Business Transformation & Operational Excellence Insights

BTOES EXCLUSIVE SLIDE DECK: Meaningful Purpose: Develop Organizational Momentum that Fosters Continuous Improvement

Written by BTOES Insights Official | Dec 13, 2018 11:00:00 AM

ted iverson slides picture

Courtesy of McKinsey & Company'Meaningful Purpose: Develop Organizational Momentum that Fosters Continuous Improvement' offers the following exceptional takeaways:

  • discussion about what organizations have been learning over the apst decade about meaningful purpose
  • sharing examples research that demonstrate the power it has within organizations
  • presenting the components of meaning and a framework for aligning and developing the organization to achieve that purpose

ted iverson cta

About McKinsey & Company

McKinsey & Company is an American worldwide management consulting firm. It conducts qualitative and quantitative analysis to evaluate management decisions across the public and private sectors. Moreover, its practices of confidentiality, influence on business practices, and corporate culture have experienced a polarizing reception. It has had considerable benefits with operational excellence since they embarked on this journey several years ago, but how have they sustained this in the organization? Download this slide deck to see Ted Iverson discuss their journey, and learn about how to develop an organizational momentum that fosters continuous improvement.


About the Author

Ted Iverson is a Lean Expert with McKinsey & Company, in Seattle, Washington. He has a wide range of operational excellence and Lean transformation experience beginning in the late 80’s, as an internal business transformation leader first in aerospace, followed by medical equipment, and later farm equipment and food processing. He now assists large organizations to develop meaningful change and multi-generational improvement trends within multiple industries. His past clients include Shingo Prize recipients and other industry leaders.

Mr. Iverson holds a B.S. in Manufacturing Engineering from Weber State University in Ogden, Utah USA. He served a Baldrige examiner previously and for the past 23 years as an examiner for the Shingo Prize. 


These slides were first presented at the Business Transformation and Operational Excellence World Summit (BTOES). To learn more, please visit

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Loews Portofino Bay Hotel at Universal Orlando Resort®

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