BTOES Insights Official
November 30, 2020

BTOES From Home - SPEAKER SPOTLIGHT : Bryan Jensen, Chairman & Executive Vice President, explains St. Onge Company’s service offerings

Courtesy of St. Onge Company's Bryan Jensen, below is a transcript of his speaking session on 'Bryan Jensen, Chairman & Executive Vice President, explains St. Onge Company’s service offerings' to Build a Thriving Enterprise that took place at BTOES From Home.

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Session Information:

Bryan Jensen, Chairman & Executive Vice President, explains St. Onge Company’s service offerings

Results-oriented. Client-centric. It’s this mindset that has made St. Onge a globally-recognized supply chain strategy and logistics expert, helping companies across the United States and around the world become more profitable, agile and adaptive to the demands of an ever-evolving marketplace. Blending research, advanced modeling and design and engineering allows for optimized operations strategy and increased efficiencies. As independent supply chain engineers and advisors we uncover the best solutions and systems tailored to the unique business and logistics objectives for each client we serve. Stronger market positions, enhanced ROI with maximized profitability and efficiency end-to-end are the strategy and implementation goals of each St. Onge project.

Session Transcript:

Bryan Jensen and I'm lucky enough to be the chairman and executive vice president of St. Onge Company. So uh tell me what do you want um prospects or current customers to know about well i think the most unique thing about St. Onge Company is we are completely independent.

You know we're here at a trade show with almost a thousand exhibitors and part of our job is to guide our clients through how to select what services equipment systems those providers can give them that best suit their operation their needs their supply chain therefore we have no alignment with any other supplier we're really a client advocate.

Screenshot (55)I think that's the most important and unique thing it's becoming a very rare thing to find in our industry what gives you guys a competitive edge that independence gives us a huge competitive edge the other thing because we are engineering consultants and we like to put engineering in front of consultants because we are engineers at heart.

We've got a tremendous amount of tenure for a consultancy the average tenure of a standard employee is 11 years the average tenure of a saint on engineer is 12. so our admin staff turns a little bit faster than our engineers but look at consultancies 12 years average tenure is phenomenal so you've got experience you've got a core team that works together all the time so that we can bring those positives to our clients okay and tell me do you guys have any new services that you wanted to discuss well we've actually built upon our services which start with the classic block and tackling of designing facilities and performing network analyses what we call inside and outside the four walls over the years.

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We've added inventory optimization to that 3pl procurement should i outsource my operation if so to whom and as we built up this repertoire of supply chain services we realized we've covered from stem to stern from source of supply to final customer destination so about five years ago we added what we call supply chain assessment and supply chain optimization we can look at the highest level of your supply chain work with your c-suite and take major buckets of opportunity place them in front of you and show you where to direct your retention.

If you need our assistance to then make take advantage of those opportunities we can dive as deep as you want in any one of those areas because we built that practice from the ground up most other business consultancies and accountant firms who do the supply chain assessments work from the top down so if you need help with a particular well what robot should I use now that you've identified that labor is my problem they really can't do that they'll bring in another party to do it occasionally they bring us in but we can give the client from start to finish the highest level of supply chain assessment.


All the way down to the detailed implementation assistance they might need fantastic what uh what would you say is the perfect customer like who do you want the perfect customer is a customer that understands the value of experience understands the value of somebody.

Who's not just going to tell them what they may want to hear many times consultants are brought in and told well we really think this is what we really need and well lo and behold that becomes the answer sometimes it is because sometimes the client knows what they need and they're looking for confirmation but our biggest value to a client is to say you might want to think about it this way and help them not make an errant decision we don't always be gain in popularity because of that but it's the right thing to do for our clients you.

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About the Author

download - 2020-11-30T174712.970Bryan Jensen,
Chairman and Executive Vice President,
St. Onge Company.

Bryan Jensen is Executive Vice President and Chairman of the Board with the St. Onge Company located in York, PA. He has over 36 years of logistics and material handling distribution experience across multiple areas in physical distribution in the retail, wholesale and manufacturing sectors. Mr. Jensen also serves as Vice President at MHI. Prior to joining St. Onge Company 22 years ago, Mr. Jensen spent 14 years at Toys “R” Us, including half his tenure there as Director of Distribution Automation. He also has eight years of instructional experience at the collegiate and post-graduate level, including teaching seminars on design and utilization of high volume automated distribution centers. He has published multiple articles on logistics trends, distribution center design and operations. Originally a PhD candidate in medieval English, in his spare time Bryan reads books which most people, including his wife of over 30 years, consider non- narcotic sleep inducers.


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