Courtesy of BPM-D's Dr. Mathias Kirchmer, below is a transcript of his speaking session on 'Process-led Digital Transformation: From Priority to Value' to Build a Thriving Enterprise that took place at Digital Transformation Workplace Live Virtual Conference.
Session Information:
Many digital transformation initiatives only deliver a fraction of the potential business value. Enabling technologies like Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Intelligent Low-code Platforms or Analytics tools set high expectations but don’t really deliver what they promised. Business and IT struggle to agree on a joint business case. A process-led approach to digital transformation helps to set the right priorities, define a realistic business case and realize the anticipated business outcomes.
This presentation discusses a focused and effective approach to digital transformation using business process management to move from strategy to operations. Attendees will learn how to:
The digital transformation approach is explained leveraging case studies, mainly from insurance, health and technology companies.
Session Transcript:
Excited about our next guest and presentation, doctor ..., is an experienced practitioners, and thought leader in the field of digital transformation and business process management. He co-founded BPM, G, a consulting company, focusing on process performance, and digitalization by leveraging the discipline of BPM. Doctor ... has published 11 books, and over 150 articles. He teaches at the University of Pennsylvania and widen our university doctor King for ..., A pleasure to have you with us, and we really look forward to your presentation.
Yeah, thank you very much, Jose. and just to verify, can you see my screen now? Yes, we can. It looks great.
Your screen looks good. You can just now. Yeah, go ahead. Perfect, and share your presentation, and it's showing up now.
OK, perfect then. Yeah, welcome everybody, and, you know, some time ago, the CTO of a big North American insurance company really bonded to move the Underwriter processes to the next level. And he had selected a very powerful platform, digital platform to do so.
However, the Head of Operations was much less excited about that initiative. She said, OK, that's the NASA set of tools coming from this IT, guys. And at the end, I have to struggle here is a completely unrealistic business case. Let us better stop that as soon as possible.
And, we will see, during the presentation and discussion, how a process led approach to digital transformation helps to overcome such a situation, and move systematically from a business priority to delivering real value and benefits for the organization.
I have structured the topic into three major sections.
And hope that I can somehow advance my screen.
Into three major sections.
We will first talk a bit more general about the importance of process, and process management for digital transformation, will then go through such a process, Let's transformation, and see how we move from the priority to the running process. And then we really concrete looking at pizza. at the time, after going live, after the transformation has concluded, because in reality, it never ends. You always need to adjust and then benefit from the agility such a digital and well automated process delivers.
If you look at digital transformations, the value they bring comes always through new, enhanced, or modified processes.
The process delivers at the end, the value of digital transformation, therefore, it's kind of shocking to see here in a godless study that's only 1% of organizations have the processes sufficiently under control to really really deliver the full potential of the digitalization initiatives.
10 means most of those organizations invest in technology, put that technology in place. But the end, they get only a fraction of the value out of those initiatives. And in order to change, that's much more companies move towards establishing what I like to refer to as a discipline of a business process management.
And that means they establish a very structured approach to go through the design, the implementation, the execution, and the control of their processes.
And the threats, they have an organization in place that helps them to move their strategy into people, and technology based execution, into that fast, and that's minimal risk.
To establish such a strategy, the app out at 25, key capabilities, that one would address. And, at the end, you can structure them into three major buckets, That capabilities around focusing initiatives, targeting those processes that matter most for the organization. They exist.
Very, very solid research, that the company only competes through about 15 to 20% of that process is 15 to 20%. That means, 80% are pure commodity processes.
Here, sophisticated optimization, innovation, and digitalization initiatives don't really pay off in commodity areas. You just copy common practices in the industry, in the different, specific functional area, and you are OK.
However, in the 10, 15, 20% of high impact processes that it's really brought us to spend more time and really, really get the power of digitalization into play.
Once you know where you focus, and you improve, in the end to end, a context of the process, that's the end to end. The context is, again, very, very crucial, even if you only address, with the first initiative a part of your process, It's key to know the effects.
It has a huge financial organization, For example, they are heads in less than a year, more than thousand spots out in a robotic process, automation initiative, However, and that's a year later, they stopped all this RPA devices, because the organization has moved in a terrible situation. There were many more exceptions created than expected, so that much required than they ever thought about. The elimination of one godlike led to the creation of us have bottlenecks downstream. So a real, real, difficult situation, and they then took the decision, OK, V net, we meet for us to understand what we wanna improve, and how our end to end process looks like. So in both, in the context, and then once you have your current processes improve, it's an illusion to think that's no work stops.
It's our environment, this continuously changing the new legal regulations, a new customer requirements, so we have to have a mechanism in place, too.
Really, just the processes dynamically and Besets really benefits from all the flexibilities that many of those new digital technology breaks, so that process components for digital transformation is all around focusing on what matters most, improving in the end to end context, and sustaining results by keep on adjusting as required.
Then comes often concerned, OK, does it not cost me too much time? Is it really worth it? And that comes from the long history of process of process management, with many ups and downs.
But the modern BPM discipline has sneaky targets.
It's all about shortening time to value.
It's not about getting the digital solution up and running as quickly as possible, but to get as quickly as possible value out of it.
A PBM discipline also recognizes that basically, every improvement initiatives, Lever Riches in one or the survey automation technology so that alignment between business and IT is a very, very key topic of the BPM, discipline, and NASA contribution to the digital transformation.
And last but not least, we need to make sure that it's not something done to the organization, but that's the people involved. So we need an inclusive approach that speak bias often.
Remote delivery, not just in the current time soul of BPM has to organize the transformation initiative in a way that's the right people can contribute in an acceptable way without unnecessary effluence.
These are three G contributions of PPM to digital transformation. But now, let's go a step further and see how that works in practice. When I say, OK, we move from priority to business value, then the priorities at the end asset to your business strategy and business credit. She defines, for example, that you have to look for high profitability or that you want to have an environmentally sustainable organization, or that you have a growth goals. And through this business priority, you can very quickly then identify the goals.
And what is then important to operationalize that strategy is the definition of so-called value, try this.
And, those value drivers basically describe what the organization has to get rights to make that strategy happen.
That means, that basically every initiative somehow affects those value drivers and the processes that should gets highest priority for optimization. That innovation initiatives should be the processes with the highest impact on those value drivers. And those processes can be identified as very simple and straightforward, process impact assessments.
Well, you see here the processes on the level of detail that we call Level three. So for an entire business unit or organization, you normally have around 153 processes.
Then you have your value drivers, then you define for each process, what is the impact of every process on every value Try. But like, if there's no impact, it's gray.
Days, low impact, yellow, medium, impact, orange, high impact Here, right? And then you can calculate the baby, it's total, and like that identify, you are 15, 20% of high impact processes that you really wanna focus on.
In some industries that is more appears in the SS less. But even if you say like in our example that I mentioned at the beginning, on the right, processes, within underwriting, there's plenty of ... and then, you know, where we have the biggest impact on our specific goals. That is, of course, very key, And in our specific example, the key value drivers, where around cost reduction by reducing administrative efforts, and they were around scalability.
Once we know those, high impact processes then comes the next step that we have to understand, those rules is this. And I know that is a step that's many vendors of digital technologies, especially RPA. Or as a platform, when they say, ah, that's not that important, let's just put the technology in. And people will figure out how to best use it. And I can only learn from that. If you don't understand your processes, you will not be able to make a real difference, and you will not be able to get the full value out of your digital solution.
In this situation, we have documented those underlying processes, and if you do that in a remote survey, in.
Teams, or assume, or go to whatever sessions and say you wanted to those pauses while having the conversations, you can create those that, that structured information very quickly, and then you can see, where are the opportunities for improvement.
Like, where can we automate activities that are currently a manual or Vera? Can we eliminate activities that will not be necessary in a more digital and more automated environment?
It's very important to discover if this entire role, it's like, here, our assistance role, that you might be able to to eliminate through such an initiative, because that gives you, that analysis gives you an early inputs that the benefits come from and what to focus on.
In that specific insurance example, I mentioned, very vaas, pretty clear that he had the send out of the transformation will be a low code or no code.
Platforming that situation it was the caulk platform combined with a few other components for document management, the whole writing and several areas. But, knowing that's, that's technology architecture. We could basically use that information to verify right away this improvement opportunities. So, that we come up already this pretty realistic way of seeing our current situation and resets.
We have done the first step to move into our, A to B processes, and that is, of course, the most tricky, and most important step, a tool defined by, how will our working process, how will our business process look like in future?
And here, it's very key that, on one hand, of course, our improvement opportunities require certain technology support, so we can select or finalize the selection of technology components based on our process design.
However, we also have to clearly see deaths, those digital Tech Nano cheese, provide the business input into the process design. So, when we put, goes to process models, together, we need to understand what is the business impact of our digital platform of analytics tools that we use or how would a PA impact? That's the process.
So we also learn from the capabilities of those systems, and to make sure that we have both directions under control.
That is absolutely important to come up with a good to be design, and this is a step that can be significantly accelerated through so-called process, reference models, process reference, markets, nothing else than structured descriptions of how a specific business process.
Looks like in an ETL situation, leveraging the right set of technologies.
So, it basically combines business information, Ruth, information about the business impact of available technologies.
So, in that case, we have here, by making the situation transparence through this, as this process models. We work in parallel with the key software vendor to come up with such a reference model or a set of reference models.
So that we have a clear idea how an ETL underwriter process looks like, and we can use those reference models as inputs to be designed.
That means we don't start with an empty screen, but we starts with an ETL situation. And then, based on the specific products or profits and the activities that can be crossed out, assessment can be edits, that there may be adjustments in the flow. However, it's much, much faster, too.
Modify an existing situation, an existing model, then, to create it from scratch. We get the experience from us, our organizations, in there. So, we have a whole set of advantages and accelerate our process design so that we end up with a good understanding, where do we stand today? What are the improvement opportunities?
And to be a model based on our reference model would understanding, How do we want to achieve that? How do we want our work in future?
Then already by just comparing those S's.
And to be situations we can learn a lot for our business case, but also for the preparation of our change management and our technical implementation In the situation that we have here, that's an insurance company.
It was pretty clear that we can reduce the number of tasks significantly.
And not only the number of tasks visits, B can end up with less roles.
Which is very important. If here that cost considerations and we want to redeploy some people, it's also interesting to includes here IT related views. So that we see what will be the impact on our IT landscape and present on the maintenance. And then, of course, how do we improve our degree of automation? All that information, you just gets school, so, as to be modeling.
And to give you a feeling for profit center with a few product lines, that is not something that takes months, but that can be done in 4, 5, 6, or eight weeks. So, you'll get that information pretty quickly, and we set clear guidelines, how to move forward.
And that can even be improve law.
By using those models for cymbal and pragmatic simulations.
What we did in that specific situation, that while developing those reference models, we also edit the title attributes, The probabilities into those models. That then became part of the two beam objects.
We also collect it Related information about times about probabilities regarding the SES situations so that we could do some simulation, and then clearly showed that. On one hand, we can achieve significant savings.
But on the other hand, we also can scale about nine times more than in our existing situation.
So we can very, very clearly show how we boots change our process to achieve the priorities, that we have identified at the beginning of our journey.
And that's information, is then, we used, on one hand, to drive the configuration of the software here, mainly of the digital platform, and its integration in the overall environment.
But, those process models, this knowledge about you as S and two P processes, also lays the foundation for an effective change management.
Uh, you can then create using inappropriate modeling, and the ... tool, like, and see club you on areas. You can create reports that show, for the different wallets, what's new? Activities for new tasks have to be carried out. Which tasks are not necessary Anymore? You, you get information about a new roles that you may have defined, and you can use that as a basis for your training, so that people are not trained in using a tool.
But people are trained and educated about their future work, and how that fits into the end to end business process.
So that they really understands how their work environment and their workplace looks like in the future. So, all change management. That means all information. Communication and training activities again based on the same information.
The same knowledge that is used for the business case that is used for the configuration of the software is that we end up with an aligned, consistent solution.
And all the work I presented can be delivered on every modes.
A basis B we have done here 7 or eight different prophets send us in about 18 months.
And in that whole time we had not one face to face session.
Everything was done remotely. And that has lots of benefits, not only the expenses that are safe, which was a lot of money. But also, it's much, much easier to involve people that are in different locations. And it's like, that's, we really can have workshops with the best contributors. And delivering the best, besides, I have, of course, also to say it requires some population in general.
The working sessions need to patch marceau only than face to face sessions, to benefit from the environment. You need to think about who to invite, how to use different tools. Like, as I said, and cloud based, positive towhee, you may have here Systems for your prioritization.
That will be well prepared, that you need to know how to use that in an online environment, but then that's remote approach to that poses led transformation works extremely well, and it's very powerful.
Then we come to a situation that we be alive.
Our Processes, People, Technology, Alliance, and we may have already achieved at least a part of our business case. But now we need to continue to manage that process. It just, it's been necessary so that we keep the value realization going. And that's a point of time been. On one hand, we can really benefit from the information we have created since those process models. Now, the two B models that have become our new SES in a dynamic environment, or, a deposit told me, we can keep on trusting them, and we can keep on trying out whether we should do an addition of change, or not, whether we should include a new technology or not.
So, we keep on benefiting from the transparency we have created, and then even more interestingly, if we measure how specific transactions go school, our process, to be really work, as we have designed it, all have people developed rowan's. That's contributes to issues, and that's, there.
Don't stand in the way of delivering the full value answer, to get that information about your current process performance in an efficient way and to get the intelligence around your process. So, that you keep on trusting it correctly, that can, in such a digital environment, be very well achieved through a process mining tools.
Like, again, the Arizona ... pauses mining isilon use, So, there's a whole set of such tools out there. And they basically make bodies often referred to as the data recipient. So, the data in system logs is used to reverse engineer your processes so that you see how pauses instances.
Currently executed so that you see that to be follow OAH design, and, of course, you get all kinds of process intelligence, performance, information about your processes.
That approach works very, very well in highly automated, highly digital processes.
If the situation is also already automated, then you can also use such an approach for, for the creation of your S is, models. However, experience has shown that there's often a lot of manual steps and you need to understand what it is about. So, the mining approach doesn't bring the same value as a null. Then. We have moved into automated and ditch due process environments. Then it's really an invaluable contribution that process intelligence can play.
However, like everywhere, all the tool infrastructure important. But you need also the rights of people in place. adjusting processes and really benefiting from the agility that those new digital system brings, requires the people around it. That's that use, that agility.
Because if you, If you implement your process with the most interesting platform with your unquote GUI or Salesforce or you are, you are Appian know, whatever platform, but then you don't touch it anymore. Then, when you have created a new application, but it's at the end esthetic as the classical application software.
However, if you have people in place that really identify when we need to change and adjust something that are closely connected to IT, or can even to simple adjustments themselves. Then the whole new dimension of pauses performance comes to life. And that means it's absolutely crucial to put the right process, governance, in place. Process governments, where, of course, at the center, is a process owner that is really mesh that has, as its goal is the performance of that imposes, make sure that we deliver towards the value drivers that we have defined at the beginning and then lounges requests and new initiatives When this is required to keep the process on track and often dasa volts, Then they pauses stewards.
Help the process owner to work in different functional areas. Also, sponsors resolve issues and conflicts and of course, a process management organization that supports the whole governance model and governance approach in the organization.
I have seen multiple companies in the last years who were struggling with the newly transforms processes until they really put a functioning process governance approach in place. So that has become a key component of successful digital transformations. And of course, of process, let's teach you the transformations.
Though to summarize, it's key for digital transformation to focus carefully, to take the time to identify the high impact, low maturity processes that you get most value from, that you have a solo design. But that's your design efficiently leveraging accelerators, like digital process reference models, like he writes, modeling and ... tools.
Let's you evaluate.
You are expected improvements, the best school, a pragmatic simulation, and again, supported to the right tools.
And once you have your process in place, to make sure that you keep it on track, and that you sustain them, the value that you have achieved, and keep that value realization going.
And all of that can be delivered in the remote way, very effectively.
Note, it was a lot of information in a short time.
Please feel free to check out some of the, the information on our webpage. You can download all kinds of white papers and articles for free.
That's an interesting paper about the collation of P P M and Digital Transformation is quite interesting. Study, It's done with a couple of universities. There's also an interesting paper around the process of clauses management. So, how to build up, that's closest management discipline, as we have discovered, discussed before, how, to prioritize, and find these high impact low maturity the processes. So, basically, all the topics we discussed you can get that information.
Jose, will send you the link to the left, to the webpage school, your chat, and also a link to a couple of videos that I believe, will support the message one around this whole remote aspect to prefer people of color to that. And then NASA wandering around, the process of mining, and to be used there. An example from a manufacturing and technology company, where we have basically used several times, the same report, and also very successfully.
And he said, sir, thank you very much for your attention. And please feel free to reach out if you have additional questions or let's use the last 5 or 10 minutes for some questions right now. Thank you very much.
Excellent. Excellent. Doctor Keir Starmer, we had lots of commentary and the questions that came up.
I'm going to ask you to stop sharing your presentation at this point, and so that they can see you. Perfect. So some some good questions. We have about six minutes. You will try to get to as many as possible.
There was a lot of commentary about you're absolutely right that digital transformations the fail overwhelmingly as a result of undefined, unclear business processes. And, and then people are just trying to plugins some technology on top of that and solve that. And you're basically wrapping a complex solution like over a complex problem and that you don't quite understand. So, you may you talked about a lot of different components of business process management. In the build-up and the and the maturing of those For the organization. The question is, this is a multi-year, maybe never ending journey for most organizations, because the businesses are constantly evolving. Who does it? Well, who has done it Well for the last decade because lots of companies do for 1 or 2 years, and then kind of dies as low DAF and they have to pick it back up. Is there a reference in the marketplace of organizations who have excelled at doing good business process management for a longer period of time?
Yeah, there's a whole set of organizations out there who have done pauses management for a long time and who have done that successfully. However, what. So, process management involves, of course, over time.
Having been in the field for almost 30 years, Nowadays, we have tools and technologies available. Also methods and standards like BPM, and that's here 15, 20 years, we're just not around. So I cannot point to any company who has done all the things. I just described well over long periods. You will find on our webpage some examples of organizations who have done that. Well, I'm normally knots.
In the situation that I can share the names of those organizations. But I, if I look at the last year's dice, very peak, North American insurance company and, you know, even two of them that have done a fantastic job of building such a process, discipline, and applying it in this digital environments. And, if you, if you check so some of the publications, maybe you will see the name, I cannot. I mentioned it here.
So in the financial area, also be mortgage company that has a very, very mature area in there and can share more details, follow up, discussion, but also have a look at the manufacturing companies. Manufacturing. Companies have a long tradition in process because they have to, for us, they were forced to a more structured pauses management eating their production area. And they have no transfer that into.
Got into the office, the, the more administrative and business processes and in some of the videos, I appointed said to chose example of that like a big, complex a company that has real, outstanding, opposes the seaplane in place, a couple of logistics companies that really has made a big ProQuest and not to forget.
Market leading biologics company, that's especially the current time, use that to scale and to trust, that that poses capacities and they also do, that's very, very bad. So, sorry that I cannot mention any specific names, but there's a whole set of organizations out there, that's really bad.
Very good. And you're pointing to some industries that the, that, that, that's really helpful to understand, that some of those industries are a bit more, maybe a little bit more further ahead on that journey. The other question, a comment here that came up often was about how to build the BPM.
Some people are talking about the fact that if you try to establish BPM in in their organizations, which is, which is absolutely, I mean, you have just shown how powerful it is, but it's a difficult sell for senior leaders in the organization. Because you have to get those senior leaders to agree on what the key business processes are, to agree on the definitions of some of those processes, to develop governance and ownership. As you mention, and a lot of people do not want to own, business processes, because they have a functional role. And end to end business process definition can be difficult with multiple process owners. So you can get quite complex. Now, there is that component and can be and a lot of times, senior leaders are like, I'm not sure how you're going to derive the value because it does take some time to build, the infrastructure a little bit to derive value. The other approach is more of building by one value creation opportunity time. It sets the last time, time here. Here we have here for questions. And so, the last minute we have, so I want to make sure I asked this question correctly.
The summary is: What is the best approach to build a BPM, an organization, and get a commitment from from Leaders? Is it, is it identifying value creations and build opportunities, and building your BPM from doze, or ideally, stop down, but it's much more difficult to do. What have you seen from a practitioner's standpoint, is the best approach to get traction on business process management?
Yeah, that's an excellent question. And first point I have to make here, don't try to sell BPM or business pauses management to the senior management. It doesn't work. Senior executives, in general, not interested in methods and tools and approaches and technologies. It's not the way they see. What you need to position is the value to get out of it. That you can create transparency needed to take first, well informed decisions To create the right actions on that. That's, you link your strategy to operations. So that's a management approach so that you get people excited about the outcomes. And that's paved the way to, to the support.
When you then go into the next steps, how to make that happen, then just take a step back and if you want a temperature management is simply, how do you do that? How do you establish HR finance to do it?
So the human resources, processes, or the finance courses, if you want to establish BPM as a management discipline, is temporary sheets to what I refer to the process of process management. So you define, not just five volts, And then let's figure out what the pauses on us to define those process management processes that are carried out by the different roles. And that are linked to the value that you expect to get out of it. And if you have such an approach, you get top management into the boats deserts. Important comment is don't try to come from one to hundreds in the whole organization.
It's very, very key to combine immediate value creation, with the development of the process and process management capabilities.
That means instead of now having the ambition, all we need first to have all the as he supposes this in our policy, told me before we do something, know, put a simple structure in there, and then with every initiative you at the SEC inflammation of the current initiative.
And you do that, by creating very specific value, so that, at the end of every initiative, you have clear business outcomes. You have made an impact to the organization. And by doing that, you have created the next building block and the next cup ability of GOP PMTCT. So if you sell it, when you implement your process of causes management, and combine value delivery, and the development of those capabilities, then it will.
Ladies and gentlemen, if you want to have a successful Digital Transformation Replay, or doctor ... has, just share with us, here, over and over again on building the Business Process Management, that's necessary for the Foundation for Success for Digital Transformation. There is a reason why it's hard, and that he has just summarize for us with tremendous insights.
Doctor MIT has our time is up, but I want to thank you for sharing your expertise here. I have provided the links to the audience for the chat function, so that they can go and learn more and get in touch with you. Thank you so much for sharing your expertise with us today.
Thank you very much, Horsey, and thank you very much. Everybody of us. My pleasure.
Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. This wraps up the day for us, So, thank you for everybody who participated in the sessions. If you have additional questions, if you have commentary, join us on LinkedIn later on. My, you know, you can look me up under my name or under the, the, the, our chair man's name and not the chairman approaches VJ. Bourgeois. And we both have posters in there, and you can make postings about questions. Follow ups are commentary. that you have now, including some of the questions that, we didn't have time to get to it, because there's so many questions that came up during this multiple sessions. I want to just give you a quick preview of what does X Y we have to look forward to tomorrow. Very exciting. They were going to kickoff the morning with, well, the morning, the United States, whatever time it is around the world.
We're going to have, Elizabeth Thorner talking to us about visualizing change and the Process map modeling to tell the story, and then, I'm very excited to follow up, session. I have a personal friend, and the global change and cultural Lead for Google, Travis Heller, and he's going to be talking to us about using neuroscience to drive digital transformation. You do not want to Miss Travis Session. It's great to hear from an expert in the field, as someone who is, Imagine that, you're in charge of leading change for a company like Google. And he's going to be sharing his experiences with us tomorrow that you do not want to miss that, very exciting about that.
And we also have tomorrow, Bobby Patrick, sharing us the digital journey and up in a session called It's Time To Automate. And Bobby is the chief marketing officer for UI path, tremendous background and insights on what's going on in the marketplace, what companies are doing and the where you are deriving the most value from automation. And, and then we're gonna wrap up the day tomorrow with the global practice lead in the change management office for a company called LogMeIn.
And LogMeIn has got to talk about the dividends of empathy, and how and value change management, how, how empathy and value change management are critical components for the future of work, and certainly for the future of our digital transformations. So I am again honored to be with you here today and provide the feedback on this session as you can do that directly on the goto Webinar interface as we close the session, and I look forward to seeing you tomorrow for another great day. Thank you. Have a great rest of your day.
Dr. Mathias Kirchmer,
Managing Director and Co-CEO,
Dr. Kirchmer is an experienced practitioner and thought leader in the field of Digital Transformation and Business Process Management (BPM). He co-founded BPM-D, a consulting company focusing on digital process transformation, operational excellence and customer experience by leveraging the discipline of BPM. Before he was Managing Director and Global Lead of BPM at Accenture, and CEO of the Americas and Japan of IDS Scheer, known for its ARIS Process Software.
Dr. Kirchmer has led numerous transformation and process improvement initiatives and has worked with hundreds of clients in technology, financial, health, consumer goods and manufacturing industries. He has published 11 books and over 150 articles. He is affiliated faculty at the University of Pennsylvania and received a research and teaching fellowship from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.
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Courtesy of Nintex Pty's Paul Hsu, below is a transcript of his speaking session on 'Improve employee productivity during and post-COVID by ...
Read this article about HP, Best Achievement in Operational Excellence to deliver Digital Transformation, selected by the independent judging panel, ...
Read this article about BMO Financial Group, one of our finalists, in the category Best Achievement in Operational Excellence to deliver Digital ...
Read this article about Cisco, one of our finalists, in the category Best Achievement of Operational Excellence in Internet, Education, Media & ...