Courtesy of Workboard's Himanshu Agarwal below is a transcript of his speaking session on 'Zero Waste Strategy Execution - Optimizing for the Scarcity of Everything' to Build a Thriving Enterprise that took place at the Business Transformation & Operational Excellence Summit in Financial Services Live.
Session Information:
Zero Waste Strategy Execution - Optimizing for the Scarcity of Everything
Talent, natural resources, capital, supplies and transportation — everything is scarce today. Compounding the scarcity of everything with the acceleration of business and tech cycles, and business-as-usual strategy execution puts your organization at a huge disadvantage.
Both large and fast organizations are modernizing how they align and drive strategy execution with technology to establish a digital operating rhythm. In a digital operating rhythm, long-range strategy, iterative quarterly objectives and key results (OKRs), monthly business reviews and focused weeklies are all data-driven, efficient and transparent with strategy as the golden thread.
In this session, learn how Vanguard, Capital One, Astra Zeneca, VMware, Zendesk and others accelerate strategy execution today:
Session Transcript:
So, our speaker is Himanshu, Arga wall, is the SVP of Solutions for Work Board.
But prior to that, and, and that's great. But prior to that, the thing is important, understand the perspective he's coming from.
He is a prior partner at McKinsey. We all know McKinsey fantastic. Think tank of genius is doing great consulting work, where he has spent more than a decade working with clients around the world, on complex strategic issues.
He's also been an advisor for service software as a service companies.
In new product introduction, growth, business building makes sense for what he's about to talk about. Before joining McKinsey, he was at Intel where he helped launch new technologies.
And on top of that, you might you brings three different degrees from some of the best institutions in the world, including Wharton, Georgia Tech, and the Indian Institute of Technology. Without further ado, we want you, if you can join us, I will turn the stage and the screen over to you for a fantastic presentation on dealing with zero waste strategy execution and optimizing for the scarcity of everything.
Good luck.
I feel good. So I'm delighted to be here. Thank you for having me.
Let me see if the technology works here.
All right, can you guys see my screen?
We can, OK. So, good morning, everyone. Again, thank you for having me here. I'm delighted to be here.
As Chris said, I am an SVP at Book Board, Inc, by way of introduction.
The workbook we have an opportunity to work with some of the world's largest fastest growing companies and some of the world's biggest companies across multiple industries, B, financial services, technology, life sciences, automotive, manufacturing, and engineering.
This companies are looking for ways to accelerate the rhythm of their business and execute strategy faster in the face of ongoing headwinds.
Today we are faced with scarcity of everything.
Talented, scared, it is hard to recruit.
It is hard to retain.
Time is precious.
Natural resources are scarce.
Sustainability programs are everywhere as they should be. They are at the top of the house. They are at the board.
Capital is scarce, interest rates are rising, higher inflation, stock markets are going down.
Supplies and supply chain are unpredictable and attention is scarce as well.
Next, I'm applying the scarcity with new speech.
Again, business cycles are accelerating.
They are not only coming faster and faster, but also coming to us with bigger degrees of change with every second.
Beams are distributed, distracted.
And after prolonged isolation, they are disconnected.
We are operating in the face of 40 year high inflation, 8.5%.
It's the confluence of these business dynamics that are converging pressure points that requires us to operate differently than what we have in the past.
These three forces requires us to optimize, accelerate, and engage and retain our talented people.
What I mean by optimization is using the available capacity energy sources to its fullest potential for the highest impact.
Acceleration means iterative innovating at much higher speed to match the speed of the market.
Retailing means engaging people in purpose, unlocking their innovation agenda, having them team up for a purpose rather than just for hierarchy.
Lead us with bold strategy and high urgency.
Uh, I said, leaders with bold strategy and high urgency are the leaders who are changing the business model of their companies.
They are moving to a more intelligent intention of digital operating rhythm, Clause zero Waste strategy execution.
There are four hallmarks off: zero Waste, Strategy Execution, Intentional, Iterate, Inclusive, Intelligent.
Let's walk through each of these.
Eventually, zero waste strategy execution.
It's incredibly intentional about how you align your strategy, and how you drive strategy execution.
The long range strategy, and the short range, quarterly objectives, are the mechanisms through which you align on strategy.
How will you drive strategy and execution?
Includes monthly business and ops reviews, weekly status meetings, and one on ones, and then the data.
So which you come up with analytics and dashboards.
Let's in totality is the operating data.
It is the cadence of alignment and the cadence of accountability, flood worthey, line down, is what we call the operating group.
The first aspect of intentional is the faster operating rhythm and cadence, instead of having a 2 to 5 year long, long range plan.
one year of objectives are the annual objectives: quarterly business reviews in zeroes, waste, strategy execution, You have the annual plan.
You have the quarterly objectives.
You have the monthly business reviews and you have the weekly one on ones and the status updates. It is a much faster operating rhythm and cadence.
The second aspect of the intentional Hi Mark, is the modern rituals, not the old ritual is not the antiquated rituals. Modern rituals like cookie are objective and key results that are set on a quarterly basis.
With o.k.r.s you define and aligned on outcomes, not on activities, outdoors.
That is a major shift for many organizations or for most of the organizations, historically organizations have focused on fracking and rewarding activities without having clarity on how those activities are adding up to outcomes or the company results.
Modern rituals enable everyone to align on and measure those measures results that the work should create each quarter.
It's a major shift for most of the organizations.
The power aspect is broad alignment to unlock capacity.
So, rather than aligning, just at the top of the house, just within the senior leadership team, and having just stopped the organizations to guess what, we need to work on zero waste strategy execution, focus on providing clarity to the whole organization.
It is about the broad alignment across the organization that every team in the organization is ally on o.k.r.s, If aligned on outcomes in the quarter.
All the capacity, off all teams is aligned and focused.
I think only two did an employee survey last six months to a year, to a year.
If you did that suddenly and asked how many people within your organization know the strategy or know how to contribute towards it, chances are that 60% of your organization, new the strategy, the other 40%, does not know how to contribute, what the company strategies or how to contribute towards the company strategy.
Look, intentional about creating that clarity, helps organization create that broad alignment and unlock the full capacity of the organization.
It's tough luck is iterative, or being more iterative.
zero waste, strategy execution, you iterate and align on your short-term objectives, and key results quarterly, Each quarter.
You capture external changes, internal changes, and the learnings, and you use those quarterly learnings, and then the changes that you have learned in setting the targets for the next quarter.
It just enables you, it tests the long range assumptions, more often, as we talked about, business and technology psychos are accelerating.
See that?
So, then, the assumptions that are used to develop the long range strategy, they aren't being proven or disproven, that's a much faster rate than VR used to.
Like, I'm sure last year, if you worked on developing your language strategy, you do not consider 8.5% inflation.
You probably didn't even consider the growth just going to be less than 5%.
So in an iterative cycle, you capture the learnings every corner.
You use that to set your targets for subsequent Gatos and you use the results to inform the assumptions that are used for long range strategy.
And you can, once you, testing those assumptions on a quarterly basis, you can adjust and refine your long range strategy.
As those assumptions change at a much faster rate.
Teams iterate and realign frequently, it is the frequency that ensures the capacity of the team is not valued.
How do we make sure, when the market changes, when there is new data point, teams are not executing on the steel plants?
How do we make sure the team's energy is fully died in what is required in the given quarter? What is required?
Achieve D achieve the outcomes that you want to achieve.
Teams iterate on their own. It captured the learnings on their own, and then they use that inflammation or just quickly, rather than waiting for weeks to get that data, and hence, the capacity is dark.
The rate at a much faster cadence is four times faster, rather than a trading on an annual basis.
You are trading on a quarterly basis, You are driving much deeper and broader aline.
For that, you need a system, otherwise, you don't have the agility and the efficiency, we'll be able to do that.
System also ensures that you are getting the data, you are capturing the learnings that you are using to adjust your targets every quarter, as well as you are helping inform your long range plans.
Let's talk Marcus to be more inclusive.
So, rather than concentrating on the leadership, teams at the top of the house, zero, waste, strategy, execution teams ensures that teams across all.
Because the whole organization not include, After all teams are how you execute on your strategy, their attention, their time, their talent is essential to achieve your strategy.
Beans are the engine of value creation.
You want to make sure you are tapping into their brain power and their willpower to execute on your strategy.
ETR is it technique to which you invite them to be part of the princess?
It shows there's a shared authorship. There's a shared ownership.
And teams are working toward, they are motivated. They are engaged and they are working towards achieving the strategy.
In the classical cascade fashion.
Managers dictate the targets, and they order. Those targets to their teams and team, our teams are expected to go and execute those orders without understanding the value of it.
The beams are not included in the way of the work.
They are not included in offering those targets, offering those outcomes. Then you don't get the benefit of full benefit of their brain, but you don't get the full benefit of the time. You don't get the full benefit of that image.
That is where these evil based strategy execution focus on. We just invite them to be part of the process.
Element of inclusive.
Find markets to enable strategic thinking deep in the organization.
As teams define them, align on o.k.r.s, they get local clarity.
Within the range of the global direction, they are more empowered, they are more enabled.
They can meet smart, outcome driven decisions in the moment, on their own.
When they get new data, when they get new facts, when they learn something, they don't have to wait for two weeks, three weeks, four weeks, to go review it to the chain of command, then get their answer and execute. They can make that decision. They can act on it on their own because they have been empowered, they have been enabled.
Jack ensures that your capacity is not being lost if, if your teams takes 2, 3, 4 weeks in a quarter to get facts get decision.
That capacity is getting lost and why every single day matters when the talent is scarce.
When you can't hire and retain the week's worth of capacity, there's a lot it could be a win or lose situation.
Well, part aspect is the operating model.
What I mean by that is, you need to be efficient unfulfilling for everyone.
Many organizations have a very broad and some management reporting system, which is in service of reporting to senior leaders.
It is mostly a task.
It is a drag on teams.
What's this, in the inclusive approach, focus is to reduce the task.
The focus is to reduce the burden of reporting to management.
It is shifting to enabling, inspiring, and engaging people in the genuine achievement of strategy is zero risk strategy execution.
No time is wasted on reporting on the management.
Name is made available to focus on what moves the needle, four F, D T, Cross the organization.
Last, not the last, we'll find out markets.
More intelligent, zero waste strategy execution is digital.
It's fixed, automated and full stack.
My digital, what I mean is the strategy, the measures of success, which results progress towards the desert's narrative around results.
This barrier support unity's, that is all important data for your business.
That is being captured as part of the system.
Isn't any organizations you have, is just a single source of truth, or you have a system tell you how many Help ticket Type tickets were there last quarter, this month?
You have a system to tell you how many data sources that we have last month, or what's the sales pipeline, How are we doing against our supply chain?
But, you do not have any system for the process of strategy execution.
You are not capturing any data as you are executing on your strategy.
So, all the learnings are being lost.
So this is the most important data to run your business, and you do not have this system.
So, when, when these strategy, objectives, chaos, list, barriers, breakthroughs, all that data is captured and used.
You can use them to make smart decisions in the moment.
It isn't your fingertips.
You use even smarter decisions when you set the objectives for the next quarter and the next year, and you use those learnings to help inform the assumptions and refresh your language strategy.
Second aspect is it is more automated by automation.
What I mean is the whole operating rhythm is automated.
Starts with the longridge strategy, which goes into the quarterly objectives, which goes into the monthly business abuse, Which goes into the weekly one on ones, and the status meetings, And then the analytics, Business reviews, weekly reporting systems, weekly reporting and status meetings, and all of that are automated.
You do not need to spend that time two weeks, putting together 80 slides, walking, spending 50 hours to put together slide deck for a business review. Now everything is automated.
You reduce the operational test tasks.
And when you reduce that burden of asking people to use their precious time, bashir's talent, and attention to document those results to put together.
The document for various meetings.
You have you free up all of their capacity. You free up their precious time, you free up their precious talent and the brainpower to work on what matters which is executing towards your strategy.
Solidity, It is full stack.
It is how you align yours on your strategy, which is the long range strategy, and the short range quarterly objectives.
It is how you drive, which is the Monthly Business Abuse and the Weekly Valon Goals and the Status dates, then how you leverage the analytics to make better decisions.
Well, when organizations that have shifted to zero waste strategy execution, and when they are using a digital operating rhythm to drive their strategy, they experience both the quick wins.
And you're transformational change.
And let me give you two examples here.
The first one is Jennifer.
We started engaging with Juniper two years ago, when their revenue Head Start, they were not growing.
Stock price was falling.
And they had done the employee survey restore them, that only 15, 58% of the employees could articulate the strategy or knew what best strategy boss.
What it means that more than one third off there, capacity of more than one third, I'll fill up, the those resources, did not know how to contribute towards the strategy.
So, they were not able to get one third of the organization capacity in achieving their strategy.
De partnered with them within two quarters.
Did the employee survey, again, within two quarters of adopting the digital operating rhythm, they did the survey again.
They've got 18% improvement employees understanding off the strategy and their confidence in achieving deep their confidence income company's ability to achieve that strategy.
Then six months, they got 18% more capacity at zero cost.
In the plot D, just sources that already know what the company does who are fully ramped up, and those are the skills resources.
Fast forward.
This year, they grew double digit.
They were and the Magic Quadrant on the five products that they operate in.
And recent survey told them that 98% of their employees know the strategy and know how to contribute towards the search.
Just 40% more data, where they were two years ago.
It's 40% more than probably what they are, 40% more capacity, probably compared to their peers.
So they're nearly doubled their capacity in two years by adopting the digital operating rhythm by giving clarity to the whole organization.
Bye, engaging dita sources in the strategy, alignment, and the execution.
OK, I'm not wasting any time.
They are not wasting any resources, they're not wasting any capital and growing, double digits.
Second example is G H X Ah.
two years ago, they, they had multiple products, some new product, some old products, some growing faster, some rate slower pamphlets portfolio.
They have a complex, lengthy business review process monkey business.
A real process where 50 people would come together, spent four hours in the monthly business review.
Talk to 80 slides.
And at the end of that CFO Board still see no idea how the businesses do it.
So, the all the prep, like two weeks of prep that went into preparing for it 50 people's time in.
Though in the monthly business review, four hours.
All of that going to waste when the meeting is not achieving its desired object.
Partner with us book board.
Get into corridors.
They started having their business, a monthly business review, totally automated business review, what we call it, running business review.
It was a 1 to 1 hour business review, with only 20 people attending, and these 20 people are the people who had contribute towards the decision making.
He did not need to come to get status updates, because they could go and login to the system and then file.
They ought to be out against the desert themselves. as zero split, Everything is automated.
In the process, digit DC afforded the calculation, they said they were saving 50,000 dollars per month, bought a meeting.
You see additional capacity.
Which did he, of course, repurpose towards the strategy execution?
This year they have going 10% revenue acceleration on the base.
So again, taking a step back.
Nice will have adopted digital operating rhythm and are executing on zero based strategy execution velde.
They didn't six months, they get more capacity, they get increased capacity, their cost is lower, they are using their resources more efficiently.
They are more automated.
In terms of the transformation, they accelerate their strategy execution and accelerate the execution of their strategy by learning along the way, because it's iterative slack.
Oh, before I, and get back to stop for questions. Just in.
See few ways you can learn more.
I talked about the two examples G H X and Juniper.
Many more customer journeys like that be Cisco, Microsoft, Humana, Capital one, and so on.
So you can go to work board dot com slash customers to learn more about other customers. Jeremy!
Second is up.
You can arrange a strategy execution, discussion, and a demo Too long, how a digital operating rhythm works in practice.
How it shows up in the system, and how we operationalize the zero waste to started ....
Then third, you can engage in an assessment to quantify.
Where are the friction points that are operating?
Where is the latency in your operating to them?
What opportunity exist to accelerate it for you?
Thank you.
Christopher, back to you.
I am back to join you on screen, I think I better get a little light in my, in my world or I'm gonna look like I'm fading away here. I'm happy to join the eye, OK. This, this is a problem.
The problem that you guys addressed is a problem that I have faced personally. So, it's always makes these conversations so much.
For me, if I've experienced a problem, that makes it easier for me to understand what's going to go on, I worked in General Electric for many years, and General Electric had, And probably to this day, has the strategic reviews you're talking about with many, many people showing up to the strategic reviews, and, and they had numbers to them. You know, they had session one session to whatever, All these different breakdowns of the sessions. And there was a huge amount of resource dedicated to preparing these PowerPoint presentations. Whether they were shown electronically, or in paper, hopefully electronically save a few trees. And so, that is how that was the operating rhythm of the company, for years.
And, by the way, GE was pretty successful doing it, but it was a huge waste of time, a huge waste of time.
So here's my question to you is, in order to do that, there was a whole culture.
And I think there's a culture in any big company in the world that does this.
Whether it's Sappy or Siemens or Nokia or, you know, whatever, all these big clients, it sounds, like you've worked with a lot of those. And I've worked with several of them. They all of the culture behind it.
And that culture is, this is the way we get our priorities aired. This is how we get resources for what we're trying to do, that kind of thing.
So when you're presenting that to a client, how do you tell them to take the first steps toward dissolving that old way of doing things?
How do you, you know, how do you address that?
Because sometimes, even if you present a better picture, they're so used to the crappy picture, they want to stay with the one.
They know, how do you help them make that next step?
Oh, so, I think a few things.
one is, the first step. is the acknowledgement and the recognition.
That world has changed.
The rate at which business and technology cycles are changing, has accelerated.
And, you know, you can think of having a two year plan live by annual objectives. every quarter we have to iterate.
But if you look at the, your operating rhythm, if you look at the tool, if you look at the cadence, they are all serving your business asset. You are operating 10 years.
Those are all, like you know, you have the old operating rhythm.
You have the old rituals while the new speed is different.
So think most like we don't have many, many big companies as we as we talked about, like Wal-Mart and Dell, Humana, they are all adopting this.
So I would say the first step is the knowledge meant that we need to change.
We need to be different.
We need to modernize our operating rhythm, We need to move from being analog to digital.
And then when you say the acknowledgment, I just want to dig a little the, I'm sorry, I'm doing this to you, but this is interesting. So, I'm asking the hard questions. So there's the the, the first question I need. We need to acknowledge a difference.
I could see that in two kind of what category one, the market is moving faster than our systems are Allowing us to move and to, my god, are we wasting a lot of time in these stupid meetings are those kind of, you know, as I listen to your presentation? Those seem to be too pretty big messages, right, to get them to recognize 60 people in a room for eight hours and the CFO still has no idea what the heck's going on in the company? That's a problem.
Right, and then. do you.
Do you use to me, you know, when you go, but like Wal-Mart is a great example of fast moving, you know, they've gotta deal with retail challenges all over the place. Do you try to show them?
Hey, look, if you, if you take you six months to make an adjustment to your plan, and the market moved in three months, you're done.
Right? You miss the movement.
Well, our discussion with most of the organizations is, isn't about whether we should do it or not, It is more about, how do we get started?
Exactly? How do you get started?
How do we get started?
How big of a change we are talking about, How fast can we make this change?
And so that, that's where the discussion is, rather than, OK.
Like, you know, Do we really have to change?
Right? That ship has sailed, and everybody recognizes there.
And we honest, big companies who haven't started on this journey. They are already gate.
Yeah. Right. There already. So when we think about, how do you get started, like, I'd go back to the two examples that we talked about. You just have to get get started. It's going to be a bit messy in the beginning.
It is hard to move from activities to outcomes, but the good news is, within three months, within six months, you see the benefit.
Then you get clarity to the whole organization from the top that this is what the company is trying to achieve, and you invite all of your teams to be part of that.
Sausage making on our strategy will be achieved.
Like the way you motivate them right away, you get more capacity.
So be 3 to 6 months, you, if you get more capacity, and then B, you start with search, the few business groups of you monthly, because it is a new show, it's a much lower cost.
And once in a big organizations like Wal-Mart Intel one group does it, it becomes the model house. It becomes the blueprint. They see it, and they want to just go faster and faster and faster. At the end of the day, nobody wants to sit and then update number on a PowerPoint slide. And then, two weeks later, it's actually different.
It is not a fun, but let me argue with you here. And the reason is, I'm going to point to this book, right, which I wrote, and it's all about the intelligent automation space, right.
You're implementing a technology that is going to make the process of running the operating rhythm of the business better, faster, simpler, right?
There are people involved in making those slides who don't know what they're going to do if that's not what they do Right when you take away that job, if you don't tell them what's going to happen to the CEO is sold, the CFO, see they, are. They get what you're talking about, right?
So, But that first Breaking that first layer of ice to say you know those 50 people all over the company who are making all these slides or 20 people or whatever it is Those people probably don't like that job, But what do you how do you I because I think I think I know what you're gonna say what I think you should say, because there's a lot better work for them to do.
But What do you say to the person who says? Well, if I don't make these slides, what am I going to do? All that?
I Think We should break this up, break this question into three bucks, right? one is, So, it's not just First of all, I will say, it's not just the dedicated set of folks who are doing the slides.
You actually have a lot of your leaders time, lot of your team working team's time, that goal in making an updating, and putting the context in the next slide, gives you free up, all of that time.
This should be going towards executing on the up each month.
The second is up, folks who do, you know, if you do, if you went and did the survey with the folks who are just looking on the slides.
More majority of them would say they hate this. They don't want to do this, they would rather do the deep analytics.
They would rather want to understand, OK, what are we learning from that, then, how do we go and work on the business based on those learnings versus while versus be working within the business.
So, they want to shift shift towards more analytics more towards the trains more towards how it is. What are we learning as well as a desert dose? Of what do we need to do differently? They themselves want to go shift towards that. So so I think I, and then third is if you combine it with the talent is scarce, it's hard to retain and hard to recruit.
What do you want to have, some capacity that you can repurpose for your time?
And your timing couldn't be more perfect right now if it were, you know, three years ago and and the labor market isn't wasn't like it is today, know, it's harder, and what I mean, I'm I'm I'm kind of I'm trying to lead you but only only if you agree with me. I don't want you to say something you don't agree with that. If you some of the people who build those strategy decks and are working directly with the heads of the departments and the divisions and everything. I'm not talking about administrative people typing up slides. I mean that people actually going out seeking the data.
That's how they find value in life.
They are there. They get access to these really senior people in the company and they pull together the information, and they put it in a presentation for now when it needs to get redone, they go do it again. And my view is listening to what you're saying.
If those people see that they get a better job as a result of implementing this, they get to do more interesting stuff instead of the running around part. But they still get to be part of the strategy execution because a lot of people are really excited by that.
A lot of people who go to McKinsey are very excited by strategy, right? And. I think that's what you're doing, You're helping these people.
These very smart people, who are still going to be in that loop, making helping make really important decisions, But they're just going to spend a lot less time and the rework and the cycles and the craziness, The strategy creating the strategy is not being automated.
You still have to think about the it puts and takes, you still have to think about five different roads. We could go in and have a trade off discussion that you still have to facilitate all of that, that is not getting automated.
Right. That's the part they love. Yeah, that's good. That's the part that they love coming up with How to, which part of the strategy, I need to execute in this quarter versus next quarter, that is not being executed automated.
That still needs to be, what is being automated is, how are we doing, compared to, like, you know, the, at the beginning of the order, that the objective, that'd be bad ought to be on.
You don't want to go and talk to 20 people, five, pull data from five systems. Just to understand where we are, that, is, you, are getting that information at your fingertips.
So that you can make a better decision, even as the strategy operations person.
You know, I found when people would put these slides together, and these presentations and charts in Excel, you know, templates and everything, they would spend so much time getting those things, getting the data into them.
Then they were almost exhausted, and And The next step is what you needed them to have their, their brains and their energy dedicated to, which is, so what does all this stuff mean, Right? What do we do with it?
But they were so exhausted, 80% of their energy and their focus, and their, like, life force was dedicated into creating this thing, which then, was wrong. It was out of date, two months later, right?
Then you'd say, Well, wait a minute you've got all this incredible brainpower. Why can't you give me some analysis and the person feel, I'm exhausted? What else, you know? I spent too much time doing this. So if I understand what you're saying, you know what? I call helping humans be heroes, right? You're, you're letting the robots are the tool.
Just do all that grunt work that needs important grunt work. But it's exhausting to really smart people to do all that stuff. Then keep it updated.
And then they can sit there with a nice, hot cup of coffee and say, are you seeing the same epiphany? I'm seeing we can do some great things here with the company if we make this adjustment and that adjustment, right?
So, I'm going to join your sales team and help you sail. I'm just kidding yourself. You're welcome to get it. I guess I've tried to look at this every time.
I'm on these calls, I thought I'd try to be I want to be not the chairman of the call, and Joe say, is a another person who does these calls and he's fantastic, But I want to be a member of the audience, right. Someone who's listening to you, and I'm in I'm in the strategy team at Wal-Mart or I'm at the Strategy team at Credit Suisse, or, you know, bed Bath and beyond their, you know, whatever, pick a company. Pepsi, I spent a lot of time and Pepsi Anyway, Fantastic. OK, let me see if I get any other questions that I need to go through. We got a couple of minutes. But let me ask you This got a couple of minutes.
So, if you were to say, sort of a, what's the big takeaway?
What's your big takeaway that you'd like, people?
Maybe a question to think about, then something they could do to move forward from that point. So, what's the big question to think about that will make them go?
Yeah, I see I've got a challenge here, and then what would you want them to? I loved your last slide. By the way, the three ways to learn more, so, what's the big question you want people to think about?
Well, the biggest question are going to encourage people to think about is, is there operator, is your operating rhythm?
Fast enough?
No, so?
Or to our, to help you execute in the market that we are operating.
Why, while maximizing your resources, talent, capital, and so on, is not operating with the faster. That's the, that's the perfect question. And then the next question is, and if it's not, what are you going to do about it? Right.
It's not border, Yeah. Well, look, we're winding down. I want to thank you very much for what you've, what you presented is is. I describe this.
I don't know if you were on the call earlier but I described each of the speakers today, yesterday and tomorrow as A an assistant, a tool, purveyor as a savant, a sherpa, some way to help people climb this mountain that they're trying to climb or go through this jungle. And I think what you're describing is an incredibly important point.
Once you get to a certain point in a company, and it's not just five people sitting around talking to each other.
You gotta start getting co-ordinated, and you gotta get an operating rhythm that'll run, or you're, you're, you're just going to stall. And that's where a lot of companies are right there at the start.
one of the reasons are styles for it, you said.
So, thank you for bringing your guidance, your wisdom, your company's strength behind it, to help people understand how you and your company can help them make sense of their operating rhythm, move it to a digital operating rhythm and save lots of time, whereas I would say help humans be heroes in the age of automation.
Matthew, thank you very much. For having me.
So, thank you again, thank you so much for being here. Everybody on the call will be back in 15 minutes, the top of the hour with our next presentation, all about change, which leads directly into how could you make what you just saw? Work and your company will see you in 15 minutes. Thank you much.
Himanshu Agarwal,
BI Translator for Data & Analytics,
Himanshu brings >20 years of operating and strategic consulting experience to WorkBoard. Prior to WorkBoard, Himanshu was a partner at McKinsey & Company, where he spent over a decade working with senior leadership teams at some of the world’s largest companies across industries to develop strategic priorities and execute on them.
At McKinsey, he also advised SaaS companies in the areas of new product introduction, growth and business building. Before joining McKinsey, Himanshu was at Intel, where he helped launch new technologies. Himanshu has an MBA from Wharton, University of Pennsylvania, a Masters in Science from Georgia Tech, and a Bachelors in Technology from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur.
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