BTOES Insights Official
January 16, 2021

Digital Transformation Workplace Live- SPEAKER SPOTLIGHT : Human Connectivity: The Missing Ingredient in Digital Transformation.

Courtesy of Thinaer's Cliff Tironi and Michael Rivera, below is a transcript of his speaking session on 'Top 10 Digital Transformation Trends for 2020, Discuss...' to Build a Thriving Enterprise that took place at Digital Transformation Workplace Live Virtual Conference.

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Session Information:

Human Connectivity: The Missing Ingredient in Digital Transformation

Long-lasting, impactful digital transformation requires an acute knowledge of the people,processes, and systems that comprise your organization. Successful digital transformation necessitates understanding how your tangible assets -equipment, machinery, and facilities - operate to deliver value.

It requires active participation and behavior change from people at all levels of an organization. This level of stakeholder engagement provides leaders with the insight and perspective needed to see what their specific organization needs -- not just what’s been done before.However, achieving this level of integrated engagement at scale can seem difficult, if not almost impossible. Asset data comes from multiple sources.

It takes time to integrate and analyze what’shappening. But swift decision-making and evaluation requires a solution that provides real-time,integrated insight into asset performance and location. And on people engagement, surveys provide snapshot-in-time perspectives, but lack specificity and real-time input. How can leaders collect and organize input from hundreds, even thousands, of stakeholders? More than that, how can they assess sentiment, extract meaningful insights, and use this information to make decisions?

This interactive presentation will provide Digital Transformation leaders with strategies and practical tools to engage people in change initiatives, lead positive behavior change to accompany technology implementation, and ultimately, drive successful transformation across their organizations.

  • Better define opportunities for digital transformation by collecting input from the peopleclosest to the processes that need to change.
  • Ideate new, creative ways to solve your problems.
  • Customize solutions according to your organization’s specific needs.
  • Understand employee and client sentiment at scale.
  • Drive lasting change -- technology adoption and behavioral change -- by engaging people in your transformation initiatives.

Session Transcript:

Session brings us cheerleaders for thing there, who are going to share with us their journey of digital transformation. And the topic of the session is Human Connectivity: the Missing Ingredient in Many Digital Transformation. So let's talk about that, and that I'd like to introduce Clift Cerrone Cliff, is the managing partner of ... there, and is co-creator of the real-time feedback platform used as the court tool utilizing driving their digital transformation consulting. Cliff has the passion for data visualization as a method to uncover a deep, deeper meaning and powerful insights. Cliff, great to have you with us.

Thank you very much, just saying glad to be here.

With Cliff, we also have Michael Rivera. He is the Chief Analytics Officer, and since Senior Consultant, at ... there, and also the co-creator of ... real-time feedback platform. Michael has a dual appointment. The other is as the Associate Professor of Strategy and Innovation at the Fox School of Business at Temple University. Michael, great to have you with us.

Thank you very much, great to be here.

Without further ado, to your presentation, KLF really looking forward to it.

All right, thank you, Jessie.

And so, I should now be sharing my screen, you should see it.

It looks good, Great! Thanks, and as just mentioned, we're here to talk about the missing ingredient in digital transformation human connectivity now. We're going to jump right into the content here, because we have lots of good stuff to cover.

And this is somewhat of an abstract rendering that you can think about in your company, where you have clusters of people and those are employees. Those are stakeholders, those are clients. And then you also have lots of assets that you manage. You have machinery. You have equipment.

And throughout your company, you can think of those people and those assets as scattered throughout. And in many cases, they aren't connected and systematize way for you to really glean insights into how those interactions between machine and human, and in most importantly, through, your operations are really connected. And so we had the scattered bits about you, can imagine the power and enhanced connectivity, where you have human feedback connecting all those disparate interactions, and that's feedback that's coming from your employees. It's coming from frontline workers in an organized and systematic way.

Now, again, this is a really, really abstract rendering of that. What we want to do is show you how this actually works in practice by giving you a few different examples of what this looks like out in industry.

Now, we know that many of you here on this call are in manufacturing, so this will likely resonate with you. This is an asymmetric visual where you can see a lot of those different pieces scattered throughout in this case. This is fake organization, but you can see there are people, there are pieces of equipment, and they're very much scattered throughout, And what I wanted to do is walk you through a series of pain points that this company is experiencing. And I think that many of you may be able to get to, this will resonate with you as well. So in step one here, you can see that, for this piece of equipment, that this employer has no way of tracking their equipment, their machines, or their assets. All right, they don't know if an equipment is going from roommate room B They don't know the environmental conditions around that piece of equipment, which could possibly lead to the degradation of that of that equipment. And so they have really, really limited an insight into the management of their assets.

Now, if we look over at step two here on the right-hand side, you can see we have a frontline employee and they, because they are frontline employee, they have a real crystal clear view of how to help improve some of the processes that govern this manufacturing process. Yet, they have no ability to route feedback or inform leadership of what some of those changes can and should be. And so this employee here is clearly frustrated that they identify a process gap, but they have no way of routing that feedback to anyone outside of something that's like a conversation in the hallway or an e-mail. and everyone knows how many e-mails we get, just an inefficient way of routing, process based information.

Screenshot - 2020-07-27T143556.113So here on Step three, this machine, this company, one of their strategies, is to run their machines to failure and with no ability to predict when or for how long a breakdown in their manufacturing process might happen.

one more example of a process inefficiency if you look over on the left is in Step four, that forklifts follow very complex patterns. And in this case, if they aren't running efficiently, it can lead to really high cost and diminished productivity. So as you can see, all these interactions are happening and like we said before, they're scattered throughout the company.

From a management standpoint, they have extremely limited insight into seeing how their machines are producing data, and no insight into the insights from their employees on how to improve processes. And that leads to very, very poor decision making.

So you can imagine the power here now where, if all of these elements were connected, and if you did have the ability to systematically collect feedback from your frontline employees, from management, from your clients, and even vendors, to help improve your processes.

So let me walk you through here what that actually ideal state would look like.

So here now we can see that the machines and the equipment do have Bluetooth low energy beacons, right BLE beacons attached to them. So we can understand, when assets move from location A to Location B, we can see the breadcrumb trails of that happening.

Now, in step two on the right-hand side that frustrated employees actually really excited and engaged because not only can they attach those beacons to shipman and materials to understand how they move through the process.

This employee is also able to route what we call entity feedback, which is feedback on a thing, right? It's on a process, it's on an initiative, It's on a workflow. And so, this employee recognizes a gap in the process, they can pull out their phone, quickly, submit that feedback, and it gets routed to the appropriate operations person who can help address it.

And then, again, in Step three, here, now, we can actually see, by, as our assets are moving through, the manufacturing process, we can do some really high powered analytics, like machine vibration for anomaly detection. So imagine if you had a piece of metal going through or curing process or some other asset going through manufacturing process. You predictably could understand when, when there might be anomalies throughout that manufacturing line and then be able to address them.

And so lastly, going over to the over the forklift. If you're able to track that forklifts movements, you can actually highlight opportunities for workflow improvement, which helps with, with, with saving costs.

And, again, now, management, because of this connectivity between the combination of machine generated data from the Beacons, combined with the human based Feedback on operations, provides management with a truly unprecedented and 360 degree view of their entire operations in real-time.

So, I hope this example in manufacturing resonates with you. I do want to give you one other example before I turn it over to Michael, to talk to you about a case stays, a case study for one of our clients in consumer packaged goods. This year last isometric is: you can imagine this is for a financial services firm, and I think this will really drive home the point of human connectivity. Again, this may be familiar to you, and even if you don't work in financial services, you have other clients that you service. This is going to show you how, when you think about the variety of interactions that happen between your clients and your internal teams. The power of capturing and cataloging that feedback and being able to use it as a positive force for good in your company.

Btog CTASo, on the left-hand side, I'm gonna walk you through this workflow here pretty quickly. The client gives feedback to a client service team about a recurring service issue that they've experienced. Right, so that's step one there. If you turn your eye over to step two, you could see that that feedback came in. and it was assigned to a customer service representative, CSR. They can see that feedback that the client gave, they can review it.

And then, in step three, that CSR can actually escalate it to senior leadership because they recognize that this feedback that the client had provided doesn't impact just that client, it's actually something much more broader. It's a systemic challenge that is being faced here. And so leadership now has visibility into it, which is under step for. Leadership now becomes aware of it. They see that this is a pretty big problem, They can now have a cross functional conversation, in this case, with the disputes department to help address that challenge.

And so now in step five, you can see that that disputes team can review that feedback. They can see and take action on it. And they can then follow up.

Next, in step six, you can see that, because that feedback was addressed from the client originally, that the original CSR can go back to the client who submitted that feedback. Thank them, close the loop with them. And then, they can also seek feedback in terms of how the client services leadership team had done in addressing their challenges. So, this is way more than just a point in time survey. This opens up a whole new world of two-way dialog, in this case, between an internal associates, with their clients, and then lastly, in step seven, you can see that leadership can see all these interactions happening in a catalog way. They can see trends, and then be much more proactive through the power of human connectivity, around real-time feedback.

So I hope these two examples really brought to light some exciting use cases and resonated with you. Just to give you a little bit about what we do at thin air. We take the power of machine generated data by knowing your assets, And that's through all the, the sensors that I had mentioned before, and we combine that with the human based feedback. And that feedback is from your employees. It's from your clients on things like people's competencies on workflow improvements to generate a whole new class of data. And then we wrap that around some high powered, supportive change management, consulting, and business process redesigns services to offer a robust set of digital transformation solutions.

So with that, I'm going to turn it over. You're gonna see here a really exciting use case from my colleague, Michael Rivera, on how we help transform one of our clients, entire stage gate process. And he's also going to provide you with a really great tool that you can use in your company starting today. So with that, I'll turn it over to Michael.

All right. Thank you, Claire. Good day, everyone. It's fantastic to be here with you.

Over the last year and a half, we've been working with a multi-billion dollar CPG firm to transform their stage gate process.

And if it's already with you, I'd like to tell you a little bit of that story through the lens of a case study to provide some insight into the work that we did, but but also how we went about it.

So, let's take a look at the project, the solution, and the outcome from from a high level.

At the heart of this effort is an enterprise wide digital transformation process aimed to re-imagine how products are brought to market. And you can think of this stage gate as a gated workflow where ideas are conceived, and they move through various other business phases or gates. Until that idea reaches storage shelves. You want lots of ideas that are refined, even eliminated over time, you want the best strongest product ideas to make it all the way through in better shape than when they started. When you think a stage gate, you can think of your go to market strategy.

For a CPG, you can envision how this is a core process for their business.

This, in its simplest form, is how they create value for their customers.

Regardless of the business or industry, we each have our own version of a stage gate process for our goods and services.

Each of us in our own respective industries, has a core process which creates value for our customers. This product, this process is sacred, its performance, its innovation, its transformation.

It is what ought to work well, and be the secret sauce, in terms of a difference maker in the marketplace for us. So, my question to you is, you know, What is that process, or that problem for you? What is that problem that needs focus and needs to be digitally transformed in your organization, much like the stage gate work that we did?

Event Email Graphic Virtual Conferences (1)And what does that one major component within your company that, if re envisioned, would be a tremendous unlocker?

Now, I want you to think for a moment about the complexity involved in going from A to B here, and all of the aspects and pieces in between for stage gate, for your problem that you're thinking of. Consider the people, the processes, and the systems, and all the things that are intertwined there that we would want to know about and understand that are so critical to the context and environment for us to make great business strategy and change decisions.

In addition to process redesign, What other facets and components are involved, for example, change, implementation, and execution?

Enterprise wide processes are just that, very complex, with these same pieces, change and success is hard for each component, and can sometimes seem elusive. However, we need to transform them. There is the opportunity. And the challenge is really around how we get there.

So, as we move forward with this stage gate opportunity, there were several early indicators, Like the one shown here that helped us understand that change was needed.

First, within the stage gate process, the organization had an innovation tunnel for every idea that entered to enter the stage gate.

It came out on the other side, and what the organization wanted to move to was having something that was much more of an innovation funnel where more ideas were coming in at the outset, they were getting shaped and eliminated.

Challenge to make sure that the right products with the highest roi were making all the way through.

In addition to that, there were some challenges on the financial side.

So even if we had challenged processes, lagging financial metrics are the kinds of things that make us pay attention and realize, Whoa, we need to do something here, whether it was a $27 million predicted loss in project earnings, a 10.3% reduction in contribution margin. Or recognizing that, a project manager's time, as much as 50% of it was wasted because of an inadequate stage gate process. That required rework.

The great news, we're starting to see early signs of success from the work that we're doing, There are indicators that let us know that we're on the right path.

We're already seeing a reduction in projects making through the stage gate from 98%, nearly 1 for 1, down to 74%. In addition to that, projects are moving through the stage gate faster, they're moving through with greater financial rigor with stronger ideation. And so much of what we did when we tried to think about how we invent this stage gate, how we solve this problem, through people, process, and systems. We're realizing the outcomes that we really were seeking after. So the question is, how did we get there? What's the pathway that we took, what's the pathway that is accessible to you, and something that that you can follow.

If we move along, now, what we'll introduce is something that we call the digital transformation solution.

And what we realize is that if we were going to be successful on a scale, such as this, we're talking enterprise wide change, we need to take a much different approach.

We need one that is impactful, rigorous, flexible, one that leverages feedback, and also integrates data to new and different dynamics that are really core to the way that we approach solving these kinds of problems. And we need to build it on a solid strategy, change foundation, built-in, great theories and frameworks that have been used in the past. But we need to do it in a 21st century way. We need to breathe new life and innovation into that model.

So, our digital transformation is built on three building blocks and two impactful dynamics. And as we tell the stage gate story, we're gonna weed in these various aspects. So not only do we show you, again, what we did, but how we went about doing it. And I'm sharing one story here. But we can point to many examples of the work that we do with our respective clients, where we utilize this framework, and we can see the impact that it's having.

Digital transformation is widely recognized by organizations as essential for continued success in today's digital landscape.

95% of executives surveyed in a 2020 Harvard Business Review study said digital transformation has become more important to business success in the last two years.

Screenshot (4)Digital transformation is a top priority because, successful transition Transformation yields profound benefits, 84% surveyed agreed that the new business opportunities are emerging as their business transformations.

Now, the unfortunate and sad thing here is that 70% of digital transformation initiatives fail to reach their goal. Of the one point three trillion dollars that was spent on digital transformation last year, an estimated $900 billion went to waste. So, the important thing to ask yourself is, why do so many digital transformation efforts fall short?

And it's because companies fail to recognize that while digital technologies present tremendous opportunities for growth, digital transformation is a comprehensive process that spans far beyond technology.

If mindsets, processes, and ways of working, do not also evolve, companies risk wasting resources on ill fitting digital tools. So, allow us to highlight a couple aspects of our approach, and how this fits together in the broader project work that we conducted.

Uh, one thing that we can recognize is that all around us, there's lots of different activity happening within the business environment.

And on a day-to-day basis, we engage and interact with lots of different things where we're providing communication, Receiving feedback, whether it's through chats, surveys, e-mails, and calls, and all of that information, Whether it's face-to-face or now, like we find herself working very virtually, is very critically to capture and understand, but as we can recognize here, the hard part is having a really strong, systematic, and organized way to capture that information.

How do we, how do we collect that interaction, Categorize it, easily, be able to actually access it, and leverage the data and findings that we gather to guide our enterprise wide change efforts.

So, our tool that we created at thin air, called Develop Me, is our real-time feedback platform. That supports providing client feedback between the organization and the clients it serves.

It enables individual feedback between people, and it also supports and enables the collection of feedback between people and entities.

So an entity being any kind of thing, a process, A team, an initiative decision, something that we really want to know about, And it's packaged in a web based application platform. But it is also in a mobile app, which allows individuals to be equipped with that technology, readily having it available at their fingertips to easily exchange feedback with another person, or with the kinds of things that are happening within their environment.

So as we move forward with re-inventing the stage gate process, one of the things that we wanted to do out of the gate was, listen, we knew from our digital transformation solution that there were three core building block areas. Where we needed feedback.

We must, we had to understand things around the people within the organization, and how they worked about the processes that were being utilized in the stage gate process.

What was working well with them wasn't, and around the critical systems and technology that are involved in that process.

And as we can see here, from this particular visualization, we utilized our, our, our feedback platform to seek feedback on all of those three critical areas over time.

And you can see those critical areas listed on the left. Each of the gray dots represents a piece or multiple pieces of feedback coming in. The darker the gray circle, The more feedback that came in, at a particular point in time.

And we utilized feedback throughout this entire digital transformation process to inform ourselves around the challenge, around how we needed to involve, evolve our change process, and to really understand, and to really ensure that we understood the problem.

But what I want to show you now on this next screen, are a couple of examples of the feedback that we collected.

OK, so as we sought feedback to enable this digital transformation, feedback came in, that helped us understand that there was a need for standardized templates, for project teams to fill out as part of the stage gate process. An employee says, there was potentially a need for a template, or a document to guide the teams through the ideation stage, to ensure that ideas are being documented in an efficient way.

Screenshot - 2020-07-27T143556.113Another employee said: Well, documentation for the stage gate decision making meeting has bloomed into well over 100 pages: Many charters still lacks sufficient info to describe the activity into enough detail to make informed assessment of the level and value of people resources.

In addition to that, feedback seeking helped us understand, from a leadership perspective, where a gap was on the decision making side, An employee said, We cancel projects, way too late, even after knowing all the facts for weeks upon weeks, we still don't make decision until months, after all the work has been completed.

So, as we showed in the previous visualization, we used our feedback platform to seek feedback collected over time. It helped us gain insights into the problem, which allowed us then to develop a more comprehensive strategy. And I want to highlight here, specifically with our stage gate work, some of the additional aha moments that we realize.

What we see here is a representation of a very traditional stage gate process. And this is the stage gate process that our CPG thought they had.

On the next slide here, is the visualization of the stage gate process that our CPG actually had, OK, our, our CPGs stage, gape really was a condensed process to the right where enough work wasn't being done upfront. And as a result of that, the process wasn't streamlined. Lack of data, and lack of planning at the outset caused a very chaotic rush, last-minute work on on the backend.

In addition to that, our CPG were missing critical steps. They thought they were engaging in really a really rigorous ideation process to take initially identified product ideas and refine them and package them in really impactful ways.

Instead, they were allowing very early stage ideas to move into their process, never really being refined enough, which caused them to have an idea, but one that was not financially viable or really even feasible for the organization.

So after we had collected a wide array of feedback on the next slide here, what we can see is that it allowed us to consolidate all that feedback through various analytics and qualitative analysis tools that we utilize to identify four key themes of the work that we wanted to proceed undoing.

And in our change effort, in our enterprise wide digital transformation, we went after impacting change around these four areas. Collaboration, how people work together, integration, how the various people, process systems, and workflows work together. Visibility in all of that complex work happening within a stage gate. How can we ensure that? Associates have very transparent insight into what is happening where.

And lastly, the ability to standardize a lot of the work that we're doing for our CPG and some processes. What we learned is that there were as many different ways a process was being done as there were associates doing it.

And so with armed with this feedback, and a strong change strategy, and continuously seeking feedback in the future, we were able to realize a whole series of very positive, digitally transformed outcomes.

As shown here, we were able to re-invent the stage gate process to get something that was very clean and streamlined with proper workflows, delineated Gates', something that was very visible and transparent to associates, around what happened when.

In addition to that, we were able to utilize feedback as part of our digital transformation process to inform strategic communications. So we went after creating a lot of process redesign as part of this work, but we also utilize the feedback to inform us around stakeholder communications. We use the feedback that we collected from our stakeholders to gain insight into what was resonating with them. What was continuing to prove to be a challenge with them. This insight allowed us to modify our messaging and targeted messaging. It allowed us to recognize which functional areas within the organization were closely aligned with our effort and which ones weren't and for the ones that weren't, how can we engage them? How can we communicate with them properly?

We utilized feedback as well to create powerful analytics analytics that were based on strong science. But we're also framed artistically as well to help utilize data driven insights to move our change effort forward.

Our feedback platform that that, in that power and our digital transformation effort off, it also was a key aspect of driving behavior and competency development.

We recognized that while process redesign was a key component of this, integrating the way humans work and the way business is done is a key piece of this as well.

If we cannot enact a strong mind shift change and those that do the work, what good is a new process, if they're not willing to adopt it, or have the ability to implement it very effectively?

In addition, we were able to use feedback as part of our digital transformation process to improve decision making.

So as product ideas move through the stage gate, individuals on those product teams were able to use our feedback platform to provide feedback on those ideas.

Providing feedback across desirability, viability, and feasibility measures.

Well we can see here is an example where a product team provided feedback on a product idea, and based on the feedback that is provided, we can easily identify, which aspects of this product idea are strong, or which aspects of this product idea need need for their work. We can see here that five out of the six areas have bar graphs that are skewed to the right. It helps us know that, that product idea, and these specific areas are strong, and the team is decently aligned, but, in the upper right, you can see, feasibility assessment is not skewed to the right. A skewed to the left. Those lower score is help us know that this is a weak area in the stage gate process, which needs further investment.

And another aspect of the way that we utilize, is we give and receive feedback between people, between entities, processes, and things, is how we utilize natural language processing. Our feedback incorporates both the quantitative score and a qualitative comment.

And those text based comments were able to feed through our NLP engine, which is integrated into our platform and, at scale, be able to identify and understand sentiment comment quality's across thousands of pieces of feedback that might be received in a very short period of time.

And, really, all of this brought us to realizing us with our stage gate challenge insight and our, our digital transformation solution at hand. Really realizing a new stage gate, product information, process, one that really works here.

And so, we can see from this particular visualization in isometric that represents now, how our Stage gate process works.

It involves a cross functional team, which can engage in new product ideation sessions, developing new ideas through our feedback platform, easily exchange those ideas with others.

We have a feedback platform that is integrated into the way that teams do their work, to being able to provide feedback, and, again, that valuable feedback, both quantitative and qualitative, informs us and helps us understand how teams are performing.

Project owners are able to oversee that feedback that's provided, and lead their project teams in a much more informed fashion, because people are really sharing what they're thinking and feeling about the work at hand.

Project team owners can receive alerts as project team members work on various aspects of the projects, and as they encounter challenges through the feedback platform, are really able to raise that, too, to other ideas, Other individuals who are part of the process.

And, lastly, we're able to utilize our feedback platform in this stage gate redesign to support leadership, and their ability to make decisions about the process.

So, as we have looked here, digital transformation is really the integration of digital technologies into all areas of the business, fundamentally changing how you operate and deliver value. And the re-imagining of business in, in this digital age is, is digital transformation.

Event Email Graphic Virtual Conferences (1)What I want to emphasize is that digital transformation is far more than just a euphemism, for modernization.

Digital transformation solution, as we outline here, focuses on those three core building blocks.

All of what we did with stage gate focuses around people, process, and systems. Those were the core aspects of this change effort that we really needed to understand.

And, so, the question is an in really complex, challenging, enterprise wide change. How do we understand what matters?

As we've emphasized here, with our digital transformation solution, the ability to utilize feedback, and all?

And take that feedback as data into our change process, and utilize a data driven change model, allows us to take a much more informed and nuanced approach to being able to lead this. Digital transformation work successfully, as we, as we oversee this project moving forward.

The great news is that this digital transformation solution is not something that is just exclusive to us. And this was ... referenced at the outset of this presentation. We have a digital transformation tool that is available to you, and we will share this link. And I want to ask you now is, it's shared out in the chat to go ahead and click on it.

I also asked you at the outset to to think a little bit around what might be a problem that your organization is facing that if it was able to be digitally transformed, would be a powerful unlocker for your organization.

You can use our tool here to step through the three core building blocks, into dynamics, and break your digital transformation problem down to really understanding some of the core foundational areas you need to know about in order to create an effective strategy and change process. And if you're willing to go ahead and complete that form and submit it, there are some great benefits to you. You know, for, for one, you'll receive a digitally completed version of this form, which is something that you can use as an internal communication tool, with your team, your leadership, other key stakeholders. You'll also receive a copy of our white paper on the digital transformation solution, which we'll talk about everything we just discussed here, but in much more specific detail that you can reference is a very powerful takeaway.

And, and, we're happy to sit down with you and have a conversation around what you've input it, to consider your chat, your, your digital transformation problem, share more about our experience and what we've gone through, trade stories, and get a better insight around how you can advance and move that, and move that effort forward. So, I'll give you a few minutes here to kind of work on your own, to complete that form, and then after a few minutes, please go ahead and click Submit, And we'll focus on closing this session down and transitioning to Q&A.

So for those of you in the audience, check out your chat box segment of the goto Webinar interface, and under chat there are a number of announcements in there. And you see both links that Michael has referred to under the chat.

Great, thank you. Thank you. So, hopefully, you were able to access that link very effectively. You can see a really nice web form, again, as you're filling it out, just some very simple questions that help push you. And, the problem that you identified to focus on those 3, 3 core building blocks to dynamic processes, that will really be a powerful and locker for your digital transformation strategy and change effort.

In addition, you'll, you'll get the white paper, You know, we're happy to partner up again and continue to help supporting you through this through this effort.


Thanks, Michael, And hopefully, everyone had a chance to, I know it was a brief time, but able to fill that out, and if you, if you weren't able to, please feel free to fill that out after the, after the session here. We'll certainly follow up with you on the benefits that Michael had outlined.

We're gonna go to Q&A in a second, but I just wanted to reinforce that we are, if anyone did enjoy this presentation, we are meeting next week through vetoes financial Services. You can see the link below to register. And we're going to be presenting with one of our clients, phi Serve on building the workforce of the future to achieve excellence. So it's gonna be a completely different use case in terms of how you can use digital transformation and the power of human connectivity, and you're going to hear from one of their executives in Client Operations, Patrick Law.

So with that, I think the other link that Joseph had posted, we are at our core we love feedback, and so please give us feedback. You can see the URL there. I know just say put it in the chat feature. Please let us know if you what you found valuable about this session. And then you also have Michael and my contact info. We'd be glad to speak with any, and all of you about ways we might be able to help, or I'd hit you with your digital transformation solutions.

So with that, I think we've got a few minutes left for Q&A and I'll turn it over to Josie.

Terrific. Terrific, Michael and Cliff. Well done. Thank you for sharing that. I just want to highlight to the audience again a couple of resources for you. Number one is that under the handouts session of the goto Webinar interface we have a couple of handouts for you there that you can click on them and download them directly to your machines right now. And and as Michael and Cliff have mention, the the links for that were referred to are under the chat tab in your goto Webinar interface so you can access those directly. So terrific. So there are questions that came in as you're presenting My Coin, Cliff.

And I'm going to relate those to you Now, the first question that we have here is from Antonio, or Chiesa, and Antonio asks, could you please talk about the platforms Ability to capture is strong and weak signals outside of the organization? The does the platform look at signals outside of the organization?

Sure, Cliff, I'm happy to hop in here. And Tanya, thank you for that question. Yes. It can. You know, one of the first processes that steps in, in launching our feedback tool is to do a very comprehensive stakeholder analysis. And so, we can identify individuals that are core to the organization outside the organization, really ensuring whatever. We want to seek feedback about that. We can holistically incorporate all of those individuals into the feedback seeking process. In addition, as we mentioned in there, as that feedback comes in, you know, we receive quantitative scores where competencies and questions are rated. We also receive comments, and we utilize natural language processing to really break those comments down. And we didn't get into a lot of detail with it, because you know, of the time constraint of the presentation. But we're able to take a look at the language and identify sentiment.

We monitor over time, changes in sentiment.

We can look at the language and identify certain qualities that might be present there, You know, like a emphasis on financial rigor or an emphasis on leadership coaching. And those qualities allow us to really understand what groups are talking about, and as we need them, and a need to incorporate them into our change effort, we can specifically target them, share their feedback with them, and work on whatever whatever challenge they might be facing.

Screenshot (4)Very well. Very well. That's, that's very helpful. Having a tough question here from Liz, Liz says that, How do you create a digital mindset in a successful 200 year old organization with a strong culture that's made them succeed in the health industry, but have remained for additional and low tech? But now, they need to undertake a digital transformation within the highly regulated industry. So, we'll follow that up on how to solve world hunger. But, let's say, Oh, yeah, Yeah, sounds good. Sounds good. I mean, it's and I'm glad list pose this question. How do you approach an organization like that? And you started the journey with them.

Great! Thank you, Liz. And it's an excellent question, and it's one of the unique aspects of the digital transformation solution. The way you do digital transformation is just not about technology, it's just not about taking a new tool, trying to, to roll it out and hand it to people within the organization. The the aspects around the change effort are as Much, if not more important, and that's where the feedback comes in. Because when we understand the nuances of feedback, when we understand not just what the entire organization thinks, but what teams think an individual, people think we can take a really authentic approach to understanding what the needs are.

I also mentioned in the presentation that we utilize the feedback that we receive, too: develop strategic communications. And so, in an organization, such as yours, that may not be so open to adopting new technologies, we can seek feedback and understand what those core needs are.

And we can utilize those findings to create very carefully crafted strategic communications that can speak to those needs, that can start to win others over, to start to adopt larger coalitions of people who are supporters of this. As I answered the last question we mentioned, we're able to utilize NLP to monitor the sentiment of feedback, so we can detect when teams are departments the feedback they're providing a starting to go more negative. And so, really, it's this blend of utilizing feedback and a data driven change model. Real strong focus on change, coupled with the technical solution is the way that you can go about it. And I really love this topic. I'm, I mean, not tackled solving world hunger today, but I'd be happy to follow up with you and even talk further understand what some of those nuances needs are there.

Good, excellent. There's a number of questions that came up and now, and I'll summarize them by saying that these are questions related to the high versus reality of current exponential technologies from RPA to natural language processing to so many different technologists that we can deploy today. What, what do you see on the field with your customers right now? There are the technologists, They are ready for prime time. Right now, they are the most useful. They are creating the most value. They are there, they are real in terms of value creation. What is your experience right now?

Yeah. So in the technology that they're using, I would say that most of the organizations are shifting towards being more open to feedback culture. And so most organizations agree that they need more feedback within their organization, and they're open more now to collecting that feedback in more of a digital means. And that's really where our platform, then, is able to fill a niche, are our feedback platform.

Does two things really well, natively, natural language processing and machine learning to really understand the aspects of the feedback that's being provided and to optimize around that.

Because those two technologies are native to our application.

We can help organizations who may not have built that muscle yet, do that turnkey right out of the box. And that's a really key piece, I think, to, as organizations move forward, they get outside consulting, help to help them with their effort.

It's really important that those consulting groups have proprietary technology that can do this in a really turnkey way because organizations don't have the time to build that internal muscle just to be able to lead that change effort. They really need to be able to very quickly start running and integrating those new capabilities as they go. And, Cliff, I don't know if you have any additional thoughts there, too, to add to that. Yeah, that was great, I'll just summarize here, 'cause I know, or, I think we're just about at time, But that, no matter what enterprise wide project you're working on, or even smaller project. Whether That's a rod of a new system, a new process, it all starts with your people.

And so, yeah, I agree, there's a lot of sometimes hype with different technologies saving the world. But it all starts with the people that you employ. And so, you know, start there. And it all flows from, from there. So, thank you, everyone. Thank you, Jessie.

Terrific, Michael and Cliff. Thank you so much for sharing your expertise, providing some very useful case studies, and that we're very much looking forward to the Financial Services Conference next week. And learning more about that, that application, as well. Thank you very much, gentlemen.

Thank you.

Our pleasure, thank you.

All right, so we're gonna wrap up this segment, and we'll be back at the top of the hour, but remember, provide feedback on this segment, and also post session.

You can connect with Cliff, myself, Michael, via LinkedIn, where you will put on the chat the LinkedIn link for for that boasting related to the session. And you can ask questions there and make commentary, You'll be, it will be fantastic to continue our engagement poll after each one of these days. So, thank you very much, and we'll see you at the top of the hour at the top of the hour. Let's see what's waiting for us here at the top of the hour, we have a fantastic session with the global transformation officer for Red Hat. And J Bloom is going to talk about efficiency without sacrificing efficacy, and he's going to discuss the three economies model. You do not want to miss that. He's going to getting to the under the hood approaches for successful digital transformation. So, we see you back at the top of the hour, and the bye for now.


About the Author

more (37)-3Cliff Tironi,
Managing Partner,

Cliff Tironi is Managing Partner of Thinaer. Thinaer is an IoT platform that integrates actionable data from highly-calibrated sensors and real-time employee and client feedback to give their clients unparalleled insight into their operations, predictive analytics to see the future, and consultative business process redesign to get improved results. (

Prior to working with Thinaer, Cliff was the Manager of Performance Analytics at the Fox School of Business at Temple University.  At Fox, Cliff was the chief architect and co-creator of RoadMap™, a Microsoft-supported tool for students to visualize their progress on competencies across courses. 

Cliff understands the challenges of harnessing never-ending data—and the need to leverage it in imaginative yet impactful ways.  He regularly conducts data visualizations workshops to business professionals across all industries, coaching others to embrace a humanized mindset as a means to making data more relatable and, most importantly, actionable. 

Fluent in Spanish, Cliff earned his M.B.A. from Arcadia University and his B.S. in Marketing from Siena College. 


more (11)-1Michael Rivera,
Chief Analytics Officer and Senior Consultant,

Michael Rivera is Chief Analytics Officer and Senior Consultant of Thinaer, an IoT platform thatintegrates actionable data from highly-calibrated sensors and real-time employee feedback to give organizations unparalleled insight into their operations, predictive analytics to see thefuture, and consultative business process redesign to get improved results. Thinaer empowers digital transformation by using the assets an organization already owns and engaging the people who matter most to an organization.

In addition to working at Thinaer, Michael is an Associate Professor of Strategy and Innovation at the Fox School of Business at Temple University. At Fox, Michael engages in leading-edge research in the areas of real-time feedback, strategic analytics and creativity/innovation. Michael was a co-creator of the DevelapMe platform, which is the core tool utilized in driving their digital transformation consulting.


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