Business Transformation & Operational Excellence Insights

Enterprise Architecture Live: Speaker's Interview: Keep your eye on the prize - use EA to focus IT investment on business innovation

Written by BTOES Insights Official | Apr 8, 2022 10:08:07 AM

Read this Interview with Conrad Langhammer, from Software AG, one of our Speakers, for Enterprise Architecture Live.

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BTOES Insights Question: Briefly describe your job role in your organization, and what your top priorities are right now?
Conrad Answer:
As Vice President at Software AG, responsible for the Alfabet product line, I oversee product strategy development as well as planning and execution of Alfabet’s go-to-market initiatives covering solution design, professional services, and customer success management. My team’s top priority has always been to enable customers to gain competitive advantage through superior understanding of how to use the enterprise architecture to inform strategic portfolio management and IT and business planning. Currently, we are putting special emphasis on using AI technologies to help customers handle the immense amount of information on the IT architecture and render it useful and usable for business stakeholders and non-power users.
BTOES Insights Question: What do you expect to be the most critical initiatives you (or your clients) need to focus on over the next 12 months?

Conrad Answer:

The pandemic has changed consumer behavior and the workplace enormously. It is prescribing the direction innovation must take - more, more, and even more digital. Our clients are focusing now – if they haven’t already – on innovation to accelerate the creation and advancement of digital products and services. They are also endeavoring to make their work environments more appealing to the mobile employee. And they are working to secure their digital environs against cyber-attacks. All this necessitates better insights into IT for all, and articulate and meaningful analyses for what needs to be done. They are working to align the organization in becoming more agile and to be able to identify market opportunities to make their digital business efforts worthwhile and sustainable. Software AG’s critical initiatives focus on providing the products they need to achieve this.

Click Below To View Recorded On-Demand Session Video:

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BTOES Insights Question: What do you see as the biggest trends affecting your organization (or your clients) over the next 12 to 18 months?

Conrad Answer:

Digital transformation – whether driven by business disruption, the quest for market leadership, or in pursuit of ESG goals - is the unchangeable factor for success in many industries today. To do this effectively, there needs to be collaboration across diverse sets of stakeholders to gain a common understanding of strategic objectives and desired business outcomes. The organization needs to move forward in a coordinated thrust towards the new business and operating models digital is demanding. Further, speed is critical in “first-mover” markets. Accelerating planning and decision-making capabilities to further reduce time to market for digital products and services in important. Also, establishing better and faster feedback loops and improving the organization’s ability to take corrective action need to be priorities. These needs are driving Alfabet’s roadmap and will certainly continue to do so for the next two years.

About the Author

Conrad Langhammer,
Vice President,
Software AG.


Conrad Langhammer leads Software AG’s Alfabet product line. He is responsible for product strategy as well as the planning and execution of Alfabet’s go-to-market initiatives, solution design, professional services and customer success management.

Mr. Langhammer has held senior software and services positions and built world-class business development and consulting teams. He has more than 20 years of experience in enterprise architecture, IT finance and program portfolio management as well as Agile methodologies. Mr. Langhammer has degrees in chemistry and business administration from the Free University of Berlin.

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