BTOES Insights Official
November 27, 2020

BTOES From Home - SPEAKER SPOTLIGHT : The Document is Dead – How Digital Blueprints Radically Accelerate and Scale the Design & Delivery of Process Automation

Courtesy of Blueprint Software System's Matthew Dodgson, below is a transcript of his speaking session on 'The Document is Dead – How Digital Blueprints Radically Accelerate and Scale the Design & Delivery of Process Automation' to Build a Thriving Enterprise that took place at BTOES From Home.

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Session Information:

The Document is Dead – How Digital Blueprints Radically Accelerate and Scale the Design & Delivery of Process Automation

Going from a handful of bots to an enterprise-wide intelligent automation strategy is no mean-feat, and the global pandemic has only fast-tracked the priority placed on process automation.

However, most organizations are still struggling to speed up and scale their RPA efforts because they’re stuck using slow, archaic, and error-prone methods – aka manual documentation - to design and communicate automated processes.

Discover what’s possible when you ditch your documents (PDDs, SDDs, etc) and embrace Digital Blueprints - a radically different (and better) way of designing and communicating processes for automation. By using Digital Blueprints, enterprise organizations can significantly accelerate RPA delivery, improve process quality, and reduce the ongoing maintenance of automated processes.

In this session you’ll learn:

  • How and why documents are the biggest blindspot preventing you from scaling RPA
  • What a Digital Blueprint is and how it can be used to dramatically improve andaccelerate process design from the ground up to power an enterprise-wide intelligent automation strategy
  • How to quickly build Digital Blueprints using dynamic and autonomous process design (think auto-complete) and automated build capabilities, and then sync your Digital Blueprints into your RPA tool of choice for development
  • Case Study: How one Fortune 500 Health Insurance organization is leveraging Digital Blueprints to successfully deliver higher-quality automations in a fraction of the time it took with documents

Session Transcript:

Hello everybody and welcome to this webinar entitled the document instead how to accelerate and scale development using digital blueprints my name is Tony Higgins I'm the chief product evangelist here at blueprint and I'm joined by Matthew Dodgson I'll let matt introduce himself hi there everyone my name is Matthew Dodgson I'm the head of global solution engineering at blueprint and today I'm going to be providing you some insight and perspective from our clients as they've worked with us to deliver value with their organizations.

Thanks Matt, so let me start out with and of course this is an rpa focused webinar let me start out with the promise of rpa because there are lots of promises and uh you know people have been extracting lots of value with no question from rpa and there is a long list and it varies depending on your source but these three tend to uh be common across them one is just speed to value.

RPA really does represent quick wins that's you know the whole promise of it is that we're talking weeks and months versus years whereas in the past we used to have to engage the it group and everything seemed to be a project and the projects were in phase one and phase two and phase three and everything seemed pretty heavy and and It quite frankly was you know pretty overloaded organization and they're gonna be dealing with a prioritized backlog.

They just you know very often never get to the things that so many of the business stakeholders need because they're smaller and further down in the list and being able to empower themselves to deliver their own solutions on the business side represents quick wins so that certainly was one another one was increased efficiency along the lines of what I just mentioned not having to engage a separate group or at least not having to engage them as much being self-empowered being able to distribute.

That across different lines of business represents improved productivity and accuracy because we're not playing telephone tag with you know trying to communicate requirements we're able to implement our own solutions or at least within a smaller group and then finally optimize cost the ability to re reduce the cost of routine tasks so when you have and there are so many tasks and considered routine repetitive not terribly mindful but it's necessary.

Screenshot (48)-1Work that needs to get done that can actually be offloaded onto what we're now calling digital workers being able to be built and fielded and deployed and operated through rpa platforms representing a reduction in cost for those types of tasks freeing people up to do you know more significant work uh so these are just top three and in many cases these are enough reason to go with RPA.

There are more reasons as well but these are some of the prominent ones so even though there's so much potential so much promise with organizations who have gone down that path started you know knocking off the the uh or automating rather the low-hanging fruit as it were the obvious ones that you know could be automated could provide those returns in a quick fashion that were highly repeatable of course we want more and more and more we try to automate more tasks we get more digital workers or bots we try to go larger processes more end to end etc and we start to hit a wall or you know at least speed bumps and start to encounter.

Some of the negative effects and these are just some as reported by deloitte and eny specifically 63 percent reported by deloitte of organizations not meeting delivery deadlines and 50 of our pa projects are failing to meet their objectives as reported by eny and again this is as we try to do more automations as we try to do scale it up to more complex automations is when we start encountering these challenges and you know the shine starts to wear off.

So we wanted to dig a little deeper into you into that and this is one representation we have of it so basically when we're talking about automatic automating and deploying uh rpa solutions we're really talking about automating work obviously so that's tasks or work being done by many workers and to do that work they're using systems through a user interface etc and then we make investments in an RPA platform and what we're trying to do is automate those tasks so step one is we first need to understand what what what you know what is the work that people are doing what are those tasks and there's different ways to collect that information but most often still today what we see is things you know very manual we're doing interviews.

We're talking to those end users hopefully a cross-section of them because nobody does the same job exactly the same uh surveys observations uh we've even witnessed people doing you know recordings with their iPhone of people doing their tasks pretty much anything that they can get their hands on to just understand how are people doing that work today so that's a lot of very unstructured disparate data coming in from those observations and surveys etc and recordings the other thing that people tend to do to try to get a good handle on current state or as is is not just speaking with those users or end users or observing them but looking at and pulling in other information like the documented processes that these people are supposed to be doing right and a lot of the decisions that are being made by those people when doing their tasks are really because of policies that are in place or rules or controls or even regulatory obligations governing how people work and that information is held in yet again more unstructured data things like vision diagrams. Lots of documents even spreadsheets etc.

so these are the kinds of sources that you know the individuals say subject matter experts they go by different titles to understand current state are drawing from and then when they pull that information in they have to make sense of it so they have to you know try to piece things together reconcile it stitch together a picture of what that current state is once they understand that then they turn their attention to all right now.

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What do i want it to be because in so many cases we're not really trying to just replicate what people do we want to make it better so we want to optimize processes maybe even transform them more dramatically and all of that work i just described pulling it together analyzing it stitching it together and then designing the future state what do i want the processes to be when automated by a digital worker all that work tends to be happening today again with unstructured assets like documents and one of the most prevalent documents is called a pdd or process definition document very common in fact most of the rpa vendors recommend that that be the you know primary means of documenting or specifying what it is we need to do.

So you know not surprising sure this works for smaller automations but when they start to scale up and get larger and you start to bring in things like i say rules and controls and policies in the organization and stitch it together and try to apply this to larger end-to-end processes this becomes very unwieldy very hard to maintain and especially when things change that's usually when it all really cracks and starts to fall apart so this is what we have observed more often than not as one of the issues that really drives those statistics. I was just showing you and so at this point I'll turn to matt and just say is is how does this mesh with what you've observed yeah and and just to give some context you know many of our customers many of the folks that I'm talking to why they don't have this exact set of documents they're always centered around you know a pdd or a design document of some sort now the data collections um you know where they get the details of the process tends to still um be manual even though there is a desire to go more automated we have many uh folks who are starting to to look at those but a lot of them still do interviews they take screenshots for the pdd and all this again.

This manual stuff is kind of baked together in a document and you know even more the source of all that process information um is still coming from vizio in almost all cases that's that's 90 of the situation for for most of our customers and of course you know all of those policies the rules which are kept in different systems you know to be pulled in and some of those they they're being built by themselves built by the individual groups individual teams as they go through this so there's a lot of manual hard work and complex work that's being done okay thanks the the other thing i wanted and which is actually on the next slide here is just to recognize that you know the landscape is changing somewhat and and one area that's under change is on the left hand side and that is how we're identifying or gathering data about current state and as i mentioned still today.

Most of the ones we see is manual but it is changing there are specific categories of tools now being applied specifically process mining and task mining some folks call it discovery but the process mining you know they vary but to a large extent they're they're parsing the logs of enterprise applications uh and there's several examples we've just shown some here and another is task mining where we're actually recording.

What the user does you know at the keyboard and mouse and taking screenshots of how the system responds so recording that actual interaction of the human with the system performing their task so we can do those recordings and mine that and in both cases that's a lot of data hence the word mining and that's why they call it mining it really is a data analytics job that's being done there but at the end of the day it provides far more coverage looks at all the different you know edge cases that are happening and you get of course statistics how long it takes people to do those tasks because it's being recorded and also um how often they do what the frequency etc so lots of good things happening there and lots of issues as well but i'm sure they'll get sorted but that's that's something that's evolving.

So i'll turn them out one more time are you seeing this very often yeah so we don't see a lot of mining tools but there's a lot in terms of in production but there's a lot of pilots and proof of concepts going on many in many organizations there's actually multiples that are being looked at and they they tend to cover those two different you know or multiple areas where there's process mining tools are being looked at as well as task mining solutions being looked at in in parallel um but the interesting thing is it's it's almost a lot of these organizations are facing the opposite problem where today um they suffer from not enough information it's hard to get but what what they're finding is that these tools are producing too much information is really hard to sift through and they're really having a tough time.


You know at the opposite end of the spectrum with making you know getting a kind of good signal to noise ratio but they'll see that's that's kind of the challenge right now is how um how informative these solutions can be to really drive a lot more of the automation focus right now very good points and and i guess the final point I'll make before moving on is that I already described the issue that we're seeing in the center which is analyzing all the data coming in and figuring out current state and then designing the future state to your point that just exacerbates the problem because these tools are really good at producing lots of data.

So it makes the center job even more difficult as we try to analyze and design so the next thing matt was good enough to provide um actually some slides of some actual automations that has been encountered and i'll let you speak to these uh and we're going to use this as kind of the basis for drawing a comparison of how blueprint would handle it but i'll start with you just tell me when you want me to advance yeah absolutely so this is an example of something that um you know i was working on with a customer um they specifically.

You know here's an example of something they were building in blue prism um you know this is obviously you know some of the information that they'll commonly have but this particular one there was obviously a workflow that was being put together with multiple tabs and if you uh flip to the next slide you know there's there's typically in this case here there was you know many sheets for one automation there's many tabs to help break down you know these comp these these tasks into more detailed steps um in the individual tasks.

You know now for this session we're actually just going to look at this one uh page it's pretty straightforward but obviously they tend to get much more detailed and very busy now if you look closely at this process you can actually see in the middle we actually check for residency in this case in this case it's being checked for uh for a UK resident and after the robot checks um for something called isas and then their branches depending on the results so what's interesting and if you actually flip to the next slide you can see a bit of you know here's the pdd we actually used to create that bot now this was created by the business stakeholders facilitated by subject matter experts and as with most pdds the process to be automated is captured in this tabular form you know that describes the different user actions.

You know there's screenshots showing what the system should look like in response to those actions you know this is a very tip this is very typical across the different automation groups you've been working with you know the the use of the pdd that is now the process you see here is one that was attempted to automate in blue prism in the blue prism diagram we just showed now here you can see um where we are actually checking for isa and before before that we're checking for age not for residency as it is in loop in the blue prism process so this is a very simple example of the types of issues that this customer was facing and that continue to happen for many of our customers things are kind of things are missed or evolved between.

You know the process design document and implementation for a variety of reasons including simply just being missed in the human element but this is just normal we know it's going to happen and they knew it was going to happen um they you know though there was a lot of hard work and reviews that went into this a lot of it a lot of these things are caught but some always end up sneaking through and this was just one one example of it and there's not much that you know uh our not much folks really found that.

They can do about this no matter how many sets of eyes you put on it just the nature of trying to review that document now another source of error uh which causes caused them a lot of problems is the various rules policies controls and even regulatory obligations you know many of these things applied um are on the workers shoulders uh were where humans were you know doing the work you know they've trained people on procedures and had humans checks and balances it wasn't perfect but they got by now in the Russian excitement of having robots to take over this work.

There's there hasn't been a lot of thought or checks to ensure that all these things that are covered off um by humans are actually being mapped into how the digital workers are doing things um it's something that you know uh that this is something that the customer was specifically working on but again there's not much that they're able to do about it you know they try to capture the documents and ensure it gets factored in and sure.

It's not missed what's really hard though is dealing with the updates one of the biggest challenges this customer was facing was dealing with the updates when any of those rules policies or regulations would change they didn't know the automations would be effective sometimes the change is happening and people are talking about it but they don't know which automations are going to be affected and this is a really really really big challenge you know i put this one up because this is an actual one that did change and they lost track of the robot that they saw earlier was actually affected you know one day it was noticed and after that it was excluded exclude a whole bunch of the applicants incorrectly so it that's the challenge with the digital workers is when they stop working they just suddenly stop and it's not easy to kind of trace that down okay thanks very much matt um basically.

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What I'm gonna do now is show you what we would do with blueprint just right out of the gate and then I'd show you you know in a moment how we would do it from scratch but but even with the bot you just showed for example this is blueprint by the way for those that haven't seen it before and matt was nice enough to provide us with the exact same process and what we're able to do first of all is we can import from any RPA platform and other sources but in this case we're going to pull in from blue prism that's what that's the platform that the bot that Manchester showed was in so blueprint is able to reverse engineer as I say bots for many of these platforms and we can in fact forward engineer to any platform as well so we become kind of a generic layer above any set of rpa platforms if you will but this is the exact same process that we have reverse engineered.

You can see the isa is ready step or check for isas rather the uk resident i mean i would argue had you built this in blueprint from the first case you wouldn't have missed the age one but we'll see about that um the first thing that you're able to do again is bring it back this the next thing i want to focus on is with blueprint what i'm able to do is click this button over here and that invokes what we call intelligent recommendations so that does a semantic-based search across our repository of processes and other things like policies rules regulations to find things that are have a high probability of being applicable to the process in question and so it's returned a few things now we could go click on these and go investigate in this case a policy and a rule etc etc to see what applies but if we make that decision that yes indeed this does apply.

We can just select these and then automatically with a click link them in so now that policy and rule are you know tethered if you will to this process so should the policy or rule change in the future we'll know exactly what processes are potentially impacted namely this one or this being one of them so that was just something we can do immediately with processes or you know robots robotic processes you've already built that are in production.

We can reverse engineer them and instantly start to provide value but if i rewind and just say look how would we do this from the beginning let me just show you some of the capabilities of of blueprint to facilitate that analysis and design activity for robotic processes so first of all we can start at a very very high level in blueprint in this example i'm starting with a customer journey again from the perspective of the customer and of course we want to facilitate and support that at every stage of the journey so it of course what we do in the business needs to be aligned with that so you can look at these phases or stages.

We have them laid out hierarchically so everything's nice and organized we can drill in in this case i'll just drill into onboarding so we can see the details of the work that is needed to be done by the various stakeholders in the company to support onboarding of a new customer in this case in the banking sector it'll involve know your customer kyc regulations and many other aspects but that's the first thing that we're able to do and of course that decomposition can continue.

So we can continue to drive it down there's no limit to the number of levels we can drive down in terms of level of detail so i'll just turn them out real quickly have you seen or witnessed folks drawing out their processes you know at higher levels to facilitate automation at the more detailed level absolutely this happens every time and they actually look a lot like this um many of them follow strict uh you know uh guideline or strict notation rules like bpmn but some groups honestly just just capture process in you know a very organic way just with how people are accustomed to drawing things okay um go ahead sorry all right i don't know what i was gonna say the other thing is they they're you know just to give you some context what we're talking about before they're all in vizio um you know which is a whole other conversation you know trying to maintain them becomes this huge overhead because usually they're created on the fly and then they're not updated and they're just stuffed into a sharepoint site or a file repository somewhere and only pulled out and dusted off um you know months or years later yeah no that's a very good point and and as we were saying earlier.

What we're seeing is you know as as folks accumulate more and more and more of those diagrams but really what ha it's hard enough but really what you know as those things start to change or things around them start to change that impact them that's typically where you know people can't keep up if you will and where the value of blueprint comes in so one thing i was just about to show is as you decompose these processes and get more and more detailed it's along that journey that you start to make decisions about what am I going to do with this aspect of the process i've picked on one thing here just selected it but any of these you could you know make the choice am i going to keep it a manual process and just optimize it in other words maybe reduce steps from i don't know 15 to 10 or do something different or am i going to automate.

It is another choice you make so for purposes of demo let's say i take this risk rating approval and what i'm going to do is i'm going to make this a robotic process so we can designate it to be a robotic process and then drill in to specify its detail so it's at this point that we call this this is unique to blueprint this is what we call a digital blueprint it's a very powerful diagram first of all it's very simple to collaborate on anybody can understand.

This there are only you know two shapes and it's very intuitive but it's also has a lot of power behind it which I'm going to show you yeah just one thing to chime in here tony if you don't mind um just to kind of reinforce um you know this was an area specifically that a lot of customers were you know were very eager to understand um essentially.

You know um they have these processes and parts are automated and parts are human one of the common things they're always asking is you know does this mean they can flag parts of the process that can be automated with rpa and which parts are human so they can start to kind of organize and keep them sorted that's that's exactly what this is so it's kind of a big picture view and as you think of end-to-end processes right in a business.

They span a whole lot of you know function business functions and again some of those are very amenable to automation others not so much right so it will be a mix of human activity and hopefully as many automations as we're able to do but in blueprint you can do that allocation and maintain it so basically what we'll do now is show you one other thing is that if you recall in that pdd document.

That matt had shown which is pretty common people usually express in the document a process which is a set of rows in a table outlining the user actions but also the system reactions in the form of a screenshot well blueprint's able to capture that as well so here's the user actions the big box the small box or the system reactions and we can even show the screenshots as well so all the information is captured but in blueprint.

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I can expose it or hide it depending on what I'm needing to do at that point in time but it's all there the other thing that blueprint's able to do is associate or tether like i showed you before with the policies and regulations you know things like that but that you know there really is no limit on what those could be so again business rules regulations policies controls or non-functional requirements like we're seeing here so I love to jump in on yeah sorry tony not to jump in on you but um i i wanted to kind of echo something that one of the customers had commented on we were going through this and they basically said.

You know this diagram pretty much replaces the heart of the pdd which which is the process you know they wanted to confirm that that was their assumption good point and obviously absolutely yeah and that was our intent when building it i mean we're basically saying digitize the pdd you know it's well beyond the time to get out of documents which are a very poor means to manage information and you know be in a digital platform with you know a database behind it with versioning and the ability to maintain things and track things and have audit and so on and so forth and that's what blueprint really is and this being an example of that the other thing we can do is add additional information if relevant.

So for example i have this know your customer or kyc risk assessment guide that is applicable to this aspect of this banking function which is assessing risk ratings for example and we don't want to miss that the other thing is again we can have traces at a very precise level this time so for example whereas that attachment and the other links that i had were to the process as a whole in this case this regulation dealing with an authentication policy has to do with this very specific step which is looking up risk in a system so we can so we can basically have these relationships to a very fine level of precision so I'll just ask matt is this again is this something you've encountered or seen as something that that's valuable to folks.

Yeah this is one of the areas that every one of our customers and clients we've worked with um are challenged with which is you know every one of their bots have some dependencies they can't get away from it um and some of them are are just you know there's they're littered with dependencies and regulations at every corner and keeping track of those just turns into really a forensic exercise when the business change happens and then ultimately starting to you know dig up what processes automated or human are actually impacted by that is a whole other level of work right yeah i mean the most frequent you know tool I've seen used for this is quite honestly spreadsheets.

People trying to maintain linkages through that means absolutely we can all picture what that's like uh the other thing is that having it in a platform like blueprint uh means you can collaborate with people so there's a whole discussions area here once again with a level of precision so this conversation happens to be going on it this you know about this particular aspect of the process you can also have conversations on the process as a whole but any specific.

Step you can even have conversations and the good thing is you can bring anybody in uh it's email enabled so one of these people could be you know interacting or in the conversation using their device their iphone for example and then also these are recorded we can close them off right when closed it's kind of pushed to the background but it's never deleted so we can always refer back to them at a later time and really what these represent are these discussions and once they're brought to conclusion these are the the rationale or the the reasons.

Why we made the decisions we made in other words how did we get to this diagram and very often you'll find that's captured in these conversations so it's great for you know after the fact new people coming on board to get familiar or even referring back and again answering that question why did we why did we do this yeah and i can provide some detail here some testimonial from from a few of our customers um they have been floored by you know having this level of background information captured directly beside the process.

They're automating their their use of revisiting these debates so many times and they've seen a huge just value in not having to constantly dig through email archives or you know conversation chats to figure out you know what they discussed and rehashing those conversations okay so um the other thing we wanted to go through just before we move on is the fact that since we're on the right hand side just to show you that there's also uh version history.

So everything in blueprint including this diagram whenever anybody changes absolutely anything about it it captures a version in the background so we can always go back in time see who did what you know when did they do it and uh we can go back and look at those old versions what did it look like back at that time and even revert to it as well if we wanted to roll back time uh that's a possibility as well and do comparisons and so on.

So that's the kind of thing it's just unheard of in in you know if you're keeping your information in document form for example so once we've done this and we've we've gone through a whole lot so this automation that we've specified it's aligned with the higher level business processes so we know where it fits in even all the way up to a customer journey and how it supports that journey it's accounted for all those enterprise dependencies and constraints things like you know regulations and uh standards and policies and non-functionals and so on um and we've arrived here you know in a collaborative fashion with our with our colleagues as you mentioned or as i showed rather what we're able to do now is automatically transfer this now to your rpa platform of choice.


So in this case I'll pick blue prism yet again to keep the common theme and we can push this over to blue prism so once it's over there we can log in and here we are in blue prism and we can see essentially what has arrived so this is the information that we pushed over if we open up we can see here's the process exact same process just rendered and drawn how blue prism draws it but it's the same information so and this is a pretty straightforward bot but they get obviously more complex so the first thing that the recipient needs to do is understand it.

So they of course can you know read this but another thing they can do is follow this link back to blueprint and one reason you'd go back to blueprint is to hit this button and it transforms it automatically into a storyboard so with blueprint they can understand the process through this means as well as just reading the process diagram which is a very powerful way to do that so would this be something that you believe the customers or you found the customers have found usefulness in yeah this is an area that they've you know that they've seen a huge help in bringing the business folks and technical folks together to really really align them especially now with everyone being you know kind of uh remoted out to their own home office.

You know this is the kind of thing that that's central to to actually driving a review process actually yeah no it's a very good point um so the other information just to finish off that that that we provide automatically down and this is again what we call the digital blueprint which is that process and all the details around it but all the supporting information so recall we had a couple of non-functionals related so they're here as well and basically they provide a link black back into blueprint so if you navigate that it'll pop up a blueprint window giving you the details of that non-functional that you know we need to support in that automation.

So these are again are things we don't want to miss when we're building it because they're going to surface at some time and we want to deal with them when we're building the bot not have them be surprises once it's out in production for example and it even handles those precise traces so every step that has additional information will have a folder so this particular step about looking up risk if you recall had that trace to the authentication policy once again we can follow that link to see the details of that policy as well and another thing that blueprint does in addition to providing that digital blueprint again guaranteed to be aligned with you know higher level processes and account for enterprise dependencies the other thing blueprint does is automatically generate and provide tests so with any of the processes blueprints able to automatically generate functional tests that have 100 coverage of the bot process but also it generates acceptance tests in the form of gherkins.

That you can drive test automation through technologies like you know cucumber or spec flow for example so again these are automatically generated from the processes so there's you know no added work uh and they of course can be provided to whoever is you know going to be testing those automations before they go to production but also we found the developers can benefit from these as well yeah and it's worth i think it's worth saying you know back this up a minute and really explain where those tests come from because I've had you know a lot of folks that are so focused on the automation and getting things built that when it comes to validating that things were built correctly it becomes an afterthought.

Yeah exactly so so again this information and that's what makes these digital blueprints so powerful it's embedded in the structure of that digital blueprint and the information that's in it right so we reverse engineer as i mentioned before from the bots we take all the information we can get from that and other you know sources that i mentioned but embedded in that blueprint both that's why it's a structured diagram from that is is what we're able to use to generate this information because at the end of the day that blueprint is a specification and the specifications drive implementation they describe essentially.

How the automation's supposed to work so of course that needed to be provided to the rpa developers so they can make it do that but also at the same time that information in a different format ie functional test format and acceptance format provided to the testing community yeah and that's super awful i mean this is the kind of thing um that really accelerates the testing for our customers i even had one that basically said to me i didn't even know you could do this kind of thing you know in technology so they were super happy and excited to get this you know made available to their team all right okay let's move on.

So basically here I'm going to show you something else where we can essentially log into blueprint now we've fast-forwarded let's say we've built the bot it's out in production it's running along and the one unfortunate thing that tends to happen with bots is they break for different reasons changes in the environment uh or they need to change and due to you know as I said changes in things like those enterprise dependencies if if uh corporate policy changes business rule changes it's the bots that are implementing those or needs to comply with those so if those things change the bots need to change as well and part of the struggle is figuring out okay this corporate policy just changed what automations in my large enterprise are potentially impacted and that's not a simple question to answer in most cases that that we've seen.

So what blueprint allows you to do when you log in is you can head over to the dashboards view and we can have basically a running list of change notifications so these are changes that have occurred to various policies regulations rules and so on summarized at the top and we can use the top as filters so i can say just show me the regulations and only those that are of high severity so that's filtered us down to this regulatory change authentication so this is the regulation that has changed if i click on it takes me immediately over to an impact analysis view so blueprint as i showed you earlier has all these linkages all these relationships across the information.

This is just a visualization of it from the bandage of that changed regulation so very quickly you're probably going to want to filter this down i only care about robotic processes right now so if i apply that filter so with a couple of clicks this shows me instantly should this regulation change these are the automations potentially impacted out of all the automations i have yeah and just to give you some uh you know some context around that this is exactly what our customers were challenged with when they need to they need to understand the challenges with their dependencies.

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You know and specifically how do they figure out which automations are effective affected by their dependencies and this you know they're basically saying this can instantly tell me where to go look for impacts that's exactly what it does basically leveraging those relationships i showed you before and that's part of the key value of of blueprint is being able to because we're holding the information in a digital platform because we're establishing and helping you find relationships and maintaining them for you over time you can then leverage it and get the benefit and here's an example of the benefits you can get so so knowing the bots potentially impacted.

What we're able to do is uh alert the owners of those bots hey a regulations change that may impact the automation that you are an owner of so please you need to go look at the change see if it does indeed impact your bot if so how and you know make remedy so we can send that alert off now the various owners of these bots have now been alerted i'm going to log in as one of those bot owners in this case Nancy Davidson Nancy would go to her personal dashboard see the alert that came in so she's aware there's a regulatory change that may affect her bot not only do we identify the bot she may own several we identify the actual step in the bot that's impacted because as i mentioned before we maintain relationships to that level of precision with the comments that i applied.

So we can use this information then to navigate into whichever rpa platform you happen to be using to that step level so here is the step it's the lookup risk in ncaa rating system step here is the regulation or a link to the regulation that has changed the portion of the regulation that changed so now what nancy needs to do step one is well what changed in the regulation again she can follow that link as before here is the current representation of that what it is now well what was it before what changed well blueprint version controls everything.

So we can go back in time even do a redline difference so with that she can see precisely what changed so now that she knows the source and nature of the change she's in a position to assess does that how that impacts the bot make any changes redeploy so that's really what blueprint does so to to and the benefits it provides as opposed to what most people as we said are doing today which is trying to use all this unstructured you know data like documents to to do that analysis and design activity they're trying to essentially do everything.

I just showed you in the platform but doing it with things like word visio excel and trying to keep a handle on that and not surprisingly you know as things scale up and it doesn't take long that just does not cut it anymore so effectively blueprint is digitizing that whole process from beginning to end we have automatic integrations into these sources and as you saw we can automatically deliver these blueprints out to the rpa platform as a very sound you know foundation to start the rpa to the automation implementation and the testing of the automations as i mentioned and one of the things i can share is in every single one of the customers that we've you know both brought on to blueprint blueprint as well.

Show blueprint this kind of transformation um has been you know uh huge for them it's it's actually very unexpected they didn't know that there was technology out there that could could provide the support and really aid them in this gap this challenging space they've been constantly finding new ways uh of applying this and seeing where they could drive you more value as they start to extend beyond you know the benefits to driving that automated integration with blue prism as well as generating test cases and getting a whole acceleration in that group too great well thanks matt and and just to wrap up.

Couple of points I've mentioned this term digital blueprints i've tried to describe it and show you but let me just summarize because it is right at the core of what we do it is really i guess you'd say the unit of value in the product ultimately and and these are these literal blueprints of the automation that you want to build with all the power that's behind them so um they're very accessible they were designed to you know designed for essentially non-technical people to sit at the table and collaborate and and and what we found in practice is that tends to be true like i said before literally it's two shapes on the diagram every we've yet to see anybody.

Who can't sit down understand have a conversation collaborate with others to arrive at the best optimal solution in terms of a process flow so it's highly collaborative especially when in the platform when we can converse with each other there's there's even all the way down to formal review and approval process should your organization need that even with electronic signature and sign off all of the dependencies and related information and it's completely versioned as i mentioned before but not only that then we get into the automation side of it and i showed you some of the power of these the fact that we can automatically pull them in from other sources including rpa platforms.

Your existing bots can be pulled in but we can also pull from process and task mining solutions from these we can automatically generate functional and acceptance tests we can automatically if you still need documents we can generate documents from any or all of the information in blueprint and something i didn't show you is we can even generate user stories there are there are folks uh in the rpa world that that actually we've seen drive uh their implementations using a more agile approach with user service and we can generate user stories automatically from the digital blueprints as well and again just to finish off.

We have integrations to uh the most popular automation development platforms out there so automation anywhere uipath blue prism microsoft power automate and the list goes on to net it out the benefits that folks are experiencing is direct benefits to those actually using blueprint to do that analysis and design activity or specification activity for automation getting dramatic improvements just using it directly for many of the reasons i've shown you today but it's not only that there's indirect benefits downstream.

That I hope you can now appreciate uh for on the development and testing of the automation side because we provide complete comprehensive and precise digital blueprints with all the enterprise dependencies directly into the tool that they use to develop the automation not to mention the tests that go along with it all again provided automatically and that becomes the starting point now for development and test as opposed to you know a blank sheet of paper or a pdd document and then out into operations as well.

Where we can basically highlight uh and detect changes that are going on and show you instantly the potential impact what bots are potentially impacted and let those rpa developers navigate immediately right to the source of change so they can perform their work and ultimately redeploy a fixed bot all of this adds up to essentially efficiency and quality improvements across the board when we're dealing with automations to net it all out in the end.

You know fewer break fix cycles less downtime and ultimately increase you know business value at the end of the day leading to customer uh satisfaction improvements so that's what blueprint does um and there's different things you can do of course visit the website but one thing we're offering now is complementary limited time offer for a custom eval and workshop.

Which is very scoped time limited get your answer fast we can do it in collaboration with you it's truly the best way to move forward and to request that just go to the link at the bottom of the page workshop and you can submit a request for that and we'll get back to you promptly so with that i just want to thank you matt for joining me today and providing the insights from the customers and prospects that you've encountered so very much appreciate it not a problem tony thank you very much for taking us through this great so thanks everybody have a great rest of your day take care.


About the Author

download - 2020-11-27T220901.100Matthew Dodgson,
Head of Global Solution Engineering,
Blueprint Software Systems.






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