BTOES Insights Official
August 02, 2021

Digital Workplace Transformation Live - SPEAKER SPOTLIGHT: Establishing a unified, secured, stable, and adaptive digital workplace hub

Courtesy of Deloitte Africa's Mgcinisihlalo Jordan below is a transcript of his speaking session on 'Establishing a unified, secured, stable, and adaptive digital workplace hub using an architectural framework based on business and digital capabilities to cut cost and support the foundation of your program' to Build a Thriving Enterprise that took place at Digital Workplace Transformation Live.



Session Information:

Establishing a unified, secured, stable, and adaptive digital workplace hub using an architectural framework based on business and digital capabilities to cut cost and support the foundation of your program

The global pandemic has transformed the way we do work as well as where we work. The workplace is no longer the place where workers go to work nor is it where the worker is. The new workplace is the shared digital environment and digital collaboration tools working teams use to get work done regardless of their location. What the pandemic showed us is that digital technology can and should change how we think about, and use, the workplace as work becomes more digital and mobile. This new digital working space creates challenges for organisations with regards to security, productivity, and costs. Creating a productive digital workplace begins with shifting one’s mindset from thinking about the workplace as a location to seeing it as a network of digitally mediated relationships and interactions.  Technology now allows us to combine digital tools with physical space to create a modern digital workplace, one that uses the best capabilities of both. This creates new challenges for teams working digitally across boundaries and locations.

  • Rethinking the role of the workplace and how organizations create a supportive digital workplace that drives team productivity and value
  • Understanding the need for digital architecture and determine the most appropriate technology configuration to support a digital workforce
  • Adopting a digital architecture to enable strategic business aspirations
  • Understanding available methods to help guide organizations embark on their digital transformation and workforce management journeys
  • How to maximise the value that can be realised through the Digital Workplace Strategy and actively manage the potential risks that arise from it

Session Transcript:

Excited about our next guest: He's coming directly from the beautiful Johannesburg, in South Africa today, and I'm talking about C Khalid ... and he is here with us. He is the Deloitte Africa, Deputy Chief Executive and member of its executive committee since 2012.

Holly's responsible for the firm's clients in Industries Function D Search Strategy Corporate Development and innovation portfolios together with business performance of the first of the firm's functional businesses.

He's a previous member of the firm's Global Board of Directors and sat on the governance and risk committees, representation of the farm largest global practices at Deloitte.

He has served large financial services clients on the client on the continent as lead or advisory partner, and is passionate about Africa's development.

Throughout his career at Deloitte, Halla has led projects in the Middle East and the rest of the African continent, along with assignments throughout Europe and in the United States.

In 20 tens, the hollow served under the Lloyd Global Advisory Council where he was among 25 partners across the world advising the firm's global executive and seal on the Lloyd's Future strategy towards 20 20. And here we are today in 20 21 driving the strategy for the next decade and what a pleasure to have you with us and sharing your expertise with our global audience today.

Thank you, I'll say.

I hope I'm coming through loud and clear and thank you for that. Very generous will come to you for me and to, to your platform.

So I'll be spending about 55 minutes with question and answers at the end just talking through our thoughts around this concept of digital, transformed the workplace.

It's quite topical, as you would imagine, sitting down here in the tip of Africa, setting if those the same global shifts experience right through the world.

You might think that what you will not talk about actually has been driven by the generation of it has been driven by a covered, but the impetus behind some of the trends that I will cover.

It's actually over a decade ago well, but has just been accelerated by by the pandemic.

Let's say you mentioned my role on the Global Advisory Council in 2009, 2010, I won't be too generous ourselves. But some of the trends that we saw now even before flight, in terms of how we are approaching the world, is approaching this concept of digital future.

So, my agenda for today.

We'll cover the following aspects. I'll do a quick introduction and then talk about this concept of rebooting the digital workplace.

I'll share some tools and models that we, as a firm. You used ..., but also will use in the marketplace and then talk about how you actually create a digital workforce.

So, let me start with maybe some statistics behind this. This is our global research that was conducted at the end of 2010 and shows trends that I'm sure many of you have been reading about and experiencing the deliveries. to signpost we'll end up in live conversation.

And that is the concept of looking at future the local workforce. Separate strategy actually doesn't work.

So, organizations of fundamental asking you questions and making decisions are on a critical human capital and debt, those risks and those opportunities.

We have to be in the context of what is the strategy of the strategy of the organization, and whether the organization it is taking place.

The other reflection is that the dichotomy between the students and the workforce and it has never been greater. So she expects some shifts in the world because then the hard work mostly seen.

For us, as an adult, as a global for Deloitte, has announced some pretty far reaching and fundamental changes in terms of our workforce would operate and interact with us and with a class in the UK, and the geographies around that. We've made it clear, that there will never be an invitation flow, was to repent, return back into the Office.

Our belief is that those shifts will continue to happen right through the organization.

Yeah, Our research shows that 28% of those organizations that have his view that the workforce and the workplace has fundamentally changed permanently, are ready to address the same challenges. And, of course, no vast majority of workers.

Screenshot - 2021-07-31T184819.328believe that the skills that they need to develop into this new, digital economy appear to be developed.

So, we're seeing a picture of fundamental changes that are taking place. yet, Organizations are perhaps lagging in how they want to approach this concept of their workforce.

If there's anything that I missed in the in this presentation, the one that I wanted to signpost upfront is key is the strategy cannot go in parallel to whatever place for workforce activities initiatives that plan.

The expectations of the workforce are also changing.

So, you'll see, again, from the same research, that's our workforce expecting more flexibility and autonomy, in terms of how they decide the work that they need to do.

Many organizations are now moving to a model, where there is a completed mix of on-site and remote workers and this shift may raise concerns around productivity, relationship building, and onboarding development. And learning opportunities are also going to be fundamentally affected.

And key, as a leader of our new innovation strategy, would also be, innovation, is not designed as part of this new generation of digital workforce, also stuff.

Companies may be able to overcome some of these challenges by embracing opportunities to optimize what was experienced, such a diminishing data, new ways of working through mostly in the office.

So, this duplicity of working within the boxes in the home and the office will continue for some time.

Then what is key for this as you increase the digitization as you increase the world, the work that's driven by data?

These indexes, there's an increased need to pay attention to cybersecurity in a different survey that we did in the same timeframe of last year. leading into one amongst the top CEOs across the world. Cybersecurity, not in the context of workforce.

And workplace was raised as the number one by 20% point margin by number one risk that CEOs of the global organizations facing.

And certainly, cybersecurity, in the context of this data infused, analytical, capable workforce workplace, conversations are going to be key aspects of how you respond to the challenges, many of the expected that trust between them, colleagues. And the breaking down these hurricanes will continue to spread.

And then, there will be a need for organizations to particularly pay attention in building these activities to trust.

In another ..., employees may never be able to physically sitting in the same room for years at a time. But I'm working on major transformation level cross business projects, which just isn't an essential element of how they do business.

Some of them expect the skills a little bit different from what they have right now. I'm a passionate belief. In re-inventing yourself, spend probably something like 20 to 15 minutes every day, they think something completely new outside of my profession.

In the pursuit, in pursuit of justice, being a digital native and learning and learning, an obsession, the younger generation aging, but those individuals need to be stimulated. they need to be driven to acquire the skill sets.

And, of course, RPA and AI, of another claim a much bigger.

I challenged the view of many organizations as to whether actually use RPA and AI technologies as for the benefit and the betterment of employees and workplace activities. Or is it just more for show and don't really have the business case?

And the case in the case, will change.

So the data and the insights that can be gleaned from the workplaces will help organizations improve processes, employee experiences, and to create better outcomes, flexible workplaces, and this digital flexibility, that will refer to. For example, if you combine all of these challenges, slice, the data generated by digital workspaces can help recognize when an employee's feeling stressed, and fatigued and the notch in terms of taking this is the power of AI and the data behind workplace transformation.

Another example would be, instead of finding a new updated, with time to meet the data, could help identify the next best time to be based on data that's been done. That indicates, where is the optimal time when they believe they did the peak performance, so matching performance versus the productivity of the, of the employee.

I think we believe we're just scratching the surface around the possibility of new things that you can do around a data centric workplace.

On the slide, shows the design framework that we use when we have this discussion with the lungs and at the center of all the, the conversation is basically created, so we're making the hypothesis A class, and we do that for ourselves.

Btog CTAThat is the design of the workplace and how this interacts with work to be done, and the workforce that you creating for the future needs to have a design, philosophy, and objective.

In the heart of everything that you do. And that objective for us, fits in in the streets center between operational efficiency, How you reduce costs in terms of all of your major work plans and truth at an organization.

And of course, an employee engagement, if you hit the sweet spot, this this way, workforce and workplace transformation can really cut up what they know the ... to greater. Productivity and greater outcomes.

Fiscal office is only the daily commute may vanish.

But the office will continue to play a meaningful role as it moves away from most people away from rituals towards purpose.

Fundamental. But even that, you need to create some fabulous.

In a workplace environment full, particularly Gen Z and Millennials to feel the contribution that the organizations, so many of the firms that will be with a remote office space to break great innovation hubs.

We ourselves in the Johannes Kepler Festival for Africa moved at the height of conference in March of last year into a new building will spend some time just thinking through how we design six floors.

The first was in the design philosophy, we will absolutely clear in this bottom right-hand corner on the workplace that unlike some of our competitors that said, we will not go, for example, for towards the top of some 25 of the two flows, but with a much flatter urbanization.

Urbanization building plan, six floors, being a place to create physical operation centers and hubs. And it's been working well, like extending the fact that some of the plays into the office to new offices in light of code. But those workplaces actually.

Up, a vast majority of the physical workspace that we have created, probably about 60 to 70% of, the flop that dedicated to collaborations and the balance for, for partners and their staff to live.

With these collaborations basis, With digital technologies, to augment the one sided login experience and enable virtual and multi directional collaborations with remote workers as a product.

And so, special teams can be able to engage online, and the president actually test that some of these technologies with our clients. Chair of the Board in Africa had a future of the boards and the future of the reports that you presented to do something of the order of 54 local Johannesburg Stock Exchange listed chairs or boards. And she did that strong collaborations slide, one of the bushes sites.

To go to the notion of some of the chairs on the on premises, some of them or not. But the concept of multiplicity. In terms of how we work, that is a feature that is here to stay. So we're able to engage our clients both in physical and virtual.

There is a movement from concept to action.

So it's easy to design some of these. So, the first step is the proper design, as I said in the previous slide, but it's easy to design this, with all the bells and whistles, without actually having a whole objective.

And that is, for us, at least, action to humanize the future of work.

In fact, we use this concept often nowadays, and lieutenant official, of course, this is already with us.

It's time to go beyond, you know, analyzing a disruption on work, to actually adopting and putting action some of the organizational needs, intimate, opted, for the future workplace. They need to, we need to broaden the definition of what it will replace. It looks like to understand how we can optimize some of the district court. So, the key words to read that content and that is to literally start from scratch and understand that what you're now in the midst of some of the lockdown poverty related activities will live for 20 years, 30 years into the future.

To unleash the future potential.

Please, collaborations with them in terms of what your workforce is actually putting forth, even if you know what the outcome is going to be for 80% of the design.

It's important that you incorporate them in the conversation to make some of the lead us on the, within the workforce.

The voice of the workforce in collaborating and building the workplace and the workforce of the future. And of course, as an innovation capability, to always adopt it as it when you need to change a pulse.

This slide represents the cost of rebooting. The digital start off by making the point.

Then everything must be premised on what is the future direction of the firm.

What are the choices from a strategy perspective that you are making.

And, of course, key to any strategic work plan, this strategic initiative, for that matter, is the ability to measure and manage part of the data, AI and RPA work that goes into this. Is to incorporate the ability for leaders and the executive firms that we work with in the market to be able to measure and manage outcomes. Now, this can feel employees or the workforce with particular discontent in terms of what is the data useful.

So, ethical use of data, and the need to measure, and manage that these two seemingly competing agendas that need to measure and manage that data, and outcomes against what ethics is, that data, your school is, an important conversation that employers can use to gain insights that enabled them to identify this future patterns and trends.

It comes to the top of preparation and innovation, and of course, full for meetings, and the design feature that we are adopting, is this one that says is an example. Maybe that's the best way to describe it. Is our partners at the office like in many jurisdictions across the global world, ... Disks.

But there's also a need for us to create an operation centers, so this could be an event driven by an industrial focus or capability focus. So, if you are working on financial services as an example. Banking, insurance class, we create manufacture.

productivity, create spaces and collaborations centers with, not notwithstanding, wherever the discipline auditor, it could be a tech engineer, it couldn't be tax. Professional.

They all were creating a sense of belonging collaborative space to physical spaces in virtual space when they comfortable one day in the month as financial services practitioners where they previously could not have a need to collaborate just to create the future.

And, of course, it's important that we're creating new ways of work around data and insights and the workplace of the future will continuously, and we don't know what the full extent of changes would be the typical ways of looking at the LE stages of looking at this combination of both the physical and virtual world. There is no doubt that they will be future trends, as these technologies and better opportunities are created in the markets.

At the top of our conversation is the employee experience.

So, what we've done is, we've used a model that we shown that a class is at the core of everything that we do, as a, as an organization, is our client customer experience, so, as a B2B, our clients themselves. Big organizations, they look after customers, so we use the name interchangeably.

Who created.

The premise is that we can create the best client experience that the firms that we work with in the market can, they can have then, we overlay that with rent employee experience.

This is seemingly very logical to me, but in terms of how I presented at the firm, for all the work, it just found itself quite controversial.

Event Email Graphic Virtual Conferences (17)-1Then, lastly, it's quite good in the world, when there's been lots of suffering particular uncovered. The view, particularly beautiful and there are some of the executives and workforce is that the employee experience needs to be cool. But we're essentially the customer orientated.

And so what we found is that our workforce gravitates much more together, collaborating together if they've put an end in mind. And the mind is really creating the best client experiences that we can design. And when that falls into place. And we would describe it, devastated how that experience looks.

Then the employee experience benefits as a result. That creates this purpose driven caccia that people, organizations, space, and the digital frontiers all magic to create.

Brands are the best customer experience.

There's some key elements, which I won't cover in detail, around. What purpose means in this environment.

Flexible working arrangements collaborative world, and, of course, need for us to look at more retail, real estate, and facilities strategy.

Yeah, the next slide talks about what would it take to get this right, and she'll talk to the tree phased approach. Some of the guiding principles.

And, of course, there's no dogs, and, and, but it's really refreshing to. Achieve. But I'll probably start as a tool on the level. that is to listen to, what other people have said. And this is where data led decision making can be a mentor.

When we go back to what people let us say, we have created this new workplace, as we did with. That.

We created and generated today a high sense of employee belong because they felt consulted, felt like there was a foundation under, which is shown in the figure to the foundation from which will world.

And then we'll spend time designing, because the owners into trials, with the future, of course, Didn't really understand the impact. That cover page that you designed clothing probably 18 to 24 months before publication.

But some of the principles that we've put in place was that means velocity, which will open up the need for us to have this at the adaptability of holding workforces in a dish in relatively short period of time away from the office. For whatever reason. Of course, the reason wasn't a phenomenon, but it was, for example, a need for us to collaborate on site at a plant places. And come back to the office to collaborate better. And so this flexibility and adaptability wasn't a principal in the design put in place.

And then, to continue to define and refine what works and change, in relatively short, space of top, is a key capability around workforce, and the What.

The time employee experience is another model that we, We, we worked with, when we look at our clients operations, and this is, because they're dead.

Organizations must evolve the age of TANF programs to technology, to physical facilities, and support the workforce of the future. So the slide itself ...

technology in the middle driveway and then HR, Human capital to the abilities with real estate as a enabling more accelerate up in terms of these conversations.

But the starting point, as I keep saying, this strategy was not every a client that has the exact same strategy sold, the experience, the experience and the design will change as a result of that particular strategy.

I've highlighted here what's important in terms of expectations for a digital workplace. Again, a design feature that works very well in the market and to the right is really the business imperatives that A typical organization, as well.

This is real data on this could be productive in terms of what the attendance, remote connectivity.

Flexible platforms, the right mix of tools and technology, adopting this world with the platforms and creating a more agile business. And the sense of connection teaming and kept both the accelerated through the concept of designing class design employees and hardware suppliers integrated, co-ordinated, and aligned to a business.

The last module that demonstrated the last few minutes is the digital radio worker model and lead effectively. 2 by 2, you want to be on the top right.

We have workers who look over the horizon and see new digital opportunities.

This is a question based assessment that we do klotz, and it gives you a view as to what is the majority of your workforce. So, we can say that. Deloitte, for example, we've got more than in Africa, specifically within 75% of the workforce is either millennials or Gen gen Zs.

The natural inclination is to think that is digital, pregnant justice.

Pragmatist or digital explores, but some of the findings were actually surprised and a contradiction to the notion of intuitive notion that these young workforce is National Digital Library explores, but when it is then going to define what the workplace and digital strategies that you've designed around workplace and workforce conversations.

Then they'll want to just, maybe this shouldn't be the first one is drivers of disruptions.

The slides available, will say, they feel free to share them and ask any questions, but the normal things that we've adopted understood.

The key, one is data, and the fact that there has been, this technology continues to be sold for probably for the next 5 to 10 to 15 years, then completing the workplace conditions. This is a summary of what we've said before fiscal, operation, caccia, and key proximity to the physical world forces and what geographies in the world.

I want to thank everyone for listening, ready to take any questions.

Swallow, Jordan, thank you so much for a great presentation. What a great journey on, on, for successful digital transformation. And, and I want to remind the audience, I see your questions, and I'm gonna really, as many as I possibly can in the time that we have a located here for the Q&A. But keep asking the questions, I'll keep an eye on those coming through.

And, and I will convey them to just allow here in real time my, my first question has to do with, know, you're, you are looking at digital transformations around the world and in the end.

And we, you know, certainly coven Accelerated Digital Transformations because we had a lot of time. You know, as I said, in the beginning of the conference, we had five year digital roadmaps. And then all of a sudden, we had to implement those things in five days. So, but now, in the rush of implementing digital technologies, some organizations have done, and while some organizations have not really done it well, they.

Screenshot (4)And so, beyond remote working and the technology for remote work, What do you see swallowing the last 18 months or so? There has been a positive shift, technology implementation, any specific technologies that really stand out to you, not as the hype or the potential of the technology, but the realization of that potential being AI, blockchain, NLP. What do you see that's that's really driving value from a digital technology perspective.

Get a simple question, too.

Simple, simple, simple.

Answer to a very complex questions, as, so, I think that's, it, the marriage of knowledge that will still be driven and developed over the next few years. But, if I have to call on the wall, and the.

Generation Elledge iteration and development would be, yeah, AI has truly given capabilities, initially into the customer Interface areas, and now employee.

The key element to this is just referred to a presentation, the employees and the rules that you need to work with.

Little trust data, some of the technology that will be driven for data that's happened in the end, to drive a common purpose and a common understanding where the organization is.

Without that, you can have the best technologies.

You can have the best implementation far to follow for Dan Rather on the premise of it. Please just do that too.

Farewell farewell. I have here. A shout out to you from Pune they India from Franklin who is with I Place saying that you know what a great presentation. Thank you for sharing that. So, Franklin that, that, that has been communicated.

So how the, the other theme that I see emerging here, and the questions from the audience, has to do with governance?

What is the right governance to be had in an organization for a digital transformation journey? What, what does that governance may look like?

So I always say it's easy to go in developing new governance protocols that sit side by side to the realization. So this concept initially when we started thinking about digital transformation programs that the Fed was doing towards offsite literally physically.

And then bring it back to the organization because we're fearful of effect at the realization.

Antibodies will lead to this new concept, and it's what's going to have a stillbirth.

The key element of this, is to use the structures, and the government processes, that already exist. They've been tried and tested locally, is and resist the temptation of increasing to intrude into many new Governments products, For example.

Yeah, We use the Board, which is a board of ..., Board of Directors, to test strategy, including the digital world.

We make an executive in individually and collectively responsible for the outcomes to, of course, there's one person like me, who has the most KPIs around digital transformation, but all of the executives that have elements of what I'm responsible for in terms of its collectively collaborative collaborated strategy of. So it's important that we use the firm's existing structures. But to be clear around the clarity that is, that is needed, the biggest change has actually not come apart in terms of all the other things in the mindset and the console.

So, I always say, every 350 plus partners, not enough.

The main culture, change, and managers for the firm when it comes to digital.

And it's simple things like, not looking up in the meeting, with the fold of paper, and using the digital platforms that we have in the iPads, and other electronic devices.

Excuse me.

Parallel. We know that, you know, culture eats strategy for breakfast, and every digitization initiative becomes a side dish on that on that plate, for sure, and the and the silo. If I, if I may follow up on this here, you talk about culture that's really interesting component because you have organizational cultures, you have country cultures in all following up on that.

I'm curious, because we have such a global perspective and that the audience is comes from so many different locations we have here, Africa represented in Europe and the Americas, Asia. I mean, really everywhere, Australia has every every continent except Antarctica that I'm aware of.

And the question is, how do you see, is the digital transformations impacted by the different continents in a way We're doing this?

You see, and a global perspective differences, in the way that different parts of the world are tackling transformation, or it's pretty much, kind of a common approach all over the world.

The fundamentals that are common, I will say, so what technology has done, and the globalization of fertile soil.

Maybe some bit of context is our global chief executive privilege engine drove a strategy of consolidating our various geographies to create a strong big member geography geography. So, for example, to Africa is now 40 plus countries, mostly English speaking countries.

So, what does it driven is more globalization? So there's some fundamentals, some guardrails that we know for certain.

everyone experiencing it in Johannesburg, the same as the Spacing, That is, for example, this explosion of the need for technologists.

But there are some cultural nuances, and those that largely driven, from a geographical perspective, whether they with a diversity and inclusion lens. Or just, you know, local nuances that you need to be sensitive to.

So, what we do as an example, maybe local managing partners, ultimately accountable for the outcomes of the strategy.

And we agree Section three clear KPIs.

This is what you would like to see and how you go about doing it is informed by understanding what the customer needs in the organization. But the fundamentals and the non negotiable absolutely come on at key across all the geographies.

Screenshot - 2021-07-31T184819.328Farewell and farewell, you also talked in your presentation about the need and the challenge for upskilling and reskilling professionals for the successful digital Transformation. We have lots of leaders and lots of professionals here in this in this in this conference, who are wondering what type of skills I need to develop for the next 5 to 10 years to remain relevant and indispensable to the organizations that I serve. So, talk a little bit about that. The skill sets that you see as as critical for success on professional standpoint and in this digital transformation journeys.

So, when we started the program, and this is, this is, I said, there was the number one challenge, and that is, how firms are adopting this.

Number one, fear that firms lead with technologies rather than with the strategy.

The second one, let's say, is goes beyond the frame itself.

It goes into what we are trying to visit, And it isn't one of, my largest, yes, and no.

Continues with this technology revolution. Then don't be parts of the world, including our own content, that I left behind because of skills deficits.

So, some of the work that goes beyond just creating them, for those organizations, it goes, what do you do, for example, to change the lives of individuals that you work with, in the communities that you operate?

What if the Left behind?

and this digital revolution, then, we have problems for many generations to come.

And then, challenge the opportunities that this continent has.

For example, is we can use these digital technologies like telcos, like drone technology in healthcare, and to really transcend and lived through many generations of poverty in our continent and adopt new technology.

Then, there's no expertise. Then, the situation is even more dire than what we find themselves. So, that is, the thirst of knowledge.

So, in the, for example, part of what digital fluency program. If individual that enters, the do not go to this, is to create design theory and to teach people to think. And then to have a common understanding.

How you think as an individual and how you can collaborate with others, is the key, first element, more than just teaching them around AI tools. And other technologies is, the ability for them to problem solve and resolve issues.

That's, that's terrific.

I think that, you touched on something, that, that's very important, mm, that the skill set, that can be built on technologists, that allow entire societies to leapfrog stages of development and really benefit from it.

But, we need to, get, to, to get a large, A cross-section of society, upskill, in this new ways of thinking, and these new technologies, and approaches, and, perhaps, at a higher level, you know, collaborative leadership, skills, innovation execution, skills, that come with that. So, I have to, to, to thank you deeply from our global audience, for you to take, the time, to share your expertise, your industry leadership with all of us, and we're very, much better off as a result of that, those insights. So thank you so much for doing that.

Thank you, said, I look forward to the rest of the conference, and good luck to you.

Thank you very much. Ladies and gentlemen, please, a big, big virtual applause to ... for a terrific presentation on, directly from Johannesburg South, Africa, to our global community, so that, I'm very, very grateful for his engagement and thought leadership.

We are wrapping up now. This last session, of the first day, of these, still workplace transformation, live, you all have been terrific on engaging, asking meaningful questions, and a deeply understanding what's being share and collaborating on the, on building up our knowledge and skill based on, on this. Very exciting and challenging concepts related to successful digital transformations. We talk about technology to talk about governance. We talk about culture and I want to give you a preview of what's coming up tomorrow.

We have another four great presentations company. We're going to start with leveraging digital twins to accelerate Industry four that's going to be presented by two CEOs of their organizations on how they're leveraging digital twins to accelerate digital transformation. Followed by a presentation from the vice-president of Global Digital Communication Channels at Tavern Pharmaceuticals. And she's going to talk about transforming the way of working in the digital era from the biopharma perspective in and then how the industry is changing in very, very quickly. As a result of all that's going on in the world right now.

Then, we're going to have the experts and leaders from UI path, talking about the automated enterprise, robotics, process automation, intelligent automation, from global leaders in this area, And we're going to have bought it Patrick, who is the Chief Marketing Officer for the organization, and chew gas companies. Will have Jeff King, who is the VP of Procurement and Process Development, overseeing 15,000 suppliers for Sonic Automotive. And we're going to have the senior automation leader and the leader of intelligent automation programs at ADT participating in a three-way conversation tomorrow as well.

Event Email Graphic Virtual Conferences (17)-1And then we're going to wrap up the day with another great leader from the African continent. And I'm talking about Steve Apps, who is the Chief Advisor on Digital Transformation for U S yn C All, Trust Safe Nuclear, and he's going to be talking to us about the journey of digital transformation in that space. So, very excited about what's coming up tomorrow. We're going to be at the same time that we started here and finish that any, of course, in your own time zones and for those of you who have additional questions, want to want to interact, engage, Look up the post under my name on LinkedIn, You're gonna see comments from the speakers questions from other audience members. I'm gonna be putting a quick update on the presentations, on, the, under the comments as soon as I'm done here, and I will meet every one of you, I hope, tomorrow, and others who are going to join us on this journey of digital workplace transformation.

So whatever you are in the world, have a good rest of your day, and I look forward to see you back here for another terrific day of presentations from industry and thought leaders. Thank you. Have a wonderful day.


About the Author

Mgcinisihlalo Jordan-1Mgcinisihlalo Jordan,
Deputy Chief Executive,
Deloitte Africa.

Sihlalo is the Deloitte Africa Deputy Chief Executive and has been a member of the Deloitte Africa Executive Committee since 2012. In that role he is responsible for the firm’s clients & industries function, digital strategy, corporate development and innovation portfolios, together with the business performance of the firm’s functional businesses. He is a financial services partner and until May 2016 was the leader of the financial services practice, which is a team of over 350 professionals focusing on audit, advisory and actuarial services on the continent. He was also previously the deputy managing partner for the Audit & Assurance practice in Africa.


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