BTOES Insights Official
January 14, 2021

Digital Transformation Workplace Live- SPEAKER SPOTLIGHT : Top 10 Digital Transformation Trends for 2020, Discuss.

Courtesy of Marriott International's Ummara Marshall, Red Hat's Jabe Bloom and Thinaer's Bryan Merckling below is a transcript of his speaking session on 'Top 10 Digital Transformation Trends for 2020, Discuss...' to Build a Thriving Enterprise that took place at BTOES Digital Transformation Workplace Live Virtual Conference.

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Session Information:

Top 10 Digital Transformation Trends for 2020, Discuss...

Digital transformation trends sometimes move slowly, and other times they race forward in new and unexpected directions. Regardless of technological advancement, however, most seem to agree, especially in light of the ongoing impact of Covid-19, that  the most important thing is that culture and customer experience (CX) will be pivotal to any company’s success in 2020 and beyond. 

The underpinnings of digital transformation remain the innovation and technology that allow companies to compete, differentiate, and outperform. When it comes to the tech side of digital transformation trends for 2020, some things on the list you’ll recognize, some may take you by surprise. Regardless, these are picks for the digital transformation trends for 2020.

1. 5G for You and Me

2. Analytics are the Competitive Advantage

3. AI and Machine Learning Powering #2

4. Privacy Renaissance

5. Blockchain beyond Crypto

6. XaaS

7. RPA

8. Conversational AI

9. ACPC Heats Up

10. Driverless Cars, Drones and Smart Cities

In this session explore where or not these or the trends for 2020 and beyond, or are they likely to change?

Learn from our expert speaker panel their thoughts and insights on what they think will drive digital transformation forward.

Top10 pick provided by Daniel Newman.

Session Transcript:

We're, we're going to be discussing the top 10 digital transformation trends for 2020 and we have three amazing leaders of digital transformation who are going to be sharing their personal, personal and professional journey with us as well as asking your questions in real time. So on we're going to have a full Q&A on this topic and you're going to participate right away. So get ready to provide your questions to our experts directly by using the questions box that we just try.

So, the topic is digital transformation trans. Moving very rapidly as we in this post pandemic world. And the underpinnings of these transformation remain in the innovation and technology that allow companies to compete, differentiate and outperform when it comes to the technological side of digital transformation and transfer, 20, 20, Some things, On this list, you'll recognize, some may take you by, Surprise, regardless, these are the top 10 picks for digital transformation transfer, 2020.

In those specific order, number 1, 5 G for you, and I Number chou.

Analytics as the competitive advantage, number three, AI, and machine learning powering those analytics. Number four, the privacy Renaissance.

Number five: Block chain Beyond crypto.

Number six, X A, S, for those of you who are not familiar with the terminology, is, anything as a service from cloud computing and remote access being delivered over the Internet.

Number seven, RPA, or Robotics Process Automation, number eight, conversational Artificial Intelligence, Number nine. A CPC, heats up.

A CPC is the always connected PC, and number 10 is a combination of driverless vehicles, drones, and smart cities.

Very well. So, with those as backup technologies as background, I would like to invite to have our guests now join us. And I'm going to first start by introducing Humar Marshall Omar. Marr Show is the Global Business Leader for Food and Beverage and Retail Technology Strategy for Marriott International. She has over 25 years of experience in product strategy, technology deployments, continuous process improvements, and operational excellence. Omar is a board member of three hospitality organizations. She has a BA In Economics from Harvard. And she's also a Lean six Sigma master, Black Belt, Mara, great to have you with us.

You are self muted right now. I'm going to unmute you. There you go! You are. You're good. Great to have you with us, Omar.

Thank you great to be here and I'm looking forward to a great conversation this morning. Thank you What this. This day it's afternoon or evening. Wherever everybody is, so good to be here. Thank you. That's right. Thank you Tamara. Our next guest and the panelist is J, Bloom J Bloom, has been working to eliminate and improving the complex interactions between design, development, and operational excellence, and organizations for more than 20 years. He's an experienced executive leader of software and product development companies serving in numerous executive roles, including Chief Architect, Principal Technical, Director, Chief Technical, Officer, and Chief, Social Technical officer.

Screenshot - 2020-07-27T170822.051J is a part of the Red Hat, Global Transformation Office, a consultancy that focuses on applying scientific and design research methodologies to enable exploration, increased flow, improve software engineering, and enable operational excellence. J If we're glad to have you with us, if you, if you are, if you're able to join us your camera. Go ahead. In your turn, your camera. Your camera, is not operational. Just go ahead and say hello from from your audio, please.

Hold on, because J is on self muted right now. Hold on, J, but I'd make sure that I unmute you.

Are you able to hear me?

Yes, I can hear you now, Jay. Can you hear us?

Hello, Jamie. Can you hear us?

Just audio right now, so we'll keep going here. Good job. I can hear you, I see on the chat that you can hear me, but we're not able to hear you. Let me see if I'm able to unmute you.


It's not allowing me to unmute you, J, but I'm not I'm not quite sure why.

Now it says that you're muted, go ahead and say something JPG, so that we can test because.



I couldn't hear you, but your audio is very choppy, so do it one more try.

Yeah Jay, I'm here, but it's a little bit choppy. You may you may want to log off and log back conscious, see if that improves. Because I can see now that you're not muted but the audio is very choppy.

All right, while you know why OJP is checking on that, I would like to introduce our third panelist today and our third panelist is Brian .... Brian has had the opportunity to impact multiple industries. He led the world's largest B2B, online Exchange Commerce, commerce. one dot net and co-founded ... which was acquired by IBM today. Brian is the CEO and founder of .... They're a company that has evolved digital transformation into an easy to consume and easy to deploy service.

Brian, we're thrilled to have you with us and it's great to be here. Thank you for having me.

Thank you. All right. So I'm going to start with each one of you, just providing a bit background on your digital transformation journey. And I want to remind the audience that, as we do this, you can start right away asking your specific questions related to digital transformation. You have three global experts in this area who are going to share in a very open format, their insights and and guidance on, on digital transformation. So please make sure to take advantage of that. I'm going to be monitoring the questions box throughout throughout the session, and I'm going to be relaying your questions directly to our experts. So Mara, I'm going to start with you share us, share with us a little bit of your background and your own experiences with digital transformation pre pandemic and and of course during the times that we're living through right now.

Perfect. So I'll share my most recent experiences at Marriott.

I've been in the role of being responsible for technology strategy for food and beverage, so it's like your bars, your restaurant, even retail and golf locations. Marriott has about 7300 hotels worldwide.

And that causes the challenge of somehow manage some a franchised. They are in a 130 different countries, different cultures, different languages, different tax requirements, and when I took on this role, most, not most all our properties on hotels have on premise food and beverage system, so your point of sale, that's where we started.

But so we took an evaluation of where we are, but this is real starting point laws, what does the customer really want, Right? Marriotts vision is to be the person to be the best travel company, to be the equivalent of the Amazon in the retail space, becoming that in the retail industry.

What do you have that vision? You really have to figure out what is going to make the customer really believe that. Amazon has created such incredible experiences that you don't even think about the money, you're spending with them because the experience is so profound. So in the same way, we looked at what would the customer really want?

And in my space, in food and beverage, it really was just the customer wants to be able to order what they want, where they want, how they want it, and delivered in the manner that they want.

But in order to do that, you really have to take inventory of, you start from your foundation. But you have to lay down the right foundation and technology. You have to make sure you have the right pillars that can then support all those omnichannel experiences for the customer. And then continue to build off that in a platform that.

So first, we took inventory. We realize we will have on prem systems. So not only would that not enable digital transformation, it's also very inefficient in this day and age. And I mean, no offense to anyone that is still using on prem systems. But it is something to start thinking about, how do we start becoming a Cloud based app? How do we have Cloud based enterprise applications? Because all the benefits of like the Googles, the AWS, the Oracle, who are you using for your Cloud? solutions and data mining? The machine learning artificial intelligence, those benefits immediately leaped, when you have a Cloud based system, right? So, or I should say, reaped bedroom efficiently so anyway, we looked around. We then laid down the phone.

Btog CTAIt was it was a pretty tough effort because you have to first build the application in the alignment. Firstly, to gain the alignment in the organization. Having multiple different owners in multiple different cultures was quite a herculean task to get, Everybody aligned, this is the direction we digging. But we did transform our entire food and beverage technology but laying down a single common south-east platform, We are using orcas product.

And they do use cloud service as well.

And from that, we then started looking at phase two. Phase two, was the omnichannel experience. Now, that laid the groundwork. We started opening up, you know, mobility, not just for the guest, but also the what we call our associates are employees, getting them away from big workstations, but making giving them 10 times so that they can operate wherever they are. Whether they're by the poolside, the restaurant, the body walking around in the taking orders, but then enabling the guest experience so that they can order however they want, where they want, and delivered as they want.

Then the third phase that we have been entering pretty rigorously is enabling other providers or our integrators, right? To come in and use API technology to get integration is done faster, cheaper, and offer a very wide menu of functionality to our hotel operators, so that they can enable better experiences, customized experiences for the guests. And those are the three big phases that we have been working on for the feverishly over the last few years. When I would say is that 20 20 did so quite a wrench in an anonymous. We've all had to shift that we've all had to it.

Perhaps, and the one good thing is that we were already working on the right team. The contact list experience. A lot of the customers want we can't say that every customer wants that because we do still have to advocate. Like, they are still people who want the white glove service. It's always a balancing act with the gardeners in 20 20.

We were moving forward with the same roadmap pretty feverishly till April, but then as as most people know what the industry has been really, really hard it's starting to show sunlight. Again some green is sprouting, which is which is which are very positive signs but for three months in between it was pretty dire. And so we had to pause a lot of the strategic work. The good news was, we had only done the groundwork for mobile ordering, for mobile checking, for key lesson. So that can be, less, but for the last three months, we've had to pause a little bit on strategy. And what we are now starting to get back to is, you know, just really accelerating. The customer contact lists experience so that they can view menus to the phone, to a QR code, so that he can continue to order to their own devices or use, you know, much like the grocery stores, stores, use the kiosks, or other methods of ordering.

But that's really where we're going in 20 20, as you said earlier, it is accelerating, even though we pause for a few months just to ease the financial price of this unexpected turn, It is accelerating.

Event Email Graphic Virtual Conferences (1)The need to start towards the digital, towards making contact less enabled in a foster a better way.

That's a, that's an excellent prospects and thank you, Thank you for sharing that Omar. Lots of a, you're right on your journey, and then certainly you had a major interruption on that journey and Brian, I'm assuming that you can hear us OK. Go ahead and provide your perspective what you are, what path you're on with the organization and a lot of the clients that you work with on digital transformation and and how much the pandemic has has impacted the planes you had and the directions you may have shifted.

Yeah, absolutely, and we can certainly echo what what she just went through from her presentation. She hit a lot of the points that we were seeing with our customer base. Most of our customers are Fortune 500, so Fitness, same area as Mary out, obviously, and we saw a lot of the same before.

The pandemic what we're starting to see there's kind of inception was around making digital transformation easy and making it available as a service, and we were focused on machine generated data early on. So what we set out to do was allow you to digitally transform, that you already have, so far, candy maker. That could be a chocolate making machine that was installed in 19 45 for aerospace or a space Agency that may be manufacturing machines on the line and making the motors on those manufacturing machines smart and connected, along with location of people and things in their environment.

What we were just starting to see before the pandemic is people were recognizing a new class of data where you combine machine generated data with human feedback. And if you think about a business processes, they are machines only. They aren't people only. You need data from both sides. And so we were, I would say fast and furious down a journey of combining machine generated key feedback with human feedback, and creating a new class of data, what we saw when the pandemic lots of people to make strategic shifts. And so, those customers of ours who were considered critical businesses and who kept right on running And, we were lucky enough to have health care in DOD's major customers of ours. So, for those industries, what we saw was a push in you. Your list of top 10, hit a couple of them.

We saw Push, to get to Analytics faster to reduce the friction and the time required to get to Analytics and we saw a push to apply AI and machine learning to those analytics faster, reduce the friction to get there as well. So, what we've seen now with the pandemic is our customers want the entire menu we provide. They want it easier. They want it faster. It's critical for them as they're battling to kind of stay alive. in. This new economy. It's critical for them to take this new class of data that that we've created and analyze it and applying machine learning to it much faster. So, that's what we've seen.

Very good, Brian. Thank you for that, Jay. But let's, let's hope that you that you can hear us now. We're talking about the perspectives of the digital transformation pre and post pandemic here and just say if you could share a little bit of your of your journey and on digital transformation and how has that, how that may have shifted, you know, with the current events.

Can you hear me now?

We can hear you. I go ahead was a little bit choppy still, but go ahead so we can we can give it a test.

So, G Suite. We are hiring.

Think the way that, Jay. Yeah, it's not, it's not coming across, unfortunately. I'm sorry about that.

It's I can't hear every other syllable that used to be, unfortunately.

So, Jay, I'm gonna. I'm gonna. I'm gonna, I'm gonna keep going here. I'm not sure why your audio is not coming through, I am. I'm gonna go into questions from the audience, now. Thank you, Audience, I already see lots of questions coming in here. Please keep them coming. The first question comes from, ... and ..., just asking, our panelists was very specific strategy, or a framework you use, in your digital transformation journey, how has that evolved for you? Was there, was there a framework for your digital transformation journey? Let, let me start with you. Tamara. How how did marry or approach that?

So, it's a great question, by the way, the way it really happened was PCI compliance with the on premise systems. It was stolen credit card information in, the US. Is the kind that the PCI compliance requirement sort of forced us that we have to change our point of sale. And, since we were making that change, anyway, that's a pretty major change. Across 70, 300 models, we took, we took a step back, and said, if we're going to make this change. What is the right direction? We should be going like that, so that we making this change as a small step to some, gaining something much bigger.

So, it took, to be honest, It takes a lot of conversations, But it's the first step, is to really understand, where would the, by the time you're done with this transformation, where does the customer really be? And just understood, looking at it, we do our industry hospitality to be really transparent and candid.

Hasn't really been A one of the forerunners, right, In Trends in Technology, to be really honest, right? Because hospitality has always been a service industry that's focused on more the human connection, right? So, technology is critical, but it hasn't been the number one thing. So, hence, we didn't really have very many good examples in the hospitality industry, but we did look outside. They didn't look at what were the trends, but there's some other companies doing, and some food and beverage restaurant companies that are smaller, because the small allows you to be more nimble, and they were doing things a lot faster. Then we also spoke to a lot of, so we spoke to people in the industry. We spoke to a lot of our vendors, partners to see what solutions were on the roadmap, where they think the industry was going well as needed.

And then internally, we spoke to a lot of fire stakeholders. The owners, there were our executives, there were any users, anybody.

So, taking all these different stakeholder groups, sort of assess whether the digital, so then we work backwards in order to have these sort of experience is set up for the end users. But whether they were the guests, the associates, we, we work backwards, and we can do, we first started lay down this foundation of a cloud based, single platform, which gives us a competitive advantage, because, initially, we had 70 different 7, 0 ... around the world. So, can you imagine managing those is a difficult, and different vendor partners, different ways of managing. And the customer experience wasn't consistent.

So, what we started off was pretty straightforward, like, doing this stakeholder analysis, across all those different groups, to identify who are your different stakeholders, what are their needs?

What will make them excited about this change? And then you kind of have to work backwards to say, What do I need to do to enable all of those experiences?

And it took us, I think, three years, it was before we were even before we can even go to market with our deployments. Right? Now can do something. This is an incredibly great book.

If you haven't read it, It's by, Harvard Business Review has published it, but this is a professor at Harvard Business School called, Driving Digital Strategy. I don't know if, how many people have read it, but if you haven't read it, I highly recommend it.

I think it was written led to three years ago, but the, but the book is written in a very simplistic manner. It gives you great examples of Amazon, Google Off, even the Weather Channel, and a lot of different uses. And how they had gone about this, and how did they think about it Like the Weather Channel. Sorry. If I'm digressing you can please stop me.

But I love to talk about this topic, but the dark Even About The Weather Channel, and how did they go about, they used to be a TV channel, Right? And then this sort of started seeing a decline. People started using their phones to get the rather. and they would, they would spend just a few seconds. I'm just looking at the rather So they realized I wasn't the way that we're ever going to compete and make money.

But they went into was actually understanding, What does the customer, What does the customer want to know about the weather, right? All the different things. So they started making it, getting into the business of setting up a platform versus just whether by the hour or whether, by the week or month, and that's how they transform the business. But anyway, read the book, You'll see a lot of good examples for Marriott arguments, and our framework was pretty much starting with the stakeholder groups. Understanding, what is it that they would want? Going backwards and figuring out what are the different phases we need to implement? So, like I said earlier, we had we did it in three phases. Phase one was looking at this single platform, which will enable us the efficiencies that we want.

From a cost perspective, from a deployment perspective, from a support perspective, we put that in place that was phase one, Phase two was enabling the omnichannel experiences. Our customers, and then phase three, is not taking that product and making into an ecosystem.

So, integrations with your inventory and supply chain, integrations for your reporting, right, where we use best in class companies, lack thereof, looking at your payment systems, who do you want to integrate with in your payment system category, so, that, so on. And so, we didn't see faces, if that doesn't answer your question, please feel free to connect with me, either here or separately, and I'm happy to walk you through more detail. Now, very good. I think that things are good picture of ... for us. Brian, give, give us your perspective. You do this across multiple organizations. So, interested on what does a typical framework or a strategy with those organizations when you're doing a digital transformation journey?

Screenshot (4)Yeah. Well, there were two parts of your gestures question. You mentioned strategy and framework, and what we saw, especially early on the extent of most customers. And these are Fortune 500 companies, to the extent of most of their digital transformation strategy. Even if they had digital transformation titles in their companies, directors of VP of Digital Transformation. What we saw was the extent of their strategy was we want to be able to capture data from our machines and from our people. And we want to cleanse the data. That was kind of the that was everybody's goal. What We did was we brought a platform. So, we do have a platform that makes turns all of that into an easy to deploy service.

Once we get in there, though, we have the complete end to end solution for them. So, the strategy should be more than, I just want to capture data. And, What do I want to do with the data? How do I apply analytics to I apply machine learning to the data that I captured. So, we actually have the upfront strategic consulting that we bring in and help them with it, and most of our customers eyes open quite quickly and they saw the breadth of what they could accomplish with the digital transformation. Once they learned that it was, it was, there was technology out there, It was readily available that can help them do.

That can help them go ahead, improve, and update, and replaced business processes. Once they, once they analyze the data and once they had some feedback that they could begin to work with. So, yes, the platform was quite important, in the beginning. It's become even more important today. Some of the, some of the machine learning is actually right in line in the platform, so you don't have to go out and ramp up huge organizations of your own with that talent base. Some of which are readily available at our platform. And then we have the backend consultants that we can wrap around the solution for you and make that journey much faster, and much more effective for you for your company.

A farewell. James, let's give it another shot at you, there, I saw your camera coming on momentarily. Let's do a quick check to see if your if your audio can come through.

Yes, Yeah, I can see you well, but your audio is still a little choppy Go ahead and say something else or more.

Again, Jay, but I'm not sure what's going on, because I see you clearly right now. But if your audio comes in, liking segments, only we cannot hear your full sentences.

Sorry about that, and we'll reconnect a little bit later today, so I'll go on to the next question here. And the next question comes from Anna Martinez. And there's an interesting question she's talking about it. She's asking about how did you overcome resistance to implement these new technologies within the organization? Was it a top-down approach and are, and how did you deal with that resistance to new technology? And, on this one, I want to start with you. Bryant, giving, your perspective on on what you see in the marketplace with with resistance to these new technologies, and, and, and what you have seen are the best, most effective ways of approaching the resistance.

Yeah. That's a great question. And, certainly, coded 19 has impacted how people are reacting to the message. When we started this 2.5 years ago, we were still teaching people about digital transformation, that we're doing a lot of educating. I mentioned earlier. We're actually seeing titles today and organizations around digital transformation.

So, we're, we're less educating now, and we're now dealing with, with exactly what our question is, how do we get past the resistance? And so, what we did early to get past the resistances, we turned it into an easy to consume service, and an affordable to consume service. And if you think about the fact that most people view of the world is simply just capture data, and cleanse it, we can package that fairly affordably and get them started down. The journey. What we see wants to get into the journey. They learn what can be accomplished by the data. What we start to see then is the tentacles of digital transformation start to reach out into other parts of the organization. That's where you start to see most of the resistance people that have been in their own bubble haven't haven't don't know about conferences like this.

Don't know that they're there is a full industry out there, and that the technology has started to mature around digital transformation.

Screenshot - 2020-07-27T170822.051So, I would say the resistance today is, is more around just the lack of budgets caused by the koeppen 19 crush, and so then you've got to compete, and you have to be ready to prove why there's value. So, coming in with a platform and a price for your platform, as we used to showing them How it How it, how the costs ramp up as you add new devices, and as you capture more human feedback, those days are gone. The budgets are so tight today. We have to come in with full solution, like, we have a new contact tracing solution that combines machine generated data, human feedback, then, we apply machine learning to the data that comes back to tell you where you've got contact around any virus, subtype of a of an infection.

So, we have to come in with a solution with the business benefits upfront today. Where in the past there was such an appetite for the tech and such an appetite to transform their organization. We could come in and have a technical conversation today, as much more business conversation.

That's great insight is definitely the landscape has shifted significantly better commentary here. But the, working on the energy space specifically, has been majority of my experience, and the secretary, and the very traditional organizations, who have been on the digital transformation journey for five years. And, and, you know, as you work for those hierarchies in the organization, you have, you know, the attorneys saying that we cannot do this things because of this implication, and you have the Risk management people talking about, you know, the risks associated with certain technologies, and so on, so forth. And, and, and some of our Clients who have been on the digital transformation journey for five years without really fully implemented. You know, Dan had caused it.

And in five days, they implemented the whole thing, because even though they had to, to just stay at the state currents. So those are, There's a there has been a bit of a mixed blessing with the with a burning platform for everybody. Omar, what about what about you? What, I mean, you're dealing with a system there, that, my goodness, there is so many cultures and subcultures within the organization and you're implementing new technologies as part of your digital transformation journey. And I expect that you're going to get resistance from from those deployments if you could confirm whether that's the case or not. And then how you deal with that resistance, as you, as you try to advance the journey.

Yeah, I think that's an incredibly great question. And no matter how the Sun changes, it is met with resistance, because it changes and understood. It can be a scary thought.

And in our case, this change was of great. It was, it was a great scope. And the most important thing I think is understanding the different stakeholder groups and what would connect for them, what would make sense for them, How do you?

Then you have to show that demonstrate the value, right? For instance, in the platform, like you said, different cultures, different owners of hotels, are motivated by different things. Like, some might just want to say, I just want a cash register and I don't care for this omnichannel experience. I just want to make.

But I think it's, and we do encounter that, but at the end of the day, for us, it was about really understanding who those different stakeholder groups were, and what would value mean to them. Because we didn't want to go about putting a change in place, because we wanted, we wanted it, because it made sense for our guests, and also our associates. So, it was really connecting those dots, and bringing, bringing. What was an important? If I'm ...

our guest satisfaction, right, That the guests are really happy that you are creating experiences that they expect, and maybe, even going above that line there, guess loyalty will come from that. And of course, at the end of the day, all businesses want to make money. So for us, it was, and also cost of fish having cost efficiencies, which is the top line, and your costs. So for us, the way we met that resistance was showing them what value that this platform was going to bring, how this omnichannel experience was not only going to enhance guest satisfaction, but also increase revenues because it is known, right? If a guest has the ability to order through their own device.

Your average checks average check is basically know the language we use in food and beverage but it's really the the amount of money that a guest's withstand is significantly more than if they're waiting for it to flag a server to place orders. So, those were the docs be connected, or no groups, even internally. Like, for instance, you brought up the legal team, right? For them, what was most important, it was to have a secure system, it was a system that was PCI compliant. Had better security oversight, which we do by having it be above property, Manage Strike, one instance, Globally, single platform, cloud based. We have the ability to provide better security. We are able to proactively look in and see what's going on and fix it before it becomes an issue. And in the food and beverage space, you will not have heard of any security breaches ever since we've deployed this platform. So that's how we do it. We speak. We understand the stakeholder group we're going to present to. You have to understand the language that would make sense to them.

What will they perceive as value? And then you have to show the data points to validate that case.

And then what we also do is this, I think it's a pretty straightforward and think, think big, start small.

Experiment with small, with a small group of, you know, properties, get it out there, get some successes, and then have the ability to scale fast. So those are some of the things that that convert people who will give you a lot of resistance into believers. Now that doesn't mean every time I go out with a new owner, devises roadmap on new technologies that I don't encounter resistance. We do because things cost money and it's like you said in this environment today, the companies are financially strapped, and if they are, financially, they are financially more conservative, because they don't know what the fall we'll bring. And what this dominos effect is going to be, Maybe even into Q one or Q two next year. So they are really holding onto their wallets much tighter.

But in the hotel industry, for us has become evident that people know, sitting inside in restaurants is going to be a challenge. Going to bars is going to be a challenge, and we don't want to put people in unsafe environment by coming in, and not wearing masks are sitting too close to each other, for that reason. Mobile ordering through your mobile devices is going to be so much more important. So we have accelerated that. We may not spend money on some other strategic efforts, but we are going to invest in these areas so that the guest is and associates almost comfortable doing so. So, again, I hope that answered your questions about resistance. You will encounter resistance. that we know, your stakeholders, know, who you're presenting to, what does value mean to them, and bring data points to validate and showcase how you are adding value.

Event Email Graphic Virtual Conferences (1)

Yeah, very good, follow up to that era, Amaro, stay with you. on this one, Aaron Gonsalves, You already addressed some of this. But he was talking about experience implementing technology across regions. And, and globally, in the resistance, is that, that you get, is there anything that stands out from you, from a global implementation perspective? Be it because of different cultures, or other factors that are, are there any unique resistance factors when you, when you think about this global deployments in your experience?

Absolutely. So, in our experience, and this is not true for every company, but in our experience, what we notice is in North America, we have been very much, like implementations of a stone fit. The need to be very, very, very specific. So it's, it's, it's, it's spoonfed, it's controlled and managed by corporate in some other continents. For instance, Asia, there's a lot of focus on cost, right. Let's, let's do it, the cheapest possible way. That doesn't mean you've cut corners and you compromise quality and but they also have resources, their own resources are able to do it, which helps us reduce costs really for us, was understanding. And those owners there in Asia, particularly sometimes trust local companies more.

Then in North American company, that might be trying to do, let's say, implementations in your example. So the way we do look at, if you're not losing our batty, we don't want we want to win the war. We don't. We're not looking to win every single battle because you want to winning the war, which is the platform enabling this omnichannel. If an owner is dead set on, we really need to use in Asia specific implementers.

Know, we evaluate that that might actually be a game for us and it typically is because in some ways, we might be not be benefiting from the economies of scale by having one provider who does the implementation. But we might beginning in the ways that they have better cultural knowledge, they can close the barriers of language, right? They might actually, in some cases, they're actually cheaper because of the currency conversion.

We do evaluate that. We do that our partners, and our owners, or whoever, our stakeholders. I believe we have really partnering with them. While we do have a, we do have brand standards. Our approach tries to be not this top-down.

We've asked you to do it, so you must do it, because one that serves a benefit, perhaps, it's a very myopic short-term benefit to have a long-term relationship with your partners.

You need to have that conversation need to say, This is why we're doing it. Why is it specifically important to you and Asia to have your local provider local implementers do it? Because there's always a learning, we think we might know, being a global company. We don't know everything we learned from the boots on the ground.


And you have to really have a finger on the pulse with the boots on the ground to understand what, why they operate, the way they do, what makes them tick, and how is that landscape changing. And then you really partner with them. It's always a given date for the greater good, Good, as long as you have common goals. If you're trying to achieve sometimes, You might have to shift your strategy a little bit again for the longer.

So, if the experience has been in Asia, they do not like people who are doing business. There's a trust factor.

Cost is a big factor, for them in Europe. We realized was they want to take it, they want to run with it on their own, and so we have learnt in a lot of it is over time. We have learnt, but by making mistakes, we surface them very transparently. We have built that trust, so we'll make mistakes, but we surface the transparency, we learn from them, we document what we learn. Sort of what you learn in the Agile method is really quickly move forward from that by working like this, with different continents.

We have learnt the nuances, and we learn to adapt with learn to give and take, and from that we have established a much healthier trust, trusting relationships, and I tell you it hasn't come easy.

It takes time, it takes time to build those relationships.

Brian, Brian, tell us a little bit about scene there and the work you're doing on a global basis. Do what, we have a very global audience today for this, for this talk. And I'm curious about what, you have experience from, global perspective on your deployments.

Yeah, so we actually saw, but I would say the, the impact we saw was more geopolitical. What we do is very global by nature. There are 200 billion connected devices in the world today and we strive to make all of them work with our platform. Or make all of them easy to integrate with our platform. And so we, by Census from all over the world and as covert 19 as Impacted the world and the economy, and our country when I say that. I mean, the United States and China were already engaged in a trade war Anyway.

So, we were already seen tariffs on a lot of the sensors and the parts that we would bring in to digitally transform people's machines with covert and the uncertainty of what will happen with that trade war were, go, we've had a big push to just see where else sensors may be sourced from. And so where we used to, I would say before kogod 19, 90% of our sensors came from China.

But I would say today and now they're starting to come from Taiwan and believe it or not Canada, I would say probably 50 to 60% are coming from Taiwan in Canada now. So, we saw more from a geopolitical standpoint the place. We did see the impact even prior to the pandemic.

What security because we do manufacturing and the DOD and the aerospace industry. So, security is at the highest level there. And anytime you go outside the borders of the United States, security requirements change and their, and their extent. So, in the DOD space, where we have a number of customers, a security review may take 8 to 12 months. And so, as you're trying to expand globally, that can take a lot of time. And there are a lot of cycles to get to get into the security protocols.

Excellent. Very, very interesting. So, we have a minute left here And the, and I'm going to take another global question here from Christopher Cost Girls, So if you could, each with each of you, could summarize and about NaN, What, what Chris stouffer's talking about is that the British National Health Service, the NHS, implemented telemedicine in two weeks, with Cove at 19 without the burning platform, you'd have taking over two years to do the same thing.

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So, his commentaries that we need to capitalize on the current openness to change, otherwise we will revert to typical timelines for these types of changes. So, there is tremendous opportunity right now. So he wants a quick, how do we capture this capacity to change in our culture Right now? 32nd message, what would you do to capture this building capacity to change right now?

Go ahead, Omar.

I just think that's a really brilliant question. It is human nature to revert back to being more relaxed, but I think the thing is, if your deployments are working really well for us, we're trying to go out the gate very fast. We've got to keep that momentum and just relax, just get it done. as best as you can. You might get resistance longer, but just don't stop on this momentum just because things are changing around you.

I think, I mean, I'm just still thinking about the question and the thought you just said, I think that's exactly the right way is we need the ballooning sorry, I'm going over the NaN, probably. My whole thing would be just maintain the momentum as best as you can. Just bliss forward.

Capitalize on it. Well done, well, done. Brian, final words on that. How do we capitalize on this ability to encode passenger change right now?

It is a brilliant question, and we've been actually focused on that for the last 3 to 4 months. So we have made changes to our platform so that it can be deployed in minutes and hours. And we literally deployed a space agency in two hours, one afternoon, and two hours the next afternoon, they relied. So, being able to deploy quickly, being able to define milestones along the way, so you have quick wins to show, Those are going to be key to keep the momentum.

Terrific. Omara and Brian so grateful for you to have the privilege to have you here, share your global perspectives with us and your leadership perspectives with us. Thank you so much for joining us today.

Thank you for having me. Thank you for having me.

Absolutely. Thank you.

All right, ladies and gentlemen, this concludes this segment of the Success Formation Workplace Life, our next segment, It starts at the top of the hour, and you do not want to miss that, We're gonna talk about Human Connectivity and the Missing Ingredient in Digital Transformation, couple of experts, discussing, how you build you, bring this human element to a very successful day, so, transformation. So, we're gonna close this session now, that you have an ability to provide feedback on the popup window that, on there, on this segment of the conference, and that will see you back up at the top of the hour. So, thank you and seal back soon.



About the Author

more (40)-1Ummara Marshall,
Global and Large-Scale Digital Technology Transformation Strategy Development & Operational Excellence Executive,
Marriott International.

An energetic and innovative Product Strategy, Development and Implementation Executive with over 25+ years of experience across various industries including Hospitality, Healthcare, Finance, Information Technology Startups, and Strategic Consulting. Thrives in fast-paced, customer-oriented environments that require quick decision making, creativity, and adaptability to change.

  • BA in Economics from Harvard University, Six-Sigma Black Belt, Board Member of 3 prestigious organizations.
  • Trusted leader to Executives, Digital, Information Technology, Data Privacy & Security, Vendor, Business and Operations partners.
  • Extensive experience in product and strategy development and execution gained from exposure to multiple different business and customer needs in a wide variety of industries and companies of varying sizes, complexities and geographic locations.
  • Exceptional customer centric mindset and ability to drive innovation and change successfully.
  • Excellent communication and written skills from being in complex matrixed environments requiring prompt awareness, strong alignment and quick, well-informed decision making.
  • Effective project and financial governance to ensure program meets or exceeds goals and is within budget.
  • Proven track record in hiring, developing and leading high performing teams.


more (50)-1Jabe Bloom,
Global Transformation Office,
Red Hat.

Jabe Bloom has led teams and companies and developed software and products for almost 20 years. He has served as a Chief Architect, Principal Technical Director and Chief Technical Officer. In each of these roles his focus has been on connecting creative, ideation processes with software engineering and operational excellence.

Jabe’s deep practical experience, constant experimentation, and extensive theoretical investigations and readings inform his public speaking and provide a foundation for his active mentorship to colleagues, clients and entrepreneurs. As a consultant, public speaker and writer, he works with a diverse clientele. He advises and trains clients on innovation and flow thinking through a series of lectures, workshops, classes and consulting.

Jabe has been a guest lecturer on Abductive Thinking and Creativity at NYU’s Berkley Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation. He is an internationally recognized keynote speaker, addressing topics such as Lean Systems, LeanUX, Complexity Theory, Psychology and Sociology, Management as Design and Design Thinking.

He is currently the Chief Flow Officer at PraxisFlow, a consultancy that helps organizations take a systems level view of their work. Mr. Bloom holds a bachelor’s degree in Photography & Philosophy from Bard College (NY) and is currently pursuing a PhD in Design Studies at Carnegie Mellon University.

Jabe can be found with wife and his children in Pittsburgh, when he is not, in a classroom, on a plane or reading in a hotel room.

I try to collect and tell interesting stories about the future…. Sometimes, when people find the stories compelling enough, they use them to make useful things.


more (86)Bryan Merckling,

Bryan Merckling, CEO, THINaër, led the world's largest B2B online exchange, connecting companies from all over the world and re-engineered the supply chains of multiple industries.

He then helped build Webify as co-founder and COO, where they connected the healthcare industry using web services technology. After major health networks and insurance companies including BCBS and Aetna adopted the technology, Webify was acquired by IBM. Bryan then served as Director of Worldwide Software Strategy for IBM where he analyzed emerging technologies and the potential market sizes of each new technology stream. 

Today he is CEO of Thinaër, a leading edge IoT and Digital Transformation company that he founded with the intent to change the way highly regulated industries operate.  


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