BTOES Insights Official
March 15, 2021

BTOES in Financial Services Live - SPEAKER SPOTLIGHT: Advancing Market Segmentation during and post Covid-19 pandemic world

Courtesy of Wells Fargo Advisors' Sayeed Sanaullah, below is a transcript of his speaking session on 'Advancing Market Segmentation during and post Covid-19 pandemic world' to Build a Thriving Enterprise that took place at Business Transformation & Operational Excellence Summit in Financial Services Live.



Session Information:

Advancing Market Segmentation during and post Covid-19 pandemic world

The Covid-19 pandemic impact has been one of the most interesting social, economic, and consumption experiments in real time with billions of people overnight changing pretty much everything about their habits. It has already impacted customer behaviors significantly through at least the near-term future.

In normal times, customer experience in banking is about making customers happy—with the result that they are more loyal, use products more, and cost less to serve. In the context of COVID-19, superior customer experience means clarity and transparency, support for digital tools with which many customers are still unfamiliar, and new products and services for customers in distress. This session will enable delegates to purposefully attract, meaningfully retain and thoughtfully serve customers by advancing market segmentation through following 3 impactful capabilities:

  • Identify a strategic decision that would benefit from information about different customer segments.
  • Determine which customers drive profits.
  • Analyze actual and potential purchasing behavior periodically. 

Session Transcript:

Pleasure of introducing Saeed ... who is, who serves as first vice-president for Corporate Strategy and Strategic Planning at Wells Fargo. He helps re-imagined the future of banking to meet evolving customer needs at Wells Fargo. He is a Wharton Fellow at the University of Pennsylvania, the Wharton School, and also a CFA, charter holder site. It's always a blessing for me to listen to you and learn from your experience and expertise and practice. So very much looking forward to your presentation today and sharing that with our global audience.

Morning, thank you, Josie, And thank you, everybody, for joining me this morning, this afternoon, or this evening, depending on which part of the country, or which part of the world you are in for learning more about advancing market segmentation.

The spike balls, which you see on this slide, represents the corner wires to highlight segmentation during and immediately after Kuwait pandemic advancing market segmentation to purposefully attract meaningful use routines and thoughtfully serve customers.

The covert 19 pandemic has been one of the most interesting social gnomic and consumption experiments in real time with billions of people or night changing pretty much everything about their habits.

The ... 19 pandemic.

This is going to impact customer behaviors.

Significant, east, the near term future.

In fact, my Aunt Commute, Has-been, changed because of the Kobe 19 Pandemic.

My mood has changed.

Saeed, your audio is not coming through right now. I'm not sure what happened.

There was, there is a problem if your audio, we cannot hear you right now.

Hello Saeed, if you can hear me, I'm not sure why, but your audio is not coming through right now. Could you please check your audio settings on your computer?

Hello, Sayyed, we cannot hear you! Your audio.

Saeed, your audio is not coming through.

So I'm not sure if you're aware of it, or if you can see us right now.

But your audio is not coming through.

Ladies and gentlemen, I apologize for that. But it seems that Saeed is not aware that the audio is not coming through.


He may be experiencing a problem with his connection at this point.

Hello, Saeed. Your audio was not coming through. We could not hear you.

So, I had to interrupt you did your broadcast momentarily, um, if you can, try to share your camera and?

In check, your audio system one more time.

I am giving side presentation right far more time here to see if he is able to, to log on back to the session.

I think, at this point, site has experienced some local network issues, where his transmission is not coming through to the rest of us.

I'm not even sure if he's able to hear me right now.

So I'm gonna give you another minute or so, and we may need to postpone his presentation, he may need to log out and log back in to the session to be successful at it.

So, ladies and gentlemen, I'm going to be offline momentarily.

7-Mar-15-2021-09-55-58-56-AMI'm going to try to support Saeed and and our team is already working with him to see if he can log back into the session. If he does, we will continue until 45 minutes past the hour. If he is not able to reconnect back with us, we will meet you again at the top of the hour When we introduce our next speaker and our next speaker will come directly from Melbourne in Australia.

And we hope that, that it will be a work site. Are you able to hear us now?

We see your presentation. Or, we see on camera now, we just cannot hear you.


There may be something on the settings of your microphone.

Yeah, we can. We can see you Saeed, but we cannot hear you tried to play with the settings of your microphone a little bit.

Just see if we can hear.

Yeah, I see you're increasing the volume on your computer right now.

But I, but I still cannot hear your voice, rainiest sound that's coming through.

You may want to go under the Audio tab on the goto Webinar interface and just make sure that you have selected the right computer audio setting, and then on that should pick the right microphone in your system.

So again, under the many tabs that you have on the goto Webinar, you should have one that says audio.

And under that tab, if there is Computer audio, phone, call, and no audio, you could choose Computer Audio, and just make sure that in the drop-down menu, that you're picking your computer microphone or any other microphone you have there available for it. For the broadcast.

Can you hear me?

I can hear you now.

Oh, sorry, apologies.

I think something gaps, it's my penetrates beauty of technologists, Saeed. We had the flames, but then technology happens so very well, I'm glad that we got you back on track. So you still have plenty of time. So I'm gonna ask you to share your presentation and carry on.

Sure. Thank you. Chose a, Yeah, I will share my presentation.

one for you on this and though we can see your presentation without problems so after you launch it, you know you go into the goto Webinar interface under sharing and then you show the screen to the audience.


For some reason?

I don't see an option to share my screen.

OK, so let me make sure, OK, it's possible that the system kick you off as a presenter. Yes, it did. So, that's not you. Now, that was me, because I have to reassign you as a presenter.

So I apologize.

So, you should be getting now the ability to share from our machine, there we go.

Btog CTAVery good. Yeah, Launch it, and then just launched the PowerPoint and where you are stopped. It, Which was, by the way, that Your second slide, That right there? Yeah. So, I'm going to remove myself. Please do carry on. We still have, you know, 30 minutes since you're the top of until we have to close the session. So, carry on your base.

Sure. Thank you.

Hello, everyone, apologies for some technical issues, but I'm glad with the help of Joe's and others on the organizing team on Backslide.

Up here, you can hear me and see my slides.

So my own commute has changed from always to highways.

I've been working from home for more than a year now.

People on the front lines courageously fighting coal with 19, while bank employees are providing essential services throughout the pandemic.

The last time, there was a global crisis.

Banks were widely perceived to be a big part of the problem.

This time around banks are central to the solution.

We have certainty that Kuwait 19 will change the face of retail banking agnostic to the severity of Kuwait 19. We will see four key themes.

First, around go and mint, community and society, there will be increased expectation, OK, to play.

So, it's titled Role and offered return P on the focus on shareholders.

Clients and customers.

We need to fundamentally very well wait their willingness to take financial risk.

Well, voigt model on behavior, report remote operating models.

Well, come on, which may benefit as well as increase inconvenience for employers and employees alike.

In terms of bank strategy, transformation, and investments, 19 contexts and the conditioning of digital interactions will break or continue to break the inertia of digital adoption.

The collaboration witnessed between the Banks and governments will increase, and, as economy, safely, feel pins.

Governments and Banks bochner deliver an unprecedented volume of financial support to borrowers.

Lise, Banks have responded to the need of borrow was by implementing mortgage tephra and credit card, interest relief.

Or clients and customers.

The coronavirus pandemic has shaken up many people from feelings of material prosperity and caused much anxiety and rethinking about their lives.

The unique nature of the lockdowns or shelter at home, widespread southern unemployment, and the prospect of living in mosques and gloves.

four months are having an impact.

In a JD.

Power Financial Services Survey, one in four respondents, said the financial stress has gone up a lot and another 30% said it has gone up a leg.

The immense economic impact of the response to coronavirus pandemic, that's driving a change in attitudes, towards money, in America.

The national, stayed home, shut down, slammed the brakes, on the booming economy, in a way never before seen.

And suddenly, many people, who had perhaps never seen, or even talk about coming up with a budget, had to learn very quickly, how to do so.

Remote operating models, evolve as an accelerated pace, and we'll drive both benefits and stressors for employers and employees alike.

All organizations need to consider the exchange to which they will support more virtual operating model, balancing the sentiment off, what goes, the cost management opportunity, and the possible tradeoffs to productivity.

New capabilities also need to be developed to support increasingly mixed workforce, on premise and off premise, as well as capabilities to help, junior, new implies, to double up and grow in the organization.

Banks, we'll have to look into systemic stability and infrastructure modernization initiatives to enhance future resilience.

The crisis has highlighted the need to upgrade payments and cross structure, especially around identification and authentication.

Government payouts require proof that certain conditions are met and the advent of enhanced data could address pandemic use cases.

So with that background about the pandemic, its impact on banks, customers, employees, and governments, we need to think about Makan Segmentations differently.

And now I've highlighted three key capabilities.

So non demographic traits, such as values, pace, and preferences, were more likely to influence customer decisions than their demographic traits.

28Advancing market capably, advanced market segmentation.

Using three capabilities will help broaden the use of segmentation, not just advertising, but also product innovation, pricing, choice of distribution, channels, and other strategic options.

So first, I need to find a strategic decision that would benefit from information, vowed different customer segments.

Second, determine which customers dry charlton's and third, analyze actual and potential.

customer, product, or service choice, decision and behavior.

So, such segments will reflect a company's strategy, indicate where sources of revenue of traffic may lie.

Identify customers, values, attitudes, and beliefs as they relate to product servings offering.

It could also help to focus on actual customer behavior and accordingly accomodate or anticipate changes in markets or consumer behavior.

So different segmentation could be used four different purposes.

So we could go through or different ways off segmenting elements, populations study, data sources tab, analytical tools used and outputs.

Psychographic segmentation can be used to create advertising that would influence consumers to think warmly about a particular brand, but they are not as well suited for other purposes.

You would need a different kind of non demographic segmentation.

You investigate, for example, what kind of products to make.

Here on the screen, you could see the different characteristics for segmentation for two different objectives. one is around advertising. The other is around new products.

So, segmentation is to double up advertising and segmentation to develop new products for populations studied.

It could be users of product or service, to be advertized for developing advertising, whereas, for segmentation, to develop new products.

It has to be around users of related products or services.

They already meet similar needs, also, ask developing partnerships, such as the distributors and retailers.

So, the output from the surveys drummed, the analytical tools for Advertising will be segments that differ in their responses to a given message.

Whereas, it, for developing new products, it will be around segments that differ in their purchasing power, goals, aspirations, and even behavior.

So likewise, in the current coin 19 pandemic situation, there could be other different purposes.

That's the balance.

one could be the balance between having branch was digital channels or if a particular bank wants to just maintain a domestic presence versus an international presence.

Or even invest in partnering with fintech for why that.

So they could be multiple, different, such strategic choices And segmentation could also help two move towards an optimal strategic choice.

So for customers, there are different decision types.

The Salish decisions for the customer could be around functional, simple products and services.

Middle of the spectrum decisions.

It could be around complex financial needs and goals whereas the deepest decisions could be around life altering financial products and service choice.

Those could be around 401 K plan or getting life insurance or other protection codons.

So what should the segmentation tried to find out and what is at stake?

Knowing how it part a product or service is to your customers will help decide which of their expectations are most likely to reveal their willingness to sign up for a product or service.

If your products are purely functional, you will probably want to investigate such a garden variety factors, stop price sensitivity, and brand loyalty of potential customers.

But if such customers are facing life altering choices, which they are doing this current Kuwait 19 health crisis, you will want to inquire about their deeply held beliefs.

So, we could look at a 3 by 3 matrix: Parents, shallow decisions, middle of the spectrum, decisions, deepest decisions across issues, the bank wants to have trust.

Then CMS concerns and what the segmentation should try to find.

So, first, sallow ish decisions, it could be small improvements on existing products.

So, selecting a particular media campaign are changing prices.

And the consumers would think, concerns would be around new product claims, how to evaluate a good product, or even they can think of whether they should switch the products, even within the same, within the same financial services.

So, what the segmentation should try to find out, For the sellers decision, this buying and usage, behavior, willingness to pay a small premium for higher quality, or how loyal the cost to us could be.

But the middle of the spectrum decisions, it could be positioning of the brand, or even developing an entirely new product.

So, the customer's concerns would be whether they should visit a branch, or just continuing on an online channel.

Or even for middle of the spectrum decision, they might even think of switching once back.

So, the segmentation should try to find out how the customer wants to operate, and they could be a continuum between Do it yourself, custom ours, to do it for me types.

So customer needs, better service, convenience, and functionality, Segmentation.

You should also try to find out how does the customer view the self image and the lifestyle.

Good, deepest decisions.

The banks, one should revise the business model in response to powerful social forces, changing how people live their lives. And that is happening at this time.

People are working remotely Be some companies that are moving, walking in.

Drive profits to be of value.

To be a valid segmentation.

To be valid, a segmentation must identify groups that match it to a company's financial performance.

The start, companies can rank their own customers, both profitability, so as to concentrate the Grandma, right amount of.

Attention on them.

But to gross revenues, a company should understand what makes it best customers as profitable as they are, and then seek new customers who share at least a couple of those characteristics.

Screenshot (4)So, there could be opportunities for incremental revenue growth.

There could be opportunities for higher profit for the, or product, a bank, and they, they could even focus on whether they should.

Deep in the student loan portfolio, or reservation, the banks could offer financial advice using packaged products or portfolio customized financial needs, or even, depending upon the scale cost structure of the bank, figure out a different segments of customers to try their profits.

So, the period of this co igniting pandemic, sulfur isolation, economic certainty, chased of B consumers, behave.

This new consumer behavior is a span, all areas of life from how we book, to how we shop, to how we entertain ourselves.

These rapid consumer behavior are still being formed, Giving companies an opportunity to help shape the next new knock.

And behavior changes are not linear.

And this stickiness will depend on satisfaction of new experiences.

There could be ups and downs ahead of ahead of the stickiness of a behavior.

So what we'll make them behave as stick.

Even if it is a forced behavior on the customer, maybe just use a digital channel or a phone banking or other remote ways of banking. It will depend on the stickiness of the behavior will depend a lot on the satisfaction.

So the value driven behaviors, we'll continue to state.

Customers want help making good choices.

Behavior changes will reshape customers' decision journeys and companies will need to adapt fast and understand, what are my customers actually doing, how they utilize offline, online and hybrid sews channels.

Behavior changes will reshape consumer decision journeys and company backed seeds to make it simple for the customers, as well, to adapt and start using new ways to bank.

To Kuwait 19 pandemic has seen really disrupted global consumption, forcing, accommodating people to unlearn or habits and adopt new ones.

A study on habit formation suggests that's the average time For a new habit to farm is 66 days with a minimum of 21 days.

The pandemic has already lasted long enough in many countries, just significantly changed habits that had been the foundation of demand and supply.

So, we need to categorize behavior shifts according to where they are likely to be short term or long term and whether they have existed before the pandemic or are new since it began.

So if we put those behaviors into four key buckets, one could be around boost that is temporary acceleration and that be seen the savings rate increased by the customers.

The postal savings rate rose too 13.7% in January far higher than the pre pandemic level of your elderly person.

Excluding last year, the savings rate is at the highest level since 19 75.

However, as the economy improves asda, customers become more financially secure with them.

Employment, this could be just temporary boost.
There are lasting acceleration, in terms of capitalist, like digital child and then adoption.

There are temporary shifts like, in terms of displacements, like majority of employees working from home, as well as, new innovation or new trend like hybrid working model walking on premise, walking off premise, as well as, walking from, anyway, So, in terms of, in terms of idea.

In the brief, it's all about figuring out what the challenge is, how the winners could be, determine, and what the approach could be.

So, even in severe economic downturns and recessions, some companies are able to gain advantage and for Venice, A shock like ... 19 pandemic can produce lasting changes.

The behavior and those forms quickly spot the changes are just business models to reflect them and not knockout shaped to make investments.

So, the approach should be, that to understand customers, segment in new ways to understand where their banking needs are, in terms of saving symptoms of investment, or in terms of protection, or even just trying to manage their finances.

7-Mar-15-2021-09-55-58-56-AMAnd even with those three approaches of market segmentation, what we could face is unpredictable maki changes, sort of revise your segmentation as market conditions change.

Unlike personality traits, which usually endeared through life, consumer's attitude, needs, and behavior, can change quickly new market conditions, so be willing to redraw your segments, to reflect new realities.

So, there could be a passing strong where customers attitudes and behaviors just return to the past norm.

There could be positive or it can even coming out of this ... pandemic that the customers become more trusting of banks.

And that could depend on how banks, so, customers, how they understand their needs, How this segment the customers to make low focused service and product offering.

There could be also a good impact that the customers become trusting of the technology.

They could be, if not, some nice, up, but I hope it doesn't happen to the customer.

Behavior should shifts to become more risk averse, and savings oriented as the pandemic persist, But, of course, hopefully, once the pandemic impacts around employment or are reduced, the customer behavior shifts back to being more financially savvy in being more financially comfortable with spending.

So, in those unpredictable market changes, banks could also think of dynamic customer segmentation.

So what it means is, you're using real-time customer data, create fluid customer segments that consist of individuals that move in and move out of the segment based on the specific tried to eat.

And the definition of customer segments can adapt over time.

As a brand or the bank builds up, more data and inflammation starts to understand people.

They could also be a propensity modeling for dynamics segmentation, what it means to predict customer behavior.

It's surface insights which allows to course correct the definition and composition of target audience.


What could help it?

Such prediction or dynamic segmentation is leveraging AI, artificial intelligence.

So, if the banks could embed AI to make the shift from static to dynamic segmentation, it will help better manage the unpredictable market changes.

So, effectively segment customers by understanding actual car, service decision behavior and update customer segments, ask behaviors, attitudes, and needs change as the pandemic progress, as R as the economy comes back to its previous peak, our economy continues to recover.

Thank you.

Fantastic! Saeed.

Well done, despite all the technological hurdles, We have overcome it and come to a great presentation and conclusion. Thank you for your, for your passion, for your discipline, for your resilience, in getting this, getting this done today. I think there are some things related to your, maybe either your PC or your network connection that that we're slowing down the broadcast, and I'm really glad that we worked through that. We act we, we have a few minutes here, still for questions.

So, I'm going to relay those questions to you and, and then you talked about several critical concepts here early on.

Today, we had a panel discussion where financial leaders from JP morgan, Chase Alliance data, UI path. We're all discussing, you know, issues related to automation.

And one of the comments was that, traditionally, strategy is dead and the part of that is because, you know, beyond the unprecedented rate of change that we're experiencing.

Some of the things that you discussed alluding to this process of continuous strategic planning that takes place now because you know you can't predict what's going to happen 3 or 5 years from now, and you know if they're with the with the state of rapid change in the world.

So on 1 one initial question is that I capture from the comment area in the audience as you presented is that if you could go a little bit further on customer behaviors post pandemic as you plan forget about the next five years as you plan the next few months. And now you know potentially we see a light at the end of the tunnel here with the pandemic. We may be moving moving to a hybrid model of work with remote work and office work. You know, it's still being combined permanently.

What type of customer behavior change is, when it comes to banking and financial services, have, have kinda caught your hand, drew your, have drawn your attention, and have kind of like, Oh, this is interesting. Is there anything out there on this new phase, in terms of customer behaviors, that you're paying attention to? Kinda, I'm not sure which way it's going to go, and you, if you think it's important to your monitoring.

28Sure. That's a great question. Joe saying aye.

Really, like how you set it up.

Strategic planning, becoming much more dynamic.

In terms of specific customer behavior that cost our industry, is that customers are becoming comfortable with the digital channels.

Customers also need help in terms of learning more about the digital channel. However, as the economy recovers Aster, sheltered form or the other consumers become more comfortable with just going out to enjoying life. However, that's usage of digital channels, ship.

How much of that will shift back to ground should Bank two branches. That is one in terms of channels.

The second is, in terms of certain, a ... around Mortgage payments and credit balances are the credit card, Sarah, on the products. So how would that, our housing, that will drink color? So some of the jobs are coming back, a lot of jobs are coming back, however, the higher paying jobs are still a much more difficult. So how would that. Consumers income or change over time and accordingly What are the right products or services that needs to be all forces that surround the products and services. Todd is just continuing to build on that trust. With the customers.

Have the bags ology they use Oh with different kind of security system it's different kinds of authentication how to further enhance or increase the customer's comfort. That's using the digital channels, and rich way, which shape that's a take. So those are three key, here, is I will say it, again. To summarize: one, would be around the usage of digital, or online channels was just our offline chance branches, or even the hybrid model. That continues to change in how to adapt to that. Second is around products and services, and, and the third is around increasing comes customer's comfort with authentication and security of the banks. It's adapted also, alter, as the pandemic evolves were asked, the economy, recovers, lamb chops.

Thank you very much for that Saeed. We are up on time right now, partially because of delays that we had early on. But thank you so much for getting through presenting this concepts of continuous strategic planning, and the customer behavior and market segmentation, incredibly useful prospectus that that will certainly add to the should the Insights and the practices that our global audience is interested in as they attend this event. So thank you again for taking the time to share your expertise with us for working through the technical difficulties and still delivering a great presentation and insightful view of the world of strategy and financial services in such a critical moment of transition.

Thank you so much, and I appreciate your patience, organizations, patients as tall. As well as the conference audience based on the patients. As I've worked through the technical challenges at my, and it was with my laptop and my network connectivity.

But it was a pleasure sharing my knowledge and mine sites with the audience, and for audience, please feel free to connect me on LinkedIn, or if you would like to interact more, and I'm open to, and tracking, or digital media. Thank you. Everyone enjoy the rest of the conference.

Screenshot (4)Thank you very much side. There was Saeed ..., what a great lesson on overcoming overcoming challenges in times of rapid change. You know, have we not just done a bit of a role model play here with with that, have, and terrific agenda.

And that shows that, that in a time of great uncertainty and rapid change, we're going to have things that are not going to go as we plan.

And how we respond to those should those challenges.

And the lessons that we learned from them are critical. And so a great demonstration of that impromptu to a large extent and are, of course, the terrific concepts related to strategic planning in financial services in this new era of, of rapid change and uncertainty.

So thank you very much for that Saeed. We are going to wrap up the session and we'll be back at the top of the hour. And we'll be back with a very special presentation from Beverly Hartson, who is the group credit leader for the Adecco Group. And she's going to be talking about transforming the business of the future and talking about change. And the fact that change is hard S, first messy in the middle, and hopefully gorgeous at the end if there is an ever and to change. So we're going to examine those topics very much looking forward to beverly's presentation. She's on the award winning leader, recognized in multiple forums for her leadership of positive change. So we will provide your, with her bio, any introduction, at the top of the hour. And we'll see you back soon.


About the Author

more - 2021-03-08T161541.476-1Sayeed Sanaullah,
First Vice President, Strategy & Analytics,
Wells Fargo Advisors.

Sayeed serves as First Vice President of Strategy & Analytics for Wells Fargo Advisors which is the financial advice and brokerage business of Wells Fargo. In this role, he leads strategic efforts around growing the business (measured by revenue, client assets and profit) and managing risks (ensure Financial Advisors act in the best interests of client, review investment portfolio risks, and reduce any legal and settlement costs).

He has 15 years of leadership experience in financial services, banking, and technology industries in various functions of strategy, finance, M&A, marketing, sales, software products development, and technology promotion. He has increased profitability, generated growth, managed risk and led cultural change on multiple occasions. Prior to joining Wells Fargo, he managed $6 million annual revenue digital product component for IBM as a Technology Consulting and Strategic Planning Manager. He has been an invited speaker at multiple industry conferences (Digital Strategy, Financial Services & Technology) and academia. He has published 2 technical articles and filed a patent/disclosure. He also serves as a board member and committed leader for non-profit organizations (~ $100 million total annual budget) in the Greater St. Louis Area (Illinois and Missouri).

He is a Wharton Fellow at University of Pennsylvania - The Wharton School. He earned a master of business administration degree in finance and strategy from Washington University in Saint Louis. He also holds a bachelor of technology degree in mechanical engineering with minor in economics from Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur.


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