BTOES Insights Official
January 18, 2021

Digital Transformation Workplace Live- SPEAKER SPOTLIGHT : Visualizing Change: Process Modeling to Tell the Story

Courtesy of TPG's Elizabeth Turner, below is a transcript of his speaking session on 'Visualizing Change: Process Modeling to Tell the Story' to Build a Thriving Enterprise that took place at Digital Transformation Workplace Live Virtual Conference.



Session Information:

Visualizing Change: Process Modeling to Tell the Story

Wondering how to get stakeholders on board, align with recognized priority initiatives, and tell the story of change management to your entire organization? Learn to speak a universal language through the ins and outs of business process modeling.

This session will apply a project/knowledge management perspective to sharing innovation and leading others to change through the power of process mapping. Explore the potential of machine-readable notation for your fully optimized and automated transformation.

Session Transcript:

I'm very honored to welcome Elizabeth Thorner to afford to present that. Elizabeth is a senior manager of Technology at TPG Global and has worked at the intro that intersection of IT and finance for over 15 years. She is also a corporate library with expertise and knowledge management and serves as the Smithsonian Libraries up appointee to the International Federation of Library Associations Knowledge Management section. Outside of work she's a retired professional Ballet, dancer, who is still trains, and her point issues at home during....

So Elizabeth, really honor to have you here, and share your journey with us.

Thank you for that introduction, and it's wonderful to be here this morning coming to you live from my house in the Dallas Fort Worth area in Texas. So I guess I'm very close. Do people like Monica, who are coming out from Dallas, and then people coming in from Far Away, Tasmania, Penguin in such a wonderful global audience today. Let's go ahead and dive right in and we're going to talk about visualizing change, and how are we going to tell the story to our business stakeholders? Other technologist, knowledge, workers, everyone on the team, and, you know, really hope to get the message across by using process modeling.

So just as you described, I am coming to them with a perspective of not only a project manager, but also a librarian, and so I kind of embed techniques for Information Management along the entire life cycle of a project when I'm not at my house. Normally I work in this tall building on the left in this picture, and that's our Fort Worth office and Sundance Square. I am ..., it's nice being downtown, but it's so nice being home to you.

So, let's go ahead and dive right in, and we're talking about Business process documentation, today, and, and how that is useful to you over the life of the project. So, process modeling, process mapping, Documenting processes. Honestly, this is such a powerful tool if you are a project manager. A business analyst, maybe, you know, a team leader. Along the way you are trying to make a change in your organization, and a lot of these digital transformation projects can get confusing, right? We're trying to build a bridge from where we started and where we're trying to go. So sometimes to be able to lay everything out on paper and visualize what is really happening. What is our current state, where are we trying to go?

How do we kind of make that change happen? Using process mapping can really help, you, know, kind of bring the stakeholders to the table, show them what you mean instead of describing, you know, or getting into difficult concepts. Just lay it out front line. I've found a lot of success in getting people to actually agreed to a course of action Once they see a, kind of, you know, put out there in a picture, it's so much easier to understand. You know, the old adage is true. A picture tells a thousand words and that's certainly the case with process mapping.

Alice, you go about your initiatives Sometimes. You know, if your organization is very large, you may dedicated role, you know, people who are responsible for documenting processes over the over the life of those processes and how they change. But sometimes, we're not so lucky, and we have to make do with the resources that we have. And so I recommend that you have at least one person on a project who is able to kind of put these good, these concepts to paper, and help keep track of the process as it evolves. Myself, as a project manager, I have taken on the role, sometimes I'm lucky to have an analyst, or technical writer who can come alongside me and do that modeling as well, but I think it's important to, remember that the project manager's role in all of this is to help facilitate conversation, right.

Screenshot - 2020-07-27T143401.230We're bringing people to the table to make decisions, so we want to make sure that all the row create stakeholders, have actually seen the model, They understand the model, they're able to ask questions and able to reach an agreement about what business problem we're trying to solve. And sometimes that can look like a big, dramatic change, right? Retiring legacy systems, upgrading technology, and infrastructure. You're going to the cloud, but sometimes, you know, there can be nuance, and so having these things spelled out makes it a lot easier to understand activity. We use a product called ... to help health for our business process library. So the examples that I showed today, including the one that you see here, I do come from scenario.

I will just be kind of sprinkled throughout the presentation because what I want to do is take us through the project life cycle, and so how process modeling can just kind of weaved throughout the life of the product, can help you tell the story, even as the story is being written and as it evolves. So, let's take a look first at some process modeling basics.

So, as a quick introduction, the notation that we use for modeling is called business process model notation. This is a widely accepted notation, almost like a language that can be universally understood, right, not just from you know employee to employee or business to business, but even has potential for process automation because it is machine readable.

So, some of the basic concepts of business process modeling notation or deep in wood which is what we abbreviate it to. Some of the basic concepts, right. So, you've got, you know, objects that appear in your flow. You have a start. You know, a start to your process, and the process, all of the activities along the way. You can see in this example here, we actually have a timer indicating that activity is happening on an occurrence every week at a certain time. You can also indicate decisions that have to happen, or no human interaction, or judgement calls that have to take place, or, the process to proceed from step one to step two. Also, on this particular example, we are calling our documentation. That is relevant to the process in my work and experience.

We also refer to systems as well, So it's helpful to us spell out who is doing what, what is that they need to get the job done and how how are these things taking place. Either against time or in a sequential or course of action.

A few decisions that you can make before you put pen to paper and start to capture things.

The majority of business processes that I worked with at TPG, our internal, right, I mean the services function or my organization in the back office, so my clients are internal, and all of the players and my process are private within the corporation. You may have an abstract process where you're interacting with the public and this introduces a little bit of complexity, a little bit of uncertainty. Because we don't always know, right? We we hope that the public will interact with us through, you know, kind of stated channels, right? Like, maybe a forum on our website, or, you know, kind of a key conversation with their account representative, that that's not always the case. So, sometimes when we're working with the public, are processes become a little bit more abstract, and then we also global processes, which indicate a collaborative nature across teams or organizations.

So, some things that you can include in your processes that we sometimes forget about, right, are, you know, the routine work that has to happen. Say, during a financial close process or, you know, the, these, of course of accounting or HR. You know, sometimes there's task driven work. That kind of goes back and it's, you know, it's a rote process. Very consistent, Very similar. Sometimes it's easy for us to gloss over these things and just, you know, maybe refer to them without detail or without context. So I want to encourage you to actually include some of those routine activities in your process mapping, because sometimes those can be a great opportunity to discover efficiencies, potential automation or honestly determine the course of change as you embark on your digital transformation.

Btog CTANow, work is another area that sometimes gets, you know, overshadowed or forgotten, don't discount the fact that your workers are having to use their own expertise and their own knowledge to make judgement calls made to interpret data, make recommendations.

It's important to depict these, so that we understand kind of, the behind the scenes activity that's happening. And then, finally, resource constraints, sometimes, you know, we put things on paper and it looks great. You know, it looks like we're moving from point A to point B, but we can easily obscure the fact that sometimes we are dependent on, you know, a single point of failure or limited resources to accomplish a certain activity or goal. And it's important to notate that, or comment on that in the process itself. So that when you take this picture and start, you know, explaining it to an executive audience, a vendor, you know, some of your, some of your extended team that may not be as familiar with those constraints. It's very important to depict that you may be encountering these conditions of scarcity.

There are some limitation instead of business process modeling notation. It doesn't have a, you know, a great in a way to depict your entire organization structure, so probably not the tool of choice if you are, you know, trying to put a big orange together.

I'm sure you could have attempted and tried to make it work, but ideally, right, we're talking about an actual business process taking place within the organization and referencing some of the players that are involved, but not every single individual in the company, Brian. And then another, another area where, you know, sometimes BPM, and may not be the most robust choice, would be with data modeling. Right. So, you know, extensive layers of data and their source systems, and all of the attributes that we're accounting for that is a little bit beyond the scope. We can certainly refer to master data, management and data driven processes in the model, but overall, we're trying to keep a kind of a simplistic picture of start and end and everything that's happening in between, including full tools, technology, and information.

Alright, so let's talk about how this kind of aligns to the project life cycle. This particular methodology that I have listed here is the VP. I see visualize, plan, implement, control. I've heard a lot of different terms for a lot of different for all the different phases of a project over my career. I personally like to use the ... methodology as a simple framework, because it's based on the Stephen Covey model. And it's just very easy to understand. So, my own interpretation of this is up at the top right, I like to begin a project by asking a lot of questions. We really want to make sure that we understand who the players are.

What are we trying to accomplish? What business problem are we trying to solve? And, you know, how, how are we going to align those to some of the firm's key goals and objectives, right? That's very important, because it can really make or break the success of your project, right? If you can align the work that you're setting out to achieve with your digital transformation, if you can align that to, you know, overall operational efficiencies, or your organization's planning to avoid risk, your organization's plan to introduce growth and change. Or maybe, you know, you are trying to innovate and get a new product to market, You know, a new team engaged, get a new system deploy, you know, whatever, whatever it is that you're trying to achieve.

Kind of being able to stay in the language of, you know, the mission and vision of your organization, will overall lead to success. Then, I think it's important to capture this in our layers of information that we put in our processes, as well, especially when we're discussing our business processes. So, next up, we have plan, we're gonna walk through each of these phases and kind of talk about what it means for your model.

But the next phase here is really about capturing all of the answers to those questions, and getting them in writing so that people understand not just what we agreed to do, but how we're going to do it. And so, when we're in that planning phase, it's important to make sure we have a good understanding and definition of all of our information sources that existed in our environment before the project begins. And then, in the future, state, after the initiative is over, and we transition to kind of our normal, you know, state of operation. So, don't discount some of your non documents. You know, some of the people that are involved in your project, you know, sometimes they carry that information in their heads.

Event Email Graphic Virtual Conferences (1)And so we wanna make sure that we're accounting for them as experts, or subject matter experts in our project, that we've accounted for them, and we know how to get to them, especially during key, critical milestones, Maybe we need to also understand who their delegates might be, in case, they are a primary decision maker, but they have a backup.

And then, also, who is able to support, when they are away, you know, from the office, Or, you know, maybe they're there and vacation, you know, maybe they are scheduled, doesn't align, overall with our project schedule. So, so making sure that we have all the right people identified and on our roster, will also help us target. What message are we trying to convey, to whom? Which point in the project, right? Stakeholder communications are such a key component of project management, and it's very important to make sure that, you know, we aren't over leveraging our Subject Matter experts, or SMEs, right? And, you know, we're over dependent on them to kind of explain things and break things down, Bringing them to every single meeting. The answer questions that we, you know, collected the information. that we need, we put it down to paper, and we can share it through out the rest of the organization, And then come back with those particular questions in details. And engage our me is when we meet.

Then the next phases, you know our implementation. And this can look like the traditional design code unit test, you know, the DECA activities that are happening on our project. But also, it's about letting people know about the change that's coming. So, this could be engaging your testers, and making sure that they have everything they need, and making sure they understand how they're testing aligned to the overall picture of the process. It also makes sure that, when we're training, that the folks who are going to have to change their ways of working, understand what it is as it is expected to change, and what it is that's expected of them, so they know exactly what they're supposed to do.

The implementation phase of the project is a great time to assess, not just your information management, you know, the tools, the systems that you use. Maybe you're retiring the legacy system, and it's going away when we need to make sure that the new solution is spelled out in terms of how will they engage with the new system? What kind of protocol do I need to follow? How is that different from the way we did business before? And this is a great layer to add to your Process Modeling so that people understand.

The other aspect of your implementation is the, the organizational change management, right? So this is about the particular process impact, You know, maybe we interact with customers in a new way, may be, we have removed some steps from our, from our process and we need to make sure, that everyone understands how things will look differently than they did before. And then finally, after everything is said and done, and after the go live, and the launch party, the champagne toast right? from achieving this transformation now, it's time to actually capture the results. And show how you've demonstrated success, and brought value to the organization. By achieving all those things that you promised to do. At the outset, right?

This is the time to produce a quantitative data about metrics. Took to get the product out to your pilot groups, your beta groups, and to determine what future phases of the work will look like.

So, let's go ahead and take a look as, you know, step by step at each of these phases, and start thinking about that modeling exercise and how it will evolve over the life of the project. So, our first is, we talked about initiation and how to align to the business, and its mission and objectives, and key initiatives.

This is also a great time to identify your sponsors, as opposed to your actual hands-on resources, right? Everybody in the project is going to play a different role, and we want to make sure that everybody understands what their role is and what they are responsible for in terms of bringing success to the project.

So these are some sample questions that you can ask yourself, but even better is if you can demonstrate the answers to these questions in the model itself.

So let's talk about that a little bit in terms of your model maturity. So project initiation is a great time to start visualizing the before, and after. we want to talk about the current state and explicit detail, right? What are the paintings or challenges that we're trying to resolve? Bring this with you to kick off and show, you know, what the proposed state looks like, so that people can start to have that image, right, and the marriage. And visualize the future, this, can really help with getting that solidarity and kind of team commitment. Because you're all seeing the same image, and you're all sharing the same vision of success. This is also a great time.

While the project is new, To think about the terms roles, systems, tools that you'll be using and referring to again and again, Not just in this project, but other projects, ... has a concept called the Process Dictionary, which is where we can actually stage organizational departments. And teams refer to some of our common systems, and then over time, we start to see all of the different processes that are, you know, impacting those systems, or vice versa, right? And then that, that becomes a very powerful tool for ongoing change management, because it helps you assess the full extent of the change and the teams and the applications that may be impacted by that change. We talked about getting the players on the on the board, This is also a great time to talk about, OK. What are we not committing to do? Actually, you know, drawing a box around the things that are not in scope, so that we can speak to them when we're at, when we are asked questions about them later.

Screenshot (4)So, lots of work upfront, but it really does pay off later moving onto the project. Right, even more questions, ask yourself as the PM.

You know, you may be putting together all of these concepts, thinking about the requirements that you need to capture on paper, Thinking about the resources that you need to align, to get things done. Thinking about your overall project goals and direction, and how you're going to continue to get that message across.

What can you count for visually, to help your audience understand whether you're talking about critical dependencies? Yes, you may have a milestone plan to refer to, but sometimes it's helpful to point back to that diagram and show, this part of the process will fail if we don't have this dependency in place. Then the reverse, no question to pose is, you know, this part of the process will be scalable or more efficient if we have this groundwork in place, right? So, it really helps connect the dots for the rest of the team.

Speaking about planning, you know, there's so many collaborative tools out there. There's many more types of plans than just your project plan. So, when you are thinking about all these different types of planning, you know, you have your timeline, You have your stakeholder communications. But think of testing and training as well, and how you're going to blame that picture of the process to those groups, and what they need to know in order to successfully test. and accept the changes that you're making. And then also, what? What needs to take place before the final launch?

Some of the things that, that I have personally used in, in my career, to do status tracking or collaboration with my team. You know, it could be a task management tool like rank. It could be traditional tools like Microsoft Project. You know, it could be engaging with my development team and they live and breathe in their DevOps solution. So, I need to be able to kind of draw that picture from, you know, what is this particular body of work and then show up in. You know, that in the DevOps queue, in the backlog, right?

You may be transitioning to support after their their project goes live and the transformation has taken place In my organization, the youth service now, you may have jira, you know, Atlassian products, other other types of, you know, ticket tracking and service management applications. But don't don't forget to refer to these in in your end to end diagram because it is, you know, kind of the next chapter, you know, after all the dust settles and things.

We mentioned, of course, that scenario is kind of the, the library of our processes and where, you know, these models will live at my organization. But, in addition to your business processes itself, we talked about how you can embed. You know, that system later. Sometimes, you know, adding the thing, that implications as well, even though end to end, you know, BPM in is probably not ideal for all of the nuance of your Master Data Management Strategy, And, you know, governance and income, all of those data driven focus points. And what it can do is show you how attributes can move from one system to another, how they change, where they change, where they're introduced, and who consume them. So, these are some things to keep in mind that can really helpful context, and kind of help you translate the different flavors of, of impact to the extended team.

OK, so thinking about our project plans and how we're going to capture it in terms of our process model, this is the time to really focus on the future state. We already told them the story about what the pain is and why we need to make the change.

Now, we need to get everybody to kind of rallying around this picture of where we're headed, where we're trying to go and make sure that we're in agreement and have the appropriate approvals. Before we actually download to do the work, let's make sure that we capture and any kind of limitations. Any kind of, you know, team changes that need to happen. These are very important. If we meet with me previously relied on a certain team or individual to complete my work, and they're doing sort of the scope of their responsibility is changing, This is a great way to convey that in the layers of your process model.

So you can actually take the same model and continue to, you know, share it over and over again, and it becomes bigger and bigger. Or, you can introduce the concept of layers, so that you are really tailoring your message and your picture to the appropriate audience. This is a lesson that I learned, you know, and it was refreshed in my memory recently. because I realized that, you know, well, I have one diagram that made a lot of sense for the working team, and we were able to rally around that and kind of make decisions about who needs to do, what that same message was entirely lost on an executive audience. And, so, what we needed to do is bring them up a few layers. You can see in the in the picture here. You know those generic concepts of the process overall.

Sometimes, that's the best place to start, right? Because you don't want to lose your audience. You want to make sure that they're on board. You want to make sure they have the full understanding and awareness before you take that next step and go, you know, one layer deeper. So the next layer is really the way of working, and what is it that needs to change to introduce that future state. And then finally, you have the actual, you know, what is happening in development? What is it that is basically introducing that change to the organization? I use sub flows in my day to actually set aside and processes that we are going to touch, but we're not necessarily going to change.

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So, for example, if I have a, you know, vendor invoicing and billing project, right? And I'm trying to transform, I may import those in those invoices, and that vendor information in a new way. But the way that I release statements and, you know, cut checks, that process may not be changing. So I want to refer to an existing process. And I'm gonna use a sub flow to kinda daisy chain those processes together and make sure that people understand, What am I bumping up against? What am I touching around the organization?

Even though I'm driving and my focus on this particular set of steps, OK, so that's more than meets the eye. And we asked a lot of questions and planning, We put a lot of things on paper, got a lot of tools involve get all of our teams involved, and now we're trying to get the message across to all of those different areas of the organization.

So now implementation. This is the time.

This is the time to let people know what what is it that they need to step up and do differently than they did before, right? When is the actual change taking place? You know, everything is coming together here. So, before you launch, before you go live, go ahead and think about, OK, what were all of those information sources that we listed at the beginning of the project, or any of these obsolete now, do we need to announce that they are no longer valid, because we're moving to something different. We have refreshed protocol, procedure, documentation, handbooks. Think about all of those things that might need refreshing and make sure that that is accounted for. Or, the testing team, very important that they have a good understanding of their old way of working. And then, if there for me to test, They need to make sure that they are aligning to kind of the new process, and have a great understanding of what's different.

When you are doing training delivery, you know, bring your model with you, remember what we said about tailoring the message to the audience? Sometimes starting with the basic picture, and then starting to drive down to the next layer. Sometimes it's very helpful to start with those universal concepts and then kinda take them to the next level. Show them, fill in the system, some players that are involved. But it is going to happen in the future state. Remember that obsolescence needs to be accounted for in your project, as well.

Then, let's look at what it is that is going to impact our model. So, we're talking about getting ready for prime time. We talked about refreshing this documentation, but make sure that people actually understand on the picture. If you are taking this to your, your testing, make sure, they understand. Oh, this is my name attached to the scenario. I need to make sure that I fully understand that, and that I'm ready to give, sign off. Make sure that there's a strong sense of conviction with all of your stakeholders, especially your sponsors. This can be a huge Garcia, sometimes on a project because you've done the work. You've got the core team engaged. You're ready to start exposing the concept of change to a larger group of users. But we need to make sure that everyone's on board. And so this is a great kind of sanity check to make sure that those executives understand where we're headed.

Don't forget that. Your layers can contain nuance, so the tangential elements to your process, like the systems involved, how do you count the decision making that needs to happen? Like, you know, a great example of this.

We had a project where we were going, we knew that we were retiring the legacy system, we had that in our roadmap, and so our future state made absolutely no reference to it because it was going away, well, this was a two year project and over the course of the, of the project, know, that decision was reversed and this legacy system got extended another year, right? It's a common story and happens, a lot of organizations but that postponement meant that we literally had to go back to the drawing board and make sure that that system was now reflected that that team was now engaged. And even though it was taking place very late in the project, we were still able to kinda kinda get them on board and get them know to that level of understanding. I mean, in the background And making sure that they can step through it with us and understand where their legacy system was going to be involved.

Event Email Graphic Virtual Conferences (1)OK, so we've gone live.

The, you know, the project is, how are people who have been trained? It's day one, week, one, we're in production, This is the time to start thinking about how you're going to tell the success story throughout the organization, and is also the time to think about succession planning. So, when the routine comes online, you know, who's going to own this model after all is said and done, what happens if we come back six months from now and we realized that something's not working the way we intended? And we need to go back. And you know, make a change and this should absolutely be part of your go live checklists and kind of be the post planning that you do, especially if you are about to head into an audit review internally. You know, for a lot of our major initiatives, we actually sit down with the audit team, review all of our documentation.

But, we always start with the model itself because that gives the ..., kind of a bird's eye view of what is changing, what happened.

You know, why should they care? What systems are in scope, out of scope? And you know who, whose role will now look a bit different, right? Because these may be points that they want to cover with the external audit team as well, me coming from finance. That's a, that's a huge part of our role as PM's. right, is getting getting prepared for that. So think about what layers your audit team or your, your approval team may need to see. Can, can they read It? Can they understand?

So thinking about this, this is the time to layer on any kind of risks and controls. Your audit team may give you those, those examples, or ask questions. If you can actually show them. In this example, you can see some of the attributes in bright, green and yellow. You know, those are where dollars are in bold or at risk or where people are in bold or you know, limit, limited resources may be available. So you don't have the Clutter your mouth, you can actually toggle these attributes on and off so that that layer is only present when you want to show it. This is super helpful for me when I'm delivering training, because, you know, I can start with the basics, and then I can add that next layer, and start to elaborate on these concepts, and make those details.

No, OK, we have covered a lot. We've gone through the whole entire life cycle of the project, we talked about, you know, how to account for information management. We've also talked about how to depict, you know, these decisions, these impacts in a picture, so that people can understand that, if I go leave you with one thing today, I would make sure that you always remember to ask questions.

And you always remember to capture notes, because you never know when those might, might be immediate to share with others, and help them understand change, as well.

Thank you guys so much. OK, so, Jose.

Fantastic, Elizabeth, fantastic. So, we have questions that came in during your presentation, and, and now I'll pass those on to you, but that there was one on specifically more about the materials. The couple of people asked if they could have a PDF copy of your presentation. Just kind of the flow that you showed, is kind of a systematic approach on, on how to do, how to do it, and if that's available. So I'll provide the answer on that. If, if it's available, Elizabeth, we can send it to them as part of the follow up e-mail that we have with the recordings of the sessions. So that's a possibility there is a request for a PDF copy.

That's fantastic. I'm very very flattered on this semantic model. I mentioned that I layered it over the coffee method. But the semantic model was actually something that I developed back in 20 15 to deliver to you international federation of librarians back in South Africa. So, it's been, it's been published in a book by law, and I've shared this many times. Let me work offline to get you guys kind of a clean PDF coffee, and we'll see if we can get that share now to folks who need it.

Terrific. Terrific. That would be great. There'll be great. So the first question that came was from Mark McDonald and Mark was saying, that today's environment of remote, remote ork, How have you accomplish mapping a significant process via remote methods? And just talk a little bit, What is the dynamic of doing this work remotely now, and what maybe it would have been some of the critical lessons learned about doing remote development like that.

Absolutely, I think a lot of us, this year, realized that remote work is here for the long haul, so we better be prepared to adapt. And sometimes, you know, where we used to get in a room and have a whiteboard session, and draw things out, those times are changing, right? So we need to be prepared to use our virtual tools to connect and collaborate together. So one of the things that I actually do, when I am in the very early stages of modeling As I like to use tools, You know, some of you, a lot of us are using Zoom now. For videoconferencing, right? Or, you know, go to meeting or, you know, all these web conferencing tools, A lot of them actually have a whiteboard feature.

I know Zoom does, and I love using that because I can share my screen, I can, I can derive as the modeler and start to add concept paper. But my participants can actually take, you, know, like, a little pencil or a little text box and start collaborating with me and, you know, they can X something out if they don't like it. Or, you know, put a question mark, if we need to go back and drill further.

So, my, my answer to Mark here would be, don't be afraid to work out loud. You know, sometimes it's tempting to like, keep things she herself until you've got it looking perfect. And then you want to share that with others. This is messy work, This is creative work that we're brainstorming. We're putting concepts the paper that you know maybe we've only verbalize before. So this is a great time to work out loud. Don't be afraid to bring people into Internet collaborative process. Even if it's taking place over a PC or a web conference. You can still, you know, put pen to paper together, you know. Some of my creative ways of working, right maybe at the happy hour after work and we're doing the work till napkins, right? That concept hasn't changed. You know, make it fun, book it later in the day, grab a beer, get get together to start sketching how that process is going to work. You can do it remotely. We all can.

Very good, very good. The next question comes in from Antonio, or Keys, and Antonio asks about the benefit of the people who are currently using Visio. You'll probably hear this off and write lots of people use for that basic process mapping. And so, What are the additional capabilities provided by having a formal BPM tool, like, like, the ... tool, and, you know, there's an intelligence in there, but what is the value add from that tour. Yeah, So In my organization, You know, ... is one of the tools that I administer. And so I have my new users, or potential users, coming to me a lot. And sometimes, they ask me, What is thing audio, you know, what does this tool going to do for us?

Screenshot (4)And they say, well, it's Vizio on steroids, and I am like, a joke, but, you know, for those of us who have struggled with, you know, maybe you weren't so fortunate to even have Visio, and your organization before. And, you know, I've seen people have these little blurry us like PowerPoints, where they're trying to, like, put all these diagrams and squares. And it's a very manual. It becomes a theory, you know, time invested effort, and some of the some of the benefits that we found by transitioning from, you know, Visio Autistic novio, a couple things. I mean, some of them are very practical. Like, you know, a licensing model that overall gives us the ability to distinguish between modelers and then collaborators, right? So this allows, you know, kind of a key resource, to be the one putting pen to paper. But then our executives, our testers, the other folks who need to see it, but not necessarily be engaged, in the same way, they are able to come in.

And layer comments, suggest changes, get involved, but they don't have to. They don't have to actually sit down and have that full seat, right? Whereas Vizio, you know, sometimes those those models, they have a specific file type. You have to convert things to PDF. You had to send them around. You know, that, and then you come back, and then you're back to the drawing board. So, ... gives us a few things that kind of elevate that experience. I mentioned the dictionary in in my a moment ago, and, and that is so key because for us the concept of re-using the same system, the same teams across a lot of different You know, your your process library is going to grow and grow, especially as you take on extensive efforts for digital transformation. So being able to reference kind of those key concepts over and over instead of drawing them again, and, again, it saves you time, but it also gives you that integrated visibility into how these things are affected by all of your processes.

So, that's been a pretty powerful differentiator for us. There's some, I'm sure, the great folks at ... would love to talk you through some of the, some of the other benefits. I will say, the quick model is actually a form that you to sit down if you're interviewing maybe a stakeholder, and you can type in their answers, and it will start to drive for you. So, some of the, some of the gains, they are very timesaving inefficient, it looks cool. It's kind of a nice looking interface. People like it, they relate to it, and then finally, BPM in is a machine readable language. So that's where the power is really coming into play, right?

Because using this common language gives you the ability to automate some of these processes by invoking some of our very powerful workflow systems like Appian or service, very good, very good. So random Brian asks a question related to this, and when is this level of process modeling useful versus when it's not really as useful where where's the best use for this type level process modeling. Sure. So it's more useful than you think, right and more applicable than you think.

Everything that we do, you know, it's either happening sequentially, tangentially, relies on one decision, or just based on time. And those are kind of the key, you know, concepts that, that really indicate that this is, this is a process, it's repeatable, and we know, this is something that we want to capture. Some of the, some of the instances, where I think it may not be as useful is, of course, you know, if you're making a very sweet, you know, you're doing a reward. Right, and so, the entire makeup of The organization is changing. That's not necessarily a process, right, That is a huge transformation.

Maybe a digital one if you're starting to, you know, invoke robotic process automation. But this is really about how the organization is structured. And so, I think BPM may not be the best solution for something like that.

Very good mix of people, and technology, and our ways of working. Right. That suggests a process, and that, I think, is fair game for process model.

So, a very quick one here, because we're out of time, but I want to make sure that we capture this. One's for Anna Martinez. She asks, I use Visio as a tool available in my organization. Would you consider a scenario to be on the RPA tool?

I do think that it's a springboard for RPA. It doesn't actually, you know, provide the automation itself, but it does have some advance decision making and kind of corporate intelligence tools in the suite. So, I think it's definitely something to check out, especially if you are advancing to RPA organization. We are as well at TPG only used. We rely on ... to help us understand where that type of automation is necessary, and where it's best served.


Elizabeth, thank you so much for joining us today, sharing your expertise in process modeling and the applications that you're having. It's, it's been a real pleasure. It's been great shows, and thank you so much for that line.

Bye, bye.

Ladies and gentlemen, this completes this segment, And you do not want to miss our next presenter. The Global Leader for Change and Transformation at Google will be with us, Travis Taylor. I'm Travis is going to be presenting on the neuroscience of change from a world leader in that area, which is, which is Google. And we're going to have the privilege of not only in participating in his presentation, but engaging him on the live Q&A at the end. I look forward to your engagement. I look forward to your questions. As we resume at the top of the hour, as we close this session there, fill up the survey with any feedback on this session, or the event as a whole, and that, we'll see you back up at the top of the hour. Thank you.


About the Author

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Elizabeth Turner,
Senior Manager Technology,

Elizabeth Turner is a senior technology manager utilizing Knowledge Management (KM) capabilities at a global alternative assets firm in Fort Worth, Texas. She employs a three-tier approach of program management and process consulting, product/service management, and the power of human connection to bridge technology and business.

Elizabeth is the Smithsonian Libraries’ appointee to the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) KM Section Standing Committee and chaired its 2017 Open Session in Wroclaw, Poland. In 2019 she co-presented an AI software demonstration for libraries at the IFLA KM Satellite Meeting at the Ionian University of Corfu, Greece. She is a 2020 Co-chair for the KM Satellite meeting at Trinity College, Dublin and serves as Information Coordinator to the Section.

Recognized in 2018 as speaker of the year by the DFW Knowledge Management Community of Practice, she has given KM-focused presentations around the US and internationally to audiences of hundreds.

She is also a classically trained ballet dancer and performed 2011-2018 in contemporary works by the nonprofit Momentum Dance Company based in Irving, Texas.pillar%20page%20line%201

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