BTOES Insights Official
November 22, 2020

Digital Transformation Workplace Live- SPEAKER SPOTLIGHT : Intelligent Automation and Shared Services

Courtesy of Future Pipe Industries's Jagan Ramaswami, below is a transcript of his speaking session on 'Intelligent Automation and Shared Services' to Build a Thriving Enterprise that took place at BTOES Digital Transformation Workplace Live Virtual Conference.


Session Information:

Intelligent Automation and Shared Services
  • Automation in the shared services space – whats happening, why and notes on success

  • What is and Why intelligent automation? – is it RPA? How is it different? Why would it work?

  • Current state and way forward – Evolutionary trends and market perception (The Covid effect)

  • Experiences and key success factors in the game

Session Transcript:

To be joined this morning by Second Room Swami who is the leads to shared services, and digital transformation process for future industries. Yoga has an 18 year, career spanning corporate consulting, research an advisory, and he chose to take on the challenge of transforming an old manufacturing company as just to keep itself busy. I suspect, he has advised many governments, large cohorts, and growing enterprises across geographies on strategy implementation. As an engineer, he is drawn to data, strongly believes in a data driven organization. So with that, let me hand you over to Doug.

Welcome today.

Hey, thanks, Brian. Thank you so much. Thanks for the introduction. Those are a lot of very kind words.

So, Lamy trust, people are able to share the screen, see the screen that I'm sharing.

So without much ado, let me get into the presentation.

So, the, this is something that I kind of live by Thomas person bonus words. So in most organizations, there's two kinds of people. one, the people don't do. The tasks, the mundane, daily, repetitive tasks.

And those that contribute a different kind of value in, in transforming the organization itself.

So, it is, at this point, when things are not really doing very well for the world divide as the whatever. It's happening.

So, I think these words redrew more than ever.

It is, it is very critical that people recognize the fact that automation is here to stay, and automation will be a part of your corporate life. But I think everybody, everybody in the organization, needs to play a role in ensuring it works. And everybody needs to be around, even after automation has found its place in the enterprise. And let me tell you why, as you go on, you will see that automation, far from be detrimental to employment actually helps add a lot of people.

So, When you look at automation itself, the early days of automation, I like to start from the very early days, when, when When we started using tools for or a lot of business processes like MS Excel, PowerPoint, or Microsoft Word.

Those were the 30 days of automation event.

Pen and paper was replaced by computers. She started having Excel, then it macros an Excel formula, You have sheet. You had interplay, You'll have inter-connected sheets and all that.

So, when we reached a point where people started talking automation, and I think that a lot of business activities could be done to systems. People actually thought, automation could be the silver bullet for all enterprise problems. But the reality has been far from it, and let's see why.

So the origins of automation itself, go back to Jeff Bezos and what's called the Amazon Effect. So, one of the things that Amazon kind of extremely well was its focus on customer experience. And over time And it's kind of be cruelly by a lot of research that people started expecting everything to be delivered quickly and accurately. So, this is not just in terms of logistics or cosmetics that you order.

But even in your daily life, be it that you order the stuff that you do at home, Anything, if you want to, if you have a query that you are running on a computer. So this is kind of this experience thing.

We just become the core integral part of our user experience. And that has to be the biggest driver for automation because people start expecting accuracy. Speed, repeatability, and reliability, and what better to give all of these than systems and machines. And that's when the RPA, well came in.

Screenshot - 2020-07-27T142917.263And when RPA started a few years back, a lot of, a lot of companies kind of ran into, embrace the system. And it's kind of the way it was showcased wasn't gonna replace people. It's going to, it's going to have an impact that's, that's beyond what's been seen ever before. In fact, you'll be surprised, actually, had one of my clients and elderly investor from, from Malaysia, and I was presenting to them the benefits of Robotic process automation, and how, how bots could take over his processes, and get things done, at lightning speed, and greater accuracy.

And the end of the whole thing is, Jen had a very thoughtful look on his face and he asked me, where are we going to house these robots.

So he actually picture Ized, a real actual physical robot sitting there.

So, it's kind of a very weird problem that I have faced, but it's very real and when you when you when you mean in the manufacturing industry, when you are coming from an old world industry, it's not something that's surprising. For a lot of people, it takes time to grow on them.

But the services industry has kind of They can do it like crazy. If you remember, the for some of you might have been around when the when the early abuzz with ERP started, sap even crazy.

Everybody started embracing sappy huge budgets they spent and companies kind of went head over heels and changing their systems processes to accommodate ERP systems. And that was kind of the initial days of automation, enterprise wide.

And then came BPM and all of these kind of low to medium impact, but it took a very long time to get done.

Because rolling out an ERP system has its own challenges today when we are looking at RPA.

And when we're looking at automation in whatever form, the the key selling point that a lot of people bring to the table is the bank that RB gets things get can we implement it real quick and it delivers on its promise Otto, I, real quick.

That is kind of being the reason that the early adopters, weldon, headlong, and many, and in some cases, I've actually had interactions with very large enterprises, and these are multi-billion enterprises act enterprises pellicle.

A large European telco actually had a lot of well, failures when it came to RPA, because simply the tool did not deliver the promised Ottawa.

There are reasons so where have we reached today?

We have some basic level of automation that we have come to.

Um, there's a lot of rule based systems that are being developed.

Low value activities have been automated in a lot of enterprises.

We are slowly getting towards more interactive and less human interview in dimension requirements in many of these cases.

Btog CTAOver time, these systems will learn. And that's when AI kicks in. But that's the Farley and current level of maturity is still it. It works it. Structured data. Systems don't work with unstructured data. That's the actual reality, though, there's a lot of hype around it.

But RPA has its own drawbacks though RPA does deliver on the promise quality, RPA does deliver on speed, but there are, there are lot of constraints within which RBA operates.

For example, the data that goes into our be, your BPM systems have to be very well defined, the rules have to be very well defined. It cannot be flexible. Purchase order processing, for example. It's a standard system. That's common in practically every enterprise globally.

And it's a, it's a well established, standardized process.

So, if you see most business cases that RPA has been successful, it will be purchase order processing, because it's kind of a 1, 1 size fits all kind of a solution.

But that's not the case in, in most cases.

Performance and scalability, Yes, it delivers, because in most cases, the systems can meet up for the needs.

Where the challenges come up is on end to end management of processes.

The process by itself cannot be entirely rules based. There are changes that happen, there are dynamics that are beyond the control of any system that we create, Any workflow is subject to change as it as it evolves into the organizational setup.

And these are not activities that RPA can take off and at that point the RBA kind of stops and hangs over to a human asking them to intervene and get things done.

So in many companies, from my personal experience, people who have sole RPA solutions, the key free mice that they have, the P sales pitch, as me, OK. You will have 50 people running this process today. You'll implement for box, and I will ensure that you can bring down the P number of people, the 20, and the for bots can replace 30 people, and we are all happy. You'll spend less on people.

Lesson space, things get done goodspeed, at a grade level of accuracy, with extreme levels of reliability.

But the reality actually is far from that RP A was initially pitched, as something that replaces people in reality, ought to be, frees up your resources. Or other activities, you just cannot replace people. You have to have them in the system.

Because today's RPA tools are not entirely independent, and they cannot be because the data still has to be very structured for them to work on. And that's there.

Intelligent automation kind of came in. So what is this new animal that's kind of come up?

This is kind of I like to call it the RBA on steroids because if you think automation as a as a kind of a wholistic ecosystem that starts from Microsoft Excel macros right up to AI driven chatbox.

The entire schema that comes within this constitutes intelligent automation.

Based on where it is applied to make myself clear.

If you have a call center and if you have people calling in for mundane stuff such as password resets in a bank, you do not need a caller at the other end, to answer the phone.

You can have a chatbot or even have a simple IVR system that kind of press one to reset your password. And you're done. You get an e-mail saying your password reset.

You want to go ahead. So things can be as simple as that. And that does not require an RPA solution.

But, when you integrate these kind of low-tech solutions, along with a, in a very structured workflow that spans end to end, for example, the same call center, if you have a workflow that starts with a password reset and then moves on to legs, other activities that the same person needs done, then they will be going into multiple kinds of data inputs from PR IVR inputs. You might go into data capture from our data pulls from ERP CRM systems. You might even have data capture from an OCR device. You might have.

Voice input, at some point, somebody talking, or you need an NLP engine to analyze what's said and interpret.

So, when you integrate all these kinds of tools into one workflow, you have intelligent automation.

Now, this, it's something very different because RBA stand alone can do a task, cannot run an entire process.

Intelligent automation runs an entire process, end to end And up it's kind of like I like to call it the bigger organism but RP AB its constituent Arden.

You have to have these workflows very well defined so that you're all from basic automation.

Simple rules, too enterprise level, task driven automation by RPA, and you also give room.

But unstructured data inputs, like images, OCR, moving on to tax people, just inputting input data through a chat interface and get feedback from a chatbot.

Or over time, it can move into IOP integration NLP now looks the whole nine yards. So, this is kind of the entire spectrum of intelligent automation that's kind of that's opening up now.

Event Email Graphic Virtual Conferences (1)And this needs a far bigger level of understanding.

Oh Bhatt definition, before, stepping into this, you just cannot get into intelligent automation, with a plan for one year, or six months, or even two years, because intelligent automation transforms the entire organization, the entire enterprise, the entire business systems. So how do you get into intelligent automation?

Um, this is something, this, this slide is something I keep harping on quite a lot even within my company So quick context.

I work for a manufacturing company, future pipe industries, is one of the world's leading manufacturers of large diameter, fiberglass pipes, expensive pipes, very large pipes. And when I say large, these are like six feet, 12 feet, diameter pipes. These are used to carry that carry water from the desalination plants to municipal transmission systems. Are they work in oil rigs, moving oil from one place to another, in chemical. Look at chemical plants where processes are corrosive and you need corrosion resistant. So, it's a, it's a proper manufacturing setup. It's an old world company, 40, 45 years. Being, been, there, done that kind of a company.

People that I work with, most of them have spent more than 25, 30 years in the company.

They know their processes extremely well.

So, well to the point that they cannot even accept change.

So, how do you transform a company like this that looks like it's like a slow moving dinosaur?

It's not easy but the will is there to to bring in that change and bring in transformation.

What is critical to start with?

This applies to every enterprise be at a company Be it a very large Well established manufacturing company, FMCG or anyone having workflows they'll be fine.

Well, optimized, and well, integrated is critical, And, to me, the most useful tool has been process mining.

I use a lot of process mining in the way I work. So process mining is kind of a new subject that's come up in the last 4 or 5 years. It's a, it's a new integrated into the BPM space companies like .... Now now, we have ..., Se ..., there's like these companies, these tools.

Do far more than just helping you analyze these processes.

You will get to see the different ways in which your organization operates.

For example, the same, well structured purchase to pay When we did a process flow process mining inside my company, I found 432 variants of the same process.

And this process is by far the most standardized process globally in any organization.

Purchase order processing is just, it's a standard set.

But we found nothing less than 432 variants of that same process within our company.

If that does not slow an enterprise down, I don't know what will I think those inputs are critical. When you, when you get into intelligent automation, You have to have your workflows very well defined, very well structured, and very, very well optimized.

You should never be PR.

If you're in the game for intelligent automation, I highly recommend process mining as a starting point, then you have to come to a unified automation engine or an orchestration system.

Every different type of cool that you use needs to talk to one another needs to have a workflow in which they all participate. one of them should be standalone data from each should flow into the other. If you have an IVR system, the IVR as databank the data back and you should talk with the RPA data back end, which would have ...

with a chatbot, whether it's internal or external.

This is critical, That's where the neural network that I keep talking about is built. And finally, you have locked management, which is critical.

There are tools that help you visualize which of your bot is doing, what, at any given time.

Just like you have dashboards, the processes, you have dashboards, or block management, bot combinations, and all that, it's worth, investing in that.

If you're going into highly evolved, intelligent automation system, you need to know what comes in, what goes out, what's happening, when, and what's happening, when, where is it getting delayed, What's not working Well? What's working well?

That, feedback, is critical, and that data needs to be collected, analyzed, and reported.

That's, I think, these three constitute the most important elements in implementing intelligent automation, in any center, any setup.

So, over 90, of course, we live in interesting times and we live in probably times that we might never see again in our lifetime. And probably, we just transform businesses completely. We never, not because we still haven't got out of it. We don't know what's happened or what's going to happen in the future.

Flood definitely has happened is, this uncertainty has laid a lot of impact of importance at the goal of business resilience.

Business reliability, repeatability.

Less dependence on physical locations, greater dependence on the process, on the systems, on the workflows, and ultimately, automated delivery models.

So, if you just go back to what I was saying, a few seconds back on integrated workflows and having a unified system D it is times like this.

Then you actually see the impact of having invested in such a system, because if you are able to have so today, I have my team of about 270 people who are scattered across 16 different cities in India and in the Middle East. And because of this core, we're all working from home.

We have managed to get we have not missed a single SLA over the last three months because we have managed to integrate our processes to that level for fun.

We still haven't got to the automation part of it. We brought in the process integration part of it. And we have these kind of these systems, which enable us to work seamlessly without disruption, without dependence on a particular person or a particular process.

The system takes care of itself. We've got to that.

So, having this is going to be the future of what we keep hearing about the new normal, is all going to be about, I like to brackett all of this under trust.

Because, whether it's the reliability, the beta ability efficiency, whether it's pure availability, it's all kind of trust that you have to build, whether it's on the system, whether it's on the process, whether it's on people.

And, the move has also gone from people being in one location to collaborate and working.

I think that is the biggest change. If you see the impact that tools like Microsoft Teams has had on, on people working from home, it's, it's primarily enabling collaboration. Of course, there are people, there are, there is the reality.

Screenshot (4)Excuse me, you can replicate the Office culture, where you meet people, have your interactions, have your discussions and ideas.

Let's do this far better than what Robin, like, 10 had. We been kicked with light as 10 years ago.

It could be very faithful, but a lot of companies too transform or transition themselves into a lot from home setup. So That's one of the benefits that we've had with automation over the last few years.

So how is this actually going to affect us Let me let me let me mark a bit on this slide here because transformation is a it's a buzzword that's bandied about quite a lot.

It means a lot of things to a lot of people.

And when we are recovering from a crisis like this, how would you look new transformation?

How would you look at the future of your company force? There are fundamental things like customer retention that are stuff like capital adequacy. These are things that have to be managed, have to be addressed.

Those are hygiene factors.

But when you look at the long-term, how do you transform yourself?

one, to emerge from a crisis like this to face any such potential relapse of such a crisis, which is very possible Within the next year, year and a half, two years, still we have a vaccine that's that's highly reliable and tea.

How do you, one, given that a lot of businesses have changed permanently? How do you adapt your company to the needs of the future?

So, there, do we start? I'll be, I'll be going to talk just process improvement, workflows.

Integrated automation, what are we going to talk? Or I want to talk a complete transformation of the business. Operate a modern business vision.

The reality is, it's both.

Today, if we are having this same conversation about two years ago, somebody who's in the automation space.

The key focus would have be process improvements from process transformation, making things better, making sure that you are in business. But today.

It's, it's, it's become something far beyond that how do you alleviate the burden on human beings to ensure their lives and livelihoods.

I think that's a far bigger problem for the society and for companies to manage.

So, in reality, companies in the future as things come out of this pandemic enforced lockdowns, companies will have to have a much more humane approach to business transformation.

Despite all of the job losses that we've been seeing, despite all the fear that people have on it, you lose their jobs.

My gut feel is that, that greater automation, it's actually going to open up a lot more opportunities for people. And, I have a reason to save that.

Uh, I don't know if you remember, I started that with Amazon and the Amazon Effect and customer experience.

So, today, now that we are, it worked from home more.

How are we interacting with our systems?

But our business systems, with our ERP, with our CRM.

Are we able to get our job done? EZ?

Is there are there multiple logins required? Are there multiple systems to be prac? Do we have dashboards that we have data flowing into a screen that we can see?

Do we have real time data?

Do we track metrics regularly?

Our SLAs, well, configure and map your actual business systems and data and is it tracked regularly?

It's all I put all of this under one bug, expedience, and I keep coming back to that, because today, experience is far more than just customer experience.

How every employee interacts with business systems, how every management management executive interacts with the employees, through the systems, without the systems. How a client, how a vendor, or somebody in the supply chain works with the principal, client through a system.
These all constitute the expedient the spark of it, Because, over time, this experience becomes critical.

And how do you ensure that this experience is good is critical and core to our strategy? And that's, that's what is going to define how we transform. Let me give you a personal example. I preach about ... industries.

While I set out to do the transformation we work on. Of course, as every other company does, we have a standalone ..., a cloud based CRM. We have R H RMS, we have we have all the systems, we have an SEM system, we have our ... system that tracks the IT services that we manage. So.

How, how are people interacting with the system? So when, when somebody wants to get data, are input data, they have to log into multiple systems, get, get their inputs from the four different places. Pull them together into an Excel sheet shed a dashboard. So this was the way things were happening.

Screenshot - 2020-07-27T142917.263I have tried to build in a skill that's on top of this, so something like ServiceNow, so if you imagine something like ServiceNow ServiceNow, what it does.

SO, as a user experience medium, you have the ERP CRM, everything connected to service now.

And the interaction that you'll actually have is this was one system which is ServiceNow, and that is the improvement in experience, which automatically drives your automation power. It drives your efficiency power, drive the profitability, flaubert, and ultimately your revenues forward.

I think it is having this kind of funding equation that any composter processes, systems, people, data, KPIs and metrics and tracking them on a regular basis that Heidi not monitoring, needs to be real burden place. And ultimately, that interaction, expedients needs to be created how how your business processes work, have your business processes, interact with your workforce, but people that use them and actually drive value. So, as Churchill says, never let a good crisis go to waste.

This probably is not the right kind of a crisis to have, but it's thrown up a challenge and this challenge probably can help you redefine the way you take your enterprise power, your process powered.

And I think it's, it's it's up to us to look at it holistically, to define a much more broader plan as we go into the automation space.

And if you can achieve this kind of build a well defined intelligent automation system that focuses on expedients for everybody, I think you're not going to have job losses. You're actually going to keep growing your business and Ag people. I think with that, with those words, I think I'll stop here with a call for action.

Thank you for the opportunity, I should say.

Jogger, thank you very much for an exciting and insightful presentation.

We have a number of questions for you, and if you are intending to put a question through, please do so as soon as possible. Fascinating journey through automation and the associated ecosystem to challenge the few things that I thought in that space. Social work together, and revisit a few things, So thank you.

Right, Let's start with, our first question, comes from Antonio says, given the constraints for a successful application, how feasible is it to completely leapfrog RPA move straight into AI?


AI by nature, is needs, not just E volumes of data.

It also needs to be trained, AI requires good datasets that can train it initially because ultimately, we still don't have cells learning systems.

These systems have to be trained and training these systems requires a large volume of data.

RBA as I just spoke about, Intelligent Automation is in R V I am sorry, AI is the ultimate goal.

So, ultimately, if you want to have a chatbot that talks to you, understand what you say goes out, picks information for you, comes back without being trained to do it, that's AI.

And, having NLP which can detect your your emotions, which can detect what you need an answer, preempt you, in many cases, that's that's going to be an integral part of how things move forward.

The covert crisis itself has opened up a Pandora's box of chatbots everywhere. So, wherever you will use the chat box now, and I think, it's, it's, it's a good thing. Because a lot of companies that would never have embraced chatbots. I know, embrace sandbox. And it's going to lead to, many of them are AI driven. And This Learning, This data, that you keep getting is going to be very useful.

Ultimately, it's about AI Is that It's, what do you call it a subject? It's like physics. How do I embrace physics?

On how do I embrace mathematics or how do I embrace data analytics? It's about the tools that you use.

I think the earliest The closest that we'll see closest adoption, we will see.

It's like Chatbox, where you will see AI.

Many, pay many cases, you can skip RPA, go straight into AI chatbots.

It's already happening, and it will only pick up pace now with the global crisis.

Thank you. Tony, I hope that answers your question. Or at least provide you with a starting point to an answer to your question. If I may ask, a lot of concerns that we have around RPA is it seems to be a very necessary or complaints. But let's say discussion points, companies have implemented, OK, I gotta go.

And a lot of the conversation is off. the ground was the tool not delivers on its promise.

Do you have any insights as to why that might be?

It's ultimately about what your motivation to get into .... Let me actually give you an example. This is a large European chemical.

Event Email Graphic Virtual Conferences (1)And I was working with their product team, and we were trying to find opportunities for RPA implementation in within their processes, and as we were mapping the processes out during the discovery stage, the leader for that process comes up and says, Hey, I won't, I, today, have 780 people working for me. And I want to cut that down to 230.

So, RBI needs to help me with that.

Having this kind of a P minus is a recipe for disaster.

If he had told me that, hey, my goal is to, just to improve matrix X, matrix Y, matrix Z, by so much over this time frame, how can RPA help?

I want to increase my revenue contribution per employee, I want to reduce cost of operations, I want to, I want to improve customer satisfaction or whatever. I think that is a better determinant of RPA success, many.

Many of the, even, this is a mistake that's been done by a lot of these IT consulting firms, the auto, IE, that they come up with, is always based on job losses, and that almost never works.

And most of the disillusionment around RPA stems from that right now, at least from my experience.

Thank you for that. But, but, my, offer a very good pause for thought for a lot of organizations are now looking at Ophea specifically around that. I have a, another question from Roger.

And Roger wants to know, do they need a well structured BPM to just start with RPA? or is it possible to work with multiple systems and integrate them into it?

You need to have a good workflow. It doesn't matter how many systems you have. Your process needs to have a very well defined optimized workflow. You might start with the S&P, move into Salesforce, come back into ASAP, move to whatever system on the backend and come back to sap. It doesn't matter.

As long as that workflow is highly optimized, and probably the most efficient workflow that you can come up with, RPA can look at. The number of systems RPA has to target is never, is never going to limit the efficiency of the engine.

OK, thank you for the Rochester. That provides you with the steer in the right direction. Please let us know, join the conversation online, as we devote. As both commentary in question. And I love the presentation. And ask, can I can be applied to automate manual processes which integrate with an ERP system, such as king data into the ERP system?

It can be I spoke of purchase order processing and if you, if you know this organization called Colfax, so Colfax as a system there. Any incoming invoice can be scanned.

And the system automatically reads out the various components that need to go into the ERP, promised, scanned in life, using OCR techniques, and it can auto input, it can recognize a invoice, numbers, date, location, address, client names Everything.

The catch is the RBA system has to be trained. People CR have to be trained and the invoice needs to be in a specific format, in a specific structure, at least within, within limited variations.

So, yes, you can automate manual processes that require data entry.

If you are looking at a physical piece of paper and putting data into ERP, it can be done through OCR, but with limitations, you will have to train the system first. You will have to come up with a system with a structure.

Well, model of an invoice, or a or a paper based input that you come in with, if you have too much variance, it comes back to a person, RPA will just refer it back to a person, political percenter, get it done.

Fantastic. Thank you, Jason, but provides you with some good feedback. We have a question from Andrea. Again, poetry, bracelets. Thanks a lot from that perspective, but they want to know it's, it's important to incorporate automation to help avoid human error.

And with the AI koper stakes, the main thing is to standardize processes to measure deviations from this perspective.

How can they use it in health systems, in health systems?



I would, I would like to replace the word standardized with optimized because even if you have a process that's very standard, it may not be the most optimal. I would urge you to look at an optimal process which is efficient and get things done quickly.

Health care, banking, and insurance, are probably the biggest adopters of automation after, that, maybe logistics, because insurance and banking, particularly, they are given the volume of sensitive information that's handled and the volume of critical data that's transferred.

They rely a lot on automation in the backend telcos or another, a bunch of operate. A bunch of clients.

That use automation extensively healthcare, definitely, because I actually, I have basically seen a company that's used scanned copies of your CT scan or MRI and boats to diagnose early stage benign tumors, which don't even show up to a human eye. So, yes, AI and learning system, neuro learning systems, are having a lot of impact on the health care space, right from basic data inputs, right up to diagnosis, and even surgical interventions.

Screenshot (4)Fantastic. I think we've just got time for one final question. If I may jog and really this is one, kind of, you may not want to also because they might not be such a piece. But if you were to pick one silver bullet, that ensures a successful automation.

Process mining, very simply put, because, the more information you have on your data, on your workflow, on your process, on your workflows, on how your VPN works, on how, your ERP, how your CRM, unless you have a much, much better chance of succeeding in your automation journey, and I will urge everybody company to embrace process mining. It's a new thing. It requires some learning, and yes, ..., ..., there are a lot of companies that are coming up with fabulous systems.

Process mining visually shows you how different your systems behave in different situations at times, and that is an insight which is extremely valuable, then you are automating and even once you have automated, that kind of gives you real-time information like nothing else.

Thank you.

Uh, David has just snuck onto the wire with a final question.

Greg example, local governments, where Ophea has helped move the needle, Ah, In local government, I.

Singapore is probably the most advanced when it comes to embracing RPA in their E government system, Singapore, and just a lot, to a big extent, Dubai.

So, I have seen how Dubai and, and, even Singapore have used RPA as at the backend process, a lot of information, mostly to do with simple metering, municipal collection of views or traffic irregularities, and it's been pretty successful.

Fantastic, David. I hope that gives you a couple of points where to look, Jack. And thank you so much for true insight into this area, which is a truly fascinating and important part where we're moving, so as a global grieves in this space. So, thank you for joining us, Really appreciated, and reporting. Category two calls. Thank you.

My pleasure. Thank you so much for the opportunity.


Ladies and gentlemen, that concludes this session, and I hope, like maybe you found it, insightful, enjoyable. And want to continue the conversation. As Joe's A outlined during the first session, please do continue the conversation online.

You can find the opportunities for both Josie and DJ my colleague and CEO compensation. So you're going on now, Please do join us at the top of the hour where I'm very excited to announce that Cameron's your hand. She will be joining us, giving a presentation around laying the foundation for advanced analytics. In in finance, Cameron is the former VP for Finance, Strategy, and transformation at Walgreens, so as well as numerous other high profile engagements. So, don't miss that. You will not want to. so, we'll see you back at the top of the hour, and enjoy the break and catch up soon.


About the Author

more (84)Jagan Ramaswami,
Sr. General Manager - Head of Shared Services,
Future Pipe Industries.

Jagan leads Shared Services and Transformation for Future Pipe Industries. I have spent more than 18yrs in consulting, research and investment banking across a variety of geographies and industries.

I have developed and implemented strategies for transformation across functions and organizations. My journey has provided me with the opportunity to work in the digital transformation and RPA/AI space for large corporate clients. In my current role I drive the transformation and automation of my organization. 

I have an MS in Telecommunications from The University of Texas at Dallas and a Bachelors’ in Electrical Engineering from the University of Madras.


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