BTOES Insights Official
November 30, 2020

BTOES From Home - SPEAKER SPOTLIGHT : Intelligent Business Process Management: Where Leadership Meets Process, Technology and People

Courtesy of Excellence & Innovation's José Pires, below is a transcript of his speaking session on 'Intelligent Business Process Management: Where Leadership Meets Process, Technology and People' to Build a Thriving Enterprise that took place at BTOES From Home.

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Session Information:

Intelligent Business Process Management: Where Leadership Meets Process, Technology and People

  • How great cross-industry organizations design and implement world-class, sustainable iBPM programs for value creation
  • Key roles and responsibilities for effective iBPM leadership in your organization
  • What matters most: ideas, methods, technologies or people   
  • How to successfully integrate iBPM with your continuous improvement and innovation programs
  • Industry case study on leveraging iBPM to accelerate innovation for value creation

Session Transcript:

Hello, everyone, and welcome back to Intelligent Business Process Management, Where Technology Meets Process: People and Innovations. So, we're going to have a special session at this segment now, where we're going to, where I will be presenting to you some best practices from more than 30,000 excellence and innovation leaders across more than 100 organizations. So, I'm going to be changing hats as I do this presentation. And as I as as I change my first hat here, I'm going to move to my presentation background.

A few hang with me for just a minute here, where we, we are talking about shifting culture. So, as we shift culture with the implementation of intelligent business process management.

So the title is Where Leadership Meets Process: Tech Knowledge and People.

So, I'm gonna start this session with a question to you, and I want you to use the questions box, use the questions box on the webinar to tell me, what do you think matters most on your I BPM journey?

And is it about, is it most important to have the ideas? Is it about the methods?

Is it about technologies, or it's about people?

Now, we're going to be talking about all of this, all of these components. And you can't be on the fence and say, Well, it's all of them! Yeah, yeah. Yeah, There is. Every one of them plays a role. But, if you have to pick the most important, which one would you choose? And I am going to go back to this question at the end of the session, but right now, go ahead and pick a an option, is, It. Ideas is, A method is, a technologist is a people. And use the questions box to enter your answer. All right, I'm going to be monitoring that throughout, and then we'll catch up at the end. Everybody has to commit to one of these options. You cannot be on the fence.

You have to commit to one of them very well.

So, I'm going to start with this quote from F Scott Fitzgerald because what you're going to see is that these topics that I'm going to talk about for great implementation of a BPM, they are going to be quite challenging. They're going to be sometimes they're going to sound like there are contradictory. Because I'm going to start talking about the importance of certain things related to discipline, and other things related to purpose and aspiration. I'm gonna talk about concepts. There are very same antagonistic on the surface, but in reality it's by mass strain, that complexity and depth and those forces pulling in different directions that you achieve greatness. And the and the experience that I'm going to highlight for you are not based on my personal view on these issues.

This is our base, because I am not a visionary leader who has the ability to predict the future, the way that I operate is that I and I work with some incredibly bright, accomplish people across many organizations. And what they do is that they don't predict the future. They experiment a lot. They basically see what works and what doesn't work. And when they find something that works, they try to understand why it works. And once they understand why you works, they scaled that. So they're not real visionaries as much as they think ahead. And they look ahead. It's more about their ability to experiment quickly in scale fast.

Screenshot (57)And in dealing with that, they deal with a lot of contradictions. And one of the greatest contradictions is this contradiction between excellence and innovation. Because a lot of IBM is about excellence is about setting performance standards and meeting exceeding those performance standards, but that's not enough. You must also innovate.

And can I BPM be used as a platform for innovation?

Because if you're on the business of just excellence, you're squeezing efficient. It's not a horses, but we all know that. We can't dominate an industry, and we can design cars by squeezing efficiencies. Are horses. So how do we use this? This tension that exists between excellence and innovation, to really scale I BPM and our organizations now, although there are over 100 organizations that I can talk about, in terms of of the insights and practices, practical lessons that we have line. I'm going to focus on my own experiences here as a leader of excellence innovation for this five organizations.

I started my career at Shawnee as a Design Engineer, and then I migrating choice startup, and later on as an innovation leader for Nestle, and lastly, spend the last nearly 15 years, and the infrastructure, energy, oil, and gas, and in very complex industries. So I'll bring in. Those are tough environments for a BPM. And I want to bring some of those lessons to our talk today and the starting with on the definition of what I BPM is.

So as you think about intelligent BPM, a lot of us will run and start thinking about technology, and we'll discuss that a little bit more, But I would like to consider this definition of intelligent BPM techniques.

Knowledge is part of it, but it's not the driver. Intelligibly BPM is the intelligent blend of stewardship, with the wisdom of the organization and proven methods to identify, prioritize, and implement significant value creation, business process designs, improvements, and innovations. So, the process owners, they play a critical role. We heard that on ... presentation early on today and in the earlier presentation presentations. On Day one process, owners must intelligently design value creation processes to meet organizational customer needs very well. So, part of our talk today is, is going to be about fundamental things and some visionary of things. If you will.

So, let's go back on, Fundamentals of ..., first of all, to there is a level of maturity associate of the processes that you have in your organization. Now, you can have different hierarchy and different names for these steps. But I'm posing one model here, that starts at a level where you have a process that's recognized. And success depends on individual effort and knowledge to another level, where now it's identify, and there's some limited process documentation in place. And then there's a level that's defined. And you have your fully document, the process, and the intent of the process is understood. And then it moves on to be managed. When is now integrated with matrix. And then to the highest level, which is optimized, where you have everything that, in the previous steps, but also you're continuously improving in innovating on the way that that process is. Not.

Now, there's a question to get both here, and in which is what level should your organizational processes be at? And then we talk with people who are sometimes very quality minded. They, they jump into this, wanted to tell you they should be optimized.

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And that is not the right answer, Your processes, even the key business processes that you have, may or may not need to be, at the optimize level. There is a cost benefit of getting this maturity, and you have to evaluate that, so, we can talk about this for a whole week. We don't have that time. Let's just summarize by saying that, if it's a process, if a process is worth having, and that's the first discussion you need to have in your organization, which processes are worth having, some of them are not worth having.

But if a process is worth having, because it creates value for the, for the clients and your organization, it should be, at a defined level. At least, whether or not you mature further depends largely on the benefits of mature and that process further. So, keep that one last thing in mind.

The other portion that I want to talk about is related to levels of, of innovation associated with BPM.

Now, innovation is not one size fits all, And I BPM provides a great platform and structure for you to innovate upon because, you know, the essence of innovation is the ability to take a different perspective of problems. And I BPM allows us to create a reference frame for us to take different perspectives. Again, now, on the way that you innovate, there is not just one way. they feel, the numbers that you see here, they represent a, about 3000 cross industry organizations who are considered to be innovative and you open the cart and you go behind the scenes And what the medial is Pro East portraying about those organizations. And you learn what's really going on with innovation of organizations. And what you find is that this golden ration of innovation emerges, which is about 70% of the innovations that they do.

There are the core of their business. They are under performance engine of their business. It's day-to-day stuff. It's fixing problems, improving. Some of it's incremental, but some of it is at the core and also can be breakthrough.

It's about 70% of the overall effort. There's about 20%.

There are Jason says to their core. These are extensions of the core. This is ideas that grow the business somehow. They can be extensions of technology. They can be extensions of client segments. They can be extensions of geography.

They can be adjacent strategists, but they typically represent about 20% of the total, and then you have the 10% disruptive, or transformational. And, of course, this will vary from industry to industry across 3000 organizations. That's roughly what you get, depending on your industry, could be higher or lower. But that disruptive piece gets about 100% of the media attention, And we started judging our innovation efforts based on that. And certainly judging the evolution of our BPM when it comes to innovation based on that. And that's the wrong measuring stick to use, because disruptive innovation is often confused with technology, but it's not disruptive. Innovation, at its core, is about disrupting a business model. Technology is just an enabler for doing that.

If you're thinking about the great innovations or innovations that we're currently dealing with, there is a great, there's a lot of focus on technology, But, the reality is that they are disruptive, not, because of technology, is, because of, the disruption of the business model, and technology was an enabler for that disruption should take place. So, I want you to keep that in mind, because that's true at all levels of innovation, where technology is useful when it is an enabler for you to accelerate improvements and innovations and value creation for your organization. So, I will talk a little bit more about technology in the context of BPM, but I wanted to have you to have the concept early on. Now, let's go deeper, let's go into the, the pillars of success for, I BPM value creation so, it's not about having it, it's about deriving the most value from it.

And the, and the and when you look at the organizations that not only have a BPM in place, but they are deriving great value. The clients and customers are deriving great value from it and the organization itself is benefiting from it.

What does it look like? Is it about ideas? Is it about methods? Is it about people? Is it about technology? So, that's, that's the question that we are going to answer in the end.

and surprisingly, what you're going to find out, and I'm going to share with you, it's, it's none of those things, it's combinations an aspect of those things, but these are the three main pillars of success for I BPM for value creation.

So the first level is governance is having defined roles and a structure for IBM that creates value. So, some of these roles were discussed before.

And I'm going to go into a little bit deeper with them This session Then, it's there are certain methods that apply. And these methods are not just proven methodologies have been around for some time and they are they work really well. But it's also about having clear execution mechanisms and the in which those methodologies create. value is not just is not about the methodology. It's about them, the use of the methodologies to create disproportional value for this clear execution mechanisms and having a common language having a common language where the organization can dialog on how a BPM functions and how it becomes an engine for improvement and innovation.

And lastly, Improbably, most important, is to, The certainly, most important to, the most mature levels of BPM, is development of collaborative leadership skills in the organization. And these are skills that are not very well taught and academia. And these are skills that you kinda Lauren haphazardly in the workplace often, but there is an entire approach, there's an entire body of knowledge, and there was an entire practice behind collaborative leadership skills, focus on innovation and value creation. And having that is, is a key differentiator for the organizations at the highest levels of maturity. So let me show you what that, what those organizations typically go through, when the, when it comes to governance, maturity levels, and in collaborative leadership. So first governance. We haven't heard this already. We have heard this already. I BPM starts with great process ownership.

It's not about having a process. I work with lots of organizations, have great processes, but the ownership is weak and when the ownership, or there's multiple ownership. And when that's the case, if you don't have a strong business or process ownership, even the best design processes will not be sustainable at high levels of performance.


So having the integrate, enduring organizations that leverage IBM for value creation starts with strong development of process ownership.

Me? How just had a session for us that covered that very, very well. Now, the next level is the level that I call intra partnership. You once you establish that structure, that's very good establishes a baseline.

For on which you can improve and innovate, but now, you need your your professionals to be capable to identify what creates the most value.

Shorenstein simplest means to create disproportional, value for clients and disproportional various for the organization. So, this is what I call the intrapreneurs and the real collaborative leaders in the organization. So, great, enduring organizations develop those individuals. And they and they are revealed by the test of execution there. There's certainly some training that they go through. But ultimately, it's about their ability to identify, prioritize, and deliver disproportional value through these projects and initiatives that they lead for the enterprise. So, that's the next level this intrapreneurs and Collaborative Leaders in the organization. The third level is more of a coaching level that you need for these initiatives. These are, this is what I would call this serial entrepreneurs. This is not people who are just Masters on methodology. By the way. These are Masters in value creation, this R value creation leaders. They have been an entrepreneur already.

They have become serial entrepreneurs in the organization.

And they now have developed the collaborative leadership skills, innovation, acceleration, skills, and value creation skills to become a coach to become a coach for several of this, Neil intrapreneurs, which, who are emerging in the organization, then Next level, is the Champion. The next level is the Champion, who is someone who has hierarchical control and controls the resources in the areas in which you're trying to accelerate improvement and innovation on your eye BPM system and structure it. Now, notice that there is a difference here between the Champion and the process owner. And this is something that we often see organizations confusing.

And because a process owner needs to have deep understanding and knowledge of the process end to end, a champion may or may not have the knowledge, But he or she is in a position of authority and accountability for that area.

So, in some cases, you could potentially have an individual who is both a process owner and the champion, but often they're not the same people. It's very common for the process owner to be more a bit more of a subject matter expert and the champion to be the leader in that area. Because the process owner could be the subject matter expert, but not have the authority to make certain changes on the process. Even though the process owner may own that process, he or she may not have the authority to make certain significant changes on the end to end process. So, the project champion is the, or the business champion, depending on what level you're looking at. Has has control over the resources in the, under which, in the area in which you're trying to make that improve making improvements and innovations. And it's important that you distinguish between these two roles, because they are, they play different functions in this, in this governance.

And then, lastly, is what we call the steering committee.

The steering committee is, is really a number of champions in the organization that have oversight in the, in that, in the EIB PM, and most important in the engine for value creation associated with that. I BPM so, so keep that, keep that in mind. This, this structure, it can be applied at a micro level, it could be done in a department, if you will, or it could be done at a macro level, enterprise wide. How large or how small it is, depends on how you're trying to implement a BPM and accelerate improvement and innovation in that part of the business or the overall business. But no matter what level you apply for sustainable value creation, frontline BPM, the structure needs to be there. We, we, it's a very important success factor.

If it's and this as mentioned in previous presentations, it doesn't mean that you're hiring new people for this. You're leveraging your current organization, and you are providing them with certain roles to play in that organization.

If you go without making these roles and responsibilities clear, you will have a short life, or you have in terms of your IP PM implementation, and most important in terms of the results that you get from it.

Now, so the structure provides this building blocks to achieve discipline.

I BPM value creation, great. Now, what does, what are the methods? What are the approaches that we use?

Now, the methods can be varied, but what we see most often is a combination of methods and approaches to accelerate improvement and innovation. Once you have the BPM structure in place.

Now, you you, you have innovation methods, which is all about thinking different, taking different perspectives at the problem, and the coming up with novel solutions to the problem. It may or may, each one of these methods may or may not include certain technology deployments. Of course, we have business process management itself, Understanding the structure that I just show in the previous slide end, to end process ownership, and, the roles. and responsibilities, and the hierarchy of processes in your organization. What are the key value chain processes that create the most value for your clients, and, then we, move on into, ah, you know, ah methods that that really improve and innovate. The way you do work and, they may include Lean and six Sigma. And, without going, you know, deep into any of the subjects, they could include a number of other approaches. So, separately, they are effective, combined their exceptional, but you have to remember, the methods alone do not transform businesses.

People do. And, although I show you this methods, because these are proven approaches, will have creating billions of dollars for organizations all over the world. It's important to remember that when it becomes about the method, you have lost it.

It has to be about value creation.

And, the method is just a disciplined approach and framework for executing on the, on, on the on improvements and innovations, but not the answer itself. So, I think most of you are a great practitioners here, know this already. So, let's see what IBM value creation maturity looks like them. And I show you on this kind of summary of on a staircase type of approach here and basically it's what's built on and what is characterized by the very initial level. When you look at This, organization's this, this I'd, BPM is an innovation acceleration. As a result of a BPM is really based on individual brilliance. You know, there is, so there is the level that organizations just have brilliant people who who, who see a presentation like this, want to say, Hey, we're gonna go do this, and they are brilliant. They have passion. They have discipline, they have resilience, and they started implementing. And you know what, You get some results.

Screenshot (4)You're gonna get some results by doing that, but those results are difficult to scale.

So to really scale or BPM, you gotta go beyond individual brennan's, so you need to start creating some systems. So you need to those organizations that go to the next level.

They have I BPM, systems, and mechanisms to translate the principles that we've talked about into action, and that's built on sound, governance, unclear structure, and roles and responsibility to translate the principles into value creation and action.

Now, that also includes growth and technology accelerators where we're going to, where we look at technology as a way of creating additional value because I think most of the people attending the session or experienced practitioners, and based on the questions that I've seen, and then the roster that I've looked at. So, you know that most problems, 90% of the problems are going to solve them by focusing on the problem. Not by saying that I have this technology, and how can I use this technology. Now, 90% of problems or should be driven, problem, solution should be driven by the problem itself.

Now, there is a 10% and this is something that we observe. Often in successful companies, there's a 10%, if you will, where it's the other way around where we have I have a technology and I'm gonna look around and see if it's going to create disproportional badges somewhere.

It's OK to have that 10% window, I think, and do some experiments with that. But, But what's not OKs choose, is to just have the window become your 90%. That everything that you do, is just driven by technology, and we'll see how it works. Everybody in the school, I think, understands that. That's, that's not the, the best sound approach. Now, there isn't one level beyond this. Most organizations, even the ones that do good work, and they have been around for a while, they get to this level, but then they Stole, and they stole, because to get to the next level is really difficult because you get to the next level comes to culture.

And culture eats strategy for breakfast, we know that. And all the things that we have done before is very sound. It's very mindful. It's very based on strategy and execution, that's great. But culture doesn't come only from the mind, and must come from the heart.

And then, and for, for your organization to evolve, you need to create high levels of collaboration and innovation.

And that requires development of collaborative leadership skills and innovation, acceleration skills, which are not, which are not intuitive. This, it's not a, you know, innovation is not a, it's not an escape from discipline thinking. It is an escape with discipline thinking.

But, you gotta teach people that discipline, they have to learn, and then, the most important, they have to practice that discipline, to become really good at that. So, the highest level of maturity, and there's only a few organizations around the world who are at that level. These are the trillion dollar organizations.

You know, they have developed to a level now where it's That's driven by a clear purpose, a culture, with a strong, strong set of core values that drives the organization with great collaborative leadership and innovation, acceleration skills development, as a critical component of that, of that culture. And it's a, it's a, it's a mechanism to translate the principles of innovation and value creation into action, and that is the ultimate level. All right, Very good collaboration, innovation and value creation, or the ultimate measurements of BPM effective is wonderful. Now, let's get a little more practical. So, what I want to do is just show you a case study, and I want to share a case study in a very tough environment. In an organization that could care less, about process, Process is like this process in this process. People are getting in the way of mitigating the work. That so let's talk a little bit about that I want to show you some real tough environment where people's like, ah, I think process. People are like a waste of time.

They're just like bureaucrats, no with uniforms, they're not going to help me. So how do how do penetrate someplace that like that? And a lot of your organizations may look at you like that. Oh, I'm a process experts. Like woo. Stay away from him. All right, so, let's take a look at it. So, this is the road to a BPM value creation in kind of a tough environment. So, this was a project driven organization, not a process driven organization, and we want to, So, we started by hiring some really expensive consultants, and having this high performance teams, we do believe in high performance teams. So, we had a consulting model, and this consultant starts telling us that, hey, we should like map your process, because they're very complex, and we should map them. and, and improve them. While they mapped them. And over two years, they got zero improvement, zero benefit, they had a whole bunch of maps, and almost nothing got done.

Oh, then, then they said, Well, you know what, we need to implement Lean six Sigma. So let's simply implement Lean six Sigma, and let's identify and prioritize what creates the most value.

And that was better because they now have started focusing on the parts of those processes that could be improved and innovated upon, and they had like 70% implementation level. Which is great because you know that this is much, much greater discipline and traction by phone to make Maddie and getting things done. Wonderful. But there was still a gap, and then they got to a point, and the maturity level, they realize mm.

There are coach, and there's, of course, but what we have here is that in a lot of our processes, we have processes, but our ownership is not clearly defined.

So, that was a big shift, and this was not an easy shift on just improving in innovating things to really understanding process ownership and twin. And that drove a whole new level of value creation with 99% implementation rate over a decade and a quadruple of benefits in just the first couple of years that the change the shift took place. But this was incredibly hard, because if you started in the organization, trying to say, Oh, let's start process ownership. Back in the year 2000, when they had the high performance teams, there was a fire you and everybody who look like you.

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And the reason for that is because they thought that process ownership back then, was like solving world hunger. They were not ready for that. They needed to see value first before they could actually sign up for process ownership. A lot of organizations will have that if you come up with your team, your leadership team, and say, Oh, look, I went to this presentation. I have this beautiful process ownership architecture here. It's going to make our company save billions of dollars. You show that you, the your leadership team, there, are unlikely to be excited about it, unless they already have some background on it. So keep that in mind. You must start small in scale. And depending on your contacts and your culture, you must adapt to that context, and culture before you bring up process ownership, and you try to scale that.

All right.

So they did it. They decided to sit down and say, OK, we're gonna do this the right way. So what does that look like? The right way looks, like, the CEO and his or her direct reports Sit down and decide, how do we create value and Schwinn this organization?

And this is, business model is specific. There's no one size fits all, and it's what your leadership team agrees on in terms of the most critical value creation processes that you have in the organization. Ladies and gentlemen, this is shown here to you on a manager, organization, and infrastructure. This is a project driven organization, not a process driven organization. It's a tough environment. But they identify on the green area, what are those key core, core client facing processes that create value for the customer. And then they had to make some really tough decisions on what supporting processes, what exit exit, executive leadership processes.

And then, by focusing on those key client facing value creation processes, they were able to start making a significant shift now at a high level. This is what you see at the detail level.

There are hundreds, if not thousands of sub processes underneath those high level, end to end processes, so, very good.

Why did they resist? Because they had projects, not processes? So the project teams to receive and apply knowledge is how they use process owners in an organization that's driven by projects, That's why I'm sharing this example because it's a tough one because project is king, not process. So the way to make that work, and you have to think about how you're going to make dry BPM work for your organizational context is click, create a clear separation of roles and responsibilities on what the project teams do and what the process owners are expected to do. I'm not gonna read this things, You can read them.

The point here is that they have different roles and responsibilities and I BPM becomes a communication interface in which you, You, you drive, pross, you transform process excellence into execution, excellence.

Listen, if you work for a bank and all that you're doing is automating kind of like, you know, repetitive processes that just require IT automation, that's easy. That's easy stuff. But when you're in an environment where people saying that, you know, process and process, improvement and innovation is really not that critical here, because we're very unique. We have project driven approaches, or, like, some questions came up before that. Oh, I have a low volume, manufacturing, high customization type of thing going on. So, you'll learn a lot on the edges of the distribution, on those real, tough challenges, and this is a tough challenge. And that's why I'm sharing that with you.

So, with that, I wanna, I wanna wrap up. I wanna go through quickly here.

Innovation for simplification is what you want to keep in mind, and what I mean by that is that when you work with organizations that you all work with, they're incredibly complex, and they hire very smart people to solve complex problems, and what those people do, they wrap up complex solutions around those complex problems. Why did they do that? Because, they are technically, they are capable intellectually of doing that. You do not want to do that in your organization. You have to remember that perfection is only attained when there's nothing left to take out.

So, this comes from Lean, but it also precedes lean. This is just great design practices, that, from great designers have been with us for centuries.

So, I BPM Design's when you create them, keep innovation for simplification in mind. They must Eliminate, then reduce, and then only Automate. And I'm gonna give you a very practical example to show you how this works.

So how do we blend elimination reduction and automation, which is this innovation for simplification approach to get things done? So this is Valve Control Stations. There's a one billion dollar power plants that have to design, procure and construct more than 120 different types of unique and complex valve control stations.

Now, this is one of, probably one thousand business processes that they have to run for that one billion dollars powerplant.

So, how did they do that? How did they tackle a problem like that? Well, I'll tell you what happened before.

Know, not to say anything bad about IT, but IT was leading a project for 18 months on trying to automate the design of those of control stations, But it was a nightmare because they had multiple process owners. They had multiple designs, The people didn't agree on what they wanted.

So there was 18 months into the automation, and he still wasn't ready. And it wasn't even close to writing.

So, if you change your mindset into, eliminate, reduce, and automate, let's not automate that. Let's understand what it is first, and then we understood that there is high complexity on the design of evolve control station. There are levels of disagreements, There were 120 different designs per project on this valve stations, and I don't want you to understand this flow. What I want you to understand is that require real collaborative leadership to bring these people together.


And then, in that, and have them agree on what should be our approach to valve control station design, and that is a hard portion, That's the control, the collaborative leadership portion, that's so critical. Then, when they look at it from the Eyes of innovation, for simplification eliminate, non value add activities, or reduce them before you automate them, they identified that, Most of these steps are non value added steps. They just didn't know how to get rid of those steps.

Now, they thought about different approaches, they could have it. Could they have a single center design that could do all the work, and the answer was no.

They could have multiple designs that could do the work, and the work was not anymore, but those multiple designs is no longer, 120, they were six designs, six designs for project, that that were used with 80% design. This was mentioned on the previous session, 80% design for those of our stations, in six different designs could cover 100% of the case, and then we allow for 20% additional customization.

after that. But now the six core designs, after we eliminated after we reduced, then we automated dos and don'ts became six options on A, on an IT system called plant vision. Then, now I can drop off, get 80% of my design done and then I can augment 20% and that get it done 20 times faster. So, notice that it was not by automating that process that I got to the solution, is it by going back to its roots of process ownership? defining a single process owner, collaborating with the multiple process owners into it? And a single process owner now and coming up with not one standard approach, but in this case, six approaches that complete 120 different designs. Now, what matters most to wrap up?

Idea's methods, technologies are people. Ideas are everywhere.

What are uncommon? Are people willing to put their reputation behind ideas?

Methods They are important because they provide a disciplined approach to improvement and innovation.

The methods do not transform businesses.

People do, and technologists, art are awesome. We have process, process mining, RPA, eight, I, these are amazing technologies that we must leverage, but also remember that technology is a lot like a new romantic lover will solve one need in the short run and may create 10 different need, 10 different problems in the long run. If it is not the right technology, the right technology is the one that enables your processes to the, to create the most value in the shortest time and simplest means.

So be careful on how you choose it, and when it comes to people, yes, it's people, but it's not all the people.

It's about finding the right people, the people who have the collaborative leadership skills and innovation acceleration skills, to guide innovation through your organization, to show you the results, behind this, after one decade of excellence and innovation. In this organization, the first six years, we had a traditional approach of improvement and innovation without a solid foundation on a BPM.

On the or seven amidst the crisis, very much not a pandemic crisis like what we have right now. But I missed the financial crisis we shifted. We shifted to us to a model that was strongly founded on a BPM. And while we, while we got from that, were greater results was based on the stronger BPM, was based on the right people, finding the people in the organization. They have the right, the purpose, the passion to discipline, the resilience, to collaborative lead, in innovate, and that shift allow for us to have exponential growth and value creation, Engagement, to the point where the organization grew, to have over 5000 professionals and collaborative leaders around the world.

And be recognized for its excellence and infrastructure. Be ranked the number-one private organization in the United States for leaders in leadership development, and, and when a major award on the Global Business Transformation and Operational Excellence Award Summit. So, I want to just wrap up by thanking everybody for being here today for that journey.

And remember, this journey is about you learning the concepts, understanding our culture and re-applying the concepts in your culture to accelerate innovation, that leadership development and value creation because you want to be you want to be that that individual who surfaces, who becomes the collaborative leader, who sets the standard for your organization? So, thank you, everybody for the time. And that, Brian, if you I could not really look at the chat, the questions as I was going through the presentation. If you could help me with that, I would appreciate just relay any questions that the audience may have passed to me.

Screenshot (4)My pleasure, Josey.

Let me start by giving you, so, Mike, because he has a couple of questions, So I'll put them in order. First question is, what's unexpected timeline for companies? All of these processes to find in short-term rentals.

Get the bright background here for this answer. It's very good.

This is a great question.

There is no timeline. There is not only there is no timeline.

Most organizations will never get that top level that I showed. If you recall this step, the stairway, the individual brilliance, the systemic approach, and then the collaborative leadership and innovation acceleration level, which is the greatest level, most organizations, will never never get to that.

In one of the organizations I work with, we spent 12 years on the transformation.

Now, listen, we didn't start on the year one and says, Oh, we're going to transform the business. This is what our cultural transformation looks like. I mean, you can have that aspirational. But the reality is that it takes work. It takes value creation, it takes acceptance by the organization, is that it takes showing the new behaviors that the organization now will look and emulate, and those new behaviors to build will become the new culture. So, there is no specific timeline.

Or I think organizations really struggled to go from each one of the levels, from individual brilliance, the systemic level, that's a struggle. That's a big jump. Once they have the systemic level, which is, when we look at the good organizations today, most of them have figured that out to be really good. You'll figure that out.

But she'll be great to be great, is not something that's reserved for everybody, and you'll fill in the box, and you check this, this, this, this, this, this, check sheet here, and you're gonna get there. That's really hard, because it requires massive development of collaborative leadership and innovation acceleration skills, and that's the journey. You have to stop by understanding what those are, and building those capabilities, and then you'll have to deliver value. Because if it's not delivering value at scale, your organizations are not going to stick with it. So, you have, you have, there's no timeline, there's, there's work towards greatness, it's a bit of a moving target, as well.

Because, you know, the world evolves technologies evolve, systems evolve, ultimately you'll get there when you have a culture of excellence and innovation. When you have a culture of excellence and innovation, regardless of what business model you have, now you have a name Jian of Continuous Improvement and Innovation. Collaborative leadership and innovation acceleration just happens and the, and to develop that that's the ultimate competitive advantage for an organization, but it's very hard to achieve. No timeline.

You chose a Mike, I hope that's going to further insight. Jesse foremost, how do you identify persons from your perspective?

How do you identify what pro, se, some news?

The process owners.

Me, I talked about this on his session when he talked about the ... setup, and he provides some great answers there. And I'll add onto his perspectives.

A lot of times, it's obvious, you could be subject matter experts who have been very connected to the process for quite some time.

There are well respected influencers in the organization and and, and there are just obvious choices for process owners on it, but now, let's talk about the difficulties, OK?

Well, the difficulties are sometimes you have potentially multiple process owners because depending on how you, as, you know, that process could be segmented in certain ways, the examples that I that I just showed you are based on an organization that operates in 110 different countries. So, there's all sorts of segmentation.

And the, this was said before, and I'll re-iterate, one great approach is to take the 80% design approach, right? Who is the, the majority owner, if you will, And that's a good candidate for process owner sometimes, But that individual can be identified by the organization and say, Hey, can you, can you own this process? And they'll look at USA.

I don't want to do that. That's too much work. And the eye, because they are subject matter experts, they have other jobs, They're supporting multiple projects, and now we tell them that there are responsibilities for ownership, real ownership. And some of them will not sign up for it. Or not, even when they are asked to do it, They are not, they will not. They will not go for it. And this now depends a lot on the organizational cultural and the and the hierarchy and functions so on and so forth. But some leaders will, will say, that, hey, you have to do it.

Other leaders will say, OK, you don't want to do it, That's fine. But understand that your role now is diminished because the process owner for this will have a greater role in the organization. So there are a lot of conversations in there.

Those are tough, critical conversations to be had.

So, most often, they are subject matter experts. There are, or are real owners that have established your ownership, just by their actions, and, in a lot of cases, you have to assign them.

Thank you. Just one final question, and then a comment. So, Where does the use of a process classification framework? I ... switch into your BPM strategy?

I'm not sure if the person who asked this question is specifically thinking about the maturity levels that you have in IT, for example. And they are. And that, we talked a little bit of the, of a proxy to those that I see most often being used in the context of true enterprise, wide business process management. That was a slide that had, you know, from recognized, to define, all the way to optimize levels, So those are concepts that have evolved with, practice in the enterprises, and, and the, the names, you know, they matter, they didn't have meaning. But the, but the maturity levels, you see a lot of similarities between those material levels, and what you see, for example, in IT maturity levels.

Thank you, Josie. And finally, a comment from Christina, who's also enjoyed what you presented to, Read this blue box, and I love how you are putting this all together. I am actually working on a speech for collaborative leadership, although, I don't use that term. I'm sitting here saying yes, yes.

Center, That's awesome.

You know, the IV PM, as we just as we have covered today, is an inter-connected system with, with lots of complexity, and then, the great ones, they have the ability to, to understand how, how the systemic approach works. And we started today with Tom talking about the systems approach. And we had two great presentations about the use of technology in real life applications on those approaches. And, I tried to wrap up today, with this big feel, There's so much to this, I mean, these are, there's a Master classes that take two weeks long and we're summarizing and 30 minutes, but I hope that you start putting the puzzle pieces of the puzzle together. And understanding that, the, the ultimate goal is to have your eye BPM for our ... as a platform, for real acceleration of innovation and value creation for your organization.

And collaborative leadership skills are critical to get to the ultimate level. So, I'm going to change hats here, Brian, because I, I'm responsible for, keeping this on, time is still in the, I'm gonna wrap up. I'm gonna wrap up this session and they, I hope you had an enjoyable time and you'll learn good things tomorrow. We have an incredible lineup that includes Nokia Siemens, presenting more on the BPM, more on collaborative leadership, more on what it really takes, not only to create intelligent business process management, but we scale it for value creation. So, Ladies and gentlemen, this is a pleasure. Please fill out the survey. Make sure you go on LinkedIn and follow the discussions. We have, Our CEO, VJ is has an open dialog on LinkedIn. I have another open dialog that started a little while ago and LinkedIn as well. So connect with us and we'll look forward to seeing you back here tomorrow. Have a great rest of your day.


About the Author

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Jose Pires,
Founder & CEO,
Excellence & Innovation.

José Pires serves as the Global Excellence & Innovation (E&I) Leader for Andeavor Corporation, where he oversees the global identification, prioritization and execution of mission critical business improvements and innovations that add value to the company, business partners and external clients in multiple markets.

Prior to his current role, Pires held Excellence and Innovation leadership positions in large, global companies in the electronics (Sony), semiconductor (Cymer-ASML), food (Nestlé) and infrastructure (Black & Veatch) industries. Throughout his career, Pires developed and refined E&I as an award winning program for innovation, leadership development, strategy execution and value creation globally.

Pires is an advisory board leader and keynote speaker for several global conferences on innovation, operational excellence, leadership development, strategy execution, business transformation, customer engagement and growth acceleration.

He holds a Bachelor in Engineering Physics from the University of Kansas and a Master in Business Administration focused in Investment Banking and Entrepreneurship from the University of San Diego.


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