Business Transformation & Operational Excellence Insights

PROCESS MINING LIVE- SPEAKER SPOTLIGHT: Ready to embed process mining into your organization’s DNA? Start smart!

Written by BTOES Insights Official | May 18, 2021 11:30:00 AM

Courtesy of Software AG's Dr. Julian Krumeich, below is a transcript of his speaking session on 'Ready to embed process mining into your organization’s DNA? Start smart!' to Build a Thriving Enterprise that took place at Process Mining Live Virtual Conference.



Session Information:

Ready to embed process mining into your organization’s DNA? Start smart!

Learn how to start smart in your journey to embed process mining into the DNA of your organization. On your way to leveraging the full potential of the great technology of process mining, ARIS will take you through the three levels of maturity:

  • Level 1: Start with quick health checks of your processes with data snapshots in our completely free Elements edition.

  • Level 2: Raise your ambitions with Advanced by creating living processes with live data feeds of your end-to-end processes.

  • Level 3: Use the full potential of our technology to drive enterprise-wide process mining initiatives with Enterprise.

ARIS process mining provides you with the capabilities needed for success! Rest assured that ARIS won't leave you alone with the understanding you've gained – the integrated ARIS platform gives you all the capabilities to be in the driver's seat for a holistic transformation of your business.

Key Takeaways:

  • Learn how to best start your process mining journey and grow with ARIS whenever you're ready.

  • Learn about ARIS Process Mining SaaS - which is just a few clicks away for a free evaluation.

  • See what's needed in addition to process mining to drive successful business transformation.

Session Transcript:

About having Julian for my show with us today, he is coming to us directly from Frankfurt, Germany.

Julian is Director of Project Management Areas at software AG. He is responsible for shaping software ... process mining solution areas.

The industry leading platform that integrates process mining, with business process management, his close collaborations with key customers, global market analysts, and innovative spirit, enable him to define and implement strategist, to achieve operational excellence, and ensure customer success. Before joining software AG, Julian was a researcher and project management manager for the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, where he delivered innovative projects that combine AI and BPM.

Julia is a recognized global speaker and author of several articles in high ranking, scientific journals, and we're very, very pleased to have Julian with us today sharing his deep expertise on this topic. Julian, welcome, and thank you for taking the time to be here with our global community today.

for having written this ritual stage today, and welcome, everyone to today's session on, Ready to Embed: Process Mining into Your Organization's DNA: Start Smart. So, let me start with some interesting numbers right away.

So, according to a recent study, Fortune one thousand companies reported that more than 90% accelerated their investment into data projects.

Yet less than 30% have actually achieved transformation of business outcomes.

And just 24% say they were really data driven back in the year, 2000.

So the reason behind this, is that becoming a data driven organization, is nothing less than integrating A data driven approach into the aid of your organization.

And please excuse me for being so planned, but I assume that, even if she organization sees that topic as critical, and it's also spending maybe a lot of money, so otherwise, you property, it won't be here today. And I assume you are in East 90% of the companies.

I assume your organization is likely not there yet. So at least 75% of you.

So there's still a long way to go for most of you.

But don't worry, so weird software, HE we are happy to help you to achieve this.

So today, I would like to take you, on our joint journey, to show you how this can look, like using the example of embedding process, mining into the DNA of Yore company. And because process mining, I think that's also the key aspect of this program, the last day, and the next day, is that it should be really the cornerstone of every data driven strategy.

Our guided approach ensures that you aren't stage site on this journey, and on the other hand, of course, it also guarantees to sustainable success. So even if you are a beginner and process mining, as they mentioned, at the beginning, so no matter what maturity you are, and compare it, for example, as a beginner in climbing. You wouldn't climb Mount Everest and the first day. So we have the right solutions and tool in our portfolio to support you through all the levels of process mining matured.

So start your process finding journey today with us What smart, And that's what it's all about in today's session.

But by the way, who are we from suffer HE?

So actually, already, at the founding date back in 19 69, 15 years ago, we believed already did beta will change the world.

So software HE is headquartered in Darmstadt, Germany.

And we have very good financial background thanks to our ... Foundation. And looking a little bit closer to process mining process finding is definitely not new to software HE. But we are actually the first commercial process mining tool vendor in the market, and we have very flexible deployment options for you, and also different product additions to meet your needs in your maturity levels.

And of course, we also named, of course, as leader in the process mining space by wherever it is, analysts.

So as I mentioned, process money is not new to us. We actually started our process mining czerny back into year 2000 with the first commercial tool into market and we innovated our platform across two years, and just recently back in 20 20 we launch a complete new product stack, which is cloud native is also coming in different editions element. It wants an enterprise. So to write addition for your needs, and this new platform in particular, leverage all the latest and greatest technologies, and is ready available for you whenever you want to get started. This process mining.

But, how to get started, and how to achieve maybe higher levels of maturity, and what is the maturity in process mining, actually? So, these are the topics of today's session, and I would like to go with you through our guided journey to embed process mining into your organization.

So some of you, but I think These should not be that much, because you are already interested in process mining, otherwise you won't be here today.

You may already consider, OK, measure, measuring processes, is a very good idea, and it's also a key for a walk at the station success. So that's already very good. And maybe you have already come up with the calculations of process performance indicators, so PPI in short, because these are the right measures to calculate your performance of your process.

And maybe that's not the first level of maturity into process, mining technology. Because you can achieve it already, this hour, to support, but it's already the baseline to get started, to have a process mining mindset. But what is P P I. So what our process performance indicator, actually, I think all of you are aware of KPIs.

So all your organizations should, or I guess, there are driven by it, dominant D, financial KPIs. And the idea is not to not just look at these more financial tripping numbers, but also the more operational side of this coin, so the process performance indicators. So, just to give you one example, you want to decrease the costs in your organization and you also want, on the other hand, to minimize the risk of supply chain disruptions. And for this, of course, you need vendors to deliver on time and in full.

And if you now measure, for example, the percentage on time inbound POs, you have to write P P I attend to know exactly where to tweak your process, so your operations, so to speak, in order to influence a KPI that is controlling your overall business.

So this is already the first thing you should embrace. If you want to go into your process mining journey, of course, you could do this already without any particular truth support. So, for example, define the PPIs measured them maybe in calculating them and .... But, of course, it's much better to leverage tool for this, and of course, in eris process mining, PPI, definitions calculation, NP analysis is of course, one of the cornerstones. So that's the foundation.

So if you now take the decision, OK, that sounds interesting not just considering an organization from a KPI perspective, but also from a PBI perspective.

Then let's move on to the next level of process mining maturity, the so-called process mining snapshots.

So this is a very easy entry point into a process finding. So, it means that you just get a couple of data, So maybe the last 3 or 6 months, and you load it into our platform.

And this allows, you are ready to gain process transparent, so you no longer just rely on your gut feeling when you want to assess the performance of your organization. But, you rely on data. So, you embrace a data driven approach already.

The process mining, and you, you have full transparency on your operations, on your processes, and your, the reality in your organization might not look at symbol S And, this example, year and the screenshot, it might get complex.

Of course, reality is always complex, but don't worry. So, we have the right tools and functionalities into tools to manage this complexity, to drill down into different angles of your processes and find out the bottlenecks in your processes, and, of course, get rid of them.

So, how could you do that? So, typically, what we start with our customers is to analyze the Ryan's of their processes.

So, to have a closer look at the different process variations.

And when we start in discussions with our customers, and most of them have already established standardization of their processes, they might think, OK, if I look at my purchase processes, I guess they are already pretty standardized standardized.

So, maybe, we end up, if you have a closer look at 10 or 20 different practice variations, because if I order a certain product category, I have to deviate from maybe just end up process. If the purchase order exceeds a certain amount of money, I may need to have an additional approval involved.

So, I think we captured already all these verification, but if you then feed, we process data into our tool, You will see your real organizational complexity, and then you end up not just 10 or 20 variations of your process, but rather with hundreds, or even thousands of different recommendations.

And with our process mining technology, of course, you can manage this. You can identify the long run us. So all the process variations, and the symptoms and specifics, that makes your process not as ideal as it should or could be.

And of course, you can then established what we call the happy path, the Happy Flow of your process.

So hopefully a straight through touch list, and maybe also automated process to do your business work. Of course, you won't achieve that, is at 100%. But you're getting really close to it.

And it's really, really easy to get started in August first step, so it is first level of process mining maturity, because it's just a couple of clicks away from you today. Just visit ... process mining dot com, and you can register for free to our elements addition. And this gives you already all the essential functionalities to load your data into two tool and get your first, clear and transparent picture on your business operations. And even if you don't have free data attempt, we also provide you with example data, so that you can already explore the technology of process mining, and you already, with exploring your, your customer, and your own data whenever you have at hand. So that's the first step, the first level of process mining maturity, start smart, with process snapshots.

The next step, the next level, is you go more on a continuous fashion.

So you're not just load, let's say, the last half or full year of data into the tool and fixed the first bottlenecks. But you get continuously data into our platform in order to really monitor your processes.

Nevertheless, I would recommend starting really with the snapshot projects because first get rid of the major bottlenecks in your processes, and then I think you are much more ready to do it in a continuous way. But if you're already, of course, we have the right tool to, then support you, to go with this continuous journey to be in the driver's seat, and continuous, please, what your process issues, and then also trigger the right actions to get rid of them, even if the process is still running.

So, that's the second, Step, seven, The second level of process mining maturity.

And, of course, there are quite a lot of process modeling tools out there.

Did allow you basically, to do process mining projects.

Thankfully, we are among the leaders in the process mining technology space, but press's mining alone, it's clearly not enough.

So, if you take a look at what analysts are calling for, and also what the research is telling, process mining is key and essential what you should also embrace.


Analysis, process standardization, process design, because only this Company nation ensures that you really have a sustainable process transformation in place because just identifying bottlenecks in your process.

For example, thanks to process lining, you have not yet fix those issues. You have not changed your process. You have not rolled out these changes in your organization. And for this, you also need a real business process analysis platform. And this combination is what we call it into created process mining. So, integrated in two senses.

First of all, from an organizational level, that process mining is integrated in the heart of your organization. So, you praise, right? Processes so that you are also P P I and cross this money driven.

But also, technology wise.

That you have a close and seamless integration between process mining and process modeling process standardization.

And we are the only leader in the process mining space that offer you as such a seamless combination of process mining and process analysis. So, one particular use case I would like to focus now a little bit is the so-called process conformance checking in order to track the compliance of your organization. And also, for example, how your users adopting new process, changes, toy example.

Also, maybe a hyped topic at a moment, robotic process automation, so you can check if a robot that you just implemented is, following the way it should, and the starting point, to do such conforming check is to have a, to B process serving as your reference. You may have already documented this in our eris repository, so that could be the starting point.

And then our process mining algorithms take this to be processed, S the baseline and then automatically comparatives against your real execution of your processes, so the processes to execute it day by day. And it then shows you where you deviate from this reference process.

And not only that it also shows you the impact on your KPIs and PPIs.

Give me, let me give you just one example. You deviate, for example You have to into wean into a purchase order and of course, changing such an order, for example, will have an inference later on on your throughput time or maybe also your customer or your vendor satisfaction. And you can track not, OK. Is this repeatable pattern, or is it an exception? And then to find the right measures to get ready.

And this process conformance checking is something I would like to show you now, in a short, live demo. And for this, let me jump into our process mining tool right away.

So it's a starting point.

Could be, for example, out of the box process over your app that shows you already all the major PPIs, and KPIs that relate to your process. So, for example, how many cases of your process actually started per day? How many activities have been executed? And, of course, all, it's very important.

How is the super time OR over your period? You are considering? So, do you have, maybe a peak over the summer period? Do you have a decline at The season ending, etcetera. So, this overview gives you already first glimpse of your process.

And, of course, not only this, I mean, about trust this mining, it's about analyzing the flow, of course, entries, process mining by eris, You have the right to attend to manage all of this complexity. You can drill down into your process. You can, as I mentioned at the beginning, analyze your Process variations.

And of course, you can also specify certain selection criteria. So for example, show me those processes in which we receive goods and after receiving the goods we create a purchase order so that could be an indicator that you do some maverick buying and you always see directly if you apply such a characteristic in your analysis.

How many of your processes are fulfilling this characteristic. So in this example, just Maverick buying it could be loaded more than 22%. So an absolute numbers, a little bit more than 3000 purchase orders out of the 14 points that we have loaded into the system.

And then you see here, for example, OK, we have now even for different variations in which we first received goods or service entries. And afterwards, we are creating a purchase order, and now you can analyze all the root causes for that.

For example, by analyzing are you at different angles of your process, or whenever you needed, of course, you can also create your own app. So that's also very simple, just select out of different visual components, all right here. So, if you are a process mining analyst, we offer you a lot of flexibility to analyze your process.

And, of course, and that's what I want to show you today: process conformant, shaking. So, if you have, for example, such a process already defined for somebody hitting the BPM and notation, you can just use this and send it to our ... process mining algorithm. So all this in one tool and then you can start, for example, a process can form an analysis and you will see how many of your processes are fulfilling this reference process.

So in our example, it's pretty low.

So just 700 a little bit more than 700 prosthesis 5% are actually following the way as it should and to you all to see here.

Oh what a time?

How many processes have been started per month, and what does the top portion of them fulfilling your reference in the process?

And as you can see, the conformance grade is pretty low.

But to give you even closer and better impression on how compliant your processes are, we calculate is so-called fitness, where your of your processes, so a metric, which is already well established in the research domain.

But we are the first commercial tool that allows you to calculate this measure.

And this measure gives you a much better indication how good your process compliance is according to your standard process because it's not just considering your process execution as either conformance on non conforming, but it also looks at how much is the deviation from your standard process.

So assuming you have a process with 100 activities, in your reference process, 99, you have followed to just maybe one tiny activity was missed out.

The conformance rate would be zero, because it's not 100% fulfilling your needs.

But the fitness value is way higher, And with this calculation, we offer you a much better visibility in your process compliance compared to other tools and technologies.

And this then, also help you to analyze your compliance and conformance issue much better, and all, to analyze what is the impact, for example, under throughput time, or other metrics, as well.

So, this gives you really, a very good view into what's going on in your organization, and where do you need to tweak it.


Sometimes, it's not just an indication.

If you have a badge, let's call it bad conformance rate, that you might not stick to what you should do.

Maybe it's also an indication that what you have documented is not reflecting the current business situation anymore. So it could also be an indication that you need to update your process repository.

So if you wrote it, for example, out in your organization with a process portal, it's a thick liquid trigger to get it updated.

And of course, we ought to have here very convenient functionality in our drew it out to meet its process.

But of course, spotting such a conformance issue could also something in order to change the way you behave. So, for example, you need to implement new control mechanisms in your system.

You may need to change your RPA bots to really match how the process should be executed.

Or it's more the human side. So, maybe some of your employees need an additional training to fully embrace the work and how it should be done.

So, this is the power, which process conformance checking can give you.

And the great thing with our tool is that this is seamlessly integrated also with your process repository, with your process portal, so to speak.

If you have it already established, then essence.

it is about using a reference process and then have process mining, automatically check the conformance rate and tell you where to UDP gate to such a reference.

If you have achieved this, I think you are already quite mature from a process mining perspective.

But we at software TV also support you to go one step higher, what we call Enterprise Management System.

So here, you not only consider your organization from a pure press's perspective, but we also have products and tools available to enrich that for someone with a risk perspective, with a data perspective, This AT device perspective, and much more so that you have really a holistic view on your organization.

Because only this allows then also to improve your operation, end to end, and from any angle, and also to achieve a real business transformation.

And to achieve this, and I think that's one of the key messages today, of course, you need process money because remember, the beginning, that's a cornerstone to become a data driven organization.

So process mining allows you to get transparency into your operations, not relying anymore on Chuck, just your gut feelings.

But really let the data speak your reality and find out what are the issues in your day to day operations And then use these insights to transform, to change and shape your future way of working.

And for this we have our market leading Iris BP a platform where we have a lot of tools that help you to design your processes, not just the internal ones, but also how these processes interact with your customers.

So what is also the customer perception of your internal processes?

Because if only consider your internal stuff, it's just one side of the coin.

And we also offer you the complimentary side to the customer side in our customer journey, maps, etcetera.

And, of course, when ever you change to something, you can also simulate effects, thanks to our simulation.

So, for example, if I add your addition of resources, so will I decrease the throughput time, or do I have maybe another bottleneck somewhere else in my process that I need to consider when changing our process?

Not only just so when, when you have simulated that and you have approved your changes.

And, of course, we also have a collaborative environments. Or if you our process design that you can suggest some changes and of course, the process owner can at the end, approve or decline what you have suggested. This is all handled in one tool with a workflow engine. Of course, and Minerva.

You say, OK, now it's the right time to get live VISTA process changes.

We also help you in doing it, So, on the one hand, from a technical perspective.

So, you can, for example, extend change processes directly into ERP systems, or, of course, the human side, because also your employees, your whole workforce, need to know about your changed processes, because change processes mean changed business procedures.

And within our process portal, they get notified about any process change.

The bit are impacting them.

And then, they can confirm that they read and understood this process changes.

And of course, you as a process manager, you can also can keep track on the status of rolling out these processes.

And if everyone in your organization is already engaged and of course and there is the slowest thing loop at the end, then you can of course also keep track this process mining. So if your employees and your change systems are following the New way of Working.

So again, here, cross this line is we did a cornerstone here: get Data Driven, but it's not enough.

If you're interested in more debt, we also have an upcoming webinar with the Everest Krupa Analysts and they will also share their perspective and their perspective on such a holistic platform, what we call an enterprise management system.

So no matter where you are now in your process mining maturity. So if you are an obese or already an expert.

We have the right offering for you to get full transparency into your organization.

So you can really start smart, For example, our Elements Edition and whenever you are ready, you have the right offering to support you to land and expand your process mining initiative across your organization.

So let's take a brief look at these different editions, So as I said, the entry point is ... Process Mining Elements. It is a for free edition.

So you don't have to pay anything, It's also free, basically, forever.

It's just a couple of clicks out of here, and there you can already achieve results. So not just playing around, but really achieve results in your first project.

And then our first commercial and paid offering is Heiress, process, mining, advanced.

And here, you can, for example, go to the second level of process mining maturity by continuously feeding life data into our system, what we call living processes. And here, you can go into this continuous fashion of process mining.

And, of course, last, but not least, which eris process mining enterprise, We offer you the full potential of the process mining technology, whenever you are ready. And, of course, that can be closely and seamlessly integrated with our errors BPA stack, in order to not just consider process mining as a silo technology.

But really to combine it, with process analysis, process design, and also the roll out of your process knowledge across your organization.

So we offer you to write tool and the right tissue whenever you need it.

And I'm pretty sure that with this B, help you in a guided way, to embed process mining into the DNA of your organization.

So to become more data driven, to embrace a data driven strategy in your organization's end, ought to get really business transformation outcomes in the end.

Because, remember, the first number, I mentioned at the beginning, just the friction off, these organizations who already invest in data projects really have sustainable outcomes of these initiatives.

But if I look at our customers, they are successful in so you will be, when we go in disjoint, journey.

So let me again, highlight our free offering because it's so easy to get into the world of process finding, start your process mining journey today with an average process mining dot com. Load your first data into the tool and see already, what is going on in your organization. And then start optimizing what is going on day by day.

Does this just say I hope we have received a couple of questions and I'm happy to answer them now in our watch Q&A session.

Fantastic. Juliana, Thank you so much for a real Masterclass on the different stages of maturity of process mining.

So I'm gonna ask you to A to stop sharing your your your presentation screen and I'm going to come back in here and I'm gonna I'm looking at the questions that have come in and that there are several different types of questions. But one of the themes that has emerged is related to What type of capabilities do I need to get process mining started in my organization. And the, and the question is around, mm, not from the business side, they have those capabilities, is more from IT support capabilities, in terms of hardware, and maybe technical support. What, what, what do you see as, you know, basic requirements to, in terms of those capabilities to get started?

Good. Very good question.

I mean, that's the, a frequent question we actually receive. Also, the business is ready, but then the question is, OK. How can we actually start, not from a technical perspective?

The good answer is that we launched last year, our complete SaaS operating, so it's not that much about getting internal servers set the set up, etcetera. So you can just rely on our Cloud experience. So we do that business already this era's cloud for many years. So you can run our SaaS product, software as a service, so you just pay for the service so you don't need to take care of all the hardware, etcetera. Managing all that stuff internally. So, we do that for you.

But, of course, if you want to rely on your own premises, we also have a dedicated offering for this, or no matter if you prefer cloud on premise, we have the right offering available for you. Of course, with ...

SaaS, it's much easier, because we do much of it for you. But, also, we, from our professional service side and our partner network, can also guide you in your on premise fashion. So, what should you consider what kind of Hartford, you need, etcetera? And, of course, it's always about getting the right data. And for this, you also need to collaborate, for example, with the application owners in your organization. And of course, there, we can also guide you, because we have a lot of experience in doing process mining projects for many, many years, So we know what kind of data we need.

What type of applications are valuable to tap into to get data out of them. So, just connect to us, and we are happy to help you.

Very well very well. That's, that's very helpful. Another question theme has has, that has come up is related to, and I'm looking at the questions as they continue to come in and keep asking those. And we'll keep looking at those things for the, for everybody who's participating right now. But one of the things has to do with typical timelines of implementation.

And I know this is probably a very difficult answer question to answer, because, you know, there's so much variability with organizations and different types of processes that they have.

But if you're if you're just say kind of maybe a standard process that organizations have like procure to pay as an example, if you look at the distribution of the procure to pay process is the organizations that have.

And if you look kind of the average case, what does that typical timeline look like for implementing a kind of a discovery process, and then then, and then improvement process with process mining, in terms of how long, to get things set up.

How long for, kind of the discovery process in terms of letting the tool do its job and kind of figure out, you know, the process actually functioning? how, long, for the analysis afterwards? If you could kind of, you know, give us such chunks of time associated with the typical implementation timelines for something like that.

Yep, so, for a fairly standardized process, as you mentioned, so, purchase to pay, order to cash, record to report. For example, I think these other processes SPC day-by-day. Also, we have also solution accelerators available to Yeah, to jumpstart these projects.

So we just need your data. We also have .... We have extractors available to to extract the right data. Or you just deliver our business data. So you speak to your application owners, for example, they can provide your exports. So I just worked with another customer last week and be onboarded them in just a couple of hours.

So as soon as the data is there, and we know what kind of data we need, everything is already available. So then, it just push into our cloud, For example, The algorithms behind our tool are pretty fast.

So it takes a couple of minutes, Of course, depending on your data volume, to run these magic process mining algorithms, and then you see what is happening.

And then, of course, you can start analyzing.

And I'm pretty optimistic that you will find are ready to first improvement options pretty, pretty soon.

So, I would say, whenever you see the data, maybe 1, 2 hours, to see, OK, there, and there is something we should investigate further to get rid of this.

So, I would say, for a standardized process like purchase to pay, it takes from the beginning to do the first POC a couple of days or just a few weeks and also to get some first results.

So, it's not a, yeah, month lasting journey to climb.

So it's really simple and fast thing you can achieve.

That, those are very helpful perspectives, Julian. We have other questions coming in. I'm gonna keep picking on different ones here.

Traveler more is asking wasn't when you're doing the process mining. How many levels of activities can be mined? And how are you accounting for manual tasks, and activities, activities, that may be happening outside of the system.

Hmm, hmm, hmm, yeah. I mean But dominantly process, mining is a technology that looks at the system level.

So, of course, you need data in a event log, for example, or somewhere in a data base, so that it becomes visible in process.

Mining also dates what process mining activity feed us. But, we also have close collaboration with RPA and so-called task mining technology vendors.

And they allow you ought to look at the other side of the coin, somewhat a human side. So, whenever an employee is doing something in a system from a front end, from a UI perspective, these towards capture it and then also provide us with the stator. And, then you can combine in our technology post, that system information with the user interaction to get really a full picture of your process for energy.

So, that's basically how it works.

Of course, if you have a completely paper driven activity, of course, first should run maybe a digitization initiative to do the manual process, not just manually, but also keep track, somehow in the system. But that's typically not a major issue.

Very well, very well, thank you for that. I have a question here from Anna Martinez, before she asked, the question, says that, Great presentation. Thank you. This is very informative. And the way that you have laid out, kind of the path, and the progression, and maturity of process mining, and organizations. I think ... has been implemented some level process mining her organization. She has participated in the number of our conference. I know, that process mining, something that she's very interested in. And she has, has her own challenges. And the shias cares about, as a practitioner who sees, lots of diverse organizations across industries. If you look across the your, your, your clients, what do you see them challenging the most with when they are implementing process mining. And what are the things that tend to be most challenging for the clients when they're going through this process mining journey?

Mmm hmm.

It's also a good question. I think it depends, also, from region to region. So basically, I'm based in Germany or in Europe, basically.

And there, especially the data privacy concerns, are one barrier, I would say. So you need to get everyone in your organization import and proof process mining, so that it's not just the technology, too.

Get rid of employees so that you really have the technology to improve your business so that everyone can benefit from it. So it's not just a cost cutting. Is that the right kind of thing?

It's also about, for example, getting the the best practices, what an experienced user is, doing data. They may be also in the hands of others, so you can also consider it from a positive perspective.

Quite often, it's only considered, let's say, from an employee perspective, from a negative side. So, these are things we have to educate our customers. And, of course, we can also help you with that because we're dealing with this client, etcetera. Day by day. So, I think that's one of the barriers.

But, also, if you want to get data out of Legacy systems, for example.

Where you maybe have not a well established API available to easily feed data out of it. This can be sometimes a challenge, because you might need to Have much more technical sessions with the application owners, compared to a year peace system, by STP, Microsoft Oracle, whatever. So, to nowhere is the right data.

But also, there, we have a process customizing tool, which is very flexible, so no matter how your application look like, how the data structures look like, I think we have really powerful tool to do that. And, of course, also after the experience to support you and it.

So, I think they are different obstacles and barriers, so, organization wise, technically wise. So, just get in touch and see how we can help you.

That is, that is excellent, Jolyon, I wanna thank you again, we're out of time here, but I want to thank you for a real masterclass on process mining, at different stages of maturity, very clear, kind of a maturity scale for process mining that so many in the audience have appreciated, and they want to thank you for, for sharing your wisdom and expertise today.

What's my pleasure? Thanks to everyone and talk to you soon.

Bye bye, ladies and gentlemen, that was doctor Julian ... directly from Frankfurt, Germany, on a real masterclass on process mining, and the different maturity levels that we have with process mining today. And the and the how organizations can evolve them. And their capabilities from within. The as you can see there, is that there is a that you can start with a free application that that you can build on, and you can learn if you're a novice again. And then you just started getting started process mining.

It's a great way of just learning the basics, excuse me.

Bye by, by playing with the: with with the application. And with process within your organization. It's free to, to, to get started on that and, and then certainly, there is a whole maturity that you can evolve on overtime as you become more capable. And depending on your goals and depending on your organizational capabilities as well. So, great coverage there. We're gonna be taking a break now and we're going to be back at the top of the hour with a, with a global industry leader and expert. Not only of process mining, but BPM in AI applications to process improvements and innovations and the robotics process automation connections and the. and all things related to exponential technologies that are really helping us improve and innovate in our businesses. So Mark McGregor is going to be with us next.

He's going to talk about the future of process mining, what are the shifts occurring, and what is the impact on the upfront those shifts? How do you move people from process mining to processing intelligence? How do you build process mining as a capability, and not just a product, and the how tasks, processes, and journeys are all connected, and, we have to be looking at the future process mining, And that's what Mark my gregori's going to be doing with, as, I'll see you with Mark at the top of the hour. Thank you.

About the Author

Dr. Julian Krumeich,
Director Product Management - ARIS,
Software AG.

Julian is responsible for shaping Software AG’s Process Mining solution – ARIS – the industry leading platform that integrates process mining with business process management. His close collaboration with key customers, global market analysts and innovative spirit enable him to define and implement strategies to achieve operational excellence and ensure customer success.

Before joining Software AG, Julian was a researcher and project manager for the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence where he delivered innovative projects that combined AI and BPM. Julian is a recognized global speaker and author of several articles in high-ranking scientific journals.