Business Transformation & Operational Excellence Insights

BTOES EXCLUSIVE SLIDE DECK: Leading Through Transformative Times

Written by BTOES Insights Official | Sep 21, 2018 9:15:00 PM

tray cockerell slides pictureCourtesy of Humana Inc.'Leading Through Transformative Times' offers the following exceptional takeaways:

  • How large companies can stand out and succeed employing a start-up mentality and culture internally?
  • Organizational analysis for large corporations: is there a universal model?
  • Understanding how to create an operational excellence culture from the Board to the front line
tray cockerell cta

About Humana Inc.

Humana Inc. is a for-profit American health insurance company that was ranked 73 on the Fortune 500 list in 2013. This made Humana the highest ranked (by revenues) company based in Kentucky. It has been the third largest health insurance in the nation. Download this slide deck to see Tray Cockerell discuss their journey, and learn how to lead through transformative times.


About the Author

Tray Cockerell is a Senior Executive, working for the Chief Executive Officer of Humana Inc. where he is part of the Management Team.  Mr. Cockerell translates strategy into action, working with operational and functional leaders to focus the efforts of the CEO on the most critical operational and strategic priorities. 

During his sixteen-year career at Humana, Mr. Cockerell has been responsible for leading Employee Relations, Associate Communications, and Human Resources Business Leadership.  He functioned as Chief of Staff for Marketing and Innovation before moving into a broad-based project leadership role, working for the Chief Operating Officer.  In this capacity, Mr. Cockerell led work ranging from operational and human capital integration efforts to leading practices for worksite employee health programs and primary care operations development. 

Most recently, Mr. Cockerell led strategy and operations for Humana’s Bold Goal initiative: “to improve the health of the communities we serve 20% by 2020 by making it easy for people to achieve their best health.” Mr. Cockerell worked to bring market-based Humana assets, community partners, and clinical leadership into a more cohesive whole, delivering an integrated care model to consumers that improves population health.

Prior to joining Humana, Mr. Cockerell spent about a dozen years in operational and corporate leadership with Colgate-Palmolive 

These slides were first presented at the Business Transformation and Operational Excellence World Summit (BTOES). To learn more, please visit

Business Transformation & Operational Excellence World Summit & Industry Awards (BTOES19)

March 18-22, 2019

Loews Portofino Bay Hotel at Universal Orlando Resort®

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