Business Transformation & Operational Excellence Insights

Process Mining Live- SPEAKER SPOTLIGHT : Transforming procurement with digital: How process mining unlocked value in Genpact’s procurement processes

Written by BTOES Insights Official | Jan 26, 2021 12:30:00 PM


Courtesy of Genpact's Sam Covell & Scott Van Valkenburgh, below is a transcript of his speaking session on 'Transforming procurement with digital: How process mining unlocked value in Genpact’s procurement processes' to Build a Thriving Enterprise that took place at BTOES Process Mining Live Virtual Conference.


Session Information:

Transforming procurement with digital: How process mining unlocked value in Genpact’s procurement processes

Sam Covell, Chief Procurement Officer and Scott Van Valkenburgh, Global Alliances and Channels Leader at Genpact, reveal how to use best-in-class process optimization tactics to reduce maverick buying, improve right-first-time purchase orders, and make digital transformation in procurement a reality.

Session Transcript:

Today, our next guests are re a real treat for all of us. I would like to welcome ... and Scott Van Valkenburgh and the salmon Scott will present about their journey on procurement is specifically at jampacked. Let me introduce them briefly. Scott Van Valkenburgh is responsible for Jetpacks Global Alliances and Channels Efforts. He has over 20 years of experience leading and driving impact with and through partners. Prior to joining, joining Jampacked Scott led a sip had a similar role SAS, and it was the principal at price waterhouse coopers on the consulting side.

Semco Val is a recognized expert in procurement, in the professional services industry. A jam packed as Jetpacks chief Procurement Officer, she leverages her skills, experiences and understanding of global business complexities, to develop innovative source and strategist that deliver measurable outcomes. Salmon's Scott, we're thrilled to have you here and sharing your expertise and journey with us. And thank you very much for taking the time to do that with our global audience today.

Thanks, Jose, we're super excited to be here. And hopefully, we can share a little bit about our journey with you on leveraging and using slowness and looking at how we transform and have operated, you know, our procurement efforts within Genpact. So, as we go through today, to give you a bit more background on who we are and what we do, you you got our bios, and both Sam and I, and, and semi I've kinda been partners in crime in this journey. But, what I'd like to do is to share what the next 35 plus minutes is going to be about as you give it a little bit more insight onto what Jetpack does. And what we do in particular around the world and how we help and serve, serve our clients, talk to you about our slowness journey within our internal use, and also as a partner of them, and how we serve other clients, and where we are headed.

So without further ado, let's dive in, and we'll talk a little bit about Genpact, so you may not have heard of genpact, but if you had, you know, us through our, our growth and build out, and then spin out eventually from General Electric.

So in 19 97, we were a part of GE, where we are applying six sigma, and looking at how we get approved back office functions through that approach, and then also with well talented and educate folks from all over the world. As GE grew in that business, which started out in GE Capital started, we then moved to other businesses. And they said, why don't we then start looking at how we can help clients in and around that GE serve. And then she said, hey, you know, this isn't our core competency. So we spun out of General Electric. through rapid growth. We were listed in the New York Stock Exchange in 2007. We have had a great growth rate of helping clients all over the world, improve and run through digital, and people on process.

Screenshot (79)-2Many back office functions, which I'll highlight in a moment. We're close to 100,000 folks all over the world. We do delivery centers out of 30 countries. We, we talk over 30 different languages. We continuously drive digital innovation with them, through partnerships with companies, such as alone, as. we focus in finance and accounting, we focus on procurement. We focus and risk, and customer onboarding, et cetera. So, super happy to be here. I think you'll enjoy getting a little bit more of our insights on what we do and how we do it.

So, let's talk a little bit about slowness. So, we actually started a partnership with slowness approximately two plus years ago. As it was emerging in the US, we were very fascinated in Jetpack and how we serve our clients in, in the approach of how you can digitize processes look for efficiencies areas for improvement, etcetera. So as we began that journey with looking at to leverage that digital capability as a soloist.

We also realized through the partnership and that through our internal use, or could be a tremendous amount of value to, to help jetpack as a whole. And as we serve our clients Because, as you are probably aware, Soloist is a leading process mining technology throughout the world. They have over 100,000 users. They have 350 plus customers. They've been in business for over 10 plus years. They serve multiple industries in multiple countries, and a really built, a tremendous platform that knows how to go get the, get the data talk with the data. and then show the data in a meaningful way to business users on what's actually happening within their processes. Whether it's and procure to pay accounts payable or, and supply chain, customer, onboarding, et cetera. And, obviously, we'll talk about procurement today with that being said, our partnership was launched a little more than a year ago.

And it's a great marriage. So we've been able to serve clients all over the world. Slowness absolutely matches jetpacks, process centric view approach. I like to say we process for breakfast that Genpact, and bringing in the insights for running, you know, large corporations, back office functions for many years. And that depth and knowledge, along with the digital footprints, that slowness helped to see and uncover errors for improvement has been a great marriage.

So, with that, let me just give you a quick highlight on how salone as actually works. So, you know, I've mentioned this concept of a digital footprint. So, what so, it says creatively.

Attack is, if there is a timespan and an activity that's connected through any of your ERP systems, systems of records, slowness has built the ability to extract that information and then recreate that into a visual story of what's actually happening.

So if you think about the cure to pay process or accounts payable, et cetera, it can literally take that information from various systems, and then format it in a way for a user to actually see that story and life cycle of what's happened, where there's inconsistency in the approach. What's the root cause of that approach in areas that should be considered to look at deeper for potential fixing.

And then really at the end of the day, what then that is gives you a tool and an ongoing dashboard to really continuously identify bottlenecks exceptions, reasons for process variations. And really, the way you can look at it is then go in and improve. The analogy I like to give is if you, if you fall formula one, yeah. There are the pit crew chief that can tell the driver how they're driving and what to look out for where there's accent when to come in for fuel, et cetera. And that power of slowness is really dramatic and helping companies all over the world improve how they're running their operations and areas are really driving change and transformation.

So, I'm going to hand this over to Sam and tell you guys a little bit about our internal journey and use what we do and procurement, and we'll go forward from there. So, Sam, I'll pass over to you.

Thanks. So when we think about genpact procurement, we have spent about $890 million with third parties, and we would call that all infants who spend so things that should be going through sourcing, and things that should have a PO, etcetera associated with them.

I have about a team of 70. It does fluctuate a bit.

And the global team, we operate in 60 plus countries, distributed across our main areas that we have our main operations. And then, we've been growing as an organization 15% year on year.

And that does pose quite a lot of problems in terms of not problems, the challenges, in terms of how you make sure your systems, your, your processes, your policies, not just your own team, but also the broader organization, is up to date and understand how to be compliant and how to keep within process when they need to buy something. So, we've been grappling with that.

And three areas that we really wanted to focus on was the opportunity to minimize Maverick buying, to reduce unwanted purchasing activities. So we felt there were a lot of activities that, one, adding any value that we were getting sucked into.

And then also, being able to not just drive business value, but also be able to demonstrate the business value that we were driving, which is something else that we were, we were struggling with and when we started our engagement with slowness, we found that the insight that we were getting from the system is enabling us to actually start our, our journey and our investigation as to how we could drive all of those three things forward.

So, just building on what Scott was saying.

The exciting thing for us is the, we're using all the data points that we know we've had, and we've had for quite awhile, but what we haven't been able to date effectively is to turn that into actionable insight. And that's the really exciting thing about salinas', because it's built with all the logic inside it and the knowledge of the sourcing price.

You're able to leverage that to, really, under to make sense of this vast amount of data that you have, and all the different data points from all the different systems that you use.

So, we found that super exciting and really valuable. And, I think we're going to talk about that as we go through the next slides. Yeah. So, Sam, before I go in, and I talk a little bit about the journey.

Um, I remember when I first called and said, Hey, we've got this great partnership with slot, as I think it could provide significant impact internally.

Um, what was your thoughts as you went through that, and you talked with our CFO, and you start looking down and I said, Do you ever looked at something like this or thought about, you know what this could mean for you?

So I think if we're, if we're honest about it then militia team and myself. We were slightly skeptical.

All the impact it with time, because we're, it's just another way, and it's really simplest form.

It's another way of looking at all the data that we already have, and you kind of, you know, we'll pride ourselves, that we can be doing a good job, actually doing that ourselves.

But, it's only when you see the power Of creating the Digital Twin, in terms of the process that we're running, and then understanding all the different ways in which things, don't follow the prep that the team, you know, the TB process.

So, everything that's there and all the different, you know, what can be hundreds of different routes things take through our sourcing process, really helps you to focus on what's important, where all the kind of the noise is in the system.


I have to suspect that the mindset to look for opportunities improve really has to be reinforced.

Because quite often, as we've served and help clients to, sometimes people are taking this the wrong way to point out where they're not doing well, versus, you know, this opportunity to really tackle things, that could get better, Right. And I know you really driven that, that mindset amongst the team. Because they were a little skeptical, always started, right. Yeah.

Now, I think we all work, but it's It's really interesting how quickly people have been one over, And I do think one of the key things that have helped that is we're no longer scrabbling around trying to find data and trying to understand what the data is telling us.

What we're focused on now is how we improve what we have, and how we have the right conversation, so, from a kind of a process, or system perspective, or a policy perspective, but then we're working with the business in a much more targeted way to understand why they are working outside of that, that process.

And say we're having a much higher level of conversation, will change management around. How can we help them with the challenges that they've got Rather than just focusing on why didn't you raise the PO at the right time and, you know, the more kind of transactional compensations we were having before.

Yeah, and I know one of the big benefits we've seen internally is the ability to tap, to tackle the subject really on facts versus just a transaction. Right in were no areas of responsibility. That's a huge, You know, it's not like he said, She said, Here's what's actually happening. OK, well, let's clear what that means back, and is there a better way to achieve the savings targets, and the purchasing process? We have set up. Yeah, absolutely. So, why don't we talk a little bit about this journey. You know, you can see the big stages that we're having, We're still going through, but if you could peel back a little bit more for the audience, in Detail, what each phase meant, Maybe some of the things we're learning as we're going through your in your mind, you know, how long it and some of the highlights of these, that would be great.

Yeah, so in terms of onboarding and implementation, obviously it's only going to be the initial scoping of the data and running it through that.

If you like the process maps and things that you end up with is only as good as the quality of the data that you put in.

And some organizations, I know, are very fortunate to have very clean data.

We, we, we don't have very keen data part of that. It's just part of growing as quickly as we have as an organization, say, things change constantly and it's very hard for everyone to keep up with us, say.

The, the work that we did initially was actually going in and looking at where we could see we had big gaps in our data, where things weren't going to be categorized properly or what examples might be where we had assistance outside. I mean, ERP system, and how do we start to bring that data into the overall process? so that we didn't have a big gap, where thing, we know, nobody, could see what was happening in that part of the process? So, we spent a lot of time doing that upfront, which has proven to be invaluable, so, we can move on to the latter stages.

Now, in terms of how we actually derive insights can speak to the business meaningfully, because actually recognize the data now, because it's much more likely to correspond with what their view of the world is as well.

You know, what are the interesting things is, you know, if you look at the ongoing implementation, there was at first phase of getting people's mindset around what the possibility could be, right. And then, really linking with our internal IT process to connect data.

No, it's not actually tremendously long and stressful. It's just making sure people are aligned, and honestly, getting access to systems focus than anything else, right? And for the audience, don't think light of that, you know, onboarding your IT teams are really important.

I think the other part, that was quite useful, Sam was, you know, the partnership with slowness as we went through this right there was I think there was a continuous learning of education and approaches of how how to do this and that feedback to you and the team. Really, I can't say enough about it, right. Even though we're partners. But it says sincerity and authenticity.

Here there was, they were a great partner with us through this. So you get to this, you get it plugged in and you're starting to see some stuff. How do people take it, where they like, wow, this is great? Or were they thinking, oh, my God, what does this mean?

Or, So, I think our biggest challenge. And that's actually the big enabler for us, I should say.

It's the fact that we decided that we weren't going to be afraid of what the data told us, Right? So that we can use it as an opportunity to understand our data better.

And, the reason I say that is because the first time the data is run, it can show you some things that, you know, quite scary intense if your process gaps or. just just things that are happening outside of that standard process.

And it's only when you then start to peel back the layers.

You get all the nuances specific to your business, and that's when it starts to get really interesting, and allows you to have those really valuable conversations with the, the business, But we were quite open about that first one of the data, and the thing it did for us, is it opened up the executive sponsorship that we needed to drive some of the change management, because we we weren't sure how, how big an opportunity we had. The number shows that it was quite a big opportunity. Everyone Alliance is behind us to actually help us work out. What that will put.

The numbers really told us, Worked very well for us.

And I think we've got them with the amount of insight that we now have into our processes, compared to where we were pre scientists is amazing. It's it's lightened day intensive.

What we can now do with that data?

Yeah, now, and I think, you know, that mindset that opening the eyes of the executive leadership and, you know, the ability for us to really leveraged technology, and people, and process to that, to actually affect our, our approach, our alignment with the internal stakeholders. And, and then the cost savings targets. and approaches your teams drive it really, just, you know, from an outsider looking in It really just change the conversation for us. Right. I mean, it was that impactful that everybody was like, can we do this better, can we learn more, can we, can we tackle and collaborate versus you know, confront each other, Right, Which I thought was quite positive.

Let's, let's shift a little bit about this, and talk about our implementation journey, right?

So, know, you hear from these broad levels of, Hey, I can connect it. I can then start seeing areas for improvement. I can figure out a dive deep. Do you want to walk through and kind of give this story of this implementation journey A bit more life of some specifics on what you were tackling, what your teams for tackling? And then talk about our continuing to do this as we go forward.

Yes, so, we, we've adopted this kind of implementation journey, and we call it our path to value.

So this is how we are going to derive funny from the system, but deliver value to jam packed as well.

So, we decided to focus on initially.

because obviously, when suddenly you get all of this data, it's a bit of a feat in itself to understand where you want to start from. And obviously the system will give you some ideas about where you need to prioritize your but you need to obviously kind of narrow it down enough to make it manageable.


So, we've got three processes in varying levels of detail because we're at different levels, progress against each of those.

So, the main one that we looked at, and the one we, we started with, was the Maverick buying, so identifying our Maverick spend.

And then looking at what we do about that. Yeah, the wellness cycle, time analysis, how do we reduce the overall cycle time? And then the third one was around, right, first time.

So, understanding, where we just touch things multiple times, we cancel things, we change things and just understanding why we're doing that so that we can reduce all the unwanted, non value add activities.

So, we've identified, identified those, we prioritize them. We are number one. Priority is being the Maverick spend.

We've spent quite a lot of time now, looking through that root cause analysis, and understanding within that, how we can prioritize the activities that we have.

So, I'll give you some examples of what we've done say.

First of all, we prioritize the understanding of activities that are bypassing sourcing, and then bypassing the PO process altogether.

So, and as part of that, we've been able to look at what happens to those invoices that come into genpact that often don't have a PO attach them. So we've been able to then double down on, well, how do we, how do we still all of that out? But also, how do we make sure that people move into the process? Next time around.

We also have some exceptions to RPA, process, a part of that prioritization, the next thing in our journeys, to actually go back and revisit all of that, and see whether we can move some of those exceptions into our main ... process. And that will give a lot of visibility to the whole organization for areas suspend the previously just bypass that process.

So there's things like that, which we're able to to prioritize. We've created an improvement plan. We've got targets where we're working towards that, and we're in the process of creating the targets, the other two processes that we spoke about, just making sure that we're, we're aiming for the right thing.

And then we run governance with this Cross functional governance, which we run, we're running.

It biweekly us at the moment because we've got so many, you know, things that we want to talk about. So we run a set myself and impacts controller, leads the day-to-day governance if you'd like this process. And then we report on a monthly basis to our exec team in terms of progress and why we're seeing challenges, which they then help us with an organization on that.

Yeah, and you know what's interesting is, I often hear this with the clients we serve to. Because Slaughters can uncover a lot of areas, right, and can also let you understand what the impact, you know, I think focusing on those key areas in the beginning. That are gonna be your, your KPI markers, right, are so important as you get through the initial journey, right.

So, you know, that, that thing, it's really, I think, taking, that kind of mindset is really important Access for the audience. As you think about this, you're going to be leveraging this and using this for a long time, but, you know, especially with, alignment with the executive teams, et cetera, showing that people call the low hanging fruit, but those things are really going to matter. for an impact, and change, and then managing how long that change in. The progress that change matters, so, Tim, you know, we've been at it for a bit, You'll wanna just give us the overall, how we've done to date.


So, We've reduced our Maverick buying, it is currently running at about just over 1% in terms of Tree Maverick buying, so a hugely excited to be able to achieve that. And that's obviously come with an associated saving of $8 million. I think the next step for us and we were talking about this is the team.

the sewing actually is, it's not just about focusing on things that had previously bypassed sourcing, but it's now focusing on how do we identify where we only get involved at the very last minute And therefore it might actually go through the process. But we don't have an opportunity to influence the savings and therefore drive that value for the business side.

We're working through.

What are the the data points that we can use that will actually allow us to identify that, and then take action on that? So that's, you know, you're always building on it. always thinking about how can we move to the next step, and what can we do with that? So, at the moment, as I've said, We're. We're looking at the, how do we improve our process efficiency, emoji cell cycle time even further?

We've got lots of ideas coming out of the work we're doing now, which is hugely exciting.

I think just the reduction of the admit, we these are the three that we've really focused on. But a byproduct that has almost been the reduction of the administrative burden for the team.

Because we don't have to spend so much time on data collection.

What we're spending time on is the key insights and taking action and then being able to demonstrate and measure diced better business outcomes.

Ah, way we're kind of heading at the moment.

We've just done voice of the customer survey and the number of people that are now aware of our processes and what they need to do has dramatically increased, Which shows also that people are actually working with us on this rather than, um, pushing away from the controls that we're putting in place which has been great.

Yeah, Now, it's really, it's really been exciting all the way from our CEO, CFO Down!

And yet, I think as we learn the journey internally for the clients that we serve leveraging, Solanas, we're able to share some of those insights as well.

So, if you look at, kind of, the takeaways for the audience to think about, right?

We're still on our journey, and we're still, we'll talk a little bit about where we're going, just give us some highlights of, keep things, you know, folks should be thinking about on lessons learned, and, you know, at least from Jetpacks experience, what are keys to success?

So, you've already touched on the initial kind of getting ITM board so that you can make that the uploading all your data into our system as seamless as possible. That's, you know, we didn't do enough. I don't think my, at the front end, just making sure everybody understood amongst comfortable, but, you know, less than that, definitely would do that next time. I'm in and get them in early. I mean, I think being part of the understanding, the journey, that's difficult, like, oh, we decide to do something, go do something on the IT, and they're confused. What, Why is it, you know, have InfoSec. And Yeah, so I think that's a spot on and call up. Yep.

Then, the whole design and adopt thing, say, the real value of silliness that you're leveraging, all the the process is that they've well, the way they set the process up within the system, right? Say your their understanding of the process, their understanding of the data points that you're going to need, the kind of reports that, that's going to enable you to generate means that you can get to your data much quicker, but, obviously, it's more generic because it needs to be. So, you do have to spend some time understanding, well, what does that mean for you as your business? Do you have business units? Do you have that course? Do you know, how is it you want that data to actually be represented? And so, you need to get your hands dirty quite early on, and that's difficult because you don't, at that point, you don't really know what you want. So, you do need to keep revisiting it, as you get more familiar with, the dates are more familiar with the.

What it can do for you, taking ownership is really important.

And, again, it's about up and down the organization. Every single one of my team are kind of in there getting involved. Isn't a, you can't step, step back and let other people get involved in the detail.

You have to be taking ownership and being part of that.

Which moves on to the next point, which is we're moving it more into the game now.

So initially it was very much a project, but now it's just how we do business and how we operate as a team and we're constantly thinking about how can we do it? How can we use that data to improve what we do?

And then the last point, not to be underestimated and everyone will have different data issues you really need to spend the time on making sure that you'll data To be fair, Right? This has been one of the great benefits we've had for this process is we've it's actually Allowed us to focus on that. Says something that we may be given less priority. Became something that was much more obvious and something that we needed to do something about, which was great.

Um, then, obviously, we've had our key success, which is around the executive alignment.

Our COO and CFO have been, you know, very proactive in their support of this project, which has been great.

We've also worked across, it's a full cross functional team, so quite seamlessly, actually, the sourcing team and the accounts payable team have been working this together, but we've also been working, you know, more broadly, not the business teams, so that's been great. The what's in it for me?

Peace, It's different for different groups of your stakeholders, and it's really important to identify that.

And that's where these more strategic conversations have really helped, because we've actually been able to identify, know, for some people, it's about cycle time for all the people.

It's about just the noise, you know, not understanding what's happening to their own processes, et cetera. And for other people, it's about savings. So it's great.

And then, you know, we've got more to 40.

And the organization, january's excited about the next things that we're going to be looking at.

one of which is really using the Action Engine functionality and seeing how we can help that to drive that day-to-day activity that we do.

Yeah, and I think, yes, we mean, that's a great segue as we get into where we're going, if you, if you look at it.

Yeah. This predictive capability with slowness using the AI and machine learning to identify a process.

Potential process breakage by impact amount, beforehand, to the user that would touch your users in the process of super exciting.

So, maybe, Sam, why don't we just quickly highlight, before we get into questions, you know, what the future is looking like from us, and then, even beyond procurement, right, and the other areas, and how with your colleagues, your online, some of the predictive capabilities and some of the accelerators and then we'll get into Q&A.

OK, so we're not, we're moving out beyond just the sourcing activities. Which I think the important thing for us, self-control, ship team, are now picking up the baton and looking at the processes that they can use surliness for in terms of driving further opportunities for them.

And that will, as it has done for us, on a whole new native activities out into the business, which I think is, is good.

In terms of the operational APSE and action engine, I'm going to be honest here and say that there's a lot of new functionality that scientists have driven three days that were not up to speed with yet, because we've been focused on driving the, the kind of the coal functionality. So we're really keen to understand that now, and I believe that there.

The link from action engine Backends, Oracles now complete, which means that we don't have to keep swapping in between systems so that is going to drive.

A lot of excitement around How we do that so so that's that's Definitely something we're focusing on in the next couple of months.

Then the accelerators maybe Scott, you want to talk a bit about those?

Yeah, I mean, even though this is a really, know, promising an exciting area where it's, you know, rebuilt, focused topic, There's procurement, et cetera, that are going to drive change from dashboards, KPIs, drill downs that you can get going and using and tweaking to run your functional area. And that across the board, where there's connected process areas, and in a whole new fashion, in the old days, you might need to have to build what that would look like, or shape it, et cetera. So, we just, you know, for our separate clients today, but are also our internal years. Yeah, this is incredibly promising. And, as Genpact, because they will put its own lessons learned and IP in and around how we serve clients, it's just going to benefit everybody. So super, super excited about that.

So, with that said, Sam, we got a lot going on. So it's, it's been a good journey, just at the end of the day. I, just, to re-iterate, I said, I mean, I think our relationship and support from Solanas kind of impact, we're seeing where you'd say we're pretty pleased with how this is moving, Is that correct?

OK, now we are super excited.

Next, so, I know we have a few minutes left, guys. I guess we'll open up for the audience, through the chat session, to ask us any questions. Feel free to ask us, know. We'll answer as incredibly authentically on what we've learned, you know, the good, bad, and ugly stuff. That has been incredibly positive, but feel free if you're going through this journey are considering a journey like this. The first question on the chat, and I'll be happy, and Sam will be happy to do our best to answer them.

Fantastic, Sam. Fantastic. Scott, we have had questions coming through as you're speaking. So I'm going to ask Scott to stop sharing the presentation, so that they can see us and our video feeds.


So for either one of you, one of the one of the main questions that has come up throughout is How, how?

If you, if I'm starting with process mining, you gave an excellent example there and procurement, What do you think are what type of criteria I should weigh as I think about areas, the most potentially valuable areas in my business? Where process mining can really extract the great value for me, what, how would you guide the audience in terms of identifying what those best areas for value creation could be?

Sure. I mean, I'll take a stab and then Sam, if you wouldn't mind just echo, I think there's to import in.

If you're just getting started, there's two important things to consider.

The one is, you need to start where someone actually owns the majority of the process, Right?

So sometimes, people may go, hey, I want to tackle Order Management, which is a great word, but order management touches a whole bunch of different honors. So you could go through, we saw this as a client. You go through, a whole bunch of proving it out, et cetera, and areas for improvement, that says, Hey, tackle this that, but it touches too many owners. And so you don't have a sponsor that says, I'm well on the fund people time and effort around this. I think the other, the other big place that is that you can just see, even with a lot of clients, the Finance function is always a great place to start. And, whether it's in the procurement, if it's an accounts payable or accounts receivable, especially in times of Cove it where you want to see a dramatic impact, your bottom line, by saving money, or, or by on your purchasing. Or getting your collections, and, and, and receivables coming in quicker that, You know, that's kinda the, get it going and then move forward. So, that would be from my perspective, Sam, do you agree, Or there anything else you would add to that?

I'll take, I'll take Sam saying, yes, I lost all of that. If you're asking me a question, I've just yeah, that was just saying, you know, you need to have a specific sponsor of a certain area. Can't be. Try to get divided across 2 or 3 sponsors. A process could touch many areas. But you have a pretty formalized group, whether it's procurement accounts, payable, accounts receivable.

That tends to get going out of the gate much better than, let me just tackle those, my first project order management, something like order management, where you have 5 or 6 different stakeholders, and not one owner for the decision. So, that was, that was my comment.

Yeah, I think the other thing is you upload all of your data, right, Save you open to doing that, once you've uploaded all your data set, you can the system will help generate those priorities, the areas that you need to focus on.

So for us, the first thing we needed to focus on was the Mavericks then paste but enough other organizations that would be different and then you can work out once you know what you need to focus on, whether you're going to do that either regionally or by business unit or whatever. You know, whatever it makes more sense to you.

And you'll have the data to help you with, you know, that decision on whether you pilot, or whether you get, you know, launch on a company basis, or whatever you want to think.

Yeah, and the other thing, I'll re-iterate, is, the mindset matters in this.

If you go, and I'm here to point out where everybody's failing, you're not gonna get a lot of buy. If you're here to go, we're going to continuously improve, assist your organization, and show with that mindset. You have a much better opportunity for success.

Very good. You know, in our previous presentation, we had the leader from all X sharing the procurator paid journey that they had with process mining. In an interesting point that he made is that, you know, we did not had one procurement to procure to pay process across your organization globally. They had over 900 different ones. And so, one of the questions, and one that seems that I have emerged from the question of the questions as you're presenting is this issue of process characterization. And Sam talked about data quality. So how do you bring that all together before you actually deploy an engine for process mining? How, how, what type of preparation work you'll have to do before you deploy the engine. To find those optimizations. We take a piece that you want to talk the process.

So it's, like, when we leveraged the loudest, the huge benefit was they had connectors that knew how to go get the data, put it in a way to see it so that that's half the battle. You know, a lot of people go, oh, I'll just find the data visualized differently, But that thing really matter. Sam, why don't you talk a little bit about, the first view and everybody sees process and they go, does it mean something, Does it not, and variances, et cetera?

Yes, so, we, we, we, I guess maybe naively, but we didn't, we just literally launched it, right, so we spent the time getting the data uploaded, and then we took that first view of the data. And, I will share with you that that first V day to say that we have Maverick spend running about 60%.

Which I didn't believe, but the data was telling us that, right? So, and of course, you know, the CFO, my boss, and other people have seen that data by that point, say, then then we galvanized around, well, why is the data actually saying is that? And then we were able to understand where the deficiencies were in our data. Say, in a way, it helps us prioritize what we needed to do to sort the data around.

So, for us, we went that way round.

Which has been witty, helpful. And I think it speeded things up as well. Because a matter of months, we've been able to do that.

Whereas, I suspect if we just started looking at a vendor Masters, and now, you know, everything else we would have, we would have been swamped with the size of the task in hand.

Absolutely. Very good that there is. So, I appreciate that answer, because it sounds like there is a bit of a discovery process, right. You don't know what you don't know. You're you. You, the, the, the engine itself. And the data acquisition is exploratory early on, and you dig deeper. So, that's, that's really interesting. And I, we have time for one more quick question and answer here. And I wanna make sure I get this question from William Fuller and William asks, specifically around your action engine, and how did you generate excitement relative to add to that action ainge, And in the organization.

I'll just highlight.

That's a bit about, I mean, we, as we serve clients, the, Yeah, the vision, the ability to protect a process being broken before it gets broken to the right person at the right time, as, you know, Nirvana, right?

So, I think at that high level, you know, the dream, got people excited. I think, the reality of making that work, you know, that's still a work in progress. Sam, do you want to talk a little bit about what that was, you know, when you first heard about it, and what it means seeing, as we're going through it?

Yeah, so we, what's interesting, actually, is, when you talk to my team, they're trying to beat the system, right? So what I mean by that is, they're trying to put things right before it shows up as a potential break using the ... Street, the Action engine.

So they've done a lot of work around carrying out old POs, open POs, things like that, that would show up as a problem within Action Engine and bring your attention to it. So they've taken more of a kind of gamifying approach to if I can, how can we make sure that things don't show up on that?

But it's, it's actually the, it's the fact that you, it's giving you, on a daily basis, you get an update that says, you know, these things are in your process a bit, you know, outside the parameters That you've set, it, all these things need action.

These things need to happen, And now that you can link that directly back into Oracle, I think it's going to be such a massively useful tool. And, as I say, we've got, You know, plans, is to really exploit this over the next couple of months to make sure that we've not just my team, but the broader organization, is also taking the benefit from the action engines.

OK, good. Listen. Really appreciate your sharing your expertise here, such an open, honest conversation, about the opportunities, the challenges. This is really fantastic. I must say that, Scott. Next time we do this session. You're going to have to start with the drums on the back. Yeah, that's how we get people to come to hear the next part of the journey. So. Scott and Sam, what, a pleasure to have you here sharing the journey, or thought leadership with us. And the, you're very substantial. You know, application knowledge, here. Thank you very much for sharing those of our global audience today.

Thank you for our pleasure.

All right. Well, ladies and gentlemen, this concludes this segment. And we're gonna see you at the top of the hour, at the top of the hour we have. And these are all, who is a leader S ... talking about system migrations, and freeways. Process excellence can make an impact on a large system migrations. And this is going to bring those perspectives to us a build-up on on some of the subjects that we have already talked about related to process mining. So, we'll close the webinar now Will re-open at the top of the hour with another great presentation related systems migration and the process excellence. So, we'll see you back at the top of the hour. Thank you.

About the Author

Sam Covell,
Chief Procurement Officer,

Sam is a recognized expert in procurement and professional services industry and as an experienced chief procurement officer, leverages her skills, experience and understanding of global business complexities to develop innovative sourcing strategies that deliver measurable outcomes.


About the Author

Scott Van Valkenburgh,
Vice President, Global Alliances Leader,

Scott is responsible for the company's overall alliance strategy, execution and joint offering development. Previously, Scott was senior director of alliances at SAS, and led the company's global partner relationships.

Prior to SAS, Scott was the founder and managing partner of The Sequoia Architecture Group. He also served as a principal for PricewaterhouseCoopers within their management consulting services practice's information and technology practice. While at PwC, Scott helped FORTUNE 500 corporations create, develop, evaluate and implement ERP, CRM and client/server strategies and solutions.