BTOES Insights Official
August 03, 2021

Digital Workplace Transformation Live - SPEAKER SPOTLIGHT: Customer experience in the digital remote workplace era

Courtesy of Jabil's Michal Wierzchowski below is a transcript of his speaking session on 'Customer experience in the digital remote workplace era - What has changed and strategies to cope with it' to Build a Thriving Enterprise that took place at Digital Workplace Transformation Live.



Session Information:

Customer experience in the digital remote workplace era - What has changed and strategies to cope with it

Session Transcript:

And I'm very excited for our next speaker. He's coming from Florida today.

Global experience in one of the great, enduring organizations of our time, I'm talking about me, how we're ..., who is running the ... materials and BPM organization. He has nearly 20 years of industry experience and is successfully running BPM implementation as a leading element of organizational change. Me, how is driving digital transformation strategy that's being followed by the belief that the best ideas come straight from the source. And making Digital Transformation Stick is simply a case of putting those ideas into practice across the board. So me how always a pleasure to listen from me, but from you, because you have the strategy. You have the most important part of it, which is a strategy execution across a global organization. And you always provide such great, practical insights. Very grateful for you to take your time to share the expertise of our global audience today.

Thank you, Jesse. I'm really excited to be here, guys.

Together with you. Let me run, You run my presentation.

As always, as I said, it is a pleasure to be here and be able to share our story.

I just was mentioning, I am coming with a 20 years worth of experience from the industry.

I'm working for ... Company, and before I will go with the profile of the company.

and few other insights, just wanted to let you know that having a privilege to raw materials organization, the same as the business process management implementation, gave me a really great insight on how to, how efficiently around the organization but also how efficiently inject or evolve a new technology.

So let me go with that with a presentation and after after the presentation, there will be a time for the questions.

So when we go through that property, your questions, chat them to just that, or keep them and then we will, we can we can get back on to that after after the whole slideshow.

So, moving forward, what I'm going to talk today about, it is a little bit of the introduction to what we, what we do, who ... and where we are?

And then after that, I would like to give you a little bit of a introduction to our journey and and give you some flavor of the next steps that we are putting plays. Because, obviously, business process management is not new. You think, for us. And then I've been, I've been privileged to share our story already through a couple of the other sessions. But what I am equipping the presentation or the journey today, it is by adding the new elements that that we were continuously implementing as part of the next steps of the of the journey.

So Gabriel, we are.

Global manufacturing solution provider, and our ambition is to become the most technologically advanced and trusted manufacturing solution provider.

So if you look onto onto where we are, we are almost every market in the world.

We have 200 plus employees across the globe, 400 plus customers.

So, it is giving you already a little bit of a flavor on how the how big organization is and, and how challenging it is to run the standardization in an optimization.

And I think, together with my team, we found the really good way to take advantage of different segments or the markets that we are.

We're operating in combining the knowledge of the of the people that are coming from the source, which are our our people, that the facilities who are physically patching the products and manufacturing them, and then aggregate them onto the really, really good and condense program that is helping us to drive innovation.

So, when you look onto the localization, right, we are, we are present in almost every place in the port right, Asia, Europe, Latin America, North America.

You can see amount of the places in the cities We have we have a pretty well diversified team, which is, which is of course helping us to drive the innovation and making sure that That we've taken advantage of different Point of use, but also it is helping us to accelerate Accelerate the the the continuous improvement and the way how we operate.

Screenshot - 2021-07-31T185218.838So, our overall idea, when we start with business process management, was to focus on the standardization, right? When we look on our company, we, obviously, we started to see that the complexity of the market is increasing, all right? And the complexity of the products, and the number of the customization or configuration that, that we have to operate where it is, it is increasing. So, what we've seen is that, that the complexity complexity was being being followed by beta cost. So, our hypothesis that we put in place was to focus on the simplification, making sure that we are defining the cost optimization. And we are leveraging the power of the human brain that we have in the organization so that we can incubate innovation best practices, and bring them up.

So, when you, when you think about the way, how we were approaching that, it was simply to focus on standardization through the business process management. And we, and we put it in the way that the Blueprint Management or Business Process Management, we adopted to our internal acronym, and we call it integrated between management, which is really where are recognized by our team.

So, our three major steps that we were following was to standardize and simplify so that we can build sustainable operational excellence, and, of course, our people is our power, so that we were building everything around how the process supposed to work.

What is, what, what are the allowed, a potential variations, or, or, or special processes, that we should keep? However, you are focusing on what is the portion of the process that should stay standardized across the board.

Then from there, we were talking about the innovation.

And we were running through there, definition of what are the transformational outcomes that we are expecting to see. So that it took us to the point where we are able to build a new value propositions for starting from operational excellence, going through the meet new business model, design as well as improved customers. Our customers experience, right?

So, when you think about the overall journey, the way, how we are organizing that either or in the company, We have, top, bottom, bottom, top type of the approach. So, we can see from the overall objectives of the company, from the golf ball, through the regional team, to the site level. We are broadcasting. What is the expectation from the, from the company perspective?

By the same time, the ownership and the injection of the, all of the innovation in the, the best practices are coming from the side who, who understand the best, what is the, What is the most optimal way to operate, and then all of those things should be being surrounded by three elements, adopt, aline, executes, and those are the three major elements.

When we talk about the execution, we have our internal ... operating system that is allowing us to understand what's going on, where are the potential challenges, what are the successful processes, so that we can interchange that? between decides through the unified metrics, we were analyzing how we're performing from the company perspective. And we were adopting to, what are the expectations versus what are the results that are coming from the, from the sides so that we could define what we should do better. And then here is, we're integrated Blueprint Management, is feeding the best because that is how we were aligning the objectives with executions.

So when I, when I, when I think about our journey, it was really well crafted, starting from the strategy perspective.

We're together with the executive team. throughout all of that. Throughout all of the levels of the company, we were defining what we expect to have. And then from there, we were converting that, now what do we know what we are expecting? What is the best way to organize?

So so here's where we step into the integrated Blueprint management.

And then when I think about IPM, which stands for Integrated Blueprint Management, as they say, I think it will GPS.

So, the vertical first thought that you guys are having by looking on to that screen, just told that because as I will go throughout the, throughout the next slides, it will be all about us being able to define what is our final destination defined? What are the potential roadblocks? who should be engaged? What are the traffic lights?

Btog CTAWho are the congestions and then deal with all of those potential challenges, but also at best practices so that we can choose the best way to get to the final destination and the most optimized way, OK?

So, when, when, when I, when I talk about IBM, there are five major elements that we defined as a company.

There were five pillars where we say, first of all, we need to define, what is our integrated blueprint. So we digitize all of our processes from the beginning till the end.

The second element, we say, Now when we understand what are our processes, we have to make sure that we have a clear roles and accountabilities. So it was there to revise, who is engaged, who is the owner, who's going to drive, what, and what are the accountabilities.

The third element that we put in place was to make sure that we have an cross functional interaction.

We didn't organization.

So, starting from the top leaders, going to the process experts, we were building a forums that were, on the one hand, defining a strategy.

On the other hand, we're able to translate this strategy to the next level on the organization, so those forums are allowing us to stay connected to all the organization, and make sure that our process is cutting across expectations, And we know how to translate it to the execution side of it.

The fourth element was to combine those three, because even though you have right protests, even though you have the roles, and the capabilities, and the Forums, you, you need to have efficient way, and a fast way to run the collaborations.

So, here is where we were talking about the solution that potentially can help us to run, to run effective communication among our process experts and make sure that there is no delay between the way how we want to run the process versus the way how the process could be improved.

Then, the fifth element that we put and it is a conclusion of, of all of those five pillars, is, how we're going to control and measure our process performance in the way that every process, a breakage, or the violation, can be recognized. And, it can be, it can be action it, in a way that our final financial results for operational efficiency won't get affected.

If something is not, is not being follow as it should Now, the process performance is not only to detect if something is going wrong, it is also to recognize if our baselines are defined, right?

So, if there is any deviation from the process and we detect that we detect aos, we are defining if those should be used as our baseline.

And, this is a really great conclusion of, of digitization, responsibility, connectivity, or connection between the different groups, kind of response to the collaboration platform.

Finally, defining if we're how, how well we're doing from the process perspective.

So, then, when you think about the way how those five pillars are being supported, or equipped with, It is, it is very simple, five Layers that are helping us to connect.

Processes, strategy, view performance throughout the different layers of, of, of the way, how operation, or how the organization works. So, we are always starting from the process.

We always connect the process with our procedures, and then we drag it onto the level of the tools.

So that the first three steps are helping you understand how we're going to run the organization.

What are the principles? What are the What are the rules under oath? What are the compliance related elements? And then we are pulling this down for that tool and then defining how the tool can support the process.

So, that first three elements are helping to run the translations of the strategy and how it is going to be executed within our organization. But also, it is allowing us to capture those best practices that will be injected back.

Then I made the next two steps, which are the KPIs and the data.

Those are the ones that are having asked through the process performance, Define, how well are we doing, so that we can measure our financial performance, But also our process performance. So that we can react in the almost the real-time, and then put it back on to our baseline. And then the data. Data are becoming really, really super, super, super important. Because to the data analytics, not only we understand how our process perform, but also we understand where our attention should be.

Either from the investment perspective or for it from the continuous improvement perspective.

So, those five elements altogether, they are surrounding the organization throughout the different functional groups.

and then focusing on the process, Making sure that there are right, standard operating procedures, tools that are supporting the process, measurements, and then the data they all correspond to each other. To keep driving, operational efficiency, but also also continuous innovation.

So, the way, how we did it, from the performance perspective, we were breaking this down to the different regions.

Then, we, after defining the baseline, we said, OK, now, when we understand how the organization is supposed to be driven, let's measure that against, what is the, what is the, what is the real way of running the processes?

And we started to capture, what the processes are being aline, and where are those, that potentially does contain some variations, and if any ... appear, then we were actually them, either to add just to the baseline, or we were adjusting the baseline, because it was an enterprise type of the way to run the business.

So, when, when you think about the continuous journey, it was from the idea to the maturity.

And when we start to, in 2019, it was it was an idea where we said, we want to make sure that we understand our processes very well and very connected.

JPL is really process oriented company, and we were having a really good understanding on how the processes are working.

Event Email Graphic Virtual Conferences (17)-1But what was the element that was, that was required to get it to the next level? It was the full connection.

Would that with a clear transparency on how the processes are work?

So, so Follow me Crawl, walk, run, approach. We connect our processes.

We went with the transformation. We put it into the environment. We empower our our people to be the custodians of the processes through the ....

And then they were carrying on those processes and making sure that they evolve.

But also, they were empowered to demand delta functions to follow that process. In exactly the same way as it is define.

And if it wasn't, then there was a healthy conversation in war to define what is better way to work together.

And then finally, where we are today, we got them to the point where our processes are really well understood.

Our people is our power, and all of the innovation, or most of the innovation is coming from that, from our facilities, So that we are getting onto that self sustain improvement cycle, where we understand how our processes are performing, and then what the attention should be.

So, that, so that from here, we are stepping onto something that is helping us to define what is the better way to utilize? to utilize the data. That corresponds to every single process. And I'm going to talk briefly about the next steps.

But before, I will go to that. I want to show you the first 15 months, because if you think about the Business Process Management, some of you might think it is giant subject so. So, the question is, where to start.

Some of you might think, Well, I'm already along the way with business process management, so what are the next steps that is supposed to make, right?

So, if you look under the way, how, how we were framing that first of all, we started with with executive sponsorship, That was really, really, super important. And I will tell you, it was easy to do it because ... is process oriented company, and then there was nothing that the full support whenever we started to say, let's connect the process.

Let's make sure that they are corresponding with each other and then we combine process, procedures, tools, KPIs, and the data.

Then, if you, if you go through the different steps, building the framework, roles and responsibilities, forums, collaborations, process performance, those were the elements that either they were driven independently so that we created the base. And then we connect them, or they were getting onto the on board, laid out around them along the way.

so that we were finally able to connect all of those elements and get onto the point where we are.

So, where we are today, we have really well organized process, then every process experts, from the company, that is playing, there's a custodian role, can go into the system.

We are using ... two to control the process.

So they can go to the system, navigate from the top, from the step one to the step four, and then get really clear understanding on what are the processes that corresponds with each other.

What are the steps under each, underneath every functional step, and how do they correspond to the way on how our facilities execute those, right, so going through that, it is it is helping to go to to get our view from the top to the bottom and from the bottom to the top.

So, everybody's integrated, everybody understand potential dependencies and, and one of the thing that I am really excited about is that we eliminate the potential failure from not being or communicating, communicating among different functions.

because the dependency is being recognized at the early, early stage of recognizing our areas of the improvements, but also our areas where we want to invest from the innovation perspective.

So, when you think about that, what it means in practice, So, in practice, what it means, for me, it means that today, you can make decisions about every single element that is happening in the company.

Now, with this, with the scale of the company that we are today, it won't, it is not possible to make a decision about every single item that, that the company perform. So what we did, starting from the process, understanding where are those critical decisions?

We are clustering the type of the decisions. So when you look onto that, by using a technology, we've started to analyze what are the similarities between different elements? So we didn't the same bucket of the process. Let's say. We are talking about the part numbers and the interaction with the suppliers.

We've started to cluster as similarity between different parts, how they behave, and what is the way to execute those, and then we were defining the actions for those clusters. So think about app 500,000 different parts that we have to manage. If you will start to cluster them then not not out.

Then you are not talking about deciding about 500,000 parts.

Suddenly it is going to be hundred of the decisions that you have to you have to make. And once you make those decisions, they will be broadcasted across the massive amount of the, of the other elements that we have to execute in a company.

So that is one element, right?

Of course, being equipped with the automation of the repeatable activities and many other elements, but but this is a, this is a driver to make sure that we are not being focused on every single element that is happening in the organization By saying not focus. It is just not forcing an organization to make a decision about all of those things.

It is more about combining those together and build a decision roams breakout rooms.

If I can call it like that, then make those decisions upfront, so that we can increase the efficiency and re direct the focus or attention of our employees to the other elements. So, we are gaining time to speed quality of the decisions, but also financial performance.

And then if you think about, you know, um, how it helps the organization.

Just simply thinking about inventory by itself, by clustering, a different type of the, of the materials and different type of the decisions.

Suddenly, based on those groups, you start to see, what is the impact on your performance? What is your financial impact? And then you can correspond that to your processes. And then, at the glass, you can see whether it is something that I have to, or I can improve within that functional area. Or there are some other dependencies, whether, coming from, from, manufacturing site, where they're coming from, the coating, or procurement, or whatever that we have to influence, So that, when we, when it comes to the execution, we are improving, and we are becoming, we're getting onto the performance exons.

So, summarizing business process management is, is helping us to define how the organization work.

It is us, as a company, it is helping us to empower our employees and give them the ability to make the decisions, but also to innovate. And they are becoming a part of the solution from day one.

So all of that, all of the, All of the best practices, bubbling up and being connected to the processes, immediately, are happening, asked to deploy those best practices across the globe.

Regardless from where they are come.

Then, where the business process management is taking us today, it is to get into the hyper automation, get into the utilization of the AI and machine learning, so that we can cluster the decisions and an upfront, put, put stronger intelligence around the data analytics and then prepared the environment. So that the decision decisions can be made.

Screenshot (4)First of all, with the right quantity, second, with the right speed, and turn taking care of our financials.

So that would be that would be all What I have for today.

I hope that you enjoy this session.

And And and and the story that that, that, that was I'm privileged to share with you. So if you have if you have questions, I would like to get back to Joe's at the main room, and let's see what are those questions?

Male, Thank you so much. What a terrific presentation. What an incredible journey should do. Business process management, at this quality level, and this scale, is, is an incredible in Denver, and congratulations to you and the entire team at ... for, for staying resilient on this journey, to lots of people in this conference, who understand what it takes to do, something like that at scale, and the challenges are phenomenal. So let's talk about some of those challenges and opportunities.

The first one is really related to establishing ownership.

How did you go about establishing ownership of this critical business processes around the world?

And I have to believe that you may need to have regional process owners, you have overall process owners, and then regional needs that need to be addressed. And that, and that governance, with process ownership, can be really tricky and organizations, especially of the size. So, can you talk a little bit about that? How did that happen?


Um, I think we were fortunate that me and my team when we started to work with, with integrated European management, with, with that aspect, because JBL as a company throughout the decades, right. We are 53 years from the market.

We built really strong functional expertise and something that is called subject matter expert network.

Right, so, I think, you know, I had, I had relatively easy, easy task to do when it comes to the ownership, because what we did we didn't change the organization tremendously, right. And we all know how, it works, when you go in and run the tremendous change of the organizational structure, it, and then those kind of things.

Instead, what we did, we say, you guys are responsible for the process. So what we have to do, we just need to connect site level experts, regional level experts and a global level experts.

And then we we we we we built or we reclassify the subject matter experts role to be a global process owner.

So, so what we did, we took an advantage of the existing structure. And we just reframe it a bit.

And then, we inject that they got the business process management GOV's into the work So suddenly from individual process experts being can owners of some portion of the procedure. Some portion of the protests we build integrated view. Where global process owners are those final decision point, if I can call it like that, and the person who, who orchestrated the alignment across the regions and build some kind of a federation.

Right? So, so everybody got connected. And then when the process between different regions, potentially could look different, what we did, we pull all of the five regions. And we say, here's the baseline. This is how one region is doing. We think, it is. It is. It is well defined way to increase the performance, and then we were, we were checking with all the regions, whether it is something that we want to adopt. And then, in the democratic way, to some degree, and, you know, injected as a baseline, or we say, you know what? We want to keep it as some kind of special process ... that we want to keep for that specific customer or the region. Because it is country specific regulation oddities customer's specific needs.

Very, very good. You know, that description is excellent. The execution can be quite challenging and congratulations to you and the team.

This connects to the discussion to what you presented, which was very sound, with the need to, for a standardization upfront. You did a lot of standardization upfront, Identify best practices and, and they standardize around those best practices.

It seems like, based on what you just mentioned, which is no trivial matter, because it's easy for people to come to come together and say, Oh, yeah, we should standardize this process. And then you get six leaders around the table, should discuss the standardization of the process. And every one of them quickly agrees that we should standardize the process, and he should be my way of standardizing the processes. So, the collaborative leadership that's necessary to align those different mental models around the common mental model.

I'm curious about did you have some help and support on facilitating some of the discussions? How, how was that done, the facilitation of the discussions, about not only that we're going to standardize things, but this is what the decentralization is going to look like. What does the facilitation look like for you?

Screenshot - 2021-07-31T185218.838This is, this, This is, this is, you know, the way, how we went through that. And, obviously, it is always a challenge when you put, you know, 5, 6 stroke leaders in one room, And everybody wants to go with their own way. Right?

So, um, again, because ... is really a process focused company.

So, what we did, it was, it was slightly, slightly different. And, you know them, pulling that people in the room and asking them, What is the best way?

What we did, we say, This is what our procedures are saying.

We craft the process. We connect them all together. And then, thanks to the cloud solution, we define ....

How the how, what is our belief that the process should look like?

And then in the real time, instead of just connecting with a few people, we connect that with our SMEs at the site level.

So, immediately, they could go and set and look into the process and we gave them some time to do it And they say, yep, it works like that.

Or they say, nope, it doesn't work, and here's why, and this is what people actually could do. After collecting that feedback, then, we brought in that, you know that the global process owners, and those, you know, the leaders within the function and we say, this is what do you SMEs are saying?

This is for the facility sets, right? So, 80% of the process look like that, here is the 20% of the potential variances that you have.

So, guys, let's agree with 80%, which is our baseline.

What I'm asking you to do, is to go and figure out the 20% and check if this is the true needs to have those variances and the deviations. Or maybe we can, we can standardize. So we, we change the conversation from saying, hey, let's build the process from scratch, and let's figure out what is the best way. We just put it.

According to our belief, how the organization works, Then we just check it with our people in the field, in the facilities. And I think an end up being really good. And after that, I had a couple of comments from my functional peers when I say it was the best way to align, and it was the best way to shift our adaptation to the through two elements that we have to analyze.

In the niihau, tell us a little bit about the process of standardization. I am sure that, as you go through the standardization, that there will be somewhere in the organization who raised their hands and says, Hey, we're stifling innovation because we're standardizing. These things are removing our thinking process from this and we're just going to accept things as they are. So, you know, we're not going to have innovation with standardization.

So what is your talking point, how do you convince those individuals that standardization does not stifle innovation?

I think this there is, there is nothing more wrong that say that standardization is not enabling innovation.

All right, because if everybody's special, nobody's special.

All right, so, so, so, so, my thought process, and the way how we are, how we are working through that. It was more about, first of all, we need to understand our base. And then, you know, the standardization slogan might be received in different ways by different individuals in different places. But what we did, we say. Standardization is going to take us to the point where we enable innovation.

And then guess what, when we started to go through the standardization immediately, our people from the facilities, as I was mentioning, they have the best knowledge and the best ideas on how we can improve the process, because they are patching that on a daily basis. So, the standardization, or, you know, the necessity of going to standardize the processes, brought up all of those best practices.

That was nothing else than innovation, Right?

So when we, when we went through couple of the processes immediately, it became obvious for all of the, all of the functional leads that this standardization enable innovation.

I love that, I love that answer. Of course, I asked them on purpose, because I want to trigger you, because it's such an important concept, right? The essence of innovation is the ability to step back and take a different perspective at problems. And if, and if you have a standardized process, you can look back at it and say, OK, this is what I like about, and this is what I don't like about it, and this is how we can change it.

But, if it's a constantly moving target, you don't even know how we can improve and innovate on that, because you don't even know what it is. So, thank you for doing that. We're in an era where people are jumping into technology solutions so quickly, And they are.

They are skipping over the steps that you so carefully laid out here, and I'm very disciplined fashion. William Fuller comments, The process you describe seems quite discipline.

What are some of the major hurdles you experience, especially unexpected hurdles and consequences on employing this discipline?

So, when, when you think about, you know, the overall journey, right, I wouldn't say that there were like a consequences for me and probably it. Is. It, is, it, is, it is because of my personality, right.

Every single day, every single event, I'm always looking for something to learn, Right? Enacted. That was the tone that we promote when we were running an implementation of the business process management.

So, so if you asked me about what are the consequences, I don't think that we, we've had like some major consequences of the discipline, because this simply force us to be more organized and have a really straight synergy between process and the people.

All right. So, so, I would say that there were a couple of the terms that we've had during the journey, right, where we had to define about the tools about the structure, of the data, about, you know, that, the way, how the process works, whether we should adjust the process. or maybe we should look for for some new technology or a tool.

But I know the organization, I, was, was treating, and myself, personally, we were treating that as the revision of the strategy.

And if there was something that we had to add.

Just, we weren't doing that. But I wouldn't say that. There were, like, you know, some major consequences of, of putting the discipline.

And, you know, I'm far away from saying it was a discipline or the governance because again, JB throughout the 50 years, built a really strongly, really solid process oriented behavior and the culture. So so the discipline, and in the way how it was working, it was it was not new thing, right. So just putting into the framework around the business process management, and then connecting that with innovation. Suddenly people who were defining the best practices at the site level.

when they so that they are input, our day innovation, is being used as the baseline. It was nothing that, the strong motivation for them, to feel that they are a part of bigger picture. And they are enabling innovation moving forward.

Event Email Graphic Virtual Conferences (17)-1You're already mute. I cannot hear you.

Let me make sure I unmute myself, so you can hear me. Number one.

Let's shift the conversation momentarily to technology. Karen ... mentions that, what a masterclass of your journey. And the end, she skiers because you talked about sigma. I view as your collaborations platform is that we're using and I think that that's a yes. On the right, you have used technology as a collaboration platform And what does that do for you? And, by the way, ... is not a sponsor of This conference, is just that, you know, it's working for you and we want to know, what, How is that enabling, how the technology is enabling collaborations?

Yeah. And so, listen, for me, those five pillars are equally important that, you remember from, from the slides that that was shot, right?

And I wouldn't say that any of those of those pillars, is the leading element. Now, when you asked me about the technology and what ... did for us, it was first of all centralized digitalized place, of having the baselines.

So so having having integrated and you can do it in, in different tools, right? You could use, you know, there's plenty on the market.

What was the breaking point for us? It was an ability to have an access to the processes almost in the real time by our SMEs, so that, that was a, that was a really true breakthrough as part of the business process management, when you asked me about the technology, right?

And then obviously, you know, the way how we utilize ..., it is to define our business process map so that everybody understands where they are located and where to go to find the process definition, the procedures. That tools, KPIs. Send the data.

So, this is what, what the business process management platform is, is enabling for, for us, terrific, centralized, visual approach to developing this comma mental model of what the process is and, and how it's defined. So that's terrific now.

Now, if we, if I go to the next step now, that you have, you have your architecture of key business processes and you are standardizing them, you're making improvements and innovations from a technology perspective. What are the technologists. Today, there are really making a difference for you in on the ground. Not just hype but really helping RPA or AI or NLP, well, what is really helping you that you think is really creating value for the organization right now.

Yeah, so to answer that question, I have to, I have to look back a bit to what are, what are, what is the next giant milestone that we're putting in place? And we are in progress to do with us when I was talking about the clustering, different events. And then defining the way how we can do to make decisions for, for, for similar behaviors, et cetera. Right. So, you know, we are at the stage where we are building a really cool predictive and environment.

So that we want to know what is the potential failure that is coming from the process, all of the disruptions. What is supply chain? And, guys, you know exactly. what is happening right now with supply chain, right? We're at the point where the shortages are. Pretty obvious for everybody. And everybody is fighting for every single materia, right?

But but when I think about, you know, what are the technology that are going to enable us, they are going to be street connected to the data analytics and then becoming more predictable With what is going to happen, right?

So by engaging RPA and then defining those fundamental, repeatable activities that that are automated, definitely the technology that that is taken as their AI and machine learning From the perspective where we can, on the one hand, to find the formulas, To follow and prepared the recommendations for our employees to make decisions, versus the learning ability from those decisions, and then keep them into the, into the overall company cycle. Those are definite the elements that are, that are going to, or are already working along the way together with, with everything, what we drive towards the predictability.

Very well, very well. That's great insight.

Now, one final question, You've been gone through a fantastic journey here, very discipline, very well thought out, in the view of not only myself, but the audience, who makes comments about what you have share with us.

Is it creating value? How I know you have health metrics for the processes and that you're looking at KPIs and all of that.

But I you, Are you are you be able to tangibly quantify the value creation on this journey how you're going about doing that.

Yeah, so, um, When you think about that, you know, that the way how how the improvements for the innovation is happening. Obviously every element is being equipped with the with the Roi right? So, how it is helping us and, and how we are quantifying dose?

It is really simple, by looking into the process and having a clear, clear understanding, what is the company flow? What are the major decisions that? Financial or operational decisions that I'm going that are happening? Or we're making 12 the protests?

Screenshot (4)Defining the areas that are going to to on the one hand and make people life easier because that this stuff is the major elements and and make people safe, But also what are the major decisions about?

Around our financials it is just building a really clear transparency. What we are targeting, versus what are the, what are the outcomes. Right? So, you know, if you think about the business process management, it is, it is, it is all about clarity in common definition, or when attention should be If you don't have this clarity, then you can put that attention of different elements that are not getting connected. Right?

So, the value of the business process management is to target the specific elements that are going to be improved or are going to be innovate, and then keep the organization and the experts' altogether so that we are heading towards the same goal.

That's terrific, me, how. Thank you so much. It's always a masterclass. The journey that you have been with, ... is fantastic.

You do a great job communicating that, and I, on behalf of our global audience, who are very grateful for the insights and practical perspectives that you provide, thank you so much again. It's a real pleasure to have you with us.

Thank you so much for the opportunity, and see you next time, next.

Thank you, Ladies and gentlemen, me, Howard, Charles Ski, Senior Director of Operations Solutions at ..., Really sharing with us a very disciplined approach, a very effective and efficient approach for their journey of digital transformation for true value creation.

Terrific presentation erupts up day three of our three day conference. It has been, as usual, a tremendous pleasure to be your guide and and a student during this process. Learning from all of you, sharing and collaborating through the Q&A that we have and the interactions and the insights that I get from the speakers, from our, for our highly qualified audience members.

As a true pleasure. So we'll wrap up by saying our thanks and gratitude to Brian Raffle and ... Singh who make this all happen. So seamless, tremendous work on the production team. To allow the many pieces of speakers from all over the world and different types of technologies that we deal with, and Content and Brian and ..., they do a magnificent job in making this all come together.

Also, Thanks to VJ Bourgeois, the CEO of ...

Digital, for having the vision into realizing this vision, all the way prior to the pandemic, and then through the pandemic, inconsistently sharing this. cross industry thought leadership with all of us so that we can all improve and innovate for value creation. And of course, our sponsors kingstown in UI path for bringing world-class virtua, advance to a global audience. And, creating tremendous value for all of us. So, came down and UI path. Thanks for your leadership.

Thanks for your sponsorship of this event, and this access that you create for all of our professionals.

Now, our next conference is the Business Transformation, Operational Excellence World Summit, focused on process mining. Process mining live will be August staff through August 12.

So, please, make sure that you register, if you're interested in the, in the latest best practices, approaches, strategies, and execution, related to process mining, that registration is already open. And, I hope that you'll take the time to go into the post on LinkedIn and thank our sponsors. Thank our speakers for, you know, for sharing their expertise so openly with us. And they appreciate hearing back from you. And I know many of you have already done that. We have to have thousands of interactions and feels on the boasting. And we really appreciate that because your perspectives and your gratitude matters tremendously to the sponsors and the speakers who volunteered their time and effort and the, and even more than that, to make this all work.

So, without further ado, I want to wish everyone a great rest of your day, a great rest of your week, and I hope to see you back on the Business Transformation Operational Excellence Summit on process mining, on August 10th. So, for now, goodbye from San Antonio, Texas to the amazing leaders that we have here from around the world.


About the Author

Michal Wierzchowski-1Michal Wierzchowski,
Sr. Director Operations Solutions,

Leading company Materials Velocity effort by driving E2E process design of overall cyber ECO-System. Introducing Industry 4.0 to the enterprise allowing the teams to leverage and exploit a connected data/process flow.

Manage creation of future standards and architectural design of the E2E physical process and integrated architecture to lead enterprise digital transformation of our factory systems, processes, technology, and people. Responsibility of BPM implementation at the enterprise level to drive operational transformation.


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