BTOES Insights Official
September 14, 2021

Customer Experience Excellence Live - SPEAKER SPOTLIGHT: Customers are the Real Stakeholders for Customer Excellence

Courtesy of Flueresque's James Sinur, below is a transcript of his speaking session on 'Customers are the Real Stakeholders for Customer Excellence' to Build a Thriving Enterprise that took place at the Customer Experience Excellence Virtual Conference.


Session Information:

Customers are the Real Stakeholders for Customer Excellence

  • Identify the Faux Stakeholders for Customer Excellence
  • Ways to Involve the Real Customer
  • Promote Customer Results as a Priority

Session Transcript:

And he will be presenting customers on real stakeholders, for customer excellence.

A little background on, James, for Sinur is, is an experience enlightened, Independent, Thought Leader. Who tries to solve problems.

Business issues with better applications of methods, techniques, and technologies.

He has been fortunate enough to work 20 leaders for organizations, I believe, technology benefits and put the edges of reviews.

It's also been a trusted advisor for many of his start and our current clients, for over 25 years.

So, welcome, James.

Well, thank you very much. It's great to be here.

We are fortunate to have you.

Glad to be here. I think, have some interesting insights that might help folks.

Are my slides showing?

Your slides are showing? You're all set to go? Thanks, James. Take it away.


Well, today, I'd like to talk about is that customers are the real stakeholders of customer actions, Where ever, it goes.

Though, we all know that.

Well, we might know it, but we don't act it.

And what I'm going to try to do is give you an idea of how organizations can change and introduce a new technology sector that I think you're gonna find exciting, because I find it exciting, it's about linking stakeholders results to all communications. So, we're always trying to make our customer experiences better. We're all trying to make our processes better.

We're trying to make our automation better, but what we don't do is we don't really track that all the things we're doing are really linked to the outcomes we want.

So, I'll end with that.

But, before I start, you might want to know what my background is.

I spent no 25 years on the delivery side, delivering things like underwriter workbenches, which had significant journeys in it, delivered low code, model driven solutions for American Express. And I did a lot in the financial sector because they frankly were cash cows. They could spend money on technology, use it early. Both of them used AI early and were successful with AI.

Um, both use process management early, and both were successful with it.

So, I was lucky enough to work for cash cows and work on some of the leading Edge projects for them. So, you know, luck is involved with my background.

But after that, I went and worked for Gartner, and I helped them create the first hype cycle there.

First, no maturity model.

Still have the record for the most inquiry's, because customers like to talk to me. Because I like solving problems.

Pretty kind of pragmatic, but I understand the theories, but you gotta make threat theory reality.

And that's what we've been doing with customer experience. You know, a customer experiences, a relationship.

You wouldn't treat your significant other.

Like you treat your customers, I'll guarantee you, he or she, or they will not be around.

So, the notion of customer experience is is changing significantly, so is the customer.

So, since I left Garter, I've been hanging up a shingle and doing my own consulting.

And I left Gartner, not because I didn't love Gartner. I loved it.

I wanted to do my art.

So, I'm also successful digital artist and traditional artist and recently, started getting into songwriting as well, because I do, like, writing.

But my strengths come from both data because, you know, people who are older in my career would say, Oh, he's a data guy.

And people that know that I invented the BPM market for Gartner would say, Oh, he's a process guy.

Well, we, we need a better data fabric. And we need better processes, and we need them tied to our journeys.

So, let's start out with, you know, the premise organizations are really designed to work against cost.

We designed our organizations to be an industrial age, deliver a service, or a product for money.

Well, yeah, you need customers to collect money, and you need customers to define the service or product, and you need them to buy it. So, you know, that's obvious, but how are we really acting?

Well first, our organizational view of the customer journey rarely has a proper scope.

James Sinur.We think that our company, or our doorsteps, that's the journey, balderdash processes likely start outside and stop outside our organizations.

Customers have very significant goals.

Our processes, our journeys, in our companies, are meant for us, and we try to give them a kind of a nice experience, but not really.

And, the major key piece is the rewards and recognitions and this systems, the reward systems are flawed.

Rewards are aimed at organizational outcomes for the most part.

And processes are optimized for efficiency, not effectiveness, So, you know, having we heard in the last pitch that you have to have the right context, and the context is emerging.

And that is, in fact, true, But, are we optimizing with our mining?

Are we optimizing with our process intelligence for efficiency or effectiveness? Well, that depends on the attitude of management. Now, doesn't it?

So the first thing I'm going to do is identify the fake or the stockholder stakeholders for customer excellence.

Rarely is the customer listened to. Yeah, you have your surveys. Yeah, you have your feedback.

Yeah, you have your customer forums Yeah, kinda listen to them, but you just do what you want. Anyhow, and that's what I'm seeing. So everybody kind of means, well, yeah, we care about a customer. We love them. We love taking their money.

What are people incentive?

CEOs are centered on profits. It's all about profitability. Let's squeeze more profit. You know, we I see companies that are eliminating popular products because the profit margin isn't there.

My wife buys from, you know, a company that sells cosmetics. They started door to door, et cetera.

And guess what, the CPAs took over and they're getting rid of some of the popular products and so we can't buy them all, we can buys the, you know, the ones with big profits.

You think we're going to buy that or goes elsewhere mm, I think my theater walk and my wife's feet are walking.

CEOs are incented on smooth, automated processes, not a lot of waves.

Generally engineering types CFOs are incented on cost reductions.

So, you know, squeezed the budget, squeezed the cost, get some automation in.

C-mos are incented, aren't getting new customers, whatever it takes. Even if you have done that, tell them the truth.

Chief Chief Service Officers are incented for timely, low cost service.

And, you know, I'm gonna tell you a story that happened, in my experience at one of the big companies that I worked out. They were known for good customer service, and what they were known for was being able to do transactions efficiently and effectively.

We built a customer workbenches a trial, and they came around this You know, this that Kimberly there stopwatch, isn't said, oh, each transaction takes longer yet. But we're handling the customers and the end desires. We don't care that transaction cost is too much. They scrap the prior project after investing $19 million.

They went back to it eventually.

Goals are departmental in nature, not end to end. Every department has air calls, and they don't necessarily sing.

Middle management is shooting for their bonuses and span of control.

You know, they'll tell you otherwise, but that's what they're shooting for.

And I know that sounds a bit cynical, but I've seen that I mean, I can't deny it.

Supervisor doesn't want happy employees that deliver goals, to keep their middle managers happy.

And employees are loyal to their managers and supervisors, are they loyal to the customer?



So, what are we really delivering?

Let's look at this pain index.

This is no, it's supposed to get better when you move to the right. But when it talks, when we talk about this.

You know, this pain index.

When you have organizational goals, and that's all you're interested in, you're creating the worst pain possible.

If you have siloed transactions that don't consider end to end, this is very severe, and if it's process management managed, it's still severe. Yeah, I love processes, but if you're not pleasing, the customer, great. So what we do is we put a new coat of paint on them, we make them a little bit friendlier.

Little bit more process oriented, a little bit nicer. Maybe we put a better visualization. Maybe we give them some chatbots. I can't really answer any questions. But we'll certainly promote your products.

The difference.

When you get mild pain, and you actually get no pain as when you look at the customer journey.

When you look at the end to end customer journey.

Here's a kind of a busy chart. You don't have to understand every bit of this.

But I'll tell you, one of the biggest issues is the journey of the customer, and even the journey within your company.

is out of sync with your processes.

I know somebody would say, Well, the process is the journey.

Well, yeah, it's probably the crappy journey that the customer has experienced.

And so, the wise companies are starting to infuse journey behaviors in their processes, but if you really want the best outcomes, you look at two things.

You look at the customer's goals, not just yours, and you blend them, and you look at their whole end to end journey, and you figure out where you are play, and how to play best.

And this is a huge disconnect. Nobody's going to admit it. It's just like when you have a relationship, you gotta keep it fresh, you gotta keep it going.

You have to make sure that you're, you know, the other participant in your relationships, no, are getting what they want.

Btog CTAThat means we have to involve the real customer. Not these fake stakeholders that have higher goals, and are prioritized for themselves, or their companies. We knew it needed to involve the real customer.

So we do things that we think help, but customers are really limited on their options to effect a better experience without walking away.

And, frankly, the younger generations they walkaway pretty easily.

There's no such thing as loyalty anymore.

You know, I feel the same way because I'm kind of critical of customer experiences. I mean, I probably would take a lot, the shake me off of Amazon. I think they have a really good customer experience. You have had bad things happen to me. But they keep trying to fix things.

So surveys and voice of the customers are rigged to promote management bonuses. I mean, if you've ever filled out a survey, you can tell what thereafter.

They're not after what you want, thereafter what they want.

And the surveys are structured for automated analysis.

Social Oh, yeah, you can say something that, no socially it didn't go well and you can write a comment.

Those things are dismissed.

And in fact, they're covered up. Let me give you an example.

We're trying to find a Macy's in La Jolla at a shopping center.

And we follow Google. And at one end of the shopping center, it pointed to the other end and both signs pointed across each other.

But we couldn't find the bases with Baila had to pick a place to park, which was a mess in that particular shopping center.

I squeaked about it on, on the website and they just covered up says. well, next time. Call us, yeah, you know, I'm going, you know 70 miles an hour down the freeway and I'm going to call you and figure out what's the best place and where to park. Yeah. Sure I'm going to do that. That's that.

Good. So they like to cover up and displace in, you know, blame something else.

Well it's really not us, so mining that measures actions generally isn't pre-built processes.

What I liked about the Abby presentation prior to mine, was they were talking about emergence. Things are changing, things are evolving.

An empathetic employees really have no power or you're gonna go against your boss, or you're gonna go against your reward when you got a house payment and a car payment. And you're paying for braces for your kids.


And so, you know, empathetic employees really have no power unless they don't care about their raises, but there are too many of those or their job.

And, often, Minar discounts are given as bribes, thus increasing cost. I mean, I can tell you, I'm pretty active as a, you know, as a customer and when they do things right, I give them lots of credit.

When they do things wrong. Guess what? I, they try to bribe me.

I would rather just treat me right?

So, there's a belief that customer excellence just costs.

Well, actually, that's not true.

If you do it right, you get increased revenue, you get satisfied customers, and you get lower cost.

But you have to focus it the right way.

And I think this is probably one of the more pragmatic charts in my presentation.

This shows the pain index that I showed you earlier, and then it also shows level of service.

If you are in this red zone, you're not going to get to the green zone easily.

You're going to have to take it a bit at a time.

So, if it's, your company, has great service, but it has pain, that's the zone of faith. I think this company is going to eventually figure it out.

If you have poor service and real pain, you're in that zone of despair, you gotta knock it up a notch to get into that, that caution area.

Um, and you can see that there are different zones that customers end up in, depending upon their pain level and what kind of service you're trying to give them.

Nobody's going to argue that we all should love our customers, but we sure don't treat them that way.

I mean, I should love my wife. And there's times when she tells me, I'd do it around.

So, what are the proven methods that work to deliver customer excellence?

And keep in mind you need to involve customers If, if part of your customers are the people in government that are making the rules, you need to include them.

Well, the first thing that organizations need to do, and it's not a one-time thing, and I think that's the mistake on this one, is the notion of a North Star alignment.

And what that is, is that's a strategy that says, these are the things that are important to us.

What are our strategic strategic objectives? And under this economy, are they the same as when we're under a coven Academy?

Is it the same when we're in hyperinflation? Is it that same, if we're in paper Disinflation?

What initiatives are driving your objective? Do you have the right initiatives on the table?

Was it a political tradeoff that determined the company's initiatives depending on who could talk the loudest and when the most rising power and how are you measuring success? We talked a lot about emergent measurement, but that was of operations. There's measurement of the strategies.

There's actually predictive capabilities for the strategies to talk about the, the opportunities, the threats, and the outcomes.

So, norstar alignment is important.

And there are organizations that, that can help you. With these, I'm just giving you a basic flavor.

But Steve Tower's run some excellent sessions.

There are other people that do, um, Mark MacGregor as well.

Outside in strategy, what industry are you in, What business are you, and what are your competitors doing? What are the main touchpoints to your processes and your journeys?

What are the key moments to truth?

When you actually touch that customer, and it makes a difference right now, I'm kind of trying to figure out whether I want to continue down the Ice pathe with my cars, or whether I want a plug in P, H, E V, or whether I want an EV.

Event Email Graphic Virtual Conferences (17)-4And I'm checking all kinds of, you know, websites for cars, and doing research, and all kinds of stuff.

I'm having a hard time getting answers.

It puts all the work on me.

And the chatbots are saying, when can you be in our, in our showroom or when are you going to make an order, no, it doesn't really look at it from my perspective, redefining customer outcomes. Well, who is the real customer?

Are we doing things that we don't need to for some of the customers, What are the customer's expectations in release?

And by the way, customers, these days have significant expectations, well above what you can imagine.

So, what are their needs? What have we done?

What is success Now?

You need to create a customer performance like landscape.

What are their goals, and do our processes support them? You have to look at that. Realistically.

What outputs an activity support. The real goals. We have a lot of things that support a lot of management reports, but not necessarily the customer's goals.

What work is being done? What's being done with great customer interaction? Is that a measurement? Or is it what gets lost in the process?

Is it what gets mined in the process, is?

what is about the performance in our company, only, not the overall journey?

Then, here comes the innovation.

What are the real moments of truth? What's the shortest path?

A lot of people think that they have work at each moment of truth that has to happen. You have to give it a realistic look to say, What's the shortest path, and what can we get rid of?

Can we get rid of any moments of truth?

And, you know, this, you know, links with the kinds of Black belt work, but it's not about optimize.

It's about shifting and innovating.

Can we try new approaches? Can you know what?

What's you might consider unrealistic. What can be adapted.

So, you know, there's a Canadian company that was getting all kinds of power outages because their their electrical towers were coming down because they were getting blanketed with ice And all I could do is react when tower went out.

Well, somebody said, No, I've been watching bears.

And Bears will shake trees in the winter so they can shake out different kinds of fruits.

Imagine, accompany, saying, Well, what if we put fruit on our towers and get the bears the shake?

The ice off our gowers, that's kinda weird, but it worked!

What are the new experiences that are going to delight customers?

What migration strategies allow effective change?

And after you get good, and by the way, you don't have to do all these. I would suggest that you do these and do them in order, but you might have a different cycle.

So you have to create a real Customer experience, life cycle framework. You have to have a methodology.

And, you know, in some cases, the skip steps If you've already done your Knouse Northstar alignment and you're outside in, well, maybe you just need to hone your goals.

And the last piece is aligning smarter processes.

And we saw an example of that with abbie's, you know, mining and predictive behavior, um, how to align with smarter processes and align into the journeys.

We are moving towards smarter processes. It's gotta happen.

Discreet Processes and Actions just don't work anymore.

You have to recognize the emerging patterns and events, and you have to respond to that, and you have to look end to end, and you have to look at how resources are being leveraged utilize for those moments of truth. You have to consider multiple contexts and you have to recognize emergence.

And if you have to recognize emergence is the next thing you gotta do, is act on it, make decisions.

Do adaptable, re-use. This is where our process, our processes are heading.

Now, this is probably my most important chart, gets at my heart.

That is, we need to bring together the real customer journey with our processes.

Yeah, we can craft better front ends.

Yeah, we can add customer friendly features, but we need to infuse the journey behaviors in all of our processes. We have to know the context in which our processes operate.

So, you know, the example is the travel example. If you're an airline, you're trying to sell, you know, not only your seats but car rentals. so you get a kayak hotels so you get a cut.

But you gotta look at the journey, you know, what are you doing for a family of four, that's traveling with lunch, with young children? Are you helping them on both ends? Are you just getting them their tickets in their rental car?

Screenshot (4)

So you need to optimize in the customer's conditions and goals.

So, we need to promote customer results as a priority.

And here's an example, you know, the old Jen and New Jam, the old jim likes to talk to a service person.

You know, I like talking with people, the younger people, and they want to do it on their phone.

So, what we need to do is take our resources and make them smart.

We have to take our customers and make them smart.

We have to have bots that give them wisdom, that give them information that give them knowledge about their account, about the products.

I mean, I can't find a lot of information on the products. I want to buy about EVs and .... I haven't made that decision yet.

Billing, wisdom, you know, what has happened in the past technical wisdom. Oh, I'm having problems. Customer, Wisdom.

About how do you treat them. I mean, how many organizations that you know are doing sentiment analysis of a voice and video.

Very few.

Boy, there's an opportunity.

That was a customer service. Here's another one where you have a trader making trades for you for your portfolio.

Everybody's worried about their retirement or their kids' college, you're saving for a house, and that means that you have portfolio goals, and you have yield projections, and you have all of these agents or bots assisting the trader or assisting you in your trades.

It's changing, So, Journey of Business Process Management technologies, As you notice, processors are getting smarter.

They started with, you know, modeling, and then simple execution, and then they started adding standards and visibility, and then they started adding dynamic rules and low code and then, now, we're in this goal driven journey Focused Collaborative.

Real-time match are near real-time, predictive in Nature, Pollyanna, Analytic, leveraging data mashes instead of going at all the data sources separately, voice and video, and embedded kinds of steps and tasks. And that's where we're at it.

So I'm a big believer that processes is going to help as well As the new data meshes.

You have to keep your eyes on what's emerging digital identity.

Real digital assistants, not the stinky check X. I haven't seen a single chatbot that I've interacted with.

It was at a decent, frankly, smart botts knowledge management, cognitive capabilities.

Now, we're gonna supercharge that with Quantum.

We're going to put everything on a cloud. So it's shareable.

These are the popular technical influences. And the arrow's keep getting longer and there's more things that influence them.

So the Smart BPM, as the ID, PMS will participate as a digital business platform with other digital business platforms.

And you see this stream of technologies coming in, whether it's business, development or infrastructure that are constantly effecting these digital business platforms.

We have some all inclusive digital business platforms and some sample vendors, know, Genpact, Oracle Peggy's system, Salesforce, sap. And then, we have process automation, and we have had, in Appian and Blue Prism, ... systems UI path, though, some of these guys, like Appian, and then texts, have been aggressive on there.

And, you know, buying new capability, so they'd be, they're, moving towards that all inclusive, digital business platform.

And then, we have the intelligent business platforms, which are all about the, you know, understanding what's happening on. It's the tip goes.

The wizard leaves that do, you know, digital business plan for management cockpits Apache Spark, Sasse, they're all about how do I add intelligence by looking at data?

And then, there's a whole bunch of vendors that work on the secure data mesh and that that kind of digital business platform.

And the security is HP Micro Focus, Crowd Strike, the Secure Data Mesh, IBM, Informatica, Single Store, and Tibco.

And you can see some of these guys play in 2 or 3 areas. Then we have the Digital Twin and I define Digital Twin a little tighter than the last guy. It has to have some kind of physical representation but I like that expansion and you know, the kind of vendors that digital business platforms they are IBM Microsoft Siemens and Bosch.

And so The notion of a digital, a business digital business platform is really popular it's the Oracle Net Suites, it's peg's system, Salesforce, sap, It's Workday.

James Sinur.But there's another piece in here that's called Journey and Collaboration DCPs. And what they do is they look at the journey and they collaborate on the efforts that make the journeys and the processes better.

We see the goals, they affect everything, But, some of these systems that collaborate on, making sure people are progressing forward, um, companies like parallel, Slack, XOOM, they're all helpful in moving things forward when it comes to projects.

So, I'm introducing this new area.

And you may have seen some writing on my my blog about this, But we believe customers are the key stakeholders. Their goals have to be represented in every communication.

Every communication, every e-mail every collaboration needs to be linked Tez stakeholder goals.

So, in order to do that, you have to have a technology that links these goals, too pertinent communications and initiatives.

It has to have a priority for customer focused stakeholders, it has to have goal driven visibility, You have to see how these communications are helping the initiatives that are driving the results, The stakeholders want collaborations that are focused, not ***** nilly. Not here, they're whatever.

I mean, how much of your time you spend trying to sort out, which communications are important. You'd probably spend a lot of your day doing that.

Communications are chair, aggregated, integrated, embedded and linked. And then there's a shared repository of support content for leverage. And there's a graphical support for various views, these support processes.

Here are some vendors that are good at this.

It's a new area. Keep your eye on it. Parallel, work path, knowledge work, strad app.

They claim, to link all, or most of their communications.

Um, no, with the stakeholders goals.

I mean, this is really strong stuff. I'm real excited about this particular area.

Well, I'm ready for questions.

I hope I got you to think a little bit different, and hopefully, generated some thoughts.

Thanks, James, very enlightening, Wau, very powerful.

Lots of questions coming in.

Ah, I think there is a question early on, goes back two earlier discussions on, on the on the path.

Somebody commented, I think Joe commented, I was just work working with a director, training company look like they definitely were in the zone of despair.

Ah, terrible when you see them destroying customers?

Any, any comments to that?

Well, I think, I think everybody has goodwill for taking care of the customers.

Um, but I think you have to talk to the customers to figure out where, that despairs coming from.

And if you're not willing to, and if you're not willing to have an open ended survey, instead of a survey, for automation, and answer my questions, for my bonuses, you're just not gonna get us started. You're just going to thrash. And believe me, there will be companies, big names that are gonna go out of business because they're not listening to their customers and the customers so much more sophisticated nowadays. They are right at the prosumers. They're smart. They're quick.

And, you know what? They'll leave you. Like that.

Now, they're training me, I'm an old guy, and I'm starting to like them.


So, customers' expectations, Ah, I think they're more straightforward than we think that they are.

This is my thought. And just to build on what you've done, so far, you've discussed a lot about technology that's out there understanding the customer. You talk about journey maps.

My question is, with all this new technology, it's all great.

What if we just knocked on the door and talked to the customers, ask them what they really want?

Do we even know how to ask those questions?

And are, is there anybody out there doing that are in driving that well today, from your experience? Well, I worked for a company that did that, it was called north-western Mutual Life. At that time, and now it's called north-western Financial Network.

They were not driven by the profit motive, but they had the lowest cost in the industry.

Well, How did you do that?

Well, two things.

one, they really talk to customers and tried to get input from all our regions, all of the customer types, and they had initiatives that really included customers all away.

They would try things as they delivered.

They try, you know, in this small area, they build a model office.

When they changed, their rules asked, well, you know, what do you think about this? I mean we used to punish people that skin. You know, there were skin divers.

Oh, good.

They're gonna go against the mortality tables. Oh, my God.

You know, the actuaries are having a gas bubble.

So we started talking to those kinds of clients. And they said, well, it's not just scuba diving, it's the techniques that you use. Maybe you need to ask some more questions of the skin divers.

Event Email Graphic Virtual Conferences (17)-4And so that, you know scuba divers so that you can, in fact, you know, underwrite that same thing When we talk to doctors, you know, they're a customer to, but they're involved with the medical aspect. We talk to them and said, No, there's 52 reasons for Tableau, Pia.

And you know what, The plebeians is double vision. I get that every night with my wine, but you're 52 reasons for that. So, you know, which 3 or 4 are the most are the worst will obviously, the one that's generated by diabetes. Now, what kinda tests can we do to underwrite them better? So this company, audits underwriting and dealing with their salespeople and dealing with their their web sales. They just did it so well, but they didn't have this profit motive.

Breathing down their back, saying, quarterly results, quarter results, gotta have them quarterly results, you know, and so they weren't run by the CPA's they were run by their conscience, and the customers own the company.

Yeah, I think that what you said is, so key is that the customer owns the company.

The CFO should never be making those decisions. The CFO should be providing guidelines.

It shouldn't be making the decision, the customer decisions. That's why you have a CEO.

Yeah. Well, the CEOs are influenced by nuns.

Oh! yeah.


That's that's a struggle now because of that maybe a bit influenced by Wall Street and just a wee bit, just a week.

So I have another question here.

Organization goals are so opposed to customer goals, as we just talked about, how do you propose reconciling them?

Well, I think I think what you need to do is if you have a strategy of your organization, and you start thinking outside in, you're going to be looking for those balanced goals where everybody wins.

So we can, you know, draw a Venn diagram organizational, customer.

Where do they intersect?

What can I do in my processes to make that happen? That's a great place to start.

And I think also a great place to start is by linking all your efforts.

two, what the customers want, what the goals are.

Now, I take it to the level that every communication should be that, but you gotta start somewhere.

Start with your mission to start with journey maps, with the customer.

I would say that real journey maps not at your doorstep journey to the customers for a while so to speak really what our journeys get like where do you fit in in that journey?

Not, not your journey, and Not their journey.

So you have to really go onto the customer and say, What's your journey, Which they often say, why do you care?

Because we want to understand where we fit in. All right.

Yeah, but there are always customers that are your fan That you can go to your customers That you feel like you have a good relationship with? That you can talk to?

Just like before you get linked up with, you know, your significant Either. You go to the friendly people, you don't go to the ones that say no, right.

So, you try to talk to those people that they have a good rapport with and you work there.

Know who those people are.

No, in fact, some of them are probably famous within some companies.

Oh, you know, joists this. You know, whatever her name happens to be.

She suggested this, I think she's got a point.

Excellent. Excellent.

So, another question isn't the whole world into automating.

So, you know, again, I think it comes back to that earlier question of automation versus understanding.

How do you, how do you balance with today's expectations? Borda expectations that you have to be doing some of this somewhere?


Any Yeah. I call that the temptation temptation of the French.

Fry know. Everybody loves french fries hey, everybody loves McDonald's french fries. You know, I can't go and have french fries anymore, because it ends up on my waist.

So what you've got to do is concentrate and the automation that's going to pay off. It's awfully tempted to save money.

Screenshot (4)It's all also tempting to look at where the numbers are changing.

Um, you have to make sure that it's not just your numbers that are changing.

It's the customers' numbers that are changing.

After we do, and the customer service calls, how often do you hear your competitors, names?

Are you doing voice recognition to hear your competitors names? Well, that's, I mean, I have a cable company. I hate them.

I just ate them, and I keep mentioning. I'm going to cut the cord. I keep mentioning that they're competition. I keep mentioning. I can't wait for five G, so I can get rid of them. And guess what?

All of a sudden, some of the prices went down. Hmm, hmm, Hmm.


All of a sudden, they're treating me a little bit different, they didn't need to before because I was a captive customer.

So, at risk customers, find you. Guys. And I'm at risk with all. I mean, everybody that has.

I think I'll join you on that committee there. I don't feel like I get treated with respect. I feel like the Rodney dangerfield the customers.


Yeah, definitely.

So, I think we're wrapping up now. I don't think there are any more questions at this time. I thought your presentation was fantastic, I loved it!

Thank you so much to shirt for sharing so much with us today.

Fantastic presentation, words can't be enough.

I appreciate it. You made my day. Now, I can go and tell my wife that getting up at six in the morning was worth it. Thank you. All right, thanks, James, here. Yeah.


All right. So thank you, James. and James will be signing off as the signing, turning off and smarter.

We'll be wrapping up this segment at the top of the hour.

We'll come back speaking with Jason Rudolph.

Emotional Intelligence see the key to Uber immersive user experience.

So, we'll see at the top of the our, take a break, grab a coffee, and we'll see that.

Thank you.


About the Author

James Sinur-1James Sinur,

My goal is to enable organizations to thrive in the digital age. This requires that organizations be successful at creating customer journeys, smart processes, and bots built for change.

Specialties: Event Management, Process Management, AI in Decision Optimization, Business Intelligence in Automation Efforts, and Scenarios in Policy Management.

I also try to entertain people with my art and music. I paint, create fractals and do digital art. 


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