BTOES Insights Official
February 10, 2021

BTOES From Home - SPEAKER SPOTLIGHT : Aligning an Organization Post Merger and Acquisition

Courtesy of Greene Group Industries' Steve Waszak, below is a transcript of his speaking session on 'Aligning an Organization Post Merger and Acquisition' to Build a Thriving Enterprise that took place at BTOES From Home.

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Session Information:

Aligning an Organization Post Merger and Acquisition

Mergers and acquisitions occur for any number of reasons. From the process, there is a value that is expected to be realized. The goal is to get there sooner rather than later. Often competing visions, values, emotions, etc. (a.k.a. fundamental conflicts) set the journey on a course of its own versus the course that captures the intended value and synergies in the timeline desired.

In this session, we will review the key elements that should be in the post-M&A alignment roadmap, and then we will quickly get into covering methods to bring fundamental conflicts to the surface and address them in productive ways. The three exercises to be introduced will help ensure that the leadership team has the foundation to communicate a consistent, focused direction to the teams to achieve organizational goals faster.


  • Creating a post-M&A alignment roadmap, what you need to have
  • Three exercises that will uncover fundamental conflicts so that they can be addressed
  • Ways to address the fundamental conflicts encountered
  • Lessons learned when using a roadmap to guide the journey
  • How to know you are in a good place relative to aligning the organizations during the M&A process

Session Transcript:

Hi I'm Steve Waszak today, we're here to talk about aligning an organization post-merger and acquisition this is my first time doing a video conference this is kind of fun it's sort of like the ultimate selfie right um in any case we're going to be talking about mostly about alignment and organizational alignment.

It's something I enjoy and I have a passion about and what's more important is um what I'm going to talk through I'm going to go through we're going to go up through and you'll see a road map but what I'm what's more important is other than the check the box activities that will happen is figuring out ways to get people to communicate um in a normal organization that's tough enough when you're after a merger or an acquisition um it's a little even a little tougher now because you have people coming from different directions different backgrounds different cultures um so it's really important to get those folks talking.

So what I'm going to do is I'm going to start with a quick introduction on a roadmap to alignment i'm going to talk through three exercises then we'll come back and we'll take uh we'll talk a little bit about why the road map's important and uh some things i've learned using a roadmap and get an idea of how do you how can you tell that things are in a good place relative to your alignment so if you're all ready let's go okay so here's our title screen here and my contact information is there i'll also put it at the end of the presentation on the last slide.

Screenshot (83)If you'd like that okay so like i mentioned earlier we're going to look at an alignment roadmap we're going to do three exercises to uncover fundamental conflicts and how to address them this is where you get people talking and understanding what how they think and what's in their head we're going to use I'm going to share some lessons learned using alignment roadmap and then we'll check out how do you know you're in a good place before we get to the meat and potatoes of this what i would like to do is talk about those three blocks in the upper left-hand corner of each slide that you're going to see um if you didn't notice some great now you're going to notice them they're just going to stick out like sore thumbs but basically.

When I'm going to start talking about alignment with somebody or anything in an organization i start my message with this exercise here this isn't one of the three this is a freebie um but this this exercise here um sort of helps people keep a very clear perspective it's sort of a way for folks to come back to one um fundamental that everybody can agree on so i talk about these as being the three states of competitive advantage for business and so you have the first one which is gaining a competitive advantage you have the second one which is obviously losing competitive advantage then you have the third one.

Which is if you say it I'm not gonna be able to hear you but I'm gonna assume you're saying it oop yes yeah now in a live setting i get to hear the haunt in a room when I say ube but ub is out of business um and it's really important that everybody in the organization understand that at any given moment in time you're either gaining a competitive advantage losing a competitive advantage or you're out of business.

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There is no such thing as staying the same so if you start with something like this a lot of conversations can start with you know right now are we gaining or losing a competitive advantage if we're doing something we think we're losing we can talk about that in terms of this very basic foundation that that now everybody has is foundational understanding and the key thing here is that there's no such thing as staying the same and once you get that once people really start grasping that then change gets a little easier not only to implement change but you're going to get ideas for change.

Okay so that was the freebie so I'm going to look at some definitions for alignment and one definition is let's just say an understanding and agreement of where you're going how you're going to get there expected behaviors along the way and what's important sounds really boring doesn't it yeah i call this the check the box definition this is the one where yeah I'm going to go and do this alignment stuff because I've got these things I have to have I've got to have a vision I've got to have a mission i have to have business process.

I have to have communication tools check check check check that's that that's the definition for the check box approach to alignment and now what I'm going to do is I'm going to take these two words understanding an agreement I'm going to change them to organization-wide belief in commitment to and passion for it now it reads a little differently an organization-wide belief in commitment to and passion for where you are going how you're going to get there expected behaviors along the way and what's important a little less impo little as boring right.

Yeah I call this the competitive definition this is more where you're when you're when you're sharing this definition with folks they're looking at organization wide everybody we're going to believe in this we're going to commit to this and we're we're going to find our our passion in this so before i get into the three exercises.

I'm going to talk about an alignment roadmap and and elements that I've found useful to be in that roadmap so i always like to start with just five high-level areas that we're going to want to make sure we're aligned and we understand what's going on in each area strategy process allocation feedback mechanisms and communication and what i also like to put together and this is a sort of an interesting exercise with for your team to go through to put together is an alignment baseline study which is based on your road map.

What's important for you to understand is I'm going to I'm going to give, you an example of a road map it's somewhat linear yours doesn't have to have the same elements it could have elements you find are important to your organization it could be a wheel it could be a star it could be whatever you want it to be the key is to have one okay but this is a I'm going to walk through one that.

I use as an example so um when you have this focus on where you're going how you're going to get there behaviors expected and what's important this baseline this alignment baseline study your abs is going to help you identify areas where you need to shore things up or areas that you might need to change to stay competitive and if you look at that arrow that goes from the the abs at the end back to strategy it this is an iterative process in other words.


When you go through this remember nothing stays the same um this is where your as you're looking at your competitive advantage and whether you're gaining overall or losing overall if you start to feel the trend in gaining dropping off or you even start to feel that you're losing competitive advantage on a regular basis on on a on a regular basis what you want to do is you want to come back to this roadmap that you're going to make go through it and say what you know sort of use.

Your start stop continue exercise what are the things on here that we want to continue doing what are things on here we need to start doing what are things we want to stop doing or what are the things you know in general that we need to change the way.

We're doing it now for each one of those high level ones you come up with some other the the sub elements for that that that help keep activities focused on what needs to get done and if you look through this this is pretty basic stuff you know for strategy you've got your vision mission values you can have a business plan you're going to have a measurement matrix.

Which I'll talk about after it's one of the exercises which is really cool um you want to do your business process maps you want to come up with the tools everybody's going to be using reports um and then if you look down each column here um you can sort of see that these are pretty basic umbrellas that most everything that we do fall under and and but because they're most everything we do we do want to make sure that we're all approaching in the same way and approaching them with the same goals in mind so um there are three exercises.

I'm going to cover today um one is the what do we do exercise the second is the rewrite the vision mission and values in your own words and the third is the measurement matrix um and if one you'll notice as we're going through these is that it it gets people talking and these conflicts and i call them fundamental conflicts just come up to the surface and you get to talk about them and it's not like you're going to make them all go away chances are some of them are going to hang around for quite a while but they're out in the open and you can talk about them.

So I'm going to start let's start with the first one what do we do oh let me put also say here that one of the things we do do with um all of these exercises is they're typically delivered as homework assignments and they're followed by an open group and discussion so here's the homework assignment what I'm going to do now is I'm just going to one just read through the uh the homework assignment but um what's really cool with with all of these homework assignments it's always amazed at the variety you get responses.

It you you you think you know what you're going to get you will be surprised every time so anyway here's the homework assignment to get the ball rolling on the business process mapping or review if you already have it I need your input please provide your response to below request this should be quick concisely describe what we do as a company in two to three bullet points there are simple rules each point cannot have greater than three words and there can be no less than two and no more than three bullet points simple rules there are no right or wrong answers.

This is to help to create the framework for our business process mapping and or review okay so that's i would typically send that out in an email there are other platforms you can you know that you can create to do the same thing but email works great and and it sort of forces you rather than have something that's going to automatically put all the information and organize.

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It you being a facilitator it helps you have to go through all the responses with with touching them not just reading them on something that's automatically putting them together for you so that's my personal opinion i like that um so what you notice on here is that i said i need your input one of the most important things in all these exercises that you're going to be looking for input from people and wanting them to interact is to make it personal you're going to want them to do it for you because chances are they're going to do it for you a little more with a little more thought.

Than if they were doing it for the company so what you don't want it to do is this helps it keep from coming across as a company check the box exercise which you don't want and you want people to put energy and thought into it and this helps if you keep it personal so the follow-up activities to this now I've got these two to three bullets of no more than three words um you shared you put them all together you shared all the responses with everybody anonymously.

You just send out all the responses but you group them in the threes that you got them in the two to three bullets you keep them group that you just don't tell people who wrote them and then you what you do is you have the second wave of homework is you have them select three responses that were not theirs to describe what we do think about that they're gonna they've already given their three responses about what we do now they're looking at everybody else's and saying wow what three responses do i want to pick to describe.

What we do that aren't mine now if you put a lot of thought and effort into yours this gets pretty hard but you also now get to read through what everybody else was thinking now you don't know who they were but you get to see what the general organizational thought inventory is around what we do then you basically bring everybody you get that feedback from everybody you bring everybody together you start having an open dialogue around a pareto of the selected line so basically now you're going to take the responses they got of the the ones they picked that weren't theirs then you're going to create a pareto of from high to low and start talking about them and what comes out of this and typically.

You can do it in one sitting it might take two but typically you can do in one is is an agreement you that everybody will agree on three of the responses that describe what our organization does and and then you take that and you say yes so these are our core processes if these are three things we do these are the three core processes.

We have that all other processes should support and you keep the dialogue going that way and a lot of light bulbs go on a lot of great discussion goes on and again everybody's sharing their ideas about where they think the company is where it's going what it does and and and you start hearing also what they want and what they're passionate about in the company sparked some very good conversation so here one of the things that you also want to do throughout these exercise exercises whether it's just in your current organization or there's a merger and acquisition is you want to communicate unity and it's most important when you're looking at a merger or an acquisition where you're bringing in new people or now we have new teams coming in.

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It might be people now working together that weren't or people that need to count on each other that and and they're they have different viewpoints of what's important what's not important but if you communicate unity through all these exercises and you talk about the we and the hour um this is this really helps in keeping the conversation productive um and when you're doing this you you personally really have to believe it.

When you're doing the exercise because if you come across like you're faking it doesn't matter you have to be sincere so think about it not enforcing a we or an hour but in communicating unity okay moving on so the next exercise is vision mission values this is another fun exercise here's uh um here's I'm going to read through the homework assignment it's really cool because if you think about the vision mission values you may have thought about it once and never again in your business you may or may not know what they are or have ever seen them and if you've seen them you probably can't remember them you probably know that.

I think they're somewhere on the website i they're hanging on the wall someplace there there's someplace i i know where to go get them i don't know exactly what they say but i read them um and so in this homework assignment your everybody's forced to look at what they are for the mother organization here and uh and share how they would interpret them so here's the homework assignment organizational alignment is about focus it sets the foundation for one scalability two smart profitable growth and three continuously improving competitive advantage.

It all starts with the vision mission and core values so let's make sure we all have a common and clear understanding of these so below are the vision mission and core values for our organization please rewrite each of them in your own words and I'm hoping for a free expression of how you interpret our vic vision mission and values so again a simple rule don't say it's fine as it is even though it might be take the time to think about it and rewrite it like you're communicating to a group of your family and friends that don't know anything about their about your business and if you really want to put some spice on it figure out how you would communicate to them and get them and really excited about it.

Okay so that's the homework assignment and again um if you when you take a look at this there are things in here that I'm working on keeping it personal and I'm making sure I'm communicating unity so once you get all of those you're gonna again put consolidate them and share all those responses anonymously um then again you'll have a group dialogue around the responses um and there are typically enough differences to spark conversation and when i say typically I I'm certain I can say always and and always would hold but there's always typically enough differences to spark conversation and when I'm having the group dialogue around the responses.

What I like to do is put them all in a list like a list of all the vision a list of all the mission responses list all the values responses by value and it's not about reading them all at that point it's about getting a visual of how everybody read the same thing and came up with st responses that were different enough to be one line two lines six lines um I mean if you just to see that that visual difference gets people going huh wow i mean and and of course everybody's looking for theirs in the list.

Where it is and how it now how it compares to the other ones um but that i like putting that visual up just again to show the differences and and a lot of times for each as i alternate them i might change colors in them just so they they pop on the screen but that visual has a lot of impact and creates some oohs and odds and and and helps with subsequent conversation when you're talking about how people are talking uh how people see things differently because it is important for everybody to witness that everyone may interpret the same words differently and that that that differences um we need to embrace them and and open them up and talk about them and understand them because that will help with conversation and alignment and alignment to be more competitive versus alignment to check a box.


So um once you're going through this you determine if some word smiting's required if you think so you establish a small team to you get the input to do the word smiting and you come up with some changes to present to leadership um and it's it's really fun when when you look at how people would rewrite what was there after a discussion uh it's I've seen everything where it goes from a lot of words to little words and from a little words to a lot of words so um be prepared for anything but the important thing here is that a group of people are talking about it and getting on the same page maybe not agreeing to everything but all talking about the same thing and aligned on understanding vision mission values this is a fun one this this is one that you know you might want to reach out and chat a little more about um how it works because it's it it's it's simple um but in introducing it could get a little confusing address.

The fundamental conflicts well i i always think it's simple and something these exercises all do bring them out in the open so that's the intent of these exercises is one to get them out in the open if they're out in the open everyone knows they exist they're not going to go away i mean some might once people realize and they can reflect oh okay but but a lot of them aren't because they're you're going to come up with some fundamental conflicts and they're just going to be there you're going to have to work with them and if you know they exist your communication can be more productive.

When you address either addressing them or communication in general just working day-to-day so getting back to using the roadmap you know i do these as I'm we're going through the the roadmap map I'm typically doing these exercises and and some of these exercises you can tell are like the uh what do we what does our business do what do we do and the vision mission values exercise i like to do those up front but some of these other exercises I have in the measuring matrix is one i'll do as I'm going through the alignment roadmap with folks looking at what are the the tangibles they need to come out with and and have them talk through.

What's important what they should look like and when you go through the road map you will wind up with some tangibles and there will be some results there are things when you're going through that roadmap where you will be checking the box you'll say I've got my project management system i've got my feedback mechanisms for customer feedback you know you're checking boxes but what's important as a facilitator to understand even to let the people know that are going through the process to understand is that checking the box for those things yeah that's good but that's not important it's the journey it's the journey versus the result that's important.

If you're just about checking the box you're not going to get anything if you have a lot of conversation about what went into creating the item to check the box to make sure it was the best it can be so your organization will be most competitive then the journey paid off and that result will also be better the other thing is you need to iterate remember oob out of business there's no such thing as staying the same um the iteration portion of this is sort of helps you not stay the same not get in the rut because and so you sort of should put that iteration that iteration can come around two ways one you put on some sort of schedule that makes sense for your company where you ever you know maybe it's annually you go and you look at everything you did and you say yeah no we should tweak this we or you know.

What we did tweak this or you have some conversation around it the other time might be when you know something does occur and your competitive advantage is put at risk or is threatened um then you might want to say you know what let's go through our our road map and figure out what's what we need to change what we need to add to it we need to take out what what do we need to change to get that edge back since something's changed um the other thing is alignment relates i mean i keep talking about competitive advantage it relates directly to competitive advantage the better that road map is and the more people talk through things and the more they experience the journey first focusing on just focusing on the result the more competitive your organization is going to be automatically doesn't matter what you do it's just going to happen um and then the other one it's you know then you have here it's much more than a check the box activity.

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I mentioned this in the beginning it's really important that when you're going through any of these exercises or the alignment activities for the organization um whether it's just your organization or you just had you just bought somebody and you're bringing them in or you just started an acquisition whether or not they will be working directly with you or even staying separate you have to talk about alignment and you have to do it in a way where it's critical to competitive advantage it's not just something we're going to do to check a box very important and finally.

It's about the journey versus the result just going to say it again it's where you start where you end um and so the biggest wins we're going to get out of this uh this journey in aligning our new organization or aligning our new organization or our current organization into something new are going to be improved communication an improved sense of team and most importantly an improved sense of common purpose.

I mean as if everybody's talking about this you're going to come up you know when you have that vision mission values one it you know those are words that maybe have been overused but they're really important and you maybe you change them maybe you have put purpose in there someplace but having that common sense of purpose that comes out of this also helps with the communication and helps things happen faster helps change happen more effectively and faster so um again about the journey it's more about the journey than the result.

So how do you know you're aligned and in a good place you know we give you a few exercises to go through and you'll you'll see some pretty cool wins on those um talked about a road map and again shape one up to what works for you I'd be happy to share the one i have at least to give you a start at something if you don't have something already um but one of the ways you know that you're aligned is that good things just happen all the time.

I mean how many of you are in places where if you want to say what happens all the time it's a fire drill all the time it's a fire fight all the time there's always something that we've got to react to well when that scale starts changing where the the firefighting goes down and all the and the good things happening go up that's when you know you're you're getting your alignments getting better um your organization can quickly pivot and evolve to meet ever-changing needs I'm a big fan of speed for anything and in an organization you've got to be able to move quick i mean competition a key ingredient being competitive is is speed um so another way is every day you're gaining more competitive advantage than you're losing um that is probably one of the most again going back to the three blocks up in the corner of the screen.

If everybody understands with that at any given moment in time you're either gaining losing competitive advantage and if you're not doing one of those things you're out of business you're not hearing today um you could have you could have much more you could have better conversations uh to get you to an end point and a goal faster because with all these other exercises again you're getting more and more aligned your communication is getting better but you can always bring it back to the most fundamental thing are we gaining a competitive advantage right now or are we losing it and if we're not gaining it as much as we were before we're starting to lose it.

Why and then when we know that we can come back and we can use our new ability to quickly pivot and evolve to change to get back to gaining or or at least gaining at a rate that we need to gain or want to gain and when we're you know as long as we're doing that that's when your good things just happen all the time.

So that was my uh presentation for today um it's been interesting doing a video recording of it to uh to share with you uh I hope we came across okay and I I'm gonna put a screen up now that is my thank you screen and my contact information I'm happy to answer any questions you uh you might have about anything I spoke about or to uh have a conversation expand on any of the topics that I touched on here today in any case I hope you enjoyed it and uh thank you very much for attending I I really appreciate it you.


About the Author

download - 2020-12-02T220031.442Steve Waszak,
VP Operational Excellence,
Greene Group Industries.

Each day, Steve looks forward to meeting new people, new challenges, learning, and opportunities to bring business performance, competitiveness and growth to new levels. Steve is the Vice President of Operational Excellence for Greene Group Industries, a privately-held major supplier to leading industrial manufacturers, with locations across the USA. Reporting to the President, Steve works across the company’s business units and functional areas driving organizational alignment and fostering a customer focused culture to support the goal of continuously improving competitive advantage. Prior to the Greene Group, Steve spent 20 plus years working internationally, gaining experience and expertise across industries and disciplines. He has worked seven years in management consulting, seven years in operational leadership roles, five years running a high-tech start-up, and served four years in the United States Air Force, where he was awarded the Air Force Achievement Medal. A firm believer in understanding fundamentals, Steve strives to make sure that all team members understand what constitutes the foundation of their organization’s competitive advantage and how each person’s role strengthens that foundation. He is focused on providing the leadership, strategies, and development needed to help enable individuals to more productively contribute to the organization’s success. While Steve currently devotes his career to leading operational strategy for Greene Group Industries, he has consulted widely with a variety of global manufacturing companies, such as Medtronic, Rain Bird, and Polaroid; he also helped the founders of Blockbuster Video, Boston Market, and Einstein Bagels launch a dollar store-model startup in Mexico. A company he co-founded and for which he serves as an advisor develops and licenses technology used by more than 100 organizations worldwide, including Google, Samsung, Merck, Kidde, Walt Disney, Phillips, United Airlines, Tyco, J&J, Apple, MIT, and Harvard. He currently lives in San Diego, CA, with his wife, where he enjoys golfing and hiking.


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