Courtesy of Microsoft Corporation's Nicola Hodson, below is a transcript of his speaking session on 'Increasing business agility through integration of skills and techniques' to Build a Thriving Enterprise that took place at BTOES From Home.
Session Information:
Increasing business agility through integration of skills and techniques
In this session Nicola Hodson will share key lessons learned from managing digital transformation across over 100000 people at Microsoft and discuss how to create and maintain momentum for ongoing transformative change.
Includes Chairperson's review of highlights and key learning from the conference.
Session Transcript:
Hello everyone and welcome back to the main stage of the business transformation and operational excellence world summit where we accelerate culture business and digital transformations and we create environments where great people and great ideas can connect, I am Jose Pires the CEO of global excellence and innovation proud to be your host and even more proud of our next guests, who provide us the closing keynote ladies and gentlemen please welcome Nicola Hudson.
Nicola is here with us she's going to talk about insights on the journey of Microsoft's transformation Nicola. we're so appreciative of you taking the time to be here with us and share your wisdom with all of us a little note a very brief brief note on Nichola's extensive list of accomplishments and background leading sales and marketing transformation of Microsoft and its customers across the globe as the vice president of the field transformation office since 2017. She's passionate and experienced in global technology but also in engineering where she holds a PhD in materials engineering and an MBA originally from the UK, runner biker skier mother of five lovely sons lots and lots that she has to deal with in terms of management leadership transformation in her personal life and career what a privilege to have you with us we very much look forward to your presentation Nicola.
Thank you Jose I'm delighted to be here well good morning, good afternoon & good evening everyone, It's my pleasure to be here today today. I want to cover four points with you. Firstly why transformation matters now more than ever. Secondly our transformation at Microsoft then how how this enables us to help our customers respond to covid and then finally I'll talk about some things that we've learned along the way the world, we're living in now is fundamentally different. Than it was even six months ago and will almost certainly look different again a year from now.
During these challenging economic times across the globe resilience has become the hallmark for success the pandemic also thought taught us that digital businesses and those fortified with some digital capabilities have been able to pivot more rapidly and respond to their customers needs we don't know when the pandemic will be over but we do know that when recovery happens those businesses engaged with technology and the digital ecosystem will lead the pack those organizations have been able to respond quickly as the crisis impacted their industries they have solid foundation for recovery and they're already starting to reimagine.
What the future might bring they define success differently and this is no different of course for microsoft this pandemic has accelerated the long-term trends we've talked about for some years think of all those schools corporations and institutions who have had to learn to operate remotely in a period of months versus years analysts forecast an increase from five to ten percent of global gdp coming from the tech industry over the next decade with 89 percent of cios saying they will accelerate their public cloud investments that's up from 54 to the pandemic.
Today the adoption of data and artificial intelligence is increasingly a differentiator for businesses we've moved to a cloud-first world computing is becoming embedded everywhere this era of the intelligent cloud and intelligent edge is shaping the next phase of innovation driven by three massive technology trends first computing is no longer confined to a device or even a data center second ai as i just mentioned and third the transition from putting the device at the center of an experience to putting people at the center so the question is no longer where to store the data but what to do with that data those organizations that find ways to generate new customer, value leveraging that data will become the industry leaders.
The challenge here is that the systems that generate the data also trap that data organizations who are able to digitally connect every facet of their business address the four pillars of digital transformation we call this the digital feedback loop and those four are empowering employees with connected collaboration using connected experiences to engage customers transforming products with connected innovation and connecting insights to optimize operations now.
That's a lot of connection and to do that connection organizations need a comprehensive offering enabling their digital feedback loop it has to span right across the organization across applications and infrastructure data and AI developer tools and services security and compliance along with business processes productivity and collaboration digital transformation is not an end in itself organizations who do it successfully have shared values and a culture that embraces diversity with a mindset rooted in flexibility and openness to new ideas purpose acts as a guide in times when speed and agility are necessary to survive the company mission becomes a cohesive goal for everyone to work towards and goes beyond the day-to-day of what people are working on to the why they are working on it in common pursuit of a collective goal this certainly has been the case for us our transformation anchors in our mission.
Let me share a few words about that journey so the original mission statement for Microsoft which you may remember was to put a pc on every desk and in every home that was arguably achieved in the 1980s and our mission has evolved under Satya's leadership to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more this mission's not simply about the technology it's about what we and our customers can achieve with it it underpins everything we do i wanted to share some of the important elements of this mission which include ensuring that economic growth coming from the tech intensity is inclusive of every country community business worker and person including the 1 billion plus with disabilities.
It means building trusting technology and its use spanning privacy security responsible ai and digital safety in addition it means aligning this to support to our support of fundamental rights from defending democracy to addressing systemic racial injustice and inequality and lastly it means holding our promise on our sustainability commitment to pursue our new mission we needed to evolve our culture our new culture is built on a foundation of adopting a growth mindset.
We believe that anyone can change learn and grow and that everyone needs to seek external and internal feedback to achieve more we celebrate teamwork and we allow people to take risks we became in fact a learning culture one where learn tools succeed over know-it-alls on top of this foundation we established three cultural attributes becoming customer obsessed aspiring for greater diversity and inclusion in everything we do and working together as one microsoft versus multiple siloed businesses if we're successful in adopting these cultural attributes.
We believe we can make a difference on the planet and this approach has helped our employees find their passion and live their unique purpose in supporting our company mission so we based our cut our transformation on customer and employee feedback customers wanted our help to accelerate their move to the cloud and to achieve their objectives they wanted to be understood guided and helped as they modernize and get value from their technology investments and they looked to us to simplify our engagement with them this feedback is very similar to what our employees told us they needed in order to better support our customers we started transforming sales and marketing around four years ago and we've made great progress.
Since we split our commercial and consumer organizations we focused on simplification tech intensity and customer centricity and we invested in a new sales culture initiative to change the way we engage with customers and partners today we continue to finesse our business to deliver unprecedented service through connected experiences that's been all the more important through the pandemic one of the biggest changes we made was to simplify and map our commercial and consumer offerings to the four pillars of transformation.
We organized our commercial go to market around five solution areas to help our customers transform modern work business applications applications infrastructure and ai and security and we created three solution areas dedicated to our consumer business over that period we also reviewed every single aspect of our business and we continue to transform all of those aspects we aligned all our resources to best support customer needs which vary by size maturity and sector we took an industry focus to deepen understanding of customer issues and we revisited sales processes to make it easier for customers to interact with us.
We broke down silos to enable collaboration between teams we aligned seller compensation to the cloud building on changes we'd already made to our rewards model engineering continued to transform delivering significant innovation in our cloud products all lines of business hr legal i.t operations also transformed we simplified how we work with cloud partners to enable them to build solutions and to scale by creating a single partner organization and we introduced a new go-to-market model with partners in emerging markets.
We also transformed our go to market specifically we transformed that to personalize the customer experience connecting customer data with new ai powered sales tools with digital sales capabilities marketing automation content management social selling and lead generation we launched a global skilling and coaching initiative to really grow technical and professional expertise and to ensure managers and leaders became great coaches we moved to an always-on learning culture and a continuous cycle of skilling now available to employees and we subsequently extended this training offer to customers partners and students lastly we introduced a hackathon as a way to make help make that culture change happen by giving a place for everyone to come together and experience creative fast-paced collaboration so here's an example of how we've changed the way.
We engage with customers in small business with digital sales to operate at scale in this space we expanded our inside sales function globally we hired around six thousand people over six months we integrated linkedin with both dynamics crm and office 365. our global demand center takes customer marketing interactions and then connects them with our digital and field sales teams a global demand center takes cost takes response and customers sorry a global demand center then um takes those interactions and follows them through either directly or with the customer success team our partners take care of much of the delivery of our services bringing solutions to life for customers today.
We're bringing that capability from digital sales to our enterprise customers let's roll that video hi folks 2020 has brought quite a few changes to say the least and sometimes it feels like a new world it used to be about connections coffee breaks and handshakes now it seems there is distance and remoteness but wait some things are the same we still love our customers we're up for a challenge and we'll go the distance to help others do more here are a few simple ways to beam up to the new world working remotely can be distracted trick is to stay centered start with the basics have a comfortable working space the right hardware setup team's channels for orchestration and more importantly continuously plan your work.
So that half your work time on any given day or week is spent with customers and partners it's essential to stay current insights on what is top of mind for your customers are at your fingertips you can view marketing interactions in daily recommender or account 360. we can see that layla vice president of it downloaded a paper on azure migration and attended a webinar via linkedin sales navigator we can also see layla's activity look she posted on cloud strategy wow clearly there is interest it's time to connect keep it simple with an introductory email to layla that is relevant and inviting such as this one it alludes to free resources and compelling offers be sure to leverage your pod and bring them in as needed sounds complex.
It's actually not do it quickly by setting up standardized templates for your priority sales place using outlook templates and proactively sharing your calendar via Microsoft 365 bookings collaboration inspires creativity and there is no better place to do it virtually than Microsoft teams you can turn on the video you can share pre-recorded demos you can flag and save important questions during the conversation you can even generate the call transcript leveraging Microsoft stream but check this out you can now even whiteboard virtually say Layla and team have a few questions invite them to play along and that's not all when done if you follow up using LinkedIn smart links you can get red notifications and more isn't that cool change is a given and sometimes unexpected stay centered stay current stay connected stay creative be sure to leverage our technology and assets to beam up to help others do more another example of how we digitally transformed is how we leverage behavioral data in a responsible and ethical way consistent with our company values.
Employee privacy and hr policies we combine data from our collaboration tools with organizational data and success metrics we use that to collect insights on the impact of day-to-day seller interactions on business outcomes we then encourage roles across the sales organization using behavioral nudges to replicate what is going well to improve performance at scale for people to do their best work they need to feel that the person closest to them in leadership is supporting them over the same period and drawing on internal and external research we established leadership principles so anyone in the organization can lead from where they sit.
We started treating management as a skill not an earned right we rolled out new expectations for our 17 000 people managers who account for 70 percent of the employee experience and are critical to the success of our transformation we put empathy at the center of employee communication and ask managers to model the core values and behaviors to coach using insights and to show up with care complementing our cultural attributes and leadership principles finally to make sure everyone is part of the transformation we launched a sales culture change initiative we did that to empower every leader manager and employee to achieve more with their teams customers and partners.
We gave them skilling plans by role and the space to learn to build those new capabilities we also gave them end-to-end digital tools and agile processes to increase their time with customers and partners we defined clear habits by role together with clear expectations for managers to create a lived experience that brings the culture to life and where everyone can succeed of course we measure progress on our transformation and we do that using a dashboard that captures several kpis and the dashboard we use captures a number of things it captures training completion and satisfaction by audience and then we use our connect process out where our managers talk to individuals to see how people are applying those skills on the job the dashboard measures also time and with spent with partners and customers and the pace of doing business as well also as tools adoption and the frequency and quality of coaching between individuals and their managers.
We look as well at how managers are driving performance at scale with every individual on their teams we look at this by area by country by line of business and by team in addition we run a bi-annual survey asking leaders managers and sellers for feedback on their overall experience and then we use that that feedback to drive our change program I've spoken about mission and how every aspect of Microsoft has formed as well as how the various elements of culture support our strategy and here you can see how it all comes together.
So let me now share how this work has helped us to respond to the pandemic and importantly how it helped to support our customers. we were able to maintain continuity when the time came to operate remotely enabling unprecedented internal collaboration and sustaining high quality virtual engagements we were able to then be in a great position to help our customers respond and to be best placed to be ready for them uh when they needed us one of the things we've done with a special focus is to use Microsoft teams internally.
it's helping us stay productive in and informed to drive our culture and to maintain morale we replaced hallway conversations with yama virtual employee forum coupled with the changes to our benefits to support mental health it makes the working from home experience that bit more comfortable our technology also helped customers transition to remote work first line workers switched to mobile shift management teachers switched to mobile learning government leaders ran countries virtually using technology in the us first responder team Rubicon became the largest disaster response and recovery NGO they are managing and coordinating the work of more than 80 000 volunteers addressing the pandemic using our dynamics non for non-profit platform our technology enabled us to step up quickly to help customers in their own response effort so they could continue to engage with their customers the chateau san Michell winery is an example of a successful and rapid customer transition within a matter of days they were able to move 90 of all sales to their e-commerce channel with Microsoft dynamics 365 commerce the crisis has pushed us of course as well and it's pushed us to keep transforming our products such as teams and windows virtual desktop.
So that we can create the best experiences for customers this image shows tel aviv hospital using augmented virtual reality with senior doctors confined at home guiding the work of early and career medics at duke university as the pandemic spread professor randles and her team partnered with Microsoft AI for health to transform the scarce resource of a ventilator to share it between two patients the work took just 36 hours to build a life-saving solution that would normally take around eight hundred thousand computer hours let's roll the video.
So this all started very early on in the entire pandemic you heard in the news every day that there was a need for more ventilators one of our colleagues wanted to create a device to help improve ventilator capacity in splitting ventilators between two patients to do that we needed to run hundreds of millions of simulations that in total required almost a million compute hours we applied to the covid-19 hbc consortium and then they paired us with Microsoft AI for health they pulled in experts and they figured out everything we needed for the infrastructure while letting us focus on the science by Monday morning we had completed 800000 compute hours and finish the entire job within one week of submitting the application we used the azure cycle cloud platform because it allowed for dynamic resilient computing we were able to get 800000 compute hours over a weekend it was pretty amazing to be able to submit for fda approval less than a week and a half after requesting the compute time.
We hope that having a device like this will allow physicians to have a safer way for making these difficult decisions remote work also demands secure and optimized networks we've been modernizing our vpn infrastructure and redesigning services to support a mobile workforce for many years dammit hit our cloud investments in azure migrations and office 365 deployment had reduced traffic on our vpn by around 85 percent our cloud-based secure environment acted as a virtual gate controlling access to applications and services we were ready to react and it helped us move a lot faster and be a great partner for others today we're using our power platform return to the workplace solution to help our customers and our teams operationally manage their return to the office a great customer example of optimizing operations is case western reserve university they're using azure quantum solutions to improve healthcare with higher precision mri machines let's take a look on the video if you think about MRI.
Today the problem is that it takes a while to scan the other problem is that the mri scans that we do today have limited sensitivity so we can see some diseases but there are other diseases that we can't our laboratories developed a new way to do mri scans called magnetic resonance fingerprinting in general we want to make the mr scan faster and more robust meaning that we can get good results consistently no matter where the patient is scanned azure quantum has really inspired us to look at the future in every fingerprinting scan there's actually thousands of decisions that we have to make in order to set up the right scan surprising but the scale of that optimization problem is beyond what we can solve with conventional computing conventional optimization algorithm typically they have some assumptions for example they assume that scanner system is perfect for patient in the perfect position but in reality there are lots of confounding factors.
That may change the signal if the algorithm does not consider all this then the result may not be optimal we're working with azure quantum to use their quantum inspired algorithms to start to solve these problems we provide the question and the target and they're using their algorithm to help us to find optimal results working with azure has given us improvement in speed and about a 30 improvement in our precision the results we're getting are allowing us to see diseases earlier than before and to quantify the treatments that we're giving working with azure quantum has enabled us to do things that we just couldn't do before it's really changed the way.
That we think about mri scans and we see a whole new world of possibilities that we didn't before these results from the quantum inspired algorithms are going to impact the healthcare of billions of people worldwide our culture cultural transformation also prepared as well to respond to the pandemic the leadership principles acted as a values-driven framework guiding decisions in the spirit of our company's growth mindset leaders recognize that they're not experts and solicited feedback from public health experts early on to meet employee and customer needs leaders rallied globally across the field and corporate communicating at all levels with empathy depth and frequency really bringing one Microsoft to life he mobilized rapidly for customers really focusing on customer success starting with supporting essential businesses.
We prioritized azure cloud access for first responders and emergency services we scaled teams in a matter of weeks and unlocked the premium version of teams for free and we released new Microsoft 365 health 365 health care applications some of which you've seen today finally the desire to make a difference helping our communities ingrained in our mission statement was reflected in an impressive number of local community support initiatives looking back at all our transformation efforts and also our response to the pandemic we feel proud humbled and energized by the work done and the market reaction at the same time.
We remain very aware that we need to keep moving this year has left us very conscious of the uncertainty around us and of the need to be able to respond quickly we're thankful for the change management muscle we've been growing over time we're conscious we're in this sprint marathon for some time to come I'm often asked what we learned from our transformation journey and I'm happy to share a few ideas today hoping they can help others firstly investing in change management and communications expertise makes a real difference having dedicated people.
Who can help design and implement the transformation and bring everyone along for the journey is critical second this is about building new habits it's about changing behaviors and having a skilling plan for every role to build the relevant capabilities thirdly it's about designing for simplicity and agility and having that as the guide for every decision we make that means reviewing every single tool and process we're adapting the pace of change to meet the new demands of customers finally it's critical to act quickly and decisively and to empower people in the front line closest to our customers so we talked about why transformation matters how we lead it at Microsoft and how our culture supports it like all great movements in history successful transformation relies on a sense of purpose empowered change agents and the voice of leaders like yourselves to start the movement and create a ripple effect one person at a time.
Thank you so much for your attention and now back to you Jose for Q/A.
Nicola thank you so much what a master class on large scale transformation and uh and what it takes uh we had a number of questions that have come up on the Q/A already uh online and I'm gonna be keeping an eye on that and I encourage the audience to ask questions that are most relevant to your context.
So that we can share openly about insights that could be helpful to you in your own journey of transformation so many of you are embarking on that journey right now um so i'm gonna start actually with a question from the audience and you have mentioned Nicola a number of great examples on how this Microsoft transformation is really impacting society in very positive ways um number of medical applications that affect people's lives um I'm curious and and rick crane had early on before you actually showed the videos and some of the material he had asked the question related to this on what are some examples of these changes that may be visible to customers and uh so since you already show a number of those examples.
I'm curious personalizing a little bit more is there something that as you work through multitude of ideas and uh implementations of innovation with Microsoft are there is there one or two that really resonate with you personally uh and that that you see you know certainly could be a medical application or elsewhere that that you have found as a leader of transformation that's really neat to see that we're doing this now for our customers for society is there anything that stands out for you I'll give a couple of examples and um you already saw some great ones there but the ventilator one was um something we did in a number of countries and we did it here in the uk where I am and um you know it was uh we did something here in the uk with the NIHs with uh using HoloLens and uh helping and to map the design of a ventilator so that the ventilator challenge could um could could build and the people in the ventilator challenge could be build ventilators much more quickly.
So that was pretty inspiring at the start of the pandemic I'll give a couple of other examples um i was engaged in a local school near where i live helping them to get up and running on teams their children go to age age 11 and the teachers were really toying with how to put remote working together so that they could continue with lessons over the Easter holiday they were able to do that and they've had their whole school engaged and they didn't miss a beat again.
It's pretty inspiring maybe i'll give one um more around the um the retail sector as well and retailers of course have had a very tough time through the pandemic and um they've been able to scale up and down their their capacity to uh to meet the market demand which has been fluctuating quite heavily so I work um with uh with one of the online retailers asos here in the uk and they particularly have been able to scale up and down and it's pretty inspiring it's a very it's similar in a sense to the azure study that you saw there but um it's pretty inspiring how quickly a retailer can scale up and down if you think about the sales the black Friday events.
The way they need to really move very very quickly it's very very inspiring what you what we've seen there particularly with some of those online retailers no doubt no doubt those are those are great examples um again uh the other thing that has emerged in the discussions has to do with uh the fact that not only you're doing this transformation and Microsoft but then you overlay a global pandemic on top of that curious about how the pandemic has maybe shaped or shifted the direction of your transformation yeah again I'll give a couple of examples um i think the first i would say is that we've um you know we thought long and hard about what to continue um and um what's the right thing to do during the pandemic for our own people and especially when you're transforming roles or parts of the organization and so what we did uh in the summer this year is is go a lot deeper and we do go deep normally by the way but we went a lot lot deeper in terms of really making sure that we handled every single conversation every employee with empathy with care.
We took a lot of time working through that with the leaders then with managers so that they were in a very very strong position to have great one-on-one connections with employees and that employees could really understand what the change is all about what's in it for them and then to be in a strong position to uh to take it forward from there and so that that's one example the other is i would say and i mentioned a little bit during the the talk um we put a lot of effort into really thinking through very very quickly what customers were asking us for during the pandemic and we were able to quickly adapt our sales plays and put them in the hands of our sellers around the world so that they could very quickly be um on the pulse with what customers were asking for right then and there i so that they would be the two i'd pick as where we put more attention than uh than ever this year those are excellent examples uh one other thing that has been discussed is that change is difficult and transformations can be downright painful because you're becoming something else as individuals as an organization uh curious.
If you could share um some of those pains that you have to go through as you transform how how have you dealt with that the pain that is natural when we're having an organization we have to unfreeze a certain set of values and reshape them into new ways what are some of the pain that you had to overcome in the in this journey look one of the first things to overcome is um how to convince people uh that the change is the right thing to do um and we've spent a lot of time on that and we refine that uh each year as we as we go forward but um really thinking through a compelling case for change and being able to explain that in the eyes of the individual.
So that they can really kind of get their heads around it and get on board with it we do that successively through layers of management but we've we've focused um really hard on that it's pretty painful right because not everyone feels like the change is good news for them all the time and so helping people to uh and giving them the time to absorb to ask questions uh to to digest it all and then to be able to take it forward is is is a big one i would say the second is um we uh we realized maybe about six months into the start of our sales and marketing transformation.
That we really needed to go deep and change behaviors it kind of sounds obvious now and but we were not going to get the change at the front end of our business that we were striving for with our customers and partners without every individual being able to change uh the way they show up and we realized that that required a lot more learning and so we really doubled down on the uh the skilling and the learning efforts that we we built out in the organization and we created uh role-based plans for everyone in the in the company and those plans really help the person to develop those new capabilities and then we helped our managers.
We wanted them to become better coaches if you think about the change we were driving our customers were looking to digitally transform their businesses it's a very different kind of sales conversation and so to have that conversation people needed our people needed to be able to talk at the sea level they needed to be able to talk about the entire transformation of a business and an industry so they needed to understand and then we needed our managers we need our managers to be able to coach their individuals through those industry conversations to be able to really drive value for customers.
So that was the second big thing I would say that was um there was a lot of heavy lifting and something to pay attention to i guess the third I would say is when you start to think about agility and the pace at which business moves these days and it gets faster and faster of course and looking at every business process that you have and every and the tools that join those business processes together it's a pretty uncomfortable journey and it crosses many aspects of the business so i mentioned all parts of the business transforming they all have to work in unison to really drive any of those process changes with um with real energy.
So we've put a lot of energy into that again i would say that's not the easiest thing to transform because you're building new muscles you're constantly working across teams and you're having to drive drive at pace that's terrific perspectives um curious Nicola. Microsoft is a massive organization i mean with uh with a with an overarching culture but you know because of the nature of its geographical diversity also multi-levels of culture to deal with in subcultures um and uh and we all understand that the transformation is not certainly not an event it's a journey and uh and this journey you know.
I'm not sure if it ever ends but uh what are some of the signposts that you're looking in the organization to find to to check how the transformation is going if the alignment is what you expect to be the outcomes are what you expected them up front what are some of the things that you may be looking at for checking the health of the transformation well first and foremost thank you that's a great question and i i agree by the way i don't think it does ever end i i think it's a continuous cycle of transformation and we we look at a number of things but first and foremost we're looking for um for those results for our customers and we want customers to be um be delighted and to be able to get value from the work they do with us and so ultimately it's about whether they meet their objectives.
We track that in the form of customer and partner surveys and we do that on a rolling quarterly basis and we pay acute attention to the results of those those surveys and we feed that forward into the work programme second I mentioned we do the same with our employees we do that twice a year as well so we just finished one in the last couple weeks and we're now busily digesting the data so that we can again feed it forward into our work programme.
We did we did a lot of work to make to co-create solutions so we engage a large number of our field sellers and managers in creating the solutions we we um we get them engaged in testing we get them engaged in design we get them engaged in testing uh we get them to poke at it really hard we do it in a really low ego way and that way we get solutions that people actually want and that have been properly road tested when we when we put them out and I guess the final thing i would say is that um you know i mentioned that we're looking for for managers to be able to lead at scale and to have everyone in their team succeed and what we are increasingly looking at is um not just whether a manager can produce one hero result with one person in their team but whether they can help everyone in their team to take a step forward and to really um to really support them to meet customer objectives.
So they would be i would say ultimately of course it's measured in business results uh and we track our transformation back to that and you would expect us to be dashoarded and measuring things so we measure a whole gamut of things but ultimately it's about customer partner satisfaction people satisfaction and then business results of course terrific a clear sense of purpose direction and uh and an alignment in the measurements.
That you're looking at Nikola our time is up but on behalf of over 2000 uh business transformation operational excellence leaders from around the world across all industries. we're deeply grateful for the generosity of your time to be here with us to share your impressive insights and experience and expertise with us so openly we're very very thankful for that thank you thank you so much Jose it's my pleasure thank you ladies and gentlemen Nicola Hodson global transformation leader at Microsoft.
what a way to complete the business transformation and operational excellence world summit 2020 for BTOES from Home.
Nicola Hodson,
Vice President, Field Transformation, Global Sales & Marketing,
Microsoft Corporation.
Nicola Hodson is Vice President of the Field Transformation Office at Microsoft. Nicola is leading Digital Transformation across 14 geographical regions, spanning 190 countries. Her remit includes driving sales & marketing transformation to better enable customers to succeed, leading sales culture transformation; partnering with field leaders and HR to improve sales capabilities and transforming the business at the same time as delivering results. She is a key contributor to Microsoft’s overall Commercial and Consumer transformation. Nicola joined Microsoft in 2008 as General Manager, Public Sector in the UK. She was promoted to Chief Operating Officer, Microsoft UK in 2013 and then again to her present role in 2017 as Vice President for Global Sales and Marketing at Microsoft. Prior to joining Microsoft, Nicola was Executive Director at Siemens IT Solutions and Services, Nicola joined Siemens in 2003 as Executive Director in charge of Sales, Marketing, Partner Management and Bid Management with responsibility across the portfolio. Nicola led BPO sales in the UK at CSC before moving to Siemens. She has also worked for Ernst & Young Management Consulting selling and delivering multiple transformation projects in the energy and utilities sector. Nicola is a seasoned executive with substantial experience in global technology and engineering companies, in-depth understanding of market dynamics, transforming businesses, delivering financial results, building top teams, sales and marketing and the use of technology to drive digital transformation across all sectors.
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