Proqis Digital Virtual Conference Series

View our schedule of industry leading free to attend virtual conferences.
Each a premier gathering of industry thought leaders and experts sharing key solutions to current challenges.

Redefining Operational Excellence: Aligning Strategy & Tactics to Enhance Performance

Andrew Miller

Redefining Operational Excellence covers it all--processes, people, and operations--and shares specific strategies to: 

  • Drive innovation and collaboration
  • Engage customers
  • Attract and retain top people
  • Align strategy and execution
  • Optimize speed
  • And more

Be A Hero! Empower Your Network

Being a hero is all about creating value for others. Please invite up to 5 people in your network to attend this premier virtual conference, and they will receive an invitation to attend. 

If it’s easier for you, please enter your email address below, and click the button, and we will send you the invitation email that you can forward to relevant people in your network. 

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BTOES Insights is created in partnership with BTOES17, the largest-scale leadership level event in the Business Transformation & Operational Excellence industry. To learn more about BTOES17, click here.