Business Transformation & Operational Excellence Insights

Digital Transformation Workplace Live- SPEAKER SPOTLIGHT : It’s Time to Automate

Written by BTOES Insights Official | Sep 16, 2020 11:30:00 AM


Courtesy of UiPath's Bobby Patrick, below is a transcript of his speaking session on 'It’s Time to Automate' to Build a Thriving Enterprise that took place at BTOES Digital Transformation Workplace Live Virtual Conference.

Session Information:

It’s Time to Automate

Urgent cost pressures, demand spikes and backlogs, strained resources, and an imperative need to protect revenue and optimize expense - these are some of the issues that a global pandemic creates. Businesses today are seeking immediate action to respond to COVID-19's impact on their operations.

Once this global crisis stabilizes, executives all over the world will be looking to bring employees back to work faster and their revenue machines up and running again, while also reshaping their businesses for long-term resiliency. Automation plays a central role in both. Join this session to hear how companies are using Robotic Process Automation (RPA) to address the issues that the global pandemic has created by:

  • Driving new sources of productivity and cost savings fast
  • Reskilling and upskilling employees
  • Building resilience and agility in supply chains and customer experience
  • Supporting a dynamic new work environment
  • Enabling enterprise-wide automation

Plus, learn how to estimate the value that RPA can bring to your company enterprise wide fast. Robotic Process Automation is the fastest growing enterprise software industry for the 2nd year in a row (Gartner). And now it is set to become the #1 strategic priority for your company. It’s Time to Automate.

Session Transcript:

Hey, Patrick, who is the CMO of UI Path, the fastest growing a leading provider of Robotic Process Automation, AI, and AI Software Worldwide.

And he is, in this role, he leads global marketing strategy and execution As UI path continues to our sharing the outer most automation first era, helping businesses of all sizes, digitize business operations and apply AI to drive true digital transformation. A technologist at heart Patrick has driven significant growth in technology businesses for over two decades, ranging from Fortune 52 startups. Bobbie, it's a real pleasure and honor to have you in the webcast.

Thank you, Hosea. I appreciate that very much.

And I want to just share my screen. I apologize to everyone here on.

Unfortunately, my Mac updated, the latest version and it's not compatible with the video feature of goto Webinar right now the latest. So I unable to show my video which is, you know, frustrating. And we're so used to that in Kobe Times, but I'll I'm happy to be here today. Thank you, Jose, for that great introduction. You know, we had, we just had our CEO on CNN live just about an hour ago. And and CNN was talking about RPA that has seen an international on the first move show. And it's come a long way, for RPA and robotic process automation, to be a topic that mainstream CNN wants to cover, and I'm, I'm still kind of riding high off of off of that. But I'd like to just jump right in here, and I'm going to play a video for you quickly that I think will, will provide a good, kind of starting point to discuss UI path, RPA, and why it's now, it's time to automate.

History is built on turning point moments when everything changed. Some sort. Most didn't, wouldn't. Until later. So, what, now? Like it or not, this is a turning point in the world, Do you stay the course, plug some holes in the down, or do you face a radical change with radical change? And finally, make digital transformation. Your decision in this moment is, one, we'll talk about what story, when we think this moment, like, all great moment in human history demands, that we answer the only question, worth asking, What are we capable with?

Robotic Process automation, we are limited only by our imagination, which is why hospitals manufacturers, insurance, company, the pharmaceutical industry, Taylor's transportation governments are automated, name the problem, the mundane tasks of the supply chain issue. The bank offers challenge, the overloaded customer service rep know, this isn't some software upgrade or interface. This is height, but ultimately, end to end automation. Harnessing the power of multiple technologies, that turbocharged transformation of how, this is about how organizations are not only recovering, setting them up to thrive. In a world where millions of documents can be read and understood in hours. What companies can improve distribution by identifying the fastest delivery rooms. Alternate supply chains can be identified in second. Customer service reps can handle more cause more efficiently with greater customer satisfaction. With human error, is dramatically reduced, end to end.

Sure that if this happens, again, businesses keep services stay online. Companies don't die, and people lose their jobs, because mostly, what this is about is people, not robots, replacing humans, but robots, empowering, giving people the most valuable thing in business. Time to think and to thrive. And thrilled to what's possible, to grow organizations to help change the world, we now live in and move it forward. This new world knocked us to them at your. Employees. Your customers, or wait in the world is waiting history is built on time.

That was excellent. So hopefully, I gave you a little little bit of a nice start to up to now, a series of PowerPoint slides. But first, a little bit about UI Path. It's been an exciting few years. I've been with the company now almost three years. And why I joined, we were just moving out of our moving onto our headquarters in New York City. were founded in Romania Company, was not well known. And the category was not. And since then, we've become the fastest growing enterprise software company in history. I'll give you an example. We grew from one million to 100 million in annual recurring revenue. And about 20 months, it took four years, by contrast, for salesforce dot com to make that, make that level of growth. And since then, it's been an amazing, it's been great to see over 7000 customers now, many in the Fortune 500 mid-sized fast, growing US, government agencies, all adopting this technology.

And loving how this technology is helping drive productivity. And actually it's proving to actually be the best and fastest route to true digital transformation. I'm most proud of the fact that just earlier, a few weeks ago, we renamed the CNBC Disrupter 50, which only 200 companies have been named to that over the last seven years. And so of all the accolades that are on this chart, I think that one is the one that I'm, I'm, most most proud of.

The company has long had a vision for a robot, for every person. This is the idea that you have things that you do every day, that are repetitive, mundane, things that you do every day, that could require, you know, an advisor or an assistant to help you make better decisions, things that could free your time. So you can be more creative, more engaged in your work. And, you know, we think this, this, this vision is on the lines of division that Bill Gates, first tab. When in the late seventies, when he said that PC, you'll be every home and office. I think a robot for a person has that same. That same degree of potential, and, certainly, the adoption we're seeing so far is tremendous. Every employee at UI path has as many robots and automation that we use.

PWC is rolling it out to all their employees, and E Y, and enlarge companies, as they see this potential now, to help make workers more productive, make a company and organization more productive. And ultimately, this will separate the winners and the losers.

If our founder was here today, he would say, this great quote that I, that I often attribute to him, but once the crisis stabilizes that we're in, executives will need to bring the revenue machine backup as fast as possible. At the same time, don't need to re-imagine, reshape, and re-invent their business in order to create long-term value in resiliency. Automation will play a central role in both stages of the recovery. Look, what's been amazing, like many of you, when, when covert really started to become a reality, in February, and March none of us knew exactly the impacts on our business. The impacts on, on, on the economy and others.

And the reality has been, the covert has been a gigantic accelerant of our business as companies had very few tools to turn to, to actually figure out how to create, know, solve problems, and and to go digital. And so it's been a really, a fascinating thing to watch during Coburn and we're seeing now that basically will cover it has made, is automation is now a boardroom boardroom priority.

So before ..., we all talked about going digital. There were many promises on being on, on transferring digitally. There are a lot of technologies, older technologies that require extensive IT and engineering and re, re platforming, and those took a long time and digital. Processes are often thought of a transformation in years. But those days are over now and during covert. Enduring cope with me, just skip a, Gartner says here, because I think that's all actually old data now. During coven, the impact was was tremendous, right? So the ability to respond to cost pressures, and focus on preserving revenues, strained resources. We saw this in airlines, and in customer service centers, that were challenged to being able to respond to customer needs or in the state governments. Before ..., we really didn't have any state government customers in the US of any scale.

Now, 12 states have fully deployed your risk by if you're applying for unemployment in New York State, robots are helping make that happen. If you are part of being in the snap program in Georgia, robots are there now helping make that happen? And so, the speed of which people have adopted the technology has accelerated during .... And, again, what we're seeing now, entering in the next, the next phase, is that driven by remote workforce, the need to re skill. And upscale driven by the enormous cost pressures of the uncertainty about what could happen in a second, third, or waive the ability to be more agile for it in your supply chain, or in how you, how you serve your customers. All of these drivers now, are, if you want to impact these drivers in a serious way, and make and make real change in your organization, there are very few technologies that can do this so quickly. And that's really where, where robotic process automation comes in.

I mean, you can implement automations in weeks, you get the outcomes are immediate, you can re-invest those outcomes in the bottom line or in in, in R&D, in new areas, the business. And. because, you can add machine learning and AI to those workflows easily, and those automations over time. They continue to improve as time goes on, so the outcomes continue to grow as part of this technology.

Also, looking at case studies, This was the first 21 days, actually, of, of the crisis. And you can see companies here.

The matter hospitals, the largest hospital in, in Ireland was a great story on them that was posted in The Wall Street Journal. And on the BBC, where they talked about, look, our nurses were struggling to be able to serve all their other patients. So they have too much data entry to do entering data in different systems. And with robots, they were able to implement and reduce, you know, 3 to 4 hours a day in data entry. So you can imagine the degree in which the, which nurses were happy, because what they want to do is they want to serve their patients, right? And that was transformative at the hospital level. Or you look at the Contact center. Is it, you know, a United Airlines, your Amazon trying to staff and higher? In this case, using robots in NIH in HR. All of these are examples of how deploying robots and in automations and dramatically make changes and impacts that matter things around accelerating clinical trials. Whether it's Regeneron here, for example. Or we just did a webinar with ..., a pharmaceutical where they said the exact same the exact same.

Exact same benefits: being able to cut down the clinical testing process by a third or a half, due to automation.

This is an example of the Wall Street Journal. We're now getting coverage of this technology in the, you know, in the mainstream business, like I mentioned, CNN live earlier today. Here's the journals. You know, the homepage of the journal, calling all robots businesses automate the battle against Coronavirus. So what's really happening in this next normal then, right, is, is this sense of urgency is going to continue. I think this quote from McKinsey says, It best, and I'll read this one and not the others. But if the pace of the pre coronavirus world was already fast, the luxury of time now seems to disappeared completely. Businesses that wants to map digital strategy, and 1 to 3 year phases must now scale their initiatives in a matter of days or weeks, And that's why we use this phrase, It's time to automate, right, the sense of urgency. There was one customer of ours out of Florida, World Fuel Services, or Fortune 100. They actually added, this year to the Board of Directors, a lady that came from E Y, who was an expert in robotic process automation technology.

Within her firm, and the ... on their earnings call, in March, they actually said, the CEO actually said, We wanted to bring someone in with this technology experience at the Board level. Right, so what's happening here is automation and in particular, robotic process automation and AI now are really becoming sea level priorities. They're becoming boardroom issues and, And They're actually, It's actually built this technology is delivering on the the the outcomes that that, that people need and they want time to Value is the outcome. I want to hear over and over and over and over. I don't want projects that are, you, know, six months or a year out to return outcomes, right? Or two years.

You know, God forbid, we want them in, in, in We want those, those outcomes in days or weeks.

So, we have examples now of customers, like a large electronics manufacturer, Schneider Electric. There was able to get their plants faster, online faster by using robots to automate the availability of PPE, personal protective equipment, and each of their manufacturing plants. So what happened here? Sometimes people often say, Wow, it's automation. Going to take jobs and, yes, automation is involved in in the in the shift to the workforce. And we're involved in the skilling and the upskilling and the rescaling of the workforce. But, but the reality is that automation has a lot of impacts that actually helps make a workforce more productive, and, in this case, actually get workers back to work quicker, right? This saves jobs is restarts revenue. And this is the kind of thinking that the companies are having no worldwide with this technology. And other one is a specialty retailer and franchise, this one targets actually older people, but these are their stores or in, in, in in shopping centers, all around the US.

And the reality was, they wanted to get the retail stores back and operating, but in a way that not only was there to make help their employees feel safer, but that their customers feel safer as well. Right, so they use a health screening technology. We have a health screening robots available on our marketplace that data is pulled together. The company company wide can see every every morning or when workers come in the status of their workers and they can then tell there are customers that we have this program in place that we're, you know, anyone who doesn't meet certain health criteria, you know, they're there, They will stay home. If they don't come in for a few days, we'll check on them. It's really a great thing for employees. In this case, it's a really great thing for customers, and it's helped them get back to business much quicker.

So, you know, a proper automation program, you know, it needs to deliver on, deliver an enterprise wide. continuous competitive advantage, and this is a slide that, you know, I'd like to talk about a bit because it's it's it's relevant on a couple of axes, right? one is the requirement for talent resource talent, and the other is the impact on business.

Like I mentioned earlier, there are impacts in some cases on, on certain roles, and I know it would be dishonest to say, that doesn't, that's not happening. But what's really happening on scale? or what we see from our customers who talk openly about these projects in a very high scale way, is that employee engagement, employee, excitement, employee, employee productivity, is actually is actually what has evolved. And what's actually resulted in the use of robots working alongside of humans. I don't think I have it in my slide deck, but I'm encouraged very much by a hackathon that was run over a weekend, led by the CEO and the Chief Digital Officer at ..., which is the large telecom company in in Singapore, and they did this hackathon with their employees. They said, OK, let's find these ideas of where we can automate to solve your problems that you might have that are repetitive mundane. And in generally, you know, you're in the way of you being able to do, you know, Be creative, and the winner of the Hackathon.

She had been at ...

for 43 years, a 43 year employee of Sync Tell, one, the Hackathon, and she was able to automate over that. We can something that took her three hours a week, right? For years, right? And it was just an easy example of how her life is, It's better, it's better for, for Tsingtao, it's better for their customers.

And so, you begin to see that, that the that the results are, are, are, are very positive on the workers, but the reality is, with automation, over time, as you get greater speed, you scale up your ability to invest in new capabilities. You, deliver higher quality, a higher customer experience. If you just look at chatbots today, your chatbox that matter, are the ones that give you a compelling response When you go to engage them, right, The chatbox that, we've all engaged for the last few years, Typically, they lead us down, but they're getting better. And, the reality behind, almost every chatbot you engage with, it's working well, is, there a robots that run two different systems to get the answers for?

For you, to give you a better, more personalized experience that goes and gets your, your billing data, or goes and gets your information out of a customer system, or, you know, That's, that's the reality of how the quality of engagement and customer experience is being improved, just as an example. And, over time, your business, then is able to adapt faster. Do you know, its revenue businesses faster, find new ways to serve customers better?

And so, this is kind of what we see along the kind of continuum of the five areas, of automation impact. And, I probably should source this.

I believe this is, from, this graph, is from E Y, An example I wanted to show. This is how substantial the returns are. I, I think, if anything, on this call, it's important because everybody who's here is interested in business transformation, you know, you're not interested in just doing small things. You want to deliver real, substantial Roy. You know, to really help transform an organization.

You know, on average, dollar invested in UI path, returns $15 in year one, and there are many examples of a turning $25 or more. And what happens is companies are building millions of hours of digital workforce capacity. They're delivering productivity gains on a per employee basis. You know, they're transferring long, long running workflows, and processes, and these ultimately translate into more revenue and higher customer experience.

one of our, one of our telecom customers out of Canada recently said that, you know, within the first four months of deploying automations within their dispatch, dispatch area of their, of their workforce, they were able to, they were able to average the increase the average number of visits or trips That a dispatch worker goes to a premise Swell Residents, or two up to a commercial account from 7 to 8. Now imagine what that could mean in terms of being able to serve more customers, doing that with with, you know, with more customers. On a single day, with same number of employees, you know, Higher customer satisfaction. And that's just the beginning. They have all of these plans on how they're going to be able to enhance the experience you know of. But that was the quick return On the right side here.

This is a large US based energy company from the south that, I've been doing RPA for awhile.

A lot of early adopters really started, you know, testing RPA and in 20 16, 2017. And they've been able to build real big real large centers of excellence as disband the world. They're now building, using automation to, to impact major processes. And so they had this one workflow process to date, They highlighted recently on a webinar, saying, it was an automated, complex processing for drilling, new oil wells involve many systems, human approvals, and exception handling.

Their IT team was able to deliver automations to revolutionize this workflow in five weeks, which you never hear of in traditional IT.

And the business model expectation now, does energy company is that every new robot they deploy, there's two fundamental kinds of robots, one called Attended Robot that sits on a desktop and works with you personally and an unintended robot that sits in the Cloud, and you integrate and runs processes for you, maybe all day or overnight or others. They believe in their calculation, that every single attended robot, it gives them at least $3 million or Roi. For a year, you can imagine intended robots being throughout a contact center, for example. and every unintended robot, which handles more complex processes, giving them $10 million in, in, in, in returns, or three years. You know, companies have hundreds and thousands of robots, right? Do we have some that have almost 100,000 robots? Imagine what that return really is. We now have early adopters from 20 16 and 17.

They're talking about $200 million, and Roy are getting this year from the digital transformation led by, by Robotic Process Automation.

That is real. It's, it's tremendous. And it's, it's, it's, And it's proven.

Now, the examples go on and on. I won't go into all, the details have given you. I've given you know many examples, but, but, you know, the reality here again, is, we're no longer improve point. This is not about POCs. If you haven't started your RPA program, and thought about hyper automation, which is the larger category term for end to end automation. If you haven't started, you're behind. And, you know, you don't want to just go do a few points, proof of concepts. Now, what you really need to do, is leverage the best practices we've already learned from companies, across every industry, and you need to go put in place.

Then, your Center of Excellence, you get the CFO and controller, and the CIO together, and, and head of shared services, and pull them together and begin to put together a plan for, for, for, you know, to get you on your journey, and get you, gets you farther down, the path fast, Because if you're not doing this, your, your, your competitors are. And we're up to almost 68% of the global fortune 500.

So, you can imagine, you know, that the penetration that exists, as I said, we have over 7000 customers, and I should have mentioned earlier, we're adding 10 new enterprise customers now a day.

We have a lot of ways to, to help you think about automation across your entire enterprise. So, again, thanks to you now, for a few years of proof points. Customers that have gone enterprise wide. And a lot of analysis and tools we have in place. We can actually help you figure out within your, within your functions, within your company, what should be the overall potential from automation. I mean, the goal here really should be, you, know, how can you become a fully in a fully automated enterprise faster than your competitors? That's, that's gotta be the top top, and go, I hear now from C level executives that. There's a race now, we often use terms like digital transformation. But the, to be very clear about it, that, you know, that's a very vague, in broad terms, have been used for years now, right? I'm probably going on, 7 or 8 years, you know. What they really want to do is, they want to become a fully automated enterprise.

So, you look across your organization. This is an example of a Canadian telecom company, from the results that we didn't value our Value Engineering Organization.

And you can see the substantial amount of automation potential, both in the first year in green, and total potential in, in red. So certainly, some mortgage finance, the ability to transform finance is substantial with RPA. And that's actually where RPA in. And in hyper automation, started first. It was really in, in, in finance. Because there's so many, you know, manual Monday, kind of repetitive tasks at the end of the month, month end close, or at the end of the quarter, quarter and close.

So, you know, when one CFO, of a Fortune 10 told us, she said, if I have any employees of my finance organization that are not doing data driven analytics, that's RPI.

That's hyper automation.

That's how significant you have to think about, about, the transfer transformation, though, today. Back office opportunities are substantial. The front office is really where, where we're seeing the rapid growth now, around the customer experience side. Customer service side, customer engagement side, field workers, retail workers engaging with robots, as part of being able to serve their customers better.

So how does it all coming together? I told you RPA, you know, was not well known in 20 16, 2017, But the early adopters were the ones that really jumped into it. It's now a mainstream term term, as evidenced by CNN covering it this morning, it's got, you know, we've got our Gartner Magic quadrants, and our forest waves and others. That cover RPA, what, what, what, you, what we are focused on it, UI Path, is a much broader, broader capability set that can help you really achieve kind of success. And end to end automation, an end to end. Automation involves thinking about how you can apply AI machine learning. It involves API integration. Not just UI automation user, interface automation, What you do through your RPA. It involves the ability to tie discovery of processes to automate, score them, mine, them, record them, and feed that into implementation.

You know, to speed implementation, and then they actually TPA analytics and say, how are my robots performing every day? And what's the business value? And did I, did I meet my goals and that end to end platform for, for, for automation, we call hyper automation, it's actually a Gartner term as well. We both came out with that last October.

Hyper is a very important and relevant term, because it's about time to value, and I think if anything is critical right now and evidenced by cope by, by encoding after covert is the need of which to focus on, on speed, and, and, and, and, you know, days and weeks to get value. You know, not months and years, as we discussed earlier. So this platform, as a whole, comes together. And it becomes the ability to help you become true. Fully automated.


What's also amazing about RPA is that once you have that workflow automated, right, and you have that first outcome of being able to have the robot do work, instead of the human, do that work for you. And free up that, that, that worker, is that you can then think about the profound potential of AI, actually, impacting the process. You know, one of the best path, or probably, the best path, to AI in your Business operations, actually going to be through RPA, Because that's where the digital data is, and that's where the automation existence. So, we've made it very easy to actually drag and drop, and put AI into a workflow.

But essentially, this is, you know, this is not a surprise to anyone, right? This kind of evolution of the PC, first error, when first, mobile first, cloud first, and now we're talking about AI first, right?

And so being able to think about algorithms, and digital data, growth of computing power at massive scales, you know, that's what, know, this, this set of technology is able to achieve for you very fast. And so, you know, what you want to think about, and, you know, RPA is, how do I emulate my humans by workers, take away. The mundane repetitive tasks, free them up to do things more creative, help them, make stronger decisions, jellies, or rules based tasks? You know, these are rules that what you do. And if you're in a call center, and you get an e-mail from up, from a customer, generally follow rules on how they respond to that customer. It might take, you know, a day or two or longer.

Task management structured data, kinda definitive tasks are part of what we're aware of where the sweet spot of RPA is.

But when you begin to combine and combine AI into the RP are hyper automation platform in a combined AI? To be able to be a part of the robotic process. You then began to look at documents. There's unstructured. You know, looking at handwriting, looking at e-mails determining, contexts and e-mail. Wow, is this customer really upset Or? Marginally upset, you know, that those technologies now been, have been, those kinds of capabilities now, are embedded into our platform, Or you might say, well, I'm in the insurance industry, and I want to apply, you know, claims AI from these really great companies or system integrators. You know they've got these data scientists. How do I apply the machine learning models, You know, to my workflow? Well, now, it's really easy.

You essentially, basically, upload the work that the model into UI path, it becomes a skill. You drag and drop that skill into a workflow, and, voila. You are now turning a rules based process into an experienced based process. You're not actually improving the ability to make a decision better based on data, and experience over time, you're able to look at things that are unstructured, or images or pictures and and Determine, you know, context of those, right?

So now you're assisting humans with thinking I, helping them with comp, complex task pattern recognition.

And, like I said, unstructured and semi structured data. So this is what we're pulling together all in our single platform for for hyper automation. So to simplify it, if you don't know how the platform works, There are there are three core components to the platform. And you can download this platform for free on UI path dot com. We've done this for years. We have full community on there. You can get trained and certified based on your role. If you've got employees, perhaps, that, you want to go, say, hey, spend the weekend, go, learn how to use UI Path, really, it is It. Is that easy with the training online, all, free. The ability to download the software, You know, they, you know, we have customers that started off with two employees, over a weekend to solve the problem with, with, with, with UI path, and they were the biggest hit. The biggest, you know, the biggest hit in their company, you know. In a week. So. That's, that's what makes this platform. Great, Studio was a design tool. And we've got multiple versions of studio, based on, if you're a RPA developer or a citizen developer, perhaps you don't know.

Concepts like variables, for examples, was a simpler platform to automate. And a professional version now, actually that includes test automation, so you can actually give them more sophisticated developers, a much more robust end to end RPA, plus test automation, suite Orchestrators the brain's. Once you've built your automation studio, you put it into Orchestrator, you publish the orchestrator. That's either in the cloud or you can run that yourself, and then you can manage that and they'd actually triggers schedules, robots to run that automation. And then it provides the audit trail and the security and credential management. All the things to ensure that the robot worker is is, is secure that is, you know, using the right credentials, that everything's audited. one of the things that Chief Compliance Officer love about our technology is that everything's audited. There's no question and robots do the same exact thing every time, Right. You know, there's, there's no such thing as a row robot. Right.

So these are the three key components of the platform that we introduced over the last few years.

Today, the platform is much, much larger, as I mentioned earlier, we're now investing in a platform, for end to end, hyper automation, that ability to help you. help business analyst within your company discovered the processes. We have a tool called Automation Hub that is awesome, that allows all of your employees to submit automation idea score them and, and it's becomes gamify the ability to find ideas, to help drive productivity in your organization and free up rehab workers. Then there's tools like process mining, that we'll look at processes and find bottlenecks and we'll look at the logs of an sap or salesforce dot com, or watch what's going on on a keyboard. And figure out kind of what we're in. That process are the bottlenecks, that can drive real, real. Roy tools. That actual recording, capture, the task being performed, and turn that into a process, definition, document or PDD, and turn that into a sample file. that x.a.m.l., which feeds our technology, and speeds the ability to implement automation, you know for, for an employee.

I mentioned, multiple versions of studio are designed to our designer. The ability to manage the, the automations with our orchestra technology and the ability to add ML models through our AI fabric. And the ability to do all that in the cloud, with our automation cloud.

What you could do today? Chipotle, was a great example of one that wanted to get started right Away. They went to you, I've had the automation Cloud it. In two weeks, their company had automation is flowing that. we're making them more productive, different kinds of robots. I mentioned, attend an unintended earlier. They're also AI robots to execute ML models on GPUs and testing robots that actually provide the testing of automations in a very efficient way.

There's technologies now that help engage workforce. So we now know now, our goal is to help, again, a vision of robot for every person. So if you're a dispatch worker, and I mean, if you have dispatch workers, we have retail workers or line workers, they can engage and interact with robots. They may not know their robots doing their work form, but they can engage with them in robots now, can stop a process, engage a worker anywhere, get the answer back and continue that process for you. So very sophisticated platform for, you know, for complex process, automation is what's also unfolding.

And Insights is the customized dashboard that you know real time, all their Roi that's being returned by all of your robotic operations.

I mentioned on the AI frankness to show you, in those phases of discovering processes in the phases of helping humanity build and manage. These are examples of where AI has been embedded in our technology set to help solve, you know, in the case of scientifically identifying automations to automate Rachel feed, the pipeline of automation.

That's one of the most important goals of a center of excellence, of your automation, center of excellence. Teaching the robots new AI skills, right?

Whether you upload a custom AI skill, like the insurance example I gave you, or one around conversational understanding, or, or being able to look at certain kinds of document types, and then you're applying those, those, those AI algorithms and models at at, at scale.

I mentioned the automation now. This is a great one to go look online. If you're kind of intrigued by the idea of having every one of your workers in your company be able to submit ideas. Automation Hub is amazing. No cloud based application where all the ideas can be submitted, where an employee can download a capture tool, and it will record what they're doing. It's really funny, gamified that some of our largest customers. Like Microsoft are huge users of, of, of, of, of automation Hub.

Finally, I just wanted to show you an example, I mentioned earlier, that it's that, that UI path can be used it really any, any function. And, and obviously, any, in any industry. Here's just an example in HR, where you're trying to streamline recruiting. Maybe you're trying to accelerate onboarding because you're a retailer and fast moving consumer goods, like, I mentioned earlier, with Amazon.

Or Wal-Mart. And you're looking to improve the processes to help with onboarding right to and improve your process. How you serve your your employees. And you wanted then, obviously, manage the, the ability to manage your workforce. And these are, These are outcomes that actually came out of one of the companies that I mentioned. You know, just by deploying robots in the HR Function, six X increase in throughput for recruiting. Robots actually can look at the resumes, find the sort through, resumes, find the ones that matter, it, can go, check LinkedIn, and that can do all kinds of validations to make sure the resumes are accurate from different sources.

Third party or internal, the onboarding speed, a new employee comes on. This is really great. You all know this. When you enter your new employee. You're entering same data in multiple places, and often as an error in one of those places.

Robots can do the onboarding for you. Take all that data, your data once, put them in all the right systems, manage all that we've been. We've seen outcomes we're onboarding, processes have been sped up by 80%.

Obviously, reducing exceptions and errors is critical, and throttling and managing resources. Look, we can't stress that. The post-crisis reality, you know, speed to transform, is the essence, is of the essence.

And you know, if you're a company right now in HR, where you are in a business, where you, your HR vision, stressed by no new realities of Postcodes, this is an example of how automations can can delight in, in, in, in, in Thrilla, chief human resources officer. So that's my, my presentation, hopefully, that was, gave you a full, inspiring viewpoint on this amazing technology that will both transform your company, but also, transform your workforce and delight your workforce.

And Jose, I'll hand it back to you.

Bobby, this was fascinating. What a great, comprehensive view of the market of the opportunities and the work that you all have been doing. A bit of context, on my own personal experience, I was in 20 16, I was leading a Global program for a energy company, and, at that point, we're just playing around with RPA. You know a bit more like small bullets that, before we find the cannon balls and the estimation, should, they, you know, those, those programs at scale with hundreds of applications. So thank you for for such a comprehensive deal. one of the first questions that I have is what, what have you seen in the marketplace in the next I was going to say the next 12 months. But because the last six months have been so intense.

I'm curious about what developments you have seen in the marketplace from an RPA implementation standpoint other than the speed of the technology itself. What has what has change most significantly in your view?

Well, I think the technology has has has has democratized the ability to have more and more people part of the automation process, right? And I think that's, you know, when you can open that up citizen development is a term and I was on a call just prior to this one with a large organization in, in, in, in their IT, or just wants to democratize automation and open it up to all their employees in a secure, governed way. Well now the technologies are exist. Where it's easier for somebody who knows Excel perhaps now to create an automation. You don't have to really be a programmer. So the democratization, I think, has really made it, opened it up. I think our investments in the discovery side of of, of, of RPA has been key. Because finding the processes to automate scoring them In the first question I ate a company, CEO will ask us, if they're just getting introduced to RPA, is, OK, what process do I do first?

That answer is not. It's, you know, there's no stock answer. That every company does things a little bit differently. We know functions can all benefit dramatically. But what you really want to be able to do is to be able to prioritize and identify those, those, those automations with the greatest potential. I always say find the highest impact, lowest risk ones that make you a hero fast.

And that's, I think, now, the tools are in place to really help people do that in a much more, you know, broad way.

Terrific. Terrific. Danny right card has a question here. He says, Actually, hey, Bob, it's Danny from I to be, Maybe you'll know, Danny. Can you speak to how RPA runs best in an agile environment? And why, even though digital transformation is something that has been around for a long time, he has evolved, and it has forced the RFP process to engage with citizen use in order to force the Automation first mindset, in the digital transformation mindset. So, tell us a little bit about, about how that has happened in the Agile environment.

Yeah, Thanks, Jenny. I use some terms in there that I think, you know, we like automation first.

So you've clearly, you know, this space well, look, I think, what's underestimated and this is, it's kind of funny to me, because, you know, Microsoft goes and buys a small company, the space, Appian bought a small company in this space. Sap.

He bought a small company in this space, and they click, Continue to underestimate this, What, the secret, fundamental key requirement is of, of hyper automation, and that is, UI automation, that ability for a robot, to look at a screen and interact. I mean, you know, this is a human, you can interact with different systems, and you can understand if things change, Or move, when you can understand how to interact with the mainframe system, or with an Excel spreadsheet or, you. know. But but for a robot to look at a screen where the screen elements are all very different, do that with 100% reliability and resiliency. And to do that in a very scalable fashion to do that in a way that you may not know this. But robots, you can work on your machine, and the robots running process doing the same thing on your machine and not interfere with your typing like that. Kind of technology. To do that really well at scale is really hard. And I think that's what is constantly underestimated by a number of the traditional vendors who tried to enter this space.

And it's the technology that you know, has, has made it so that it's actually, know, dependable and reliable to use and, and, and varied. And, you know, for a robot to be able to open an e-mail up, you know, didn't go into a spreadsheet, then, log into salesforce dot com, then, maybe login to one of your, your legacy systems, Run all that entire process for you completely accurately, in a way.

Even if things change smart enough to know, Oh, wow, first name, and last thing that actually got moved to this, this area, OK, no problem, it's still still runs, so, you have many, but far fewer errors because for the AI kicks and I think when that technology was kinda perfected over the last 24 months, that's what really enabled this to take off.

But again, when you think about the areas of automation and integration, and call it what you will, intelligent automation. Or hyper automation, right. The key technology that most of that is most needed for success is and will always be the UI automation part, the other parts. Like AI API integration. That's a very important part of the platform. But that's not rocket science, UI automation actually is rocket science.

Yeah. And Bobby, tell, tell us a little bit about, you know, you mentioned this during your presentation, that I agree with you, if you're not already doing RPA, you're behind. And so, for those who are a bit late in the game, and they're coming in at this stage. What is the strategy for them? What what, what is the best way of getting that, buying the company? But most important? What they can do now that maybe different from the implementation three years ago, how did you get started in a very effective way? It's a great question, and I think, you know, in 20 17, 2018, a lot of the success was grassroots meaning bottoms up. You would have some area of finance organization or you know, controller would drive to. Say: I've got I've got to do something differently. I've got to transform, and this is the only way I can do it. Right, So they kind of drove at grassroots.

But now what we're seeing, and I just they just we just signed a retailer but was more of a more of a laggard on the east coast of a laggard and adopting. And I was a part of this one, and they, they brought CEO, CFO, Controller, and Chief Experience Officer, Customer Experience Officer, all to the table, and now it's top level, top-down driven, right? And when it's top-down driven, and it's, you know, at sea level driven, you think about things in a much bigger way, you think about.

So, we have these now Value Engineers, and we have this ability to go in and tell me, And with our partners, you know, like an Accenture, Wire, Deloitte, or others, we can go in and have that full conversation. about what. What, you know, here's how you should invest. Don't just do a proof of concept anymore, that takes too long. Here's the minimum amount you need to have here. The tools and pieces you need, OK? Here's a timeline that makes sense. And what you have to do is a C level, to drive this.

And I, you know, I think that's, the good thing is, we know all those pieces right now. The key is, for this, you know, the C levels, to have that, that automation, first mindset, that was mentioned by Danny earlier.

You have that mindset in place. And it gets exciting. And like I mentioned earlier, to have, you know Fortune 100 company Ad at a board member because she provided RPA experience when those CEOs recognize that the results are our transformational to accompany. So I think it's it's you know And we can help with that. Now mean now fortunately pandemic has has has caused this accelerators. It's not a surprise to anyone that we talk to you now that this is a C level discussion that the biggest challenge people have is you got to demystify a bit, you know, Microsoft buying a small little company, you know that that is is, it's upscale doesn't mean that suddenly they can give you a hyper automation platform. So, it's a great company. They're a partner in a customer, But it's important to know, you wanna go with a platform to get, you know, time to value, is the key here. And you don't, Your, your digital transformation, can't wait a year, two years, or three years now.

And so, fortunately, we've got 3000 employees, you know, all around the world, and they would be happy to help help drive that conversation.

Bobby, congratulations on the, on the, on the success of the company. The phenomenal growth, you have experience And there are some good reasons behind that. Last big tip here for, for our audience, what is the best place that they can go to, to learn more, to maybe get some training, you mention some of these resources during your presentation. Whereas the go to place that they can go through, right? now, to learn more about the, about, not only the application, but also deployment and the, and the, and get in touch with the company.

The best places UI Path Academy, if you just want to Google search and go straight there and that's the easiest that's you know, there are millions of people who've gone through our Academy who certified Its role based too so maybe for different roles you can learn, even watch videos you can learn, you can get certified. There's advanced tracks But you know that's a great way for somebody to really learn. There's a whole community that you can engage. All of this is democratized no cost. Free. And certainly if you go to our website and you hit the contact us form, we generally respond in you know a matter of a couple of hours. And and it's amazing. We get you know hundreds of thousands of new visitors a month and so the popularity of our site is just tremendous, and I should probably close Also. With money it's exciting to me is the universities are adopting this technology.

When you I live in the Washington, DC area, there are four major universities in the area of University of Maryland, George Mason, Virginia Tech, and and we're married. All of them, their business schools, are deploying this technology to their students. When their students graduate from business schools over the next two years, most important tool that they will come to the workforce with is not Excel. It's not SQL Server anymore, it's RPA and UI path, and, you know, that they're using the same academies as well, so everybody's open to everybody.

This is fantastic, enough time, there were so many are looking for Upskilling themselves, But this is a tremendous resource, Babied, so grateful to have you join your, join us, and share your insights and expertise on the technology, on the industry, on the cultural aspects of implementation. Thank you so much for that, Thank you Jose, Great to be here.

Thank you, well, ladies and Gentlemen, that was Bobby Patrick from UI Path, Terrific presentation. Great insights, great resources for each one of us to go learn more upscale ourselves during a time of rapid change in the marketplace for organizations and professionals alike. So, I'm going to close the segment now, and we're gonna start back up with the last segment of the day, and then the last segment of the day. We're going to have LogMeIn talking about the dividends of empathy, and value of change, management, towards the future of work. So, you do not want to miss our last session today. I'll see you back at the top of the hour.

About the Author

Bobby Patrick,
Chief Marketing Officer,

Bobby Patrick is CMO of UiPath, the fastest growing and leading provider of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and AI software worldwide. In this role, he leads global marketing strategy and execution as UiPath continues to usher in the “Automation First Era,” helping businesses of all sizes digitize everyday business operations and apply AI to drive true digital transformation. A technologist at heart, Patrick has driven significant growth in technology businesses for over two decades, ranging from Fortune 50 to start-ups.  

Patrick has driven significant growth in technology businesses for over two decades, ranging from Fortune 50 to start-ups. He most recently served as CMO for Hewlett Packard Enterprise’s multi-billion-dollar Cloud business. Patrick was responsible for global branding, product marketing, communications and demand generation to deliver on the company's strategic growth imperatives. He served previously as CMO for Basho, GXS (acquired by OpenText), and Digex (acquired by Verizon). Patrick began his career at the FBI as a computer specialist at the age of 16.