BTOES Insights Official
April 05, 2022

Digital Workplace Transformation Live - SPEAKER SPOTLIGHT : Employee as Customer - Digital Employee Engagement

Courtesy of Wolters Kluwer's Raja Gangavarapu below is a transcript of his speaking session on 'Employee as Customer - Digital Employee Engagement' to Build a Thriving Enterprise that took place at the Digital Workplace Transformation Live - A Virtual Conference.

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Session Information:

Employee as Customer - Digital Employee Engagement

The Journey to a Superior Customer Experience in the IT Support Services space within the Digital Workplace can be a daunting challenge. 

We'll walk through a path of innovation plays and best practices to journey toward peak CX performance.

Key Takeaways:

  • There are many, many paths toward top CX, yet most include some key best practices.
  • The Right-to-Left (or Shift-Left) strategy still has merit in the CX journey.
  • Leveraging & Mastering omnichannel means of engagement are key enablers.
  • The journey to superior CX is ongoing with continuous improvement and new innovation on the horizon.

Session Transcript:

Super excited for our next speaker. He's going to talk the talk to us about the employees, Customer and Digital employee engagement. And I'm talking about Raja ..., who he is the Enterprise vice-president, Software Engineering for Walter .... And he has extensive and deep knowledge with more than 26 years of experience in all aspects of internet information technology and product development.

Roger has published articles in technical journals presented in several symposiums and forums and participated in several panel discussions and conducting podcasts all around.

He is thought and industrial leadership, who he which yields so generously share with our global audience today. Thank you so much, Roger, for being here with us.

Thank you.

Thanks, Jose, for that wonderful, wonderful introduction, and let me share my presentation and, And, hopefully, it's very clear to all of you OK, All right, good, morning, good afternoon, good evening, depending on where you are. And then number three of these, this virtual symposium or conference. And hopefully, it's all going pretty good for you.

And, hopefully, I'll keep your enthusiasm or excitement levels up to number three, and, and so can hear some feedback from you after I'm done, and, in terms of what I'm going to share with you.

All right, so let's dive in. What I'm going to talk today with all of you is about this digital employee, and what is digital employee engagement, should look like.

And what we tried to do, and now, in the process, tried to get some experiences that, from our digital engagement of a customer or digitally transform a customer, apply them to, to make this digital employee, OK, so let's unpack this, what it is all about.

And I know, OK, all right, Now, let's see how the story unfolds for this digital employee.

First, we will talk about, employee as a customer. That's what we set, right? So, let's establish what it means.

And then we'll go into goals, what we set up for ourselves, and, and what are the challenges, and what are the reasons that, that lead to those challenges.

Initial inhibit that, to achieve our goals, and, and then, we'll look at the key tenants at digital transformation, and how we leverage them to solve these challenges, and to accomplish our goals.

Then, we will learn how, I'll walk you through what we had done in terms of a framework we developed, eventually to accomplish just the digital employee, then, finally, we arrive at ..., process flow, Simon, this is very, very important for digital transformation. Anybody out there who is under undertaking this journey knows that the importance of this process flows, and how thorough they need to be. And the automated options that need to put it in the process flows. This is almost, I call this as a linchpin for any digital transformation.

Raja GangavarapuAnd even for us, it's the same and how and what we did to accomplish digital applied, and then we will start winding down towards architecture. And what we have done there is very important. And at the end of the day, how we implemented is a key, and we'll walk through our system environment again. It says, I'm just going to talk that a summary level that details as such.

It will lead to another discussion of its own and then we'll wrap this session with actions and the results, and hopefully I can provide some few takeaways for you and and and the results that we have seen that we have accomplished so far.

Alright, how this is how the story is going to unfold. So let's dive in and let's let's keep the sand and what is the need of feeding employee as a customer cracked?

So human capital has become a critical challenge for every organization.

Now you asked me why it is so new, it's nothing new, is an age old challenge and the solution, kind of, paradigm's been coming along. And I'll beat any kind of an industry you are in.

Since the Industrial revolution, right?

Why it has become even more important is we're looking for a skilled employees also at the same time and has become a highest strategic focus. Particularly among this what we call as a great resignation.

And that's used by a global pandemic on different reasons as well. Globally speaking, there are so many opportunities for the employees nowadays and grabbing it. So why not?

Correct. And it is that are each organization we need to hold on to the skilled employees. And, as you get, a good employee, is how you hone them into skilled employees, and still, hold on to them, is a critical, critical challenge.

And, as, we all know, right now, the war stuff that's going on has made things even worse to really put us in an unprecedented spot, that we had not seen these generations in the play, at all, You know, compared to any past situations.

OK, and then the leveraging, that these transfer, from, four, we had done for our customers, and probably, you know, all the organization not doing this process, Right, So, So, how does all this sum up to correct?

Now, Essentially the second the success are the growth approaches, that putting with customers can be leveraged for employees.

And then organization is speaking.

What we have done is, we treated employees, contractors, um, are offshore resources with the vendor resources and your business partner, or technical partners and BPO or whatever it is. All, at the same level, their access, whatever the need to, how all of them put together, constitute that digital employee.

That's what we did.

And, then, then, at the same time, as you focus on employee, as you take the experiences from this, and at the same focus with your customer, make this digital customer, at the same time, these are all intertwined, right? And keep focusing on the intersection points and interactions, and Q focus on them as well. We start seeing more results than individually looking at each one of them.

Btog CTAEach one of the groups, like your customer does transformation, and the employee, and together, and, as you, as we start charter, looking at them, and we started looking at some agile and flexible organization.

And now, you can start seeing your employee challenges and problems, and solve them on a real-time basis.

OK, moving on, now, with key challenges right now, and then, problems to solve a need for new capabilities.

As we said as at the beginning of our story, that, you know, every time there's a new challenge comes in, and then brings a new new solutions and an opportunity to desktop, there's some new capabilities.

So, what are the goals?

And these are not unique enough for us, and that, that or not, are very relevant, even for all of you, everybody, over there. So again, we simpler started in a simple way, and most profoundly important and impactful fire for us.

Seamless employee onboarding, and particularly global company. This is tricky and difficult, and now you can have an excellent experience in one region, say, in America or North America, and he who may be OK in Europe, and depending on where our in Europe are, different countries, Each country may have a different, and that may work. But can you start spraying globally laptop Asia pack?

Then each region may bring their own challenges.

Having a consistency is very difficult, but that's what we tried to do.

And accomplish a great deal in this process to make the seamless onboarding. Again, I would say this is a journey. We're not done yet, but that's our, one of the top goals that we put in place.

And then, engaging employee experience, What do you, what is that, the engaged employee and that experience should look like? And Efficient employee and customer interaction, and then, again, you, you will hear from me that particular theme throughout my discussion today.

Then, progression of technology spread. Again, we are a global company, and the technology spread is everywhere. You know, some are needed, some more must have, some, are, should be, You know, should not be their solution, that we should have gotten rid of that.

All of them there, but at the same time, we still prevent them in what would be the reason to spread, stop prevention, and then scale back and optimize your technology?

Oh, in the process, What are the challenges?

Localized and legacy process?

Nothing new. Global footprint with lack of standards. I think this one is important. A little bit more important than the first one for us, but for you, it could be different, or it could be same for us.

Global company has a set, and there are standards, regional, lease speaking, But when you together, common standard across, it became very difficult for us. So we start working on it. What that should look like. So, we accomplish that, but it also is not possible to have one standard apply across the board.

So we started looking how we can customize locally, still globally, consistent.

And the next challenge is severe several. I'm sorry, it's our manual touchpoints, well, you know, this is common. You know, we have seen this.

Some are more than the other and, you know, they're there for a reason, Everybody has a reason or purpose. Why they need to be there, And, you know, as we've tried to fix them, everybody has there's no, no, no, you can't do that.

And local and language barriers, and different tools and localized technology, then, no focused efforts. And all the most of the planning is localized. Actually, this is good at good.

In some ways, because people may not weight, or groups that are business are, cannot wait for a global strategy. Our overall strategy, we put in place, the business need to be wrong. So they need to get people on board, and they need to give the tools to the people. So they start looking this, put something, what works for them, keep them going. That could give you results for them, but as you bring it altogether, to prevent your technology spread or consistency, they become challenge for you. So the people who are proud to have accomplished such a thing, you know, suddenly they come and face this problem and they're like, Oh, OK, We're done a fantastic job until now. You're telling me it's not a good.

So we need to deal with that carefully.

So what are the reasons that could lead to these set of challenges and these are the reasons we focused on from a solution standpoint, all right?

Nothing unique here, right? This kind of business processes.

Rigid and customized local engagement matters. We just talked about it. Isolated and disconnected systems.

Unevenly distributed data.

I know this is, uh, This is no problem, you know, which is more profound as you dig into it.

And what we realized is, you know, those data is everywhere. People pull the data and use a purpose, change the information for their purpose or sometimes visiting erroneous problems, as we started looking at the overall data strategy in this process.

Event Email Graphic Virtual Conferences (17)-1Realize it's a lot more acute than than we thought when we started off with this journey.

Duplicate systems, Well, you know, each region through acquisitions, it could be a problem, and you may not have a strategy in terms of putting it altogether.

Then, you know, continuous thoughtful planning, and if you focus on customer, actual customer a lot more, than you focus on employee, because that's where your revenue company that's very growth happens, That's where you don't lose business to natural natural way of doing it. But, now, again, your employee and making each employee is even more important that our light and then lack of global strategy.

Now, we established, you know, OK, employee as a customer, the need of it.

And we talked about goals and challenges that we had accomplished in the process. Now, we started taking a journey towards the solution side of it, what we thought.

Well, we looked at the core tenants of digital transformation.

So, what I'm going to show you is not honestly in any order, but I will walk through a certain order.

Just talked about data importance of it, so, start to streamline the data, has it As it happens, as data is put in, you know, data, information is what runs the organization.

We need to be having clean control, comfortable control on how the data is passing from system A, and system B outs, are everybody's consuming it, information.

That's what we act on. And then data cleansing and creation of a master data, like CMDB CMDB, I know, Nike or people noticed very well configuration management database, Which is basically, the information about your organization infrastructure. Your, all, your board, your tooling, and application, reside on, it's a commonplace, and people are striving towards to have this CMDB farmed out across the board.

Inefficient and place it up. And we're going to talk about this with a decent employee start, shaping up, right? And governments to standards and lineage rules.

And the data democratization and again, data democratization is a key aspect. You know, how one can consume that data from a core system. How data goes out. Of course, this where the lineage on all come into play, but our data democratization is here to stay, because he can't stop from somebody consuming the data. You cannot put a control now, you cannot touch the data. The days are gone.

Everybody wants to data, they are the owners of the data as well, but it's all about creating the process towards so that you don't lose the upon it. And then the technology, of course, right.

So, you need to have good practice ... Enterprise architecture. Don't boil the ocean, you need to have something basic to work on.

And latest technology with the components and replacement of legacy. And this is, you know, from a technology standpoint, is holy grail.

You know, everybody look at it.

Meaning, don't need to our legacy systems, always modernizing the system off a lot of challenges in doing so, right, execution problem, budget problem, but it all runs.

Business priorities change parts, don't lose sight of that. That's what we tried to do here, real-time integration start, focusing on real-time, as much as possible.

Even the data cloud enabled. While we live in the cloud today, right?

Not real clout, obviously.

And, you know, they huge, and it's a game changer, thought process changed.

And along with that goes to security framework, consistent, solid for security framework, and monitoring and affect your operational. Gone are the days where you need to call somebody, Somebody looked, it takes their own time, and Oh, these are the problem, isn't all. And this is with automation and even hyper automation. Or kicking in and enabling the organization to be a little bit more. ..., you are proven problem before it happens.

Process, of course, as always, call is the linchpin in any our digital transformation or making digital apply.

All, you need how object alignment with that, what you want to do, what this employee experience should look like.

And as we turn the employee into a digital employee, focus on automation with end to end business processes, and you know that's very important.

Redefined the process and effective orchestration. They go hand in hand. That's what we tried to do, You know, while the process wise, OK. You have A to B to C, but how we can orchestrate it. You know, from a business process standpoint, you can use whatever tools you want. We use our own tools. It's up to you, but make sure they go hand in hand.

And then clear, expected outcomes, and the process begins and ends, and it has to end with a clear outcome.

It cannot be ambiguous are. It's not up to a person to figure out later. It has to have a clear outcome and process validation except for handling. And this is where we need to put our thoughts into it, and technology can come and solve and help you, but this is very important as you line up the processes.

And the last in this core tenets, or your organization change management, I picked the statement from internet. I don't know where to pick it from. I apologize for the source, but digital transformation is business transformation. And I loved it. And vice versa, or somebody's business transformation Nowadays, it sits invariably looking lucky or digital transformation, that going hand in hand.

Very exciting times, right, and this is where the digital employee is borne out off, and, of course, communication.

There's so many books written about what importance of communication and then the lead to change with a clear mandate.

Whatever it is, mandate car to be clear from top that are at a certain level downwards, it can be very clear. And lead the change shape, shape leading change is very difficult proposition, very difficult. And you have pluses and minuses.

we need to deal with them as they go along and how you can prevent the roadblocks coming away can no sharing of results.

Good or bad share your rhythms.

All right, now, once we have, once we establish this.

So, what we ventured into a lot. Let's create a framework for all of go for, what are we doing together to create digital employee? So, that is a reboot, a repeatable and we start looking into, you know, kind of where we can improve.

Again, this is a journey. There is no stop. There is no full stop there. It's like we're done and declare victory, right. We can have milestones as a goal in going into this. But.

It's very important for us to put all them in perspective.

Bust, consistent, employee experience. Single access for all the employee for credentialing are access requests, or any kind of request and apply once a software request, anything you'd start from a single single point of entry?

Screenshot (4)And they're consistent process for a cluster. We couldn't be the laptop with a smart device or a different company. And it has a different set of requirement for suddenly equipment across all need to be consistently process through one place.

And consistent UI UX for a global employee base. Global is a key word here, because you can, you can have a localized experience and how we want language is a key, key aspects to it.

Keep global Employee perspective, that's what we We are trying to do as we started our starting point itself, and make sure you have SLAs in place. If somebody's a quest started equipment, and somebody's fulfilling it, makes sure that our solicit clearly established, or the very And this is where the localization come into play when sometimes, local processes influence that SLAs.

That's good. That's fine, Make sure they're captured and this is where, again, I.

I will draw into one of our presenters on day one less than Maurice presented about this Experience Level Agreement. I liked it because we do that aspect as part of this overall SLA. But I loved how he called out and kind of put a lot more focus on it, which I agree with 100%, because, his experience matter, and it's not a touch feel, and kind of it, but the fulfillment. What an employer is looking for, each employee, you really be successful, right?

And then standards and continuous. Communication mechanism, of course, seamless employee engagement. And then the next one is your uniform on standard process flows. Again, process flows come into play again. So I'll call a little bit out, Dana, specifically, or Compliance and audit framework.

You need to have that in place, because all you do, and be it in the HR processes, WTO or technical fulfillment behind the scenes, you know, act in the Epic quest and access and access to certain systems are all need to move out, Kind of, probably, there's that.

Checks and balances in place says separation of duties in place. All of them undercoat, severe audit, that type of industry you're in. We deal with financial industries and various industries.

So we go through different audit requirements and pretty much the life files in here involves clewer. So having a framework is very, very important.

Then, of course, technology, to bring it all together then how digital enablement, employ less customer, both of them together.

What are the what are the what we can gain from that? And, again, use that that candidates of digital transformation in how over you defined this is how we defined it to start applying them wherever possible.

To add continuous improvement model, It's, it's a continuous journey, Alright? So, it doesn't stop.

Now, So, we established a baseline here, Now, we are coming to the beta of an important milestone in India And in, what I want to share with you is: this was a digital employee and automated interaction process flows.

So, an employee, a, you know, has a different personas in in the organization. Isn't somebody's working in IT? Somebody's developer or somebody's infrastructure person. Somebody's security person, From the business standpoint, somebody sales summit is a product manager. You know, there's a CEO and your CFO. They all use your laptops and they hit: That's what they do, right, then, it doesn't matter when somebody is that just giant company from a college versus CEO. They all needed equipment in place.

So, in this aspect, everybody is part of this digital employee. So, what I will show you is a given that so many whites for personas, and it's just impossible due to talk about each and everything within through the construct one.

So, I tried to present, you know, kind of a little generalized at summarized level, and to make this set digital employee, which is, you know, having a single experience, you know, the requests are fulfilled automatically, at least communication is done. Clearly, There are some exceptions a problem and that when it, when it all happens, if something is stuck in some pipeline. And so that this employee is, continue to do the work without having any challenge. This is a giant. she's enjoying the work.

You know, when they come in the morning, or, you know, are in the evening, OK, let's look at this process flows, well, here we go. Can a user, in this case, an employee or contractor coming in, are a manager or somebody submitting on behalf of bring it to an employee or a contractor onboard? Well, there's going to be single pane of access for, for all of the request to be put in place and that's what the single pane of axes. So we'll, we'll capture information that are relevant for everything they need for HR compliance.

Based on the conformance, that rules that they put in place, as you trying to hire a person, tried to bring down to it from day one standpoint, how we set up all day, need a requirements for that employee, and our training done, our onboarding processes are done and all need to be process through our requests to one place.

Raja GangavarapuAnd from the same place, your request started shipment, and, again, from the same place, a request for ID and password and authentication request to all these systems are, that employee ought to how our access to help. Again, the contractor, and I use the word digital, employer, employee. I'm, including all of them. As I said at the beginning of it, you need to, we started treating all at the same, right?

I'm using that employee, as it's a common construct to capture all of those different types of resources and billing location, various access you need, how based on your organization need for us. Being X is given, we are globally spread.

We have a lot of physics that's very important for us, and then, all of this information is flown into your respective wholesalers in a real-time basis.

And, in each person, fulfill this request differently, right, and we, we SWT SLAs.

So, what we accomplish in this process is global, consistent HR process and policies, globally, consistent, again, the local, localized changes within that.

There's no 1, 1 process across across the globe, that's not possible, so, but, there is a correlation between global and a localized process. The connection between WC is basically get localized, are inherited from a global process. And process completion, asphalt defined isolates. People know when they come and, Hey, I'm going to get my laptop in two days. Oh, we have a great. And, your ID is already provisioned from the day before a contractor started or employee started everything is in place, access A setup and manage. It, has all the information.

Like, OK, my, my person is ready to go day, one employee laptop, is coming the way smart devices come in the way I X, is, offset ready to go.

And then, and indeed, have a similar experience. The Service desk, if you have problem, we call Service Desk.

You can look at it out. This is where the problem is, and yeah, this is a laptop has an issue. Because setup has delayed, and it's coming your way in two days. Kind of stop our day and conformance to global policies for probation.

Then now a comfort, digital employee onboarding here, now, let us look at different persona of this employee and how this template Kenyan track.

And this is where we implemented our our internal digital transformation.

So, this employee is working in IT and he's a problem solver, or fulfill or Resolver.

And then, this digital employee, again, having access to single system, single pin up axis tracking system, just generalized term. Again, I'm not trying to show technology what we did behind the scenes. I'm just going to generalize that term. So that communicates what we're trying to do.

And what this employee do idea, some process and automated workflow security issues. Securities, a pretty big deal today. There's a lot of penetration hacking going on out there, and now you see almost warnings blazing every day because situation in Russia and Ukraine, you know, every argument that organization is on high alert that way.

And, you know, ransomware is prevalent.

So as it happens, we want, we will update, you know, kind of a secure, automated workflow for all security incidents and all visible only to the specific set of people, access only to those people, right? And then Applications and anything that happens, all access through a single pane. So what it means to this, employee, can submit all of this problem to a single pane of axes and also people who are resolving our access to that, have access to those issues that came in front of them. So here it is Submitter. Here's the foods. Resolver RF wholesaler, fixing on this problem to a single pane of X all of them one place. So, Visibility factor.

Now, once this is established, here is an external customer coming in and having access, being a problem with the product are applications, She is accessing, e-mail is incorrect, and if you want us to make a change and couldn't figure out how to change it correctly, our system through an error, So, just like any system that you put in place, we have several systems out there, where problems are logged into a different system altogether, you know, to certain mechanism.

Right Now, that is put in front of our internal customer or internal employee to resolve that particular problem, OK. So this is a pretty standard process goes everywhere, depending on type of system you put it.

So, what we tried to echo, what we accomplished Share a quick and real-time problem resolution with self-service, Excellent customer, Get their problems resolved quickly. How did you do it? Now, you can ask, hey, this is still going through a little bit of a person. Person is trying result.

What we did is, we tried to automate the flow between our ticketing system and the other ticketing system.

And so the information flows and we're not done yet. In this process, I wanted to be careful. Because there's a lot of trickiness here to make sure everything goes through. So, we may not get to the point everything. It will be automatically resolve, are put in front of right, resolve hours.

But, we started looking at some success, where it doesn't have to be a little chair, you know, this internal user turning around, and creating another problem, or a ticket for different setup group of people. But, it is, we accomplish that part we're looking at, this is where we can have success. Eventually, our, you know, some Maybe even potential hyper automation is a potential option here.

So now head third farm and employee engagement. You know, this employee of could be anybody in this organization, and how those problems can be resolved through a global, our service desk, depending on how you did we, We are going towards a global service desk and a contact center built in together. And that's where your problems are resolved in a real-time or near real-time basis. And we started bringing robotic process where we can.

So now, the picture is rather complete, right Employee an underwater Smith. Leslie became a decent employee.

And fulfillment and problem resolution happen for this tunnel digital employee until the user turn into a digital employee, and you'll actual customer submitting the tickets issues, problems are getting results quickly, Arctic is getting information in a predictable way.

Event Email Graphic Virtual Conferences (17)-1And I put, bring it altogether, a Global Service Desk, having information, and looking at the same set of information, provide the information back.

So, what do we accomplished, digitally automated onboarding, visually automated workplace, and digitally transform end to end service model.

Now, let us look at the conceptual architecture. Again, again, this would itself take on its own presentation. I've tried to simplify this and put some key points and what we pay attention to.

So, essentially, how we accomplished is, we have it one consistent ticketing system, and is digital, that means workflows, and everything in place, Majority is automated, and I would not say everything is automated, because, I don't know, it's possible or not, but that's the journey we are undertaking, which are integrated with the key systems, which is basically an excellent customer. Logged in that problem. We use our CRM system, to log that information.

That information flow to the same t-shirt ticketing system, which is our initial employee, when when the service desk accesses that information, is the same ticketing system flowing through the entire organization, circling your organization's problem resolution, and that also captured at that report analytics for you to report. And again, this is where your SLAs can be reported.

Security related framework can be put in place, and all of them are, again, you know, I manage through one consistent security access points.

So what we have done here: real-time diaspora SLA, automated onboarding combined with effective workplace setup and automation, redefined and modernized business process and orchestration. And because we implement a lot of RPA behind the HR HR system.

Which, by the way, we have one consistent global HR system will be implemented and replace lot of Lexus system in this process and a lot of manual process got automated.

And then near real-time reporting, beautiful, isn't it, because information is flowing a real-time. We push the data into our reporting system. We can capture and see what happened yesterday, and what happened this morning. You know, if it, depending on the time, right, it's not instantaneous.

Integrated system keeps a problem resolution, close to real-time, OK? And look at the system environment standpoint, we have multi cloud hosting, and all, this is where integration becomes even more tricky, but we accomplished it. And data encryption at rest and security in flight. Very important for, for what are you trying to do, then? Analytics and reporting, for audit and compliance, as a set, and the latest security framework we adopted.

Alright, so, Action Centers, and so, you know, kind of take a look at this.

So they are the actions, and one of the key takeaways I would propose for you, a framework for digital employee engagement and value realization, what you did there, you find repeatable framework, clear goals, objectives for digital employee. Have them ready. We did that.

We looked at what it is all about.

And redefine and redesign process orchestration.

And the results we we saw in this process.

Demonstrable onboarding experience thus far SLA operation globally.

Simplification and efficiency are due to consistent, globally available system.

These are maintenance of assets, laptops, or, you know, whatever you want, whatever they are.

Maintenance of it and an internal process, employee satisfaction, globally consistent process simplification. Right. Simplification is very important because you maintenance is it gives us a building bridges as editors get reduced. And the HR Pedro standardization, pedal is a key thing. You know, if anybody's from from this area listening to this, is, you know, how problematic it is globally?

Again, and, again, that it's, I'll go into multiple presentations, but we started reducing the error still, not there yet, but we definitely saw reducing the errors and improve the consistency, how we submitted the second nuances of customer employee engagement. Again, I'll end with that team how important it is in a globally consistent ticketing system.

OK, real-time process improvements, and that technology standardization, you know, very, very, very, very, very important, and I cannot say how many vary in their correct and what are the results in the process production, or removal of the political work? and Workforce, reclassification, you can have a digital employee doing valuable work and more satisfaction and the more stickiness with your organization. Right. And this is the transformation for employee efficiency and actual customer satisfaction. We have seen one example there and also conformance to your sock to ISO 27001 are there are many audit and compliance. So it's out there. And they'll become lot more easy to be compliant, all of it.

And the third, and the last common pitfalls, or rather what you need to pay attention, The dynamics of visual employee engagement. What are those identified constraints, established, Bishop Light, and there are plenty, we have seen many, right? And we're not done yet. And there are also looking to, just like how we are, all problems that are evolving to that agreement. And support from different groups, with a clear. Acceptable. Approaching.

You need to bring everybody together as much as possible, and then I'd be perfect, But, everybody agree to that objective and continuous improvement of global digital employee.

If it always just stop one place, and, again, problems will take over you, and the results they're off. identified the constraints early, and they implemented the suitable solution in a relevant timeframe, relevant timeframe is very important. Elimination of legacy and localize this process were very successful in the process. Communication and execution and implementation that's globally sortable. There are lessons learned for us. We're picking up. But overall, I would say like we did a pretty good job there with a focus on export results, continue to make improvements, continue to make improvements. So with that thought, I will stop my presentation and can take some questions and bring closer back and do the view.

Outstanding presentation, the raja, what a great view of digital transformation. You know, engage in these employees in this process. And I'll ask you to keep your camera on, Roger, why we do this. So you stop the presentation, which is good, but bring your camera back on. Great. And one of the things that I want to discuss with you is that this is about digital employee engagement.

And, you know, the example you show is such a rich example of all the different, the multi-faceted approach to this. And that's it.

Help us, again, understand the engagement portion of that with the employees. How do you get, is it on the process design? Is it on the technology adoption? How are you get the employees and professionals engage in these activities, so that you see their point of view all the way from the beginning of designing the process for, for those employees? I'm curious about how you deal with that?

But, you know, it's a multiple ways. Jose had to deal with that, and particularly different surveys that we have done, over the period of time, Different challenges we have seen, and also, evolution of HR. Process and the, globally, what, what, what? We showed how, right? And this is the organization, Evolution is, those are global for a very long time. But systems evolution is localized.

Right, you know, we have one system in North America, one process for it, and there's a payroll works differently, or not the mark from Europe, because of the rules themselves, right.

And that onboarding has its own, kind of, took its own separate paths, because the system process and all, and what we had done is, again, the communication in terms of approach, You know, what we have done, and the service we have done, and feedback we received, and presentations back. So it's a lot more interactive discussions and getting more and more feedback now, unlike any big ERP implementations are functional transformation or acquisitions. These are not deep, right? In terms of figuring out what the problem is.

If this is also a shallow in its complexity, very, very important, you cannot miss even a single one. It cannot say like, oh, I will deal with later kind of stuff. They're all dates should be done at the same time, with that approach. and engaging back and forth, and, and, and then looking at what an employee experience should look like, right? What does the global desktop should look like?

And we have desktops, we have service to service desk already in place, in each region, so we know how it's working. But what does it bring it altogether means? So as we started looking into it, it's not that we looked all at same time and created execution plan. We have an approach overall, as we crafted and started attacking them one at a time with a timeframe and HR is one fasting, which we did a globally consistent HR platform.

And then this, you know, ITSM base ticketing system both went a little bit in parallel. Now, though ITSM related ticketing system has started way back when we took the cloud journey, so all happen that overlapping and in some are sequential in nature. There's target bringing them all together, once we had baseline in each of these areas.

Yeah, the level of co-ordination and collaboration that you're describing is fantastic, and, but it's not easy to do. And I'm curious now, if we go, not just the employee professional level, but you look as senior leaders in the organization. What kind of support and engagement you must have from those senior leaders to execute on some of the things you're talking about here?

You know, the mandate is came from the highest level.

You know The need of it is, you know, the employee. The need for an employee and a skilled employee that's been there for a long time. And this is challenge in the last 20 years, 30 years, 40 years, you know.

The demand is always there. I mean, good for anyone who we are employee selfless at an organization's right? So it's good for all of us.

But the thing is whenever will work for how and the person should enjoy the work, right? Everybody started realizing the importance of it and this pandemic.

Through it provided a great opportunity. Electric, protect way, right, at the highest level, is this became suddenly at least the top.

And even for our CEO, when he was presenting to the market, and she presented this as the one at the top points for her and for the executive board at Duke to pay attention to. So, the mandate was clear from top down And then it is all up to us, how we all bring it together, because he gets easy, You can go wrong, right? It's, it's easy when we fall into Traps for sure. So, we pull back rather reasonably quickly, and move forward.

So, this is very good, and you're very fortunate that you have an executive leadership team, that the saw, the, the need in the opportunity and pursue it.

Some of the commentary that I'm seeing here from the audience has to do with the fact that maybe their senior leaders are not so enthusiastic about it, and the, what would be your suggestion to sell this value proposition to senior leaders. How would you approach that communication to senior leaders on why this really matter should matter to them?

Yeah, it. Because you know I can understand because sometimes D is not.

Again, we pay a lot of attention to the external customer because that's where you get money from. That's where we'd get all of it and we were like OK. As long as I'm making money as I'm, you know, I have $10 where I need to spend. Oh, let me go on.

Screenshot (4)Invest in there that's be owned by the company. Which is which is fantastic. We need to have it.

Important there is again this what pandemic did to us made everybody virtual two years ago People thought you can work from anywhere.

It is forbidden and situation proved the case.

Let's use this opportunity and what it showed and put them together.

And another factor really is.

The success is important, right? What you have done at a small scale, the results communicate. Even how bad results.

please share them, ended up, where things go wrong is if we hide the results, are, don't show them correctly.

When they get to know, That's where that, yeah, Well, is it really worth it to invest money over there, somewhere, we have to have it, internal ticketing system, ITSM process, you have to have it because compliance, security, audit, and all, it's very important to do. A lot of organization that, I know of two at a small level. But that the success, what you're going to get out of is how quickly you can be compliant your security audit, right? How quickly combined that? You know how quickly, How this information loaded so that you don't spend time on it and your employees, what they're doing.

Right. No artist, really satisfied that happy, OK. But a lot of organizations, they are not. So, what you can do there to employee engagement.

And similarly on, on the equipment you have access, you have today, you know even two years before you need to have employee comes on, You don't have you where that person is he, did he get his laptop.

Or did she get this ID and password in place? And the person comes in, sometimes, Hey, there's my information, is at the door and then trying to settle in and where do I need to set?

Everybody knows he or she is coming, but all these are not set up properly. So what we have done is, we are enabling all of it a real-time basis, and available for manager to come in.

Now, if you are an employee, you stick with your organization, you better have all of them in place, otherwise the person fly off, and it has a fantastic other opportunity.

Those, those are the things we need to put together.

Very well, Roger, We are out of time here now, But I'll tell you what, I want a great presentation when a great, in-depth review of a very good case case study here for all of us to understand the complexities, but also the solutions that you have provided to tackle some of these challenges in digital transformation that creates real value for the employees, and as a proxy to the customers, though, that those employees serve. So thank you for making that case very clear, providing a very comprehensive review, and the very practical insights to our global audience today.

I get that. Thanks, everyone.

Thanks for the opportunity Lineup How fun.

Thank you. Ladies and gentlemen, that is Roger ..., who is the enterprise vice-president, a software engineering at Walters Clovers, sharing their journey of culture, business and these sort of transformation with very interesting case. And, of course, many, many terrific insights. So, we appreciate that. We're gonna be taking a break now, and at the top of the hour, we're going to come back with our final session of digital workplace transformation live in. We're going to be welcoming a cross industry. These are transformational leader from Cisco and that this isn't the lash as money and the last is going to be talking to us about achieving and sustaining secure business operations for the digital workplace transformation. So, a focus on security Before we wrap up, the three day conference So, take a break now, and I'll see you in the lash at the top of the hour.


About the Author

more-Mar-28-2022-06-16-39-95-AMRaja Gangavarapu,
Enterprise Vice President, Software Engineering,
Wolters Kluwer.


As an IT executive leader, my expertise is in managing globally distributed teams with experience executing billion-dollar business mergers. I have had great success in completing very complex programs on time without a budget increase for a diversified set of application portfolios in different industries. I have directly managed the teams migrating critical applications, including SAP to AWS with DR in an alternate cloud to achieve the digital footprint with flexible architecture.

We delivered with ML/AI platform running in cloud and integrated with Datalake, increasing our clients to grow our business. In my senior leadership role, I delivered digital experience leveraging real time integration through enterprise service bus with ERP systems, CRM, business intelligence along with Master Data Management platforms and RPA. Under my direction, migrated and managing the infrastructure from private data center to Cloud by incorporating and managing the Enterprise Security controls.


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