Courtesy of Avis Wells Fargo's Bilal J Muhammed, below is a transcript of his speaking session on 'A Hybrid Engagement Model for Digital Transformation and Innovation in High Risk & Regulatory Environments (Shifting Culture and Mindset for the Next Industrial Revolution)' to Build a Thriving Enterprise that took place at Business Transformation & Operational Excellence Summit & Industry Awards.
Session Information:
The 4th Industrial Revolutions impact will require Legacy IT & BPM Organizations Culture to embrace a Hybrid Rapid Deployment IT Supply/Demand Model where the Consumer (End-User) is Elevated to the Infrastructures Endpoint above the Technology. This new model will be anchored in an Active Online & Dynamic Configuration Management Database (CMDB) and Integrated Asset Warehouse where Vendor Management, Finance & Procurement merge into the Engineering Design, Deployment & Sustainability Models.
The review of this Methodology will focus on the following Transformation Directives:
The End-User Endpoint Model
Transformation of Technology Paradigm
Introspection vs Inspection
The Consumer: The “X” Factor
Session Transcript:
She thought the net moderators cultural transformation track we have the anchor we I would say we save the best for last dr. Mohammed is going to break before cultural transformation challenge so I'll share a little story minutes commiserate preach to the choir.
What I think we all want to walk disappear what are the tools what is the approach what's the methodology how do we change the culture we have the first I set up an algebra test head of the CEO roundtable and I had to sign DBA.
So I think we're screwed was there what was interesting than asking the question blonde whoops what's a silver book contradiction I said all of you need to get out of the way now when you tell the CEO that you typically get one of two responses first a star will fall quickly out there and it tends to end up with and now I don't listen to you, thank you for your time please but what we wanted to get over an hour later than.
The things that I hope wait 30 minutes in order to be a dimension you're going to have to be the oldest person you're going to have to say to them how they live one align my technology my business and my customer experience into one single event that's not this PD bar run into operations leave the low and go back and get the next thing is right again the repeated wins but what's the continuous lack of innovation.
When you jump into this process of changing the culture you have to immediately tell divorce yourself I do kill every sacred cow run in the room and put all the heads that are on fire and I'll take the princess to enterprise level global regulatory FinTech scientific business engineering aerospace industry.
Three decision members as we move into this thing that would fall before we have to move perceptions from awareness to illumination what are the other all of us have dashboards scorecards all of these things that we theater information these maps whatever you want to call it and that's awareness we all know it's a lagging indicator.
We all know that it's kind of shaped and formed based on the inception or when something is put into operation but does it illuminate different concept same data different perception is my information providing me predictive analytics that allows me to have felt fast fast failure quick recovery discovery feedback the information that allows me to in investin retool today the answer is sure. We do that we call it change and that's typically 90 to 120 days lag for any energy and so it's a whole another we're in a junk shop we're running these things I got pigs and countable chickens and everything else is over virtual farm all of those things are great.
What I'm going to try to challenge you is to imagine not a linear process with stories of scrums not an iterative process with phases of deliverables not a change management tower business led IT supply demand model not any of the things for all of us, who wear our experience here that was teach you in at one point or I tell that any other passage what I want you to do now shift this pizza and imagine taking risk management for cure that regulatory and business and shipping them all to
the place of hydration.
Imagine a workflow management that tastes the asset the CMDB the business demand and the project and treats it holistically not from innovation discovery implementation to retirement but from innovation cycle one through 1,000 a never-ending process.
We are aspects of Angelo aspects of irritant I told all the other glass eaters all of that stuff now you leverage the best parts of it you do what we should be which is perfecting the process and getting rid of the noise we all know what works because that's what we do we know what doesn't work because that's what we document wrinkles or it's only a camera dolly carried only.
It won't see we document our way into trying to justify the very things that were built to actually meet so everybody's heat as well everybody executive reports look fantastic meanwhile the company is right keep in mind with this fourth Industrial Revolution in the next three to five years we've seen improvements in all facets of industry that took 50 years to get you.
So the last 50 years of work will now be recognized on the group's scale or velocity in an extreme climate depending upon adoption whether there's a financially sir but no one in five years time the world will look different, how do you as people the management process who look at operations.
We can do the business of running divisions how do you adapt because there's nothing that you do today that will keep up the density right so we end up with hidden IT offices and warehouses better here's a server underneath Joey's desk we have a department that has their own budget and now they create their own well I went to this place it may have this server so we just connected it and started using it here the consumerization in an enterprise space ills it but it speaks to a need right and I think they're going to share these lides my argument now becomes where is the end point.
The end point for business and again this is not any specific industry is the consumer have I engineered to the consumer game have I put my progress my programs and my rocesses to go specifically to the end user have I had my partner's because hate business isn't painted a strong word but I kept using I hate when corporations say that oh the next person to you is your customer the person in the supply chain is their customer engineering is their customer the business is your customer.
They're enough and anyone who adopts that philosophy means that I had no responsibility for what happens and I'd give it to you because my customer says the transaction is finished well that they get it but if this is my partner, I said can you advance that one train for me.
We're still part of the same collective experience we're all going through this piece together we've now taken the journey and pulled it where the customer becomes part of the experience so whether its regulatory at a conversation with Johnson & Johnson over lunch a fantastic conversation I have risky regulatory that don't want to participate how do I mean.
I bought in pulling with culture to the innovation pull it a little closer to ideation illumination is different and awareness awareness is a pipeline the location is the meeting where we all sit together and start talking about this is what's coming next this is the impact here is the budget so I called the CEOs how many three decision-makers in any program.
I mean business a person who has authority accountability and responsible I need the program and they need to supply where the vets internal IT vendors remember those three people come in and they've run they make the decisions all of them they've put demanding into drive now imagine it will having your tools now starting from an asset management from procurement or if it's in the scientific world for a different test lab that's running a different run or different lot whatever that is that which it now begins to be tracked from inception by all apartments who are vested in delivery does that make sense logical question.
I don't know this you make it happen by those three things if your executive tear who sent you here want you to move in change this I've seen it McBride's level I've seen it in small shops because at the moment that there are three people were put accountable now they will run the business and each time a new program comes in they'll adopt and adapt so we have assets we have process we have business we have commodity we have supply demand channel without technology.
You have changed management we have regulatory we have the business consumer every aspect of what we're trying to do is countable industry people those three and I say people I mean an organization I don't even delegate I don't mean the person who comes to meetings oh can we think that something that makes me because I need to go talk with someone that no person could have signature Authority account or you create so that becomes how do we get introspection versus inspection introspection says that as I go through my progress.
I evaluate each frame of the process for those who know the agile approach to it this kind of gives you gives you that but the iterative approach has it as well unfortunately it tends to happen after delivery and your customer becomes your QA and now Delta airs having you know those things that we hear up how do you go from inspecting the introspection introspection means if this goes back again to us great hair cooks with TQM came in they took the pyramid and try to invert they empower for people who had canceled over the up a high that model higher approach.
When you take your project teams and you mill it down to the key particulars and then you create centers of excellence that surround that core now you can deal with any of your core competencies in those centers of excellence you can create what we would call Tiger teams or quick response rhythms but it all comes from this one this deciding unit that drives process they also influence change at the same time they change the culture because now it's not global operations is not enterprise body it's not three or four cycles or meetings to get and gain consensus.
It's this is broker face there's no leader who will push back against what they have to see is coming this way can you influence it can you find little projects and little opportunities to say instead of us doing a project team I want to take this approach that we're going to defuse these decision makers we're going to let me try existing processes that we already know we're going to take that same project team members are going to pushing down the labor and then we're going to take the actionable people we're going to bring them up later and now all the meetings become working sessions and not the names or conversations because it's is are being made in members does that track and anybody see how that can work in their organization does it seem like a hard thing to implement now again not right brettly again getting the buy-in the cultural shift requires the people who are in certain positions to either have the ability to cross-pollinate are coming from a multi-discipline factor.
So my vendor management people should have experience or a legacy with that next row who do they know in operations or the management of that third-party vendor that when they put in a scope for an order to be delivered that they could work with them to not only have a QA that ready to run but really now that takes this whole thing of engineering you 18 QA pre-implementation go live and it consolidates it into one responsible now all these things still occur right.
We're not taking away these we're trying to say how many literature to accelerate the critical parts of delivery now does this change any of your tools immediately no should it change how you do work in the future yes so the conversation the lunch table was well how do we change it I think we definitely we introduced new language.
We take what they do and we take our expertise so that's Annie your job is not to walk in which or in your belts or badges your job is to walk in in the background and stand in the backyard and help direct an intense conversation now before the groom country you've already put together three people your sponsor or executive sponsor is already empowered it to make the decisions your job is a citizen in the background and now is to navigate the meetings that introduces the doctor then when you introduce the dialogue with their existing tools you are changing the X Factor is an agile awareness is a BPM discipline is an iterative documentation system against what ever process that this organization uses to most people will call that.
we always and I tell you when we use have everything going for project and someone says drop everything we have to get this delivered today took sweet let's go this has to happen give everybody in the room and let's get this thing done now there's no magic in that those are just words but it gets done so we have the ability to do we have the ability to have a stronger a working session we have the ability to do this Cayenne okay okay can we do it but we just called it oh here comes Boston get ready for a long night what we always do now what if we did it in a disciplined format it's exactly what I've just said how do we change the culture introducing so changes get people together penny I'm Frank I'm bringing doughnuts and coffee in the morning can we get together five minutes round a cup of coffee and some doughnuts.
I guarantee you said of your attendance but when you get them there you don't have an opportunity to say hey tell me how's it feeling right now talk to them death how's it feeling how's it going are you guys don't know think what we need need some more people who need more time what's going on now you take that and you understand what that needs to get out right now you take that and you go in to point another and then now we start bringing these years together silica sugar you're now going from awareness to illumination you're now pushing information towards and now your program office is capturing this information and they're documenting it and sending it upstream as it goes up streaming it becomes part of executive reports that it comes part of the pipeline reports.
It becomes part of what you do organically and as soon as someone sees their anger type types with literal guess what's not happening but we don't drive we drive them through relationships these relationships now change the concept of poverty little boy now you document what that looks like and as soon as they do something fantastic you celebrated because now remain forces to change now as you're doing this.
You're also coaching them up on this new language that x-factor gives you if you have problems in your organization that means God has gifted you with the insight hallelu but also gifted you with responsibilities of change not to be frustrated not just keep going in the room one hour tired of saying this over and over again not to shut down not walking you go change because invention of the cultural shift and as a chip there will keep intelligence now you become the leader because they'll come to you today so what's the next thing now.
I'm telling you this was only Heather said the minister to wrap this up but that at a very high level is how we ship and how we inform change now where has this work take a person because I was involved with it the broad well this road was Postal Service actually wanted to build out in Dubai all these things different things that I personally sat in any pepper so this is not me going this is what I've read this is what I've experienced cultural change is relationship building because she better to tear down relationship Joe hired his brother was married to his ex-wife's husband who went to the same school they started to work together 20 years ago.
He's not gone fired at that he's going to put him in another role that has a great title with no country now the person who walks in should be the SME can't perform can't deliver what do we do we have to now given this are dangerous and when you identify their top three these top three people decision these decision makers also applied the organization and by default the person becomes buried what they knew to give them the opportunity to learn a new way of doing this and prove both by default they literally that's the hard part the difficult option there are parts of tactical doesn't mean that person needs to lose each other they didn't retooled ourselves and if they if they love what they're doing for the company of any with it.
They're going to say hey and the embraces change and then finally how about how do I survive the next name and if they're not guess what that happens your job is to improve upon the theme not deal with customers but have a continual improvement of process this thing should run an exception to this should run from one innovation implementation cycle to the next innovation this piece we talking we talk about transformation through disruption we're talking about how we come in the room and disrupt.
What is normal while introducing innovation and managing that as the professionals we are for people who will not necessarily want to go on this journey with you but they will be celebrating when they arrive that's change change brings out the introvert in its normal I tell you we're going to change you heard me say what did i do both husband and wife as couples do it every day I need you to pick up our dominant people change the research through disruption but our disruption is so subtle I'm a navy back.
I work on small team we learned about favorite language that she said what's the best way to knock each other don't say anymore very simple very so what I'm saying to you though we have the ability through our expertise to not try to get to follow us but stand behind it and perspective and as you make them successful in small increments they will not go over all to water to run to fly if you don't accept this challenge any of the companies that are working for our personal computers we're complexities measures three five years now.
What you're doing will not look until the same will have the same laws and rules that work under but how they implement that will be different right so every mechanic has a different way everybody has a different way of fixing a problem but we're all all problem solvers yeah so if I were offered anything in this short period of time five ways to introduce all your critical partners early on in Inception find tools that will track their assets you understand.
The predatory fish industry understand your business models that your line business relative speed of business that allows you to customer service service you're not their co-workers because we're all part of the same ecosystem but your income who now because of Apple and Google have a place for the making itself provision and in business they want to have you didn't have a week of working for people get the work possessions or how to lower this but this was 30 minutes but I hope at least.
I translated a couple of blocks and if we have the question question right right yes so the three the five words are where the three folks that your customer the PLO and and what it would supply challenges right at one time yeah you may have internal IT or engineering or you may have a third-party vendor that supplies so I think that we didn't talk about right business is those lines have perched right there blur what used to be Supply Management.
All those things now there and now we're all sharing at third-party and managed services the top and bottom lines have corners right so better to have those three people in place so you truly manage which would then to try to tell yourselves oh no we did right most companies when they get ready to implement something what they're going to implement was an idea from for at least two years ago right so we're all in business we're managing our budgets we put in our budgets for next year a year at a time that came from feedback from year front by the time we get ready to implement we're at minus twenty four months.
We don't even stop most businesses don't even stop to say is it even like oh do I still need it is my business case still sighs it's my school play we just say K I got money of my budget I'd get more takeout off to the races and then you deliver something me ghost a customer and they immediately start changing every right so that's the reason of getting to that three it also allowed us to be able to completely change route as we're getting feedback from that mid-tier that has collapsed a manager and actionable person they immediately go this is not gonna work great that next morning they're getting feedback going that work okay what we need to do change the change so something that would take a bus oh so you have your consumer which is typically your vision you have your program for you business fall typically at him project some people's finance actually runs so whatever function.
If you have your supply market operations in a heap internal party some people may have third-party vendors some people may buy managed services but those three are your key critical your business leader so the pension your enterprise some people have technical relationship managers some people kind of department heads you want the person and here's how I tell people how do you find out who's in charge if it rates whatever your delivery if it's if it's a medication if it's in a pharmaceutical world if ten million people dialing who's the person on TV or who's first that - so whoever that person is become - that person now they can delegate it they are on an entry they are now they can delegate it and let me say this that person.
Who is who's taking on that task has to be both fashionable and accountable so that person has to now give that person for now an enterprise is less high road larger tends to be one business okay so then right so so our low fees typically has a person who's serving one channel that channel manager who's responding for that relationship to the public is that worse right so that does that help yeah so because opening that person has to make their the signature right there up sign up there that person either creates a world that has that relationship or that person isn't right initially it's always great that had to be that person so they can see exactly.
How it works and then once they experience it they can say hey I'm going to create this world or this person it still gets it done what the what the needed benefit of that is is a genomic working in two to three weeks cycles for things to be decision specifically that's right to get consensus to run it through its here here's a question inside of you or comment I mean you know because like I said there's a lot more underneath all of that but I guarantee you those things how you navigate to get to those principles absolutely well I guess I have to have a questions let me throw it out there so when you think about when you talk about your your your magic 3 right can you talk about those sessions becoming working session how do you look at that and kind of I guess reconcile probably the best word between as you think about pushing decision-making down or you think about all these other thing works.
We talked about this not lifting decision making up but pushing decision making down so that it can be made more quickly more quickly people know how to operate self-organizing teams how does that align with what it is you're talking about but actualize the mature state of exactly what you just said is getting it down to a terrible decision actionable body but it's not what the team that we do in the word like those three people and then do the work they're already in power when you take their management ear in the actionable workers and love them right because that manager is going to task this person is going to deliver it give a direct feedback that channel is going to be the right into the top three so now it's not going from here to here to here to some water to some deliverable to some work that gets done it's inspected comes back up and now someone marks it is incomplete it all happens right here kind of keep it ball actually.
I see it it's done attack right here in one ticket caffeinated one service request is happening one change management is right there and it doesn't change the mechanics of how they do the business it just makes it work because it's flat and it takes the manager how the decision in all our manager is not necessarily more like this just tell me.
what you need I'm going to I'm gonna break it back I think the night over me with where we were taught that every piece is a link your suppliers are only in there so I think of returning to my terminology there Park I've given you the customer what you want yeah and we settled it just estimate and we see it in change management if I give it to you you want to give it back to me open the ticket right right open the ticket well we got all this other stuff now we're still engaged but when I made your customer its transaction.
Bilal J Muhammed,
Vice President, ISRM,
Wells Fargo.
By Way of Introduction; Bilal J Muhammed is a Senior Level GlobalTechnology Professional, Multifaceted Subject Matter Expert (SME)and Lecturer on IT Innovation, Transformation and Business ProcessImprovement.
Raised in Newark, New Jersey; Bilal joined the United States Navy,earning the Classification as a Data Systems Technician Petty Officer(DS3-NSW) in Combat Systems & Aircraft Carrier CommunicationsSystems. Further complimented in the field of Computer Science fromHoward University, and certifications as a LEAN/Six Sigma Black Belt,AGILE Scrum Master/Coach, PMP/PMI and ITIL v3 Service Manager aswell as industry certifications from Cisco, NORTEL, Wellfleet, BayNetworks and other leaders in the Business & Technology space.
Beyond Business and Technology; Mr. Muhammed has letters in Post Graduate studies from Al-AzharUniversity (Egypt) in Theology, which has served him in his past role as a Chaplain for the Department ofCorrections and his local community. And is a member of several International Interfaith DialogueCounsels and Community Grassroots Programs.
Bilal currently is Vice President, ISRM at Wells Fargo Bank, with a focus on Global Products & SolutionsInformation Security Adherence Methodology Policy & Processes. He is also a member of IT IndustryForums; IEEE, IT4IT, ITSM, an active STEM Mentor/Facilitator and Past & Present Board Member of theBlack Data Processing Associates (BDPA) and the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE).
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