Courtesy of 's .., below is a transcript of his speaking session on 'Process-led Digitalization – Reliable and Effective Value Realization' to Build a Thriving Enterprise that took place at Digital Transformation Workplace Live Virtual Conference.
Session Information:
Process-led Digitalization – Reliable and Effective Value Realization
Introduction: Most companies have started their digital transformation or at least plan for it. However, an industry study shows that only 1% of organizations have their processes sufficiently under control to realize the full potential of digital solutions.
Companies struggle operationalizing their business strategy and aligning their digitalization properly. The value-realization of digital initiatives is often too slow or business expectations are not met. An appropriate process management discipline addresses those challenges. It optimizes the time-to-value.
The presentation discusses a process-led approach to digital transformation to accelerate the time-to-value and minimize risk. The findings are illustrated through examples from insurance, health and high-tech companies.
Key topics to be addressed:
Session Transcript:
Test will be a doctor as Mathias.
Doctors Mightiest is an experienced practitioner and thought leader in the field of business process management, BPM, and digital transformation.
He co-founded, a consulting company focused on operational excellence, customer experience, and process innovation by leveraging the discipline of BPM before he was managing director and global lead of BPM at Accenture and CEO of the Americas and Japan of IDS Shear, known for its Eris Software.
Doctor Kurt Schumer has had led numerous transformations and process improvement initiatives in various industries at clients around the world.
He has published 11 books, over 150 articles, and the University of Pennsylvania, And at the Wild widen our university. He has served as affiliate faculty for over 15 years.
You receive a research and teaching fellowship from the Japan Association, from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, And I'm very, very excited to have a real global expert, digital transformation, and with a full deep understanding of business and cultural transformation. Doctor Marty is, it's a real pleasure and honor to have you with us, our global audience is very excited to see your presentation and engage with our Q and A with you today.
Thank you very much, Jose, for that kind introduction.
Head of IT, often, health insurance company was very excited when they finalized the first RPA project, and they had 20 spots, life, the whole pool check in time, in patch it everything perfectly. So, really, a reason to celebrate.
However, the feedback from business was less excited, the responsible VP said, Well, I understand, we are live with B, So spots, but, if I look here at my unit, the cost has not changed. I have still the same number of people here.
The cycle time has not been reduced.
So, why did we do that? Whole digital transformation, it didn't help at all.
That's surely an extreme situation, but it's a challenge that many, many companies face. It's less about showing that the technology work, and getting the tools in the organization, It's about how can we make sure that we get the full value out of it, and that we realize that value first? And, that minimal risk, and that's what today's session is about. We'll talk briefly about the relation between process and digitalization go then.
Example, how we can realize value with digital transformation and discuss at the end of the free. How to sustain that achieved values.
Digitalization is all about using digital technologies of the internet based and using them to connect the products, physical products, and people.
The value of such a digital transformation is delivered.
Will you enhance processes?
Just put the technology in there. It doesn't change anything at all.
Only if you change the way how you work, importance, and you do it in a way that you meet your goals, only then.
The digital transformation deliver real value, and that's why it's kind of, concerning that.
Industry research has shown that only about 1% of organizations have their processes enough under control, that they realize the full potential of the digital technologies. And that is a topic to be addressed. And that is a reason why more and more organization.
Look to what is closest management and establishing opposes management as a discipline in the organization to enable that value of digitalization.
And establishing process management is about establishing a real management discipline.
That means putting in place appropriate process management processes, and in research initiatives, we have found that there are about 25 different sub processes, and capabilities that creates such a process management discipline, and if you segment those processes, come up with three groups.
Process management is about focus, about it, poof, and about sustaining the results of those improvements.
So, focus means to figure out what are the 10, 15% of the processes that the organization really compete Smith, and they exist, solid research tech, it's just 15 to 20%, so 80 plus percent of our processes are commodity processes, sophisticated optimization. That innovation initiatives don't pay off.
Process management helps to focus on what matters most.
Improve, does not mean, just now to use the same approach and tool everywhere in the organization running around, and figuring out, where can I use my RPA, or where can I use my Lean six Sigma.
But it's about understanding the end to end context of the process and leveraging the tools and techniques that are most relevant to improve and transform the specific process.
And once you have achieved some results, it's, the journey has not ended.
It's about then managing the ongoing performance and sustaining the achievements that we had and that is an area that many organizations underestimates.
Doing all that needs to happen quickly Times where the process management practitioners could take months and years to do sophisticated statistical analysis and time studies and all that, they are Olga.
In the digital era, we need to deliver that value fast, but still be reliable and really come up with Here, our efficiency resides, our agility and all the things we are looking for.
That can only be achieved if those closest management practitioners.
BPM, this simply, really, is it all steps, value driven, how do I get outcomes out of it?
It needs to be tools and technology. And ablest, we need to leverage the digital tools, also for pauses management itself.
So tool enabled and it needs to be people centric. Because at the end, people make the difference, we need to deliver to our stakeholders, and we need to help our team members to move to the next level.
Time to value, soon approach, value driven, tool enabled, people sent.
So how does that look like?
Jump into that. So, Well, the first step for such a transformation is to figure out where are our 15 to 20% high impact processes, And each of them have a low maturity level, so that the transformation and digital initiative brings most value.
That can be done through a process impact assessment, and luckily there, in the meantime, very mature methods and also software tools available to identify those high impact, low maturity processes, so that projects and transformation initiatives around those can be prioritized.
Once we know which processes we wanna address in our transformation, it's important to take a step back and have an outside.
Didn't look at those processes, and look at the processes from a stakeholder point of view, And that's, that can be achieved through a journey mapping, and journey planning techniques, Very well-known customer journey planning, but you can use the same technique for supplier journeys for employee journeys, and the idea is always to identify, where are the touch points of our stakeholders with the relevant organization.
And what's the experience today, and how do we wanna move that forward? And then you identify the appropriate goals for the underlying processes.
So that you end up with a combination of, on one hand, goals around your strategic value drivers, and on the goals around your stakeholder experience that you want to approve.
Once you have those goals in place, then, of course, there is no way around understanding the existing processes in detail so that we really, really can figure out how we wanna transform them. And Toby wanna do things differently.
We see here an example, from an insurance company, the end, down the rider process, The situation shows all the steps supported by the different roles.
And now, we can look at that former digitalization point of view and think about, well, how can we make that process better. And, in this case, it was all around scalability and deficiencies, especially cost reduction.
And you can see here in the process, there, sir significant opportunities to automate the activities that are currently done manually. So, it would cost saving opportunities. There's also opportunities, as those we do try and get, show where you can cut out activities. You don't need to update spreadsheets and send them around anymore. So in that situation, you were even able to cut out an entire role in that process. And so that way you get a very clear picture, how digitalization influences and impacts your current processes and where the value comes from.
To do that efficiently, it has shown that it's important to have a clear view on the business impact of those digital technologies and that can be achieved through a software and technology based process reference model.
That means if you take a step back again and to show, well, how does in our situation, in the rider process, in an ideal situation, look like.
If you use some of those new technologies, in our example, here, a low code platform, that specific situation, it was Uncorks.
So that you have then, the process templates, the design template, that shows the business impact for those technologies. And that helps, then, if the analysis of S is closest, we have seen before, but it is, of course, also a great starting point for you to be beside. You don't start from scratch, but to start with your reference model, or technology based, The reference model, adjusted to your specific business situation. Based on your knowledge about your eyes, is processes, so that you then come out with A to B process that is realistic based on the available technologies.
That's, is standardized as much as possible, because it uses always the same starting point.
If you're going out in different business units, that can be very, very powerful to re-use the same reference models at the beginning of the two B design.
Once you have, then your S is N Q to be processes available, then you already have made a big, big step forward in your transformation, because then you can already do some very straightforward comparison of the situation and get a feeling. For the value that digitalization can bring, like here, we can see we can reduce the number of tasks from 200, 240. So, very huge effects. We can reduce the number of roles involved in the process by more than 50%.
Cuts down the number of systems, which has, of course, then also an IT maintenance effect, and all that is done through a significant increase of the degree of automation.
So, you have now already a very good idea, where do we stand today?
Where do we want to go in our transformation, and what do we get out of it? And then it has shown to be helpful to go a step further and quantify those benefits more. And nowadays that can be done with most of the available pauses modeling and repository tools.
Here, we have used to scan of your, as an example, two, simulate as is. And to be a processes in the ... is a situation.
You get the necessary time and information and capabilities in India views. So, that it has, of course, certain.
Yeah, inaccuracy, but the experience has shown that, it's sufficient what you get indorse in, W So, you can write, it, may include that, information in your process models, For, the, to be.
You can get that information school system looks very straight forward, so that you, then, it can really show what will be the business impact of that transformation. In our situation here. We could show that we can reduce the process cost by almost half, that we can reduce the administrative effort by over 80%. And this leads to a scalability effect of factor nine. So, a very, very solid value and business case behind it, based on information validated by business and IT.
So, we have also business and IT alignment, and dos.
Process models can then be used to drive, on one hand, configuration of our software and it's generating such a transformation, a combination of different technologies, like RPA, like an integration platform, like in a workflow engine, OCR components, you name it, all of that can be aligned and driven, so you have to be processes and the difference of the assays. And to be opposes this helps you in the change management because you can then explain that people knew activities were different activities, you get appropriate lists, asleep plots out of such modeling and repository tools. So, very, very powerful way of moving then, from the design, towards the realization of those processes.
Having technology and people lines and having them aligned to: what's the value, VR targeting?
Once we, half realize that's value, or the first wave of that value, the journey is not over, as I mentioned before, But now, it's about, keep on driving and managing the performance of the process. And that means to have the Pulpits government's role in the transformed process.
Having the right governance is, of course, about having the appropriate roles in place, like causes on us that oversee the end to end process process Stewart's. That's manage the realization here in the example, in the different business groups, process, sponsors, that can jump in when there are conflicts between functional and process elites, and, of course, the process management organization that supports and organizes its governance organization.
Realizing such a functioning process governance is on one hand of course based on opiates the definition of ownership and accountability teams.
But to make that happen, you, again, needs to realize the appropriates governance processes.
And that means if you have such an overall governance model, how you want to keep your processes on track, it has shown very, very helpful to define them in the same way as you can find us at business schools. This is also your process governance processes that show how you measure the performance of your processes. How to lounge, necessary improvement, convection initiatives That show, how you, align the community around your process to what's, the joint goal. It's all that needs to be defined, so that it gets executed appropriately.
And to do such, and run such a governance organization efficiently.
It has really become crucial to have the rights, the digital environment, also in our governance, OK, this age, the same way as you transform your traditional business clauses into digital business processes.
You also move your traditional governance approach it to a digital process governance approach that leverages the appropriate tools and digital technologies to make it more efficient at the end, also more effective.
The architecture of such an tool support, often functioning, applauses governance organization, is shown here.
It's a top tool for process and project prioritization that makes sure that, when you adjust your strategy, that you see, how do my value drivers change and the sets.
But what are the most important processes? Where are my high impact pauses is shifting? And if you have to move, for example, for macos modes, to cost, cutting, and efficiency mode, many companies had to do last year. Then you need here, dynamic scenarios that you see, OK. We may now move to the next high impact processes and shift our transformation focus accordingly. So to check those priorities 2 or 3 times a year, very, very important.
Then you deliver the structural information. We have seen in form of a to B process models, and that's basically what you use, on one hand, to drive the configuration of your digital environment. But, on the other hand, you use that as the baseline, to manage your your process. This is what you want.
two watts, and what you trust in to realize your goals.
However, the structure, the information that we have here, in our repository, needs to be complemented with more dynamic information about how we execute our process.
So, about conformance and performance information conformance information means, well, do we really do what we have?
What we have designed to, be Brock in the debate we have agreed upon Is it this, or, do we do lots of steps that we haven't thought of, and then we need to define, well, is that something we can stop, or do we have to adjust the design. That is a very important governance topic to make sure that we have consistency. Between our structured information now, opposes design and our process instances. Whoops, It would be really Do, OK, The sage.
And of course, we need to know, well, have now achieved. Our goal has delivered the value of looking for.
And that guides basically all the governance activities and that information the conformance and performance information can be delivered in a digital environment to process intelligence and process mining tools.
Those tools basically reads, information in your system, logs the so-called dark data and use it to generate the pauses instances that show you how you execute your pauses. And that's a, calculates the performance information.
I'm often asked, Well, that process mining, Baidu your position, that he is the main component in the government and not in the same way In your as's analysis. You could get that information much, much faster.
Well, the reason, therefore, is a very simple that's mining and poor. Just describe works well.
If you have a process with a high degree of digitalization And automation because then you can collect the necessary conformance and performance data if you have a process with parts executed manually or just use some simple office application, the information is often not, can you learn enough? So, if you have in your situation already, a well automated process. You have your ERP system running, then, of course, let's Move ahead and use also poses mining. and to get information about the S exposes At the beginning of the initiative.
Experience has shown, you always need some of the more traditional analysis, routings, however, here in our governance environment, that's a mining approach, can be much, much more powerful because it benefits them from the digital environment ... creates.
Index, environment, I've just shown, is also then the, then, the technical infrastructure behind your process. Management discipline, and make sure that you can address and leverage it, again, in every new transformation initiative, in every new teacher initiative that you launch into your organization.
So, by going through the transformation and ensuring the sustainability of your sites, you basically build as a side effect of P P M a discipline that to keep on using over time.
And we said, We are at the end of that shots. A discussion, I know, every topic. I mentioned oil most.
Deserve such a discussion about it, says so I could go into the detail, but hope to have given you at least overview how such BPM discipline can help to make digitalization initiatives be liable and rapids.
And, uh, there are five key takeaways.
We have to be aware of the fact that the value of every digital initiative is delivered, So, new and enhanced processes.
So, we need to have our processes under control to be successful, this is our digital transformation.
To be successful, it doesn't make sense to boil the ocean, we need to focus on what matters most, and identify high impact, low maturity processes that we address first, and most effort in our digitalization.
We transform our processes in a pragmatic way that needs to be value driven, tool enabled, people centric.
We discuss steps a bit more in detail, and once you have transform your process, the journey goes on. You keep on monitoring and governing your processes and data. You can, again leverage digital tools and the digital environments to make sure that you keep your processes on track in an efficient cost and time efficient event.
And all of that together helps you to establish a BPM discipline, that you can do it in your first digital initiative, and then leverage in an ongoing way for future projects.
Thank you very much, and so, we have now time for a few questions.
Doctor Mightiest, fantastic, thank you for, thank you for your presentation, and for the audience. I already have a number of questions here. Please, take advantage of having doctor Materials with us. Ask the questions there are most meaningful for your context, regardless of where you are where you operate in the industry, non-profits, I can guarantee you, doctor ... has has experienced in your area because he has covered all of it through, throughout his career.
So, doctor ..., the first question I'm going to ask a, while waiting for a further questions from the audience, is, is, is related to the fact that these transformations have accelerated, and so have the failure rates associated with digital transformations?
And, and you certainly talked about, you know, the process base model for digital transformation, and the, and for those who have experienced, they look at it. And they say, well, that makes sense. That's common sense, which is the least common of the sense in large organizations.
So the question is, why do you think that people keep insisting on doing digital transformations without truly understanding the baseline processes that they have end to end? These are not stupid people. Those are smart people. Why do you think organizations keep falling into this trap?
Got a very interesting question, and.
I think there's, of course, many different reasons. one issue that I've seen many times is that many of those digital technologies themselves have freely gotten a relatively simple. So that's the temptation is very big to say, for example, Oh, let's try out how this RPA toolbox and automates here, the capturing of our customer audience of our claims, or whatever.
But, if you are, And that's trend to do things quickly, and just try it out is, of course, heavily pushed by vendors.
However, if you do that, just by selecting different functions where that could work, then you may have some, some little effects in one or the other area.
But you may create lots of issues, don't stream, and you may not get the effects out of it. That's really make a difference for your organization. I talk to them Yeah. It's one of the Beatles events with the head of a big financial organization who said, well, her predecessor had pushed over a thousand bots into an organization in, in one year.
And everybody was proud about that achievement and NASA julieta.
They stopped the whole use of any of the RPA bots, becaus.
It had created chaos, they had underestimated That's eliminating one bottleneck, created many bottlenecks downstream, and they were not prepared for that. Lots of issues that they had underestimated, the reading pauses is changed much more often than they sold and they didn't put something in place, like in Hybrid Workforce Management, to keep that up to date. So they didn't understand that, the end to end process context. And that understanding that you need to understand what is going on, and you need to have that context before putting their technologies in.
That is often not developed enough in organization, and that leads them to big issues as described.
Those are great perspectives.
And then, as you said, you know, the end to end process understanding, often is also made more complex by the fact that now people have to jump from their area to other areas of the process and influence other people in the, in the full process. And that, and that influencing and change management becomes hard, and then people just kind of give up and say, I'm just going to focus on this little piece that I'm doing here.
And I'm going to automate it, to your point often to the detriment of the overall flow of the process, creating local optimizations, or even sometimes bottlenecks as a result of that. Anita, unintentionally off course, so those are very great insights. Thanks for sharing that. I haven't run. one additional aspect. Sorry for interrupting. It just comes on my mind.
What is also often underestimated and quite a few issues is the flexibility of those new technologies. Like if you have few or no code platform, you are a powerful workflow engine. That sounds so great.
Oh, now, we are completely agile, and you can do whatever we needs puts. The software doesn't do that by itself. And if you just implement it, and leave it as is, you don't have any agility at all. That's a flexibility that your software needs to be managed, and needs to be governed appropriately. And if you don't have that governance in place, again, you'll run into lots lots of issues. And that, again, is that point people will excite me. Then all we get no exile. And at the end they only creates tons of issues because they don't organize. That's agility of the software. That's not the point.
Now, that, that is an excellent point. As a matter of fact, recently, we had the transformation leader for the US. Air Force, And he had a great quote on that, that, there were a lot of this applications of technology. And his comment was that, technology is great, when enables the right process end to end.
But also technology can make stupid happen at the speed of light. And there are a lot of things like that happening, that war, this sub optimization, that you're talking about, Agile optimizations, that we're not the right ones. So, the next question that I have comes from, there are a number of new questions that, that move my screen here, hold on.
So the next question is that I want to focus on, comes from Hank Western rank, I think anchors on the Netherlands, and he's asking to back up a little bit and just try to understand a little bit better. How process, how you're defining process maturity, if you're using kind of the standardized, kind of IT process maturity levels. And basically, the question is how you're defining process maturity and the measurement in your approach.
I have a very good and very tricky question, I think if you look at the process, there's two dimensions you look X 1, 1. And it's the impact of the clauses. So, how important it is for my value drivers and the value, try best describe, basically, the key things you have to achieve to your make your strategy X, is the whole approach to come up. We still spend your time, but so how important is it to realize my value drivers, that determines the impact.
Second, how well are we doing in that process, compared to our own industry, or compared to the best practice? In this specific functional area? We endeavor, which are the better of reverse. And if we have high impact pauses, where we are doing worse than the industry average, that I would call high impact, low maturity process.
However, I know, of course, they exist, very sophisticated maturity models with 10 different levers. And you can I went to my career's group, or checks, where we took 6, 8 months just to determine the exact maturity level based on KPIs, and all kind of benchmarking. And I think that is not averse. It's people who are involved in the causes. They can very roughly estimate.
I'll be in the know basic performance, so we get it done. But do it in a whole load. May be already slightly advanced, have first tool it's in place and our poses is defined. Avi already performing level. That means we have our processes and tools optimized.
Or are we already emerging, Have techniques and approaches in place, that, far above what the average company dot, So if you have such a very rough estimation of your maturity levels, you can get that information through the stakeholders of your process. And that is enough to set those initial priorities. And you can even then, it has lots of organizations, a larger number of stakeholders, your data, and have it. Do the survey, as such, or ... tools, offer that. We see it so that you can very quickly get a good picture of clouds, were The areas are where you are not on the level you should be.
Jose, I cannot hear you anymore.
Yeah, I hadn't heard that one. That doesn't help, doctor Murthy, as Brian there, as asking the BPM, de motto, is slide that you showed, are you linking customer is strategy, choose specific processes?
And the in your experience, how often do companies do that linking customer strategy specific processes?
That is not a great question. I think a big weakness in many companies is that they have, on one hand groups of people who work on the customer journey, and identified, or touch points, and different experiences could. Then there's also **** of people who works on processes, but they're not very well integrated.
And that's why I very much like to use the term integrated customer journey. That means that you identify, for each touch point of the client, the underlying processes that basically influence that touch point.
And if you then define a new and different experience than you deduct out of, that's the appropriate process goals for this underlying processes, and that aligns, then the process improvement and transformation work, and your customer experience initiative. And while that all sounds very straight forward, that is something that I have not seen very often in practice. At least not yet. But, again, if I look at developments on the digital side, this new here, positively and modeling tools, they have more and more interesting functionality to link those customer journeys and underlying processes, so that's, it's, it's easier to manage to work on such integrated customer journey planning, and I'm very convinced that this will play an important role in the years to come.
Very well, very well, and we have one final question we have time for here.
This coming from Susan Beauchamp, And Susan is asking, your use of, maybe, of value stream mapping as a technique, should they choose to develop end to end process understanding? Is valid value stream mapping technique that you prescribe to they used on identify end to end processes, or you have different approaches for that?
You have to describe the end to end processes. We normally do that on two levels on a very high level, level, one or level two. Just sua ... lining up of functions, and that's normally referred to as value chain diagrams.
In the next level, to understand the details, we strongly recommend to use a more formal approach. and the industry standard has clearly moved towards ..., business process modeling notation. And the big advantage, especially in such digital transformation environments, is that in many of the symbols, for example, in the functions, you do already segment them in a way. How is it now fully automated? Is in the e-mail function, is it's an interactive activity? So you get a very good idea where we stand today regarding our digitalization and where do we want to go in the future. That's facilitated students and techniques, so clearly recommend move away from this.
Let's formalize the value streams to a very formal BPM and modeling. Having said that, it's very, very key to not get lost, Then, in that, because the PPM and, as some of you may, know, has over 250 different symbols. And if you try to use all that in a business environment, I satisfied, it's a high risk to get lost. So to select the right subsets that delivers what I explained before for your transformation. That is an important point. That if you do that and to have the right modeling standards and guidelines in place, then this is the way to go. And I really recommend to look into that.
Doctor ..., thank you so much for sharing your insights with us today. And thank you for being a sponsor for the conference, as well on behalf of over 2000 registered participants. We're very thankful for your support, for your insights, and sharing your tremendous expertise with all of us.
No, thank you very much. Jose, as usual. I really enjoyed working with you, and Brian, who organized this conference. And I'm already looking forward to the next event.
And thanks, of course, to all the audience. I really, really appreciate your interest and attention.
Thank you very much.
Ladies and gentlemen, that was doctor Mathias ... from BP, M D, and the deep dive into the, the process side of the digital transformation, and how critical it is for successful digital transformations. We're going to wrap up this session now. I want to remind all of you that you can go look on their LinkedIn other shows that bears, which is my name. And you can see the posting related to the conference. You can ask questions, we can interact, share, make comments, and that will be providing some updates later on, today, or tomorrow, through that link, as well. Coming up next, at the top of the hour, we're going to have the Linda, whereas the Nike with us, and Linda is a: is a: is a leader in the major league areas of sports. And she's going to talk to us about digital transformation in those settings.
So, the hard talk will be caught, is called Million Dollar Adjustments, and fascinating, different perspective in the world of sports and applications to industry on what's being done from a digital transformation perspective. So, looking forward to meeting Linda, and all of you back at the top of the hour. So, see you back soon.
Dr. Mathias Kirchmer,
Managing Director and Co-CEO,
Dr. Kirchmer is an experienced practitioner and thought leader in the field of Digital Transformation and Business Process Management (BPM). He co-founded BPM-D, a consulting company focusing on digital process transformation, operational excellence and customer experience by leveraging the discipline of BPM. Before he was Managing Director and Global Lead of BPM at Accenture, and CEO of the Americas and Japan of IDS Scheer, known for its ARIS Process Software.
Dr. Kirchmer has led numerous transformation and process improvement initiatives and has worked with hundreds of clients in technology, financial, health, consumer goods and manufacturing industries. He has published 11 books and over 150 articles. He is affiliated faculty at the University of Pennsylvania and received a research and teaching fellowship from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.
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