Business Transformation & Operational Excellence Insights

UiPath Webinar - WEBINAR SPOTLIGHT: The New Era of Automation – Building Solutions Employees Love

Written by BTOES Insights Official | Apr 7, 2021 11:30:26 AM

Courtesy of UiPath's Brandon Nott, Equifax's Jairo Quiros, UiPath MVP's Tracy Dixon & Cognizant's Krishnan Iyer, below is a transcript of the webinar session on 'The New Era of Automation - Building Solutions Employees Love' to Build a Thriving Enterprise.

Session Information:

The New Era of Automation - Building Solutions Employees Love

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) has expanded from the back office (unattended automation) to be front and center on employee's desktops (attended automation), helping to usher in a new level of productivity.  The robot streamlines work and removes repetitive and mundane tasks, allowing people to focus on the work that has the highest impact.
This shift from unattended to attended automation with UiPath is straight-forward, as both approaches use the same code and governance model.  However, with attended automation Centers of Excellence (COE) and developers must also consider the user experience and how the robot and human will work together in real-time.
Join UiPath and our customers to learn about five different styles of attended automation and hear first-hand from the industry leaders about the techniques they use to drive adoption.  We will explore various attended use cases and discuss why certain features are essential to delivering robust, intuitive automation that employees love.

Session Transcript:

The agenda here is, I'm going to share some material with you about building attended automations in particular and how, both from a developer standpoint.

And from a business standpoint, we should think about these automations.

So, I will go ahead and share my, my presentation here.

And what we're, what we're seeing is this idea that that not all automations get built the same way.

Sometimes when we think about attended automation, we think about just keyboard presses and mouse clicks. But the reality is, is that we have a bunch of different design patterns or different methodologies that we can use. So we're going to explore some of that.

And then we're going to ask our panelists to come in and help further give some examples of success stories and challenges that they've experienced.

So the first scenario is the most classic one that we have, it's the hands off attendant automation scenario.

Typically, you have a process, it can be automated, but the robot needs to take control of the mouse and keyboard. So you stop using the mouse and keyboard as the robot processes, this information or executes on your behalf.


In this scenario, you're happy, typically to give up a few seconds of time with your computer if the robot can do something much faster and much more accurately than you can, But it's not the only scenario, right?

As we come into the side-by-side situation, We have different opportunities for the robot to work in parallel to you on your computer. We can use features like picture and picture, where the robot has its own copy of your desktop in order to run. While you still work on on your activities, we can also use the simulate type and click and send Windows messages commands.

All of these things enable the robot to work behind the scenes so that you're not interrupted.

Then, we have this idea of interactive in Engage or an interactive automations, right?

And this is where the robot and the human are working together through, out the process in order to accomplish the, the activity, right?

So, what can, can happen here, and I'm just seeing a quick chat here.

Just to clarify. We're going to be using our questions section, my mistake at the onset, so don't, don't look for the chat. Look for that question section within the interface there. So in our interactive scenario, here we have a couple different things that we can do, We can bring the robot bring, have the robot bring information to you. So an example here might be, I work in a call center.

There's three different systems that I engage with while I'm on a call.

The robot can go into those different systems and bring information to me and surface it.

In our apps platform, it can give me a console that I can use and I don't even need to interact with those systems or can use forms and callouts. Forms are the in process capability. We have to surface information.

And then the second half of that story is how do I disposition that information. Once I, once I'm looking at something, I want to tell the robot to go update those systems or submit that request, right? And then we've got some of these other capabilities, where we have a JavaScript SDK.

We have some customers that want to embed the robot into their applications, and have the robot essentially showing interface within something that already exists for them.

This is another option.

We can also have reminders, and, or, or change a website using our inject Js capabilities, so that the robot is, is actually working with the human in order to augment that experience and execute something faster.

I'll come back around to this in a minute. But the idea here is that it's not just the robot working on its own.

But now, the human and the robot are working together throughout the process either bringing information in or disposing disposition and information and pushing it back into those other systems.


my favorite scenario is the event driven scenario, and this is another capability here, where the robot is waiting on the human to take an action. So, an example here might be, you're working along, and then you go to submit a report, or take an action by clicking on a button in a system.

The robot can see that you're taking that action, and then actually intervene. It, may, it may give you the option for the robot to complete that task for you, or it might do an inline QC check.

And validate that information is there, and before you make that submission.

So this idea that, that the robot doesn't have to be something that the person is thinking about, that it can be ever present.

And taking actions on the user's behalf is a really powerful concept.

Then, finally, we have inter-connected.

And this is the idea, especially as we get more complex and more robust in our rollouts, you might have multiple attended processes running simultaneously.

You might have unintended and attended processes running in hybrid automation.

So, inter-connected gives us the ability to leverage these multiple processes and to leverage our unintended implementations to put the processing where it can be most efficient. A great example of this is when, back in that call center, you've got somebody with an SLA, let's say, to complete a submission to make that request.

But if that same SLA doesn't exist, in order to actually process it, maybe there's a 24 hour turnaround on the processing.

So maybe you use attended automation to make the request and you use unattended automation in order to do that processing.

So, across these different patterns here, you've got capabilities that you can use. And, don't look at this like, a, An either or. An automation.

Doesn't have to be just one automations the best automations often end up taking elements from each of these different patterns and then threading them together and as business users, as leaders, as users as developers, it's incumbent upon us to think about how the robot can work and what the best way, what the best capabilities, whether it's a pattern or a specific functionality, how do we bring this to life?

Because after, at the end of the day, users have to enjoy doing this. They have to see the value, and the more that we can fit the features and functionalities to the experience, this is where we, we create the value and we, we drive that usage, and we drive the love of automation that we're looking for.

So with that, I would really like to welcome my guests today. If you would, please, join me. We have an amazing panel.

And what's, what's really exciting about the, I'm sorry, before we welcome the panel, I, you get, please, stay on, but we do have a quick survey for you and if we can load that up, and it's, it's just one question.

And as we talk about scaling, as we talk about how we grow within our organization, this is a chance for us, too.

Um, this is a chance for us to get a bit of a sense of where the audience is at, so if you could find the poll item within the, the webinar, you see that we have one poll in progress, and this is really around where you might be experiencing some friction.

So, please take a moment, find that poll section, uh, tell us, you know what, what you're experiencing. We'll keep it open for NaN or so, so that we can get some good responses.

And then throughout our discussion, we can talk a little bit about those responses, what we're seeing, and maybe some thoughts around how to approach them.

So, we're doing really great, we've got about a third of the audience that has come in and given us some some feedback here.

Please find that that poll Quest, that whole section within that interface.

And take just one minute to tell us where you're starting to experience some friction.

All right. We're, we're well over half.

halfway there. Let's go ahead and, and take a look.

OK, so it looks like the company deploying Robots is our biggest blocker here and, and that makes sense. Certainly it's it's difficult to get started there.

And After that, our second, our second biggest issue is having company resources to help get you started, So That's that's excellent that that makes sense. And then finally, finding those relevant use cases.

So when, sometimes, when we talk about RPA, we talk about cognitive blockers with that, that stop us from progressing. We talk about organizational blockers, getting those, those robust processes there. So, we will be able to look at that. So, now please.

I would like to invite the panelists to join us.

And what I love about our our section today is we have very different perspectives coming together to talk about some of these experiences and building automations and using automations and driving that experience that that employees love. So, Tracy, you're one of our MVPs and thank you for joining us today. Please, would you, would you take a moment and just tell us about your journey and what? Where you are right now with the RPA?

Sure. So I am a UI path MVP and a certified developer. I have a great passion for helping others do meaningful work. I do work with it, centric consulting, I lead our operational excellence practice in Miami.

I work a lot with the health care industry. The first robot I built helped hospice patients get the fastest bedside care faster than was humanly possible.

Thank you. I really do love that That story? Krishnan.

Thank you for joining us. Christian in your your as a partner, you both have internal and external peer review into how RPS being built. You have your own practice and you're helping other customers. Thank you. Could, could you take a moment and tell us a little bit about your journey, and where you're at today?

Short random.

So, I worked with Cognizant, and I had the digital business operations for them, and automation is part of the business unit. I run, so we also, we provide a lot of automation, So is this declines globally? And it's probably one of the most fastest businesses that we have growing.

And very interestingly, you know, the number of attended bots are an attendant bots have been growing significantly. And we have leverage all the tools that UI Path, especially offers. And we also have driven a lot of automation, in our operations. So close to around 15,000 bucks. I'm going across the globe, which we monitor at any given point of time, So that's about happy to talk to.

Some of the experiences are some bad.

Ira, I'm not sure that we can hear. you.

Know, I think you were with me. Or you, but I didn't. I didn't, I didn't hear you. Well. You were talking about me, so that's good. Or bad. But you for a while. And I've worked with UI, so first of all, thank you. For inviting me, I lead the Global Shared Services Organization at every fax.

And being part of a global organization. We're also, I'm also responsible in me and my team, about leading RPA efforts across the globe.

So, started the process. Very early. Themes for 4.5 years ago, with the, you know, kind of holding hands with UI path, and all the folks that, you know, that we worked with in the past. And, you know, when we started the journey, we were already doing automation, but we didn't, we didn't didn't have the opportunity to scale it in the way we have. We have done it over the past few years.

So today, you know, we are deploying, and our goal is to deploy mobile robots, and keep them running this year, over the course of the past four years.

I think we've deployed, just because of the nature of shared services with deployed this robotic solution across multiple functions and processes, from business operations, to finance, to security and technology, and many other applications, and use cases. So happy to be here. Happy to talk about then, out of measuring how that is changing the world for Equifax.

That's great. Thank you so much. So, Highroad, let's, let's jump right in with you.

As you've looked at your ex employee experience, you've, you've been doing this for awhile, you've seen different patterns, different attempts to engage employees, how receptive have your employees been to engaging with the digital workforce?

Yeah, that's a great question, so.

So, Brian, and I think when we started the journey for years ago, a lot of the efforts we did concentrated on building and scaling RPA was around on it in animation.

The thought process there was we were able to kind of remove big chunks of work and then have bots running on the background and then allowing that capacity to be redeployed somewhere else.

But, you know, particularly when we talk about RPA, digital resistance was one of the first things that we put in our agenda. As we were developing the program, we knew from scratch that we're gonna get resistance from people When you talk about automation you took about the things that people don't like to hear, you know, so, and we have a saying here like, you know, we don't we don't we're not we're not building the Terminator here.

I mean, we're building bots to help you, right in.

one thing is to say, another thing is to really, you know, take it into your culture, and then make people understand that automation is good for them. So, fear of losing my job, you know, hesitation about sharing my knowledge, those key things.

You know, we tackle the beginning, but I think a little bit of the challenge that we have, uh, was that animation was not really visible to people.


And I think we, at the animation, kinda brings that, brings that up, and, you know, allows for our people to really see, know, the possibilities and really kind of experience the benefits of working in tandem with the digital workforce. Right. So in one of the key things that we discussed at the time was, and we failed miserably, I have to admit is that because of the lack of visibility people didn't know. Right in because they didn't know what's happening. You know, there really wasn't, you, know, engage our, you know, in using the automation is totally, you know, Of course, if you don't use it use or don't use it, or they don't want to use it, then the program could be very successful. But then, it will fail. Because it is really about the combination of human.

And in, And bought, and I'll say that today, things have changed.

We've learned a few lessons.

one of the key things that we, you know, we've learned over time, is that you have, you built your ratio.

You have to design to improve user experience versus process improvement itself, which kind of represents it has some challenges.

But if you don't take into account what your users, and what your employees and your people are telling you about what their pains are, then as you develop your solution or decide your solution, you might fall, you may fall into traps, right.

So, building from, how can I improve your life, make your life easier? You can translate that to, how can I, how can I make consumers and customers lives easier if my people can do a better job by using these tools.

And since that day, that information has a very visible way, you know, for people to understand that what they do now is more powerful with it, with the help of automation, then it becomes to get into there, heart, right. And then is easier for you as you embrace culture.

So, then, people is, engage, you know, with you in your automation journey.

Yeah, that makes so much sense and no talking. It doesn't always go perfectly correct. Right? No, IT implementation does write. Some sometimes are, hiccups along the way.

And it sounds like there's some very valuable lessons there from engaging with employees and then understanding what they're looking for, how, what their expectations are, and Tracy and your work.

I'm, I'm curious what, when things go, right? when customers are Take the right approach? And employees are engaged. What does that look like? What are some of the tactics that are used?

So we always like to start out with a workshop that ideally looks like a half day, and bringing groups from different areas together to teach them what does automation look like. Like you said, it doesn't look like cyberdyne systems.

It's innocuous. I'd like to show an automation I built at home that goes and grabs my children's grades because it doesn't take anyone's job.

People know what grades look like in e-mails asked for children.

I was the worst, 15 minutes of my day, seven different classes, for kids, It was terrible, but they look at that. They see the grades being sent.

It's a minute and a half, and they think, oh, this makes sense, this is just, you know, key clicks and mouse strokes, uh, then, we walk through what that is, what it means, and then we, we use a calculator and each person talks about some of the difficulties they have in their processes in their group, and they make a case for some of that.

The issues that they're having, and what we walk away with, at the end of the day, is a candidate process, or two.

Usually a couple of problems solved, aside from the automation, where somebody's got plans to meet with someone else, just aside from everything else.

And 1 or 2 things, where the group has picked together, what they think are the best candidates, This calculator of additional backlog of processes, and cheerleaders, and all the different departments, at the end of the day that understand what automation is and they don't think that it's going to take their jobs.

So, it's an organizational change management effort.

We think that's what that looks like if people are not scared of it and they're gladly willing for automation to come in and solve these different process problems for them.

That makes sense, and hire own Tracy, You've done a great job of illustrating from the employees perspective what this starts to look like and how do we how do we approach the employee kind of in service of that Krishnan as as the leader in your internal practice?

What does the other angle look like? What does success look like from, from a leadership standpoint, from a COO standpoint?

So, one of the key things, the mantra that we that we said was, how can every person have a digital assistant to do their jobs better and also to earn more money because you'll also pay by the number of transactions processed.

So, if you are able to make more money, use it.

Bought it, endangered, boogers job faster and more accurately, right. You can earn more money so you appeal to, you know, that, that sends it, it just makes more sense, right? So that is one.

So democratizing digital was a big key.

And we said, how can people progress from processing data on data crunching?

two more insights, like, to get more insight, so I think that is one.

The second journey was in terms of transaction based money, and we kind of wrapped it all on the democratizing digital team.

And that's where the whole concept of no attended automation and how can we kind of drive the culture? And it's all about culture.

Nice, As the other panelists have said.

You know, it's that it's simple, it's not, you don't need to be afraid of it, but it's also about, how do you build a culture?

And that's something which we are trying to build across a 40,000 member unit across the globe.

And, you know, and that's a journey we started, and we actually are some good initial success just kind of catching on.

That's great. It's really interesting. Because the more that we talk about automation capabilities and the advancements that we're making, the more and more of this becomes a human story. It, it's, it's this interesting arc at I'd like to open it up to the whole panel.

As you, as you think about the journey that your employees are going on, that chair departments are going on, and Krishnan. you really, you really touched on it.

How is this impacting culture, how is this impacting the way that people are working together in or outside of the context of automation?

So I think it's also the customer demands, right? In terms of the end to end and service customer Can you to do things faster? Farming can do things cheaper for me.

Can you do it in a more effective way?

And primarily, everything that we say like every automation that we do at the end or unattended, we look at three things, either it should reduce my risk, increase my client expedience, reduce my cost.

And, and what we, what we've said is, every person should be able to we've taken a 40% increase in efficiency over the next few years. It's every person, if they're able to want to transition to the candidate 1.14. And we're gradually said 1 to 1.1, 5 this year, next year, and another 15% extended.

And we taken all this bought examples in one area, and we showcased it. kind of celebrating the success that having people talk about it.

They're having bought face, or people come and talk about, and talk about the case studies, and reward them with beta in the culture that anybody who copies a bot, which is developed by others, will get rewarded.

We also embedded in a culture that, you know, if you if we develop a book, I mean, if you need to get promoted, unity developer barkley's right?

So I think couple of those things in Barton and obviously are rewarding and celebrating and giving off and that's kinda look simple things you know having up giving a t-shirt.

Giving Buttercups right.

But this trying to convey that and even it's harder right Brandon and in virtual environment I mean and having barcodes distributed and have you built a bot and so on and so forth right? So people people love it.

That's great Highroad Tracy what, how do you see culture being impacted by automation?

So what I would say is you know, I heard you know Tracy and Krishna talk about same. Same things. You know, this is, this is about how do you, how do you influence people.

And you know, how do you evolve, you know, with people to achieve your goals. And I think robotics. And RPA is just one way to achieve that, but that is an excellent way because it's very tangible.

So, I think, you know, when we talk about culture, change management, like Tracy was mentioning, is critical. Getting people involved earlier in the process. Like I said, when we started, the journey was about, Hey, let's hit the right, right. We need to save costs, right, or, we need to demonstrate financially that we could save costs.

But, uh, you know, in reality, in order to engage people, like, I give an example.

You know, we have a process that is very good process for us, where we help mortgage, you know, lenders and financial institutions help their customers, right?

As they're looking for getting a loan, which, you know, most times translates to kinda lead the one time project over the lifetime, right, for many of our customers, customers.

And 1, 1 of the things that we did is that we have approached the team, and we found out that our, you know, our analysts, they were spending a lot of time, like 20, 15 minutes, just gathering data from the different systems.

Just getting ready to make this phone call, where we're going to talk to the banker, the processor. They were going to have a conference calls with very complex, go on a structure call.

But the intent was to get everybody on board towards one goal, which is what was was going to help no, customer of our customer, get what they wanted, or what they were expecting, or what they're required.

So, but no aspect of that, time to analyze it. Then, we also realized that it was not only that the call and the actual work was complex, but also after the call, they have to spend like, another 15 minutes.

Just kind of getting all the information on the call, making all the different changes in the different systems, so that the actual work can be allocated. And then fulfilling. Like, for instance, a credit file can be sent. Credit file can be sent to the financial institution, predict for them to make a decision. So, that process was really, really difficult and very hard to teach and hard to execute. So when we build the solution, we build out an attendant solution. And they, you know, as we engage the team, they call it ... because, we're, You know, we're creating like Matrix the movie, right?

So, they put the name to the bot and by naming the bot, because the intent was to get information from three different major systems in an update in those systems. You know, really kinda getting their head, right, And they put all sort of fancy articles, you know, in our internal website, and the richer, sharing stories about, you know, how good it was. So, having that one case where you can really focus on improving the experience And people really calming backup management.

And other teams say, hey, this is great, you know now long, way more productive. I don't have to spend 20 minutes just building to stop the bug gets it for me. Get ready. And now I can jump on the phone, really helped my customer. And then at the end, I just said to the bot, Hey, here's what you need to do rather than blood goes and executes. So, that removes a lot of the complexity of the process, makes life way much easier and helps with culture. because you want people to follow right. You want people to replicate the good experience and also learn from the failures. failures, like I said at the beginning but really apply in those learnings and then, you know, coming up with a good story.

And I think on the other side of that I've seen clients where good communication hasn't happened at the project level.

And there are people sitting in chairs that learned that robots are coming through the grapevine and are scared to death.

And so they, I've seen them compete with the robots while they're, you know, being tested out and are truly, Yeah, completely thinking that they're going to lose their job any day, and things be taken over by robots. So, I think it's important to communicate proactively about it. We know that the statistics are there, that attrition is better in the end.

But if it's communicated properly, it can be done really well.

If it's not, it can go very much, not good for that entire team, and people are very fearful of what's coming.

I think on the whole, at an organizational level, culture wise, we know that there will be a shift over the next 10 years to far more technical skills being required and organizations.

And I think that the numbers are 90% plus as far as technical, more technical workers required to support bots. And then we definitely will need to hire more. Folks that have good emotional skill sets, good emotional support on the other end of that.

So the call center workers won't just be typing away and doing those administrative tasks because bots will be taking us over.

So still need to make sure that to hire for those skill sets.

That makes a lot of sense. A couple of themes. From, from the questions. And thank you, everybody, for contributing to that one around use cases and examples of where we can find great automations mentioned in there is a link to our marketplace where we have code that you can download.

We've got about 15 different processes that you can download right now.

Load, load them up.

Our aim there is to make them as generic as as possible, so that people who don't have experienced building robots can have something that that can get them started.

Maybe it's an 80% solution or 100% solution in some places, and also, I'd like to ask the panelists maybe something, you know, really quick, if, if, if you could go back and do it all over again, What's what's the very first process that you would implement Krishnan If if, if you could rewind the clock, where would you start?

I think I see there are.

Initially, when we, when we also embarked on this idea of citizen development.

one of the things we embarked on this training every single person and operations on, on Box, right? So we, and we said, because he wanted to democratize digital, if he wanted everybody to develop bulbs, and we soon realized that it may not be everybody's cup of tea to do that. Right. I mean, even though it has become much more simpler, so on and so forth, you still need. So, what we did was we created a bunch of quality was. If so, why do we trained everybody?

I think we should have created the power users a little early.

So, I think one other thing was creating a small power user community.

You find people in, your team will have both operational and a little bit of texting can an Indonesian creating that small power user group, who can then, you know, operating barks, and kind of beta T of transformation.

Somebody from the, the automation team, as also the operations they're sending, a crew has a tag bent of mind.

And then, once they do it for one particular process in pairs, again, replicating in every pair.

You do it in 188 RCM, replicate the same example or lending. one example in procure to pay, you do it everywhere.

So that way, the library grows and you have more broad based agile way of delivery.

So which kind of accelerates the way you can deliver it and also create a positive.

It's obviously, we use the automation hub V two app UI Path had for creating the repository of ideas. one of the things probably would have done differently than six months ago. But it's monitored with UI path, availability of past capture and stuff like that.

But, I think now, with the inability of tools, like, capturing data mining, you could, you could get a list, oh, idea is much earlier, you know, in the industry, right? So, before, getting, going down this automation journey, I've heard, potentially, and I would call, it, more, like, process engineering, if you will.

Deploy, processing engineering tools, which are, which are basically two things.

one, is the task discovery, at a desktop level, which, you could use, using things like bass capture, plus also process mining, which primarily takes application, log, N, comes up with a button.

And then when you combine both, you also kind of find out and encourage people to find out, hey, what are the ideas that come bases that, you know, what are the things you can potentially automate, or reduce the cycle time, etcetera, and also very clearly defined the matrix.

Brandon, one of the things was also, what is the purpose of doing?

What are you drank the tea and very clearly articulating that value proposition was waiting for? So these are some of the things we did, and some of the things probably viewed differently using some of the discovery tool once the benefit of having those now.

So people starting on their journey, but probably be able to use them.

That makes sense. If you could rewind, if you could rewind the clock, what, where would you start? What would be your first process?

So, that's interesting question, And I don't know if I would no, change a few things, but I know the way we started in the blind.

And they, how we were doing things different.

Like I said, we're focused on early on, on, on attended automation, so you know, we've deployed you know, a lot of attended attended now and finance processes.

Things such as cash applications or reconciliations are very easy, wants to do or where financial analysts can can rely on on the bot. And they can keep on doing some other things. You know, I think contact centers is a big big area where we started late in the process. So, to me, I would've.

Perhaps started there because there's, there was a lot of there is still a lot of potential as we were dealing with specific problems.

We were trying to focus marilee on reducing kind of the work that was non value added, right?

Which I think that's a good way to start, and, but, but, you know, as we were mature in our journey, we realized that it wasn't it was more about what real business issue you want to solve, right?

So what we found use cases that big with that sort of attention from, from executives and that sort of pressure. From the business, we were able to really maximize and accelerate the effort.

Where we would deploy it, and that's where attended comes into play because we now have a way to deploy, you know, hundreds of bots, you know.

Instead of replying, just want bought for a specific process that you may, it or may not generate value for smaller unit. And, you know, perhaps that was the right way to do things when we started. But, in reality, what I think is, you know, focusing on what's the best business, No problem, you're trying to solve. If you find an opportunity where you can learn how to master this, and deploy that will, really draw attention towards you, and then, of course, you can find the resources that you need to start your journey, make it a sustainable process.

And, of course, bringing up the culture. So, that's why I would change if I had to change something when we start.

It makes a lot of sense. Hindsight's, always 2020, right.

two quick side note here, First, thank you for the questions. I would encourage the audience, if you have specific questions that you would like to point towards one of our panelists or a specific topic scenario, please don't hesitate to put those in. And I would love to get specific and dig in a little bit more to some of these responses and topics.

So so Tracy was as hiring Krishna talked about their initial starts into two automation and what they've learned, what they might have changed. What's your experience working directly with CEOs, leaders? And what you know, you've heard a little bit of a shifting of mindset, right? If I, if I had done this differently.

Right. There, it's a learning path.

How for you, over time, have you been able to influence leaders to think differently, to approach these new set of capabilities.

So I know that RPA is its own different animal, for sure. So so going into a client that is first learning about RPA in the project team. There's definitely an education process on RPA being its own different animal. that the team doesn't really know what to expect. They know the typical software development life cycle.

Um, and so you definitely have to walk through how RPA is a beast of its own.

And how things are a bit different than the standard SCLC that they might come to expect. So requirements are different, they're a bit more specific.

It's not a standard user story. They are step by step instructions.

We need to know every mouse click every keystroke every single screen, much more granular detail because we have to mimic that with the automation.

So more detail than they're typically used to.

Testing is different.

The user will not be performing all of those things, the automation well, so it's a lot of watching what the robot performs.

A lot of reviewing, perhaps, what the robot did over the weekend, and verifying that it did that properly, and the results of that. So that's definitely a different process than what they may be used to, or the QA teams not doing all of the things and testing.

So a lot more observation.

The idea of production access, that is just, you know, security teams to collapse their hearts.

So just explaining all that, getting people to think differently, but at great benefit.

You know, automation projects are typically a lot less expensive than custom software development.

If we talk, say, modernization, the price tag on that 10 years ago, is a lot more then, bringing in a license for UI path these days, which is a much smaller price tag.

And, there, We're not having to go replace mainframe systems and pay for very expensive, mainframe developers, so, it comes with great benefit, but it certainly has a whole different spin on unthinking.

There's definitely an education process.

Yeah, that, that makes so much sense, and, We do have a question from the, the audience here, and it looks like, I'm not the only person that, that, really is, you know, amaze intrigued with your hospice example.

Could you take a minute and just walk us through what that process did and maybe also what you observed, as you walked in, I mean, the, you know, these, these processes come from inspiration, they come from somewhere. Right. So, just spend a couple of minutes on that.

Sure. So, the, the end of life care process is typically a hospital based process.

So when one qualifies for that type of service, there's a physician referral process, and a social worker is involved, and they're typically using some type of tooling, and a referral is sent out, too, providers of that service.

And, uh, then, electronic communication is sent out that says, hey, can you guys provide this service, too, whichever providers are selected by that social worker.

And so, um, obviously the providers for these different services, they may choose, one, they may choose many, sometimes the first, to reply back when, and sometimes they may send it to many, and the families may talk with a number of different parties.

And so, yeah, obviously, you want to have teams that can respond to that quickly.

Sometimes some of the providers may have someone for very large organizations on-site, already down the hallway, ready, and able to help those families.

But usually, there's only 2 or 3 weeks, is the average time that they have to be around after the point that there's a referral.

So, in this case, that they had human teams, 24 hours a day, all day long, ready, and willing to accept those referrals on behalf of the provider of those services.

And so, the automation, based on that referral coming through on this third party website, the human team at that point all day long, was checking that website 24 hours a day, three different teams of people around the clock, that was their job to check this website for this information.

And so, we, we took that process from 8 to 10 minutes for the human team diligently checking that all day long, just three to NaN.

And so, not only did we grab that information, but we further that to also go create a chart, grab the information, put it in the electronic medical record system, send a text message to the provider that might be also down the hallway, or they can be walking down to that patient's bedside and say, we're here. How can we help? Let's talk about your options. Let's get them the help that they need right away.

It's such a touching story. I think a lot of people have experienced hospice.

And those scenarios, and I don't know if there's a better example of where that human touch and the human interaction supported by robots, and on the back end. It just rings. So, true. So, so important. Thank you for sharing that.

Another question that that's come in is about that culture of fear of being replaced by Robots and Krishna. And, you know, I love what you said develop A robot is A, prerequisite to getting the promotion.

You know, There's this, you've gone from fear of robots to you can't, You can't continue. Without the robots. So, maybe, what does that look like in your organization, And what are some of the tactics that you've used to shift that, that cultural perspective?

Let's see, we had two. So, we made all the training three, right? So, one was, everybody gets a certificate.

And when you go for a formal training, we created power users in every, in every team. So, there's a, there's a, there's a power user for every hundred 50 people. So, we had that community going. And then we had communities formed, right?

Specifically, in terms of, whether it's the health care for the health care group, within healthcare specific to payer and provider, and then, again, created the F&A groups, which are very specific. Procure to pay the court reporter to cache. So the folks who are working in those little **** together looked at what other people are doing for some climbed and then replicate some of those. So it's basically all to learn from each other.

And then when the people see, Hey, somebody's, would there, somebody share their story, right? See, why can't I implement, right? And obviously, they see the recognition that other person is getting. So it's also good motivation, right? And then they also share their success stories About how they're able to do that will foster get more time for the better analytics, make more impact that the client.

So we make employee the center of this thing.

Obviously, when you do these, you save cost, you have better experience, and you have lower risk, But it's all about it's all about making employee the centerpiece of this, and that's, I think, that's, that's the beginning of the entire genetic transformation.

It's a long haul, it's a long haul. I mean, doing it across various sites, it is mutations various Industry verticals. It's taken a year, the join me, I wouldn't say it's over.

It's still gettys on, and we need to continue to be at it. And now, it's acquired a meaning of its own momentum of its own.

So, it's almost become a way of doing things sort of culture in the middle, and as it becomes a culture where Then they see people getting rewarded mm hummed.

It's funny, because we hear time and time again that that seeing the robot work, right, that that giving you the context almost immediately let some of the pressure out of the system.

Right, That it's the when it's an unknown quantity, That's that's where people will start making up their own narratives.

And I'll give you an idea to give a simple example, Right? I mean, we have banking, financial services.

Looking for various claims, Simple things, right? Bank statement download, right?

Using things like that bot can trigger the bank login page, enter the credentials, and the required on all of it, and see it as a statement of the folder, and send it to the required people, Simple things like that. Right.

But even then, I mean, that's the same thing that can be replicated.

Take, take a specific example in the, in the payment space, and you just keep on replicating it.

Then it kind of picks up, picks up, you ask somebody who's really looking forward to entering their timesheet this pay period. You usually don't get people jumping up and down.

Things like that.

They would gladly give them away, or please my expense report asked about each task. They will volunteer.

So those things, they gladly give away 1 by 1.

Yeah, so in our case, in our case, we, we weird, dress that similar, sit in a similar fashion, in which involves education and change management to practices that go hand in hand as we would do this. So early on, in our process, we recruited people with that sort of expertise. So our CEO is not only conformed by developers or support specialists.


So we have a cross functional practice where we have training experts, technical writers, and people that can, you know, make this sort of complex technological uh, framework easier for people to understand, right?

So, we've built the training curricula, so we're now having Workday, RPA awareness, or anybody who wants to understand what it is, where we put videos in, and they can see what's, what's doing and what's not do. And, we also built out a, an operating framework in which we have creating an Automation Champion network in order to promote cultural adoption across the globe, right?

So, it's not only about what I do since I sometimes where, you know, most times where my dual had, about what I do in my organization because I'm responsible. So, it's not like I tell them, Hey, go and do it. And they, they do it. Now, it's about adopting it.

And then replicating the model in other organizations outside. That's the challenge.

So, with the Automation Chapter Network, we have people that are, you know, embedded into in the business unit that they are passionate about this topic that they're charged with materials.

And they become that sort of ambassador to recruit others, from managers, to frontline employees, about what this is and what benefits can bring to you as he create capacity. And, of course, as we implement these use cases all over the world, change management, like in the example that I gave you.

Like, you know, working with them, with a specific operational teams, let them named about, you know, late lead them, design, they use the user flow, Especially unintended animation, help us overcome some of the issues that we had before where we were doing the financial analysis. And because of attended automation is, you know, kind of automate parts, and pieces of the work of a person is harder for you to sometimes capture that and translate that into a financial metric, right? So, then, we have to work with different animation, champion network, to help out with different businesses. Understand that, this, is not only about financial benefit, Yes: It is, but, it's not all the time.

No, is about improving quality.

Making sure our compliance is, you know, is being executed in that we improve those those controls. Making sure that, You know, we're only humans so that our agents have sort of a framework in which they help them prevent from from error making, Which sometimes causes a lot of cost to the company.

So, the cost of quality is always going to be high, right? So, we sometimes see this like, Hey, Here's an investment You want to improve quality, You want to improve customer experience.

So, let's, let's, let's review, are you or are, you know, automation roadmap, let's review your use cases, and make sure that we give that emphasis, right?

Because the cause of inequality sometimes is way, you know, many times, these, you know, greater than, you know, the cost of implementing the solutions.

So, it is a combination like I said, education, Right. Not only from a development and how to build the bots, but also how to use the bot and where and what type of use case. you know, you could explore.

As you gain attention from different business units, and they want to deploy that sort of messaging. You know, it is very important, from a theory point of view to capture the value, to share those.

But, you know, best practices are good experiences to continue to promote. Which is critical for it.

Or for employees to understand what is in there, you know, what, what's, what RPA has to offer, you know, in their day-to-day life as well. Yeah. That makes it makes so much sense. It's funny. There's a couple of themes that have come up here. one of them is that automation champion, or that, that automation coach, and that was actually in a recent IDC survey that was published, that was one of the main distinguishing factors between successful and unsuccessful. Citizen developer programs, or automation programs, is having that coach, having that person that can help other people, and bring them in. And the other common theme here is, is business drivers around. It's not just about cost takeout. It is about the experience It is about quality. So we're closing here on on the end, so I'd like lightning round. I want to ask each of you one final question, and, and that would be, you know, and then the name of our session today is: Building Solutions Employees Love.

So, let's flip it a little bit. Tracy, starting with you, finish this sentence.

Employees love solutions that?

Hmm? Hmm. Hmm.

Save them time.

Krishnan, help them help them deliver a better client experience.

Helbing achieve greater things.

I love that. I mean, there's, there's time the most valuable thing there's employees, why we're ultimately here and greater experiences, what, what we aspire to, what we want to achieve, how we want to grow.

Thank you very much, it's the hour goes so quickly, I wish we could spend three hours just talking about your experiences and your insight and wisdom. Thank you very much for for joining our session today and for everything that you've shared.

Excellent, so with that, we'll start to wrap up, but just have 1 or 2 Closing Thoughts here for you, and I'm going to share the the continuation of this series series and as I say, share my screen.

What we have is another three sessions coming up, And within these sessions, there is a continued focus with the beto's group on the, the end to end journey of processing. And we're going to explore what that looks like in banking and financial services. We've got the session coming up next in insurance specifically, and around building the workforce, the fully automated call center, and then healthcare inefficiencies past that. So we're going to progress through different parts of both organizations, as well as departments within those organizations. So please join us, You can register at Insights that vetoes dot com slash webinars. So, all of our content is listed there. And then as well, we'll be sending out a survey, and that survey will have some insight around this presentation and other commentary in there that would really appreciate your feedback on, We'd love to get your perspective.

So thanks very much and I'm looking forward to seeing you again at future beto's and UI Path Webinars.

About the Author

Brandon Nott,
Senior Vice President Product,

Brandon Nott leads Attended Automation at UiPath. As a former customer, he has built a successful RPA practice and brings firsthand knowledge of all aspects of the RPA life cycle to the product team. An award-winning technologist with a deep focus on sustainable, robust systems design.

From automating mortgage operations to testing wireless technologies, Brandon takes a holistic approach to digital transformation that brings humans and technology together, seamlessly. Not only does he create attending automation/robots at night, but he is also an avid race car driver, proud father of 3, and recently relocated to the NW area.

About the Author

Jairo Quiros,
Vice President Global Shared Services & Head of Global Robotic Process Automation COE,

Experienced Global Vice President Shared Services with a demonstrated history of working in the financial services industry. Overall responsible to lead a 1200 people organization driving shared services capabilities across the enterprise including RPA/IPA solutions, Digital Workforce Management, Business Operations Management, Sales and Marketing Support, Operational Excellence programs and enabling Technology Services, Enterprise Platforms, Cyber Security, Finance & Accounting. Strong information technology professional with a Master of Business Administration with a focus on International Business.

About the Author

Tracy Dixon,
Centric Consulting,
UiPath MVP.

Tracy Dixon is an Automation, DevOps, and agile strategist with a passion for building automation that saves time and money, enabling others to spend time on what matters most.  She holds the UiPath Advanced RPA Developer Certification and teaches DevOps through The Phoenix Project Business Simulation workshop.  In her largest robotic project, Tracy helped hospice patients to receive the fastest bedside care possible.

Tracy Dixon is a 2020 UiPath MVP with a passion for meaningful work.  Known locally as Centric Consulting Miami's swiss army knife, she has an array of management and technical skills across Predictive & Adaptive projects, Robotic Process Automation, Office 365, AWS, DevOps, and more. 

About the Author

Krishnan Iyer,
Global Delivery Head – Digital Operations,

Krishnan Iyer is the Global Delivery Head for Digital Operations at Cognizant.

He leads the delivery for all service lines across Digital operations, which include BFS, Insurance, CMT, Healthcare, Life Sciences, MLEU, RCGH, F&A and IPA.

With over 30 global delivery centers spread across US, Europe and APAC as well as servicing more than 390 clients, Krishnan is focused toward driving the best in class global operations by offering innovative business process solutions, through digital transformation and automation.

Investing in talent is a key differentiator at Cognizant. Krishnan is extremely passionate about skill development for his people and leverages the training programs offered by the CFA Institute, Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment (CISI), Centre for Advanced Management Studies (CAMS) and others.

In his illustrious career, Krishnan has held the following positions:
⦁ Managing Director at UBS’ Investment Banking and Wealth Management businesses in Hyderabad, leading Operations, Research, Risk and Finance Operations across UBS’
⦁ Partner in Accenture Financial Services
⦁ Global Finance Controller for GE Capital International Services and instrumental in driving transformation for GE Capital in Europe.
⦁ Lead the Asset Finance business and Finance & Treasury functions for Tata Group

Besides an exemplary carreer, to his credit Krishnan has had a remarkable academic record. He has been a rank holder in the All India Merit List in the Indian Chartered Accountancy Examination and secured first class from the Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India.