Business Transformation & Operational Excellence Insights

TechXLive - SPEAKER SPOTLIGHT : The future of work with emerging technologies

Written by BTOES Insights Official | Jul 3, 2020 11:32:00 AM

Courtesy of Morningstar's Marco Chmura, below is a transcript of his speaking session on 'The future of work with emerging technologies' to Build a Thriving Enterprise that took place at Business Transformation & Operational Excellence Summit & Industry Awards.

Session Information:

The future of work with emerging technologies

The future of work with emerging technologies – How Morningstar is growing smart with emerging tech such as Robotic Process Automation, Chatbots, and Machine Learning. Hear how:

Some highlights: 

  • Maturing tools & technologies are re-invigorating and modernizing continuous improvement efforts

  • RPA and AI are helping drive growth and excellence across all business units and next gen leaders

Session Transcript:

So excited to be one of the last presentations I know we're all pretty tired so bear with me here and then you know actually a lot of the discussion points that we'll have here will be you know someone redundant some of the things that you've heard already but it's always good to get new 
perspective and here's some kind of different approaches to things so I'm markers forum a director of quality and transformation a morning start Morningstar is an independent investment research company we help investors reach their financial goals we've been around since the mid 80s we are based out of Chicago we have about 6,000 employees and I am on the quality team there I wanted to start with white automation some of the reasons behind why we're doing this and what you'll notice actually appears some of the reasons are actually very similar to why we start quality wanted to expand business there's a lot going on the investment markets such as the move from active to
passive investments a lot of regulations coming out a lot of need to expand in new universes fund is been our bread and butter a lot of good star rating research as you might have seen but now we're doing a lot more with equities.

indexes ETFs and whatnot so growth very inefficient methods for handling or increasing volume we are starting the midis but I still sometimes refer to those as a start-up because we have a very start-up mentality to a lot of our businesses we've acquired a lot of different companies over the years 
different systems and we maintain them in isolation so that leads to a lot of manual and repetitive processes that maybe aren't the most efficient which also leads to quality issues a lot of transition within our company were very innovative and we're very open to movement than the you sell a lot of change a lot of opportunity for different processes that can leave quality issues I like this one desire to leave first catch out that's really a common approach that you'll hear sometimes within transformation in some ways we're definitely not leading one of our challenges right now is we're 
doing a lot of migrations of the cloud both our software that we deliver but a lot of our software data and research through our software products but also within our data itself we have a lot of old-school XML structures.

Restoring our data and we're doing a lot to move into the cloud and that's where I would say 
we're more catching up but in some area that we want to be leaders and I think that some of the technologies that we've already made a lot of progress on like some other companies that have been here have really been an example of us desiring to lead versus just have scale impact and finally but very important improve the employee experience you know we've received obviously a lot of feedback over the years we actually did a lot of assessment before I moved into automation but and we started with HR right HR a really good group to understand the employee experience and maybe some of the opportunities to help.

Change the environment at Morningstar and encourage you know better talent to come there and a lot of it had to do with with you know numbers one two three and four our inability to really remove some of the non-value-added work that we know a lot of us want to help teams focus on more proactive things and again when I say that you know this was a approach that we wanted to take to 
automation it was really also the approach that we wanted to take for our quality program to begin with a lot of the reasons that we started our quality program and we based our quality program off of four colors these things might sound familiar of course but it's really the approach that we take to all of the different quality initiatives that we'd start at Morningstar.

we are an internally homegrown team we are a global company so I have directors of quality in our London owned by China and other offices or helping stand up to business globally and we really teach it in a way that I would say this is somewhat akin to treating a patient at a doctor's office which you might have heard that reference sometimes we're hearing about lean we sent our program around the voice of the client so we're very customer focused we very much teach the company how to put the customer needs first.

Our whole program centers around that and when you think of measurements and to really our ability to get into that doctor's office visit it's our ability to kind of you know what's the first thing that happens they take your vitals so well before we start any kind of initiative we really want to have a good understanding of the heartbeat behind you know what's going on so we really want to take this approach to adopting new technologies as well so what I have here on the left is really some of the dashboards the KPIs and just the methods that we took what I'm looking at where to apply continuous improvement.

Where to apply quality when we started our program so whenever somebody adopts lean and thinks about or another framework for continuous improvement and thinks about how do we get some traction with this you really have to have a good understanding of where is your data quality currently what are where is your following currently where do you have you know issues where are you going to make maybe the biggest initial spark and be able to identify a team that you can set the example with and then grow business or your quality program from there so that's really how we were able to stand up some of our previous lean efforts and we really took a simple approach to how we would look at our PA opportunity as well it's a very simple dashboard obviously but looking across at different functional units just putting some criteria behind what kind of impact can we make so right Greg when we looked at our PA specifically you know we thought about within our different areas what kind of ownership are we going to be able to have there I'll get into a little bit about the own part of our quality program but really having the team's champion our efforts it's been a big reason we've been able to not have a super-intense quality team or a outside consultant come in and help us it's because we really install these behaviors amongst the teams but where are we going to struggle to get that kind of ownership with our PA right off the bat where is the potential of course just using kind of simple red nail green scale be going into much more detail.

when we work with these teams but this was just a high level dashboard to help us understand and then where are you going to get that leader support and you can evolve obviously your metrics as you go within our data collection practice and within our team business we've done a lot with audit and bench marking so a lot of evaluating other companies and really standing up our data quality against those when we get into building the program we really look and this is a very familiar structure to you all we practice clean so we apply the demand.

Framework to a lot of our process improvement projects we really like to look at the different frameworks that we build as a tool kit though for the company we really break the mayic down into of course the different deliverables and tools that come into each stage and teach the team maybe not necessarily to do a full-blown process improvement project but to identify different tools that you can use that can help stand up some of your accounts also yours really help you kind of think fluidly
and be flexible with how you apply me I didn't really get into a lot of the other you know frameworks that we've helped build but I do want to talk about that for a minute because I have heard a lot about that over the last couple days and you know even when we moved to agile and started helping our teams adopt an agile approach to software development.

We really thought about how these teams could have a consistent framework for how Morningstar as agile so we had a scrum Alliance trainer come in and teach a scrum but then we really thought about what are the tools that go into agile where the different approaches some teams can take if it's a core software development team they're going to become very agile focused but some teams might just need different pieces of it we've also built frameworks for end-to-end project management and now we're starting to get into how can we build some frameworks around how we adopt some of these new tools a lot of these frameworks that we build tied together we're also building frameworks about how we can apply design thinking to some of our more strategic approaches to changing the way that were doing.

Business to really getting teams to move up a level beyond lis and start to get more into that transformation space when we build a framework around our PA and we view our PA AI checkbox any kind of new technology that comes out is really a solution to our team's problems so as we teach continuous improvement we're always thinking of you know what are some of the new tools that are out there for teams to adopt but some of these tools also need a framework in themselves and we use glean thinking to first evaluate our vendors and we do a lot of vendor evaluation.

We have a procurement team and they're very tied up with some other the business so when we have independent teams at Morningstar doing vendor evaluations that in itself can be inconsistent so we thought about what are some of the criteria that we want and we even pulled out some of our internal developers to think about what types of tools are out there we evaluated uipath took a look at automation anywhere we took a look at the prism there were a lot of vendors out there at the time and we just came up with some basic criteria for when we're looking at automation vendors what are some of the things we want to see we ended up going with uipath and we've been very happy with them because they have a very they have a very good community version that our developers 
were able to download and try out themselves they have very good online tutorial videos that are internal some business champions we identified as well as really analytics developers. 

We weren't working with some of our engineers or software developers who are very busy we were more looking at kind of middle tier technology so people have had some experience with Python maybe and a little bit of coding background but nothing too intense and and we let them do the evaluation just to understand if we even needed to go into a more but they came back and said you know we really like this or we really like the way that the co being worked in there they were able to do things quickly so we did a pilot with UI path and we did that by similar ways that you kind of evaluating when we can take a look at teams and thought about where can we do this so we we started within our own group and started using bots to complete our audits we do a lot of body image marketing work like I said and there's a lot of manual steps that go into that a lot of times when you do auditing it's preparing the files and collecting the data that takes a lot of time so we thought well that's a great use case right there let's test with that and we were able to code a pretty good process pretty quickly and then really kick it off from there so how can we build a framework around our PA well you see we both kind of some simple four stage framework I was able to see

MasterCard talk in this room yesterday they built kind of a similar nice approach that how they roll out our PA within their company but really step one is where I think you can go back to our continuous improvement mindset and the way that we work in that we're always trying to use to make tools to help us identify solutions to our challenging processes so teams have familiarity doing value stream mapping they have familiarity thinking about their process in a way that there are many different approaches that we can take when it comes to automation we work with some of the similar tools that you all work with it's a workday Salesforce we have our data collection suite of tools but we're also going in and out of sequel SharePoint you know a lot of the similar applications that in a lot of ways we had to you know build a little bit of chat with those teams that owned those software to see.

If there's a better automation opportunity out there if technology is coming up with something better for Salesforce and they're going to buy some new plugin then maybe we don't need to apply our PA so you want to be very thorough in building your teams and processes so having a good identification process and a lot of materials on our internal wiki that we could share with the teams as well as building a request framework within our company and a lot of stability up front and really helped teams to think through what they were giving us and also we put a lot of criteria around those requests and

We use JIRA to track our requests and that's very important too because you know I think when it whether it comes to tracking lean projects or comes to tracking any kind of transformation initiatives anything you can do to have some kind of good documentation and request mechanism within your company will add a little bit more ability to handle increasing in that regard I'll talk a little bit more about SOP documentation but because we were already doing a lot of good standard operating procedure work and you know building lean into that approach we were very quick and easy to tailor a lot of those SOPs towards the RP a process so in a lot of instances that the processes are written obviously for a human to understand but taking a standard.

Operating procedure that's been documented for a human and tailoring it towards what the developer is going to need to read and understand to add to the logic is not really all that challenging when you have an SOP process in place it can be a little bit more challenging when you're starting from scratch but as long as you have kind of a good format for doing that teams can pick off pretty quickly you might need to do a little bit of hands-on support initially if you can identify within your groups and have them become champions of SOPs and I'll talk about some of the ways to sustain those you can be much more effective as well building an RPA dev center of excellence
the master prep team also talked about this as well but it's a little bit hard to decide whether or not you're going to do centralize development or you're going to make you do a quote unquote hub-and-spoke model.

So we experimented with both and we settled on doing centralized developers so that we could intake processes from the company and build consistency within our approach to building out the box a lot of consistency is necessary because it's tough when multiple different developers are working on the same application and coming up with different approaches you really lose a lot of best practice expertise when you have centralized developers they really become familiar 
with our kiowa work with workday our RP a is going to touch Salesforce and Oracle and how many RP a can help you in there varies your building do you really build a lot of consistency and expertise there the licensing model every developer needs its own license so you know depending on where your costs are at you're going to be much more effective it's a fully dedicated.

Developer as opposed to maybe anyone who is going to quote unquote devote 50% of their time and maybe share a license with somebody else or yours and then do kind of some piecemeal about economic can be very difficult work with them we found that out pretty quickly so we do centralize development it also allows us to then take our agile principles and apply them to the way that we develop so our developers co media which are actually located in Irish engine and Mumbai offices we don't do any development here in the States which might be a little bit different it's just more cost-effective for us but those are our teams and we've been working with them for years they've done a lot to build out tableau dashboards in the past. 

we built their own business intelligence tool they become very familiar with collecting data and building nice visual versions of it they were very quick to pick up UI paths framework and they loved it working really well with it so we have ten full-time developers that are operating in an agile way and constantly also using continuum this improvement to the way that we develop that role alcohol you know where it started to keep better track about how long so the cycle time is as well as post release bugs and issues which do happen so the head job process really glad full that kind of work back into your workflow can really help you be smart about the way that you're you know collecting the feedback from your retrospectives and thinking about how to build smarter going forward so all this has really helped this stand of the RBA program similarly we wanted to build a framework.

Around chatbots we had been a fight chat is a really good opportunity for us just to deliver some of our internal information to our internal teams bastards you'll see here that some of our use cases that we're currently working with are all internal facing and I'm starting to hear that that's pretty common amongst a lot of the groups that are attending a lot of businesses that are moving into this space now beyond maybe some of our more advanced players.

There's a reason that we haven't moved externally because number one I I think we're still learning our internal teams are adopting chat the internal chats that we're using here are very structured search chat box what that means is it's kind of a menu that you navigate through and get your answer as have a conversation with it before we move anything external facing onto our products that can navigate our software and talk to our clients we're going to kind of wait for the the technology to advance and that's like waiting weekly.

We're not talking about years here we're really talking about keeping an eye on the vendors and making sure that we're you know have an opportunity to lead and not catch up but also don't go too fast as we work with our internal use cases. 

We started with Microsoft they have a very nice chat feature in there where Microsoft 365 clients and it came with chat so we figured why not use of a federal license that we started experimenting with it some of the use cases are very simple here we we take a straw Denari a long time sometimes just to tell a client and in this case of the level one support but for level one support to be able to get an answer to our client about whether or not we cover an investment so we built a back-end.

Framework for being able to serve that information up in a very easy and consumable way but how are we going to serve it was more than challenge that the chat pod presented right it builds a little bit excitement within the teams if your customer experience is being driven by the fact that your support team is constantly in transition they have a little a lot of different tools and websites and different knowledge bases that they go to to collect their information serving it up in a nice kind of fun to use consistent format we found is a great way for our team to kind of rally behind getting quick answers to our clients and even giving us more use cases to build into the chat box so we've expanded to about 10 use cases now we started with one only six months ago.

we're now able to quickly tell if a portfolio is suppressed so that claim shouldn't be able to see it this is the type of stuff that would historically take us almost a week to get an answer but now we can get it right to the client right you're not supposed to see that portfolio or that portfolio will be released in a certain amount of time so these types of simple low-hanging fruit that just for years we've let dangle and and consistently create challenges for our clients we cannot quickly serve up

Answers and and again build some excitement around while testing the new technology we've advanced a dialogue flow now internally that's the Google product our developers told us that they were able to start experimenting with it and they found that to be even easier to work with the Microsoft and also putting it in a web-based version was was a little bit easier which allows for easier access in some of our global locations and for some of our support team so we haven't really evolved too much internally yet beyond Microsoft and Google and I would assume that maybe if we ever do move into an external space of and hearing a lot and a big players then you know they can help stand of our internal version - I've heard of some companies using multiple chat BOTS.

So I'll talk about a little bit about how we learn from other companies as well this conference is a great example but we're still in that discovery mode and talking to a lot of vendors and then finally some of the other people were working with of course is ask HR your IT Service Desk really excitement there are ask HR team feels it's tunnel we're competitive questions you know doing some analysis on just some of their use cases we have a lot of unity there so but we've been mostly focused on client support today data next-gen so this is an example of where we're really kind of going to the next level.

I think when you look at external facing use cases here we're thinking or maybe the AI version some of the chat box that can be more conversational and really register what's happening with the clients portal experience here is where we're going to get step beyond our PA within our data collection space we've really identified and I said in the beginning to expand a lot of our universe collection and how can we use some so machine learning to help take our data collection to the next space and how can we build the framework.

Around that as well so we called it Nathan X Gen and my my colleague of you George talked a little bit about this on Tuesday or keynote speech speech if you're able to hear any of that but we've been able to build a good vision around 100% data automation so getting all of our data collected and delivered to our clients without any manual talks a very lofty goal bit that you know we're not quite sure what the time horizon is on yet but we've built some nice guiding principles that support that vision you know having a deep understanding of our users cutting-edge technology lean and having process ownership and then having that like a new set building some tugboats that can kind of help carry the big ship.

So we have five dedicated squads that are really looking at things like I'll give you an example but you know we do a lot of work to reduce the amount of documents that we need to eventually translate some of the five the public filing information to our database so for example you get twenty five thousand documents from the Bombay Stock Exchange and we know we only need 200 of those documents to help satisfy some of our data collection requirements for that for that exchange so we have a lot of manual effort to sift through those documents and really identify the key data points that we need once those data points are identified then there's obviously some kind of data input involved so doing a lot to look at some of the technology that allows us to convert PDFs taking PDFs and converting them to an HTML structure but then taking advantage of some of the concepts behind machine learning and being able to put a lot of really those test data sets right so we've taken these 25,000 documents.

And reduced them down to this number how can a robot maybe understand what the analyst was doing to reduce those documents to those 200 i'm cisco beyond just radar PA having very rural basis unstructured data the data that you cannot just say we're gonna code our PA to go find it on this page of the document this is where we get to a little bit of the next level and when a team is working on an effort like this we want to build and isolate a separate framework for that all of these frameworks have a certain aspect of vendor research associated with them too so we built a framework around that vendor evaluation we even work with our procurement Dean's kind understand how they go through it Morningstar is a very innovative company we're also very kind of you know P&L focus so a lot of things happen in pockets where our internal quality team we try to bring things together we can only do so much so building frameworks or how teams should go about doing these things.

It's really a good way to help bring some stability and consistency as well as make things stick for a while we often move on as you can see if we've gotten on these efforts we might have moved a little bit away from lean but our lean framework still exists if we don't have the opportunity to support a team with a new initiative we have plenty of champions that we can connect them with and we also have a framework that they can at least adopt some of the principles and tools so as I move on into ownership we build quality into our team's DNA so we are a facilitation team you're facilitating teams adopting lean adopting agile adopting RPA that's a solution that may be lean has led them
to you know we look at these look at these tools as solutions to our customer problems so it's all about building it into the team's workflow and it's not about hate you got to adopt our PA.

It's about hey what's going on with your customer challenges and now that we have some new exciting solutions that are maturing how can we apply these to those challenges some cases it's big enough some old process math in other cases it's you know he's starting a new effort but given that we have this familiarity with analyzing our processes and thinking about them from a customer perspective with how can we drive towards increasing our quality KPIs

You know it can become very much part of the similar way of working that we've always had so it's really helped to stand up this kind of new technology that's coming to change the world by making it part of our kind of ownership process as you can see at the bottom process owners drive solutions so again we're not forcing any of these solutions on anybody and I don't think the company is or any external environment it's more about having the process owners identify what's going to help them you know solve some of these common climate challenges and we're there to encourage them of course we're there to help kind of apply the consistency coach whatever framework is rolled out we think about how to train how to communicate these are all key aspects usually I believe projects
as well so it really in full circle I want to talk about sustainment a little bit how do we sustain lean well we have we have across the certification program I think I saw something similar up on the dashboard for HP.

Which is where I'm going with this is that if we have a process certification program which is that helped us at the end of a lien project we always have a team the new standard way of working right it might not be as step-by-step as some of the traditional SOPs that you've seen but it's not even if it's a sales team or a marketing team or someone that's not so used to step by step documentation we still help them build the future state and make sure that it's documented and we do that by you know having a template for how teams document things think about the continuous improvement aspect of it what's the goal what is the background of this process and of course where the key steps and then as they work and monitor their performance and continue to improve the SOP helping them see it get to additional levels of the company so we can celebrate the fact that some of these SOPs have reached a great level of stability real quick what gets things for the next level is meeting your customer facing goals on a consistent basis you can see the number of level 3 processes we have is extremely low and

There's a reason for that because that is like self sustainment that is almost fully automated with zero quality issues it's a very high standard that we try to put in sports if you build a certification program around your rp8 processes you can also see a similar level of a similar level of evolution as well as kind of tying some of the RPO. 

Solutions back to a lean SOP so these really these tools can help feed your continuous improvement program we also do process health checks by editing processes certified and documented with a goal we're able to sometimes create a watch list and we have the teams on these things these are run by the teamsthemselves so the teams identify the processes that they have seen as a blip on the customer facing goals and use it as an opportunity to come to the process health check and talk about what's happening and what they're doing to improve it process health checks are a great way to build a community for your process owners to have them come and collaborate together and then we can again to serve as a facilitator as a breath as a guy course but really we love to see the team's talk about their performance talk.

About true root causes and be able to come to solutions and then finally our Huddle's we stood up daily Huddle's like the cousin and talked about a lot here we learned about them from other organizations love learning externally that's where we get a lot of our materials so I'm sure you all feel the same when we found puddles we found them as a great daily way for teams to adopt continuous improvement even if they're not the most well boy will be machine they can still bring in some of the aspects of client focused continuous.

Improvement dedicated time towards taking a step back and saying how are we working not just focusing on individual as an example of our award this is a team standing around them focusing on so taking this to some of the newer technology technologies that were adapting and how can we sustain some of you know the growth that we're getting out of these so again continuing to build and maintain excitement there's a lot of ways you can do this I've attended quite a few seminars and conferences and things about our PA.

I think a great example is to share external information about our PA or about chat or about what companies are doing with your company you know we all have a lot of delivery mechanisms to share information and we don't do enough of that I really blame IT we don't do enough of sharing some of the good things that are PA is doing sometimes both internally and of course externally but but do try to create an inbuild and maintain excitement.

This is actually an example of a hack upon which we ran in Mumbai so run some contests you know if you have if you're trying to build up your RP a program and you're so focused on you know some of the operational logistics of it you don't take the time to you know educate the company make it real make it exciting you're you're definitely going to have some challenges there so we're very much trying to you know have some fun activities having a continuous improvement program also helps you grow your pipeline so we're continuously evaluating our processes for new opportunity we're also continuously.

Evaluating our vendors on your ears but you know every week and that's another reason why we like to I bet they had a very nice contracting model where we were we didn't have to commit to a multi-year contract but every year we look at all of our vendors and do a good assessment together with the teams that are using the tools too so again building a lot of the ownership within our leadership group and within our teams is really helping to make this a part of the company this is company level efforts this is not quality team.

Efforts operational excellence efforts this is you know company customer facing work compliance reviews and internal audits on the lower right you'll see kind of little bit about our systems and organizational controls but taking a lot. of our our good work on documenting the process and our ability to translate a lot of the material that you IPAB has given us about running our PA within our 
infrastructure and making sure that we have good controls around our Sox processes we are a public company so there's a lot of challenges that comes with applying our PA within a public company environment so we're working with our a lot of team two you heard about how we do benchmarking and auditing of external companies data we're doing the same things with ourselves so coming in and auditing ourselves and making sure that we are compliant with the ways that we're approving users the ways that we're changing code.

If the code touches Oracle we have to have a mechanism to track the code changes and make sure that they are what the user requested so there's a lot of operational logistics around that we'll just be very smart about it and making sure that we're you know able to sustain this good work.

Without kind of moving to the next shiny new thing without having our controls established yet I know you're probably excited to go see the Verizon folks but I will remain here to answer any questions that you have but feel free to exit if you want to go back if anyone does have any questions you can raise your hand yes yes we are and have whole mechanism for tracking our saved we also have the German tickets are pretty expensive we really like teams to think about do you have a mechanism for doing this manually.

If the robot bails thinking about what happens so we also really like to track how much time is similar to what mastercards talking about yesterday but how much time you currently put into this process how frequently do you do it but then any other quality games you're going to get out of it I know that was a discussion yesterday we have a whole peoples are on that and we try to aggregate and consolidate that information and we create a whole buck we have a very nice wiki and set of slides that explains the benefits we're getting out of our PA and it's our saved.

And processes implemented and maybe FTE numbers on one side but on the other side some of the quality gains that we've gotten I think we can measure that not as assert the lien projects work can help but we just try to document within the same thing as is our PA and things like tickets avoided hours have avoided by the process is something that we're tracking we're looking at a lot of
processes that are new and didn't exist before so you can't say our safe automating processes is a great example of that processes that go and check to work more frequently then it currently is checked so you almost reduce errors because we believe yeah a hundred percent long we have thirty five thousand monthly statements that we send out on a part of our investment management group.

And we used to expand check QA like 50 of them monthly so we've missed some errors and some
issues that would pop up now we QA all basis and there is no manual intervention so let's say this is a ton of time from looking at that subset of 2250 I think we looked at but we're also now comprehensively covering the whole universe and we like to just illustrate that right there in the
ticket but it's hard to put a quantum of number on that so we'll just list it out and and when we talk about the benefits of our piaying devour internal presentations and share with teams we'll definitely
highlight you collect that information into JIRA in JIRA tinier stories we have two JIRA projects one is interior project to track all the tickets and the ticket is grooving by a process name yeah and it's tied to the owner the developer the reviewer it says what it had the SOP attached to it of course you
know those through those stages that I showed before and it yeah and it will also have okay I'm sorry just when you say ticket does that tie it quite like we use jared to track user stories.

yes so is that the same concept so juror comes with the ability to create different types of tickets yeah one of them is called story whether it's called issue yeah we use the issues that's a ruse yeah yeah yeah issues yeah so it's really it's in some ways master dies in JIRA you know definitely not it's originally used we have another ticketing management system called big base that we've sunsetted so now we're losing JIRA and definitely wasn't built to do this but it's very functional for
it yeah right in a ties in company Atlassian that makes confluence our wiki wiki and JIRA time really well together we can build wiki pages now that built our JIRA tickets out of the RP a database and shown nice dashboards and quick easy access lists of their projects and different staging.

So allowing our teams to see this information quickly and easily it comforts them very fast like we can bring up Quick Links in meetings and show them their whole list of projects they start to get less flummoxed by anything bad they're hearing about our ok and then our other one is an internal
admin tracking application where we track users of our PA as well as the bots themselves so what do the bots have access to who approve that access what developers have access to you.

I have all that kind of stuff we have a very well documented with a and you have an internal team that helps you configure JIRA to do this yes current systems we are up at about we're close to 200 processes yeah we're love 16 Leonar get about 30,000 our sift that doesn't include one time hours actually or the hours I mentioned before which would be hours.

Appointed that's pure hours completed previously I would say we in fact about another 15,000 hours of voided but that's a tough number in my opinion yeah yeah like we think we if we q8 all these documents ourselves which we wouldn't do you know that it would have cost us this many hours take that value you know take the value of that data point for what you will but it's still nice to know right like if we wanted to comprehensively audit 30 thousand documents and take this 400 hours to do it you know a year so let's track that number two we have 16 attended and 925 box right now hewlett-packard a lot.

That's the name of the door because the MasterCard is using automation anywhere it's a little different they have a little different way of tracking in there were coming boxes processes we look at boxes licenses that have you know 365 24 7 powers you can and that's our base that's our high centric we have one process that you need 40 volumes sorry we're late optimization your bottle need runs for like one day or a big run for 40 hours.

About the Author

Marco Chmura,
Director of Quality & Transformation,

Marco Chmura is Director of Quality & Transformation at Morningstar, whose mission is to create great products that help investors reach their financial goals. Marco’s spent the past 5+ years helping Morningstar achieve that mission by developing a process mindset and client-centric culture by championing the voice of the customer and mentoring/guiding leaders as they manage LEAN Six Sigma and Agile development projects. For the past year and a half, he’s also been responsible for helping Morningstar enhance the customer experience through the adoption of emerging technologies such as Robotic Process Automation, AI, ML, Chat, etc.