BTOES Insights Official
December 01, 2020

BTOES From Home - SPEAKER SPOTLIGHT : How to Prioritize Customer Needs and Expectations

Courtesy of Jabil's Michal Wierzchowski, below is a transcript of his speaking session on 'How to Prioritize Customer Needs and Expectations' to Build a Thriving Enterprise that took place at BTOES From Home.



Session Information:

How to Prioritize Customer Needs and Expectations

As a contract manufacturer, Jabil strives to be the most technologically-advanced and trusted manufacturing solutions provider. To be able to drive this vision, we are focusing on our processes to prioritize customer needs and expectations. During the presentation you will get more insight into:

  • Jabil Who We Are

  • Integrating IBPM in Our Strategy & Operating System

  • IBPM Strategy and Architecture

  • Overall Roadmap

  • Jabil IBPM, Signavio In Use

Session Transcript:

Hello everyone, and welcome back to Intelligent Business Process Management, when we're at Tech Knowledge Meets Leadership. So really excited about our next presentation. We have me how worse Charles, who is a Senior Director of Operations Solutions for, He's going to talk about, about the journey with strives to be the most technologically advanced, Entrust, Manufacturing solutions provider, and me, how has 18 years of experience in manufacturing operations, for navigating and managing across, up and down the organization. In JabIL, he's leading innovative digital supply chain solutions to support business objectives and build the ability to adapt to different business environments. Me, how has The honor, for process management transformation at by adopting BPM, industry, standards, is fully focusing on new capabilities, they'll drive productivity for, predictive, and prescriptive analytics, may, Help?

Great pleasure to have you here. Really looking forward to your presentation.

Thank you that, and I'm really excited with we're fortunate that I have here. So let me take, you guys to do what we were able to achieve as a company, and I'm hoping that it is going to be a beneficial for you guys.

So, um, so, what we're going to discuss today is an introduction on we are as a company, and I want to bring up a little bit about what is the geographical location on where we are located. And also what it what it is integrated A BPM, I know that they're documenting, it looks the same, but we were adopting that for our internal use in the full extension of that, is integrated, looking to management. That is our way of managing the process to support the strategy and execution. And then after that, I want to take you a little bit more into the journey that we are in right now, where we were defining how the Blueprint management by logging onto the Stamp Industry Standard Business Process Management is helping the organization. How did we put the architecture and what were the first first steps that we were making. So that it can laid out on what is important from our perspective to occupy.

Fine, OK, so um ...

MS operation strategy, I'm not going to read this slide you guys can can look into that and see what we are doing but our vision and the strategies to be the most technologically advanced and thrust upon the **** Cheap Solution provider. So, we are a partner with our customers, right? We have, we are on the market for more than for almost 55 years, 53 years. Exactly. We are around 25 billion of revenue, 200,000 different employees around the globe 120 20 sites, globally. So it is pretty big organization if I can say like that. And we are supporting really huge portfolio of the markets, starting from the consumer packaging, Energy, and Energy Healthcare, Automotive, and so on. So, for so, pretty much, whatever you are touching on a daily basis, that might be coming from us as we are partners for those big brands in three or manufacturing. For them, right? So that is quite interesting.

Screenshot (74)Whenever we are having a conversation with a bank, would anybody from the outside of the company when they say, hmm, Gabriel, I'm not sure if I heard his name before, and I'm saying, well, definitely, you attach our product on a daily basis, right?

Because we are partnering with almost all of the brands around the globe.

Now, if it comes to the specific of the company, we are supporting our customers, starting from the innovation, going through the design, development, and delivering all of those, those things.

And our approach is to focus on the experts. And I think this is really critical. And it's really important where we talk about the integrated pest management or BPM standard, because the experts are playing a really key, key role. And that is one of the, one of the leading element for us as a company that is helping us to drive the organization really successfully in providing the Hi service or the customers, right? So this is about the about the company.

I hope that it is going, is helping you to get a little bit closer understanding on on who we are and what we do if it comes to that to the locations we are localized around the globe. We have more than 100 different facilities around the globe, as as, as you see, as you can see, we are based or we are presence in Asia, We are presence in Europe, Middle East, and Africa.

We have a pretty big campuses in Latin America, and also North America, right, So, as you can see, pretty, pretty, pretty extended organization. And especially, if you remember, 200,000 different. Employees around the globe, that is building a really, huge network of, and This is what I, what I, what. I really enjoy what I like. Because thinking about 200,000 different employees, I am always thinking about the human brain power, that we have that we have around that, right. And I'm always thinking, how we can take advantage of that of that human horsepower, if I can call it like that. And that can help us to drive innovation and can help us to drive moving forward strategy for the company.

Now, when it comes to the, to the overall overall idea, the concept around the IEP and or integrated pest management, the way how we were, starting that, we went with the, with it pretty, a pretty clear hypothesis. We say with the tremendous growth that the company was coming through, giving the last few years, Complex complexity increases that complexity for us also to verify diversified, and extend the.

An extent that, The process, and build up, and build up for, you, know, different solutions for different needs. So, what we observed was, that, with the complexity of the business, says, our processes complexity increased, as, well. So, what we say, what was the hypothesis is, that, if we can pull down the curve that is representing the process complexity, and we can flatten this down, It can help us to save. It, can help us to save a lot of a lot of effort, but also in money, right? And stabilize. Our manufacturing costs. So, So, moving forward, we were focusing on the operational excellence. Where we were looking onto the reduced transformation cost. We were looking onto the Clear accountability responsibilities across the organization. We were focusing on that.

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We want it to be focused on the innovation and build a vehicle to unlock the you know. All of the abilities are the possibilities to proliferate innovation in that, and also a good ideas that are coming from the top, but also what is more important from, from the bottom. We were looking for the increased flexibility, and so on and so forth, right? Sustainable growth, etcetera. Right. So, so, I think, you know, Starting from this picture, what we were doing, we were saying, OK, if we're going to stay competitive, and then keep driving through the future, online strategy, we have to take care of our costs. That. Also, we have to take care of our, of, our way of managing the processes, and that is how we came up with the, with, the Integrated Blueprint Management.

When we say, we want to build that, we want to build a platform that is going to help us run standardization, to make sustainable operational excellence, where all of the best practices that are being built of the sites are going to be proliferate that. And they are going to be pulled up so that all of the facilities around the globe. And if you, remember, we have 100 plus different facilities. So that those facility, we wanted those facilities to take advantage of good practices that are common code, that are being created by our people on the facade of the of the site. Then, we say, once we get, Whilst we go through this one, we want to step into the innovation, and then combine it altogether.

So that we can understand how we can move the standard processes that we built into the next level. So that we can take advantage of the existing technology and the innovation. so that it can help us to move ahead towards the potential new processes and new businesses. Millimeter depth, are, that, are, you know, growing outside on the markets. Right, because, I think it is It is not a secret for anybody that, the market evolved so fast And it changed so rapidly, especially right now with those kind of situation in coronavirus is, is a bad thing that happened. But is a perfect example that is, that, is, you know, showing how weak the businesses have to adapt to the situation. And I think, you know, building the VPN, it helped us a lot to to go towards those challenges that are created by the, by the ....

Then, the final stage stage was about the transformation, so that, you know, building a sustainable operational excellence, combining, and integrating with new technologies that are, that are available out there. Then we, what we wanted to go, we want to go towards the new businesses, small business models, and be able to flexibly in really, really high, high, flexible, way to adopt and adjust to what is needed at the market. Right.

Then, if you think about the ..., we were, we were looking into this several business cases, right? We'll use cases if you call it like that, because you can adopt it and you can do a lot of tanks with a business process management. However, we have listed down five.

We say, we want to be focused on the operational excellence, and strategic operational improvements, factory of the future investments, which is another component that we are driving that is connected to the innovation M&A, mergers, and acquisitions, and new businesses. And going through all of those five elements, the left side came up, pretty obvious, standardize, innovate, and transform by going going through that.

Then, what we did, we say, OK, now, when we know what we want, and how we want to manage that, we have to pull it all together, and then align it with our operating system. So, what we said, it is, it is top to bottom, bottom top approach. We are building an environment and an organization by defining, What are the objectives. And, and, and this, and this strategic goals that we want to drive. And we are defining what is critical at the top. We're cascading this down to our regional teams down to the site.

And then we're closing the loop along the side to feed back towards those strategies. And allowing them to drives us with the, with the feedback and indication what potentially they think is the best way to achieve the goals from the perspective. So, then we are combined yet to get. the way how we do it, we, you see the triangle is surrounded by three arrows. one is plant level operating system to, each on a daily basis. We're controlling get performance. We're following up whatever happened throughout that. Just your accuracy at the type of the solution. So, we know exactly, on a daily basis, what is happening then, throughout the unified metrics management, we know how or what the organization.

is. He's doing and how it's performing, by which is more important. We are closing. We're closing this circle by putting the integrated management, which is hosting our processes. So whatever is coming from the top to the bottom, bottom to the top, we are extracting dose, and we are saying, what are the best practices? What are the best solutions that we want to use as our enterprise level or layer of the process? So that we can navigate to that and we can use it to intelligently translate the strategies to the site level, But also collect the feedback from the site on how they believe is the best way to achieve the goals defined by that. By the By the organization.

OK, so definitely be able to company, and what we were, what we were putting as our leading elements, and then how we were defining what exactly we want to do To be more competitive, to get to drive our best in class organization.

And then when we when we shape with when we frame it, we started to to build an architecture of the integrated management, and I'm going to show you right now, what is the vision of a BPM.

The vision of a BPM is this simple screen, and I think there is nobody on this call who is not recognizing, This is a, This is a GPS.

Then when you think about that, whether you use your phone, whether you use your car, whether you use your laptop, whatever, it is pretty obvious, how it works. You just, you are located in one place. You are typing in Local location, B or final Destination. And GPS automatically is able to show you the path. They're old to go there. It is going to tell you where to turn, what is the potential congestion, where the traffic lights, and also it can, it can infer who went to stop it, when, when is that green, or red line, Right? Like, so. So, that is the inspiration that we were putting in front of ourselves. And if you say, we want to build company GPS where, whenever the decision is going to be make.


Whether it is a process, whether it is a tool, whether it is a KPI, or the data, we want to be able to, to pipe in a final destination and see what the court the part is. What are the parties that should be engaged in, and who should be the party of the conversation? So that we can drive there, without any problems, right? So we were looking at, you see, in the surrounding of this, GPS is explaining, what we were looking for, sustainability, accuracy, updates, and for those kind of things.

However, if you think about HTTPS, I'm not sure if we all are thinking or understand how complex it is, Right. Because it is not just easy to open, then navigation panel, or the GPS. And then look onto the screen to understand, you know, and everything is happening magically. Because nobody has a magic wand that, to build those things. Right. Because, you know, behind the scenes with the GPS satellites tirado cards, that Google is recording there, all, the streets and a lot of architecture methodology and the tools. And in the help of effort to be able, or the people are putting for us to be able to drive safely from one place to another one. And in BPM, whenever I'm, I'm looking through, the GPS is Exactly the same. It is a nice to have, or a really cool staff to have where you can type it in the final destination and it can help you to navigate through that.

But, the same time, we were emphasizing that the complexity of building. That's right? So, So I think I think you see these represent really well, what we were building. I'm going to show you in more detail how we were constructing the architecture and what were the steps that allows us to get into the point where we are today.

So, the very first thing that we did, to, to build it up and drive it, it was to build up the solely foundations.

So we say to be able to run integrated management efficiently and effectively, we need to, we need to have all of our processes digitized.

So I'm not saying that we haven't had that, right, Because because we are really process oriented company, but then we say we have them slightly into the silos. So what we want to do, we want to put them all together and connect them so that we can accelerate the effort.

Whenever you want to understand what is the customer journey or end to end process, or the plan, then the end to end integrated Blueprint can help us to navigate to that, right?

So we build, we build in all of that processes into one integrated place in the digital format.

Another element was the ... roles and accountabilities.

So we say, now, when we know what our processes, we need to make sure that we are emphasizing, or we are indicating, who are the bodies that, are responsible for, what Because.

Throughout the time, even though if you, if you give the responsibility to the people, they would, they tend to adjust to the way how they believe it's supposed to work. Now, with IBM. It was, it was slightly different and new concept that we were putting in place. So, we took advantage of that. And then we say, Let's refresh and revise. all of the roles. And responsibilities. Throughout the organization. That will help us to link it back to the process. Right, so, that is what we did as the as the, as the second one.

And all of those things were driven in parallel guys, so don't, don't see that as a sequential events because, because we were driving that in parallel so that at the end of the day, we were able to connect them altogether, right. The third element that we were putting in place was now when we know how to build our processes, when we know how we are revising and, and, you know, refreshing the roles and responsibilities.

We say, we need to have a common platform or the forum, that can help us too, communicate efficient. So, we started, started with our experts, community, committee meetings, expert committee platforms, and I'd also, we started to connect our top management throughout all of the levels down to the site.

And we're saying, OK, this is this is what is important, right? Those are the strategies. And we were building a clear path that the strategies we're going through, different layers and we peel it off defining or translating the strategy to the next level down, right? So, thanks to that, we were able to accelerate the clarification on how we're going to execute this strategy, because if you will go with a strategy from the top, and then you will give it to the site level to the operators.

Not necessarily. It is going to work as you expect, right? And that is what we wanted to do, going through the different layers. We're clarifying, what are the priorities and what are the processes that supposed to be engaged? so that's what you would be liquid appeal.

Pillar 4 and 5, they are combined because we say now, when we have those three elements, which is our process, our roles and responsibilities, and the forums, we need a platform.

That is going to help us to put them all together and accelerate the.

And then that is when where we where we met scenario They help us to build that That environment, and one of the thing, that I'm really excited with, and, and? It was really helpful was the collaborations have that Scenario, Which is the place where you can put all of your experts? All of your processes. And it, and it allows you to communicate in the real-time almost right, to consume your process, understand what are the tools that is supposed to use to perform your work, or execute the process. But also, it can look back with a feedback on what the site or what the operator is thinking about. Individual steps, if this is something that they agree, fine. If this is something that they think might be improved, that is something that we were extracting and we were pulling this back to our enterprise level of the process.

Then the fifth element is to focus on the real time, you know, at the real-time, expert force management. Which is pretty much, I mean, in every organization, you have the navigation path, where you control your KPIs. And then you you bundle them up, right, to understand how you are performing, or is the results, what is the financials, et cetera, et cetera. It's usually what is happening in that. In that model, you are realizing post facto. That's that's something happen.

So, then, you are, you are building, you are building some avoidance, or predict predictive after that happens, right?

What we're doing, we're extending the model, and we're adding and we are adding the process KPIs that are, that are connected to their processes and the real-time.

We are linking this up to our process experts, and, and then, in the real time, we're able to read direct, they focused on the right places at the right time, OK?

So, then, When it comes to the standardization, and the way, how we were building the blueprint, looking into the five pillars, and we always move around those feelings, right? We say, Now, we need to put the layers of the different segments that we want to control. So, we say processes the most important. Nothing can happen without clearly defined and well defined process, so, processes, the driver. And, we always are building everything, based on that, based on the process. Right.

Screenshot (4)So, that, said that whenever, whenever we started the journey with a brutal blueprint, we say, Processes the base and let's start with that process. So we define all of our process. We put them into the digital format, and then we say, Now, we need to understand what are our procedures and then not only understand what are our procedures, but also we were working to standardize them and, and merge them so that we can have one common layer for the organization that everybody has to be compliant.

Then another element was to go over the tools, right? We say, now, when we know what our processes, and the end and the procedures, we want to understand what are the tools that we are using.

It's not that we didn't know what are those tools, but there were like many tools that where we're playing the same role, or we're having a similar functionalities, but the number of the tools, of course, is not efficient from the IT perspective, especially if it comes to the cost, right? So, we say, Let's group all of those tools and see which are the tools that are supporting the same set of the process, or the same piece of the process.

So that we can select the best one, or we can merge them, and you can help us to simplify our IT landscape. And then, we're going after KPIs to be able to manage all of those things. And then, we close up the loop with a clear definition of the data, right? So, those are the five layers that we were building on top of the foundation is defined by developing, going by the five pillars. And those are the ones that are helping us to create the full, starting from the process knowing that the procedures. The tools that we are using way of measuring that. And then what are the data slashing information?

It is representative full, full view on how we are driving the process. Right then, and then right now, today, whatever we are going to touch or whatever we are going to to influence whether it is data KPI's tools or the procedures. Wherever we go, wherever we patch it, immediately, it is showing dependencies, and that is the beauty with, with the whole, integrated local management. Because it doesn't matter what we're attacking immediately. We see what are the dependencies? Who's supposed to be engaged? And who are the parties that are playing a key role to drive the change, so that they can co-ordinate among the organization?

We didn't have functional groups, and help us to accelerate the effort. But what is more important? Focus on the cost. And then, avoid any misalignment, because I think each of us was, was a witness of the projects where some of the things were missed, right, We didn't consider this, We didn't, Because he did that. And I'm not saying it is not going to happen here, but we minimize this, K, right.

So that whenever we are going through any change, any improvements, or even what's more important when you go after the strategy of the company, then this architecture is helping us a lot to identify what are the dependencies? Who should be engaged? Who should be involved? And then, how to drive it efficient.

Now, one of the thing that I want to highlight, also, is, nothing is happening without the people, right. Especially, especially with the, with the processing. that, and, and the expert type of environment that you have to, that you have to hold, right? So, our global process owners, that I was referring, when, when I was describing the roles and responsibilities are to be on to, this is our most important layer of the company.

By, by saying that, I am saying that we nominated our, process owners, not, that.

We hire a bunch of people, but we went through the company, through the organization, and we say, court, the owners of the processes. And then we change, or we slightly modify, modify the way, how, how the process owners are hosting or holding the processes in the hand. And then they became our owners of the segment of the processes. So, anything that is happening, for example, in materials cannot happen, or cannot be changed without the approval of the global process owner. That is, only the materials portion of it, right? The same engineering, quality, manufacturing, et cetera.

Thanks to that, We are putting, we are putting the, you know, the clarification on, on what is being what is the asked from the site, or what is the ask from the region, up to the global process owner. And he, together with that, with our experts, on our committee, They are deciding, if that is the way, how we want to drive the company at the enterprise level. Or it might be a piece of the process that we want to keep or host at the site level, or at the beach. Right. So that is becoming a really critical function for us.

And where the process owner, so Googlebot for this owners, they are becoming decision makers, if it comes onto the way, how we execute the strategy, but also how we run the innovation. Of course, not by themselves, but we didn't the committee that they are co-ordinating by going through the, through the organization.

Quick example on how we were running the net, the check when we started, and when we were going after that, and those are random, random numbers, guys.

But I just wanted to visualize what we were doing. So, based on that, based on the definition that we put in place, and in terms of the global standards, the tools, and the KPIs, we were going through all of our regions. And we say, now, we need to validate how compliance we are to what we define. And that was a huge, tremendous effort that we put in place. But, finally, after going through that, will get them to the point where all of the regions are being aligned towards the global enterprise level of the process that we define.

And then, we were able to extract this, We call it flexibility, but those are the variables or variations that we are keeping on a side, but the same time, they are still attached to the core processes, right?

So, pretty much going throughout all of that, all of the regions we were defining, 60, 70, 80% of the process is being common, then there's, you know, 20, around 20% of the processes are conscious Pacific, region specific or, or customer specific type of the processes, right? Where we were keeping them slightly separate, right, and, and but still connected to the process.

So that whenever we drive the change throughout the organization by using IBM, we see when we are changing our global standard so that we are having all of that important parties engaged. But also we we understand where are those variations that exist, right? So that we can take into consideration upfront and then we will avoid any problems or any confusions moving forward right once we will get them.

So that was the way how we were going through that.

Now, the overall overall journey, right from idea to maturity in the in, you know, I'm really excited all the time when I'm talking about a BPM because I'm passionate with the process with, you know, BPM standards and those kinds of things, but the same time, we cannot run right away. It is not possible. So we put our crawl walk run approach into the environment, and we say, OK, here's where we define, what do we want to do? Taking control, we build an idea, we were defining our global golden models, and we were learning on how you want to drive it. So we were building on the picture. We were bringing the right people. We were establishing GPM champions to build the network. Then this year we are going through the cultural transformation and cultural change so that we say, This is the way how we're going to run the business right.

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IBM is the platform that you should supposed to use to run your process compliance check.

And then we are empowering our SME's, SMEs, a subject matter expert person, located at the site level.

They are responsible for the processes, so, So the way how you are running that, there is no like, global team is going to dictate how the process should look. Like. We say to that people now, today, everybody is global. So, whatever the idea is that you have, we want to know it. And then throughout that, IBM bubble this up to the global process owner.

Because he can help you to expand it and then put it onto the onto the global baseline and making, making sure that whatever is coming from, from US, as the user, the final user, it will be seen by any other facilities, and they can take advantage of that, right?

So, that is what we were, what we were doing. And the other thing that we are driving in parallel, and it is going to take us till the end of this year and next year, it is to build this self sustained improvement loop. So we have the clear architecture of the process, or the way how we are running a BPM by looking into that process: tools, procedures, KPIs, and the data, We put it into environments so that everybody knows What is the global bays night. What is the standard that they have to be compliant to? We're extracting those.

Variations that potentially exist, and then we're dragging that come to the point where SMEs within that community, they can keep it running, self sustain, right? Which is every change that is happening. We'll be looking back to the global process owners and vice versa. If there is any initiative that we want to drive from the, from the top perspective, right, then, we are dragging this down to the same path. So we're making sure that our process experts at the site level, immediately, they will see what we're asking them to do, or what we are asking them to bodied.

Very quickly, you know, major steps, whenever, whenever I think about a BPM, and I had this presentation in front of, in front of different audiences, and always they're asking, What were the first steps that you gave me, Right?

So here I was trying to laid it out, and then show you some kind of perspective, but, um, the one, the most important element that I was focusing on within the organization, together with my peers, was to secure executive sponsorship.

There's nothing more important, right? Where I was looking onto the people who are either owning the process at the VP or senior VP level, and they are, they are willing to participate with. That's right. That was really important element. And in the organization, luckily for me, and you know, our organization is process oriented. So every executive that I was talking to about a BPM, They were so excited that, finally, we can have everything on one platform, and everybody can communicate, right? So, it was pretty easy thing to do by engaging them and getting the sponsorship. And then, after that, we were going with that, with a broad engagement, with a senior leadership.

We were defining the process owners, We were defining, what are the facilities? What are the processes that we want to, that we want to drive? And how we want to drive it, right? So, we were going through the five pillars. We were defining the major, end to end process. We began to standardization, plan to shape, and so on, So forth, right?


So, this is a sequence of events, and you can see that we spent one quarter to build up the architecture, gained the support from the executive, and then define how we want to move forward, right? So it might, know, in my organization, I'm always being challenged with a time because we are contract on the factory. And time is money. They always say to me, So I'm seeing that as something that they pretty decent amount of time, but some of the people are saying that it was super fast, right? I don't know what is what is the answer. but but but I think you know, defining those things we need in the quarter that was reasonable. And then moving forward and pulling all of that. Critical puzzles of the whole picture. That is what helps us to build the full full picture and full structure.

Then finally, I want to bring up and emphasize the point in, and, you know, give recognition to ..., because they help us a lot to run it.

If you see, if you If you look on the screen, on the, on the right, bottom corner, right, you see the GPS. On the left side, you see how we translated this GPS to the walkable model for the organization. So we have several layers. We have our company layer that is representing what is important procure to pay. plan for sheep, quote to cash, etcetera. Then we, than ever circle here, is being dragged down to that process groups, whatever surrounding, we're calling them in direct process, whether it is HR, finance, IT, et cetera, But they are supporting across the board, right? So, then we are driving this down to the next layer, which is our, which are the group of the processes, as you can see here. And then we are able to drag it down to the process steps, right, which I represent, the process maps, process flows, the tools, linkage, etcetera. Then, finally, here is the element that I was, I was referring to.

We have a global standard on top of all of the regions. But then wherever there is any deviation that we want to keep, then we are hosting that at the regional level, right? So, ..., on the navigation map, we are allowing our people to drill down from the top to the bottom and from the bottom to the oh, so that they can efficiently go through the process and understand what are the dependencies, Who should be engaged? What are the tools and how it works?

OK, so that would be all what I wanted to share with you guys. I hope that you recognize it useful.

and and just set, I think it will be a time for the questions.

We do me how thank you so much. That was awesome. That was practical. All the way from Poland, to Florida, to the world. And that's a great coverage of VPN. I loved it. And the audience clearly liked it, too, because we have lots of questions coming in here. Lots of practical questions. So I'm going to start right at the top.

And for those who have been asking questions throughout your talk and the I always start with Marianne or Maryann Omar asks about the process owners clearly, very important, critical role. And then he's asking about the level of the process owners. Is this a full-time job, or part-time? And how do you govern processes across multiple end to end processes? So, there's a lot to that question, but let's just, For a first, on, the, on the, on the expectations and process, Owners were where they come from, Well, how much time do they spend doing this type of work?

So, that is really, really, really important and critical question because, at the very first moment, when I started to talk about the integrated weed management, immediately, people started to think, only ****. Are you going to explore the organization? And I say, No, no. No. This is not the way how we're going to do it, right, Especially, I mean, in the contract manufacturing environment, you are not afford to spend that much money. Right. And We have to be efficient. And throughout the years that they work in a company, I got so many good lessons. And I always keeping in mind, in the back of my, my head, right, so what we did, we didn't load the organization.

What we did, though, we went through the functional groups and we say, OK, if you're a senior director responsible for the industry engineering, right? What does your job? What is your role? And then, surprisingly, and I knew that it is going to happen because it was like a provocative question. Surprisingly, they were saying, Well, I am responsible for making sure that our processes are correct. We are making sure that we have the right tools. We're making sure that we have the right software, etcetera, etcetera. So I say, Perfect, This is that global process owner profile. So, what we did, ask wanting to that question, instead of building a role, we just, we just pull it in, and then we changed the way how people are doing the job, right? So that we took advantage of the, of the organization that we have. And we just found that the proper level that is handling the process, the tools, and the innovation. And we nominate them as a global process owners.

Well, at the beginning, if they were happy with that, for sure now, because they were ability, that there is a lot of work. But then, once we convert the way of working, they realize that only crop, suddenly, our work is much easier, because I understand. what are the dependencies. It is helping me to easier. Communicate across the board.

Screenshot (4)Very good, very good. That's excellent. David, Janie has a question that's related on the he understands that the organization is working globally and that there is a global standardization of processes and SLPs. And he's curious about, as you go through that standardization, how do you account for the, the, the local customizations, if you will, that needs to take place. supply chain differences, differences in regulations at the country level. How do you balance standardization with the need for certain levels of customization? Yeah. And that's a really good question. Because if, if, if, you know, if anybody would think that we can standardize 100% of the processes, then I think we can forget about about you know, standardization. Because I think, at the end of the day, my no strategy is to go after 80 20.

If we are able to get to the eight, 80% of the standards, right, And then leaving the 20% for the site, or the region, or the customer's specific type of the processes. That is, that? is the, that is the notes that that they are going after, right?

So answering that question, what we did, and if you recall the last slide that I was showing, that, we built in, ..., we defined. We're extracting the processes that are supposed to be driven up everybody, every, every site. If you think about that, everybody needs to get them on. Everybody needs to place the order. Everybody needs to move the materials. Everybody's to manufacture, right, and everybody needs to have a tools, et cetera. So we were extracting the common layer, and we were defining, this is what we have to be compliance to. However, if there is a country specific, whether it is China Ukraine, Poland, you know, Germany. Yeah, whatever.

Then, we're going to treat it as a deviation, but still it is going to be attached to the global enterprise level so that when we go to that, we will understand, OK, if we want to attach this kind of the process, let's say logistics right, then we know how many deviations we have around that around the globe. And then we will make sure that we are taking those into consideration where we are doing. I know, for example, if you want to implement TMS type of the system, right? task management system, like ... or whatever, then you know what are those deviations? And, you know, what do you need to pay attention to not miss it.

So, we keep that site level still over there, but we are, we are working to minimize it by extracting the common processes and the rules.

Very good, Very good writer on 80% design, that's that's the key. What about ... asks about global process owners. He has a comment there that, that everybody wants to have a say in the process, but no one is necessarily interested in stepping up and assume accountability and ownership of a process. So how does your organization deal with that? Do you nominate or assign process onerous? You ask them to volunteer. What if you have multiple process owners for, for, for a certain area? The question is: How do you, how do you select the ultimate process owner for something.


So, I think, honestly saying, I think we had, uh.

Pretty easy job to do it in the organization, because, as I say, I mean, within the contract manufacturing environments, right? You always talk about how we can produce the best within the highest quality, and process is always the leading element, right? So, we haven't been struggling with that match. With, who should be that person, especially from, from that perspective, but especially because we are having a structured, the process expert structure in the organization.

That was helping me personally to say, OK, those are the SMEs that we have within that specific functional area, right? So, by just doing some kind of an interview around, we've started from the top layer level, saying, We have, within the plan to ship, We have 16 different Processes groups, right? Finding 16 people within 200,000 employees around, it, wasn't that difficult, because you just go up to the organization, right? And then, and then, if we have the senior director, who is responsible for the automation? We said, OK, so, tell me what you're responsible for, And then, and then we, we've heard around from the facilities and the regional VP is that this is a good person, because he's focusing on everything that they need, Right. So, that was, that was pretty easy. Work to do, to figure out who is, who should be that person. Right, And then, you know, actually closer to what you say, like, if the people were willing to be the global process owners.

Well, we didn't force it that much, but also, we were not living that much of that of the space to say, I don't want to be that person, right.

Because we say it simply, if you are a functional leader, you have to be a process global robot with us. Or ask you another functional leader. Right? Because you have to, you have to be accountable for something. And the way our organization is running, is that we need to have that leadership role that you are hosting today. But what we are going to do, we're going to put it into the governance aspect of it, which was built within these five pillars, right? So I think the good thing is that we were pretty well organized to get to step into that environment. But also, when I was showing them the architecture of the VPN, they were excited to see that, finally, it has some kind of order, Right.

And finally, I can start to see that the benefits of contributing on that very good now, and 1 last 1, we have about a minute left here. So, this will be a short one. Mark McDonald asks about your experience and implementing implemented this approach in the low volume, the highly variable engineered to order mix, and he's just curious about what the challenges may be there or, or, you know, any, any insights you may have only from implementing on that low volume but high variable engineering type of setup.

Yeah, and this is really great, great question. And I think also linked to that one quick and simply is that it is the mother of the principles right you can have the ito and environment, which is engineering to order Assembled toward their you know build toward their forecast, etcetera, etcetera. So, I think it is all, that all depends on the, on the strategy, right? And then, if you think about the engineering type of the environment, there are always common processes that you can extract, right? And by defining those groups, I think, you know, when you were going with some of our segments, right?

Because we have divided also under the division square divided by the segments, We were working with our design group, And surprisingly, I guess, I hope you will recognize it, as a surprisingly, they were not that different. They need to get a demand. They need to get you to place the orders. Of course, there are more detailed processes that need to put, like, how to create ad hoc supplier, how to create ad hoc tooling, and those kinds of things.

So, you just take the model, you just extract those common processes, and then you extend that by adding those unique elements that's supposed to support the whole organization.

That's terrific. Anyhow, thank you so much for sharing your expertise with us today. A tremendous, tremendous presentation that we really appreciate, all the knowledge you share with us.

Thank you so much. Thank you for the opportunity of sharing with you guys. That was my pleasure. Thank you.

Very good. Ladies and gentlemen, this completes this session. At the top of the hour, are going to wrap up the day, and you'll get a chance to wrap it up with me. I will be presenting best practices from over 30,000 excellence and innovation leaders across more than 100 organizations across industry, on how intelligent business process management is designed and implemented to drive innovation and value creation. So, I hope to meet you back at the top of the hour. And for those of you who are clicking off now, provide feedback on the survey that comes up, and we'll see you at the top of the hour. Thank you.


About the Author

more (16)Michal Wierzchowski,
Sr. Director Operations Solutions,

Leading company Materials Velocity effort by driving E2E process design of overall cyber ECO-System. Introducing Industry 4.0 to the enterprise allowing the teams to leverage and exploit a connected data/process flow.

Manage creation of future standards and architectural design of the E2E physical process and integrated architecture to lead enterprise digital transformation of our factory systems, processes, technology, and people. Responsibility of BPM implementation at the enterprise level to drive operational transformation.


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