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Process Mining Live - SPEAKER SPOTLIGHT: Using process insights to drive transparency and productivity whilst overcoming compliance concerns.

Written by BTOES Insights Official | Oct 13, 2021 11:30:00 AM

Courtesy of Avaya's Rameshwar Balanagu, below is a transcript of his speaking session on 'Using process insights to drive transparency and productivity whilst overcoming compliance concerns' to Build a Thriving Enterprise that took place at the Process Mining Live Virtual Conference.

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Session Information:

Using process insights to drive transparency and productivity whilst overcoming compliance concerns

Session Transcript:

Is a head of digital automation and enterprise architecture for a via?

And I'm talking about Ramesh Wire, Ballantyne good, Ramesh ..., please go ahead and turn on your camera so that we can welcome you.

Laura ... is an experienced Enterprise Architect and a head of Digital Automation Center of Excellence.

He is a member of the Forbes Technology Council Active Speaker, Blogger, and focused on various aspects of technologists and digital transformation.

He runs the second largest automation group known as DFW RPA that focuses on all things related to automation.

He is also an adviser, on various startups, including e-sports cybersecurity and blockchain companies.

Ramesh you are? It's a real pleasure to have you with us. Thank you so much for taking the time to share your leadership and expertise with our global audience today.

Jose, Thank you for having me. And, again, it's always a pleasure to talk to you, especially with update that UVA. hopefully, I can contribute.

What a wonderful presentation followed in the last two days, eminent speakers, wealth of knowledge.

Thanks for letting us, and I love this session.

With that, I'll just say, you know, that delta A I mean, everybody be safe.

So, that's for us on our, finding that US.

So, so, basically, you know, I'd like to give a gig about what we've done in the via and then we will talk a little bit more than just go to upload.

So, you know, like, you know, we said, I've come from an enterprise.

The problem on what we've seen is, at best architecture, has always been an ivory tower.

We work on more on mankin basis via, we find that the stakeholders, back to understand what the pain is and then we build the capabilities, a value chains and the busses maps, and zero to LP, Which most of you, I believe, the problem is this is a holistic viewpoint. But the reality is, it will process.

Having to change and sort of business model change, current enrollment has grown at different challenges. Once we thought we could profit. We had the global supply chain, and at the ... blockchain.

This is the world we live an adequate discourse.

We have complexities, you know, from the policies, regulations, and whatnot, and to add more fun, we have local. So there's a lot that's happening, but then you accept Or not, The business models are no longer just a revenue agent.

Business models focus on more and more than sustenance.

I need not say that, so your business models have to change dynamically, so we wanted to have a holistic view.

Again, a wholistic as an evolution but an overall process transformation.

With that in mind, I have moved from an enterprise architecture to a digital automation theory and we'll walk a little bit of a journey and then come back.

Let's get started on the agenda.

So then, you know, again, coming from an EMR, BPM is something very valuable for us.

The problem with the BPM, as we expect expensive goes time, and then when it comes to Ottawa and it is very similar to data governance, where it is very hard to test.

As a result, what has happened with MS companies have been successful, but not so successful in the late 19 nineties.

And I would add a good godfather of process E talk about event driven Population.

When we talk about it, it's a stock course for everybody and anybody who wants to do on Monday of Coursera fundamentals that talks about Petri net modeling and axes.

The whole thing of process money, may, and this is what some people make it perfect, the process making process, discovery, which is the core fundamental principle of BPM.

We've done, in the traditional way, a manual process of discovery, using the technology, process, mining helps in the process of discovery.

Uh, I would not like to challenge anyone, but the object of mining is not automation, The objective process mining, do a basic process discovery, which is known as as this, ben, you know, if you can see to the left, I've talked about what process, my capabilities, It's an accelerated business, office of disability.

People who have started talking, you know, we started with Brussels Mining the processes that says, a user's laptop, which never come into your systems. Do we do with it? What we call staff. My, you know, it's all under the umbrella process, just go to bed. You do a test.

My main process mining, or even impossible to study, the object of process discovery, is to understand what is happening of process, from a systems, let's say, from a user perspective.

So this is so relevant to BPM, because once you understand the process, next thing is you could do a process model.

A model is, would be a living interpreting model. Or if you create a new business model, you don't have a living and breathing model. It's a simulation or a model. Just like a blueprint, you create rumbling.

When you pay for your phone, like the first thing, you can use various techniques.

So process may actually help you in the process model, Again, got the life cycle of BPM all the way from process modeling strategy, because the process discovery, using process, which is accelerated way, it supports all the four cycles.

So now, you can move faster and accelerate faster, You go from a top line and bottom line, or even create a new model. So, it's the debate when I hear people Is it BPM versus VI? R P M is dead, long, live.

The I know AI is a subset of BPM, that's my, That's my dismembered.

So coming to this, all of this that PPM or process thinkers, is the whole objective of this this is took transformation.

If you would have Google, if you would have seen in the last year, there has been a much discussion, or debate is despair, transformation, digitization on digitalization.

I've been David, to it. But I follow one of the MIT professors on what the differences between ... and ....

If there's a ship, is, basically, any technology, even if you use the Lynsey Audit Process of Discovery to find out what your competences to improve the experience of digitization, is the realization is using the digitization techniques.

How can you bring new business models, maybe you moved from an on prem or subscription model, or you created new customer models?

This is digitalization.

Again, it's something that everybody keeps repeating.

But the whole objective of district transformation is not just improve the customer experience, is to touch every employee in your organization.

The moment, when you touch on that employee of your organization, and if you can then get better, you have a better product, Better XP.

And this is possible because you can now make a disturbance with process my.

So the definition of the Digital Twin has not come from process mine.

It's actually coming from the NASA in NASA when it had a problem with its Apollo 13 rocket.

It used to disturb to find out where the problems with the oxygen cylinder.

They fix that on the up using static paper and data, and then they could help the astronauts unpacking Houston.

The same concept of Digital Twin, no card accelerated with IOT and industry, but process mainly from an enterprise accelerated even further.

With that, like, it's like, OK, you know, and, like, as an enterprise architect, I always look worse than non-stop.

Our North Star S, when we start any journey, we look at the Metro, a roadmap of 3 to 5 years. Now, unfortunately, the world, we live, data biases are long.

You probably have to be looking at six months to one year, and, of all, based on the business model.

So, when we looked at the overall process transformation process of discovery, you know, like you see at the very beginning, is that the key tenant of it, in an era, there are key components that we have looked at.

We need a process, too.

That's what, my name process, my name. We need a process modeling tool. So, once you fill the process, we want process transparent.

If I had was, they have to be both English, but if I have to talk on process, we both need to understand what are the processes.

So, our whole thing was, once we have the process of Discovery, we have a process, a repository that the BPM process and shared across the line of business. But then to understand what process that we're talking about.

Now, the problem that, without just discovery is if you don't have a process maps, then it's very much siloed like yet another shiny object to where it's with you and you only know it.

So, they wanted to make this little process, make it transparent.

And then, we are governed by data, so if you see this real for us, we have multiple components that help us in various parts of a process, not permission to enter the right.

Like, no, other, like every other maturity, we are between the minus to optimize, but that is the growth curve we have.

And again, this whole process transformation, needless to say, it's bottom-up and top-down.

No, process mining is more positive, more bottom-up.

BPM is much strategy.

It makes it because it's aligned with the objectives, but the objectives, once they get into the execution, they are fundamentally different. So the strategy to execution becomes disjointed.

With the help of process maiming, you can bring back, got execution, and stay out the gaps applicant strategy to execution, And this is, where are mature, a roadmap of managed, helps us go in this direction.

This has not stopped, we have, just a couple of months back, we are looking at it.

Now, coming to the Bachelor degree, what are the benefits? When you look at a process, mining, or process?

The left, if you see you know, we have our standard process improvement guys, the Lean six Sigma the PPIs.

If you have done those, ultimate starts to the right, build a secure.

Now, many people have asked, Where do we introduce process? Mike?

know if you introduced process mining as a tool, that the subtlest is limited.

What we've said is, Let us go back to the line of business. Let's talk KPIs, that's not, is this pain, is dissipated. Let's go back, you know, you take the example of that. You want to pay, order the cash. You have, you're leading and lagging indicators, you're lagging indicator system, ESO, Let's talk on what our APIs, what, I got the pain point.

If we talk from a process or from an automation, then the object, this short-term and video, in my view, when your top strata take away from a KPIs and say, you know what?

Maybe, visit with our latest Tech of Processes, Disability, Arabic ... process might be equal to help you understand your KPIs like KPIs for the last part with these. Let's do a disability and request process. My discovery is a scientific journey using data process.

So once when they show that, we want to be able to show instantly, those in the bus water is important, but, you know ... and then you can ever.

Now, as you evolve, you can see the right? I'm talking more on risk management, which is the core of this thing?

No, the core of causal story like many asset and even absent as this discovery, the biggest benefit that you haven't compliances.

When we do statistics, we do sampling upwards.

Or when we do an AI based approach, we are still looking at the data.

But, when we look from a process planning, or processes just tobi, you are looking at a holistic end to end process.

When you look at the holistic end to end process, your data with your process becomes much more richer.

You know, AI is by X You all know, that, is biased because of the sampling data.

That even though we have done, we have sample, we changed it, two larger datasets.

It still depends on the data.

So your AI is only effective when there is unbiased view, but when you pick this combination of data with the process, you are part of a much more accurate. Now don't undermine the effectiveness of it because once you understand the process and data you put it back and AI, actually there's a lot of AIP embedded process may be plugging it up.

Your wrist gets much more effective and minimized. So, the biggest benefit, process, many, in my view, is, you can do a holistic approach than a sampling approach.

Everything else, you, all without good.

So, this is something, if you Google this survey, and I've actually Google them, basically, I'll come back.

If you talk complex, when I talk to the complex people, you know, go after that governance and risk and complexity, data are complex.

But, if you really look at it, ... looks at a multi-sport.

The moment your company is established, like, I work with startups.

The journey of a startup to an elephant is always borne by complex.

And women applies on the business, our processors are supposed to provide seamless experience to the customer.

If I do not provide a seamless experience and not her business problem or fatigue issue, that's the complex issue.

Then when I move to the right, that's the system.

Good luck! Last year, I don't know if you have known.

And actually yesterday, blockchain was hacked, 650,000,000 billion of Oliver was, well, the epiphany that blockchain cannot be hacked.

You guys know, what's happened, Technologies act.

Any technology that act they can be compromised.

So we live in a world of zero trust. Not great, but we live in an eternity where we cannot trust people, we cannot ignore test bench, did not trust the data. Everything is reachable and manipulated.

So that's second in the system of complex then people, you know for good or bad reasons.

The you know, the exons and whatnot Some great people in order to get the event benefits do it. Right.

Uh, and the last but not least, is the global risks and external regulation.

I kind of talked about the Suez Canal.

No. I don't know how many of you are in the chip industry and the logistics industry.

So that was, first of all, we haven't come back from pandemic another global paper shortage. This is a classic case, being redundant, MIT, Harvard, on the paper.

As a benefit, because of that, the network effects, We had this, the rest, Kevin.

Every chip I, if you guys are planning to buy you another page, you know, if you want something else, know, this variables are increasing access. Every house wants to have a swimming pool, there's a big backlog.

That's because there's a shortage of labor. There's a shortage of paper.

Even this chart is uploaded, I don't know if you all know that, you can go to Home Depot or Lowe's.

All these are risks that aren't available.

And then, finally, the regulations we had GDPR ... is putting its, Australia's putting a lot of, the better of it, and so on.

And then, you know, this all platforms, platforms are overtaking like Google, Uber, air-b.n.b.

are taking How do you deal with all these regulations?

Understand your process.

So, complex and net effect is not just, I applied for cybersecurity, I thought, it's enterprise external, and so I, and again, you know, this is some of the examples, like to the left.

If you see, you know, these are some of the examples of complex, I've deliberately put, lagging and leading indicators.

And assemblies to show that, if we don't deliver on time, on ..., you know what, it's a complex, if our leading indicators showing. But what if my little sat not good investors are not great. Is it going to ...?

I need to be in a position to make my life better And, and some of the challenges or problems like I've mentioned is, no people's anchors, limited visibility and you won't believe.

This is something, there is a formula. The Same Yap Central. You're in the world of automation. There's a lot of hype, again, is me.

There is way too much hype automation, and there are so many buzzwords being, oh, without even understanding, we are bringing technology without earning with other.

And then, you know, we were calling the legacy silos, we are creating one on cycles, we are doing it, because, what we are saying again, and re-assuring, Instant Celebrity.

But then, because we've just automated process, understood the whole process of it, we are creating multiple tools, but the same thing. So, all these are creating a modern, tiny yet.

So, again, there'll be new terms a new wall. So, on. these things will actually create the complex app, even even more.

lucky me, you know, I had done this, actually the system KPMG Most of the CIOs, obviously, that automation is the key, the only way that they can evolve and Lance and stick to this ever changing enterprise regulations. Like I said, from the enterprise are permanent, right?

The only way is embrace automation. These are the metrics that are, again, these are publicly available.

And again, everybody, everybody agrees I am part of someone's, yes.

Everybody agrees that the wave spending onto the left is the key, which is eta, rice, Everything.

Analytics, process, mining, bots, ML, AI, the benefits of using this holistic automation, not want to if you have better task of improving your effort in a complex case, notching, and it's expensive, and then you need resources.

So you can reduce your cost, you can use a complex fast, you can deliver to the complex industry, standards, cluster. And not only you have a good competence outcome. A better outcome is the predecessor. I don't know if you guys have worked with ....

one thing is, they have a checklist.

If you give them the checklist, well in advance, they have happy, but if you don't give them to what they want, they can make your life miserable, I hope no complex ...! So with these tools, you can make your life better rather than writing the book.

Then now let's now this is this was more about how we have approached an ally. Let's go back to our core process, mining, process of discovering upload.

So, like I said, the objective of process of Discovery is, understand the process. And you reduce the compliance with holistic sampling.

The left, we're going from the right to the left. This is the life cycle, I believe in.

The next part of the partner left.

People may believe, it will lead believe.

But for us, process modeling is E, We don't want to just just act on it.

We believe a strong modeling capability and bound repository take us a long way, because when we automate a process, when the complexity comes back, if they ask this, what you don't want to be in a position to understand.

So, by modeling that, we export this model, and then we add attributes, which we added the process, then B, we can read this, but for the simulation.

Would you do simulation to process mining?

Yes, But, the problem with process mining is, if it's a new model being created, that nothing in it. So, that's why, for us, once we do the process, this is the model.

Once we do the modeling, the next part is the monitoring. And now I'll actually run through with a couple of variances.

The objective of the process is totally, once it shows actually the variance.

Once you identify the variances, you can, they act the ..., when you get a complex, like all the way that has grown from an Internet.

You could simulate this with the data points, and then start reducing the variance as one by.

And then ultimately, you get into an optimization. This is the life cycle that goes on.

Then, you do a continuous monitoring, and what we call as a ..., cockpit effect, is basically taking your APIs on a strategy to execution.

And showing you how you are like analytic indicative set, as compared to prior quarter, OK, I step into this, yet. And how do you continuously?

And, if you see an effect of all of the automation, Any of it in this life cycle, and not put automation at the beginning, automation is after effect.

I did the process, you looked at it from a complex no, you know, the process, if you could not through, the process, is just a few days. And, if not, finally, we used automation and again, automation is, just not what, I've been telling this many, many times automate shipments, everything. It's, it's the Workflow management APIs, BPO. It would be the box.

Use the best tool. But, it makes sense.

So, this is how we have it in action.

Uh, I think this is the better, the cameras.

Having a little bit for me.

It looks good from this and that I can see process mining, enact shall be shown.

Right. So, this is how again the classic, if I could pull out much pick up. This is from a classic novel.

Basically, if you can see, this is the process of discovery.

Like, we all agree, and you all know by the time, the whole object of process, though, he is doing an asset.

So over the period of time, you know what, an evolution. Now we have our systems, so you know, probably we have more than 100 weddings.

And the thick black is telling, This is the most frequently.

And then when we look into the right, if you see, these are the various, kind of, doing the explicit, be, only me a bit N.

So this is exactly what I call this, once we have done with the discovery, you look at your KPI, then you best, at attacking all those variants, you're going to want to explore all the way you want to explore with eye color. But on a pamphlet. Again, these are advocates you'll get by.

You'll look at those.

And then you start optimizing them, you know?

Yeah, that's a much abused word, which, which was there when he was, that nobody talks about, but it's coming back.

So, you, process, improve it, improve the process, or whatnot, It stays on the left, I will leave it to you, but, that's the whole thing, is, once you've discovered this process, you look at the variances, you address them, and then you'll start optimizing. And then finally, not, but not least, you look at the automation.

So, when we look at the process of Discovery, SDP has some terminology called binary Drivers.

And I am a big fan of Google, OK? I look at, That's not what, it's very simple. It's objective, editor.

Why are they looking at?

Also, just going to improve the complex, But a compliance needs an object.

We are improving compliance is a very generic statement, was saying, we will be improving compliance of procure to pay up that way by 20%.

So the objective is very clear, in this part of this complex, you will fix it.

The results, what we are telling is, you're probably looking at the data based on what we'll see. You probably can reduce it by 20%.

And you're not going to do the actions.

What all we need to identify of it, fix the uptick in multiple examples. you'll look at the variant is this complex issue because of a data quality issue, let's go fix it.

If this is an issue, because there is no use of my time, let's put a bot, and then ultimately, you measure, see that there's a saying by John to measure what matters. You can't measure. You have nothing. KPIs will actually tell you how good you are doing on your complaint.

So, we looked, like I said, we look at the lagging indicators and the process just go to, and looking at the offline, we can say, our KPIs are lagging indicators and the petroff.

But next button, you know, like, you see at the bottom, I must say, I have a D S. So, delicate racial whatnot. And then, from a customer satisfaction, c-sat and whatnot, these are still API.

Complex, like that, ever in this assembly, Then I have a complex issue. In today's world, if a customer is not happy, it's very easy to switch from one customer to another.

So, so, the whole object of us, we take a scientific approach off.

Not just looking at the appliance, but reserves could have an action, and the action method need some badness madness management.

Once we thought about this, our holistic journey, if this is how we process discovery as an integral part of a process transformation.

All the way from an enterprise architecture, which focuses on strategy and value chains to the dystrophin, which comes and living in the model, to the extreme right side, where we talk of awkward with a strategy to execution.

We look at, from the process of discovery, or identify the process, look at the complexes, Whatever action is done, we need to take it and this, this process transformation vision is being fueled for us by because this code.

So, process of discovery is, you know, like it's a fast, fast mining. Mining, whatever we do, is integral and the foundation part of our purposes.

So, with that, Jose, am I on time?

You're better than on time. You're even early? Outstanding. My slides, some of the slides now, terrific, Ramesh OR what a great presentation. What a great reveal from. And that, the very last, you know, panel you share with all of us on the vision and mission strategy. And then everything that follows that up. So it represents very well. Your presentation, you have covered the, how he goes, from vision to strategy, should tactical side. In this study means that you have share with us here. So we, we deeply appreciate that. I'm gonna ask you to stop showing your screen to the audience so that I can bring my camera on.

And, uh.

And I'm going to probe the the and share with you the questions that have come up for our audience as as you're presenting. And I and I encourage your audience to continue to make comments and pose questions to Ramesh who are during the time that we have here for this Q&A.

First of all, I want to, I want to verbatim, say something that William Fuller, one of participants typed, Why you, you're presenting.

Um, and, and that, uh, yes, Good, do you have your back on camera?

He says, holistic great view of the answer prise approach with all of its opportunities and constraints, hope he offers more with respect to the maturity model.

Um, everybody who has done this for more than a decade looked at what you're presenting and said, wow, that maturity model depiction is very wise because you show the different levels of maturity. You show the different kind of capabilities you may have in the organization. From leadership commitment.

All the way down to the nuts and bolts of tools and technology, Tell us a little bit more about the maturity model. Ramesh, who are the components of it. Why it's important to have that vision, because I think a lot of people are missing some of those components.

Some of those capabilities they are implementing no technology. And, and as we both know, that's a short game. So how can we play the long game of value creation? And if you can talk more about that model?

Yeah, it's a big question. I could probably take a minute. But it's definitely.

So, again, these are not writing part of the digital.

As an anti-psychotic, I was always focused on strategy.

Well, chances BPM, but the problem is we only in your strategy, we didn't know Like I said, the fundamental problem with the executioners people change.

So, operating model, what's different from the business model, We could not act.

So then, I, this is my journey again, not necessarily, What effect does this fundamental disconnect between E and L? That is, why is branded as an ivory tower.

And I was feeling, I was not contributing much as me.

I started the journey through the automation.

It's an interesting journey, I was focusing on one day mosaic payments affirmation of the roadmap for automation, I said, sure you have enabled this roadmap. We are going into Microsoft Cisco that he said, No, no, no, no damage. There's something new.

I said, I don't know, what does that mean?

So I started thinking into it, and then soon, sooner than later, because I come from an E N a BPM work, I felt that updates itself, has no merit. Again, no offense to anyone.

Need proper, also, the big, but RPA needs a proper ross's discovery.

If process discovery is a failure, your automation is a failure.

Soon, I started this course, actually. I wrote this example, wasn't on December 31st, 2017.

After I write this whole thing of, Oh, you could build the process of disability. The next day I was, dreaming. You know what?

This is something that the vector data, I put make possible a capacitor. And I forget the management.

But if I went with the technology of process mining, know, first thing that Alaska is almost at the cost of oil, we couldn't understand what process mining is. Because we used to be.

So, we went from the automation theme focused only on automation.

We started building the process, and we didn't do automation, and I will say very opinion about me, I have a matrix where it says number of automation rejected.

Because the process, the route, and if you use automation, that's how it's the wrong, But in the industry, we have celebrated a lot of stuff.

So slowly showing the process, and the pain points to the function of the business, they started appreciating it.

Yeah, the journey. So, let's take a holistic, No, we are not yet, so the roadmap that I put S or gift back, but it doesn't change.

It's a journey. I took these processes on L three, L two, L one, which needs a repetitive process. Mining, then, they went back to the base architecture in a second.

Unless the business capabilities and the processes going at it, you don't have a real-time visibility into our execution.

So, we went back and started integrating with the EAP.

And once we got this, this, or distributed concept, not the management side, Again, as a part of this journey, not just during the process, and all, I did go to the management, irked me very clearly, and say, I have a little extra Solve your problem. Let's start your business KPIs, OK? We have plans, let's talk about, OK.

If you are OK, let's stop.

We have some tools that can help make it better.

The moment when we started talking with the lighting and the leading indicators, and we didn't talk a process mining.

I said this we have processed foods because we talk of an ... model, or the attribute for non functional. Nobody's going to look at us.

So it wasn't a kind of work under mice.

Similar process. We went back to them with the GPS instead.

Gotta KPIs would be effectively improved because these data points in these process habitats could we automate?

We have the box APIs. I should we improve the process end to say, you know what? Let's say that went up.

There's no need of improvement. It's a short-term fix the bug. So, KPIs actually, are the bridge the gap, but you end the business.

This approach, rather than looking, Again, I keep telling it again and again.

Process disability is meant, but, process just, but only understand the process.

Automation is inaccurate, this is something completely many. people will not agree, but other folks were only allowed to see it from an upbeat.

If you take that approach, you have myopia.

If you, you have KPIs.

Up your business from a business capability and from an L zero to L P.

They will engage, but they will actually help you write this faster.

So it's a long story that will embark.

There are pretty percent.

They are a long way to go, but that's how we've been able to be successful in communicating on the language. Rather than talking about the tools, I have all the photos, and then I can make your life better.

That that simply doesn't work.

Very well, very well. I have a question here that's, it's a statement and a bit of a, I'll paraphrase to my best capability.

Um, but it's a it's a it's a real specific case that this leader is dealing with.

He's an organization which is large, complex, and by all measures successful very profitable organization.

But there is tremendous opportunities for improvements and innovations and related to the organization's processes, um, and he has try, unsuccessfully should drive business process management from the top, aligning the key, identifying with the leadership, the key business processes, and then setting up the structure. But, what he has experienced is that, that is taken a long time. It's very complex, because your organization and the high level is easy, has a few key business processes that you identify as the value chain.

But, when you start looking at the sub processes, there are tremendous level of complexity, You know, there are hundreds, if not thousands, of sub processes, in each one of these main processes.

So, it's very easy to kind of get lost in this journey, and get overwhelmed data, is, it starts to feel like you're trying to solve world hunger after awhile, because of all this complexity.

So the question is, know, the this support from leadership is a bit lukewarm because leadership sees it as a valuable, but is very ah, procedurally driven and very process driven.

And that's both good and bad, because in the eyes of the leadership, you know, if there's too much structure, should be developed, so they become a little overwhelmed that they checked out.

Also, process owners, it's really hard to nail down.

The process owners are for some of these areas, and, and people for political reasons sometimes just kinda give up on trying to do it. And so this is a real master situation here, but it's one that, I would say that a lot of organizations go through.

So, is it better in here squash? And this is all just set up the question, is the better that.

Although I understand the strategic Vale, that, that I start that I have a little bit of a hybrid approach that I have the top view.

I have that VOA mind, but I need to start finding some point opportunities down here to create value for this process optimizations, so that I can get the commitment to nail process owners to the certain processes. And in a good way, and that.

You also get leadership buy in on this, because the strategic view from the top is very good, but when your leadership doesn't quite get it, the question here is that, we mean, we may need to do a little bit of both.

It sounds like my own fate.

So, as I say, it you're like, Oh, this guy works for Avaya. No, I don't think it does. But, you know, the reality is, that this is a really good question, is how long statement in question, But it's a really good question, because I think that most organizations are dealing with this at a certain level.

So since I've got it on the camera, second, say something I cannot say.

Yay, BPM, data governance, A must need it.

But most abused and most undervalue, I hear your pain and like I said, the journey is exactly like yes So that's where Ice Festival. I hear you.

The thing is, with the Process Discovery, now, if you tell me we don't have the budget. I know.

It may be a bit of a digression.

I walk away from me a little bit frustrated because of the same problems that use it.

Nothing is different from what you said.

And so in my MBA and I read my organization behavior.

The first bit spaces by what shall be people, be influential people, is not an enterprise in this company, that there's no people in this, no color.

And it will be there. And it is an Atom which we have to challenge, And I have the same problems, what you have said.

However, what I've done, and, and this is where it is, we've started the journey with me and we built the processes on what we call muscles disability BDD.

As we started building these, we started exporting to BPM.

Why we started, so, so, I'm gonna say this, I started with no budget, but one year, I went and let's say the second. I went begging us.

I got panics.

That phase was not given sufficient.

So run the Teams I could manage here and there. And then, we showed the process back to the business. Said, Yup, process on paper, RFP.

Why don't you let us do this something. We will help you be up.

So, you know, the word free is something everybody would like.

That is perfect.

So we fixed.

Then, Mike Pennies got a couple of dollars, those couple of dollars.

Actually, when the pandemic struck, everybody's budget was cut by 50%.

My budget was packed with C and I'm talking about Reddit, Reddit.

Again, I went with these two papers, put this bunch of papers back, backend, helping the business. And they went back to my management and said, listen, what? We've done not automaker. We have actually improved the process of them to start the process on a paper. It was very manual, very painful.

That might call us, brought up, actually.

That's where the first thing is we started a unifying that process. Again, I didn't go strategic, tactical in this nature.

Everything, each line of business, asset, building, a handful of process.

Now, you know, part of the thing is, it's a very political question.

You asked, you need to know your top five processes. And you know what the top layer influential people put are basically Matrix.

Show the value of that.

And then that touching became a little bit more Yeah, I brought the tool to help me on the path planning process mind, we could now accelerate or process faster.

Then slowly I came back and said, Listen. We are with the bustle of Disability. You are building a L K L two L L one. I think companies also, and also, this is where it gets.

So what do you want? I do not need money needed from me.

The moment when you say it's a process problem, not people's problem, people will start working with you, because it's something helping them aspect.

Then, when we went back to other line of business, Oh, awesome. And I went back to my basement.

And they said, Listen, I have connecting the dots. Now I need to go bottom-up and top-down.

So, so, effectively, this has given a lot of credibility for the C Suite.

Why wouldn't the Swift listen to you if you do this? Again, this is an approach I've taken it been successful.

What about my coaching's office, Have a lot of tools, have lot of startups working with me now, And we extract success. So, so, it's a gift for me for my journey. And, honestly, I've been seven years, and I've had the safe bet you went to this day, all of us will.

But, by changing my path of being more strategic event, with the process of Discovery, and from practical, I went back to Static now, it's the pipe model approach of great strategy, That is how I have ever, and, again, this is my journey.

What, what a great answer to wrap up our session together.

As we often say, about the leaders that we're bringing here, and you are a great example of that.

You're a great leader of intelligent automation, but also a practitioner.

You know what it takes to collaborate, influence.

Simplify processes, eliminate non value add activities, reduce non value added activities. And then, and only then, you talk automation.

Because if you take the other path, it's going to be a very short path.

You have done such a wonderful job in communicating this concepts to all of us.

And on behalf of our community, I want to say thank you very much for that.

Thank you.

Ladies and gentlemen, that was Ramesh, who are battling guru, Who is the Head of Automation, at Avaya, And what a tremendous presentation from strategic Tactical. And Ramesh go ahead and go ahead and toggle your camera off. Thank you. We're going to wrap up this session. And we are going to meet at the top of the hour with another great leader of intelligent automation. And I'm talking about soft tissue is gonna come up.

Gonna share it with us, his journey of culture, a business, and digital Transformation at Mars. So the name of these sessions, the title of his session, is, How to Map the Real Impact of Process Mining on your Business. Then they'll make, Mom make no mistake.

So Fish come off, is a lead enterprise architect, and practitioner of culture business. And these are transformations. So although we're going to be narrowly discussing process mining, your questions can cover the entire gamut.

With that, I hope to see you back at our final session of our three day event, on focus on process mining. So, see you soon.

About the Author

Rameshwar Balanagu,
Head of Digital Automation | Enterprise Architecture,

Rameshwar is the Head of Digital Automation @ Avaya. He is an International speaker and blogger on Digital Transformation, Enterprise Architecture & Automation.

He has partnered with the likes of CTO.Academy to Launch the next Generation Enterprise podcast to groom future leaders. He runs the 3rd largest Automation meetup group in the U.S.A known as DFWRPA which runs on the 2nd  Wednesday of every month and covers a wide range of topics dealing from Quantum to Cybersecurity .

He is an advisor at various startup’s focused on Blockchain & E-Sports