BTOES Insights Official
August 21, 2020

RPA & IA Live - SPEAKER SPOTLIGHT : A Robot for Every Person.

Courtesy of UiPath's Brandon Nott, below is a transcript of his speaking session on 'A Robot for Every Person' to Build a Thriving Enterprise that took place at BTOES RPA & Intelligent Automation Live Virtual Conference.



Session Information:

A Robot for Every Person

The UiPath vision is a robot for every person. And we’re building our product to help that vision become a reality.

  • Look inside StudioX and how it helps citizen developers and power users create their own robots.

  • See how Automation Hub enables teams to share robots and submit automation ideas.

  • Learn how the concept of a robot for every person is helping organizations today.

Session Transcript:

So I'm very excited about welcoming Brandon ..., who is a senior vice president of product UI path. You focus on attending automation and driving the a robot for every person initiative. Before joining UI path, Brandon ran operations for a top 50 independent mortgage lender, where he was a ... customer. He takes several holistic approach to digital transformation. That brings humans and technology together seamlessly. So, Brandon, if you could please turn on your camera and join us, we look forward to your presentation.

Great, Thanks very much.

Know, it's really great to be here today, talking about a robot for every person. I'll start the presentation in the in a moment here. But just wanted to take a quick moment, one, to talk a little bit about where we're at right now with hyper automation, and define a couple of terms that, I think, will be helpful as we start to get into the presentation. And talk about what a robot for every person really means. So the first one is, is this hyper automation term? And it's really helpful in describing this holistic approach that you mentioned, because it's no longer just about automation.

It's no longer about automating something behind the scenes. It's now really about an integrated approach with robots, with humans, with ERP ease with the classic systems, that we're using and bringing these all together. And it's not enough to just bring them together. We've gotta do it fast. And when I say fast, I mean, we, we've got customers right now starting a project on Monday, deploying it, and using it on Friday. So throughout this process presentation, we're going to talk about a robot for every person. And how we engage people, How we take the, these tools in these practices, Marco, the previous presentation did an amazing job, talking about their journey through RPA and their learnings. And now, how do you pivot from that into a place where people and robots, collectively, are, are redefining work? So, with that, I'm going to go ahead and share my screen. And we'll get right into it.

So, as, as mentioned, I was a customer, before I joined UI path. And I went through my own journey in and understanding how RPA fit in with my digital transformation initiatives. How it, how RPA connected with the, our ERP, our lending systems, things like that.

And, and now, we're gonna, we're gonna back away for a minute, from business, productivity, and integration, and really talk about the personal productivity story.

Screenshot (15)So, from a personal productivity standpoint, we can rewind the clock a little bit and look at how some major innovations and tools change the way that we work, and pocket calculator. You can't get any more simple than that, these days, But at the time, it was extremely innovative. You are no longer using slide rules, manual calculations that you're writing out and long form you. You can do the same work, you did before, but now you have the ability to do it much faster, much more accurate, same with the PC.

We're starting, we're getting rid of typewriters, where we're moving from a world where you have to order your, your sentences and your paragraphs in a linear way And now you can move things around, cut and paste, drag and drop. Again, we're doing the same work but but it's supercharged we have this ability to move well beyond the limitations that were put it on us before the Internet comes along. We're no longer sending memos or we don't need to courier things unless they need a wet signature. The, the ability to interact is happening much faster. Now, with each of these innovations, not only do we go faster at what we're doing, but we also redefine, right? New opportunities are opened up in terms of commerce. A mobile phone comes along.

Now, we're in a place where we don't have to be at a specific place, at a specific time to interact, right? So, there's this theme, these things that we all take for granted. Now, we can't even imagine a world where we don't have the internet and a mobile phone. But it wasn't that long ago that businesses were doing just fine without these technologies. But when these technologies came onto the scene, they fundamentally changed how people interacted with technology and how they did their jobs. Now, robot assistance is the next major technology that is changing the way that we do our jobs.

And this presentation is really going to focus around, how this comes to life, what controls you need to put in place. I loved how Marco in the last session was talking about governance and making sure that, that you have procedures in an appropriate way to bring this to life. I've always said, Good, good fences make good neighbors, Right, You must have those guardrails. And we're going to talk about those guardrails. But at the end of the day, what we're striving for is to put the power of automation into the hands directly of people, so that they can change how they do work, and that's going to change their overall productivity.

So let's take a look at, for a minute, what it means. What is a robot for every person?

Well, it's, it's inclusive of the UI path platform. But I'm going to suggest that at the very top of that stack are a couple of principles. The first is enabling people to use robots to consume automations and we're going to talk about these personas. The second is people building their own automations. Marko, talked about Citizen Development, we're going to explore that term. what it means and what you need to do in order to bring that safely responsibly into your organization. And then under these two actions, is a myriad of capabilities, from process discovery, to AI, integration, to monitoring, and reporting on what's happening. And we're going to talk a little bit about that, too.

So what happens when people start to have the ability to design and execute their automation as well. It's a similar story to what we've heard in the past. With RPA, it's faster, right. It's more reliable, bet more accuracy. But now that we're taking some of these tasks away from people.

You get to be more creative and collaborative, you get to focus on more higher value tasks, right?

These tasks that get automated are not the tasks that get people promoted, These are the tasks that are expected that likely you don't get much thanks for when when they get done, but if they don't get done correctly, it's a big problem. The first tests that I automated ordering appraisals. Nobody ever said, great job ordering an appraisal, Right? But if it didn't happen, that was a major problem.

So, we're going to talk about off loading these lower value tasks so people can be freed up.

From an IT, from a business perspective, We can also look at what happens when you have a robot on every desktop when you have a robot for every person. Well, the first thing is you have this delivery vehicle for digital transformation. I talked a minute ago about creating a process or starting the process on Monday, finishing and deploying the process on Friday.

I wasn't being flippant that that is a real use case that that happened as part of a coven effort. Just a couple months ago.

Btog CTASo you, when you have this delivery mechanism, the infrastructure in place that allows you to be very quick and deliberate in what you're going to roll out. Another thing that I'm going to talk about is, is the third box here, and giving your workforce the modern tools, that, that they demand. We had a great session webinar a couple of weeks ago with Dentsu and and we talked about how employees coming into the workforce have these visions, this imagination of the work that they're going to be doing. And it's not timesheets, it's not the low-level tasks that that are just the necessary evils of our work. It's it's being creative and innovative. So robots give us the ability to deliver on those expectations and take those lower level tasks off the table.

So next, let's let's look at example and admittedly this. This example has some flaws. But that's OK. We're going to talk about it and then pivot into how to start making it real. So in this example, we're going to do some straight line math.

What's the value of 20 minutes to your organization? So, if we're to do, and this is particularly relevant in America, but in different regions of the world, Will we can adjust a $35 an hour employee if we can take 20 minutes out of that. that day. That's about $3000 a year and savings. And when we expand it to the entire organization, let's save 10000 employees. We're looking at 30 million.

Now, you might say, for some employees, that number will be a lot higher and and I would agree that this is just a straight line math example and you might also say, when I have an employee that is a salaried employee where, what happens to those 20 minutes, it certainly doesn't come back in terms of a cost savings.

And end to that, Let's, let's get into how you start setting objectives for your organization. And bring the value of a robot for every person to live. And the way, the place that we start is with your goals. Right? Your goals will be unique to you and your industry, and how you measure those goals, will have, It will link back to your RPA implementation. So, for me, as a customer, my goal was to scale faster. We, we had an object objective to be a top 50 mortgage lender, and in order to do that, I couldn't just throw bodies at it. I couldn't just hire more and more people. I had to scale, I had to, to make them more efficient, so we saw about 125% efficiency increase.

So, 225 total by automating those lower level tasks. So, for me, it was a scale story. For someone else, it might be a cost story, Or it might be a customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction, and maybe a combination of these things. So, getting clear on what you want to accomplish, what your, your high level objectives for the organization are, are critical for how you roll out a robot for every person, OK. So you're going to target those types of processes and those areas of the business where you can make an impact.

So, a question that I get asked often is, all right, for, for the changes that I'm going to make here, what, what are some examples of processes that I'm going to do? And I'll suggest here a few different categories. First, personal productivity, We have a great process. We we, of course, use you, our own product internally. And we have a great process written by a colleague of mine in the product team that handles an out of office setup. And you might think that that's trivial. But as you go through it, it actually looks at your calendar. Looks at what?

Conflicts that you have, and allows you to resolve all of them as part of the process, as well as submit that out of office request. It's extremely helpful. You might also implement something to, check your 401 K balance, or any other HR system that you have requesting time off for checking your balances.

Email Graphic Virtual Conferences (4)-1The start and Stop My Day processes are very popular. You, you'd be amazed at how many people begin their day by logging in to 5 or 9 different systems, and getting prepared for that. There's no value in that. That's just check the box activity.

Very specific departmental activities, including HR processes, and we'll see a demo of a few of those here in a minute. As well as training and enablement.

And being able to guide people through the, the process is that, that you've set out for them by by literally exposing guidance on top of the applications that they're using to reduce training costs and, and do on the job training.

So, this is not an inclusive list, These are just a couple different categories to think about when you, when you think about automation, when you think about how people will use automation and where should you focus. So, with that, let's, let's take a look at three of the tools that we use in a robot for every person, and these are three business user tools, and these tools, again, are built on our end and automation platform, powered by all of the hyper automation objectives that we have. And I'll go ahead and, and start that video now.

Let's look at how UI path is rebooting Work with our vision for a robot for every person. UI path assistant, Studio X, and Automation hub, or three of the products that make our vision of a robot for every person a reality. Let's see how they work together to fundamentally change the way we look at work. UI Path Assistant is software that runs locally on your computer. It's like a mini you that can do everything from managing your calendar to filing complex tax returns. In this example, I'm an HR manager, and I start every day with an inbox full of resumes. Matching candidates to job openings is time consuming, and boring. Now, imagine that I have my own personal robot assistant to handle this while I focus on more valuable and urgent work. My day starts with a reminder that my assistant is ready to review new resumes when I start the process. The assistant launches a new copy of my desktop so I can carry on with my tasks without losing my mouse and keyboard. As the ...

Mott reviews each resume, it finds the best matching positions and sends an e-mail response if something unexpected happens like an extra e-mail attachment. I can take over the robot's desktop and choose the best document for the review. Then I can go back to my work. Once the robot finishes, I can see the send e-mails with personalized job matches for each candidate.

Now that you've seen how to work with the robot assistant, let's look at creating my own personal automations with Studio X. Studio X gives people with no coding experience, the ability to automate their tasks. Here's how it works, every day, I onboard new employees. As part of the process, I download an Excel file, then visit a website to create a temporary password for each new hire, to automate this. I'll use Studio X to tell the robot to open the Excel spreadsheet. From here, the Studio X Recorder will observe how I create a new password without me writing any code. Then, I'll tell the robot to save the password back to the temporary password column in the spreadsheet. Finally, all want to review the e-mails before they are sent in case I want to add a personal note. I will show the robot how to create an e-mail drafts with the personalized password we just created for each new hire. Now, let's see our automation inaction. When I click Run, the robot starts working.

Once it is done, we can see it filled the Excel spreadsheet with the past word for each new hire and created the draft e-mails for my review. Now, let's take a look at how all of these automations are managed within my company. Automation Hub is where your company collaborates to define and build innovative new automations in the previous onboarding example. After I finished in studio X, I want to share with others in my department, so they can be more effective also. I can submit my automation for approval from my Center of Excellence, or .... I can even suggest new ideas for the ... to build for me after I provide all the information, the co, we will review and assess my entry, and the studio X files, And then distributed to other HR managers. After seeing that, it meets their governance standards. Once. the co has approved and distributed my automation, I will see it added to my UI path assistant, and I can now run that automation at the beginning of my day, just like I did for the resume reviewer.

Now, you've seen how a few of the products in the 24 release come together to bring a robot for every person to life.

Excellent, So, I hope that gave you a very quick look at.

Well, sorry about that. You might have lost the screen there from, and so I hope that gave you a quick look at some of the tools that are available. And we'll talk a bit about personas here in a minute. And how people are using those tools in concert. And, you know, while, while I showed you three tools, they're, one of the things that I hear from our customers is, they appreciate how the full set of automation capabilities are together in one platform. And, while a business user may use those three tools, there's another collection of ways to consume automation, even within the applications you're already using, or to build custom apps to consume automations while your ...

is using the controls, and the, the overall governance framework in order to make sure it happens appropriately. And we'll talk about that. So let's use the people process technology paradigm. I think people are very familiar with that, comfortable with that. And if we start looking at a robot for every person broken down by that then then we first have to talk about who are these personas and what tools are they using. We'll talk about governance and how you create the, the appropriate rails that this program can ride on and as well as some of the technology components.

So, with that, let's take a look at our, our personas first. We have three types of activities here, people who consume automations are the beneficiary of automations, people who are creating automations and people who are controlling the process controlling the program. So, our consumers, our automation users, and they are running UI path assistant, as you saw, they have the processes loaded on their PCs, they can start them, schedule them, whatever the case may be, in order to free up that time and focus on other things. They can also contribute back to the organization through Automation hub and suggest new automations.

In fact, customers that are embracing this robot for every person, vision, are, are seeing that bottoms up approach as a very key element of, of this program and of their automation practice. So we have two types of citizen developers, the first ourself users. These are people who have no coding experience. They maybe, you know, they're there, they're comfortable, familiar with Excel, but they know they don't know what a variable is. They don't know how to modularized code, let's say.

Then, we have our power users. And our, our power users are people, maybe they have had a coding class, or they've just learned through, using Studio or Studio X, which is our citizen developer profile. How to be efficient. And they want to take it to the next level. They may be building out automations for their department, things that can be re-used. And then you have your RPA developers. And this is what we have today and almost every company with RPA, right, professional, classically trained, or just people who have, are very good, and have picked up RPA, is they've gone along.

Then finally, we have our co, and the co, again, this is governing is controlling its, reviewing, these submissions. Making sure that the rules are being followed, these aren't, of course, the only personas and an RPA set up. These are the primary ones to think about when you're, when you're talking about a robot for every person. So, let's see them in action.

Screenshot (4)We've got a, and now, we're getting into the process conversation. We have the classic top down model. Here. The co leads the automations. They have a backlog and in the case of a robot for every person, they could be building out, attended automations that they'll push down to the individuals' computer, just like you saw in the demo at the very end there. The second approach is this bottom-up approach. and, and, within this, you see the citizen developers starting to use the Studio X, and tools to automate things, that they just have an idea about. A hunch about, they may record a process, as you saw, or develop it directly. And, in doing so, they'll, they'll create examples of automation that can then be sent to the ....

The hybrid approach is really where we want to be. That is the sweet spot.

That is where you get the power of aligning business objectives with your automation program, prioritizing the backlog, pushing down those automations, but also listening to the citizen developers and and getting fed by them. We have a customer on our, our Customer Advisory board who said, No, I didn't expect that we would get a lot of really great submissions initially. But it was only the six or the seventh submission that came in that generated enormous amounts of savings. And it wasn't on anybody's radar because the people that are doing the job that are in the trenches on a day-by-day basis. They have insight that your co just may not have. So that, that combination of top-down and bottom-up approach is really critical. So, let's take a look at how would this happen using the tools that we talked about.

Well, in the top-down approach, you are going to be managing your, your backlog and automation, you're going to be prioritizing it And when you're ready to implement, you're going to use Studio to build an automation. And that RPA developer will build it.

You'll distribute it through Orchestrator. And, ultimately, it will be consumed by your automation users, either in the UI Path Assistant or an APSE, or in an embedded experience. Where, let's say, you wanted somebody to start an automation, from an ERP, or from a custom tool that you have, You can do that. You can embed UI path into your existing systems.

The other side of this is the bottoms up approach. So a citizen developer, either itself user or a power user has an idea. They build it out in studio X and about the time that they feel like this, this idea has merit, they can submit it to automation hub. And from there the ... will review it, maybe make some changes. The nice thing about studio X is that you can open a studio exe file in studio. So a business user can create an automation, with, with the, you know, very low code, no code environment, But a professional RPA developer can open that project in studio and maybe add some additional information, some additional login, some robustness, some error handling, before distributing out to two users.

And then again, once that is distributed, now you've got, then that same ability to consume those automations.

So bringing this all together, whether the automation starts in the citizen developer framework or it starts in the ..., both of these paths go through the .... Before they get distributed, They go through the COHE to be reviewed, possibly modified, and then appropriately distributed out to to the people that are going to use them.

So, let's talk about value for a minute, because, you know, if I'm, if I'm critical of myself and the presentation, I would say, you know, that's, that's great, but how does this hit the bottom line, Right? How do I take all of these, this potential, to automate to, to really reduce time and effort, and how do I actually show that it's working well? Again, going back to that slide earlier about where the value comes from it, it all starts with what objective you're trying to to satisfy. So, if it's a cost savings and efficiency, then we're really going to be looking at those labor costs and unpacking more into a shorter amount of time, trying to, in a call center, reduce that average handle time, trying to increase those first call resolutions, right? The, these are the metrics, that show, the impact, that they're having.

from a quality time, We're talking about the compliance and accuracy, in my example, about ordering appraisals. The appraisal ordering process is only a six minute process. It's, it's not a huge time savings. But, when you take a look at the, the elimination of rework and of delays, that it can have on loans and the impact that it can have on a delayed loan, that that, six minutes is not the main story. The main story is really one of customer satisfaction and compliance. And that leads us to customer satisfaction. We have a customer that recently rolled out a process. And the first time I heard it, the results were all about average handle time. And first, call resolution. Right. It was in a call center. It was all very bottom line.

But, later, after doing that, some longer term study, they found out that it wasn't just about that. It was also their employee engagement Scores were significantly higher for that group that was interacting with these automations as well as their customer satisfaction scores coming off of these calls. Was very high.

So, so, now, you get to this point where we're starting to see multiple Objectives being fulfilled by a single processor, or by a single single program.

Screenshot (15)Another question that I get is, who's doing this way? You know, Give me examples of customers that are embracing this vision and a couple customers that really have been doing this for awhile now are PWC and Erikson both have taken a very robust approach to their automation practices and PWC.

It's, it's giving the ability to create automations to every person within the organization in the Americas.

And, or, I should say, in America and in Eriksson, it was really about taking RPA and embedding it into their already very robust digital transformation program. And I'd be remiss if I didn't talk about UI path. We use our own tools, where every employee and UI path has that digital assistant, that UI path assistant that you saw. We distribute processes to every employee that, as I talked earlier, about, the out of Office Reply. That, that I use all the time. It's, we have to learn from ourselves, and we have to try out the, these governance tools and processes, in order to make sure that their best in class.

So, governance is a theme that keeps on coming up. And it's a question that I get asked all the time from our customers. And again, well, if we use the people, process, technology framework, to start breaking it down then, from a people standpoint.

We look at governance as not only the organization, how you, how you group people or how you define these, these users, but also what processes do you already have in place?

From a government standpoint, while you've got your HR policies, it's it's not OK to create a robot that does something nefarious. That's an extension of you. That's delegated authority, it's your responsibility. So, we have to look at, at the people and the programs that we already have. From the process standpoint, we make decisions around credentials. Does the robot have its own credential? Are we using the user's credential? Depending on the use case, you may want to approach that differently. From a technology standpoint, I showed you three of the tools that we used in that demo. But, we also have Orchestrator, which is really the, the, the brains of the entire operation, right. Controlling, licensing.

Interacting with every robot that's deployed, and every robot reporting back the robot logs so you can monitor what's being done as well. You know, when we look at performance, making sure that the processes are actually truly taking time out of the employee's day. So, bringing these together, these people, processes, technology, you will build a governance structure that makes sense for your organization.

You'll take either a partner's framework and apply it, overlay it, or you'll take framework concepts from, from what we have out of the box and use that directly, and you'll, you'll come up ultimately with a structure that meets your organizational goals and existing processes.

Finally, we, we've got this platform that I keep talking about, right? What does it, how does it work? Well, we really break our, our platform and our tools down into six major areas. And it starts with discovering opportunities. And for this, we talked about Automation Hub already. We've got process mining, which is a way to mine your applications and see what is commonly being done to get ideas about what to automate. And when you have those ideas, formulated, you, put them into automation hub. You score them. You prioritize them. Now you're you're you're building that backlog. Right. We talked about Studio X and Studio as being able being places where you create those automations Studio X being a no code platform and Studio. Same same program, just different profiles, set your open up studio, having much more capabilities in that and Studio Pro.

Even even more beyond that Studio Pro's really where we get into our test platform and being able to to build out your testing infrastructure. On the Manage side, we've got Orchestrator, as I mentioned before, but also Cloud Options, as well as AI integrations.

Some of my favorite examples right now are attended automations that actually use an AI or an ML model, as part of that automation seamlessly. For instance, if you have a model already built around payment terms, or you know, in the finance space, and mortgage space, certainly. You may have opt models that help you optimize how to structure a deal. Those can be referenced immediately in those attended automations. We of course talked about the execution side on how we run those automations and from an engagement standpoint, we have different ways for you to consume those automations.

Even unintended automations at all they need all you need to do is just handling exception. That, that's great. We've got an action center tool, a site that, that helps you simply, quickly handle those exceptions without a lot of overhead. And, finally, insights. We have to be able to measure all of this, we talked about the KPIs at the very end. It's not enough just to do great work in an automation program. You have to show how it benefited the organization. and that's really where, where Insights comes into play.

So with that final slide, where do I get started, I'd suggest 3, 3 main themes paradigms, you have to get the foundation set from, the Executive No, see sweep Down.

Email Graphic Virtual Conferences (4)-1What are we trying to accomplish, get that strategy, that operational model in place, and move on then to establishing your key processes. How are you going to measure the volume?

Make sure that your your business intake processes is healthy. You're going to be identifying these processes and stoking that backlog. This is where our control frameworks come into play and automation readiness, and finally build that path for growth. You know, I love that Marco said they focused on their unintended practice first, and they're looking at citizen development.

That's excellent, Right. You're everybody's going to start with a different configuration. Start at a different place, and, you know, pick the place that is most going to create the most amount of value for your organization. And the only caveat that I give to that is, be aware that an automation program will create as much value as the box that you put it. In. Like, like a goldfish. You give a goldfish a small tank. It only grows to be a little growth as you. give it a big tank. It keeps growing, right? Same thing with this automation practice.

If you give it a big runway with meeting goals for cost savings and expansion, it will expand and deliver on that. If you give it, if you start small with a little set of objectives, it will deliver within that set of objectives. So be aware that how you start, your journey, will ultimately influence how much value you're getting out of your, your RPA practice and the citizen developer model.

So, with that, I would say, you know, that probably concludes the presentation part, most boring part of the, the, that our time today.

I may have an audio challenge, and I had.

I had myself muted, So that's great, Great presentation, the excellent insights. Really appreciate that. We had lots of questions coming in, Brandon, so these are very practical, no nonsense type of questions, and I know you're ready for them and I'm gonna start with a very tough one right off the bat. If we have a robot for every person, we may not be able to afford it. Because, you know, the old joke on the old RPA is that, we're deploying $15,000, robots to solve $5000 problems. And, that, that, really, you know, there's, you'll be in the industry that really create a, kind of, a backlash to a certain extent. And I know that UI path, and woodwork that you do understand the value that you bring, and the right opportunities for robot deployment. But, tell us a little bit about how has that cost perspective evolved for, for the industry, and how you're assessing the Right opportunities to deploy robots are the costs of robots coming down over time. If you can just talk a little bit about that.

Yeah, absolutely. I love this topic, because I think it is, You're absolutely right.

In any enterprise automation that you do in any enterprise system, you've got to look at the royan. You've gotta look at at, at what's going to happen because of the choices that you make. So to start with, when we talk about robot for every person, you can only imagine, this is not a linear cost model, right? You don't take the list price of an intended robot and just multiply it by, you know, 40,000 people.

But, luckily, that's, that's beyond the scope of my expertise. Your salesperson, your partner, will be able to work with you to see what a robot for every person model would look like. And what that means in terms of cost. And you can only imagine that it's a significant decrease as, like, like we see in just about every software model, as, as those volumes go up. But the other part of your question is still very valid, right? A $15,000 a robot to solve a $5000 problem.

No, I have two thoughts on this.

The first is, Sometimes we, we get a little narrow focus when we think about what we're trying to accomplish. We've got a, use case, 1 or 2 use cases. And we think, you know, we're gonna, we're gonna put in this infrastructure in order to solve it. And. And, for one use case, you may find that it's that the returns aren't quite as high as what you're expecting.

But, remember, the robot and the Orchestrator. All these this is a platform. It's not one use case. You should be thinking, 10 use cases, 20 use cases, right. You hear customers. and even in the series talk about hundreds of use cases, right. So, your return on investment is not linear in the opposite direction, right. As you are adding more processes that return starts sloping up and keep sloping up with scale.

So, no many customers can can get the roi on just one process, but the real power in this is, is that scale.

In the, and the Zen, Canva asked a number of questions related to the, to the UI path approach and the chief secure. As if she is a client looking at all the different offerings in the marketplace right now, what, what, what separates UI path? What is it Distinctive advantage the UI path, in terms of its motto, in terms of its interaction? What really separates it in the marketplace?

Yeah, we'd probably need a whole session to really dig into this one. But I'll tell you a couple of things that caused me to join you, I path, right.

First is the openness of the company and of the platform.

We don't obscure how roadmap. We put it out there, and we talk about what's coming. from a training standpoint, We were putting out how to train yourself videos for years now. In fact, that's how I got started. I, over Christmas break, I couldn't shut my brain down. Started watching the UI path videos and doing my own POC, essentially.

The So the culture and the product is one of openness. We are extensible platform. If you have code that you've already written, you can bring that code into a process. We're not asking people to do it our way and only our way we're saying, here's what, what the capabilities are take. Like Ericsson did take these principles, take these, these processes, these capabilities and fit them into your framework and and use as much of it as makes sense use, used strategically use the parts that you want to.

Screenshot (4)That saxophones brand, lots of questions about what, how the industry is evolving in your assessment. In the past, if you look back in the last 12 months, what has happened that that is, you think is most critical: The biggest development in the industry in the last 12 months.

Yeah, that's a tough one because there's so much, I mean, that this is an industry that is re-inventing itself.

So, quickly, you really have to to to be immersed in it in order to keep up. I would say within the last 12 months, you know, When I joined you iPad 2.5 years ago, it seems like an eternity. At this point.

It was, you know, there are narratives around the fragility of processes, You know, if a system breaks, then, my automations break, and we're tackling questions like Change Management.

You know, things that seem very basic right now, as as we have moved, you know, through these last 2.5 years, the same themes aren't applying now. Now, the themes are talking about is scale. How do I get to 50,000 people? Right. You know, these giant numbers, and it's not just about the technology, it's about the enablement and the training and bringing people along for the journey and getting people excited about it.

So, I'd say the biggest thing that we've shifted from is really a focus on nuts and bolts technology bits to how, how big can you go? How quickly can you go? And, as an example, when I was a customer, it took me weeks to set up Orchestrator and get my, my own network and my topology figured out. You can set up orchestrator now, in two minutes by going to our web platform. So, it's not about the nuts and bolts anymore. Those are important, but they're understood, and there have been accounted for in the process, it's about scale. It's about moving fast, getting people trade up, trained up, engaged, and executing.

You might be on mute.


You might be on mute.

Yeah, I was, I was mooted, it was my fault, and I apologize. Camera has a great question here, and we'll try to get it done in a minute. But I think it's a very deep question, but if you can summarize to us, he's, he's talking about the hybrid mode that you explain. It's really interesting approach, and he thinks that it takes a greater level of organizational maturity and adoption of process automation to make the hybrid method dual mode work.

And that, his question really is that, if you use, in your deployment, any kind of process automation maturity model that that takes into account the maturity of the processes in your organization. And if you can share a typical timeline for progression over the maturity models of processes, and, in a nutshell, you know, how, how do you interact with different organizations where, which are at different stages of process maturity.

Yeah. You're right. That is it doesn't meet a question. It's great. So, a couple of things. one UI path, we have our own maturity model that we use with our customers that helps identify where areas of opportunity and deficiency are, based on the size of implementation. Our partners as well do an incredible job at this. Same thing, at being able to assess where you're at in your journey and what needs to happen. Now, The assessment is great, but it's, it's just the opening argument right now. Now, you get into the meat of, of, you know that the case, and once you have that maturity assessment and you understand where you are, then you, you choose, you either start prioritizing, based on deficiency. I have two developers. I need six, I have one department doing citizen development.

I need seven different departments, right? Or you look at those areas of strengths and you double down, and you pick up a partner to help with those deficiencies. I'm going to outsource, instead of hiring those four more developers, I'm gonna start with a partner that, that has the ability to help bolster that development skills, and I'm gonna focus on strategy, or vice versa.

So, understanding your, where you're at, being able to leverage UI path, that our partner organization, to either, you know, augment that in the short term. And then you look at the long term. Where do I want to be in order to do this? Do, do I want to start with development being outsourced, and then move to a fully developers and then use that outsourcing model for maintenance. That's very common start Moving that partner into more of a strategic role, now that you've got the basic blacking blocking and tackling done, that happens. So, I would say those three parts, where am I now?

Where do I want to focus on my deficiencies or my strengths? And then figure out opportunities to complement that. Then understand where you want to be and, and work with you, I path work with your partners in order to make sure that that everything you do in that medium term is mapping towards those long term goals.

Outstanding. Brandon, thank you so much. It's a real privilege to have an industrial leader like you sharing your knowledge, your passion, about the development and the continued growth of RPA in our industry. So thank you very much for being here with us today, and then doing a fantastic presentation.

Thank you for, I've loved this series. So far, I think you guys have done an outstanding job, and it's really a pleasure and honor to be part of it.

Thank you very much.

Ladies and gentlemen, with this, will conclude our session. We're going to start back up at the top of the hour and the kit, quick reminders, submit your feedback as you close the session. Also, June 23rd, for June 25th, you do not want to miss. I BPM live, and you can find more information or register for those sessions at I, BPM, live, dot, online. And, and coming up next to complete our RPA and intelligent automation Series. We're going to welcome RIAs atar vice-president for Caesars Entertainment, where he'll give us incredibly practical view of how to use RPA to create millions of dollars in value. So, you do not want to miss that. I'll see you back up at the top of the hour. Thank you.


About the Author

more (10)Brandon Nott,
Senior Vice President Product,

Brandon Nott leads Attended Automation at UiPath.  As a former customer, he has built a successful RPA practice and brings firsthand knowledge of all aspects of the RPA life cycle to the product team. An award-winning technologist with a deep focus on sustainable, robust systems design. 

From automating mortgage operations to testing wireless technologies, Brandon takes a holistic approach to digital transformation that brings humans and technology together, seamlessly.  Not only does he create attending automations/robots at night, he is also avid race car driver, proud father of 3 and recently relocated to the NW area!


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