Business Transformation & Operational Excellence Insights

THOUGHT LEADER: Ted Revilock, Coca Cola

Written by BTOES Insights Official | Oct 21, 2016 12:00:00 PM

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Director of Operational Excellence, Global Shared Services at Coca Cola, Ted Revilock is just one of the many esteemed speakers giving his perspective at our event partner, The Business Transformation & Operational Excellence World Summit (BTOES17). Giving his talk, 'Increasing Customer Satisfaction by Mapping the Customer Journey to Delivering Superior Service' in the Customer Experience Excellence Stream, we asked him to give us his thoughts on what he hopes to achieve at the Summit...

Tell us about your roles & responsibilities within your organization.

Design and Deploy Operational Excellence program across Shared Services organization based in 7 main service centers stationed across the world.

What are the critical challenges your presentation will address?

Introducing more excitement into the Operational Excellence program by incorporating Innovation and Customer Centricity.

After your presentation, what are you hoping the attendees will take away with them?
Operational Excellence has to be refreshed in people's minds to be effective.
What have been the biggest developments in Operational Excellence in the last 12 months, within your organization?

There has been a continued need to prove value [at Coca Cola]. Connecting Operational Excellence to Employee Experience.

How do you see Operational Excellence developing over the next 5-10 years within your organization?

I believe it will bring in more innovation, I.T. and non-I.T. related is going to drive an even greater level of efficiency and effectiveness.

If you could take any 3 lessons away from this summit, what would they be?

I am open to learning anything!

Ted has been with The Coca-Cola Company leading implementations of OE in Shared Services, Information Technology, Human Resources, Supply Chain and Franchise Bottling partners for 10 years.  Prior to The Coca-Cola Company, Ted worked in the Automotive Industry with Ford Motor Company and Tier I suppliers in product development.  In total Ted has been working as a continuous improvement professional for over 20 years. You can learn more about Ted's involvement at the Business Transformation & Operational Excellence World Summit here.