Business Transformation & Operational Excellence Insights

Supply Chain Planning Live - Speaker Spotlight: Unilever International Delivers Customer Excellence in Cross-Border Commerce

Written by BTOES Insights Official | Oct 8, 2022 11:30:00 AM

Courtesy of Bizagi's Scott Forrester, Unilever's Cynthia Tan & Nividous' Anuradha Mallya below is a transcript of his speaking session on 'Unilever International Delivers Customer Excellence in Cross-Border Commerce' to Build a Thriving Enterprise that took place at the Supply Chain Planning Live Virtual Conference.



Session Information:

Unilever International Delivers Customer Excellence in Cross-Border Commerce

Learn how their automation journey removed complexity to increase efficiency, productivity and control frameworks.

Discover how this global organization with a complex business model and cross-border product shipments was able to leverage Bizagi’s low-code automation platform to increase efficiency, productivity and control frameworks.

Join to learn how Unilever International:

  • Created an intuitive user interface to generate customer pricing frameworks 3x faster

  • Enabled complete visibility across customer shipping information to maintain complex information

  • Orchestrated information for cross-border shipments for speed and accuracy of data

Session Transcript:

Now, our final presentation here comes from a trail that is leading the industry on the applications of digital transformation, into supply chain, and management of supply chain, efficiency, and effectiveness and risk aspects of supply chain.

That's one of the great, enduring organizations of our time at Unilever, sharing with us how they have automated and transformed themselves, for effectiveness, for efficiency, and for risk management.

So the name of the presentation is, Unilever, International Deliverers Customer Excellence in Cross Border Commerce.

Learn How their automation Journey Remove Complexity to Increase Efficiency, Productivity, and Control in the Framework. We're going to have Scott Forstall, representing ... as a Customer Success Director, Cynthia.

Dan, Digital Transformation Capability Lead at Unilever with us, and also, rather, Molly, who is a Senior Project Manager and Process Analyst for any vetoes all part of this project. Without further ado, let me share with you, the journey of cross border customer excellence with Unilever.

Hello and welcome to our session today, thank you very much for joining us.

My name is Scott Forstall, I'm a customer success director and is aji and joining me today are Cynthia ..., who is the digital transformation and capability that Unilever, as well as underwrite Amelia, is a Senior Project Manager and process analyst.

one of our partners in Evidence. Today we are going to be continuing our series of discussions on how this edge can assist organizations with a supply chain challenges. And as we check that Cynthia and an errata today, we will be finding out about how they've implemented the ...

dot com to give them the cross border commercial agility that they needed at Unilever.

Bizagi GraphicOn today's agenda, we are going to cover a little overview about the zaki, and how we assist in supply chain processes.

We will then be having a look at the cross border challenges which Unilever was facing. And then Underwriter will be demonstrating some of the processes which are being implemented to assist us to address those challenges. And then there'll be some opportunity afterwards for some closing questions. So please feel free to, to love those questions for us.

To start with, in, Who are we, as the ...?

This actually is a global leader in the low code process automation space. We feature and be recognized by Gartner and by Forrester.

We currently have over 400 enterprise customers and that's, and that includes deployments in 56 countries and users in every country and region in the world.

Our customers have, are across a number of different industry verticals. Today, we're specifically talking about supply chain.

But essentially, we, we can assist customers with any process automation refinements that they had. And so we have customers in the manufacturing spaces, we have customers in financial services spaces, we have customers, retail, customers in logistics, And up on the screen in front of you, you'll be able to see a number of our customers across those verticals.

In addition to that, we also have a number of partners, and our partners are able to provide numerous services for our customers. And so we have partners are able to provide consulting, and project management, and process development services for our customers. But we've also got, And we've also got a number of key strategic partnerships with some of the main technology houses. And so, we have a partnership, as you can see there, with Microsoft, as well as a number of the robotic automation company.

So automation, Anywhere, Blue Prism, and UI path, and what these enable us to do is to provide strategic, integrated services for our customers who, who are, making use of those technologies as well.

In terms of how the xacti assists in supply chain area, we have customers who are using this edge to help them right across the entire spectrum of the supply chain.

From the sourcing of raw materials and management of those.

Through management of suppliers, through the manufacturing process.

Products and pricing, as well as distribution, and, and again, not just for supply chain company, Specifically, or, or logistics company. Specifically, but across the, across the spectrum. And so, you'll see we can provide we provide services for Sarah von Deutsche.

Post or Audi And of course.

And the right, and the right and Cynthia, who are speaking to us today will be showing us what we have been doing lists, not really, where does this energy actually for India?

This actually is really a tool that is key for orchestration and integration. So not only are we managing the process that ...

is able to seamlessly integrate with, both our friends in services, as well as all of our back end services, such as financial systems, RPA bots, if you have them, e-mail, spreadsheets, databases, and APIs, set, and, and any other number of processes.

So while we are running this, while we're assisting to run those processes of yours, it goes up, oh, platform, at the same time, we're able to seamlessly integrate and pass data, information, and processes backwards and forwards across any number of your legacy systems.

So with that, I would like to introduce Cynthia Chan, who served as the digital transformation and capability leader, CUNY, but Cynthia piece would you tell us a little bit about yourself and about Unilever and the challenges?

Hi, everyone, my name is Cynthia.

Work with Unilever for almost 22 years in various roles, including finance, procurement, IT, and have have done multiple various business and IT projects in Unity.

My current role in human endeavor now is the digital transformation and capable leads, one of the young business unit in Unilever call Unilever International.

Now to explain a little bit more about Unilever International, I'll add two X.

I would like to give a bit of understanding about the business unit I'm working on, because this particular business unit has a lot of challenges. And that's why a tool like the soggy as they've been able to help us to unlock a lot of our productivity and efficiency.

So, we normally Disquiet Unilever, International as a Speedboat model, and the reason why is, we're comparing that to a typical Unilever business model, and we call that a Mother Ship model.

Yeah, the typical you and then the business model, that what you would normally see in your geography is they typically handle call Unilever brands.

They normally distribute locally, Yeah, sell them the exports outside of their local markets, and they typically bulk of focused on big items, so big bets, and largely made to stop, meaning that they will bring in the stocks and put into the warehouse before delivering to the customers.

Whereas, with the International Speedboat model, we actually sell all brands, Indian painting.

You can find in the book in another country, you probably see in an international setting, it we are cross for the distribution primarily. We sell to different countries across the globe.

Yeah, we are niche. We do. We have geographies that are niche. We do have job growth that's complex and challenging. Yeah. When I say challenging means is difficult to reach areas. Yeah.

On top of that, we make to all, meaning that we don't normally keep stuff in any of our warehouses at all for Unilever international.

In 20 21, our business is more than one billion Euro globally.

Now, just a little bit more in terms of Unilever international allow supply chain.

Because I've explained this, this is a cross border.

So it's rather complex in terms of our data sets, as well as our data points.

If you look at the number of SKUs that we sell, it's over 20,000 SKUs with hundred and 20,000 shipping documentation on an annual basis. Yeah. The amount of invoices that we generate include that does not even include credit notes. Yeah, Is hundred thousand plus.

Annually, we have 609, if you divide 600 by 12, You will see that we have 50 over innovation every month.

Yeah, I mean, that, that form, and, you know, that from a business perspective, it's very complex. Yeah, Thousand plus regulatory checks, and then you can see on the bottom there, all our different matrix into some number of customers, number of invoicing, entities, et cetera.

Now, we are also having four different S AP instance, meaning that they don't talk to each other, the mask the data is all different. Therefore, there's a big challenge for us to make sure that all of them come up to one common data set, so we can then be able to generate reports, meaningful reports out of them.


So, with this complexity, yeah, and if I look at our processes in Unilever International, to move to the next slide, please.

Yeah. So when I look at the processes that we have within your Ninja international, and this typically is them, your order to cash process for any most organization.

Yeah. So the items that you see highlighted in blue are those items that all those processes that we have used beside us into our organization.

Yeah. For example, in this, in the first column, you see on planning and NPD, new product introduction Development introduction. We have use vis-a-vis to help us to document, or to understand the processes that's required to bring particular SKU to the mock it up to the customer.


And if you look at the data, what a customer must, the data, or the creation of a customer to pricing to product, even credit management of the customer, all of these we have use besides all processes. So, if you look at way, one of the key areas that you can play a major part in your organization, is that, you, Martha?

Yeah, now, there's also the logistics and the shipment documentation and the marketing activities, which is what the promotions that we use that we have with our customers, and then the management of those, those activities, once the claims come.

So these are the key activities, in the other two cache that we have all shot, where we have used beside. Yeah, So, like now to hand over to on, rather than explain two of these processes to you in terms of how we implemented it. Over to you.

Thank you, Cynthia.

Hello everybody, I'm Andrew ..., I'm senior project manager and process analyst activities since around 10 years, so and I have more experience, actually on top of that. So I've been working on for 12 years, so that's been made quarter.

I don't mean I would say, and welcome to deliver Internationalists since 20 18, which is now three years.

Sattler now, a little bit about, never is, never suppositions was founded in 20 11 with the outside world, where patients, yeah, fall inside world where patients, so we have two offices in India, London, London, in the United States, we have had 100% success rate with around 80 plus customers across different domains, know, us, and, I mean, our motto is that we not lose a single customer to date.

We haven't, of, you have received many industry awards, became recognized by Gartner and Forrester implementation approach in BPM.

For the most innovative use of B by customer, I'm linear DL focus, is intelligent automation.

So, it is basically robotic process automation.

Business process automation, and AI, and associated services is what we offer to customers, here, customers, across various domains, as you didn't see.

Ah, now, with the ..., we have been with ... since 20 16.

We have around 40 plus ... consultants working. For us. We aim to increase to 80 by end of the seal.

We have nine besides your customers, who have helped implement the decision process as far.

As you can see, we have delivered solutions in ..., in different domains.

Even associated as, but not even actually declared as collateral that you're in 20 18 and 20 21 bullets, that is aji.

Also, one very interesting thing is that the theme which work with just my team has won the most innovative as edgy widget, and most innovative is as you go towards in the ... hackathon. So like, you can say that technical experts or ....

OK, now let's dive in to two key processes that have implemented ....

one is the pricing thing, work management, process, ..., we call it as B And customer shipping inflammation just see it.

OK, so pricing table management comes under the pricing part of it.

And customize, shipping is more related with the delivery, the shipment of the end to end process.

OK, so we starting with the pricing framework management.

So we're just pressing framework.

Unilever International Sales, have different pricing models based on multiple parameters.

Debbie, in other models are based on the type of the festival or whether the customer is a retailer or a trader or a distributor.

It's also dependent on the Incoterms whether it's a free on board or type of film which is valid for the customer or whether it's X Ray House.

So so it's very highly dependent on the Incoterms.

It's also dependent on the sourcing and destination countries for the customer.

So there are, as you can see, there are a number of parameters.

So this framework is the basis on which the pricing would be done to the customer. It's very important to ensure that it is modeled properly and approved about all the relevant people will need to approve as per the company, got a company policy.

So that's what this process helps.

Everyone could do.


Now I'm just coming to the user journey.

So we just won't through all the stakeholders in this process and what each.

What would what are the needs of this of each of stakeholders and help as RG has helped you.

So the pricing process or known as a stakeholder, Of course, the main state border, he needs to ensure that each customer has defined pricing, thimble needs to ensure that when the actual racing has done for the customer, that they look this fall.

He also needs flexibility for tweaking the margins to ensure you know this profitability and you know sometimes let's don't get spoiled and things like that and there.

So, there's something called special special prices sometimes, which can be set easily, So, all that this flexibility is given by, needs to be given by this process.

Customer development is an easy way to the present, these pricing theme books and to visualize them.

This is important because they are the people who are defining these frameworks for the customer, what interacting with the customers, defining these frameworks, and submitting them. So, it should be easy for them to present these frameworks.

They also need the ability to choose multiple customers so that they can do this in bulk if they require two, so, that you know, less than consuming the alternate. Of course, they also need to see the miscibility what the status is of the requests.

And there are the approval of these frameworks. They need to see of knitting properly. Let me just see all the margins, the final regulations, everything should be easily visible to them on the forums or in the e-mails that come with them. And, of course, any an easy way to approve, because many of the senior senior management grambling, and then lots of requests, so the need a vacancy.

Then comes the auditors, of course, they need a way to monitor the controllers, whether it is happening properly as per policy company policies.

So, these are the stakeholders.

And the Visage implementation has really helped know in this way. So, I'm just showing you how this actually has held on each of these nice. Like, for example, we have validations built in to ensure that banks and tables are followed.

We have configurable margins.

It can be tweaked wired. You don't need the system warranty.

And of course, there are detailed reports for visibility.

Similarly, for customer development, we have a visual and intuitive pricing matrix. It's very easy for them to visualize on the screen and not easily do it. And, you know, they can choose different multiple customers. They can choose the margins that require very easily and subject for approval. You'll be seeing some of that in the demos which would be shown to you afterwards.

And, there's a detailed case, somebody, an auditory disability, for approval, they can approve via e-mail, just keeping the LinkedIn many made and, you know, sending them back.

And, all the required data is formatted and shown in a very easy, easy, easy manner in the e-mail.

Auditors for auditors OK, there's retail case somebody audit trail and configuring approval matrix is actually very important part us to ensure that if there are any changes in the hierarchy or in the approvals of policy, it can be easily configured.

So, that's about pricing framework. Now, you've seen a demo of the pricing thing book.

The creation of how the pricing is defined case. It's just nice diagram, you know, which explains the different entities that are interlinked and define the basic framework, Make the customer the destination countries, which is the geographies. Different channels. And the Portfolios for the customer? Each of the products that you that.

Of the customer, and what are the channels that they would perhaps take any case? This is usually done by the business development. So, what happens is, I've logged in as the business development manager, and you can see that shows me all the customers that I have access to. So it's there's only, Like, now I have only one customer which has a basic framework defined by these customers, yet, don't have a frequently find. So let me try to discuss tomorrow Martin, the export destination country. Say, India. What I'm doing here is I'm defining oppressive framework for this customer, and the country.

I could add an image in minutes.

Country is India. Until tomorrow, Click on next step. The next thing I need to do is select the permanent portfolio of product categories that I am planning to define the pricing side. Let's see, I choose a scheme. Shows me all the captain. And selecting the ones that day, when you. go to the next step. Now I need to select a chance. to. See this as far as the market is going to be supermarkets and hypermarkets selected these two channels.

Let's click on Next Step, for the next step of the ... definition. Now, what I have to do is defining the customer product portfolio by Jeff. Since one customer. So, it's asking me whether the selected for you are sold on the selected NaN a yes or no. If I see no, sea ice cream is only soared into hypermarkets, MP is only supermarkets just hypothetical case, I can do that selection. That's done. You can see this become complete. Move to the next step. OK, so now what do I need to do is showing me the review is showing me what it's like where we do this election. Samsung can now show you on the details here, the ....

So, I'm going to have, the next thing I need to do is define the market, so basically define what they did. This is where this is consolidator, auto trader, or import or distribute the type of customer that we have here. See this customer?

You distribute. So, I can select that. As you can see, it shows the wehrmacht inputs, a similar seats.

We can see that it's reflecting fonts for the customer, this market image.

He said, That's done, and what's the next step?

Now, I am defining the Facing Mendez, select the customer to select the customer every time as I can, do this for my customers. Every time here. I have selected one customer that could have potentially selected five customers and altogether.

And then, after two weeks, for each of the customers, 1 by 1, this will be one semester, OK? So, now it's showing me, know, what symptoms are here. From factory to the warehouse, to the Board, what do you do for them? It's shipped to the destination ports, the distributor warehouse, and then if the city tailor it goes to the secondary costumer, secondary customer, and then to the consumer, does distort showing me the meaningful in terms used in the precis Framework.

OK, so now and now I'm defining the margins and what the customer's magic has to be ...

and the retailers margin.

Show me all the calculations that shows me what the face to face to. The customer is 10.204 MB Hackers dot us. And I can add in some are more more optioning, cost cited, Click, I can even do this at the brand level. So so let us see.

For ice cream, I want to select specific brands.

I can do that.

See, I am selling big, Ben and Jerry's and it would have been show me all the bands possible.

I'm selecting wow!

Can select the bands. So for B, suppose I can slice.


Don't need to do it, I can, I can even you find the facing Facebook at the product level that I just opted to select France specific, thanks. For having me either margins. I can add on that initiative VP's discount.

See, 3% if there's accustomed to be, I can back here.

Me, all the calculations happen, then certainly the families face to the customer.

See the letters.

That's done.

Now, what are the things I need to define nerves, so I'm defining which option, I would like to view my defined by Splunk and explore an ISP, OK?

See, I want to add a specific division. Get the brand.

Select back. So, since I have selected different bands in the brand, makes OK, so, let's go get him to see that for 25%.

Undermines these big big margins: I'm saving the ....

Meal pricing point, thanks for all the brands. That said to the next step. Show me the entire somebody on the advertising fame of the edifying for this. custom. Every time, somebody of the pricing. So whatever we have figured out a transplant index, that's it and then nine something like extra approval. If you go to the different approvers depending on the ....

What the e-mail looks like to the approver from facing framework process, the requester has submitted, though.

When you get a meal like this on, yes, is small, fine, usually, and he will go through all the details.

Everything is available, water that was put in into the pricing framework is applicable here to review.

You can see on the price point, details, then, you can click on, either approve, you can, or you can request for changes on, he can reject using these things. So, he can Sophie's brewing you can click on it, and the comments.

OK, now, now that we've seen a demo, some matrix here, visually present Dean for them, we have had around 600 plus customer pricing table, as defined in now.

On ..., we, and they are, we know, for 25 plus pricing model combinations.

These pricing models are free for more than 132 countries, 230 brands, so you can see the complexity involved.

More than 111 business users.

And point six approvers are using BFM currently and they are across 22 countries.

The average T D, the turnaround time, which we find from start to end of the process, is come down to three days, which is pretty good, considering the number of levels of approvals.

Uh, so this process, this is just for inflammation. This process took five months implementation, time beside, project team members of our project team members.

I also mean, you know, I'm loading the business users who participated in the design and the requirements and the design of the process, as well as, of course, the user acceptance test.

So that's about BSM, Q one to the next process. Customer shipping information would be this one.

So you'll have an international 90% of the cross border. And the customers typically the importer on record.

OK, so it's very important that Customs clearance, all the relevant shipping information and documents are all present and in good shape Gugliotta goods.

So don't do that.

This is a very complex process because of all the different inflammation there are no more than 50 plus fields which are shown in the customer and the CSA form.

Also, there are number of documents which are involved so that you know the safety documentation, the bill of lading, information, shipment packing.

So there are a number of parameters which needs to be captured. So this shipping inflammation is specific to the country, the chips.

From where the goods are sourced and build their disdain.

So, yeah, so it all depends on where the goods are source from the type, of course, the hours to suppose there are something dangerous.

Goods aren't, like inflammable substances, artifacts, like ice cream. There is a document safety documents, etcetera, which it didn't work.

So all this is managed using this process.

So similarly, now we go into the user journey for CSI. There's a shipping process owner. Needs to ensure that customer shipping information is maintained to avoid any shipping delays.

The relevant some of this shipping inflammation needs to go into some vendor systems of Native International, so they need to ensure that no inflammation also flows according to dependent systems, also, Of course, all the visibility is required. So that all the people who are interested need to get this information easily visible.

The customer development, they are the people who are in touch with the customers.

They need an easy way to maintain this complex shipping information, on the need to get customers, signatures will be here, This is very important. So that we know that the bus, we have the buy in from the customer, related with their shipping information.

The reminders need to be sent to the customers because many times, linear time, the customer doesn't spawn, and that's what's been happening previously.

So automated reminders are required for the customers resign.

You don't want the CSI inflammation, and of course, visibility is required.

There's a sourcing unit. The sourcing unit needs to reveal the shipping information from the sourcing point of view. So customer does the end point sourcing unit is start point. So the sourcing and adults on the student view this inflammation and on the go.

Also, if they need to make any changes is to go back and forth from the desktop, to the customer development and sourcing unit to the customer has to be some back and forth.

Then there's the documentation theme. They need to ensure that region and country shipping policies are followed rapidly, correctly. The shipping documentation declared this all set properly and signed off properly. So these are all the stakeholders.

And of course, the Byzantine implementation has really helped by adding on the decline of things like for the Abrasive Justice.

We have validations and he didn't mind us to ensure that things happen properly correctly.

We have daily exports, which are male, haven't we haven't been as a dependent system to which certain relevant CSA information goes.

There are detailed reports.

We have excellent blowers and easy to use interfaces. This doesn't require because it's a very complex inflammation.

So, sometimes people refer that, you know, they type into Excel and uploaded solutions, so we have catered for that also.

There's DocuSign integration so that the customer can sign in DocuSign, digital signing, and, of course, the router reminders.

And then we have our audit trail as usual approvers have the flexibility to lay a e-mail.

And all the required data is attached using an Excel template, as well as the ...

data in e-mail.

Then there are the order, those auditors to ensure compliance.

You have ensured that we have considered all the related documents envisaging to ensure that, you know, so if the, if there's a free trade agreement between some countries need, there are some forms which need to be too.

Also be, we have put in all those lives into beside you to ensure that those are all Florida.

That there's an interface for review when setting the documentation so it's all easy to see and visible even good auditors.

So that's the user journey for customer information and then we go into the table now.

I'm giving a short demo of the customer shipping information screens. So just to save time, I have P filled all the information in this form. This is the creation from foreign customs shipping information. Also as you can see it has multiple Babson it because there are a lot of fields are required for shipping as. You can see, the first step is related with the customer. So basic customer information here.

The source country related information, the ship to inflammation, port of destination is the and the incoterms is a little foods. Then there's the bill of lading, inflammation, consign, inflammation, that yet information, all this is filled in. The shipping documents, this is actually able to see the heart of this process, because all the rules are enrolled overture. Depending on the product categories that you're selling, the country, the origin country, the destination countries, all those are, those are set into this process to identify the different documents required. Since you can see there are number of documents like the invoices, the packing list bill of lading, batch for the board so you can select all these things.

Also, there would be some things you know which are selected by default depending on the type of activity. So a separate category as dangerous goods and there will be certain things which are which get our perspective. And depending on the countries, they could be some certificates for mandatory, so all that will give respect to these, all the different forms, As you can see, there are so many forms. And also the, depending on the feet agreements, have countries have that as a separate forms are required. To assist related with the shipping documentation. Also, you can add, you know, the .... This is the additional documents that you have, sample documents that you have.

Mailing inflammation, the delivery instructions in Puerto Rico, the shipment backing region informations, ballot information.

Everything can be important here. So this is what the shipping inflammation is looks like. So once everything is fake, we can submit it for the document should do deep reviews.

They have to add one customer service name, so that we do that.

I'm just putting your social on the needs come to me and talk to someone who's the CSO Customer Service Officer, basically.

Span, I'm submitting this.

Takes a while, because you know, this, all this information is then exported into an Excel sheet which gets sent out to the customer, so that the customer can verify that seems OK, and then do the signing. That's not the same. Also, it's, you know, as you can see, disgruntled various people for documentation. So that's it.

Actually show the same path demonstrating the present part of the CSA process now.

Once the DocuSign is reviewed and submitted, and entrepreneurs are done, it will be an e-mail will be sent to the customer to review on the CSA information via DocuSign and sign it.

E-mail which will be coming to the customer, asking him to sign.

When they use the document.

Since it's a PDF format, which will be sent to him for signing.

So, all the information is exported into a PDF by the process.

Can give you everything on the information to learn, we reviewed.

You can see all the different sections, or whatever we could see tabs is now I put it to PDF, OK, And then he can sign it from here.

Yeah, and click finish to finish signing. And once that is done, required, you can of course, download a copy of the document.

And yeah, and after this process, we move ahead for the next step in the process.

OK, here are some metrics for CSA as you can see, you know you can see that it's like 10000 plus records.

All are already existing envisaging. so you can see how many combinations that are. So, these are the combinations of customers or ship to, so basically the destination.

Uh, port of destination to source country, you will see already that as so many ... in ... G so that's the volume. As you can see, there are 900 plus customers to whom the CSIs belong.

Then across 50 source countries and a 600 plus estimation course, there are all all the CSS that actually managing for the last document types. You can see, it just has to download the documents.

You know, which are usually modern, the forums and stuff.

Yeah, the turnaround time has been found to have reduced to eight days.

And, you know that our users across 60 plus countries started 60 plus users across seven countries.


If this, this process, again, took around 5, 5, and a half months of implementation time, it's five project team members, including the business team.

So that's about the CSN matrix.

So, Summarize, you know, do you have N plus processes or processes of human connection with general automated ..., This would get developed and managed, Listen. Managed, We're doing production support for these processes also.

The key benefits have been 100% improvement on the control compliance.

The productivity has improved a lot, you need to put in some metrics in place, but yes, I mean, the initial measures, which has improved considerably, and that is data integrity, and integration across the processes, now, which we have implemented.

Thank you very much for the presentation.

We truly appreciate, thank you all for Scott, Cynthia, and rather, or providing such rich insight, each of the into the ways that Unilever is doing the cross border, commerce, transformation, and the digital transformation at aspects of it.

We don't have time to take questions, because the presentation was a little bit longer than usual and took over. some of our, our time here for questions.

But we're going to, what we're going to do here, is that guide our audience to use the LinkedIn LinkedIn link that we provided to you under the chat. And if you want to contact Scott, Cynthia, and on the rather for the LinkedIn contact, you can send the questions directly to them, or you can post under the LinkedIn. I got a few questions that I'll address very quickly. It seems like people are asking, why are you going for all this trouble to go for this pricing ladder for, like this specific customer, And I think the answer to that is that early on in the presentation. They talked about the the big shift versus the small boats And that application that you're seeing there is about the small boats Where how Unilever has to adapt to smaller customers and very specific requirements and customize requirements for them.

And they did that in an Agile format, by by creating the structure for decentralized decision making. I believe that's the answer for that question. But if you're on an old directly from the experts who did it and their intent, please do contact Scott Fast Forest or Cynthia Fan and the random Malia directly through the LinkedIn connections that we establish for you. Now, this has wraps up supply chain, plenty alive.

I want to thank more than one thousand registered participants for being part of this journey with us. Whether you are participating live here, Whether you're watching this recording a week, or two later, when you're provided with the link and password for all of the recordings. It's wonderful to have you, as part of the community, of cross industry leaders, of excellence innovation, and transformation reaching nearly one million participants around the world, and we're very excited about you being part of the community with us. Of course, none of this would take place, if you're not for our sponsors, who, allow us to bring you this quality of contact, and low cost quality of content, and no cost to you. And so thank you, Visual Enterprise architecture. Thank you, ..., for allowing us to provide this content to our global audience and no cost.

To register participants, we couldn't do it without you. So again, thank your responses for your support.

Thank you. Also Imran Khan, the conference producer for making sure that all this components come together in a seamless presentation to our global community. We're reaching multiple countries, whether its morning, afternoon, or evening. We have folks who are participating life folks who are consuming the content afterwards, and, and all of them benefit from the work that I am, ... Khan and the team, do behind the scenes to create the seamless experience. And of course, the CEO of broke his digital vision by Jacques for the vision and the also the kindness of sharing with our global community. This and connecting great global experts with great practitioners all over the world.

You truly creating environments where great people and great ideas can connect it is for that connection and collaboration, that we accelerate innovation around the world. With no further ado, I'm just at Paris, signing off for Supply Chain Planning Live, and I hope to see you soon, and another event.

Good evening, Good morning, good afternoon, good evening. Have a great rest of the week, wherever you are in the world.

Bye for now.

About the Speaker

Scott Forrester,
Customer Success Director,

About the Speaker

Cynthia Tan,
Digital Transformation & Capability Lead,

About the Speaker

Anuradha Mallya,
Senior Project Manager and Process Analyst,