Business Transformation & Operational Excellence Insights

INSIGHTS ARTICLE: Creative Technology and Innovation - Scott Andersen: Cloud migration: Creative Technology and Innovation - 3 phases of Digital Transformation

Written by Scott Andersen | Feb 12, 2022 12:15:00 AM



Cloud migration: Creative Technology and Innovation - 3 phases of Digital Transformation
When did the movement of analog information to digital become known as digital transformation? Because that is ultimately what digital transformation is, it's taking information created in an analog form and making you digital. When did that happen? Personally, and I've written many blogs about this problem, I think digital transformation is a phrase borne out of the pond and saying we're in the information age. Again digital transformation is simply the conversion from analog to digital. But it is also the creation of processes that are digital-first. I always ask this question of people when they tell me what digital transformation should be for them. I asked them one simple question after discussing why they were not in the information age. Can you guarantee that you can go to any search site on the Internet search for information about a specific thing? I guarantee that that information is factual, correct, and validated? Anyone who answers yes to that question offers to sell them my share of my bridge in New York City.

Phase 1 of digital transformation is the move from analog to digital. We are in that phase now. What has to happen in phase 2? The first part of phase 2 is the digital-first culture. Digital-first doesn't mean creating analog versions; it just means digital-first. Something created digitally first doesn't mean you can't create an analog copy. It is just digital to analog now. If aunt June still wants a copy of that picture printed for her, you are not breaking digital transformation to print a digital picture for your aunt June.

Phase 3 of digital transformation is yet to be. But in my opinion, at this juncture, phase 3 is the creation of a validation process. What I can search for answers take the URL provided by the search engine, drop that into the validation engine in the validation engine in less than two seconds will tell me no or yes. You see, for there to be truly an information age, we have to know that the information we seek is right. So phase 3 of digital transformation the creation of a formalized validation system. Once that's in place and used, it will allow us first to lose some of the crappy information on the Internet, but it will also assure in the long-awaited information age!
