has the best documentation, is really what it is, what it comes down to, even if others don't agree with it.

Because personal documentation might be flawed, subjective, and may be less than reliable.

So, the key Oh.

All right.

Yeah, so first, the key is to pick tools that have great accessibility, so all people can see and agree on the same responsibilities and tasks.


And be able to refer back to this agreed upon source of truth three days or three months later into the project.

An example of this, of course, might be Google Docs, which allows for a wide range of employees to participate on different level that says, document viewers and editors second, create those rules around how documentation works, if you've got data in an Excel spreadsheet, how are people allowed to give feedback?

Can they send it privately via e-mail, or over a Slack channel?

Post comments in the Excel spreadsheet itself, Can you do that? If you create rules to streamline your collaboration, you can save yourself a lot of time cross-checking different channels to make sure you got at all.

It's also imperative to make sure you actually make the rules visible.

Um, oop, so sorry, again, moved around a little bit. Here's an application we actually built in Canto to handle all of our marketing content requests, as well as to the workflow for each request. As you can see here in red, that we've posted the rules exactly for how our request is created, and what a person needs to fill out, depending on the type of request. And that's one of the most important things you can do to keep projects accountable. Create those standards, not just for your data, but also for your collaboration.

All right.

So, as I mentioned, start documenting more projects, more meetings, and more conversations.

But the fact that you, you don't know, doesn't mean it doesn't have to be useful to someone.

So, as long as it's documented, you know, it's always better to err on the side of caution. So, who knows who might be able to access it at a later time and find use in it?

George: mmm hmm.

Yeah, sorry. And so finally, we need to further actualize these policies and tools with actions exercises these activities and expressions.

So, here are some examples of how we've worked to actualize and exercise, transparency, and the access that is necessary for trusting, effective, and efficient, remote and hybrid work.

And it all starts from the top, as it should.

Our corporate founder and CEO doing quarterly Q and A sessions, not only for our US team, but for all of our different teams globally, and all of those recordings and the Q&A content are kept for anyone to access later.

And that leads into our corporate, weekly executive meetings and even our monthly board meetings, which are totally open for any non exempt team member who wishes to sit in, as well as have access to the full notes and translations and even the recordings that are provided later.

Next, we rigorously practice this problem solving method I had mentioned before, utilizing that central application platform.

So, it encourages everyone to be on the lookout for issues and to raise them unhesitatingly and have everyone be able to access the work that's been done on those issues.

Then, we practiced many different aspects of Kaizen, I've mentioned K P T earlier, which is our keep problem, Try, Solution.

It's an application that we use to review all of our events and activities for continuous improvement.

And then, finally, we have been implementing a distributed decision making method, utilizing a decision making app and an input and opinion app that easily allow for asynchronous team participation in key decision making. And then, in the end, a much better considered and much better recorded decision making process.

So look into wrap up here. Remember the intentional interaction and mutual reinforcement of these three elements of the transformation transformation triangle.

The policies, the tools and the actual realizations.

And it's absolutely critical when we think about a long term, flexible work style approach to be very intentional about putting those pieces together for a, for a remote or partially remote environment.

And let's not waste, you know, all that we were forced to learn this past year and a half.

Screenshot - 2021-07-31T184614.757Um, and not only be fully prepared to meet stakeholders where they are and want to be, but be totally ready to thrive in this current and future location agnostic workplace reality that we are now living in.

So, with that, I wanna thank you. And, before moving on to Q&A, I just want to call out that if you are interested, you can download some slides from our interface. For this, actually, for this deck, you can reach out and request the deck. And then, also, you can get access to our full e-book, ongoing remote, through the link here on the page, and also, a recording to a recent webinar about how to build a better remote work experience with less software.

That gets into more details of the tools, that I went over briefly, just now, and with that, I think back to back to you. Just say Thank you.

That is terrific, Dave. And just so you know, milena ... has published the links, so the audience has access to the links for the Chat. So take a look at the at the Chat and the in the links that we have, and this is for the audience.

And, Dave, I'm going to ask you to stop showing your presentation screen to the audience so that I can come up with you.

And so, terrific presentation.

Thank you so much for sharing this insights, it's about what it really takes to make a digital workplace work well.

And you it's, it's really that the very last portion of a presentation, they are when you're talking about the steps that the organization has taken. The highest level of leadership to be more open and transparent That says. A lot about about the commitment of the leaders in the organization. But I have lots of questions but I'm most interested in what the audience has to ask. So I'm gonna go straight to the questions from the audience here. And the first one is kind of a foundational one. This is coming from Frank the SOEs who is a leader and I place in Pune in India and they do placements all over the world and specifically the United States for professionals. So, this question on the digital workplace is very prominent from employers and employees, What it means.

And you talked about this, but if you could restate for us.

And his question is: how will a digital workplace help the employees, and how do we know that they are on board with it?

You mention a few things here, but I would like to hear directly from you, you know, how, what difference does it make for people and the how do we know that they are ready for it?

Yeah, I think, you know, in terms of how can a digital workplace help employees, I think it's, you know, done right, and it's it's an extremely empowering platform and power solution. If you just think, I mean, it gets back to the very fundamental concept of knowledge is power, and With a digital platform. A decentralized digital workplace like this, folks can have access to the information that they need at their fingertips. And information and data, be it, like, I was mentioning, sort of this operations data, that is data associated with your, your, your production or your various different workflows?

Right next to the information, You know, centralized digital information around that, people, collaboration, that gives a full spectrum of information to all, the different team members who have access to that, and gives them the power to make better decisions, to find information more quickly, to get their work done more efficiently, and more flexibly.

So certainly it gives them access to more data, more quickly, more efficiently.

But then also because of that you get the flexibility to be able to either work from home or remotely work from Turks and Caicos what have you. So that sort of flexibility we know through many studies is.

Is appreciated by by employees and stakeholders quite, quite greatly.

Very good. Very good. And you highlighted. So many of those benefits and of course, you know when a global pandemic happen, as you said, those who are ready for it benefited tremendously from it. The next question here comes from a niche ball.

And the niche says that his comment, first of all, fantastic presentation.

It's great because he said, I came in here, think that you're going to talk about technology and you did.

but what you did a very good job conveying is that technology is really a tool here for us to be able to collaborate more effectively and get the work done in a more productive way. But also you talk a lot about the human side of collaboration and connection. And he there is a technical aspect of this that Aneesh wants to point out.

And he says the legacy system, so he finds that he and his organization, his legacy systems play a roadblock for this model of remote working. And he's curious about how you overcame that. And he's talking about things like you know, getting client approval, system logistics and all this stuff sometimes you have to do to to allow people to collaborate and this legacy systems the gears about how you work around some of them.

Yeah, great, great question.

I guess you systems are a challenge for sure, and what I mentioned in one of my slides there, in terms of the approach, what we've done, and we've done with a lot of our clients, is gradual, step by step. Find sort of the easy wins. Find maybe a new process or a workflow that is not yet sort of tied down by legacy systems or is You know, tenuously attached. And you can also and you can actually make a disconnect and start with the new centralized digital platform to work on that. We've done that countless times, You know, I said we have over 20,000 clients globally. We've done that, that type of transformation, where it's step by step, Make sure you create a success, initially, Be able to show that success, have people experience that success, and then start moving. from there. It is. It is oftentimes a gradual process.

Event Email Graphic Virtual Conferences (17)-1I can't, you know, can't deny that, But once team members start seeing that, and once other members of a workflow, so we've got some, you know, larger clients who initially created a solution, a digital workplace platform, just to manage their own, sort of project management for creating new retail store sites internally.

But then they recognized, they had no designers, and they had suppliers of product coming, and that whole workflow piece by piece, they started bringing together into that centralized workflow once they had their own piece figured out, internally. So, it is kind of step by step process, and you really need to get that success. Small initially, to then start building out, that's been our best formula for success.

That's terrific. Lots of comments here, about the presentation. What a great presentation. Someone refers to it as the Digital Workplace Manifesto, what you have share with us here. and, which is in a very positive way that he says that, and that, so I'll wrap up with some of the questions that came up, were around technology itself. You mention a few technologists doing a presentation that can be used for better collaboration. We really appreciate the fact that you emphasize that there is a need to have communication systems and collaborations systems behind those technologies, so that the technologists can work effectively. So we understood that, and this is incredibly powerful what you've communicated to us.

But, if we go back to the, to the layer of technology itself, are there any technologies that you have find very useful beyond just remote work?

And in terms of collaboration, for, for the work that we do, in, have any tools that stand out for you, that have been particularly helpful?


I mean, beyond ..., which is what we kind of use all day, every day, that is our, that's our own platform that we utilize, that is kind of a no code platform.

That you can build operation, workflows and databases, where you then have your collaborations built right on top of it in sort of a single layer.

They think, for us, you know, obviously, for communication, Zoom It, like everyone else, has been, are our primary means of video communication, And we couldn't have done it without that.

We couldn't have kept our team together, We couldn't have kept the interactions, and the culture together that way, but in terms of getting, You know, communication, and collaboration, data alongside and sort of teed up together with workflow and operations.

Know, there's a handful of, of organizations that do that, and obviously I'm going to say can tone, because that's, that's what we do, that that's really our focus, bringing those two different data sources together, seamlessly. So, yeah, I don't, I don't have other key ones.

I can, I could call out, but certainly can tone if you have a look at that.

It's very flexible, that's terrific. And the King Tone, as you mentioned, low code platform has been leverage more than 20,000 organizations globally. So you're doing some very good things there, they're helping organizations be more collaborative, more effective. Dave, thank you so much for sharing your industry and thought leadership of our global audience today. We, we, we enjoy your presentation. Things, sites are very practical, and the and the and forward thinking. So thank you for that.

All right, thank you so much. Does a appreciate the opportunity and looking forward to a great three days here and learned from from everybody else. Really appreciate it.

Thank you, Dave. Thank you, they very much, ladies and gentlemen, they've landed there with us, the CEO of King Town. What a tremendous masterclass on what it takes to create a modern digital workplace, that that works, that allows people to collaborate towards a common purpose and create value for all. There are engaged in that journey. Terrific presentation. We're going to be taking a break now, and we're going to close the session. And we're going to re-open at the top of the hour. And at the top of the hour, we're going to bring the former Director of Information Technology from brother. And she's going to talk about insights on how to improve enterprise security that enables smooth operations, especially with the shifting paradigm of the digital workforce and remote work.

So a bit of a shift now into the digital workplace and taking a look at from an enterprise security perspective and I'm talking about a Geeta Narayan and and I'm very excited to welcome up at the top of the hour and see you back. Fantastic questions for great first session, meant much more to come, keep up the great engagement. Again, we're getting to as many questions as possible, to the ones that we can, we can get to check the LinkedIn posts under my name.

And there is interaction going on there, where you can ask questions, think, and interact with our sponsors and our speakers.

So, for now, short break. See you back at the top of the hour.


About the Author

Dave Landa-1Dave Landa,
Kintone Corporation.

Dave Landa is chief executive officer of Kintone Corporation. He has been on the forefront of the cloud revolution with multiple executive teams of leading Software as a Services (SaaS) application providers back to 2004. 

Dave has been at the helm of the Kintone US business since 2015 driving rapid growth with progressive leadership and getting Kintone’s no-code custom application platform recognized on Gartner’s Magic Quadrant five (5) years running, and on Forrester’s Wave for Low Code Platforms for Business Developers, while also being recognized as a Great Place to Work. 

Dave is a member of the Forbes Technology Council and is frequently cited in Forbes’ expert panel pieces as well as the author of many articles and a speaker at many events and webinars on digital transformation, leadership, and work and teamwork culture. 


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