BTOES Insights Official
June 07, 2021

BTOES HEALTHCARE LIVE - SPEAKER SPOTLIGHT: Stop the Innovation Killing. How To Become the Innovation Champion Your Organization Needs

Courtesy of Advent Health Innovation Lab's Dr. Karen Tilstra & Andy Tilstra, below is a transcript of his speaking session on 'Stop the Innovation Killing. How To Become the Innovation Champion Your Organization Needs' to Build a Thriving Enterprise that took place at BTOES Healthcare Live - A Virtual Conference.



Session Information:

Stop the Innovation Killing. How To Become the Innovation Champion Your Organization Needs

We all want innovation. Even you. Yet, research tells us very few know how to make it happen. That’s a big disconnect. If it’s something we all want, shouldn’t we be able to bring it about. The good news is we can. If we are willing to learn, unlearn and relearn a few things.  

In this interactive session we will demystify innovation through real life examples of how and why innovation worked in both large and small organizations,  We will also touch on what kills a thriving innovation program or lab. 

We’ll share how through trial and error we developed our Orchard Model of Innovation that allows innovative practice and creative thinking to emerge cross-culturally.

Participants will learn:

  • Why a narrow definition of innovation kills innovative practice and creative thinking.
  • Common reasons top leaders continue to fail at innovation
  • How innovation can thrive at three levels (top leaders, middle management, and the front line) and what is required to innovate at each level
  • How an accessible Innovation lab can help any organization not matter the size
  • Join us to learn our simple, effective and fun approach to innovation. 

Session Transcript:

Two guests, they always have awesome presentations with great insights on innovation acceleration and I'm talking about doctor Karen Telstra and and the .... So, Andy and Karen, welcome. Great to have you with us. I'm gonna do a quick introduction on both of them, and, and details. ..., got his master's of social science and then for apology from the University of Chicago. He has done research on public space in Chicago, and how it relates to power dynamics Andy. Also runs a podcast that has over 10000 downloads.

With him. We have doctor Karen Telstra, who holds a doctorate in innovation and Transformation and he's a license Educational Psychologists.

Karen has helped businesses, universities, government, and health care organizations create innovation labs and develop their innovation teams, She believes we need to stop thinking ourselves. so, seriously, I am so excited to have you do here. I know that our audience is always in for a treat when you're presenting.

Yeah, yeah, thank you, Jose. It's fun to be here.


So we're very excited to be here with you. And we want to just tell you the story of how we got innovation labs running and how they work at a grassroots level. But first, we want to share a short video with you.

All right.

We think we want to share it.

two words can change your life.

I do.

You're fired.

It's malignant.

There's two other words.

Simple, rather, mundane, and write down.

Can also change your values together, can also change your life, can change the world.

Yes. These two words. Yes. Innovation to me is inspiring. Innovation can be going somewhere in between, because it means you're going somewhere new.

The concept of fill came when Florida hospital was looking to really become more intentional about innovation, innovation process and cycles.

Doctor Karen ... brought on the leaders of the Florida hospital organization to begin this innovation lab. Their vision was to have it open to everyone in the hospital.

From the moment you walk in, you could just feel the energy. We'd seen people work together, who haven't worked together. We've seen a culture of innovation emerge where we never thought possible. Phil is embedded in the center of Florida Hospital. It just made sense, because all you have to do this step out directly onto these units, and you're getting empathy is a very rapid self correcting innovation model that connects with the end user to experience with the end user experiences. So, they're moving beyond their habitual ways of thinking. And acting This is so powerful because solutions are coming from where they need to, from the front lines, where the people are actually encountering the problems. Chief Strategy Officer, David Banks said, the Innovation Lab would be successful if it fostered a culture of innovation across the healthcare continuum. So far, we've had over 300 doctors, 400 administrators, and 1200 nurses come together to collaborate and redesign the patient experience. When Phil began the focus was on internal projects, as Word Spread, more and more outside companies began to co create a film.

Screenshot 10-1Over the past five years, Bill has run over 500 projects. And each one has had a unique challenge with the potential to revolutionize healthcare.

We were able to reduce our cycle time from 63 days down to 41 days, and we were also able to increase our retention rate from 46% to 75% redesign the pediatric surgery experience. And parents are now re-united with children. The moment they come out of surgery, Adventist health system brought together 40 people from across the country to fundamentally transform how we transition patients from one care setting to another. You went from collecting maybe 10% of our uninsured patients, to 25 we eradicated, patient falls per 108 days. catapult us from last place in the hospital to amongst the top five unit. Our Public Policy Department and was able to increase their readership of our publications by nearly 50% shave 10 minutes off of our stroke process. Which means we saved 20 million neurons, a patient, 52% of our patients now are finding their car that we're not be poor. Health village fitness center has seen a 40% increase in engagement. In just one year.

Communication with nurses on H CAHPS scores have been above the 75th percentile for three months in a row or seeing 37% more patients a day, which enabled us to hire another full-time employee. ... has found for new innovative applications for ... in medicine. We've increased pre-op readiness for our inpatient surgical patients from 40% to 80%. Over 2200 students are now literate in using design process to solve complex problems. We went from an average of 37 complaints a month to zero. We're now seeing 88% of patients in seven men who've never done that in the years. And we've tried many different things for the patient that we ultimately do a better job and what we're doing. So I asked what do you do? You improve patient care and save. The past is no longer predicted, the president is fleeting and the future is where we need to be.

That's just a little snippet of kind of what we want to show you.

We're excited to be here and we want to just give you a grassroots view of what we've learned, and probably things, you, as a lot of things you'll know, Will remind you of, and on, on all, the topic of how to stop the Innovation killing.

Right, and, as you mentioned in the video, here are a few of the partners that we've worked with, Karen.

As mentioned, the video also was one of the first creators of an Embedded Innovation Lab and a health care system at Advent Health, which was then known as Florida Hospital. So, it was a photo Hospital Innovation Lab, which is called Fill, Severe, is called Fill, or Talk about Phil.

We're talking about the Florida Hospitalization lab, which was the Now advent Health Innovation Lab. And Karen also, as, you know, created an innovation labs in the Orlando Magic or public sectors such as Florida Health, ... County, Health Department, and Orange County as well.

And we've also presented it American Association. We've had osram at 3 0 AM and as well as Loma Linda University.

So, we have some experience of providing and initiating innovation innovation within health care systems across the country.

And one thing we've learned is, everybody is really the same, no matter how big or small, where you sit in the organization. It all kind of comes down to the same thing. We wanted to share some of that with you all. Righty, so how do we kill innovation?

And really, it's very simple how we kill it, if we overthink it, but we kill innovation by defining innovation too narrowly, and it's a very easy thing for us to do, is innovation.

Defining innovation, A widely, really opens up the gates, but we believe in believing innovation, only exists at the top of the organization.

I'm actually creates it, which intimidates people, people become intimidated, like, wow, I can't do that, that's only for the very top, Therefore, it creates lots of blind spots at all levels of the organization, and stymies, a lot of innovation that can happen at the grassroots level.

And what we mean by innovation is, innovation is everybody's job, and it looks different at everyone's level, But it really is everybody's job.

And when everybody understands that a culture of innovation begins to emerge in an organization, that will become a learning organization, that will be actually future ready, relevant, and sustainable.

And it doesn't have to cost a lot of money, and it creates a dynamic.

And we've seen it, It's hard to believe, but it does not have to cost a lot of money. Anyway, OK, I've written forward.

So a narrow definition of innovation really does kill it from what we've seen.

Yeah, absolutely. And so, by narrowly defining innovation to the top of an organization, puts it a lot of the load on the leaders of an organization. So, why do leaders fail at innovation organization with 97% want innovation, but only 13% actually engage in innovation, or know what to do?

Now, we want to say here, all due respect to leaders, because leaders don't want to fail. This comes from McKinsey Studies, Harper studies, and some of the innovation board studies that pretty much all say the same thing.

Hmm, hmm, hmm, yeah, no, no worries Do you have the doctorate here? So, the leaders of an organization, though, they don't know exactly how to innovate, and this isn't.

Btog CTANo one's fault innovation is ambiguous, at best.

So lot of leaders don't know how to innovate. They don't know who to ask, or where to go for help when it comes to innovation. Because, as I mentioned before, the innovation could be defined too narrowly. Now, when you add all these three things together, it makes innovation appear very risky. Which, you know, you've heard probably a cliche or a platitude of, you know, risky is the new safe. But when you're actually, in the driver's seat, risky can be very, very scary and very hard to do for a lot of these leaders.

So when you add, They'll go, yes?

So, yeah.

All right. So, when you add the unknown of innovation mixed with you don't know where to go for help.

Combined with the narrow definition of innovation, it can provide a daunting task for these leaders which are trying their best to create innovation and create a safe space for employees to innovate.

That's right. And so, innovation is actually why it gets so difficult, or why we oftentimes kill it.

It is counter-intuitive to the way we've been taught, but it's very intuitive to our human nature, which people oftentimes forget, or don't, haven't learned that. Because we're very humans are creative by nature. But it gets kinda taught out of us. So, well, what we've seen, it will use the Florida Hospital Innovation Lab, Magic Innovation Lab, Marlena magic.

And some of the others, as a model of what we did is we created the innovation lab that was very low, low REZ, You might say, that the top leader gave permission and responsibility for the organization to innovate, and then begin to. We've been to discover what that looked like.

So, one thing that we learned from Stanford, Michael Ray, who actually did a lot of study in innovation.

That there was four things we can all do, that don't cost a thing.

But as we, as, as the top leader, kind of, puts the innovation call out, training people for simple things. The top leader gives permission, N wants, responsibility and innovation, and what we call the magic sauce.

Creative thinking, which leads to innovation.

So, innovation is our destination and created. The creative process is getting us there and that's part of the reason we, innovation gets kinda messed up. As we don't realize.

There's a journey to get there. But for simple things, embrace your inner creativity, embrace the fact that your creative everyone's created a little differently, but just embrace. It's about your creative, Suspend negative judgement. Have a yes and mindset. Give every idea, or every possibility at least NaN of life, because it pages lead you to places that you may be needing to go.

And make precise observations, earning two.

Oh, no, I think Karen's having some internet issues.


No. No, it's Karen. And so if you can go on, yeah.

Until she can come back, OK.

So making precise observations, you know, we, when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at, begin to change. And then the fourth one is asking penetrating questions. When you want better answers, you just need to ask better questions. So that's the magic sauce of creativity. We like to teach this at all of our projects that we do.

And we even have people check in with one of these four qualities, but these are the four simple things that don't cost a thing that anyone can do at any level.

Now, I see Karen is back and her video is not pixilated, so I didn't know if it was me. Yeah, There was. There was some internet difficulties there. one that I do want to share since this is all rooted in research, when we have shared this with organizations, we've had many stories of people coming back and saying, wow. Those four things we posted on our wall in our board room, we posted all our conference rooms. And we started checking in with meetings with these things, and it really made a difference. And this is the thing I've learned, helping lots of different organizations, some of the most simple things, can really activate people and give people permission and responsibility. So again, embrace the inner creativity, suspending negative judgement even for a moment. I'm making up, really observing and asking good questions. And the more questions you ask, the better you get at it. So, questions are really the key to the future. So, just keep that in mind.

Teach it to your groups, and actually, you can see a little difference of the quality of meetings. So, OK, that's just a little foundation one to tell you, because we want to get into actually some really key points of how innovation thrives at all three levels and are three levels are a top leadership, middle management and frontline staff.

And one thing about top leadership that we found, I've seen it over and over, I've had the president of GE, tell me this exact think the closer you are to the top, the farther you are from the truth and it's kind of kinda shocking when you think wow, leaders are supposed to know everything. Well, they don't. And oftentimes they really don't know what's going on. I say that respectfully. And so when we create a embedded innovation lab, you actually are creating a bridge, frontline knowledge all the way to the top.

And so the way the top leader can activate innovation is, first off, acknowledging it only works.

If the top leader is saying, Yes, let's innovate, and give a voice, a common mistake leaders make is they just simply give a voice. Yes, everyone, go innovate, but they forget, or they don't know, three very simple things.

They, they give the, uh, the call, the innovation cry, but then they allow for resources, They provide resources of time, people, physical space, and budget.

Now, I'm telling you, these look different in every organization.

They can be at a large scale, or small scale. And again, it's learning what your organization can do.

But, but if the top leader gives these resources, time, people, fiscal space, and budget, it, it opens the pathway, and then provide a way for people to learn education, new skills, new mindsets, and new tools for innovation.

And we have found, I've just been so energized by this. You teach people some very simple tools on the mindsets of innovation.

Some skills, they naturally want data, But people want to be involved in innovation. They want to make their jobs better. They want to make their, their customers happier. And when we really level the playing field, and bring innovation to all, all people, things get better. The organization becomes a learning organization. And then, so, the leader wants provide, they don't have to do it themselves. They can bring people in. They cannot.

There are so many ways to do that. Providing education. And then holding the people accountable to innovate. This, again, doesn't have to be expensive, does not be complicated. Sometimes, it might require a little tweaking of a job.

A tough job description, but holding people accountable simple, things like when we opened the innovate, our first innovation lab, the top leader, when he met with his cabinet, Tell me, what are your people doing to innovate? How have you open the pathway for innovation? And it was little thing.

Some people, I learned, that, for example, the nursing unit might be having a challenge, activating them to solve that problem, giving them a space to come do it, and then letting them tell the story as the top leader, allowing to have people to do it, and then hold them accountable.

32We saw a very dynamic process start that started with an excitement from the top, and went all the way to the frontline in an organization, and then also from the frontline, the organization, all the way to the top.

And, um, it doesn't happen overnight.

But, once the, These things are put in place, people get activated.

I have seen it in health care, education, government, them in government, I can happen anywhere. I say that respect.

Government needs animals. Yes, Andy?

Yeah, so that was the top leadership. So going down from top leadership to middle management. We want to my mantra that Karen has so lovingly coined it is the innovation kill zone.

It's what we call managers, but it's no fault of their own. But I'm telling you nobody's and dies in the middle management. And it doesn't have to. That's the good news. It doesn't have to.

So and a way to make that, it said, the innovation thriving zone, number one thing you can do is, I can act upon the leaders permission responsibility that was given.

So, when the leadership, when the C suite executives say, this is what innovation is, is what needs to happen. The middle managers are the ones that enacted in the departments, in the office spaces, in the small teams, in the large teams. The middle management is the one that says, seeing the employees face to face.

So by doing this, the middle management then creates space for conversation. What exactly are we meeting by innovation? How does this look for us? What are we expecting from this?

Because it what we saw at advent health was a lot of confusion when Phil was put in place and persisted throughout most of the the lifespan of Phil.

But it was very confusing to say to a nurse, hey, if you have a, a question, or if you have an idea. Just take that down the hall, to the innovation lab, and you will have a team that can set up a project for you. And you can create a revolutionary idea prototype, very quickly. It was very confusing, because it doesn't usually happen. So middle management creates the space for that conversation to learn about that.

And then middle management fosters the question of what's really going on here. Remember how we said in the magic sauce, ask, ask penetrating questions? This is one of the most penetrating of all what is really going on here.

Then middle management listens to the answer from the frontline and then can relay that to others and also to top leadership.

Middle management is in the middle, it's between top leadership and frontline staff.

They have a very important role because they are the first line of defense or the first barrier that innovation faces when being implemented into an organization.

It's a really cool bridge when the leader top leaders have given permission. It, it starts to, in every organization is different, but it starts to make sense when space is created. And middle management is encouraged that they don't have to have all the answers. Collaborative space begins to form. Then we look at the frontline, how does innovation thrive at the frontline?

And this, I find, I love the frontline part because they actually have the most critical knowledge, and they actually, I have found, working with lots and lots of frontline people in all different sectors.

It's like, oh, no, we can't talk, or, we're not supposed to say anything. And so, um, what I've found working with Frontline is, we built, again, bridges into.

getting them to, except the fact that they had permission and responsibility.

That, and this comments, again, as, as our top leader said, We want everyone to innovate, and we're going to discover what that means. Now, I want to say something here.

We're not talking about in innovating a whole new product that would create a whole new business model for the organization, that could happen.

But we're talking about defining innovation at the grassroots where everyone participates at the level they are. Now, we have seen, when did we get this in place, some awesome, amazing solutions that came out, or opportunities that gut embraced. That did transform.

But just so people don't think, what are you talking about, We're talking about creating a space, an actual physical space.

And now, we've learned how to do it virtually, to open up frontline, where they can start to innovate at that level.

It's low level innovation strategy, that's very powerful. So getting that frontline to embrace the progress and responsibility.

We've had people let's say, I don't think I can say anything. I don't want to get fired.

But, as the middle management, then we work with middle management to actually, what's really going on here. You know, what's going on. Can you help us see?

And this is direct, direct connection with the frontline, the customer, the end user.

And that is really where sustainability irrelevancy comes from when we really identify the needs spoken and spoken to the front of the end user and customer, and the frontline knows this. And then getting the, the frontline a place and a space where they share that information. Because we just had an experience a couple of weeks ago, where the middle manager was actually opening up space and the frontline we're sharing, they had a lot of new learnings.

And when it went to the top, leader is a widget, That's what we were thinking. We can't do that. And the middle managers, so perhaps there's no, Wait a second, We had the executive sponsor support. Please listen to our frontline new learnings.

Please and went the way we set it up.

It was the top leader was able to embrace it. And it kept them from making a huge mistake. I wish I could give you all the details. But I can't it.

But it, when the frontline is given access and it's opened up for them to share what they know, it is transformational and you might be saying, How do we do that? We're going to actually give you some information, how we did it, and, again, it works differently in every place, so we're just giving you our story, you can take it and apply it to your space to make it work best for you.

So, again, we had top leadership, middle management, and now frontline.

So, the power of an accessible innovation space.

So, what's that look like, ND?


So we, Karen helped create the Florida House Innovation Lab, and then we've created another innovation lab at the county health department. And then Karen has also helped create other innovation labs.

And what Karen, really, and I feel funny saying speaking for you here, Karen, but what you've really found, and teaches, that the innovation lab and innovation space is a powerful instrument and creating an innovative culture within an organization. But that doesn't have to be exactly physical. I mean, obviously, it can be physical, but we see it done in a mobile way, is like innovation trucks, innovation, carts, innovation, teams that have maybe the innovation lab in a backpack, innovation tools. And materials necessary to go through the whole innovation process in, you know, just just paper and pencil.

So, as well as virtual, especially right now and in ..., we're getting a little maybe to the tail end. Who knows fingers crossed. But with vaccines rolling out, people are certainly able to roll out more physical, but I don't think the virtual aspect is ever going to go away. So me and Karen, Karen and I have been honing our virtual skills and creating the virtual innovation labs. And those are doing the Orange County right now with these huge organizations, about 8000 members.

Creating a Virtual Innovation Lab is another answer, but the real thing is just creating a space, mental space, social space, physical space, for innovation, conversation and discussion, to then lead through an innovation process for outcomes and solutions. So that's, that's what's really important here.

And so, um, again, I just love to pound this in. Innovation is everyone's job every day, because it keeps us from defining innovation too narrowly. So what did we do?

Do we need the points?

Yeah, sorry, we have Get Leadership. Just needs to say, Yes, I am all, I am for an innovation initiative.

You don't have to know everything before you start. Then, you actually get, as we said, free up middle management, at some level, get them to, Again, we can do it through training. Simple training. None of this has to be complicated.

Honestly, I believe too many people make innovation too complicated.

Just telling just simply the top leader saying the middle management, We need you to create a little space for learning.

Screenshot (4)We need to get our goals. We need to hear what we keep our metrics that are of milestones, but then activate the frontline. And what I found is an embedded Innovation lab inside an organization, which could be physical space, it can be. As Andy said, mobile, it could be very simple to get people to come into this space. So, how did we do that? We're going to highlight it very quickly for you. So, I like to look at innovation in three spaces. It's launching of innovation, leading it, and then landing it.

Launch lead land, and there's learnings on all three of these spaces, but they, one leads to the other. So, if you learn how to launch, then you learn how to lead it and you learn how to land it and it becomes a collaborative effort. And it's creating an ecosystem instead of an ecosystem. It is very, very collaborative.

So, our top leader, um, put the innovation cry out.

We're going to innovate, and it says, it was the health care, and I didn't come from health care.

Several people that I had, I asked the leader, Can I have some people to help me make this so I can understand the culture? one thing they said, it's, it's a very hierarchical system.

How might we give the very clear message that there, everybody has permission responsibility and they came up, this is not my idea, They came up with the idea of a bad tree.

And we had a local artist create metal bands tree, and our people, when they came into the lab because we had a physical space, hang their badges up as A physical representation that we were moving beyond hierarchy and that we were letting permission and responsibility emerge.

Crack up to me was the artist that we asked, create the bad story.

Kinda looks like a marijuana tree. This was 10 years ago or so.

one guy from surgery so there's a good omen. But she said, it was a palm tree. But, anyway, it's just some physical artifact, that people, when they came into the lab, they actually did something to show.

We are here now altogether. And low barrier is the excess I visited some of the innovation labs before we started ours. And they were some, a lot of them were far off. Hard to get to. You had to take classes. Nobody could just go in, and I noticed that the companies said, how, we're just struggling, how to get an innovation culture going, Well, I said, let's have a low barrier, easy access. And one way we could do that was route everything an X and learnings.

So, when people brought projects into the lab, they permission from the top, middle management, we're supporting. For example, Nursing Unit brought a project in.

We didn't take any time teaching them any innovations, strategies before him. We just got them right involved in the project, using the design thinking methodology.

Design thinking is very self correcting. Very simple to apply. And it's rooted in deep empathy. And it's about 80% discovering what the problem is. And then 20% quickly iterating, prototyping, and testing it out.

And then I am asked, and every Innovation Lab I've consulted with an organization I've asked for a dedicated group of people.

5, 8, 10, depending on the size of the organization, who I could work with, Closely, train them. And they become the advocates, and then they become facilitators. In an innovation space, The, I found, when you're trying to get a low level innovation strategy, going to have dedicated people who can help facilitate, who can train people, how to, how to facilitate innovation works really well. You can get a lot. So, when we say we've done 500 projects in five years, it's because we had a dedicated staff that we taught people, and people were really running their own projects that we can oversee. I can tell you way more about that, if we had more time.

But it's, it's really exciting to see it happen, because what I've learned in the 12 years I've been involved with this, is, everybody wants to be involved in innovation at some level, and everybody's creative, and we give them a pathway through a low barriers, The access, route them in action learning, via the design thinking model. We have a dedicated group that does all from all over the organization, that can help. And then we do a simple thing, everyone that brings in a project, or an opportunity to explore.

We just simply have that the top leader has given the lower levels of from below the top leader.

If, if it's in your direct line and give if you feel it's it aligns with our strategic aspirations and imperatives give permission for the project to run. That doesn't mean you're agreeing with the outcome, just get permission for the project to run.

And then we routed the projects had deep feedback loops.

So we created what we call our formatted report out to look to executives that the project really related to, into their vertical. And then the team would come until the highlights of the project, and what they wanted to do. And at this point, the report out panel could say, yeah, we like it, or what about this. We have some questions, What? You, maybe tweak it. But, yes, let's go ahead and move forward at a low level risk prototype. And then we rooted in story and the top leader.

Let us tell the stories at Town Halls at, at different forums, at group meetings.

And it became a very dynamic process that engaged every level of the organization. And as we, people worked in design thinking language, started to change people, started to realize, you know, I don't have to go to the innovation lab. We've learned some skills we can innovate right there, department and I loved it. I, every time we've done this, we have seen innovation, activate at the grassroots. And it brought very viable information to the top.

And it created a sustainable loop, like a life loop.

And, um, I saw a lot of people are promoted when they worked on. That was unintended consequences that we would train people, they'd get promoted, like, oh, we want to keep them.

So what kind of outcomes can you expect from an embedded innovation lab that's either fiscal virtual, or mobile?

Yep, So what we saw, and just three broad umbrella, is that we wanted to highlight a highly engaged learning organization.

This is what was an outcome of an embedded innovation lab.

The organization became highly engaged, gallops scores went up, nurses, frontline staff, middle management. They understood the power that they had and the impact that they could exert on the unit, on the organization. And it was done so in a collaborative way that was very healthy. And everyone was, there was an energy around it.

Screenshot 10-1Next, there's an activated collective IQ, the creative capacity and leadership potential of all people in the organization, not those whose job description just specifically asked for it.

So they said everybody was activated in this way.

Really saw that, that once we started running it, it really tapped into the collective or IQ of the organization that created capacity.

That leadership potential across the board, and I know organizations don't like to hear this, but even the most marginalized, it gave them a voice and hope, and it just was very inspiring to see it happen.

Yeah, and then the Innovation Lab created a way for the organization to become relevant and sustainable. It was a disrupter, and internal disrupter. It was an internal thermometer was eternal temperature, check, calibrated it made sure that everyone's voice was heard.

So that if someone had a good idea, that was where their organization needed to go, there was a place for them to say it.

So these are the three outcomes that we saw from an embedded innovation lab. And we're coming up on our time soon. And just slides, we have one more slide that I just want to say a Buddhist takeaway.

If you bake innovation, your business as usual, and just don't freak out, when you say, how do I do that, just step into it.

And one, there's three things you can, questions you can just ask yourself, they're so easy, how can I help, who can I help, and who can help me?

I have found those three questions can keep us moving, and innovation is all about movement.

It's about embracing the unknown with safety, and it's, it's also embracing our mistakes and having forgiveness for ourselves and for others and we don't quite hit it, right? but keeping these questions, how can I help? Who can I help and who can help me? And that is, I think some of the first steps along with our magic sauce of making innovation your business as usual.

And, one last thing, leadership.

If leadership, the top leadership, is not engaged, you have to do some work to get them engaged, because it won't work if the top leader isn't engaged, but top leaders want innovation, and they don't always tell how to do it. So, this is a very simple way to get them going. So, thank you for joining us.

We just breeze through it, but, yes, Thank you so much, it's been fun. And last slide.

Yeah, if you want to contact us, you can contact me at andy ... dot com, or go to our website. We love talking about innovation, and we just love spreading the news of Everybody's Creative and Everyone has the innate ability to innovate. So thank you so much. We're not big salespeople. We really fascinating about the innovation process, and just, if you want to do this, my son, very honored to be working with him.

And he's done some fantastic innovation work, and we are, if you have questions, if you give us your e-mail, whatever, we're very, we're no pressure. I mean, I really want, you know, we're not here selling.

So we just wanted to let you know how much we have enjoyed the innovation process and how accessible it can be if we really look at it from the grassroots level and innovation is everyone's job every day. Thanks so much for joining and Josie. We're gonna give it back to you.

Fantastic. Fantastic, Andy. And Karen, always a great energy and the insights on your presentations related to innovation acceleration, within Fuller says, Here. Great introduction of collaborations as a foundation of innovation.

And the many other comments that have appeared during your presentation. I've got 1 1 common theme on the questions is, related to, What do you see the state of innovation, The healthcare industry right now with? So much pressure on the system with colvin and people You know, are stressed and and how does innovation find a space in an environment like that?

I think what I've noticed is if you can get an innovation start to teach innovation to people, they can carry it with them.

And the I see the problem with health care is we've had it so ramped up because it is based in best practice.

And I our goal is to seek next practice, what can we learn as covert is hitting us, and what do we need to change, and Gavin, language.

We don't always know the answers, but we can try low risk solutions. We don't have to take ourselves so seriously, and when I saw some of the hospitals I was connected with, the big thing was, we're just freaking out, no one's here to help.

We don't ever want that to happen, So while we offer, now we're just coming out of a big crisis.

But, before the next crisis happens, let us start thinking of how we can put some very simple innovation strategies Such as, um, like we said that the magic sauce, I know it sounds very simple and even a little sappy, but embrace your inner creativity.

This has been a negative judgement, asking, penetrating questions, making precise observations, but that works when we've set the environment that we can allow those things. one thing we learned, we had A in.

one of the big hostels had a big crash.

I'm telling you, if they had not had some already set up, like we're going to have a Yes and Mindset. They wouldn't have gone through it, but they said, wait, we can try this. We don't really know what, Let's just start trying it, because DIGGS, we're coming at hospitals so fast.

32Literally, bodies were being put in refrigerated trucks. It was chilling to see.

And those organizations that were able to say, what can we try, because we don't know everything. When a crisis happens, we just have to keep moving.

But keeping space for discussion, four, building on the ideas of others, and having a yes, an attitude that we wisdom lies within us, and conversation is still the best problem solving tool.

And if we can remember those things, it's really the simple things. It's not the big strategies that save us in those times.

It's the small things that we keep connected with each other, because, again, what I've seen is wisdom lies within healthcare workers.

And if they can activate that and work together, that might have been a sappy answer, but that's what I've seen, that that's, that's excellent. one other question and theme that has emerge has to do with, with the leaders themselves. It's wonderful if the leaders behind what you want to do and you want to accelerate innovation and create value that way. But a lot of times, the leaders will not admit this, but they are scared and afraid of losing control.

So, how do you approach leaders who will never admit that that's the reason.

But, by the, have, the control issue behind, that may be some of their reservations on embarking on an innovation journey.

So what my experience has been when people come to me to ask me to help them get that going, and they're not the top leader, because sometimes there's a top leader, We create stories.

We, there's some things that have worked, We'd like to get the leader just talking, and they might not at first say, Wow. This just Blows My mind. I'm too scared, but having them, what I've found is taking them on some place.

It's letting them see some innovation spaces, sharing some stories with how it worked. And to me, it's the three myths of the modern world, that trip. So many leaders up is they think that nothing is connected. Why? This is generally speaking. Not all leaders. That they have to do everything before they start and rational thinking as best.

I said, when I see everything is connected, they don't have to know everything before they start and rational thinking is good, but it needs to be combined with creative things.

Thinking so it's melding the science with the arts and that's the scary part.

So, if we can get them to say, Let's just see what some other people are doing, How's that working?

How does that fit with our culture?

Then, when you start to break it down, every leader wants innovation, because they know that's the only Lifeline they really have.

And the problem that I've seen is leaders, they, they feel they have to have all the answers. And so what I've told a lot of leaders, I'm telling you, I've talked to some I've worked with suddenly, there's a really big organizations. And they all eventually say the same thing, they really don't know what to do.

Say that respectfully. But if we say, but if you create as a way to test ideas, quickly, create a way to get information and conversation flowing across the innovate that cross organization leaders, Oh, we can do that.

And I don't lose control.

Actually, they have more control, they do that.

That's the that. We've had leaders say, Wow, we had no idea.

We actually have more control.

And they, there's such a security that comes with that. But it has to be continually reminded.

I think for us to be innovative, it's a daily commitment. You have to recommit. I'm going to be innovative today.

That's very good. And, Andy, I have a question from you with a background in anthropology, which is quite fascinating, Anthropology and looking at human behavior. It's very core. What are some of the lessons that you take from anthropology to the work that you do with innovation?

Right, so I think so, a big thing of anthropology is obviously study of culture. Thinking about culture.

It makes it hard, is It's the one thing.

We can never specifically state exactly what it is, right? It's, it's like the culmination of all of our blind spots, You know, it's like as as a white male.

There's a lot of things that I just take for granted.

And same thing, all of us do to certain degrees, And that happens in organizations, to, like, as a nurse, there's just certain things that nurse, Thanks, do.

It does says that just, it doesn't, it's habit.

So, one thing that's really fascinating for me, coming into the innovation world, is seeing how certain people see innovation as almost like a culture killer, are almost as like a cultural enemy. It's like, Wait, but we've done things this way all along, like, why would we change it? Oh, wait, you're asking me to think in a different way.

So it's been really fascinating, because I don't think those people are the, the, the things that I've heard people say.

I don't think they want to say that.

I think it's just a reaction to a change, or because invariably, the people who have been the most griping or the most offensive of always, become like, our best advocates. Yeah, once they become convinced. Or once they go through the process a few times, so that from an anthropological background, that's what I find fascinating about.

Yeah. And he's been awesome. I mean, it's also it's working with the old and the young and old. Karen, why are you changing the fonts on the Google Slides, please? But one thing, that's just more experience. That's all it is.

Well, one thing we have learned that we tell this to people all the time, self preservation is the first defense of the human experience.

And when people start realizing that on always a separate present raising, preserving mode, oh, I recognize that I can pause on that.

And it's People are innovative by nature. We just get it taught out of us.

That's what we mean by creating a safe space is it's allowing almost like, a safety net for people to understand that I am going somewhere where I will be very uncomfortable on many levels.

My My boss's boss is in this group with me, and I'm telling him what I think of his idea, or their idea, or idea. That's one of the bad tree. The basketry was awesome. And people would just say, if that's one thing, the statute would be bad.

Screenshot (4)Literally, hang up their badges.

Say, I'm checking into innovation space, and we've learned how to do that virtually, too, but, um, people, there aren't very good.

Awesome. But, they can do it. Anyone can do it.

Very good. Karen and Andy, it's always a treat to learn from you. On behalf of our global audience on healthcare live. I want to say thank you for taking the time to sharing your expertise with us today.

Being here to all the people we couldn't see, thank you for joining us to meet face-to-face. Thank you so much, guys. Thank you.

Ladies and gentlemen, that was Karen Telstra and to Telstra on creating an innovation culture in your organizations. So, always, always high energy, all these great insights, from, from those who are leading innovation acceleration in the healthcare industry today. So, great, great grateful for their, for their insights, for their collaboration. We're going to be taking a break now.

And at the top of the hour, we're going to bring a global industry expert and speaker, and Donald Cook, the president and CEO of his own company, who talks internationally about transforming health care and how we are transforming healthcare through intelligent automation specifically.

So I've had the pleasure of working with Don and a number of large initiatives. And it's always a pleasure and to learn directly from someone who has been in the industry for decades, and it has the highest level of knowledge and influence on the, on, on the industry. So, very much looking forward to that session. ICU and Donald Cook at the top of the hour, in the meantime, if you want to post updates, thank the sponsors. Thank our speakers for sharing their wisdom with us. Just go on LinkedIn, put alike in there, make a comment, and we appreciate, and I'm sure the speakers appreciate your engagement on that platform as well. So, we're taking a break for now. See you back at the top of the hour.


About the Author

more (1)-Mar-31-2021-10-00-47-42-AMDr. Karen Tilstra,
Co- Founder,
Advent Health Innovation Lab.

Dr. Karen Tilstra, Ph.D., believes everyone is creative with leadership potential. She thinks the world would be happier if everyone embraced this truth. Until that happens, she wants to help anyone who’s interested develop their inner wellspring of creativity.
Karen co-founded the award-winning AdventHealth Innovation Lab (priorly knows as FHIL), co-created the Orlando Magic’s Innovation Lab, and helped launch the San Diego State U Idea Lab. She co-designed one of the nation’s first undergraduate degrees in Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship at Rollins College.
Karen has designed innovation labs and developed design thinking teams at Santa Clara University, Pioneers International Institute, Seminole County Health Department, and Orange County. Over the last ten years, Karen and her team have facilitated over 610 Design Thinking projects for healthcare, government, universities, and Fortune 100 companies. Karen and her team have earned three innovation awards.
Karen has presented both nationally and internationally and has taught at the university level in both the US and Asia. She currently serves as an adjunct professor at AdventHealth University, and a visiting professor for Rollins College.
Karen holds a Ph.D. in Innovation and is a licensed Educational Psychologist. She holds an MA in Counseling Psychology and a BS in Journalism. She currently serves as the Executive Fellow for Innovation at the University of Santa Clara.


About the Author

more (2)-Mar-31-2021-10-00-50-30-AMAndy Tilstra,
Chief Information Officer,
Advent Health Innovation Lab.

Andy Tilstra, co-founder of Creativity Effect, is by nature is a collaborator, innovator, who’s always up for a ’safe' risk. Andy has five years experience facilitating design thinking projects in healthcare, government and universities. Andy also has extensive experience in launching and leading innovation projects for the Advent Health Innovation Lab.  
Andy is the co-author of the Orchard Model of Innovation and is currently rolling it out for both government and university sectors. Andy earned a master’s degree in Social Sciences from the University of Chicago graduating in 2019, with his thesis focusing on power dynamics of public space in downtown Chicago. Currently Andy is an adjunct professor at AdventHealth University, and is co-writing a design thinking curriculum with Dr. Karen for Rollins College Currently Andy co-hosts a podcasts. 


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