Business Transformation & Operational Excellence Insights

SLIDE DECK: Ensuring that the Executive Board is Brought in to Sustain a Successful OpEx Program, Cardinal Health

Written by BTOES Insights Official | May 29, 2017 12:58:18 PM

How to engage and educate executive leaders and management in Operational ExcellenceCourtesy of Cardinal Health, 'Ensuring that the Executive Board is Bought in to Sustain a Successful OpEx Program' offers the following exceptional takeaways for bringing in the support of your own Leadership Team on your Operational Excellence Program:

  • How to engage and educate executive leaders and management in OpEx?
  • Getting the leadership team to understand the end to end value stream
  • Demonstrating strategy alignment with OpEx benefits, efficiency, productivity, top line growth and cost savings
  • Communicating the expecting operating system that is to be present in all areas of the business, culture and leadership behaviors, metrics, diversity and talent management 

About Cardinal Health

Cardinal Health has had considerable benefits with operational excellence since they embarked on this journey 11 years ago, but how have they sustained this in the organization? Download this slide deck to see Bill Owad discuss their journey, and how they have trained > 20,000 employees to look for continuous improvement and achieved significant economic benefit to their organization.

About the Author

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Bill Owad, senior vice president of Operational Excellence specializes in the strategies and tools that support the pursuit of a lean enterprise. Working with a team of nearly 150 Operational Excellence staff members and coaches aross Cardinal Health, Owad is responsible for developing and implementing an enterprise approach to Operational Excellence at Cardinal Health, ultimately improving the value delivered to the company’s customers.

In addition to his role as senior vice president, Owad also supports the extension of Operational Excellence external to Cardinal Health as the executive sponsor for the company’s relationships with the Lean Enterprise Institute (LEI) Partner Program, the Healthcare Value Network, The Ohio State University Fisher College Center for Operational Excellence and the Conference Board Quality Council. During his tenure, Owad has held several positions within Operational Excellence and has served as the primary architect of the company’s enterprise-wide deployment of Operational Excellence, which, over eight years, yielded significant improvements in customer loyalty, employee engagement, operational performance and working capital utilization.

These slides were first presented at the Business Transformation and Operational Excellence World Summit (BTOES17). To learn more, please visit