BTOES Insights Official
June 10, 2021

BTOES HEALTHCARE LIVE - SPEAKER SPOTLIGHT: Innovating the Patient Journey: A discussion to making patient experience better

Courtesy of BluePrism's Geoffrey "Duff" Glaser and ABBYY's Kenya Smith, Paul Buonopane & Matt Williams below is a transcript of his speaking session on 'Innovating the Patient Journey: A discussion to making patient experience better' to Build a Thriving Enterprise that took place at BTOES Healthcare Live - A Virtual Conference.



Session Information:

Innovating the Patient Journey: A discussion to making patient experience better

The COVID-19 pandemic has created a massive shift in how patients engage with their providers and receive care. This is forcing healthcare organizations to be agile and rapidly implement new strategies to adapt to the changing environment. How these changes will impact the patient experience, quality of care, and the health system’s finances, however, remains a major question mark. In this session, we will discuss how healthcare organizations can innovate the patient journey while maintaining operational excellence.

Key Improvement Focus Areas:

  • Patient Engagement
  • Elevated Care
  • Care team Wellness
  • Cost

Session Transcript:

Excited to welcome the facilitator for our panel discussion today.

Kenya is Myth is with us. Kenya has over 16 years of experience in marketing, solution in R&D, consulting, training, and support in the healthcare industry. She is a current Doctor of Business student at University of North Carolina, Charlotte, into hard research interests are in the areas of technology, in solution integration. Kenya, what a pleasure to have you with us. We are excited to hear this discussion about how we innovate the patient journey. So, thank you so much for you in the panel to share your expertise with our global audience today.

Thank you, Jose, and thank you for that warm welcome.

So, as Jose mentioned, today, we're going to be discussing the automation of patient journey in the impact that it's having on the healthcare industry. Today, with me, I'd like to go ahead and introduce my panelists. First up we have Matt Williams. Met: Matt is the Lead Healthcare Business Development Manager Abby. Welcome Matt.

Next we have deaf glasser. Death is a Senior Director, Healthcare Lee, Americas, and Blue Prism. Welcome to death.

And last but not least, we have Paul on a pane.

Paul is our Performance Improvement expert at Abby.

Welcome, guys. So, why don't we just take a couple of minutes to allow you guys to, to introduce yourself to the audience.

And we'll kinda start with Matt Duff, and then we'll go to Paul and then we'll jump right into our presentation, as it sounds.

Sounds great. Good morning, everyone. Pleasure to be spending this morning with you all. My name is Matt Williams. I am the Business Development. Representative Abby for our healthcare industry spent a number of my years getting started in healthcare IT, working for Cerner, leading EHR implementations, and doing business development, solving customers' problems. I'm excited to be bringing that experience working in the health care IP space, over to Abby.

Thank you, Matt.

For now, we're not able to hear your audio.

I think that you all can hear me. I am a 30 year after I say participant.

Because I started back in, the mergers and acquisition gateway city needs to be, and the operational aspects, a degree and a Master's in Business Administration say that healthcare and business acumen together than perspective to participate in today's presentation.

Screenshot 4-3Thank you. Definitely are going a little bit of feedback from your end. Hopefully we can get that adjusted. Alright. Thank you, Def and Paul.

Good morning everyone.

Pavone upon a 20 years in healthcare, started my career, Partners Healthcare in Boston.

Moved on to Deloitte for 10 years, where I was doing strategy and operations, six Sigma blackouts on a ton in performance improvement. Looking forward to the conversation today.

Alright, thanks Paul. So why don't we jump right in, guys?

All right, so so we're not typically, the back office success, and automation has been a depth and breadth of care, optimization, using RPA, process mining.

Now there has been a transition of focus for healthcare over the last few years, and really call It has accelerated that, so I wanted to first turn it over to Dan to kind of discuss how has the resurgence of telehealth impacted the patient journey?

Yeah. I think you're going to see, in the industry today is that if we change, indicated experience, that patients have had a hard time coming back to you, and that is the same reasoning goes, And trust in hospitals.

And I can tell you, from my patients, to come back to that, the House managers and the ad to make sure that they can take care of patients, .... That CMS has say, you're seeing hospitals and private practices, and assign individuals.

What this means is that you will be using that virtual to be able to access healthcare in China and India, to use digital records nation generally hand with the patient through all of the steps that the patient journey, anyway. Initiation, to making sure your insurance, as a senior services, are getting things into detention and in the industry is going, is, can we make sure that the patient journey has as many as possible? Satisfaction and the patient outcomes, patient safety and patient satisfaction. They can show that they're satisfied, because that's the union scores, which are the NCQA per day.

Exactly, the ambitions.

That answers your question.

It does. And, you know, it's actually a good segue into the next question You talked a lot about patient engagement. I'm gonna go ahead and share a couple of slides with the audience. But, Deaf, if you could kind of share with us, what are some strategies, but leveraging that patient journey, mapping to improve patient experience that you, that you mentioned, and this is a way to help people visualize the patient journey, virtual, the actual need, is that the patient has so many things to do, and if we can, Wade mentioned games. Man, OK.

Statutes. Nation steps. Now, as he has done with the processes in the back.

So when that, any site, et cetera, and making sure we produced denials and help them instead add that big data.

If you were the Shipping nations.

Customers is a ... map and identify running fast pages.

Such as that syntax going to **** process. Needs to assess. And I see is that I need to be connected because we're just moving a process. And that is ... transfer becomes sustainable in the nation of things that patient to move seamlessly through the adjoining engagement, to receive the best safest and most satisfying care.

Btog CTAIf I could jump in there. So, patient journey mapping, right, I think is extremely important, and some of the techniques I have seen healthcare organizations use is maybe even look at subpopulations of their patients. So, thinking like patients were high risk, maybe they have congestive heart failure, those are historically very high risk patient populations that you want to make sure that you are providing care efficiently to. So, things like, you know, mapping their patient journey, seeing how they're moving through the health system, and looking at opportunities for improvement. So, a great opportunity that we've seen by mapping that journey with something like process intelligence is to go in and identify, are we getting these patients scheduled for their follow-up visits?

Right. And that's something that can be done before they ever get discharged. So at that point of discharge order, let's go ahead and trigger that scheduling, let's get that patient, rapport, that outpatient visit. Like, look, if they need transportation arrange, maybe they can't provide that themselves. We can do all of that ahead of time to make sure that they're getting the care that they need after they leave the hospital. And I think that's the biggest impact with that patient journey mapping is seeing the end to end processing, what those outcomes are. And identifying where are those potential pitfalls that are causing laughs.

And, just as Paul, just to add to that, you can finally get into preferences, right.

So, we talk a lot about journey. But what's the preference of that journey?

No, as, uh, as a patient, we're all patients at one point in our lives.

Think about your experience and how you're engaged, and all the things that go through your mind during a doctor visit, the financial liability, where I'm going to park.

So how do we really get out those preferences to make that journey more successful? And to the point. How can we automate some of that to take away that, the pressure?

Well, yeah, all great examples. And, you know, the slide we have in front of us, obviously, we've highlighted at least 30 steps to automate that patient journey, but we know that there's, there's, there's probably hundreds out there. So that's, you know, great feedback, you guys.

And obviously, it's, we know it's a huge challenge for healthcare organization.

Yeah, Hey, I'm Danny ..., means, yeah, be identifying those early and the patient journey, as well as patient engagement. We identified them good things. To, say, variation should not be paid.

In addition, halfway journey high emission bouquets in that and having a vision is to get a that if anybody had anything. And that way, we can then share success ...

for the patient, and that's what Section awesome. Well, thank you to Matt and Paul. Alright, so we learned the importance of, you know, the role of automation and during the patient journey. So, I wanted to switch gears a bit, and let's now talk about process, mining, and intelligence, and all of the different types of intelligence tools that can be utilized during that patient journey.

So, with that, I'm going to ask a couple of questions for Paul and Matt.

So, Paul, well, and we'll ask you to kick this off, so, Paul, can you tell us why is process mining and intelligent tools important, especially for healthcare organizations?

So, but before we get into that, excuse me.

Before we get into the tools, let's talk about domain.

If you look at the history of health care, they've adopted a lot of best practices from other industries.

And then those other industries, they've used six Sigma.

So, in health care, there's a, there's a big, aleem initiative that's happened over the last 10 years.

So, if you look at the diagram in front of you, most people have been trained and dymek, which is a define, the problem, measure, analyze, improve, and control.

And within that, we've launched these big programs and gone in and tried to optimize, as well as automate processes, to get ROI.

Now, the challenge is, we never have the tools to do that.

So, if you think of the old six Sigma as being six, I think what process mining tools allow us to do is to get to the seven Sigma and do more or less. I think Machen essentially talk about some of the ways we do that using some of these tools.

32Yeah, Absolutely. So, Paul, you know, like you mentioned, to make is a great methodology. It has a proven track record. I think what we want to be able to do is accelerate that, right? So there's a lot of opportunity to use technology to enhance much, like, how we're using your RPA to automate different processes and enhancing the ability of providers to deliver care. And for office personnel to do the work faster process. one is helping those process improvement initiatives really accelerate. So, the great thing is, we have a lot of data at our disposal, within the EMR, within your ERP systems, and what we can actually do is take that data and reconstruct the process exactly how it happened.

So, no more or the old days of sitting, you know, going in and doing interviews, you know, doing time and motion studies, trying to figure out what is my process, we can actually pull data from those core systems and reconstruct them? Exactly how they happen. So, for example, if we wanted to map out the process from the ED, we can actually take data from your EMR, from your ERP, conducted all together with those data time-stamp. So, every time you do something within these core systems, you know, unfortunately, kinda like Big Brother, it's actually tracking when you did it and who did it. So, by taking those to date and time-stamp, you put them together chronologically and now you've got your end to end process, and that's really the value of what process mining is delivering. It's an objective view into what your processes are, and it's also a very fast view into what your processes.

So we're capturing all the different variations that those processes can have that you would never get by just simply doing interviews with individuals, and try and do it in the more, the manual approaches, like, walking the wall, or trying to put together a nice video.

Just, uh, to give you an example of that, if you have a skill, imagine you had 4000 schedulers across your entire health system that have some pockets of centralize and decentralization of how they schedule.

If I said to go map out and baseline how long it takes them to schedule, how many times they touch the account, how much it costs.

Probably take a good year. We can do that in an hour with these tools.

And that's the differentiator because you can start focusing on strategic design versus transactional design MS.

Yeah, so if you look at your screen here, right on the left, you've got your quote, unquote, traditional approaches, maybe mapping the patient journey. Right. So you get in a room with the resources, all your key stakeholders, and you walk through, what are all those different decision points in that particular process. And you probably come up with a nice Visio, like the one on the left.

The challenge is, your process is actually more like the diagram on the right. There's a lot of variations. You can see all the different ways that that process might go, and this is actually a real life example, I believe, of the E D, So you can see patients are moving through a lot of different ways. So, if you think about, I'm trying to automate it is a big piece of this process. Well, if I try and automate, maybe my, my happy path? Maybe that only gets me, you know, 40% improvement, because I only captured 40% of the patients Louis through in that particular way. We have to account for all the different variations. So, not only do we want to automate, but maybe we want to start standardizing our processes so that we get the most out of our automation investment. So that's really, the key difference here, is getting a more objective view of scientific view of our processes so that we can apply the right improvement initiative to solving those particular problems.

Possible, thank you, Matt and Paul. Great information. So, I'm gonna switch gears a little bit and kind of go back to what we talked about. A little bit earlier about automation, and I'm wondering if you guys can maybe give us some, some customer stories, kind of what you're hearing from the industry, around, what are the prime areas for automation. And I'm going to open that up and ask that, you know, all of the panelists provide their feedback that they're hearing directly from their customers. So, why don't we go ahead and start with Paul.

So, I'm hearing a lot about, I want to move to digital and move away from as much manual processes.

So, a lot of our clients and what the industry has been discussing is, how do I do that?

I've cut my resources by 50% or 40%, because a coven.

I don't have the people, too.

Look at digital processes.

So just, you know, step one, how do people access your system?

Process mining tools allow you to Basically create that blueprint.

And once you create that blueprint, you can finally see no people using my portal.

You know, do I want to put more dollars in capital in that portal.

Do I want to put some automations around that portal or are people using my call center?

So should I start thinking about using virtual assistants?

So it's really starting with a hypothesis, and trying to understand where they want to make those improvements, and then automations. So we're seeing a lot of our clients doing a lot of stuff in the scheduling space.

And we had one, actually, that just wanted to understand and baseline, they're schedulers.

So, we use our process mining tools, too.

Understand if they were just following the end to end policies that were in place.

What we find is what we think is happening, what actually is happening to two different stores.

So, I think in the access space, we're seeing a lot of attention improvement and automation.

Screenshot (4)And if I, if I can elaborate on that one. So in that particular use case, what's really interesting is, when we map those, and then processes, not only do we see some of the people behavior, but we see some of the system actions as well. We all know, when we go out and we implement, you know, our Epic EMR, Cerner EMR, there's a lot of different components that go into that. And we don't always configure it correctly. But some of those breaks are very difficult to find. So, when we've been mapped that particular, the front end process, we're looking at things like, you know, checking in the patient's, scheduling the patient, and also running those eligibility checks on the cash, and all the information. So, within that, we're actually seeing some of those system actions that are happening behind the scenes. And in that particular use case, what we saw, there was actually a break. And their eligibility system does is running too many eligibility checks. And we all know that these eligibility check cos organization's money. When you have these big batch jobs that are running for a large health systems, the thousands of patients today, those little things are going to really add up.

So we're seeing thousands and thousands, Sometimes 300 feet per patient visit, which is causing the organization's millions of dollars. So it's an opportunity to fix that, just a simple break fix. And make sure that the system is optimize or renegotiate opportunities with their, with their vendor. If they can get a more advantageous contract. So a lot of really key things come out of just understanding what my process is to begin with.

Yeah, Just spam.

And, if I can share the discussion over the past several days and mission of our customers to use the chat, I can say it has to identify the cost would be to help. Save the circumstances.

Instead of saying the expansion of functionality that enterprise automation brings joy minimization in class, willing stations today, show and chain optimization, service, management, acclimatization, advise asset, optimization. And this really engage to get these really intense a change in the United Nation to Value. And then when you go into any inside, the general ledger has had a huge problem, and it's called weak edge. And, about 10% of the annual revenue loss to engage on an annual basis, and ... patients, even the engagement, providing their services, education, his work, about 600,000 items in their lifespan to a hospital.

So, if you think that using ...

basis to patients, even today in the hospital, losing 10% on the basis, OK, the change, increase patient satisfaction and patient safety, change the patients using the same number, as well as quality of care in ...

Nation to bring the information into the right hands through a diagnosis and treatment is critical to induce a new widget and say that. Again, we're talking about the possible, what is being done today? Say, health, care. Organization That is. I mean, that's a big advance in revenue. We all have the same problems. We are challenged by making sure that we have the patient correctly and focus on those. outcomes.

So, I hope that helps.

It does, and I think everyone has done a fantastic job with, kind of, lay that foundation and providing several use case examples of automation.

Now, one question, I know we hear a lot, if I'm an healthcare organization, and I'm interested in implementing automation, in my healthcare, in my settings.

What would be the first step?

And that questions to all?

Yeah, definitely, yeah, tonight, my pages And I think the first thing is, understanding the organization ... in that, in that same point, in embracing well.

Suicide Nation Model.

You, business automation that can save, you wish to ... into the searches, and then it is facilitated technologies to help you set up a center of excellence that is committed to consume a ..., and then once that's done, we can land the ... and we'll show an animation. They transformed the innovation agenda for the Indians.

Yeah. I think just starting with just giving visibility into process, right, Using data, so before you assemble a team, and if they're on a room, let's use data to see how that organization is actually offering.

So if we look at the supply chain, for example, there's a lot of tech in healthcare right now. There's a lot of process mining vendors. But procure to pay is not the only process that runs the health system. It goes beyond that, Believe it or not.

You buy the hip implant, and then at some point, you have to store that input, the materials management system. And then from there, it goes into the operating room.

And there's a whole team that's put together to understand what's happening with that patient, what supplies they're going to use.

And from that journey, you move into charging revenue integrity and then eventually, you put that in your GL and then at some point, you see your money in the bank.

That entire process is very componentized the health systems, because there's a lot involved.

What data? We can show you that full process.

We can show you product standardization.

We can show you physician behavior. Well, more importantly, for the first time, Abby can show you the true cost of a supply.

No one can do that.

And if someone wants to challenge us to that, I'm happy to have that conversation, because integration is just as important as in EHR system.

Screenshot 4-3So we need to start looking at all these integration systems and where we can improve. And there's a ton of automation in the middle.

Are people passing reports and papers back and forth.

So Matt, anything else on that?

Yeah, I think you guys did a great job so yeah, if I could just, you know re-iterate. I think you know. Like the upset having governance is absolutely fantastic. Right. We, we know where that data lives, and having the resources are going to go help pull that information. With the use cases we've already defined, we can really hit the ground running, so within a couple hours, were able to pull that information, tell you what your processes are, and begin that conversation with all your stakeholders. So, what we feel like is really impactful is, instead of getting in kind of a room, and just brainstorming use, cases, are opportunities for improvement from scratch. How much more impactful would it be if you actually had your processes are already laid out, so that you can have a more informative conversation about where you think the opportunities are? You can start with an objective view.

And start talking about where they think they can improve, Because you're never gonna be able to replace all the information and all the great insights. That the stakeholders who live this work day in and day out are going to be able to provide. But showing them what their processes are Today. It's going to lend itself to such more insightful thoughts about where we can make improvements, where we can make automations and where we can simply just kinda standardize our processes. So, I think it's a combination of everything that we've talked about so far.

Great, awesome. Thanks, guys. So also, one other thing I'd like to hit, I know that from the industry there, there's this misnomer around you know, barriers of implementing automation.

And I really wanted to make sure that before we end or wrap this session, we talk about this as a team.

So that, you know, basically, you guys have an opportunity to provide, again, some, some use cases from your customers.

Who, who basically had maybe the same concerns with implementing around, you know, kind of cost or security concerns? Or, you know, I'm gonna have to train additional IT staff for this. So, if we could just spend a couple of minutes, kind of discussing that, again, as from all of the panelists, to provide some examples, how other other customers kind of attack those barriers. So, we'll start with, Matt.

Sure. So, I think the term that I always uses, data doesn't lie. Right? So, one of the biggest challenges we tend to see is what kind of value am I going to get from this improvement? What value am I gonna get from my automation? So by looking at our process and getting that objective view, we can actually tell you exactly what that value is going to be. Because every step in the process is going to have a cost to it. So if I eliminate certain steps, or I automate a certain, you know, between the certain steps you're gonna see either time or money savings within that process. So we've done things like looking at our UD process to see where we can make improvements. So, things like position, over, ordering behaviors, where they're over ordering certain tests, were able to find cost of those elements, and tell you exactly, what, it would be by fixing that behavior.

And the other example, which I gave you earlier, was looking at some of those System actions, that are happening too often, are looking at, you know, the scheduling behavior and theme. You know, how, how much it's costing us not schedule that patient or what have you. So all of those things, we can actually assign cost. And you can actually bring that to your leadership, and say, this is exactly how much it's going across our organization. Because of the data that we have within our system. So I think it really helps to have that data driven business case to begin with.


Yeah. Indigenous Jason showed the national ... customers, and they said. They had a digital workplace to clinic and the nation's national days, because patients became the third employee base. So they have something, digital natives.

Steering Committee, and then they had the businesses they needed as inch in presentations and results name, different kinds, asset day. They have an HR supply chain areas and finance areas, and ambulatory care center.

In doing so, to the steering committee, we had time, they can do things like, they need that, They had these rocks.

They do things that I'm very inclusive ..., because we're training us humans, because they're making convincing.

And what this inclusiveness did was creating buy in across the enterprise, the giants, in that.

Doing something in HR, name, licensing, and credentialing has seen the urbanization, $600,000 setting a hero because they, say, 600 days wise. That they're using to dangerous.

Since you're using automation to go back into HIAs and a, which is saying that he says, It seems that Nathan identified challenges also addressed and make it more inclusive, say, ... ?

Yeah, actually piggyback on that. I think one of the. So, we kinda talk about barriers to entry, but how about, you know, reaching that plateau? How do we blast past that plateau? And one of the things that we want to look at it as value realization, once we've done our initial initial initiative, you know, if we're just getting started, how do I prove out that I provided the value that I said I was going to write? And if we can prove that, if we can show data that says we were able to save the money, we're able to reduce the time to do certain actions, we can actually take that back to our leadership and say, hey, look, We've actually done this. We told you we're going to do it. We did it. Let's go out and do more things. So by having that data to tell you exactly what value you realize, that's just going to give you more and more ammunition to go back and do other niches that you want to go.

And, a good example, if you had no, 5000 patients come into the ED in one month And out of those 5000, let's say, 10% had chest pains, how many of those patients schedule the cardiology follow-up appointment?

And how many ended up back in the ED a week later?

You can't see that, you know, with traditional tools, abie timeline, when we talk about the patient journey, we can put that together to show you what patients came back.

But more importantly, we could start to think about automation.

So when a patient has a chest pain, what's on the alert to tee up a digital worker to go schedule that appointment, now the appointments on the books, and as we move closer and closer to the virtual assistants, we can send that alert to a patient's phone. Have them scheduled until they own it.

32And they don't forget about it, just not someone's scouting for.

So, self management comes up.

The ability to see how your patients and the cohorts are moving through your entire health system, allows you to strategically start thinking about different care pathways and how to get better outcomes. We just haven't had that now. We do.

That's very powerful, we need to start using the tools so we can put it down now into cost, but, I know there's a talk to a Chief Medical Officer last week.

He said the average person during covert game between 10 and £40. That means our pre-diabetes rate is probably 1 to 3 right now.

That's scary, because we cut basically are resourced by 30 to 40%, So who's going to care for all these people?

So with automation, we can start to think about how we can push self care management. That's really important.


And actually, before we wrap for questions, you guys, I wanted to give mat the opportunity to kind of discuss a very gracious workshop that we want to share with the audience here. You know, we talked about the barriers, we talked about where to start, but, you know, chances are they're still individuals in the audience that, you know, kind of still want more of an in-depth kind of look at all of the different processes we've talked about with automation.

And so, obviously, the panelist thinks, the best opportunity to do that would be to provide a free process mining workshop.

So Matt, can you, can you talk a little bit about that and kind of what audience members could expect that they are, you know, if they were to sign up for something like that?

Absolutely, absolutely. So part of the nice thing about process my name is, you know, like we talk, it's really quick results. So this is really afforded us some great advantages to working with our, partnering with our clients and helping them achieve certain objectives. So, pre, process My workshop is a great example. So, with you, we can actually sit down within a couple of hours, actually, map out a particular area that you're having problems with, and we can advise on how to get some data. And actually show you exactly, what your processes are using our process mining technology. We can actually map out one of your processes, walk through an analysis, with you to identify where your opportunities for improvement are, where we can apply some automation. And quantify the business value, we're talking about barriers to entry. How do I get started? This is a very non, committal way, very low-cost way for you all to get engaged. Start, exploring what the advantages are of implementing automation, process, mining, to help solve some of your business challenges?

It is really a low, low effort. I can't stress that enough. You know, we have these use cases, we have opportunities where we can start with. We know where the data is. We just need, you know, some resources sit down and have that conversation. So, something we're very excited to be able to offer, And, you know, if you're interested, We've got some contact information down there that we'd love to get in touch with you.

All right. Thanks, Matt. All right, and so with that, I wanted to make sure we have some, you know, we leave some time for Q&A from the audience.

And so, with that, I'll go ahead and turn it over to Jose to provide us with some questions he's seeing from the audience.
That's excellent, Excellent, Kenya. Great, great revealed by everyone. We had lots of questions coming in, so I'm glad you provided those e-mails and contacts for follow up, because people can connect directly with you on that. There are strategic, tactical questions. I'll start with more of a strategic one, in the last 12 months or more now. Healthcare has undergone massive disruptions. So the patient journey has undergone massive disruption, and it has been transformed in a lot of places. The question is not even about disruption, but dislocation, which is things that will never go back to how they used to be even if we have a 100% effective vaccine and co vid disappears tomorrow. This things changed, and they will stay with us. Question from the audience is, What would be one of those two things? There are because of coven. They will never go back. There will continue with us, and we should expect them to be part of the patient journey, going forward.

I J I was asked this question yesterday, and I gave the same answer.

one of the things that we're experiencing is the advent and the expansion of the box healthcare.

That's now attached to the CMBS fantasies, that means the targets, etcetera, which, acts and general patient care, is starting to see, continued and see, if there's going to be less, likely, to have the data being used for primary care as these innovations ramp, up, and continuing to add functionality and delivery to themselves. I know that A picture showing basit and hadn't been major centers.

Yeah, saying, now, that nation.

And they were saying. X, I, the explanation, kind of ... question.

The sand on it.

I didn't go to bed engine.

So you're going to see that change things, and I said this many years ago, the community have to, students can do many understanding planning.

Objection is something that is providing healthcare. You're going to see the culture change, not just an internal standpoint, but also from the standpoint of healthcare.

That's excellent. I'll go for a more technical question now, because we have just a little bit of time, and I want to finish with the technical question. Now. The audience, especially those organizations, that honestly, they're like, overwhelmed right now, don't talk about technology. They're going to fire you Everybody who looks like you. Because they are have lives to save, and they were like, overwhelmed, lifted day-to-day. It's hard to redesign this airplane. Why refining it?

So, the question is: I am having to start a little bit of breathing room in some areas where I'm considering technology I don't even know what robotics process automation means. I mean, do you mean you're gonna have some hardware robots around? We know it's not that, but that's the view of a lot of people, still in healthcare.

Screenshot (4)Question is, RPA process mining, or kind of foreign concept show, a lot of people in healthcare is still. And if you're starting your journey, I mean, where, what would you tell them to kind of, like, stepping in into this, into this journey of digital transformation? You start with RPA to start a process mining. I know this can be a long discussion, but if you can give me kind of a quick snippet on that.

Sure, So, yeah, I can go first. You know, I think the nice thing is, we've got partners out here who work really well together. So, I don't think it's either, or, I think at the joint value proposition, so, we come in together, and this is kinda what I was talking about before, is we try and make this as easy as possible. things, like these three process planning workshops that have that conversation with you. Figure out where your opportunities for improvement actually are. So, it really begins with that conversation. I can't tell you specifically where your opportunities for improvement are, but what that conversation we can arrive at an opportunity And actually show you using some of the data, and from that, you know, is their opportunity to actually do automation with, with RPA. So it really starts with a conversation. I would say don't be scared. There's tremendous value out there. I think we've highlighted 12 different use cases where we're seeing, you know, six figure roy out there that you can achieve very quickly. So, it's low hanging fruit that you can go tackle.

So, I would say, you know, don't be afraid, let's have a conversation, and we're going to be able to deliver value.

Thank you very much, we have other questions, I'm going to ask the audience, Make sure you connect with the session that Kenya, and the team has shared with us about process mining, and they will talk about RPA, and other technologies in there, as well. So, please make sure, you, you, you, you attend this session, learn more, and ask the experts directly about about this questions. Can you have Paul Duff and Matt? Thank you so much for sharing your tremendous expertise on this incredible journey in healthcare transformation and technology.

Thank you.

Ladies and gentlemen, that was Abby and Blue Prism, on the patient journey, innovation, tremendous insights from experts on the technology, But also the organizational side, who understand what it takes to implement technology effectively and, and create value. For all stakeholders, doctors, nurses, administrators, and patients altogether on that, on that patient journey. That has been so significantly impacted by, Michael, that we are going to be taking a break now.

And at the top of the hour, we're going to have the leaders from the Institute for Healthcare Excellence talking about one of the most prevalent issues and barriers for performance in healthcare, And it's not technology.

It is people and the burnout that's going on in healthcare right now around the world already exist the ... and it has been intensified with the demands of covert treatment and the and the emotional toll, and everything that goes with that. So, the Institute for Healthcare Excellence is going to talk to us about culture, to promote individual and team thriving resilience, and peak performance, especially in times of uncertainty in rapid change. Like the ones that we're facing right now in the healthcare industry, globally, you do not want to miss that. We'll be back at the top of the hour. Thank you.


About the Author

more (1)-Mar-31-2021-09-15-34-11-AMGeoffrey "Duff" Glaser,
Sr. Director, Healthcare Lead, Americas,

Geoffrey “ Duff “ Glaser lives outside Boston, MA with his wife Dr. Laura Myers and two kids Lauren and Garrett. He leads Healthcare at Blue Prism, responsible for combining technologies to build Intelligent Enterprise Workflows that transform Healthcare.

Outside of work, he can be found hiking with his five rescued dogs, supporting his Hockey infatuated children and writing the quintessential book on “Environment Friendly Cooking”.


About the Author

more-Mar-31-2021-09-21-37-20-AMKenya Smith,
Solution Marketing Manager, Healthcare,

Kenya brings over 16 years of experience in marketing, solutioning, R&D, consulting, training, and support – all within the healthcare industry.

Kenya’s research interests are in the areas of technology and solution integration. The healthcare industry continues to experience a significant degree of consolidation, with healthcare organizations combining to achieve greater market power. Kenya plans to analyze this trend extensively and develop case studies for how ABBYY solutions can help address solution integration deficits.

Kenya is a current Doctoral of Business student at the University of North Carolina in Charlotte. She also holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Information Systems and an MBA from Meredith College. Kenya currently resides in Charlotte, North Carolina, but you can find her visiting friends and family every chance she gets in her hometown of San Diego, California.


About the Author

more (2)-Mar-31-2021-09-22-55-40-AMPaul Buonopane,
Process Improvement Expert,

Paul has spent over 20 years in business intelligence, process mining and analysis and process automation technologies.

He holds a Six Sigma Black Belt and has worked extensively with process improvement and automation teams focused on managing complex revenue cycle and business operations, achieving financial and strategic targets at leading management consulting firms such as Deloitte Consulting. 


About the Author

more-Mar-31-2021-09-15-54-31-AMMatt Williams,
Lead Healthcare Business Development Manager,

Matt Williams the lead Healthcare Business Development Manager at ABBYY. He’s a Continuous Process Improvement Yellow-Belt and will be moderating today’s discussion.


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